Life and Work Luis Amigo. No. 09

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February 2015

Life and work Apostle of Youth

C a u s e o f B e a t i f i c a t i o n N e w s l e t t e r

f o t n e m t in o p p A


No. 9


On March 21, 1907 Father Luis received a proposal from the Apostolic Nuncio the apostolic administration of Solsona in which he was officially appointed bishop of that region. The news reached to the superior of the Capuchin Tertiary who undertook trip to Orihuela to celebrate this event. The people welcomed with great joy the appointment Father Luis as manifested with multitudinous festivals. Preparations for the consagration There were many benefactors who came to support Father Luis and offer assistance in the consecration as bishop, including Pedro Soto who helped him with the expenses of the said ceremony.

The Episcopal consagration The nuncio in the company of Fray Luis agreed to celebrate the consecration in the Shelter of Disabled in Vista-Alegre on June 9 at the feast of the Sacred Heart of Mary.

Fray Luis went to visit the Nuncio to accept and acknowledge his appointment who in turn offer himself to officiate the ceremony of his episcopal consecration.

The day of his consecration was accompanied by many brethren of his order as well as family and friends who accompanied him to the feast that culminated with a big party.

Back in Valencia, Fray Luis received donations of the ornaments necessary for his appointment as bishop by some benefactors.

After his ordination he prepared to make several journeys in which he celebrated Masses, consecrations and confessions.

Cause of Beatification Newsletter

Apostle of Youth

多Did you know...?



Luis Amigo at nineteen years old, decided to become a Capuchin Friar.

The family of Luis Amigo was traditional and patriarchal and was governed by the dictates of the Catholic Religion.


Being a teenager, Luis Amigo in the company of other friends, spent most of his free time and leisure with the marginalized of their community.


Luis Amigo took the pedagogy proper of Francis of Assisi -intertwined with loving acceptance, sympathetic and plain to win the heart of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities.


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