Frazer Year in Review 2022

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This year will go down as a historic moment for the Frazer Family. Having spent months prayerfully discerning our future together, we made the momentous decision to launch into a future with the Free Methodist Church. In the months since our vote, we whole-heartedly pursued the “Free Methodist Way:” Anchoring ourselves in God-Given Revelation, pursuing Life-Giving Holiness and Love-Driven Justice, participating in Cross-Cultural Collaboration, and growing through Christ-Centered Multiplication. We have a fresh vision for making disciples by contending against scriptural illiteracy. As a result, we’ve seen evidence of God at work from our Nursery to our Older Adult Ministries, and from our local mission projects in our neighborhoods to our global partners around the world.

In forging this new future, we’ve also taken time to honor our past. The original documentary “John Ed,” which explores the legacy of our Pastor Emeritus Dr. John Ed Mathison, was a huge success when it was released this Fall. Its message reminded us of a core feature of Frazer’s DNA: “Every Member in Ministry,” the conviction that all of us are called to carry out Christ’s ministry, each in our own unique way. None of our accomplishments would have been possible without you, the Frazer Family, partnering together through your hours of volunteer service, your generous financial support, and your constant prayers. I hope that this year-in-review booklet will encourage you as you look back on what God has done through us in 2022 and inspire you to even greater levels of commitment to Christ and His Kingdom in 2023.

Happy New Year and God Bless You — Dr. Chris Montgomery


Free Methodist Affiliation

On January 30, 2022, the Frazer Family voted overwhelmingly to move from the United Methodist to the Free Methodist Church.

On June 14, 2022, Frazer’s decision was ratified by the UMC Alabama-West Florida Conference, our property was released from the UMC Trust Clause, and we were received by the FMC. We praise God for His work throughout our past and look forward joyfully to this next chapter in the life of our church.

“Lord, we want to do whatever it takes to take our gospel to the ends of the Earth for the glory and renown of your name.”


Faith Meets Mental Health Summit

A day filled with hope and community. Of outreach and of being heard. Our inaugural Faith Meets Mental Health summit encouraged conversation in the community to let others know it is okay to not be okay, and that they are not alone. Our summit shared messages of hope, and provided tools on how to live with a mental illness, care for someone with a mental illness, and how to walk alongside those who are hurting.

Global Missions Conference

14 of our global mission partners spent a week in February at Frazer as they shared with us their work, mission, and passion. It was an incredible opportunity to join together in prayer – for them and their ministries – and to serve God alongside each other.

Services of Holy Celebration

The Frazer Family experiences Christ anew each year through the Holy Seasons of the Christian calendar, as well as important secular holidays. During Holy Week, we marked the suffering, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus through Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday worship. In July, we honored those who serve and have sacrificed for our country, and prayed for revival in our nation, at the “Then Sings My Soul” service. In November, we remembered those who have gone on to glory in our church family on All Saints Sunday. We welcomed the Advent season with our “Lessons & Carols” service, filled with scripture reading, prayer and worship. We finished the year with special services for the Longest Night, Candlelight Christmas Eve services, and special Christmas programs.

Dr. John Ed Mathison Documentary

An original documentary screening featuring our Pastor Emeritus, Dr. John Ed Mathison, as we shared the story of John Ed’s life and his work in ministry. John Ed retired in June 2008 after 36 years of serving as the senior minister of Frazer Church. Since then, John Ed Mathison Leadership Ministries was established to help equip pastors and churches, including participating in the global Billion Soul Initiative.

Time and Reaffirmations
Through December First


123 New Members

Joined Frazer Through November

250 Handwritten Prayer Cards Mailed Out in Response to Prayer Requests Received 150 Flower Arrangements Delivered to Members who are Shut-ins, Hospitalized or Hurting Held 33 Celebration of Life Services at Frazer to Care for Grieving Families Service•Prayer & Care 175 Prayer Volunteers 129 Guest Team Volunteers
40% Growth in Discipleship Hour Visitors from Spring to Fall Semesters 10 New Groups Started Frazer Offers 96 Groups in Total Groups
24 Local Mission Partners 24 Global Mission Partners Local & Global Missions
74 Quilts & 57 Pillowcases Sewn 89 Families Financially Assisted Through “In Christ’s Way” for a Total Amount of $70,948.48 Average Attendance for ESL Classes 59 Students 63 Backpacks Filled Weekly with Food for Students at 2 Local Elementary Schools 2 Mission Trips Taken to Cuba GUANABACOA July 24-Aug 1 HOLGUIN November 4-10  The Prison Ministry Team Led 49 Services 14 Global Mission Partners Attended the Global Missions Conference in February


Our worship ministry wrote and produced a nine-song worship album, Anchored, which was released on October18. These songs were written for our church as a reminder of God’s faithfulness through every storm. Thank you for sharing Anchored on your social media platforms. You are helping to spread the message of God’s faithfulness around the world!

“We are blessed with such an incredibly gifted team of worship leaders here at Frazer. Not just singers or musicians, but singers and musicians whose hearts are for the Lord and to be used by the Lord. This team worked so hard to bring this project to life and we pray that God uses it mightily in our church and beyond.”


Within the first week of its release, Anchored was streamed over 10,000 times in 40 countries worldwide!

Nursery & Preschool

Harbor Kids Launched this Fall

Harbor Kids is located in the Nursery and is designed to provide a specialized environment for young children with specific needs and accommodations.

95 Students attended Frazer Preschool

5 New Adult Leaders and 10 New Teenagers 8 Children Baptized Volunteers Added to our Sunday Serve Team 96 First Time Guests Visited the Children’s Ministry Children
120 First Time Guests
Students 7 Students Baptized
13 High School Students Involved in High Level Leadership Group 50 Students Attended the Middle School Retreat 55 Students Attended the High School Retreat 160 Students Attended DNOW 2022 20 Students Spent Spring Break on a Mission Trip in Jacksonville  Average Student Attendance 105 Students WEDNESDAY PM 90 Students SUNDAY AM HIGHEST ATTENDANCE RECORDED 130 Students

Sports & Fitness

754 People Participated in Sports Ministry

Through Fitness Classes, Mens Softball & Basketball Leagues, Good Mornings, Girls Volleyball, Upward Sports, Sonshine Soccer, and Volunteers

Life Along the Way | Sermon Series

On November 27, 2022, we started a year-long study into the life of Jesus. Along with Sunday sermons, our study includes daily scripture readings and devotions. We are so grateful to walk along this journey every day, both as individuals, as families, and also as a church family.


Over 100 teachers attended a “Life Along the Way” training event, which included 1,193 years of service between them.

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