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Vol. 25 No.8

News & Events LADIES NIGHT OUT: TASTE AND SEE All ladies are invited to an evening of fellowship and fun Tuesday, June 4 at 6 p.m. in room 8114. The evening will feature worship, a spiritual message, cooking demo and goodies to enjoy. Register by June 2 at www.frazerumc.org. Please pre-register for childcare. Contact Sandy for more details, 4956391 or sandy@frazerumc.org. Frazer’s Father’s Day run June 15- Save the date! The Father’s Day Run will be Saturday, June 15 (day before Father’s Day), and will be a morning of fun featuring a 5K and 1-Mile run/walk. The race is open to all but special prize drawings will be offered for father-child teams. Proceeds will benefit Stella’s Voice, Frazer’s mission partner in Moldova in the fight to end human trafficking. Race information and online registration is available at www.frazerfathersdayrun.com.


Great Day of Service an opportunity for God to shine Staff Reports The Frazer Family came together once again, in service and in love, for the fifth Great Day of Service April 13. Volunteers from Frazer and several other United Methodist churches teamed up to demonstrate God’s love to our whole community by working to meet the needs of others through dozens of projects. Approximately 2,200 volunteers came out to serve in about 51 projects at 35 locations. Frazer worked alongside volunteers from the Wesley Foundations at Alabama State University and Tuskegee University, and seven other churches. United Methodist churches were involved in more than 100 projects in six counties that day. Frazer members Sid Ogden, Tom Hollingshead and Brent Smith were the co-chairmen of this year’s event, which involved many, many hours of planning and coordinating every detail to be sure that enough volunteers and supplies were available to cover the various projects. Continued page 7

TIM HAWKINS LIVE AT FRAZER JUNE 23 Who says you can’t have good, clean family entertainment that’s roll-on-the-floor funny. Not Tim Hawkins. Whether he’s ranting on aging Rock Stars, questioning life on Noah’s Ark, or singing his famous “Chick-Fil-A Song,” you’ll be laughing along and loving every minute. The comedian will be live at Frazer Sunday, June 23 at 7 p.m. in Wesley Hall. Tickets are on sale now and a portion of all proceeds goes to benefit Frazer missions. For more ticket information, go to frazerumc.org.

June-July 2013

Photo by Chris Thornton

Volunteers build a bridge at The Arboretum as part of the Great Day of Service, held April 13. Thousands of volunteers from Frazer and other churches came out to share God’s love through serving others and the community at this annual event.

Frazer Eye Clinic brings hope and sight to the community Staff Reports

GET CONNECTED- Connection Groups such as small groups, Bible studies, Sunday School classes are how you can connect to God’s Word, God’s People, and God’s World. New groups are forming now for men, women, singles, couples, young and old. Check out all the options at frazerumc.org/ connect or pick up a copy of the latest Connections magazine in the Atrium. M o r e e v e n t s & announc e m e n t s pag e 2 M on t hly C al e nda r Pag e 3


A patient receives a free eye exam at Frazer’s annual Eye Clinic, held April 20 at Frazer. Several local eye care physicians and professionals offer their services for free at the annual event that helps referred patients get proper screenings and treatment for vision problems.

For some local residents, proper eye care is just not affordable, even when it is desperately needed. But thanks to the generous efforts of several local eye care professionals, many residents were able to receive the treatment they needed at Frazer’s annual free Eye Clinic, held April 20 at Frazer. Frazer member Mike Merrill, who serves as the ALAO executive director, said that 63 patients received free eye care services at the clinic, including eye exams, follow-up treatment with local ophthalmologists when necessary, eye glasses (top of the line) and adult eye education materials. Patients were also provided a free lunch. “Most of these people have never had an eye exam or eyeglasses in their lives,” Mike said. This yearly event began about six years ago. The clinic was previously hosted at Frazer’s former Asbury campus but moved to Frazer’s Atlanta Highway location for the first time this year. The eye clinic is a collaborative project between The Alabama Academy of Ophthalmology (ALAO), EyeCare Alabama (a 501c3 Community Outreach project of ALAO), the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Department of Ophthalmology and the UAB Department of Optometry. Patients are referred to the clinic by Community Outreach Ministries, which is supported by Frazer. Continued page 6

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