MORE OF JESUS Dear Frazer Family– You’ve heard me say it many times, but I’m going to keep repeating it: the secret to life is, more of Jesus, less of me. That’s true in our church as well. What we hope to see in 2015 more than anything is more of Jesus! More lives being reached with his love. More hearts being transformed by his power. More mission and ministry being done in his name. I invite you to use this booklet as a tool to discover how you can personally Follow Jesus. On your Personal Commitment Card you’ll find three key areas: 1. Giving—joining together to support the ministry and mission of the church to make more followers of Jesus. 2. Serving—following the example of Jesus by serving one another within the church, 3. Mission—obeying the command of Jesus to go out beyond the walls of the church to share God’s love This booklet will help you identify areas of service and mission you are gifted and called to, so you can fill out and return your Personal Response Card, either online or in print. My prayer is that more than ever in 2015, every member of Frazer will truly be a follower of Jesus, with every day bringing more of Him and less of us. When that happens, we will change the world!
Dr. Tim Thompson Senior Minister
TABLE OF CONTENTS This booklet is a companion to your Followership Personal Commitment Card, intended to help you plan for how you will follow Jesus in 2015. Note: This booklet is intended for adults; opportunities for Children and Students are listed separately in their respective Followership Personal Commitment Cards. GIVING....................................................................4 SERVING IN THE CHURCH......................................6 Music Ministries 9 • Drama Ministries 10 • New Member Ministries 10 • Worship Support 11 • Welcoming Ministries 12 • Nursery Ministries 13 • Children’s Ministries 14 • Student Ministries 16 • College Ministries 17 • Single Adult Ministries 18 • Men’s Life 18 • Women’s Ministries 19 • Small Groups and Adult Bible Studies 20 • Older Adult Ministries 21 • Congregational Care 22 • Building/Transportation 23 • Sports & Fitness Ministries 24 • Food Service Ministries 25 • Prayer Ministries 26 • Media Ministries 27 • Miscellaneous 28 MISSION BEYOND THE CHURCH..........................29 Global Missions 29 • Local Missions 30 • Transformation Montgomery 32 • ONEFamily Orphan Initiative 33 • Outreach Ministries 34
QUES TIONS ABOUT FOLLOWERSHIP? For more information about any of the ministries in this booklet, or about how the Followership commitment process works, feel free to call Teri Brown or Mary Ogden in the Church Office at 272-8622 or email teri@frazerumc.org or mogden@frazerumc.org 3
GIVING MISSION & MINIS TRY BUDGET A first step in giving, if you have only been giving on a sporadic basis, is to make a commitment to give something regularly. Even if you can only afford a small amount, the decision to make giving a commitment instead of an option is itself an act of worship. The Bible teaches us to move towards giving a “tithe,” or 10% of your income or beyond. Many people in Frazer have shared that, while they might have thought tithing would be very difficult if not impossible for them, once they made the commitment to do it they discovered unexpected blessings that made it possible for them to not only give 10% joyfully, but even to make investments beyond that amount.
Fill in the giving pledge that you are ready to make. Under the amount select whether you expect to give weekly, monthly, or use some other schedule.
NEW HOPE FUND FOR MISSIONS For those who desire to give by faith above and beyond their regular tithes, Frazer has established a “New Hope Fund” that will prepare us to take advantage of new opportunities in Montgomery and around the world to expand the kingdom of God. The Lord has blessed us to be able to pay back nearly all of our debts from past expansion (anticipated completion by the end of 2014), and now we want to be in a position to respond to God’s leading for future growth.
LEAVE A LEGACY The Frazer Charitable Trust provides members with an opportunity to give above and beyond the regular mission and ministry budget, whether through non-cash gifts (e.g. stocks), as well as planned estate giving. Frazer even offers free estate planning services to members through our partnership with Philanthrocorp. For more information on giving through the Charitable Trust contact Harold Faulker, harold@frazerumc.org. 4 GIVE
Frequently Asked Questions About Giving 1. What is the purpose of a giving pledge? Making a commitment to give is an act of worship and an expression of gratitude to God. On a practical level, your commitment allows Frazer to better budget and plan our ministries. 2. What is the difference between a “tithe” and an “offering”? A tithe is the first tenth of your income. An offering is any gift above and beyond that amount. Scripture teaches that God blesses the obedience of tithing, and that there are great spiritual rewards for giving offerings, since the more we “sow” the more we will “reap.” 3. What if I want to make a pledge, but I’m not sure what my income will be? Your pledge is ultimately between you and God, and He knows what the future holds. Make your best estimate of what you feel led by him to give by faith, and then trust Him to provide your needs. If your income changes unexpectedly, God will certainly know and understand what you are able to give. 4. In what ways can I give? You may place an envelope with cash or check in the collection basket during worship services, mail or drop off your gift during the week to the church office, schedule an Electronic Funds Transfer, or give online at www.frazerumc.org. Gifts of stock, endowments and other assets may also be set up through Frazer’s Charitable Trust Fund coordinator. 5. Can I schedule recurring donations? Yes. Electronic gifts can be scheduled once or twice a month. 6. What are the pros and cons of online giving? Online giving is convenient and safe, easy to track and easy to schedule on a regular basis. However, there are small fees charged by banks and credit card companies that will reduce the amount of your gift that reaches the church. Those who give online may wish to increase the amount given slightly to cover those fees. 7. Will I receive a contribution statement? Yes, provided you do not give anonymously, statements will be mailed to you quarterly or sent to your e-mail account at your request. GIVE 5
SERVE Serving is how we follow the example of Jesus. In John chapter 13, Jesus went out of His way to wash His disciples feet, and explain to them that just as He served, so they should serve. We divided up our opportunities to serve into two parts: ministry opportunities inside the walls of the church, and mission opportunities outside the walls of the church. Both are equally important, so we hope that you’ll select at least one in each area. The ministry opportunities within the church start on page 9; for the mission opportunities outside the church go to page 29.
7 S TEPS TO CHOOSING YOUR AREA(S) OF SERVICE 1 Pray! Don’t pray about “if” you should serve, pray about “where!” When you come to Him seeking wisdom, ready to obey whatever He reveals, you can be confident He will hear your prayer. 2 Investigate the Options Read through this opportunities book carefully. Feel free to call the church staff to find out more about a ministry. Even if you have served in the same area for years, become familiar with other areas of service so you can remain open to the Holy Spirit’s leading. 3 Discover Your Gifts Every Christian has spiritual gifts given by God to accomplish His plan for your life. See Romans 12, I Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4 in your Bible. 4 Consider Your Strengths In addition to your spiritual gifts, your natural abilities can guide your choice of service as well. (Continued next page) • Life Experiences can give you insight and sympathy to help others going through similar situations. 6 SERVE
• Special Knowledge such as medical training, technical skills, or construction expertise can open doors for ministry. • Talents such as musical, artistic or athletic ability can, and should, be used to glorify God.
5 Ask Your Friends Serving with others you know can be a great way to enjoy fellowship. But don’t limit yourself; volunteering together can also be a great way to meet new people. 6 Do Something! Even if you aren’t sure what to do, sign up for something. God will bless your willingness and you’ll gain more wisdom in the process. 7 Enter the Codes on Your Card Each service area in this booklet has a three-digit code printed next to the name. To volunteer, copy this code into the spaces provided on your Personal Response Card.
“Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.” –Romans 12:4-8 NLT SERVE 7
TOP 5 URGENT VOLUNTEER NEEDS Every ministry at Frazer is valuable and we encourage you to serve in the places where you believe God has gifted and called you. However, as you consider the many options at Frazer it may be helpful for you to know where our most urgent needs for volunteers are for 2015.
Small Group Facilitator (#090) We are launching a major initiative with the goal of connecting every member to a small group. Since groups function best with only 6-12 members, we need lots of groups! Our dream is to have groups meeting in homes all across the city. You don’t have to be a teacher or a Bible scholar to lead a group, just have a heart to connect people to Christ and to one another.
2 3
Children’s Teachers (#043-048) Let’s be honest, teaching children can be a tough assignment and a big commitment of your time on Sunday morning, but no job is more rewarding. Our children are the future of the church, the hope of the world, and Jesus said the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. ONEFamily (#176-180) ONEFamily answers God heart for orphans by promoting adoption and foster care, but you don’t have to be an adoptive/foster family to participate. Our goal this year is for every member to find a way they can “WRAP” these children in the love of God by Wrestling in Prayer, Relief Care, Acts of Service, and encouragement through the Promises of God.
4 5
Transformation Montgomery (#173-175) By providing people with a path out of poverty we can change our city one heart and one house at a time. We need more mentors to come alongside adults and students to provide encouragement, support, and practical and spiritual training. Media Ministries (#141-147) Frazer’s internet and TV ministries bring the gospel to thousands of people in our area and we are looking to expand that further with new initiatives to create local programming. Be on the cutting edge of sharing the good news through the latest technolgies through our media team. 8 SERVE
SERVING OPPORTUNITIES LIST MUSIC MINIS TRIES Leading people in worship through excellent music and training up generations of passionate worshippers Code Description
001 Sanctuary Choir
Frequency/Time Weekly 3 hrs
Rehearse on Wednesday nights from 7–8:30 p.m. and sing for at least two of the Sunday morning sanctuary services.
002 Instrumentalist
Contemporary band players (drums, guitars, bass, etc), orchestra players, and piano accompanists needed. Most playing will be as needed. Orchestra meets Wednesday nights 7–8:30 p.m. You will be contacted about which part of the music program you wish to be involved with.
003 Speeders Choir-Older Adult
Rehearse each Tuesday afternoon, 1:15-2:15 p.m.; sing at nursing homes and church functions.
004 Children’s SPLASH Music Leader
Weekly 1 hr
Adult music teachers with competent skills to teach music to an appropriate age level. Also needed are pianists with proficiency to accompany children’s choirs, and classroom assistants to help maintain the class and build relationships with children. SPLASH meets weekly on Wednesday during the school year. Music portion is 5:30-6:15 p.m.
005 Children’s Music Adult/Parent Support Team
Assist directors with serving meals, building sets and scenery, costuming and technical needs for SPLASH rehearsals and performances.
006 Youth Worship Arts Adult/Parent Team
YWA provides an opportunity for students to minister through music, drama and other creative arts (to sign up as a student, see the Student Followership Card). Adult/Parent Team assists the director by serving supper for choir events, operating technical equipment, building sets, sewing costumes, or assisting in Sunday afternoon choir rehearsals. Build relationships with the students.
DRAMA MINIS TRIES Illustrating the message of Christ through the dramatic arts to engage the hearts and minds of the congregation Code Description
007 Actor
Frequency/Time Varies
Perform in drama sketches and videos in Frazer worship services as well as larger productions at various times during the year such as Christmas and Easter.
008 Set Design/Construction
Work with set design teams to create sets and props to enhance the overall theme used in worship services, as well as for major productions such as at Christmas and Easter. May include drawing, tracing, cutting, painting, woodwork and construction.
009 Production Support Provide production support for drama sketches in worship services, as well as in major productions throughout the year. Can include sound, lights, video, costuming, makeup, stage hands, etc.
NEW MEMBER MINIS TRIES Welcoming new members and assisting them to find their place in the Frazer family Code Description
010 New Member Registration
Frequency/Time Monthly 2 hrs
Register and photograph those who have just joined the church. Sunday volunteers will cover the three services in the Sanctuary and Wesley Hall.
011 Contacting New Members
Monthly 1 hr
Contact new members to welcome them and invite them to attend the STEPs new member orientation classes.
WORSHIP SUPPORT Creating an environment ready for people to experience the presence of God in worship Code Description
012 Communion Preparation
Quarterly 1.5 hrs
Prepare elements for communion for worship services. Clean and store communion trays and utensils.
013 Communion Server (Wesley Hall)
Monthly 1 hr
Serve Holy Communion during worship in Wesley Hall.
014 Worship Center Care
Monthly 1 hr
Straighten hymnals, replenish offering envelopes, prayer cards, pencils, etc. Volunteers will have the opportunity to specify Sanctuary Care or Wesley Hall Care, or be assigned wherever needed.
Worship Host Team/Usher 015 Wesley Hall 8:00 a.m. 016 Wesley Hall 9:30 a.m. 017 Wesley Hall 11:00 a.m.
Monthly 1 ½ hrs
018 Sanctuary 8:00 a.m. 019 Sanctuary 9:30 a.m. 020 Sanctuary 11:00 a.m.
Welcome people, distribute bulletins, and assist people with seating. Maintain order and quiet in the corridors and lobby while services are in progress. Assist latecomers with seating at appropriate times. Collect offering. Remain alert during entire service and respond as needed. Pick up bulletins, paper, etc., and straighten pew/chair racks following service.
021 Worship Hospitality
Monthly 1½ hrs
Support the volunteers and staff leading in worship on Sunday mornings by bringing refreshments.
022 Wesley Hall Set-Up
One Saturday per Month 1 hr
Ensure the worship area is neatly organized and accessible for Sunday worship services. Align chairs, place offering baskets and attendance pads, set up communion tables.
023 Attendance Counter–Wesley Hall 024 Attendance Counter–Sanctuary
Monthly 1 hr
Count attendance for Sunday morning and/or Sunday evening worship services and special events.
WELCOMING MINIS TRIES Offering a warm welcome and second-mile service to those whose lives we touch to win their hearts to Christ Code Description
025 Connection Point
Frequency/Time Monthly
Provide information, directions and a welcoming smile for visitors and members on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and/or other times as needed.
026 Greeters
Monthly 45 min
Greet everyone with a smiling face and a cheerful hello inside and outside on Sunday mornings. Escort people to desired locations on the Frazer campus.
027  Smile Ministry
As needed
Share God’s love to visitors at Frazer for outside events with a smile and a gracious greeting! Numerous outside groups use the Frazer facilities for conferences, concerts and other events. Smile Ministry volunteers serve for a few hours as needed to welcome these guest and make them feel at home at Frazer.
028 Orientation Tours
Monthly 1 hr
Meet with visitors on first Sunday mornings, and/or other times as needed, to answer questions and conduct a walking tour of the Frazer facilities.
029 Prospect Visitation
Weekly 1 hr
Visit recent church visitors at their home on Sunday afternoons to deliver a gift, provide information about Frazer, and encourage them to visit us again.
030 Telephone Outreach
Biweekly 1 hr
Make welcome calls to church visitors and encourage inactive members to return.
031 Attendance Data Entry
Monthly 2 hrs
Enter church attendance into the computer system in between and at the conclusion of Sunday morning worship services.
NURSERY MINIS TRIES Providing a loving, caring environment for children three and under to lay a strong foundation for future spiritual growth Code Description
032 Nursery Captain
Frequency/Time Monthly 1 hr
A Captain/Co-Captain is assigned for each of the three worship hours to assume responsibility for the nursery operation on a designated Sunday and make reminder contacts with volunteers the week before they are scheduled to work.
033 Nursery Caregiver 8:00 a.m. 034 Nursery Caregiver 9:30 a.m. 035 Nursery Caregiver 11:00 a.m.
Monthly 1 hr
Arrive to assigned nursery room 15 minutes before church services begin and serve as loving caregivers to children age’s birth through 23 months.
036 Cherub Church Helper
9:30 a.m. Sundays; Monthly 1 hr
Help supervise 2 and 3 year old children during the 9:30 a.m. Cherub Church time. Help care for children when they return to their classroom and reinforce the Bible lesson taught in Cherub Church.
037 Nursery Sunday School Teacher
11 a.m. Sundays, Varies
Help with the story and craft from the standardized curriculum with the children 2 and 3 years old during the 11:00 a.m. worship hour.
038 Cradle Roll Delivery
As Needed
Deliver a New Testament Bible and yard sign the week following the birth of a baby. Visit new mothers and deliver memento gifts from Frazer and the Nursery Department.
039 Vacation Bible School Nursery
July 13 - 17, 2015; 3 hrs/day
Serve as a loving caregiver to children birth through 3 years old. Volunteers help with the VBS curriculum and crafts for the 2 and 3 year olds.
CHILDREN’S MINIS TRIES Providing a loving atmosphere that partners with the family to build a spiritual foundation that, in God’s timing, will lead each child to Christ Code Description
040 Aqua Zone Check-In 8:00 a.m. 041 Aqua Zone Check-In 9:30 a.m. 042 Aqua Zone Check-In 11:00 a.m.
Monthly 1½ hrs
Scan and check-in children and help them find their classrooms; create a welcoming and friendly first impression for those entering the “Aqua Zone” Children’s Ministry area.
043 Children’s Small Groups Leader 8:00 a.m. 044 Children’s Sunday School Leader 9:30 a.m.
Weekly 1½ hrs
Prepare lessons from standardized curriculum and teach children in age level classrooms rangng from age 4 years through 5th grade.
045 Children’s Church Helper/Leader 11:00 a.m.
Weekly 1 ½ hrs
Prepare portions of lessons from standardized curriculum and teach children in Under the Sea (4 - 5 year olds), Discoveryland Aquarium (1st3rd grades), or SURGE (4th - 5th grades). Children’s Church meets during the 11:00 a.m. service hour.
046 Children’s Substitute Leader 8:00 a.m. 047 Children’s Substitute Leader 9:30 a.m. 048 Children’s Substitute Leader 11:00 a.m.
As needed1 ½ hrs
Be on call to prepare a lesson from standardized curriculum and teach children in Children’s Small Groups, Sunday School, or Children’s Church when a regular leader must be absent.
049 Summer Camp Adult Counselor 1st-3rd Grades 050 Summer Camp Adult Counselor 4th-6th Grades
June 8-10, 2015 June 8-12, 2015
Serve as counselor at Camp Chandler from Monday through Wednesday, June 8-10, for 1st-3rd grades, or Monday through Friday, June 8-12, for 4th-6th grades.
051 Vacation Bible School
July 13 - 17, 2015; 3 hrs/day
Help by planning, coordinating, assisting, storytelling, serving, singing, playing, helping with set-up, recreation, crafts, or science activities, or supervising during this week-long summer emphasis that gives children from Frazer and the community an experience of God’s love and an exposure to His Word. 14 SERVE
052 Operation Christmas Child
Oct.-Nov. 2 hrs
Help organize and carry out all aspects of working with Samaritan’s Purse, Franklin Graham’s ministry to share simple gifts and communicate the gospel to children around the world at Christmas. Receive shoe boxes from other churches and/or deliver boxes to Saint James UMC.
053 Birthday Party for Jesus
Dec. 2015
Assist with this Christmas time event for children by providing food, decorating, or crowd control.
054 Monthly Activities Volunteer
Assist with monthly family fun events for children such as movie nights, game nights, parties, etc.
055 S.P.L.A.S.H. Ministry
Weekly 1½ hrs
Wednesday nights from 5:30-7:15 p.m. during the school year (Sept.– May). Assist by teaching, or shepherding groups of children to Bible story, games and choir.
NOTE: See also Music Ministry for SPLASH Music Leaders #004 056 Children’s Ministry Office Helper
Assist staff in their ministry by making copies, cutting, etc. Any time Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
057 Puppet Ministry/Children’s Ministry Decorations
Assist in making props for the puppet ministry, and/or decorating the children’s ministry area for Christmas and other seasons; change bulletin boards in classrooms three times per year.
CRAVE S TUDENT MINIS TRIES Building relationships that lead students to engage God and impact the world Code Description
058 Crave Blitz
Frequency/Time Weekly or Biweekly 1-2 ½ hrs
Serve as a game room/gym supervisor, check-in assistant, or dinner server in a social, interactive environment with students. Leaders can also serve during the themed activities and large group games of the night. Wednesday evenings, 5-7:15 p.m. during the school year.
059 Crave University
Varies 2 hrs
Serve as a teacher or table leader in a “master teacher” style setting where students are able to interact with one another and their leader around tables following the master teacher’s presentation. Sunday mornings, 9–10:45 a.m.
060 Metamorphosis
Provide a smooth transition from Children’s ministry to Student ministry through various events and/or serve as a mentor.
061 Confirmation Mentor
Weekly (4 wks in Winter 2015) 1 ½ hours
Mentors will facilitate discussion in a small group of Confirmation students for 4 sessions, Sundays 5-6:15 p.m., and (optionally) help facilitate at the Confirmation retreat on Saturday, March 7, 2015.
062 Student LifeGroups
School Year, Weekly 2 hrs
Provide a host home or co-lead a small group of students (8th-12th grades) in an in-depth Bible study and engage in their lives on a weekly basis with transparency and commitment.
063 Disciple Now Volunteer
Feb. 13-15, 2015
Assist as a small group leader or with behind the scenes set-up and logistics for this weekend experience designed to challenge students to a deeper faith walk.
064 Crave Office
As Needed
Assist the Student Ministry with various administrative tasks such as preparation of bulk mail-outs, copying materials, putting together packets for meetings, and other activities which aid the staff.
065 Girls’ Ministry
Help plan/host fellowships and special events, mentor, and encourage young ladies in Crave.
066 Crave Special Events
Help with decorations, food, serving, and clean-up after special Student Ministry events. Assist with retreats as small group leaders or behind the scenes (i.e. Confirmation, Covenant, Senior Recognition, and Open Gym Nights).
067 Crave Audio/Visual
Weekly or Biweekly 2 hrs
Operate multi-media equipment for Wednesday nights and/or Sunday mornings and at special events.
068 Crave Photographer/Videographer
Capture the action of our Crave activities and programs throughout the year with your camera.
069 Crave Gaming Nights
Serve as a leader on our video gaming nights. Volunteers are needed to set up & breakdown, as well as temporarily donating gaming hardware.
NOTE: See also Student Missions #153.
COLLEGE MINIS TRIES Creating worship, discipleship and service experiences in ways that are relevant to 18-25 year olds Code Description
070 Kingdom Culture Bible Study Leader
Frequency/Time Weekly 1 hr
Assist in greeting and hospitality on Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. Provide administrative help by signing in members and guests and performing follow-up contacts.
071 Kingdom Culture OIKOS Leader
Weekly 2 hrs
Mentor College students through our “Oikos” small groups. Help them articulate and share the love of Christ and His word as they connect, learn and grow together.
072 Kingdom Culture Special Events Hospitality
As Needed
Open your home or vacation house, and/or prepare a home cooked meal for special opportunities such as prayer meetings, Bible studies, or social events. SERVE 17
SINGLE ADULT MINIS TRIES Reaching out to meet the unique needs of single adults in our community and engaging them in service and missions Code Description
073 DivorceCare for Kids Helper
Weekly 2 hrs
Help with DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) program as a teacher or assistant on Tuesday evenings from 6–7:30 p.m. Lovingly help children ages five and up learn coping skills and to understand the feelings associated with their parents’ divorce. 13-week sessions begin in January and September.
074 Single Adult Small Group Leader
Weekly 1 1/2 hrs
Lead small group studies offered on Tuesdays from 7–8 p.m. throughout the year. These ongoing groups consist of Bible studies, emotional healing and interest groups targeted to the needs of single adults. Training and materials are provided.
075 Single Adult Small Group Registration
Weekly 1 hr
Assist with registration and book sales for weekly Singles small groups on Tuesdays from 5:30–6:15 p.m.
MEN’S LIFE Challenging men to grow in their relationship with Christ and connecting them to a team of men to serve side by side Code Description
076 Widows Care
Frequency/Time Varies
Provide general ‘handyman’ services to various widows/widowers in our church on an as needed basis. Men will be paired with a partner and put on a “Team List.” Each team will be called upon on a rotating basis when a request is received from a widow through the church.
077 First Wednesday Breakfast
Monthly 2 hrs
Cook breakfast and/or clean up afterwards for this men’s event taking place on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 a.m.
078 Men’s Bible Study Leader
Lead a Wednesday Night Small Group Bible Study from 6-7 p.m. Required training will be provided. 18 SERVE
079 Lion Chasers
Men who are servant leaders assist with service projects and support church events as needed doing set-up, greeting, and/or clean up.
080 Men’s Third Thursday Supper
Monthly, 3-4 hours
Assist in planning, preparation, set-up, cooking or clean up for monthly men’s supper on third Thursdays at 6 p.m., providing men a time to fellowship and hear inspirational testimonies.
081 Men’s Special Events
As needed
Serve by cooking, serving, setting up, and cleaning up at events such as: Pancake Breakfast (second Saturday morning in December).
082 Sportsmen’s Ministry
Share your love of Christ and the outdoors by assisting with outdoor events such as the Fishing Mission, where we take disadvantaged youth, disabled adults, etc., on fishing excursions. We also hope to be able to plan some hunting trips with disadvantaged youth, disabled adults, and wounded warriors. Men volunteering in this area may also be called upon to help set-up the Annual Wild Game Supper (Jan./Feb.).
WOMEN’S MINIS TRIES Helping women grow in their relationship with Christ and connecting them to other women to share the journey Code Description
083 Apples of Gold—Leadership Team
Frequency/Time 6 Weeks 2 hrs
Be a part of the AOG Leadership Team whose primary purpose is for older women to nurture younger women in the Word of God and to encourage them to obey that Word. Apples of Gold is a 6-week nurturing program with spiritual application, cooking skills, relational skills, and sharing hospitality with others.
084 Apples of Gold—Participant
6 Weeks 2 hrs
Do you long for an opportunity to spend time with, learn from, and be encouraged by older women? Apples of Gold connects you with mature mentors for six weeks, enabling you to gain confidence in cooking and hospitality skills as well as growing spiritually together.
085 Mentor
6 Weeks 2 hrs
Share life experiences and faith on a regular basis by investing time in a younger woman’s life. SERVE 19
086 Women’s Prayer Team
Weekly 1 hr
Pray for leadership team members and all activities of women’s ministries.
087 Women’s Bible Study Small Group Leader/Facilitator
Lead and/or host a Bible study with focus on spritual growth, community and mission, for women who are either new believers or have been Christians for years. Numerous options for meeting times throughout the week. (Required training provided.)
088 Conferences/Retreats/Special Events
Help plan, promote, and implement events throughout the year that provide opportunities for women to enjoy fun, fellowship, spiritual growth, and spiritual renewal.
089 Women’s Mission Circles
Monthly 2 hrs
Connect with a circle of other women to learn to know God, cultivate supportive fellowship and participate in God’s mission together.
SMALL GROUPS AND ADULT BIBLE S TUDIES Connecting people into groups that build caring relationships, delve into Bible Study, and serve on mission together Code Description
090 Small Group Facilitator/Host
Weekly 3 hours
Share your love for Christ and His word with others by hosting/facilitating a small group. Group goals are to make disciples by studying the Bible, building relationships, praying together and working together in service. Small groups may meet at any time during the week, at the church or in homes, workplaces, etc. Required training provided.
091 Adult Sunday Morning Bible Study Teacher
Weekly 3 hrs
Share your love for Christ and His Word with others by leading a group of adults each Sunday morning. Class goals are to make disciples by studying the Bible, building relationships, praying together and working together on mission. Required training provided.
092 Substitute Adult Bible Study Teacher
As needed
Be available to teach Sunday mornings on an “as needed” basis. Required training provided.
093 Discipleship Office Assistant
As needed
Assist with various needs such as preparation of bulk mail-outs, copying materials, special event set-up, distributing brochures around the church, making phone calls, and other administrative tasks. Knowledge of Microsoft Excel helpful.
094 Adult Education Office Assistant
As needed
Same responsibilities as Discipleship Office Assistant (above), assist with administrative tasks in Adult Education Office.
095 Adult Bible Study Roll Book Distribution
Monthly 1 hr
Deliver Adult Bible Study attendance books throughout the church weekly prior to the 8:00 Adult Bible Study hour.
096 Library Assistant
Monthly 1 hr
Assist in Frazer’s “walk-through library” to organize books and materials, catalog and shelve materials, and work to meet library needs of members.
OLDER ADULT MINIS TRIES Helping older adults feel a sense of belonging and worth through study, fellowship, and service Code Description
097 Friends - 3rd Thursday Helper
Frequency/Time Monthly 2 hrs
Serve our older adult members as greeters, transportation providers, table decorators, and/or callers on the telephone committee on each third Thursday 11 a.m.–1 p.m.
098 4th Thursday Helper
Monthly 4 hrs
Serve our older adult members as greeters, transportation providers, table decorators, and/or callers on the telephone committee on each fourth Thursday from 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
099 S.P.I.R.I.T. Helper
Monthly 1 hr
Assist with telephone committee, decorations, greeting, table decorations and set-ups, or clean-up. S.P.I.R.I.T. (Special People Involved Regularly in Thanksgiving/Testimony) is an activity for adults over 50 which combines dinner with inspirational music or speakers held the second Thursday evening of each month.
100 Wesley Gardens Helper
Weekly or Monthly 1 hr
Help at the Wesley Gardens Retirement Community with special activities, help in the gift shop, help with Sunday morning worship, do visitation, work with the Activities Director, and/or participate one Sunday each month in the morning worship service conducted in Wesley Gardens Chapel by playing piano, leading singing, or presenting the message.
NOTE: See also Speeders Choir for Older Adults, #003.
CONGREGATIONAL CARE MINIS TRIES Strengthening and supporting the Frazer family through intentional Christian care-giving Code Description
101 Lay Congregational Care Minister
Frequency/Time Varies
Become part of a new training process that will include evaluation and training in prayer, theology, Bible, listening and caring skills in order to equip lay volunteers to work alongside the Congregational Care staff to provide hospital visits, crisis care and follow-up ministry for members.
102 Visitation Ministry
Monthly 1 hr
Visit and minister to members who are home-bound or living in nursing homes or assisted living facilities.
103 Flower Arranging and/or Delivery
Monthly 1 hr
Separate and arrange sanctuary flowers into bouquets and/or deliver to members who are home-bound, hospitalized, or residing in nursing homes.
104 “Loaves and Fishes” Ministry
Volunteers are scheduled, on a rotational monthly basis, to prepare and freeze a meal to be kept at the church for delivery when a need arises (illness, death and/or family emergency).
105 Dementia Day Care
Weekly 3 1/2 hrs
Provide a weekly respite opportunity for primary caregivers by providing companionship and group activities for individuals experiencing mild Dementia and Alzheimer’s. 9:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Thursdays.
106 PAWS (Pets Are Working Saints)
Monthly 1 hr
Use your pets in nursing homes, special children’s facilities, and a rehabilitation hospital to encourage trust, movement, speech, and smiles. 22 SERVE
107 Pre-Marital/Marriage Mentor
14 Weeks 1 1/2 hrs
Couples who have been married five years or longer mentor engaged couples for seven weeks as they prepare for marriage or mentor currently married couples who want to enrich their marriages. The mentors lead the couples through an organized curriculum.
108 Joseph Ministry
As Needed
Assist members going through the death of a loved one by helping with funeral preparations, and guiding the family during visitation and funeral services.
109 Stephen Ministry
As Needed
Provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. This ministry requires 50 hours of classroom education prior to service, a 2-year commitment, and ongoing peer support.
110 Threads of Love
Monthly 6 hrs
Serve in a sewing ministry to provide clothing for tiny premature infants and encouragement to their families. Patterns are provided for cutting, sewing, knitting, crocheting, and quilting to make gowns, blankets, bonnets, and booties. (See also Sewing Ministry in Local Missions section)
111 Military Care Ministry
Quarterly 3 hrs
Support deployed soldiers and their families through prayer, phone calls, and collection/preparation of care packages to be mailed.
BUILDING/TRANSPORTATION MINIS TRIES Creating a safe, comfortable and friendly environment that makes it easy for people to focus on Christ Code Description
112 Bus Driver
Frequency/Time Varies
Operate church bus as needed. Drivers must be between the ages of 25 and 75 and have a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) with passenger endorsement. Drivers are called on an “as needed” basis.
113 Crave/Kingdom Culture Bus Driver
Operate 14 or 25 passenger church busses for Student and College Ministry programs and activities as needed. 25 passenger vehicle requires Commercial Drivers License (CDL).
114 Safety Team
Monthly 1 hr
Be alert to safety issues related to church buildings, property, and programs. Report potential hazards to the Safety Team chairperson and/ or church business administrator. Team members are responsibe for checking fire extinguishers, emergency lights, and exit lights on a monthly basis in an assigned area.
115 Parking Usher
Monthly 4 hrs
Direct pedestrian and vehicular traffic to and from parking areas. Assist older adults and the handicapped to special parking spaces. Place traffic cones, special parking signs, walkway barriers, etc., weekly and for special events. Police parking areas to discourage improper parking, passing out of leaflets, and/or other undesirable activities.
116 Special Decorations
Time Varies
Assist in decorating the church primarily during the Easter and Christmas seasons and be available for special events.
117 Shuttle Driver
Monthly 4 hrs
Transport members and guests from the outer parking lots to the church facilities using 8-passenger carts. Primarily work on Sunday mornings with occasional special events.
SPORT S & FITNESS MINIS TRIES Winning people to Christ through sports programs and recreational activities that develop the health of the whole person Code Description
118 JEMAC Control Desk Volunteer
Frequency/Time Weekly 2 hrs
Control desk volunteers work two hour shifts checking in members and guests, handling phone inquiries and registering participants for league sports. (JEMAC stands for John Ed Mathison Activity Center, Frazer’s sports and fitness facility).
119 Upward Flag Football & Cheerleading
10 weeks in Fall/20 hrs
Coach or referee Upward Flag Football or Cheerleading (for boys and girls 5 yrs.–6th grade); training and curriculum provided. 24 SERVE
120 Upward Basketball
10 weeks in Winter/20 hrs
Coach or referee Upward Basketball (for girls and boys 4 yrs.–9th grade); training and curriculum provided.
121 Sonshine Soccer
10 weeks in Spring/20 hrs
Coach Sonshine Soccer (for boys and girls 4-12 yrs.); training and curriculum provided.
122  Volleyball
8 weeks in Summer/20 hrs
Coach Volleyball (for middle school and high school girls); practices Monday afternoons and games Thursday afternoons in June and July.
123 Half-Time Witness
Share a 5-minute personal testimony or uplifting devotion of your choice with families attending Sonshine Soccer, Upward Basketball, Upward Flag Football or Volleyball.
124 Helper for Boy Scouts or Cub Scouts
Weekly 1 hr
Work with scouts weekly on Monday evenings. Scouting curriculum is provided. Special events include camp outs, fundraising, and God and Country program.
FOOD SERVICE MINIS TRIES Serving the Lord by offering food and hospitality Code Description
125 Sunday Breakfast
Frequency/Time Monthly 3 hrs
Help prepare and serve Sunday morning breakfast.
126 Wednesday Night Supper
Monthly 4 hrs
Help prepare and serve Wednesday night supper, offered every week except during summer and the Christmas holidays.
127 Noon Salad Luncheon
Monthly 4 hrs
Help prepare the salad on Monday and set up and serve on Tuesday. Prepared the 2nd Monday and Tuesday of each month, except summer.
128 Friends and 4th Thursday
Monthly 3 hrs
Help prepare and serve the food for Friends on the 3rd Thursday of the month and for Fourth Thursday on the 4th Thursday of the month.
129 Hospitality
Help with light meals and special occasions. SERVE 25
130 S.P.I.R.I.T.
Monthly 4 hrs
Help prepare and serve the food on the 2nd Thursday evening of the month.
131 Coffee Café Volunteer
Monthly 1½ hrs
Prepare and serve coffee in Frazer’s Coffee Café on Sunday mornings and/or for special events in a manner that puts a smile on people’s faces. Sunday morning volunteers work the same shift each month. You may specify a preferred Sunday morning shift: 7:30 a.m.; 8:50 a.m.; 9:20 a.m.; or 10:20 a.m.
PRAYER MINIS TRIES Becoming a House of Prayer by equipping and encouraging the Frazer family in personal prayer and corporate prayer Code Description
See Also: prayer support opportunities for missionaries under Missions. 132 Altar Call
Monthly 15-20 min
Serve one Sunday each month by being available to pray with people who come forward for prayer at the close of a worship service.
133 Hedge (Boiler Room)
Monthly 1 hr
Pray with a small group one Sunday each month for our worship services and Sunday activities.
134 Prayer Events Team
Serve on a planning/set-up team for special prayer events related to various themes throughout the year (ie, Stations of the Cross, etc.).
135 Ministry Prayer Partners
Weekly 1 hr
Pray from home for Frazer staff and lay leadership, events and ministry opportunities. Specific prayer needs are given by ministry leaders.
136 Telephone Warriors
Monthly 1 hr
Man the phones during a Sunday morning television broadcast of our Sanctuary worship service. Pray with callers for expressed needs and share the gospel when appropriate.
137 Prayer Shawl Ministry
Knit or crochet shawls that will be presented to people who are ill, have suffered a loss or who are in a life crisis. Prayer for the recipients will be offered as the shawl is being made. Volunteers will meet twice a month to pray and create the shawls.
138 Upper Room
Weekly 1 hr
Pray in the church’s prayer room for the needs expressed through prayer cards, our prayer lines and website requests. Most requests come from the Frazer congregation.
139 Heart Notes
Pray for and write notes of encouragement to those who have requested prayer. Materials are supplied by the Prayer Ministry and volunteers serve from home.
140 E-Mail Intercessors
Serve in the same capacity as “Heart Notes” volunteers except that correspondence is done via e-mail.
MEDIA MINIS TRIES Telling the story of what God is doing in and through Frazer through media and technology Code Description
141 Social Media Outreach
Frequency/Time Monthly
Frazer reaches countless people through our social media presence (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) and your participation will only increase our effectiveness in this area. Volunteers will coordinate with Frazer’s Media Ministries to share God’s love with our virtual neighbors.
142 Writer
Write articles for our quarterly magazine (Following Jesus), news blog, or other media. May work by assignment or on an ongoing basis with a ministry area.
143 Photographer
Take photographs of Frazer programs, people and events for use in print and online media. May work by assignment or on an ongoing basis with a particular ministry area.
144 Bulletin Stuffer
Weekly 2 hrs
Insert worship guides and other materials into bulletins to provide a single, convenient handout on Sunday mornings. Stuffing is done on Friday mornings.
145 Television/Video Ministry—Sanctuary 146 Television/Video Ministry—Wesley Hall
Monthly 4 hrs
Operate cameras and other video equipment to enhance worship and reach viewers watching by television and online. Teams serve monthly on Sunday mornings and occasionally at special events. Technical experience is not required and training will be provided.
147 Production Assistant
Assist monthly with the production of new local programming on WFRZTV. Roles will vary from assisting with shoots in the field to helping with guests in the studio.
148 Deaf Ministries
Serve the deaf at Frazer and in our community at Silent Socials, and/or assisting with interpretation in worship, Bible studies and other events as needed. Whether you know ASL (American Sign Language) or have not yet learned your first sign, there’s a place for you if you have a heart for building relationships with people who are deaf.
149 Annual Conference Support
May 31–June 3, 2015
Serve the clergy and lay delegates of the Alabama-West Florida Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. Greeters, shuttle drivers, parking lot attendants, and food service workers are needed.
150 Family Empowerment Action Team Cooperate with pastors and church leaders to coordinate efforts to educate and engage the Frazer Family in public issues that impact the cause of Christ in biblical and Christ-like ways.
151 Wherever the Church Needs Me What an opportunity this may be for you! If you’ve looked over the commitment card and cannot decide where your talents or abilities may best serve the Lord, but you are ready and willing to respond when called upon, check this area. Unexpected needs arise frequently and you’ll be one of the first in line to be called when new opportunities emerge. 28 SERVE
MISSION Opportunities to get involved with Missions are listed below with a three-digit code you enter on your Personal Response Card. Part of Followership is responding to the call of Jesus to “go and teach all nations” and to respond to the cries of the poor, the orphan and the widow in Jesus’ name.
GLOBAL MISSIONS Spreading the gospel through words and deeds across our nation and our world Note: Participating in an international missions team will require a financial investment. However, you will be given tools when you sign up to help you explore ways to raise funds. God has provided for many of our members in miraculous ways once they made the commitment to get involved, so don’t allow money to be a hindrance to responding to His call. Code Description
152 Adult/Family Short-term Mission Teams
Frequency/Time 5-14 Days Annually
Participate in a mission trip outside of the United States which may include evangelism, construction, Vacation Bible School, sports camps and/or medical help. Help with fund-raising projects for missions. Includes adult/ family teams going to Haiti, Cuba, Peru, Moldova, Brazil, and Kentucky.
153 Student Short-Term Mission Teams
3-6 Days Annually
Participate as an adult volunteer on Mission Montgomery (Spring Break 2015) or to the Dominican Republic (Summer 2015).
154 Short-term Mission Support Teams
5-14 Days Annually
Support Frazer adult or student mission teams by helping raise support, collect supplies and provide prayer support.
155 Long-term Missionary Support Team
Correspond and pray regularly for Frazer supported missionaries and missions agencies around the world.
LOCAL MISSIONS Spreading the gospel through words and deeds throughout our city Code Description
156 Great Day of Service (GDOS)
On March 14, 2015, volunteers will be making a difference in the lives of our neighbors across the area by working on various service projects. Help by being a captain, coordinator, and/or volunteer.
157  Village Green Ministry
Share Christ by building relationships and serving the needs of residents in the Village Green Apartments behind the church. Opportunities include Tutoring (Wednesdays 6-7p.m.), Children’s Bible Study (Fridays 5:307p.m.), monthly prayer walks and quarterly outreaches.
158 Disaster Relief Team
As Needed
Help with disaster relief locally, regionally, and nationally, by providing assistance as needed when requested. Certified first responders and untrained volunteers can both help in differing capacities.
159 Blood Drive Worker
4-6X Annually 2 hrs
Assist the professional staff to ensure that the blood drives run smoothly.
160 Blood Donor
As able
Donate blood through LifeSouth blood drives held at the church. Each pint donated can save up to three lives.
161 Clothes Closet Helper
Weekly or Monthly 3 hrs
Staff the Clothes Closet on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and/ or Saturday mornings by sorting and hanging clothing, and assisting the patrons who come for clothing.
162 Evacuation Shelter
As Needed
Aid evacuees in the shelter at Frazer during disasters by helping manage the shelter which provides material needs and guidance to our 100+ guests who are referred to us by the Red Cross.
163 Food Pantry
Collect donated food on first Sunday of the month and/or assist in distributing food on weekday mornings throughout the month.
164 English as a Second Language (E.S.L.)
Weekly 3 hrs
Teach English. Also help in setting up the classrooms, coordinating, assisting, and serving on Tuesday nights from 6–9 p.m. Training provided. Foreign language knowledge is not required but is an asset.
165 Financial Coaching
As Needed
Help people achieve financial freedom by giving caring instruction in biblical principles of money management. (Prerequisite is completion of the 10-week Financial Peace University course offered at Frazer Sept.–Nov.)
166 Homeless Hygiene Packaging
Monthly 2 hrs
Assemble personal care items on the first Monday evening each month and deliver to area shelters.
167 Meals on Wheels
Monthly 2 hrs
Deliver hot meals to the elderly in need through the Meals on Wheels program. This ministry works with the Montgomery Area Council on Aging to staff three routes of the Meals on Wheels program.
168 Prison Ministry
Monthly 2 hrs
Serve on a prison team that ministers to prisoners on a monthly basis. Use your talents to perform, read scripture, witness, or participate in the services in some other way.
169 Roll Up Your Sleeves
As Needed
Carry out projects such as light construction and minor home repairs for elderly and disabled individuals (for example, wheelchair ramps, door and window replacement, etc.).
170 Medical Outreach Ministries
Weekly 2-4 hrs
Assist at the health clinic which provides for the health needs of the working uninsured in the Montgomery community Monday–Thursday.
171 Sewing Ministry
Weekly 3 hrs
Support the Red Bird Mission by making clothing on Tuesdays (3:30 p.m.) and quilts on Wednesdays (9:00 a.m.). Wednesday volunteers also sew and or mend items for the clothes closet, and/or sew garments at home using fabric and notions supplied by the Sewing Ministry. May also serve as an instructor by teaching daytime or nighttime sewing classes. See also the Threads of Love Ministry in Congregational Care section (#109).
172 Motorcycle Ministry
Frazer’s chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Riders uses their shared love of motorcycles and Christ for fellowship, outreach and service through fund raising rides, toy runs, work rides, and other opportunities.
TRANSFORMATION MONTGOMERY Transforming our city one house, one family, and one neighborhood at a time by partnering God’s people together Code Description
173 Transformation Construction This local project empowers residents in the Garden Square neighborhood to rebuild, maintain and own their own homes. Volunteers who are skilled and unskilled in construction, as well as licensed contractors, are needed to assist with renovation of houses and the Transformation Center, as well as to maintain the grounds in the Garden Square neighborhood.
174 Transformation Education Build relationships of body, mind and spirit through programs such as “Getting Ahead”, an intense sixteen week study that promotes skills for getting out of poverty. Volunteers are needed to take part in mentoring people who complete the “Getting Ahead” program. Opportunities are also available for people to lead or participate in small group Bible studies at both Garden Square and Frazer.
175 Transformation Center The Garden Square Transformation Center is the center of activities for Garden Square and the surrounding neighborhoods. Volunteers help with various adult and children’s programs at the Center.
ONEFAMILY ORPHANS INITIATIVE Educating and equipping families to respond to God’s call to care for orphans through adoption, foster care, respite care and other orphan ministries Code Description
176 Wrestle in Prayer
Frequency/Time Weekly
These prayer warriors will confidentially intercede for the foster/adoptive child, parents, and family from pre-placement to post-placement by praying weekly for specific requests. A Prayer Guide is also available.
177 Relief Care
As Needed
Adoptive and foster parents have unique challenges in their journey, which require an intentional approach to providing them with opportunities for rest. That may mean taking the biological kids out for a fun day while mom and dad bond with the newly adopted child or providing a foster mom and dad with qualified respite/relief so they can have a date night.
178 Acts of Service
As Needed
Giving sacrificially of your time, talents, and treasures is love in action. Providing meals, diapers, supplies, clothing, home services, medical support, and so on, to families who have just come home with a newly adopted child and/or received a foster placement, not only helps relieve financial strains, but it blesses them immeasurably to be supported by the Body of Christ.
179 Promises of God
Unfailing declarations that God is who He says is and that God can do what He says can do is vital along the journey of foster care/adoption. A simple hand-written note, email, phone call, or even a lunch outing that gives courage and strength from God’s Word is a powerful gift of Grace to parents/caregivers and their adoptive/foster children.
180 ONEFamily Christmas Tree
Nov.-Dec. 6 hrs
The ONEFamily program provides Christmas wishes for area children in foster care. Organize and coordinate the distribution of wish tags and the collection of gifts.
181 Foster Parenting
I would like to train to be a foster parent. (Required training through DHR is offered periodically at Frazer). MISSION 33
OUTREACH MINIS TRIES Creating experiences where the unchurched will be drawn to hear the gospel proclaimed Code Description
182 Alpha Course Team
Frequency/Time Weekly Aug.–Nov. 2 hrs
Alpha is a 10-week course that provides an introduction to the Christian faith in an accepting environment that encourages questions and discussion. Includes dinner, teaching, and discussion groups. Volunteers are needed to provide hospitality, prepare and serve dinner, and facilitate discussion.
183 Concerts
As Needed
Assist with set-up, breakdown, ticket/merchandise sales, greeting and ticket taking at concerts and special events.
184 Special Outreach Events
As Needed
Help with set-up, breakdown, food service, hosting and greeting at various events such as Easter Sunrise Service, conferences and other outreach events.
185 Easter Eggstravaganza
Help with a game, an egg hunt, food service, set-up, and/or clean-up for this community outreach event on Saturday, March 28, 2015.
186 RV’s in Missions (RIMS)
Monthly 2 hrs
Recreation Vehicle owners commit to work together using their RVs for missions projects.
DATES TO REMEMBER Followership Video Bible Study S E P T. 7 – OC T. 12
An innovative weekly broadcast on WFRZ-TV and streaming online on frazerumc.org, this Bible study will combine messages from our pastors, interviews and discussion panels, along with downloadable personal study materials to help you hear from the heart of God how and where you can become engaged in His mission in the world.
Followership Churchwide Dinner/Rally SUN DAY OC T. 19 • 5 - 7 P M W ES L EY HAL L Enjoy food and fellowship as we celebrate together what God has done in and through Frazer in 2014, and share dreams for what 2015 has in store.
Followership Commitment Sunday OC T. 26 • M OR N I NG WOR S HIP S ERV ICES For those who have not already completed their card online or at the Dinner/Rally, we encourage every member to turn in their Personal Response Card during worship this Sunday morning.
Followership Celebration Sunday NOV. 16 • M OR N I NG WOR S HIP S ERV ICES We celebrate and thank God for His grace demonstrated in the commitment of His people, asking His blessing on our new year of service and giving.
New Service Year Begins F E B RUA RY 1, 2 015