D e v O t I O n a L
g u I D e
IGNITE MY HEART! Dear Frazer Family– The lyrics to an old hymn are “Lord, send a revival, and let it begin with me.” The devotional booklet you hold in your hands reflects Frazer’s desire to seek God’s renewing and reviving work in our hearts during the season of our In His Steps campaign. Our theme is “Ignite” and we are asking God to ignite our hearts afresh with love for Him and service to others. These devotionals are written by Frazer members. Some are staff members, but most are lay people. We asked each of them to write about their own experience of being “ignited” by the Holy Spirit in some aspect of their lives. They are loosely organized around the five parts of our In His Steps commitment: to follow Jesus and support His Church through our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. I hope that you will take some time each day from now until our In His Steps commitment Sunday to read these devotions and allow God to speak to your heart through the scriptures and the personal stories. Each day also includes a prayer focus. Nothing has so much power to Ignite our hearts than time spent with God in earnest prayer. Our city, our nation, and our world are in need of a revival from God. My prayer is that He will begin that revival in me, and in you.
Dr. Tim Thompson Senior Minister
Ignite Day 1: presence
IGNITE? By Charles Wise “For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life.” Proverbs 6:23 NIV
hat has ignited me? Many things and many people! As a small child, sports and playing with friends captured my attention. As a young teen in a single parent home, the man who lived in the house that backed up to our house was the significant influence that ignited my passion to “fix things” that were broken. He was my father figure. When I was in High School, I invited Jesus Christ into my life and that was a spiritual igniting that has never gone out! In fact, my life since that time has been directed by the unquenchable flame that was ignited in my heart. Everything else has been warmed and purified by that fire. My career, my family, my hobbies, all have been “His” and yet mine at the same time. Two years ago, God through a small accountability group challenged me to a deeper, closer walk with the “Flame” by writing my prayers and quiet time thoughts. Me? Writing? Believe it or not, I now can’t wait to get up in the morning to read His Word, “Journal” my prayers to Him, and then write down what I perceive Him to be saying to me. Sometimes it is scary to write what I hear God saying, but the practice has increased the ways God has “ignited” me in my daily choices. Let me encourage you to stay open, listen, and seek God every day. He is still the One who can light up your life and give us new vision for those in darkness around us. RESPONSE: Father, thank you for igniting me through a relationship with your Son. Help me to stay open, listen to your voice, and seek your light for my life each day. Pray Today: To be ignited by God through a relationship with Jesus, or if Jesus is already the Lord of your life, pray for greater openness to his voice as you go through this devotional.
Charles Wise serves as Frazer’s Minister of Adult Education. He teaches the Stepping Stones Sunday school class and has led many mission trips. He is married to Elizabeth.
Ignite Day 2: Presence
HIS PLANS, NOT MINE By Teri Brown “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
n mid 1976 I was spending my last summer in Florida with friends before moving to Alabama with my parents to attend college at Auburn. My Dad was military and, after having lived on the beach for the past 6 years, moving to Alabama wasn’t my idea of fun. One of my friends and I went canoeing down the river one Saturday afternoon. On the way home we stopped by a fresh water creek and went swimming. There was lots of traffic on the dirt road and much activity in the creek. With our canoe loaded on top of the car, we headed down the dusty dirt road. A car came out of a cloud of dust toward us and we were hit head on. Five people were killed, including my friend. I sustained multiple injuries. While lying in the hospital, I had lots of time to think and had many angry questions for God. Why had my friend and all those others died? Why had this happened to me? Why was I allowed to live? Over the years God has spoken to me, calmed me and He’s filled me with laughter instead of anger. I still don’t know why I was spared but I’ve stopped asking. Jeremiah 29:11 is clear and I try to live every day to the fullest! RESPONSE: Father, thank you for your grace and for my life. Thank you that you have a plan for me. I will continue to serve you with joy and laughter. Pray Today: Praising God for His love and care for you – that He has a perfect plan for your life and your future. Watch expectantly to see how He can bring good out of pain. Teri Brown works at Frazer as the In His Steps Coordinator. She serves as an Annual Conference coordinator and in Attendance Data Entry. She and husband Barry have two furry children!
Ignite Day 3: Presence
Reconciled By Michael Cobb “Consecrate yourselves to the Lord, for tomorrow He will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:5-6 NIV
he book of Daniel tells of a king named Nebuchadnezzar who stood atop his palace and marveled at all he had built, but gave no glory to the Lord. Then God cast judgement on his pride, and he was driven into the wilderness. It was there that he realized the sovereignty, power, and glory of God. He experienced first-hand God’s ability to humble those who walk in pride. My wilderness came in 2003 due to greed, self-sufficiency, pride, and basically wearing many masks. My world fell apart. Everything I once aspired to be was lost. Shame from childhood abuse, false guilt, and depression found its place within me. But my whole reality changed when I made the commitment to be reconciled to God. I felt God telling me that if I make the commitment to step toward Him, then He would meet me there–and He did. Since that time, the Lord has afforded me opportunities to glorify Him through personal evangelism, speaking engagements, small group leadership, and mentoring. I am now studying in seminary. When my view of myself was too big, my view of God was too small. He humbled me. But beyond that, he reconciled me. When we are proud, he resists us. But when we are humble, he meets us, ready to do amazing things in us. RESPONSE: Lord, thank you that you reconciled me to you on the cross. Thank you that though you resist the proud, you give grace to the humble. Today I move toward you, ready to be reconciled, knowing that you are already moving toward me, ready to redeem me and accomplish great things in me. Pray Today: Confessing any area of pride or other sin that causes you to struggle in your walk with the Lord. Pray for a humble and contrite spirit before God as you renew your commitment to Him. Michael Cobb serves at Frazer as Harbor Light Sunday School teacher and as a shuttle driver. He and wife Amanda have two children. 3
Ignite Day 4: Presence
You are a favorite to your father By Nancy Knieriem “I love you as the Father loved me. Now remain in my love.” John 15:9 NIV
n April of this year, my husband Phil’s momma went home to be with Jesus. Her health had deteriorated for a couple of months and she had indicated to us that she was ready to go home. She’d had a hard life. She was a single mom. She raised five children and often worked two or three jobs at a time. Each of her children was convinced that they were her favorite. Even in the hospital on that final day each was claiming the title of “favorite”. At her memorial service, the priest quoted from her obituary: “She had five ‘wonderful’ children, each of which was her ‘favorite’”. “She didn’t love Gil 20%, Phil 20%, Maggie 20%, Mike 20%, and Kathy 20%. She loved you each 100%.” Wow! The same way, Jesus loves each of us 100%. He loves each of us so much that he gave His life for us. He wants so much for us to experience the abundant blessings that he has for us. And all we have to do is accept it. That’s the most wonderful gift anyone could ever give us. That’s because each one of us is His favorite!! RESPONSE: Father, thank you that I am your child. Thank you that because of Jesus, I am your beloved and favored child. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Pray Today: Thanking God that His love for you knows no bounds, asking God to help you love others as He has loved you. Nancy Knieriem and husband Phil serve at Frazer with Angel Tree, Children’s Ministry and on a Sunday morning breakfast team. They are members of the Sowers Sunday School class.
Ignite Day 5: presence
Transformed by daily devotional time By Bob Bowen “So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” Hebrews 4:16 NLT
hen asked to contribute to this year’s IHS campaign, I came to realize that the two most significant areas for my personal growth has been the daily reading of my Bible and my journaling. Bible reading shows me how BIG God is. What started as a chore many years ago has now become a daily time that I sincerely look forward to. I actually feel “disoriented” without it. What started as ‘how do you possibly spend 15 minutes reading the Bible’ – has turned into a morning joy where I have to keep track of time or else I get lost in the joy of studying. I have finally learned that the more I read and study the Bible, the more overwhelmed I am with how big He is and how little I know. Journaling shows me how FAITHFUL God is. When I review my prayer journal, I recognize the many ways God answers my prayers and works in my life. I do not even know how I started journaling, but it is such an integral part of my daily Bible study that I cannot imagine not making daily entries. The really amazing part is re-reading my journal days and weeks later and seeing the guidance of the Holy Spirit. RESPONSE: Lord, you are great and you are good. Help me to study your word to know more of your greatness, and recall my answered prayers so I will remember your goodness. Pray Today: For guidance concerning using a personal prayer journal. Asking God for a hunger to study and know His word in order to deepen your relationship with Him.
Bob Bowen serves at Frazer as Sunday morning breakfast worker, Sanctuary usher, Sunday school teacher, and blood driver worker & donor. He is married to Linda Bowen.
Ignite Day 6: presence
Don’t Just Read: Explore! By Jonathan Drisko “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 NIV
s a new Christian I started reading the Bible with excitement. I started reading in Genesis. I didn’t understand any of it but I got through it.
Then God gave me a simple insight. He pointed out that I was just reading the Bible for the sake of reading. I wasn’t trying to learn anything about Him. I was more interested in being able to say I read the Bible. He had so much to show me in those pages but I just glanced over them. The Bible is a gift from Him and He wants to enjoy it with me. I never thought about it that way. It only made sense that God would want to join me in learning about Him. So, I decided to start over. I asked God to join me in my reading and to shed His light on the pages. I no longer read the Bible. I now explore it. Exploring the Bible is an awesome experience. I can see where God is talking to me in the pages where before it was just printed words on the pages. Now I see Jesus from the beginning of Creation to the end of Revelation. To think, it all started by simply trusting in God and asking Him to join me in reading His Word. RESPONSE: Father, I thank you for the Bible. Please join me as I read Your Word. Please shed light on each page so that I may grow closer to You. Pray Today: For a greater understanding of the living power of scripture, asking God to speak clearly to you as you read and explore His word. Jonathan Drisko serves at Frazer as Mantle Sunday School Class Leader, Childrens Church Surge Teacher, Drama Ministry, Board of Stewards, and on the IHS Steering Committee. He is a member of the Mantle Sunday School class. He and wife Terry have four children.
Ignite Day 7: presence
Not meant to be alone By Amy Presley “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12 NLT
lthough I’ve been a Christian for many years, I've experienced “dry spells” in my Christian walk. I've come to realize that living as a Christ-follower in this broken world is very difficult to do alone. For several years, I regularly attended worship, and even served in several areas, but I still wasn't truly "plugged-in." My husband serves on Frazer’s Sunday morning worship team, so finding a Sunday School class we could both attend regularly wasn't an option. About a year ago, God called us to lead a Life Group one night a week in our home. We had never led any kind of Bible study before but God gave us the courage and the resources to step out of our comfort zone. More importantly, He handpicked the couples in our group. Each person contributes their own unique gifts, skills and personal experiences to our discussions and they have been such a blessing to us. We talk openly about our joys and struggles, lift one another up in prayer and we allow the Holy Spirit to change us from the inside out. Knowing that we don't have to journey alone has made the sweet moments more joyful, and the trials a lot less difficult. response: Father, thank you, for the blessing of friendship and fellowship with other believers. I pray that you will always surround me with Christian friends I can meet with for prayer and Bible study as we seek Your will for our lives. Amen. Pray Today: If in a small group: For the people in your group to grow deep in their love for the Lord and each other. If not in a small group, asking God for the desire and then His guidance in connecting with a group.
Amy Presley works with Frazer’s Communications Ministry as the coordinator and editor of print media. She and her husband Mike lead a Life Group in their home once a week. Amy also volunteers at the Connection Point desk in the Atrium and with the Contemporary Worship choir. 7
Ignite Day 8: presence
Grace and Peace By Kelley Rouze “May God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord.” 2 Peter 1:2 NLT
rowing up I never doubted that God loved me. I heard from my priest each week “God is madly in love with you.” I knew this to be true then and now. However, for a number of years I turned my back on organized religion and God. I took Him and His love for granted. Nearly seven years ago God used a broken relationship to bring me to my knees and back to His arms. I have taught and tutored thousands of teenagers during my 23 years as an educator. He used one of my them to speak to me. I heard Jesus in the voice of an 18-year-old girl. Now my life has been transformed because my heart has been transformed. The first part of the verse above excites me: each and every day I yearn for more and more of God’s amazing grace and peace. The second part challenges me: I get more as I grow in my knowledge of God and Jesus my Lord. Moreover, God’s amazing love overflows to make me want to share it with others. He showed me grace when I turned my back on him, and he led me back to peace with him. I want to share that knowledge so others will experience the same grace and peace. RESPONSE: Dear Father, help me to live this day for you, loving others as you love them. Help me show your grace and peace in my words and actions. Pray Today: Thanking God for the amazing gifts of His grace and peace, asking God to help you extend great grace to others.
Kelley Rouze serves at Frazer as Sunday School leader; Coffee Cafe - volunteer; and Prayer Ministry - Heart Notes. She is a member of The Main Course Sunday School class. She and husband Ed have one child.
Ignite Day 9: presence
From Pitiful to Precious By Jane Allen “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls.” Matthew 13:45 NLT
he most memorable gift I received from Santa as a child was a Pitiful Pearl Doll. For weeks before Christmas I had dreamed of having my own Pitiful Pearl who came with a patched dress, a kerchief and worn out shoes. According to the advertisements I could transform her into a beautiful princess (ball gown and tiara also included) with my love and attention. Pitiful Pearl was everything I dreamed of and more. I delighted in loving and transforming her. In the sweet and personal way that God speaks to me, He reminded me, not so long ago, that He delights in transforming me daily. I am pitiful in my sin and selfishness, but He, by the blood of Jesus, has transformed me. I no longer have to live as one who has no hope. I have an Abba Father who loved me enough to adopt me into His family. He uses the irritations, trials, and difficulties of my life to shape and perfect me. Although I sometimes still feel like Pitiful Pearl, God’s Word and His Holy Spirit transform my thinking when I remember that I was purchased at a great price. RESPONSE: Thank You, Father, that You delight in transforming Your children. When I experience the trials of life help me to remember that pearls are made beautiful by irritation. Pray Today: Thanking God for the miracle of transformation. Jane Allen serves at Frazer in First Time Visitor Cookie Delivery Ministry; Apples of Gold; Great Day of Service; and Angel Tree. She is a substitute teacher and helper in the Miracles class. She and husband Greg Allen have two children.
Ignite Day 10: Presence
A Divinely Different Perspective By Charlotte Robertson “Then I entered the sanctuary of God...” Psalm 73:17a NIV
hen I got the devastating news several years ago that we would be moving to Montgomery, I was NOT happy. With two teenagers, including one entering her senior year in high school, it was NOT a good time for a move. I cried a lot and was really pretty angry with God about it. Then, one morning in my quiet time, the scripture listed for that day was Psalm 16:6: “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places.” God changed my perspective. More recently, I was feeling the need to confront someone who really needed some “good spiritual advice” …and I was more than willing to be the one to give it! Then I picked up my Oswald Chamber’s devotional and read that day’s selection: “When God puts a weight on you for intercession for souls, don’t shirk it by talking to them. It is much easier to talk to them than to talk to God about them.” Again, God changed my perspective. While God’s direction is not always so clear and specific, He does always give encouragement and peace when I choose to spend time with Him in prayer. Like the psalmist in the 73rd Psalm, I come out of my time with Him with blessed hope and a divinely different perspective. RESPONSE: Dearest Father, Thank you for the blessed privilege of coming into Your presence. Draw me ever to that sacred place, as I am desperate for You and Your perspective. Pray Today: For help from the Holy Spirit to live everyday seeking God’s perspective in all areas of your life.
Charlotte Robertson serves at Frazer as Women’s Bible Study Leader and in the Sanctuary Choir. She is a member of the Harbor Lights class. She and husband Steve have two children.
Ignite Day 11: Presence
Giving God my prime time By Mike Dietvorst “These are the words in my mouth; these are what I chew on and pray. Accept them when I place them on the morning altar, O God, my Altar-Rock, God, Priest-of-My-Altar.” Psalm 19:14 The Message
bout seventeen years ago while serving in the Air Force, I encountered a stressful time at work and developed a habit of waking up early doing office work I had brought home. Early mornings are my most fruitful and productive time. However, at this time I was also getting serious about my walk with God. One day I made a decision that changed my life: I put aside the work and dedicated this “prime time” for God with prayer, devotional time, Bible reading, and reflection. It is now ingrained, a permanent 365-day-a-year fixture in my routine. This quiet time is when I “boot up,” ensuring I start my day with who I am and whose I am. Some days this devotional time is a rich hair-on-my-neck-raising time. Other days, it’s dry. Ten years ago I added journaling so I can affirm that despite up and down times and feelings, I can see and be assured that God is working in my life. Today’s office life is still challenging but I’m more productive, and I don’t remember the last time I lost sleep because of my work. Instead, on most days, I carry that purposeful, God-centered attitude from my early morning quiet time into my work place.
RESPONSE: Lord, I want to be a good steward of your undeserved grace today. I long for your wisdom, understanding, counsel, and strength to help me stay focused on you. Pray Today: For a great desire and the needed discipline to spend time daily with the Lord. Mike Dietvorst serves at Frazer as Teacher of the Couples in Christ Sunday School class. He and wife Ginny coordinate Frazer’s pre-marital mentoring program.
Ignite Day 12: prayers
Staying in constant communication By Tad Smith “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 NKJV
y wife Diane and I had been members of Frazer since December 1983. In 2007 Diane went to be with our Lord. Our daily prayer life had always been a top priority since our marriage in 1957. Since her death, my prayer life has changed dramatically. Diane was my best friend and we shared everything. Now I share everything with Jesus. We talk continually throughout the day and I am constantly praising HIM for all HE has done for me, my marriage and the wonderful memories HE has stored for me. I knew before that I had been truly blessed, but since Jesus and I communicate constantly, I can’t begin to count my blessings. I don’t always understand what our LORD is doing, but I know the HE is in charge and there can be nothing but good to come from HIS actions. My prayer life after Diane’s death called me to take her place and do Altar Prayer under the stained glass windows on Sundays at the conclusion of the traditional service. This prayer ministry has been an untold blessing in being able to share with ones that have prayer concerns and include them in my daily prayer life. It is such a blessing to draw close to God with these people that are hurting and to be able to share in prayer with them. Now when I greet people and they say, “How are you”, my response is, “I’m blessed” and I truly am. Thank you, Lord. RESPONSE: Oh Lord, I pray that I will walk in your steps and be a blessing to every person that I see and that everything I do will be to honor and glorify you. Pray Today: Praising God for His many blessings in your life, asking God for opportunities to minister to others through prayer.
Tad Smith serves at Frazer on a Sunday morning breakfast team, a Wednesday night supper team and with RIMS (Recreational Vehicles in Ministry). He is a member of the Joy Sunday School class. 12
Ignite Day 13: prayers
Praying for One Another By Betty Cannon “When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.” Luke 5:19 NIV
ome years ago I felt compelled to join a Sunday School class for a deeper study of the Bible. That’s when I found Women in Christ. Little did I know what their impact would be in my life. In February 2007 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. As the diagnostic screening revealed more and more serious results, I was hanging on believing for the best, then “BOOM” – it hit me: this was serious! Like the paralytic in Luke’s gospel, I was paralyzed with fear, anxiety and grief. Thankfully, Women in Christ, other friends and family carried me through prayer and placed me before Jesus, just like the men in Luke’s story. While I have recovered physically and am cancer free, the truly amazing and miraculous part to me was that those scary feelings that hit me like a ton of bricks were short-lived. As the prayers were being said, a peaceful contentment came over me. I honestly cannot put it into words, but it was amazing, and I knew it was God acting upon the prayers of the faithful. There were many good things that came out of my breast cancer journey. One is realizing the importance of praying for others. RESPONSE: Dear Lord, Thank you for always being there to hear our prayers. Help us remember to pray for one another. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Pray Today: For someone who God brings to your mind who is hurting or struggling in a life crisis, asking God to show you how to pray for their particular need.
Betty Cannon serves at Frazer as a past member of Board of Stewards. She is a member of Women in Christ class. She and husband Terry have two children.
Ignite Day 14: prayers
Thanksgiving for daily bread By Pat Sweeney “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.” Luke 12:31 NLT
s I get older I realize that, after spending a lifetime accumulating “stuff,” my life is now so regular and routine that anything I really need – I already have. Although I pray for my “daily bread,” during the Lord’s Prayer, for the most part God gives me my daily bread without my even asking. Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow, or what we would eat, drink or wear, our stature or life span. We are reminded that our heavenly Father provides for the sparrow and the lilies of the field. He knows what I need even before I ask him. I did not think this way when younger. I took my “daily bread” for granted and often failed to give God thanks. So in my twilight years I purpose to more intentionally thank God for my daily bread and the many gifts He has given me. God has given me and will give me everything I need – because he loves me! In return I want to praise him and thank him for his gifts. Having reached the age of “three score and ten” and knowing that my future is in the next world I want that to be there with my Savior! response: Father God, creator, provider, protector, forgiver, redeemer, THANK YOU for everything – for my gifts of physical, mental, emotional, financial and spiritual health – all from you! You provide my daily bread in every way. Pray Today: To have a heart filled with gratitude to God who meets your daily needs, making a list of things for which you are most thankful.
Pat Sweeney serves at Frazer in the Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study and the Stephen Ministry. He is a member of the Bereans Sunday School class. He is married to Emerine Sweeney.
Ignite Day 15: prayers
He answers because He loves By Flynn Murphy “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” James 5:16 NLT
have taught Sunday school since 1980, and I am sure I must have taught about how God loves us and how He listens to us many times.
However, June 11, 2010, my life changed. I received a phone call that my daughter, Lily, had been found at the bottom of a swimming pool. I rushed to the hospital. It did not look good for Lily. Baptist Hospital had brought in a chaplain, and we had requested family. At that time Paul Sims prayed powerfully for Lily: “God, we all know you love Lily more than we do”. That prayer stayed with me through some very dark moments. We were overwhelmed by Christians all over the world praying for Lily. We knew that God was with us, and we knew He would be there if Lily lived or died. Lily was restored completely, and today she is fine. As I look at our beautiful healthy daughter, I feel the love of Jesus. More than ever before, I believe He loves us, and He listens to our prayers. RESPONSE: Father, thank you that you choose to demonstrate not only your power, but also your love for us through answered prayer. Pray Today: Bringing your most difficult and overwhelming need to God, believing He will respond according to His goodness and love; then pray an earnest prayer interceding for someone in need. Flynn Murphy serves at Frazer as a Sunday School Teacher, Actor, Director, Zoo Day Helper. He is a member of the Prime Time Singles Sunday School Class. He and wife Heidi have two children.
Ignite Day 16: gifts
Tithing–It’s Not an Issue of Money By Terry Williams “No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.” Luke 16:13 NIV
or most of MY life, I did not tithe. I had other things I wanted to do with MY money. I reluctantly gave to the church some of what was left over at the end of the week, but not enough to really intrude on my lifestyle. God was getting the leftovers. Meanwhile I was not managing what God gave me very well. I got deeply in debt. At one point I owed over $200,000 to over twelve different creditors at the same time. After coming to Frazer in 2001, God began speaking to me about money through a variety of ways. I was challenged by sermons, friends, Bible studies, and devotions to view money differently. I realized that the reason I was in financial trouble was because I was controlling the money myself–it was MINE, not God’s. In retrospect, it really was not a money issue; it was a control issue. I wanted to be in control and I did not want to relinquish MY money to God. Once I surrendered control, the rest followed. It took me about three years to get out of debt, but the turning point was to tithe and trust God to handle the rest. As I have surrendered control to God, he has been free to open more opportunities to me to serve and give. RESPONSE: Lord, I surrender full control to you. My money and my life are yours completely. I trust you to provide for me as I seek to obey you. Pray Today: Asking for God’s wisdom and guidance in handling the resources He has entrusted to you. Terry Williams serves at Frazer as Chairman, Board of Stewards; Second Sunday Floor Manager, Wesley Hall Worship Service; and in Men’s Ministry. He is a member of the Focus class. He and wife Patti have two children. 16
Ignite Day 17: gifts
We serve a relentless GOD By Jennifer Hand “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing?” Matthew 6:25 NLT
bout 4 years ago Jeff and I were very wealthy. I was 23 he was 25, we were both self-employed and lived in a half a million dollar house. We were both "Christians" who attended church every Sunday, but we did not read our Bibles daily, spend daily time with the Lord or attend Sunday School. When the economy started to fail it hurt our businesses and our investments badly. I had to sell two of my businesses and we either sold or lost all of our other investments and properties just trying to pay our bills. We even ended up losing our home and our cars. It was a very stressful time for both of us. One day Jeff was really stressed out and he prayed to God asking Him for help and for a word. He opened up his Bible right to Matthew 6:25 where Jesus teaches that our worries are caused by not understanding what life is all about. From that point on Jeff and I gave everything over to God: our worries, our finances and our lives. I feel very fortunate at a young age to have already tasted what it is like to be rich in the world’s eyes, and that it's not all it is cracked up to be. I thank God for relentlessly doing whatever it took to show us that life is more than just “food and clothing.” RESPONSE: Father God, thank you so much for being relentless. For drawing us to you and for disciplining your children. We know you do it because you love us Lord. Pray Today: For God to direct your decisions and actions during times of stress.
Jennifer Hand serves at Frazer on the Missions Board and the Sunday School Council. She is a member of the Devoted Duos Sunday School class. She and husband Jeff have two children.
Ignite Day 18: gifts
Content with Christ By Jennifer Hand “I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.” Philippians 4:11-12 NLT
esterday’s devotion was about how God used financial losses to teach me what really matters in life. God had more to teach me in the days that followed. I'll never forget my feeling when Jeff said to me, "I think the economy is going to pick back up." The feeling was not relief that we might have more money again. Rather, I felt fear in the pit of my stomach–fear of the temptation to get entangled with the things of this world again. I still had some nice, expensive furniture from our wealthier days when we moved into the house we live in now. I was especially proud of my dining room set. One day the Lord told me (not audibly) to sell that dining room set for a specific amount and to give the money to my sister-in-law for her mission trip to Russia. He told me He had a plan for that room. Today our dining room serves as a clothes closet and an outreach center for Inner City Evangelism, a ministry God has given to Jeff and me. I no longer fear being tempted back into worldly priorities. My relationship with Christ has grown to a point where I know He is greater than all things. God is so good, and He can use both the things He gives us, and the things He takes away, for His glory and for our good.
RESPONSE: Lord thank you for the privilege of being able to serve you. I pray that my life will be a sweet smelling sacrifice to you and that one day I will hear the words, “Well Done.” Pray Today: For the courage to be obedient to God’s leading in your life even when you do not understand God’s purposes.
Ignite Day 19: gifts
You Cannot OutGive The Lord By Larry Hughes “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this, Says the LORD of hosts, If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.” Malachi 3:10 NKJV
hough raised a Christian, I didn’t always live and act like one. Sure, I dropped a few dollars in the collection plate when I occasionally went to church but that was it. In 1981, under conviction, I recommitted, reconnected and reignited my life for the Lord. It took awhile to get there, but by 1984 that recommitment had led me to become a tither. That same year, I started my own company. I was scared to death. I had always worked for someone else and left a very good, secure position. Most of my friends and family thought I was crazy. But right away, I discovered I could not out-give God. I prayed for God’s hand on my business every day. Events unfolded in such a way that I could see the Lord’s hand in everything that happened. I started out disliking the scripture in Malachi about tithing, because I was using the Lord’s money for myself. Now, I see it as a wonderful reminder that God keeps His promises to me. He forgives me when I fall short, but He also has great blessings for me when I obey. RESPONSE: Lord, thank You for being forgiving and being a keeper of Your promises. We pray that we can always be the same; forgiving of others and keepers of our promises to you and others. In Your name, Amen! Pray Today: That God would give you a cheerful and willing heart concerning the sharing of your resources. Larry Hughes serves at Frazer on the Board of Stewards and as Chairman of the Finance Committee, and as an Outside Greeter for all Sunday services. He is married to JoAnne Hughes.
Ignite Day 20: gifts
You Cannot Out-Give The Lord: Part 2 By Larry Hughes “Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first-fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” Proverbs 3:9-10 NIV
esterday’s devotion shared how God demonstrated his faithfulness to me in my business after I made the commitment to become a tither. When a national buyer eventually purchased that company, I found myself more blessed than ever financially. However, there was more to God’s story for me. Too young to “retire” I wondered what the Lord had for me to do next. As I prayed I felt that the Lord was telling me that I needed to do more, personally, to tell others His great story. I never was good at just stepping up to someone and saying, “Let me tell you about the Lord,” but, He had a plan. It came to me to honor the Lords blessings by naming my new company Ichthus Consulting. Ichthus is the Greek word for fish, the early symbol of Christianity. With a name like that, I have had many opportunities to share His story when someone asked “What does Ichthus mean”? In 2007, I sold my company again. The blessings continue to mount. It is true; you cannot out give the Lord! What will I name my next company? I’m still too young to retire!
RESPONSE: Lord, show me how I can use my work, my money and my life to honor Your Name and spread your story with others. Pray Today: Seeking God’s guidance in determining where and how much you should be giving.
Ignite Day 21: gifts
My Truck, God’s Plan By an Anonymous Frazer Member “But just as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” 2 Corinthians 8:7 NIV
n Luke 18:18-22 a rich ruler asked Jesus a question, "what should I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus responds, "You must not commit adultery. You must not murder. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. Honor your father and mother" The man replied, "I've obeyed all these commandments since I was young." Then Jesus told him, "sell everything you have, give it to the poor and come, follow me." Are we ready to surrender everything we have to the Lordship of Jesus Christ? I had to answer that question a year ago when God pressed me to give my truck to a family in need. You see, I loved that truck; I struggled with that decision for a couple of weeks. Three weeks after I gave the truck to the family the wife of the family had a head-on collision, air-bags deployed, the vehicle was totaled. Had she been in their much older car, she probably would have been killed or severely injured. God had a plan and He used me to accomplish it. Jesus tells His disciple in John 15:16-17 “you did not choose me but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My Name He may give you. These things I command you, that you love one another.” Bearing fruit is the barometer of where our heart is in Christ Jesus. To follow Him we must be willing to surrender all that He asks. RESPONSE: Thank you that you have a wonderful plan for my life. Help me not to hold on to anything so tightly that it would cause me to miss out on the fruit you want to bring through me. Pray Today: Asking God if there is anything you have not released to his control. If so, pray for the strength to completely give it to Him.
Ignite Day 22: Service
Many Are the Plans of Our Hearts By Rev. Rhon Carleton “Listen to advice and accept instruction and in the end you will be wise. Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:20-21
n 1976 Carol and I were stationed with the Air Force in Alaska. While there, we began to seek God about where we should retire. The Lord had planted in our hearts a love for Alabama and the people of our ministry during a previous 3-year stay at Maxwell AFB. But, we questioned if this was our desire or God’s leading. Carol decided to ask that a sign be given to affirm whether we should plan to retire in Alabama or wait for another direction. Within ten minutes, the phone in our Anchorage, Alaska kitchen rang. It was our friend Oscar Chastain in Hayneville asking if we trusted his judgment for placement of a few fruit trees he wanted to plant on our land. Oscar went on to explain he wanted them to be mature when we settled there. It was the phone call that changed our lives and gave us assurance. We received this as the Lord’s confirmation. Thirteen years later I was stationed back at Maxwell AFB. Upon retirement I served in area churches, with Baptist Medical, and now with the staff of Frazer. All of these ministry opportunities came to us by the Lord’s calling and not by our own effort. When I look back at God’s past faithfulness, I am inspired to trust Him with our future. Many were our plans, but the Lord’s purpose prevailed! RESPONSE: Lord, may our prayer ever reflect Christ’s, “…never the less, not my will, but thine be done” that your purpose may prevail in our lives. Amen. Pray Today: Pray a willingness to go wherever God may lead you, asking for faith to completely trust in God’s leading. Rhon is a Frazer UMC LifeCare Visiting Pastor. He and wife Carol have two children and three grandchildren. They attend the Sowers Sunday Class where Rhon is a teacher. 22
Ignite Day 23: service
Biting off more than you can chew By Deborah Beard “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV
etirement-Four years serving God and the church. So many activities both in and outside the church, boy was I busy-loving God, loving life.
Then I was diagnosed with breast cancer. All of a sudden I couldn’t do many things, or else I could not do them well. With one of my spiritual gifts being “serve”, it didn’t sit well with me. I felt like I was letting people down, not doing my best. God understood my struggles. He was with me (Zeph. 3:17 NIV). It was hard when I realized it was time to let something go. Along with learning to let go was learning to accept help. That has been perhaps my hardest lesson to learn–accepting help–with Christian love. However, as I stay in God’s Word, looking there for answers to every part of my life, I am growing stronger in my faith each day. I am learning that God can be glorified in my weakness as well as in my strength, for His grace is made perfect in weakness. RESPONSE: Thank you Lord for this time in my life and for showing me love. May I continue to grow and reach out to others for You. Amen. Pray Today: That you would be able to recognize and accept the current season of your life, thanking God for where He has you right now. Deborah Beard serves at Frazer as Volunteer Coordinator for Contemporary Worship Setup, in United Methodist Women Public Relations, in Friendship Circle (UMW), and as a CD Duplicator Volunteer. She is a member of the Women In Christ.
Ignite Day 24: service
Ready for us to say yes By Kathy Hartzog “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” Hebrews 11:8 NIV
y husband Steve was once asked to help lead a men’s event. He agreed to work as long as he wasn’t a speaker. He didn’t say so, but he wasn’t comfortable speaking to adults. Nevertheless, when he was given materials for the event he was shocked to find himself in the speaker’s lineup. What should he do? At church the next day, a skit was presented about a man making excuses for not doing what the Lord asked him to do. The pastor’s message was on Obedience. He looked directly at Steve and said, “if the Lord is asking you to speak for him, do it”! So he prepared his talk and went to the next team meeting. He shared what the Lord had laid on his heart, but still had doubts. In the talk, he used an illustration of an acorn growing into a tree and intended to bring one as a visual aid. One of the five participants reached in his pocket and threw him an acorn. Afterwards the participant told Steve, “a gentleman gave me this several weeks ago and told me the Lord would let me know when it was the right time to pass it on.” By obeying God’s direction in service, Steve discovered that God had already prepared what he would need. RESPONSE: Lord, Ignite in me a Servant’s heart and direct me to how I may serve you in the coming year. Giving you all the honor and glory. Amen. Pray Today: That you would trust God to equip you in any area in which He calls you to serve.
Kathy Hartzog serves at Frazer on the Board of Stewards, Sunday Morning Breakfast team, Nursery ministry, and Emmaus Community. She and husband Steve have two children.
Ignite Day 25: service
Zero to Ziba By Jim Johnson “You and your sons and your servants are to farm the land for him and bring in the crops, so that your master’s grandson may be provided for.” 2 Samuel 9:10a NIV
’m trying hard to age gracefully. The grey hairs are OK, decrease in muscle tone is no big deal, forgetting things is almost a blessing, the empty nest means the checking account is not so empty and most of all, I love my new name–’Papa Jim’–because grandchildren are grand. However, Satan continually shows me the other side of getting old. I feel depressed and unimportant when he reminds me about what could have been or should have been in my life. Recently, our Sunday School lesson was about King David wanting to show his compassion to a descendant of Saul. Instead of calling on members of his royal court, he called on a simple servant named Ziba. Ziba responded obediently, found Saul’s grandson, and delivered the message that he would live the rest of his life as a child of the king. God showed me in this story that God wants ordinary people like me to be “Ziba’s” and deliver the great message to the people of the world that they too can be children of the King. When I am obedient and allow God to use my servant heart for him, I am not a zero. I am living a life of significance by walking In His Steps. RESPONSE: Dear God, Help me be a modern day Ziba sharing your message of grace not only at Frazer, but in all the world. Pray Today: Asking God to give you a true servant’s heart; pray for God to use you in your everyday life to fulfill His purposes. Jim Johnson serves at Frazer on the Board of Missions, as Mission team leader to Trujillo, Peru, and as a shuttle driver. He is a member of the Listeners class. He and wife Martha have four children.
Ignite Day 26: service
CREATED TO SERVE By Bob Wood “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28 NLT
arcia and I were married in March and had been attending Frazer as a couple prior to that for about 14 months. We were both committed to Frazer and to serving God (or so we thought). The previous year we filled out our commitment card and were pleased that we had found some areas we could serve and not be stretched. When the next IHS campaign came, we prayed for God to show us where He wanted us to serve instead of what was merely comfortable. We both felt God was calling us to rekindle that fire within us that had been dormant for so long and truly commit to serving others. Stephen Ministry was one area God placed on our hearts. We were reluctant at first because of the necessary training (50 hours) and the commitment to every other Thursday night. We signed up anyway, and as we began in this ministry we found a deep satisfaction in serving others by using our gifts, talents and past experiences. Once we stopped trying to avoid being stretched, we could allow God to shape us to become all that He created us to be. We now see that serving others is how you build meaningful relationships and how you develop that joy that only comes from God. RESPONSE: Father, thank you for giving me the Holy Spirit. Help me to submit to His direction. I want to live a life that can not be explained apart from the power of the Holy Spirit. Stretch me and shape me to be who I was created to be for Your glory. Pray Today: For a heart willing to be stretched out of your “comfort zone” in relation to service commitments for the coming year.
Bob Wood serves as Assistant Director of the Serve Team on Frazer’s staff. He and wife Marcia are members of the Lighthouse Sunday School Class.
Ignite Day 27: service
Equipped by calling, not by ability By Susan Fisher “For in him you have been enriched in every way—in all your speaking and in all your knowledge. God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.” 1 Corinthians 1:5,9 NIV
s a senior in high school, I took an aptitude test to help me determine what I should pursue as a profession. My guidance counselor reviewed the results with me. What I remember from that meeting is the counselor saying, “You shouldn’t be a teacher.” I pursued a career in fashion retail and loved every minute of it. Yet God kept finding places for me to teach. He called me to teach 3-year-olds, 4- & 5-yearolds, 4th graders, Jr. High Girls, 10th graders, women of all ages and now all adults. He has given me countless opportunities to teach; one to one in the “classroom of life,” in my home, in small groups, and to large crowds. For the past 30 years, I’ve been a teacher right here at Frazer! Why would God keep calling me to something I had been told I had no natural aptitude for? I believe He knew this was an area I had to be dependent on Him in every way. I couldn’t teach without Him. He has ignited such a passion in me to be a life-long student, and as I learn, He gives me opportunities to teach. I am an example that what He calls us to do, He equips us to do. Oh what joy and fullness of life I experience daily as I obey His Call.
RESPONSE: Father, by your divine power you have given me everything I need for life and godliness. May my life be a testimony of your faithfulness in every teachable moment. Pray Today: For the courage to step out in faith with complete dependence on God when He calls you to serve in a challenging area. Susan Fisher serves at Frazer as Director of Discipleship and Education; and as a leader in the Women’s Ministry. She is a member of The Rock Sunday School class. She and husband Sam have four children. 27
Ignite Day 28: service
Fading outside, Nurtured inside By Ava Garmon “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.� 2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV
was given two Boston ferns in the spring of this year. I noticed that while one fern's fronds were becoming full, green and flowing, the other fern's fronds were not growing; they were actually becoming brown and ugly. One day as I was watering the ferns, a bird flew out of the ugly one. I looked in the center and discovered a nest with four little blue speckled eggs. About a week later, the eggs hatched. As I watched the baby birds grow, the fern became browner and actually looked like it was aging; yet new life was growing and being nurtured nestled in the plant. I am reminded that when we accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord, although our bodies continue to wither and age, our spirit grows being nurtured by the Holy Spirit. We are never to lose heart because our hair is graying, our skin is becoming wrinkled and our bodies are actually withering, for our spirit is being renewed day by day. Just as the mama bird provides for her babies, the Holy Spirit feeds our soul. We are to fix our eyes on what is unseen, the promises of eternal life with God rather than on what is seen, an aging face in the mirror. Just as those baby birds grow to enough maturity to fly away from their home nestled in the fern, our human soul that has been nurtured by the Holy Spirit will one day soar to our true home, the arms of God. response: Father Lord, thank you for nurturing our soul with Your Spirit and reminding us that we are to fix our eyes upon You and not the things of this world. Pray Today: Asking God to give you eyes to see the lessons He provides for your spiritual growth; pray for a heart that is focused on His nurturing spirit. Ava Garmon serves at Frazer in Prayer Ministry, Community Ministries.
Ignite Day 29: service
From Pew Sitting to Stepping Out By Randall & Lydia Culp “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22 NIV
ydia and I have been at Frazer since the mid-eighties. We met here, were married here, and sat in the left side of the balcony here for 20 years.
But after two decades as “pew sitters”, we finally decided to join a Sunday School class. We were immediately welcomed and loved. Some time thereafter, the teacher asked me to lead the class while he was on vacation. I was scared to death, but reluctantly accepted the challenge. To be honest, I really don’t remember what I said, but the class said I did well. That Sunday School teacher lit a fire under me that is still burning to this day. Just as Jesus trained his disciples to step out in faith, he discipled us to step out, putting our faith and Bible knowledge to work for the Lord. That experience led us to accept a volunteer teaching position in the nursery working with 2 and 3 year-olds. It has evolved into a ministry for Lydia and me. We have found God’s purpose for our lives and where we feel we are best fulfilling His will. We now teach not just a single classroom, but the entire 2- and 3-year-olds nursery every Sunday at 9:30 and the 3 year old choir on Wednesday nights. Cherub Church and choir have been a true blessing for Lydia and me. RESPONSE: Lord, thank you for those who challenge us to go beyond pewsitting. Thank you for those who encourage us in our first tentative steps. And thank you for the fulfilling ministry you give when we fully step out in faith. Pray Today: That you would be given and embrace opportunities to grow through serving others. Randall and Lydia Culp serve at Frazer as Cherub Church and Cherub Choir leaders. They are members of the Explorers Sunday School Class.
Ignite Day 30: service
Jesus in 3-D By Marc Johnson “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV
y spiritual axis completely shifted in September 2008 through a simple act of service. My wife Courtnie had just met a group of Frazer members. On a hot Saturday, I joined them to work at lady’s home for the Great Day of Service. We did small tasks such as cutting grass, weeding flower beds, and trimming shrubbery. As the hours went by on that day, I began to feel an indescribable joy. It was not as if I had reached a destination, but a feeling as if I had just left the starting line. The Holy Spirit had simplified the infinite creator of our universe into one act of service! God was reaching out His hand and telling me to lose myself, to make myself invisible by serving others. Since that day my foremost goal is to seek out more of Christ’s character. In the end, serving is about trusting our Lord. Serving pushes aside my self and the insignificant aspects of my life so that I can begin to know who God is. In its simplest form, serving is simply helping those in need. It’s reaching out just as God did through His Son Jesus Christ as he was nailed to the cross. Serving others, to me, is an active illustration of who Christ is. It’s almost like observing Him in 3-D. It is the outward, radiant appearance of Jesus working through those that seek to make themselves invisible behind the veil of the Holy Spirit. RESPONSE: Lord, make me invisible as I serve others, not only so that they will see you, but so that I can truly see you. Pray Today: That the beauty of the Holy Spirit will be evident in you as you serve God. Pray for regular opportunities to serve others inside and outside the church.
Marc Johnson serves at Frazer as a teacher in 3rd grade Sunday School and in Short-term missions. He and wife Courtnie have two children. 30
Ignite Day 31: witness
Burning for Jesus By Christi Millo “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35 NIV
everal years ago, God ignited a spark in me to give one of my kidneys to a classmate in Sunday School whom I barely knew. I was faithful to honor God’s calling, and I was blessed immensely. This fire spread. About a year later, a high school friend of my husband’s called me to inquire about my experience, saying her husband’s uncle needed a kidney and she felt she was being moved to donate. After learning more, she gave him her kidney and he is doing well. This friend sent me a message last week to tell me, as she put it, that my “ministry continues.” She had recently moved to another state and made friends with a couple there. She told them her kidney transplant story, and they were amazed. Later, the man became sick and his girlfriend donated a kidney to him. He called my friend to express his appreciation, because he said they would not have considered it if not for my friend’s story of her donation. This couple is Jewish, and are not Christians, but they were touched by the witness of my friend, who was touched by the gift God allowed me to give. I pray that this couple will come to know the Jesus who started the flame.
RESPONSE: Dear gracious Father, You have given so much to us. May my life be a reflection of your grace and love to everyone I meet today. Amen. Pray Today: Asking God to help you be a witness of His love by seeing and meeting needs in people’s lives. Christi Millo serves at Frazer in Children’s Ministry (nursery check in desk, Surge 4th/5th grade Sunday School) and VBS. She is a member of the Harbor Light class. She and husband Paul have one child.
Ignite Day 32: witness
It’s Not About Me By Gary Cochran “Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?” Jesus asked. The man replied, “The one who showed him mercy.” Then Jesus said, “Yes, now go and do the same.” Luke 10:36-37 NLT
n 2008, I served on a mission team to Cuba. One Saturday night, a youth pastor in our group gave a sermon about the Good Samaritan. He spoke about the priest and the Levite who did not stop to help the man beaten by robbers. He spoke about the actions of the Samaritan. The service ended at 11:30 p.m. and we boarded our bus. As we traveled across the dark, desolate Cuban countryside, we passed a man who was lying half naked on the side of the road. The bus driver stopped the bus several yards down the road. He told us that often times bandits will pretend that they are hurt and lay on the side of the road, and if you stop to help, a group of them will come out of the bushes and rob you. What should we do? God had just given us a message about the Good Samaritan. Our choice was clear. We backed up and helped the man. God puts situations and circumstances in our lives to draw us closer to Him. This trip to Cuba came at a time in my life when I was putting myself ahead of others. This was a wake up call from God to serve – to put others ahead of myself. RESPONSE: Heavenly Father, Thank you for your word. Thank you for giving us your Son Jesus as an example of how You want us to live our lives. Amen. Pray Today: For God to give you a heart that imitates Jesus’ humility in placing others before yourself. Gary Cochran serves at Frazer as Sunday School Teacher, Mission Board Member, Altar Prayer Volunteer, Cuba Mission Trip Team Leader, Blood Donor, and in Nursing Home Ministry. He is a member of The Listeners Sunday School Class. He and wife Cindy have two children.
Ignite Day 33: witness
My tiny Mission Field By Laurie Peterson “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 KJV
fter my first child, David, was born, I was struck with the realization that a new little sinner had been born, someone who needed Jesus. I longed for the day that he would be old enough to understand the good news that Jesus died on the cross for him and He desired to come live in David’s heart and be his savior. I mentioned my desire to my dad and he suggested that I start sharing with David, even though he was just a few months old. I took the advice to heart and started that evening. As I rocked him before bed, I whispered in his ear, “David, Jesus died on the cross to save you from your sins. If you ask him to come into your heart and save you, he’ll come in and you will go to heaven someday to live with him forever.” It soon became a normal part of our bedtime routine. One morning in January, nearly three years later, David came into my bedroom and asked me to tell him more about who Christians are. I explained again and asked him if he would like to accept Jesus into his heart. He said yes. I led him through a prayer, he added in few words of his own and said “Amen.” It will always be one of the sweetest moments of my life. It has been a privilege to see David grow in his faith. Sometimes “going into all the world” is closer than we think.
RESPONSE: Dear Lord, please help me bring in the harvest in the mission field you have given me–including my family. Help me to teach them as we go about life. Pray Today: That God would open your eyes to the “Mission Field” He has given you, asking for the courage to speak up when opportunities to share Jesus present themselves. Laurie Peterson serves at Frazer in Nursery Desk and Pre-Marital Mentoring. She is a member of the Lifesong class. She and husband Shawn have two children.
Ignite Day 34: witness
What’s in a name? By Ken Roach “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.” Revelation 2:17 NIV
nderstanding the meanings of people’s names has been a hobby of mine. Often in scripture, the meaning of a name has great significance. People often live up to the meaning of their name in surprising ways. However, as a teenager I did not appreciate the meaning of my name. “Kenneth” means “handsome one,” but I did not consider myself handsome at all. I was skinny, not athletic, had problem acne and was generally shy. I envied those who were considered attractive. Although I considered myself a committed Christian, that envy led me to make an idol out of seeking popularity that pulled me away from God. What God has shown me is that His goal for me from the beginning was not to be handsome on the outside, but handsome on the inside–being formed into the character of Jesus Christ. When I focus on that goal, I am freed to love people instead of envying them. In Christ, I can live up to the meaning of my name and be a blessing to others. RESPONSE: Father, help me to focus on being who you created me to be, not trying to be someone else, so that I can shine your light in the world in my own unique way. Pray Today: Asking God for an opportunity to share something God has done for you with someone else, asking God to show you how you can be a blessing to others.
Ken Roach serves at Frazer as Director of Communication, volunteering in Adult Sunday School, Children’s Sunday School, Student Ministry and Leadership Incubator. He has four children and is married to Emily.
Ignite Day 35: witness
The Last Chapter By Betsy Prince “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV
ave you ever read the last chapter of a book – first? As a student trying to quickly finish an overdue assignment, I would often flip to the last chapter of the book and read it first! The Good News is that I have read the last chapter of the most beautiful and powerful story ever written and can claim God’s ultimate victory no matter how our own personal story is told or how each chapter reads. Nine months ago, our precious 24 year old son Ryan grew extremely ill and was admitted to the hospital. We prayed for a miracle but day after day his condition only worsened. He died 27 days later. At the dawn of each of those 27 mornings, I experienced new intimacy, new mercies and new hope! Doctors said there was no hope but they didn’t know that we had already read the last chapter of God’s Book. Our hope was in Jesus who overcame our world of disease, darkness, doubt, disappointment and disability! On the dawning of the 28th day, Ryan entered into the presence of the Author of his life - where his new story has just begun! RESPONSE: Dear Lord – Nothing is too difficult for You! Remind me that you are the Author of every intricate detail of life and true abundance comes from knowing you. I find hope and joy in reading your Last Chapter – first! Pray Today: Thanking God that He is always present during the most difficult days of our lives. Pray for God’s perfect peace for yourself or someone you know who is facing a life crisis.
Betsy Prince serves at Frazer as Apples of Gold Coordinator, Mission Circle and Youth Missions Bar-B-Q. She is a member of the Rock Sunday School Class. She and husband Michael have three children.
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