Walking with Jesus through His final hours
March 27-29 & 31
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross. (Hebrews 12:2)
Welcome to Stations of the Cross. Walk through at your own pace, meditating on Jesus’ journey during His final hours. We pray you will fully experience Jesus’ last hours as you see, touch, hear, smell and feel your way through.
Within this guide there are scriptures, prayers and suggestions for your time of reflection. As you reflect, you are invited to write your thoughts and prayers in your personal prayer journals.
Begin in “The Garden” then follow the diagram below.
1. Jesus Prays in the Garden of Sorrow
2. Jesus is Condemned/Barabbas Released
3. Jesus is Scourged and Mocked
4. Jesus Carries the Cross (graphic; may not be suitable for children)
5. Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
6. Jesus’ Promise to the Repentant Thief
7. Jesus Dies on the Cross
8. Jesus is Laid in the Tomb
9. “What’s so good about Good Friday” video
Read Matthew 26:36-50
The gospels emphasize the agony of Jesus in the Garden. Luke adds that Jesus was so intense in prayer that His sweat became like drops of blood. He told His disciples that He was “overwhelmed with sorrow, even to the point of death.” Jesus prayed three times as He struggled with surrender and pleaded with His Father to take away the coming horror of crucifixion. But the Father, who loved Jesus immeasurably could not and would not change the course set before Him. Why? Because it was the only way to bring salvation to us and all of humanity whom the Father also loves beyond measure.
In the end Jesus surrendered and prayed for the Father’s will to be done. Is there an area of your life you need to surrender to God? Do you realize how much the Father loves you? Use one of the provided prayer cards to write out your prayer of thanks and/or surrender and hang it on the “Prayer Wall” as you leave the garden.
Gracious God, Thank You for loving me so much that You had Jesus suffer and die to secure my salvation. I ask for the courage and strength to surrender all to Your will. Help me to put aside my own desires and plans in order to yield to Your will for my life. Amen.
Read Matthew 27:11-26
This area has a video which a greeter will begin for you. Please view and then read the devotion below.
Imagine the angry crowd calling for Jesus’ death. Pilate knew He wasn’t deserving of crucifixion and yet could not sway the frenzied mob. In a desperate attempt to release Jesus, Pilate brings up the custom of releasing a prisoner during Passover. To his complete surprise the crowd wanted a notorious murderer released in Jesus’ place. The more he questioned their insistence the more insistent they became. So, Barabbas was released, and Jesus was sent to the cross.
The Video tells of Barabbas’ thoughts as he marvels at the turn of events. Barabbas admittedly was a man of sin, a criminal, full of anger, wickedness and malice. He is the one who should have been on that cross. Jesus took Barabbas’ cross and Jesus took your cross as well that day on calvary. Ponder the depth of God’s love that was displayed through the release of Barabbas. Realize that it was also your release. Give thanks and worship God who took your sin, your shame, your punishment, and your payment as he was crucified. God is love, and you are beloved – as the video declares.
Jesus, How could it be that You love me enough to take my place at the cross? Thank You for taking my sin and my shame as You washed me clean by Your precious blood. Help me to live in a way that honors Your suffering and Your sacrifice. Amen.
Read Mark 15:15-20
Jesus’ suffering including torture was foretold by God through His prophet Isaiah 700 years earlier. Read the verses before you from Isaiah 52. Scourging before crucifixion was done to weaken a person so much that they would not be able to survive on a cross for long. Many died during the scourging, never reaching the cross. As payment for your sins and the sins of the whole world Jesus endured agonizing pain and humiliation. He brought healing to us when we were dead in sin and made us alive in His Spirit. You have the opportunity to truly Hail Him as King, not in mocking as the Roman soldiers did, but as the Lord and King of your life. Is Jesus your King? Look at the crown of thorns before you. Imagine how those thorns felt as they penetrated Jesus’ flesh. He suffered that pain because of His great love for you!
Thank You for loving me so much that You were willing to suffer torture and die in my place so that I could be forgiven. I acknowledge You as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Give me strength to live yielded to Your Kingship. Amen.
Read John 19:15-17
Jesus had told His disciples He would suffer and be put to death at the hands of the religious leaders. With the scourging, that prediction began its fulfillment. Then they laid the cross on His bloodied and torn back and led Him out to be crucified. Jesus was not just carrying a beam of wood. He was shouldering the sufferings and sins of the world – all our tears, all our grief, all our pain as well as all the transgressions and iniquities of mankind. The video before you shows the intensity of the struggle as He labored with and yet embraced the heavy cross. Reflect on Jesus’ agony and the truth that He was carrying your sins that day. Look at the sins shown on the crosses before you. Which ones represent the sins and struggles in your life? Spend a few moments giving thanks for Jesus’ willingness to take up that cross for you. Do you have a thankful heart?
Lord Jesus, because You took up the cross, I can take up life in all its fullness. Because You were led to die, I can be led into eternal life. Because You bore my sin, I can enjoy Your forgiveness. Thank You for making the choice to suffer for my sins. Help me to live each day in ways that honor You and Your sacrifice. Amen.
Read Luke 23:32-38
Listen to Luke’s account of Jesus being nailed to the cross. Consider the high price He paid for your sins. Imagine looking on as Jesus was pierced with those nails. He is being nailed to the cross as punishment for your sins. On a piece of red paper write any sins that need to be confessed. Fold it for privacy if you choose, then nail it to the cross before you. The sign hanging on the cross says “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” written in Latin, Greek and Hebrew so that all those who passed by could read it. Pilate failed to grasp that Jesus is indeed a king; not just of the Jews but “The King” of all people for all time. Take a nail as a reminder that through Jesus’ suffering you are forgiven.
Holy Father, I confess my sinful nature to You. Thank you for graciously forgiving all my sin; sins of pride, apathy, hard-heartedness, unfaithfulness, unforgiveness, deception, injustice, untruthfulness, and impurity to name a few. Help me to be quick to confess when sin overtakes me. Help me to show my thankfulness by living in ways that honor You. Amen.
Read Luke 23:32-33, 39-43
The two men being crucified alongside Jesus were criminals, deserving punishment. One of them taunts Jesus, sarcastically calling out for salvation. The other, sensing Jesus’ holiness, defends Him as an innocent victim. In desperation, he cried out to Jesus, “remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus assures him of Paradise that very day. The thief never prayed the “sinner’s prayer,” was not baptized or did one act of service yet was promised salvation. Our hope, like the thief’s, is not in our own goodness or works, but in the monumental mercy of God. All the thief did was demonstrate a small measure of faith. Like him, we are sinners who need only acknowledge Jesus and His saving grace in order to receive His forgiveness. Meditate on the scriptures before you about God’s mercy and forgiveness. How desperate are you for God’s mercy?
Merciful Father, I am eternally grateful for Your matchless mercy. Thank You that through Your mercies I am not consumed. Thank You that Your compassions never fail and are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness! I know I am as undeserving as the thief who hung near You, Lord Jesus. Help me each day to appreciate Your love and mercy in my life. Amen.
Listen to Matthew 27:45-51 Read Luke 23:44-47
Reflect on the depth of despair as Jesus hung on the cross for hours. He despaired but also had great joy which was motivated by the fact that His suffering would redeem His people. Hear His cry of victory as He takes His last breath: “It is finished!” The grand plan from eternity past is now accomplished.
Bow before God, here at the cross. Jesus cried out to His Father feeling forsaken and abandoned. Ponder how God the Father had to forsake Jesus to purchase salvation for us. Marvel at how precious the gift of access to the Father is in this life, and in eternity with Him in heaven. From the worship song, Amazing Love: “Amazing love, how can it be that You my king would die for me.” Do you stand in awe of God’s amazing love and grace?
Gracious Father, how incredible that Your plan from ages past has now been fulfilled. Everything has been accomplished just as You ordained. Give me a greater understanding of the depth of the sacrifice that was made to atone for my sins. I bow before You in praise and thanksgiving for Your amazing love. Amen.
Read John 19:38-42 & Luke 23:50-54
All four gospels tell of Jesus’ burial. Why is that so important? The burial makes it clear that He really died on the cross. He did not just appear to die as some suggest. Without His burial there could be no resurrection. Because He was buried, we understand that He truly died and yet His body rose from the grave in glory.
Look into the tomb. See Jesus lying there in His linen burial garment. Smell the spices used in wrapping His body. Imagine how the disciples felt as they wrestled with the finality and hopelessness of Jesus’ death. They thought all was lost, yet we know His death was not the end. His death was not final and neither will yours be, if you know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Do You know Jesus as your Savior? If not, you can today. Pray right now, asking God to accept you because of Jesus’ sacrifice. Pray this prayer of repentance: Prayer
God, I know that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. I turn away from my sin and invite You into my life. I believe that Jesus died for my sins and was raised again, and I am forgiven, cleansed, and made new in Him. From this moment I choose to trust and follow Jesus. I receive Your Holy Spirit, who gives me the power to love You with all my heart and love my neighbor as myself. Thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving me the gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ. Amen.
We invite you to watch a five-minute video describing what happened the day Jesus was crucified. A greeter will start the video for you.
This video is designed to help you stay in an attitude of thankfulness and worship as you go. To receive the full impact, be sure to watch from the beginning to the end. You may view this video again on YouTube.
If you prayed a prayer of repentance, please tell the server at the communion station. We want to rejoice with you!
If you do know Jesus as your Savior, rejoice in His love for you and pray a prayer of thanksgiving.
Holy Communion is available to everyone.
Please drop off this guide as you exit.
Have a blessed Easter!!