Workshop 5: Multiplication by Discipleship

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50 Days of Mission IN HIS STEPS 2021

Workshop 5: Multiplication by Discipleship Discipleship is a formative process by which a new or immature believer in Christ learns to know and obey the teaching of Jesus through the regular use of spiritual disciplines. The result is a mature believer who is consistently led by the Holy Spirit and demonstrates the character of Christ. In the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20), Jesus made every follower responsible to make disciples of all nations. Multiplication is the process of making disciples who can make other disciples. Christianity grows exponentially rather than by simple addition when we train others to become leaders and leaders of leaders.


Discuss: In your experience, where have you seen the church work through simple addition (one gifted leader who is expected to reach the many) and where have you seen it work through multiplication (leaders who raise up other leaders)? How has it changed the process for ministry, and how have the results been different, based on these two different models?

I. The Biblical Example A. Jesus and Discipleship 1. The Crowds (Mark 4:25; Luke 19:11) 2. The 120 (Acts 1:15) 3. The 72 (Luke 10:1-24) 4. The 12 (Mark 3:14) 5. The 3 (Mark 5:37; Matthew 17:1-9; Matthew 26:37)

B. Paul and Discipleship 1. And the things which you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. (2 Timothy 2:2) 2. Paul-->Timothy-->2000+ Years of Discipleship-->_____________-->You-->_________________

Discuss: Who discipled you? How did they do it? Whom have you discipled?

II. Disciple Making A. Characteristics of a Disciple 1. Heart for God 2. Availability to God 3. Faithfulness to God and Others 4. Teachable Spirit Listen: Who might the Spirit be putting on your heart who has or could have these characteristics, whom you are being called explore discipling?

B. Tools for Discipleship Discipleship is about obedience, not just knowledge. In order to change our lives, we must change our daily habits. Spiritual Disciplines provide tools to be formed into the character of Christ through regular patterns of actions and relationships. 1. Hearing from God • Prayer (Fasting, Solitude and Silence, Singing, Walking, Journaling) • Scripture (Hearing, Reading, Studying, Memorizing, Meditating) 2. Obeying what God Says (Deuteronomy 26:17-19; James 1:22)

Discuss: What spiritual disciplines have been formative for you? How would you go about helping others develop the habits of spiritual disciplines?

C. Relationships of Discipleship 1. John Wesley said, “There is no holiness apart from social holiness.” He was not referring to social “issues” but rather to the need to pursue holiness together in relationships with others. 2. The characteristic practice of the early Methodists which led to sustained revival was known as “banding.” A band is a small group of 3-5 members of the same gender who covenant together to meet regularly to practice spiritual disciplines (prayer and scripture) and hold one another accountable for growth in Christ-likeness. 3.  Accountability must be: • Voluntary: Accountability must be permission-based, not forced or bullied • Mutual: Works best when accountability is a two-way street, not a hierarchy • Confidential: We invite accountability only from those we trust to hold matters in confidence • Loving: The goal is to build one another up, not to judge or pity • Christ-Centered: We do not attempt to “fix” each other or give advice; we simply listen, affirm, and trust the Spirit to do the work of transformation 4. Typical Band Questions: • How is it with your soul? • What are your struggles and successes? • How might the Spirit and the Scriptures be speaking into your life? • [When ready] Do you have any sin that you want to confess? • [When ready] Are there any secrets or hidden things that you would like to share? Discuss: What happens when people try to grow in their faith but are too private to share their journey with anyone? With whom could you form a band for the purpose of discipleship?

III. Levels of Multiplication A. Four Levels of Multiplying Disciples 1. Evangelism (Unbeliever to New Believer) 2. Discipleship (Immature Believer to Mature Believer) 3. Coaching (Mature Believer to Effective Leader) 4. Mentoring (Effective Leader to Leader of Leaders)

B. Coaching, Mentoring, and the Gifts of the Spirit 1. Leadership gifts are initiated by the Spirit and confirmed by the Church (Acts 13:2-3) • Failure to empower the next generation of leaders betrays a lack of trust in the Spirit • The Spirit often chooses people we would not naturally assume would be leaders 2. Coaching and Mentoring require trusting the Spirit enough to give away our platform to emerging leaders with progressively less control • Coaching: A directive process in which the coach observes a leader and imparts wisdom, feedback, and encouragement • Mentoring: A non-directive process in which the mentor makes himself or herself available as needed for a growing leader to ask questions and test ideas in a supportive relationship Discuss: Where are you at in the four levels of multiplication?

What happens when leaders allow pride, selfishness, or lack of trust to hinder them from releasing ministry to emerging leaders? What gets lost when emerging leaders are sent out without any coaching or mentoring?

What steps do you need to take to go to the next level of multiplication over the next six months?

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