Dharma Dragon .:•:. Boom Festival 2010

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VOL.05 N.ยบ 01

A soft landing in a luxuriant forest 26th > 29th August - S. Giรฃo - Oliveira do Hospital - Portugal

official after boom 2010

Info & tickets at Boom Shop

sleeve notes We the tribalists of the now celebrate life at Boom 2010



Performing at Groovy Beach

Performing at Dance Temple

BOOM 2010 will be a chance to experience music as life.

Boom 2010 will be... something i have been looking forward to doing for a long time. I came to Boom very early on in its conception, and i do not know if it was my English bad luck, but minutes before i was due to play, the area had its first rainfall in over 20 years! One of the maddest thunder and lightning storm’s i had ever seen. There was no roof over the stage and i was getting electric shocks off of the lights and equipment, i felt doubly bad as i had another gig to travel to straight away and so never got to play… So this time, i am gonna unleash hell on the dancefloor!

SUZANNE STERLING Performing at Sacred Fire and Liminal Zone BOOM 2010 will be a juicy, daring exploration of Art, Culture and Beauty: gloriously interweaving spontaneous moments of devotion with well crafted acts of delight and evolution!

SALLY DOOLALLY Performing at Dance Temple


I am very excited to be playing once again at what seems now to be my usual Boom spot of closing the Temple main floor on one of the gorgeous sunny afternoons! Can’t wait to see the amazing sea of smiling faces once again! Let’s Boom!!!

Performing at Sacred Fire Every time Hilight Tribe plays in the Boom, we feel like there´s been a shift of reality in our lives, pushing us to leap on to the next step! Each member of the band is really excited to play in this giant alternative village where love, trance and freedom are shared by thousands of people. Jimi Hendrix said: ”When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” Let's try to live that dream... One love and Bhom Shankar!


VANDANA SHIVA Speaker at Liminal Zone I and my son Kartikey are excited to be participating at Boom this year where different worlds and creative minds meet to forge new paths in how we live and care for our planet Earth. Boom reflects the paradigm shift that is gradually taking place at a global level where outmoded, self-interested thinking is making way for a new spirit of sharing, cooperation and planetary wellbeing. I am happy to be part of that process.

Performing at Theatroom Boom 2010 will be a huge international show where we can share our experiences and knowledge. It’s a world of culture from all over the world. It’s a different new world filled with music and sharing fair different from usual and that’s why this is a very unique event. People come from all over the world to see, to take part and to have a mark of this fantastic event on their lives. With Boom, we all live the show together.

Performing at Visionary Art Gallery BOOM 2010 will be a transformative and enlightening experience for thousands, reaching out to millions... To inspire joy and appreciation of our beautiful planet and ourselves!

dharma dragon

Legendary renegade art collective, ABC came to life in 72’ when a group of artists and writers squatted the village of Ruigoord. Local authorities had planned to build a harbor, leaving Ruigoord free of inhabitants while opening a whole new world to music and arts. The group organised kite festivals and made annual trips to free cultural spaces across the world. They planted thousands of trees, creating a beautiful forest in the area. Opposition from authorities in 98’ led to destruction of the forest as hundreds of activitsts tried to save it. Police and barbed wire surrounded the village until it was finally legalized as a freecultural zone. Today it’s home to a number of themed events. The ABC group of poets, musicians, visual artists and jugglers invite one and all to join them. A transnational network between free cultural spaces and festivals has been created by placing 3 Axis Mundi in Ruigoord, Christiana and Doel. With the 4th set up right here, Boom becomes part of this network. ABC will be staging shows on a daily basis throughout the festival and at ABC camp. Come and join in the fun!





ALI JI, Performing at Ambient Paradise It is a great honor to play at Ambient Paradise and feel this Boom will be a really special one. Looking forward being on a different side of the lake, meeting up with the international ever-growing family and to being part of the creative process with positive expression that makes Boom a light spot on the planet.


From the Dance Temple’s to Manifesting the Boom 20106-pointed theme forstar water, the hexagonal design of Groovy Beach andhexagonal spectrum structures across the site are based on the of land art, sculptures, portals us: The hexagon form of the wateraround molecule. defi nes the interrelationship between spirit and From the Dance Temple’s 6-pointed star and water. These structures at Boom are magnifi cation hexagonal design of Groovy Beach toaBoom kiosques of and the building blocks nature, bringing usportals closer to the spectrum ofof land art, sculptures, the Sacred in a magical language that correlates around us: Earth The hexagon defines the interrelationship tobetween everything in the A miracle nature, the spirit anduniverse. water. A miracle ofof nature, the hexagon is found in the body of water –- its formation clear when exposed to positive vibrations. With the aid ofof the hexagon-inspired structures atat Boom, we aid the hexagon-inspired structures Boom, have we endeavored to createto a create potentaenergy-fi have endeavored potent eld, designed to resonate with eachwith energy-fi eld, designed to resonate of us as and the nature each ofindividuals us as individuals and the around us. us. nature around


oom is in tune with the paradigm of the transition town and its ethos for supporting local economies. Regional brand, Fonte da Fraga sources water locally from the nearby Serra da Gardunha Mountains. Meanwhile, fruitjuices, from Frubaça, contain natural bio fruits of the Alcobaça region – a fresh, wholesome, energy-providing option sourced from the co-operative of local farmers in the area.


Buying local to support the economy is not only beneficial to the community which we come to meet each edition of Boom, but also excellent for health while demonstrating an activist approach to sustainable living in this consumerist, increasingly globalized world. Organic produce sourced locally or grown independently is one of the most empowering forms of activism that can help us to Make Change Happen.


OPENING CEREMONY The Official Boom 2010 Opening Ceremony takes place at the Healing Area, 19th August from 6pm until 7pm. We do a special Puja of instrumental music and chanting of ancient heritage from across the world. We bring together chanting as homage to water: mantras from India, chanting from the Peyote tradition or music from Sikh devotion. Come and give your energy to set in motion a festival of pure intention, one-ness and love.

ECO-TEER Humanism is imperative

B Boom has been working with green volunteer organisation, gre Ecoteer, founded in 2005 by environmental conservationist, Daniel Quilter. From working with turtles in Malaysia to teaching street children in Peru, the organisation provides opportunities for indivuals to travel with a cause. This edition, Boom has taken on many volunteers to help preserve nature, nourish the land and build sustainable structures. Many of these volunteers have been sourced from Ecoteer, enabling Boom to work with like-minded individuals with the same goal in mind. www.ecoteer.com

A far cry from the pain-numbing options of the pharmaceutical industry, Boom is happy to host the Emergency Clinic and Happy Herbal Pharmacy. The Emergency Green Clinic and Happy Herbal Pharmacy provide alternative remedies for ailments including: menstrual pain, eye and ear problems, panic attacks, urinary infections, cuts, swelling, sunburn, insect bites, fever, diarrhoea, allergies, sore throats and headaches. Ayurveda-based treatments also include cures for detoxification, not to mention the perpetual hangover. There will also be foot care treatments, lymphatic drainage and Shirodagua to help with anxiety. anxiety Wheat grass juice is used use to boost and rehydrate metabolism, reh while ingredients such w as Dandelion tincture stimulates the system and helps eliminate toxins. el For Boomers inspired to learn, a number of “Magic learn workshops Hat” work ksh hops ttake ake k place from 11am, including Thai-Yoga massage, Indian head massage and an introduction to herbalism. Be conscious of mind, body and soul and stay well and healthy at Boom this year!

BOOM’S KIOSQUES: Tasting the Local and the Tropical!

We want to do the most tasteful Boom ever. Much like Boom’s diverse range of art and culture, food too is presented as a universal language that everybody can enjoy. Throughout the site, colourful hexagonal kiosques are offering the taste of local products and tropical fruits. Brazil’s legendary fruit, Açaí, can be discovered near the Dance Temple. From organic drinks, fair trade ice-creams and coffee to a variety of bio-teas, raw foods, superfoods and healthy recipes – there are many tasty ways to enjoy Boom this edition. Warm up your soul and take care of yourself at Boom kiosques with an exploration of tantalizing cross-cultural cuisine!

ith Portuguese laws allowing harm-reducing practices, Kosmicare has been set up to take care of people enduring difficult psychedelic experiences. Located near Tripical Beach, Kosmicare is staffed by a professional team of psychologists, therapists, psychiatrists, paramedics and doctors. Boom first began hosting this harm-reduction initiative in 2002 with support from MAPS and in 2008 was re-designed as a leading project in the psychoactive field at festivals. At Boom 2010, Kosmicare have developed a laboratory for substance testing, monitored by NGO, Check-In. This harm reduction measure can be tried and tested near the Dance Temple bar. Other Kosmicare partners include Erowid and MAPS - two important organizations reknowned reknown forfor their their research, research, information, treatment and testing of psychedelics today. Please go to the Kosmicare Dome if you or someone around you is endurng a difficult psychological experience.


The coolest place around Tripical is an alternative adventure and one of the most interesting spots on the site. A 5-minute walk from camping this is a beach bar, with a stunning beach, small forest and a playground-feel. It is the best place for a swim at Boom. There’s also a great bar with cocktails, good food and juices. Enjoy amazing art decor, towering light sculptures, lots of shade and teleporting cubicles that swing from trees. Bring your mp3 player, iPod or laptop to be DJ for a couple of hours and you can be a part of the Tripical line-up of DJs. Enjoy yourself in this Boom paradise.

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Boom is a feast of art, an expression for creativity where we light up our collective awareness. We are the neo-tribalists seeking truth and pure joy.

THIS IS YOUR TRIBE From art and Interculturalism to knowledge and environment – collectively, we journey from unconscious to conscious evolution… This is your world! This is your tribe! This is Boom!



Boom is a temporary autonomous zone. Art is everywhere. From the bamboo

structures of Gerard Minakawa and canya creations of Jonathan Wright, to the nebulous entities of Michael Christian and visionary art of Carey Thompson, Xavi, Android Jones or Amanda Sage. Colour, form, space, light – the art of Cosmic Walkers, Lugu, Shrine, Sagaz Corp or Le Kaleidoscope Creature speaks to the heart… Theatrical spectaculars; live art performances, dance and creativity – art is everywhere and the symbolism prevalent within it, holds transcendent truths relevant to the cosmic order, contributing to an evolving consciousness.


dharma dragon

The wisdom of ancient times provide us with an understanding

of our existence. exist i We are living in the now; acutely conscious of the future and we make con profound refl re ections on the wisdom of our ancestors. The Liminal Limina Zone has become a focal point for learning, evolving since 2002 when it was known ev as the Dynamic Mythologies Tent. Going deeper, here, we navigate with workshops and conferences uncharted waters in: Frontiers of Love; of Space and Time; of Behaviour; Mind; Body; Evolution; and of Art and Sound.


In re-learning what we have always known, we repair our relationship with the Sacred Earth. From the hydrogen-run waste vegetable

generators and solar panels that are powering the Boom to composting toilets and pioneering biotechnologies that use aquatic plants to clean grey water – environment is priority here. With the Boom Lab and our energy project based on solar technologies, Boom has reduced its carbon footprint by 50 percent compared with 2008. The aim is to leave no trace as we gear up to creating a carbon zero festival – embrace this cause!

INTERCULTURALISM A kkaleidoscopic l id pic i vista i ta off tthe h world, 20,000 people from almost 100 countries come together for Boom 2010.

The intercultural nature of the festival is a window into the soul of the collective consciousness that exists in the world. Welcoming microcosms of subcultures, Boom is a planetary gathering; an evolutionary mutation transcending biology as people open hearts to interaction and dialogue, coming together as ONE. We create a new reality without prejudice and demonstrate a peaceful world is possible. Interculturalism is reflected everywhere at Boom: in the global, galactical, universal, astral, water themes visible in the very structures that surround us, at the restaurants and in the works of artists from across this planet and neighboring galaxies.

more. more Th The concept of the Groovy Beach was realized for the fi rst time in 2008 – we’re chartering first the waters of modern music always lways keeping our DNA alive – psychedelia!


A festival within a festival, The Drop is a melting pot between knowledge and art. The complex design of the bamboo structure is created by Gerard Minakawa and the Bamboo DNA team and becomes a hub for the Inner Visions Art Gallery; the Liminal Zone – which includes a talk by Vandana Shiva and the Funktion One inventor Tony Andrews; the Theatroom, featuring engaging performances from the likes of DRK; and a series of workshops. Here is the ultimate experience of knowledge, design and art.


The unique pallet structure of the Groovy Beach created by The DoLab collective becomes home to a spectrum of sounds spanning dubstep, techno, cosmic disco, dub-techno, deep techno, glitch, bass and all the funky, bombastic beats in between. Featuring Alex Under, A Guy Called Gerald, Fluxion, Expander, Minilogue, Marcel Dettman, Ben Ufo and much

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This is where Boom began, it is the Festival’s energetic epicenter. To express the

most noble energy, we built the Dance Temple in collaboration with designers, artists, geometry experts with much passion for psytrance. Going back to the days of Goa Trance, legendary acts of the old school bring it on in a special retrospective that includes Gus Till, Green Nuns and Psychopod. Cinema and psytrance come together for the first time in the history of psytrance as OOOD perform a live set alongside an activism-driven animation by indie filmmaker, Anita Shukla. Delving deep into the realms of psytrance, a fusion of all things full-on, melodic, dark, tribal, twisty, prog, suomi takes us to new dimensions with highlights such as Eat Static, Phatmatix, System 7, Penta, Liquid Ross, Master Blasters, Zen Mechanics and more, more, more!

A special ethno-trance night on 25th August crosses continents and diminishes borders with


live acts including Wild Marmalade, Hilight Tribe, Terrakota, Ganga Giri, Olive Tree Dance and more. The zome 12-sides geometry is reflected across the area. Gardens are the treasure of a landscape carved with magic. Temples devoted to the Sacred Feminine and Masculine are there for all to tap into their primordial archetypes. With the Green Welfare area dedicated to massage, wellbeing, therapy, healing, counselling, this is the home of unconditional love.


It is the formation of the sacred Mandala – the cosmic diagram

representing the universe, which inspires the concept of the Healing Area. From Indian, Sufi, Thai and Taoist meditation workshops – to Tantra and Kundalini yoga: The journey from the microcosm to the macrocosm that defines the experience here. At the Sound Temple, the likes of Bradford Tilden take us on a journey to meditative states with live acoustic music that taps into the vibrations of the soul. The Puja area features two daily practices of yoga, including Qigong. Utilizing a 7x5m pool, aquatic therapies explore the healing potential of water with workshops in Tai Chi, contact dance in water and WatSu (Water Shiatsu).


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Performing arts Performin magnify the spirit of the festival. Eerie freaks of

the underworld, paranormal fairies, fearless warriors of the fire fly spontaneously towards us across the festival site. Portuguese forum-theatre group, DRK create improvised social scenarios, dissolving borders between artists and audience. Arche Dream for Mankind kick up a storm with black-light mask drama at the Theatroom... Look out too, for cosmic dragons stalking the festival site as Saurus bring it on with some interactive performances.

AMBIENT PARADISE If you want to take a breather from the intensity, Ambient is the place to be. A decompression

chamber, the aesthetics interact with the musical experience. An amazing turquoise blue tent with UV-filters cools down the temperature inside, making it the most pleasant place to listen to the biggest representation of all genres of ambient music ever at Boom. Highlights include the cosmic-sounds of Murcof, Antonio Testa, Aliji, Ishq, Robert Rich, Lucid Picnic and many more. The gardens of the Ambient arte punctuated by incredible land art, featuring the works Vicente Bettencourt and Brohll Johl. Just be amazed!



As a part of our ecological statement, most of the materials we use are not sourced from industrialized processes

Bamboo and Canya At Boom we showcase some of the most avant-garde temporary bioconstruction architecture. In 2010 we are using bamboo and Canya as main features. We speak to Canya Viva’s Jonathan Cory-Wright, (Dow Tow) and Bamboo DNA’s Gerard Minakawa, (The Drop and Dance Temple) about structures they’ve implemented at Boom... JONATHAN on Canya Why is canya such a sustainable material for bioconstruction?

Bioconstruction refers to energy used in fabricating the material, transporting it and the process for it to be constructed. It’s a local mateiral, so transport and energy consume is minimal. It can also be harvested and built by hand and all put together with rope made from sisal which is another plant grown in the Mediterranean.

Can canya be used to build permanent structures?

Covering the material with clay will give it permanence. Canya only degrades when burnt by the sun, so the clay will prevent this from happening and so it’s not affected, meaning it will last. In terms of the foundation, we dug holes in the ground and filled them with gravel so water seeps into the ground while protecting the canya.

Can we grow our own canya?

Yes! You can grow your own canya in grey water in hot climate conditions and see it grow fast within a year.

How do you think bamboo and canya would work together? Because it has that flexibility, bamboo could be used to create the kind of structures designed for canya. It would be a highly creative fusion!

What can we make from canya?

Boats, jewellery, furniture, shot glasses, instruments... In fact the reed part of a woodwind comes from canya.

GERARD on Bamboo So what’s the deal with bamboo?

It’s absolutely sustainable as a plant that grows fast from a network of roots so you don’t need to re-seed

it. It’s attractive as a material because of the different ways you can use it – just from a design perspective. It’s also strong as steel yet still light and is used across the world for construction, arts and crafts.

Can you foresee a bamboo revolution?

Yeah, in terms of general awareness, it is changing perspectives because it’s often considered a leader in the green revolution. I mean even in the last decade there really has been a bamboo revolution in terms of awareness.

On a personal level, what does it mean to you?

It’s a challenge. I think the way it works as a building material connects to the kind of ideals I have for how society can run in general. That you need to be strong about certain things, but you also need to be flexible about how you approach things depending on which way the wind blows. It teaches me something new every time I use it.

So what have you learnt from bamboo recently?

Well, for example, in this project, we’re turning splits into panels. I’ve never made panelling on this scale before. The way one split works is different to the way 120 would. I think it’s the same way with people – the way you relate to one person is very different to the way you would to 120. So that one person is not the same person individually right now as they would be if they were in a group.

How do you think bamboo and canya would work together?

The Canya team have been incorporating some bamboo into their structure. It would work well specially for creating arches. They’d need the rigid support of bamboo for support though and bamboo would work as a really good backbone to canya.

canyaviva.com bamboodna.com

dharma dragon



We want to clean all the water that is used at Boom. For that we designed a system that can be a solution for the future of human communities


A system for cleaning water at Boom

STAR Virtual project


ecycling 100% of water used by an excess of 26,000 people has been a major objective behind Boom 2010. The Water treatment unit we built at Boom with ferrocement and plants, called STAR, is designed specifically for the festival environment is the “Residual Water Biological Treatment System” that is being put into practice at Boom. Devoid of chemicals or additives, the eco-team behind the scenes have created a system that brings water back to life, even after it has been used across all of Boom’s restaurants and showers. The whole system stems from the principle that nature is already functioning well and that all we need to do is give a hand in speeding up the process of removing excess nutrients by adding Oxygen. Variables such as soaps, detergents, hair and skin-care products, fibres from clothing, grease and food residues affect the water we use in kitchens and showers. It takes time and energy for the micro-organisms that live in the water body to naturally digest these variables. They need Oxygen to help them digest and if there is not enough of it, they die, meaning the water will then smell bad.


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If we are to reduce our impact on the Sacred Earth, we must take responsibility for the way we take care of our water. This means conscious consumption and recycling it in a way that nourishes the ecosystem. It’s something we are implementing at Boom. STAGES OF WATER TREATMENT

The STAR sytem is made of several elements that function to re-establish the natural qualities of water: The user stage: This is when restaurant workers and festival public collaborate to use as little as possible and replace strong chemical components with organic, biodegradable products. Water from restaurants passes through several grease traps. Grease slows down the absorption of oxygen, so it is the first thing that needs to be removed. Waters from the showers travel to a holding pond where all solid sediments can settle at the bottom. Water from the grease traps and holding ponds ends up at the main body of the STAR where a series of interconnected filters recirculate the water until it reaches the desired quality.


1 ¹ The first tank is a tall structure known

as a Perlocating filter. It contains a large volume of very porous material (expanded clay), creating a biological film of beneficial bacteria, which begins removing nutrients from the water while introducing oxygen.

The second tank is a solar oxygenation unit that receives air from a compressor while cleaning the surface of the water with floating, expanding clay. By this stage the water is already in very good condition and the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) has been reduced by 90%.

2 ¹ BOD is the tool most utilized to indicate the quality of a biological water treatment system, showing how much Oxygen the micro-organisms are being used to break down the waste. 3 ¹ The Root Zone tank will move water through a bed of gravel and aquatic plants (macrophites) will contribute to the polishing of the treatment, removing the remaining nitrogen and any phosphorus that might be present. 4 ¹ The final stage involves a shallow solar pond that bathes all the water in sunlight, using the beneficial effects of UV light to bring the water back to its best state. Don’t miss a visit to our STAR – check it out while you are here and see how it works to preserve water for permanent use. don’t forget though – this is NOT a swimming pool! If you want to swim, head for the lake!



WATER FACTS Ancient Romans had better water quality than half the people alive today One in eight people lack access to safe drinking water 97 % of earth’s water is in the oceans. Only 3 % of the earth’s water can be used as drinking water There is the same amount of water on earth as there was when the earth was formed.


Help changing the Paradigm WATER


hit. Everybody does it yet few people want to talk about it. Flush and sewer systems have become so “normal” that we don’t even think about questioning them. What happens to the shit you flush down the toilet? It gets moved around in a sewage system, using up a third of the sacred earth’s water supply, draining out into rivers and seas and pumped for miles where it can’t be separated again... 1.2 litres of body waste is mixed per 100 litres of pure drinking water. With 6.5 million people, each excreting 300 grams of shit – that’s a lot of shit to shovel around. There are 450 cubic km of waste water carried into coastal areas by rivers and streams. This amount of polluted water requires 6000 cubic km of freshwater to dillute the problem. Over 70,000 different water contaminants have been identified because of this and other pollutants such


as factory farming methods – causing diseases and atrocious sanitation problems. Water is our most basic human right. Yet there are 2.6 billion people in the world living with severe shortages.

Composting toilets are a solution to this problem because everything and anything that was once alive, will be decomposed to become healthy soil for the earth. Back in 2006 we began using compost toilets (that don’t use water). After learning from all experiences (both good and bad) we are no trying a new model of compost toilets to address the water problem on sanitation. You can be part of changing the sanitation paradigm by experiencing the dry, compost toilet – and don’t forget to clean it after use! There are 160 compost toilets created specially for Boom. No smell, clean, easy to use, aesthetic, easy to fit, requires little work, zero contact with any fresh or young shit and will decompose over a period of time under high temperatures to become soil for the Sacred Earth. There are even ingenious designs for urban compost toilets. Save your shit, let it decompose, make an offering to the earth, who will give you her love in return and save water.

Throw toilet paper in the hole. Paper degrades really fast.

NO WATER! Adding water to a compost toilet slows down the process and will cause a bad smell.

The Beauty of a compost toilet is that when you make a deposit you create soil!

More people in the world own cell phones than have access to a toilet. Flouride in water flourides were once used for ant and roach poisons and is associated with amnesia A third of the world’s population is enduring some form of water scarcity According to the UN, everyday, 2 million tons of sewage, industrial and agricultural waste is discharged into the worlde’s water (UN WWAP 2003) Because of the lack of good waste management, urban areas are considered one of the world’s most life threatening environments There are 12,000 km of waste water in the world – more than the total amount contained in the world’s 10 largest river basins

THE COMPOSTING PROCESS IS VERY SIMPLE Time (at least 6 months) and Temperature (37 degrees celcius) kills organisms found in human faeces. C hamber with sunlight allows temperature to rise, beginning the compost process. 50 degree celcius will kill pathogens in one day; 46, in a week; 43, in a month PH, humidity, amonia levels composting time effect elimination of pathogens Life of pathogens is lower outside the body due to the hostile environment, meaning bacteria are ready to devour them. Worms will eat pathogens (bad shit) and leave behind, good shit.

Throw tamponsm, modess, condoms, nappies, any plastics in the bins provided. Close the lid to evict bad smells and a an nd let le et the the m th microbes ic crobes do do th ttheir heir w work! orkk! or

Think community – wash your hands before you leave the area.

dharma dragon




Envisioning Festivals of the Future 1

The Water Goddess is an important deity in many cultures. Sariswati is the Hindu Goddess of knowledge, music, arts and a personification of the Sarisvati River. Her name, “Saras” (flow) and “Wati”, (woman) symbolizes her flow of knowledge, like a river. In Bali, the water goddess Dewi Danu dwells in the crater-lake near the Batur Volcano. Water flowing from the lake has irrigated the lands of Bali for centuries. The clay-clad Boom Water Goddess by artist, Antonio Oliveiro, is a humble honour to the Water Goddesses of the world. A spray of water personifying rain pours from her hands. Herbs, cucumber, watermelon and rice are planted nearby - a metaphor of human dependence on nature.


The BOOM Lab is an initiative launched by the Boom Environmental Program, the very first project taking a focus on the realms of Energy.


nconstrained by traditional disciplines, BOOM LAB engineers have taken a free-style approach to develop ideas for sustainable gatherings of the future. Applying a research-related approach, they envisioned the impact of green technologies in the festival context, developing technologies that promise the sustainability of human gatherings. Energy became the prime focus for developing independent solutions based on renewable sources such as the sun and Hydrogen.

Conventional fuel sources have created many environmental problems, including global warming, destruction of habitats and the loss of natural resources.


Photovoltaic systems do not pose these environmental threats. The majority of PV systems use silicon as their components. The silicon cells manufactured from one ton of sand can produce as much electricity as burning 500,00 tons of coal.

BOOM LAB engineers developed five solar stations. We built three small stations from six solar panels of 80 watts each. They can be used for standard lighting, computers and small devices in areas such as the main gates and the production offices at Ambient Paradise and Sacred Fire. We are generating 2.4 Kilowatts per day.

The 4th solar station being produced at BOOM LAB can output 3.2 kilowatts per day from solar energy alone. The BOOM LAB has also developed a bigger station that is being used near the logistics management, production office and workshops. Two mobile trackers fitted with 12 panels each follow the tilt of the sun, producing 13 kilowatts per day.


BOOM LAB also developed the use of hydrogen for waste vegetable oil generators. Typical gasoline powered cars only use about 20% of the fuel to power a car. With hydrogen fuel cell cars, around 40-60% of the fuel is used to power the electric motor.


dharma dragon

With their ageless forms and swirling pathways, labyrinths invite playful interaction and soulful contemplation. The lure of the labyrinth has ensnared humankind for thousands of years. The earliest examples were found carved on rocks and painted or scratched on pottery, dated to the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods. The Boom labyrinth is a 7-circuit classical labyrinth design. The philosophy of labyrinths is that there is no choice along the way. The only decision is whether you enter and trust the path will lead you to your goal. The labyrinth is filled with edible plants: basil, mint, sage, calendula, chives, oregano, marigolds and chervil.


Zen style gardens reflect harmony, peace, tranquillity and the ease of meditation. There is a gentle, soothing ambience imminent in an eastern garden design, yet it is all carefully controlled. That control is evident in every part of the garden where randomness and confusion are not allowed. With this in mind, the garden uses minimum materials to create a beautiful effect amidst the natural beauty of the area. Rodrigo de Silva will once again decorate the area. Boom gardens are located near the Groovy Beach





Working towards a carbon-zero festival, the Boom Lab has been busy with the development of hydrogen technology to improve energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions. Hydrogen is a revolutionary solution to a zero-carbon future. Here are some facts on Hydrogen and details on how the technology is being utilized at Boom.

Waste vegetable oil was a key feature during Boom 2008. This year, the Hydrogen unit developed by the Boom LAB will allow greater efficiency of the vegetable oil powered generators.



Boom LAB’s Hydrogen Project has been responsible for a hydraulic system that works like an engine tuning device, neutralizing the burning process of oil, increasing output capacities by 15 percent. Hydrogen is the lightest of elements and stores 2.6 times the energy per unit mass as gasoline. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is not produced when hydrogen is burned.


The combustion not only functions faster, but also pollutes significantly less. Hydrogen is a very clean fuel that produces minimal emissions when combusted directly or in combination with hydrocarbon fuels.

BOOM LAB is our new commitment to sustainable gatherings. By respecting the Sacred Earth we are developing technologies that nurture independence and invent new possibilities for festivals and their communities.

boomfestival.org/boom2010/2010/04/ boom-lab-thinking-up-the-gatherings-of-the-future


Hydrogen can be used as a clean-burning, non-polluting fuel in every application, with potential to replace other fuels. Hydrogen can be sourced from a number of entities, including: water, sewage, garbage, agricultural biomass and waste streams containing hydrogen-bearing compounds.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Boom Lab solar tracker Solar system gel batteries Andreas, our Gyro Gearloose, working at the Boom Lab Hydrogen generator HHO

Hydrogen is the only common fuel not chemically bound to carbon, which means it only produces heat energy, water and traces of the oxides of nitrogen.

Customized hydrogen unit Orgone device for water 32 amp plugs

DON’T POLUTE THE LAKE Avoid pissing in the lake, washing your laundry in it or leaving any trace of rubbish in or around it. Water is sacred, respect our most precious resource by keeping it clean. May all beings be happy.

There is a reserve of one trillion barrels of petroleum in the Earth’s crust. This is about 30 years of supply, creating the urgency for developing a sustainable Solar Hydrogen economy. Boom Festival 2010 is proud to be developing research hydrogen onto waste vegetable oil generators!

dharma dragon


dance temple A colour code inspired by water, the next level of visuals and psychedelia, the epicenter of energy at Boom - that’s the Dance Temple


SKETCHES of the Dance Temple


The Portal is Open


The Dance Temple has been conceived following months of collaboration between artists, the Boom team, experts in geometry, riggers and designers. Taking into perspective the Boom tradition for igniting the most activated dance floor in psytrance – we wanted to return the passion to modern psychedelia, the love for good music, taste for technology and the will to break through. Be here to experience the magic of psytrance.

ANDROID JONES & PHA-DROID New Age Of Psychedelia

Android has been developing a vision for the whole Dance Temple for the last months. It involves VJs such as Peter Parker, Jonathan Singer or Orion, a DJ booth designed with Harlan Emil Gruber, with additional LED that react with the music. Plus some neo-psychedelic holograms together with large scale lycra paintings create the visual environment of the Dance Temple. “It’s merging together every archetypal form of creativity”, he says. The zenith of the whole vision is the interactive show as Pha-Droid, merging visuals, performing art and at Boom the special happening with the music of System 7.

Striking visuals by Android Jones use an organic connector, stimulating live 4th density dance, performed by partner, Pha-droid to a live set by System 7. “I transfer my consciousness into the light by following her movements using a Real Time Particle Generator. Her pure focus is to simply disappear into the Dance”, says Android. Looking at this stage, he is sincere and enthusiast: “I’ve never done this with such a big audience before: 20,000 people! It’s going to be a highly charged and energetically powerful evening!”

Pha-Droid and System 7 perform together at the Dance Temple, 25th August, 11pm.


In the beginning of the 90s you were involved with goa trance scene. What was the most exciting thing about it back in those days?

The Goa Trance

RETROSPECTIVE For anyone who took a serious interest in electronic music in the ’90s, the name goa trance evokes memories of playful, groundbreaking music underpinned by a mystic discourse and a determination to expose a way of life unseen in decades. We interviewed Gust Till, part of the Flying Rhino crew, an Aussie that came from the punk scene, worked both with pop or world music artists and in the 90s he gave a huge contribution to enhance the trance aesthetic.


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That it was all reasonably new and nobody new exactly what shape the music would be heading in. You could still get totally unpredictable new and creative tracks coming from all quarters and there was a fantastic air of surprise and expectancy with the music being made. That quality, I’m afraid to say, has been totally lost, but so it goes in all scenes ultimately.

You were quite involved with the Flying Rhino label. Your sound was one of the zeniths of this genre. What motivated all of you?

We were trying to be creative and give voice to how we thought dance music should be. There was yet to be an established set of criteria that said ‘this is how you must sound… the last kick drum beat must be missing from the end of every 16 bar block and related with a little backwards noise… you must use a Nordlead… I could go on… We simply didn’t want to do that so we developed our own scene.

BOOM DROP FACE by Android Jones

You’ll come to Boom to play a retrospective psy-trance DJ set. Which records and/or projects do you consider the most innovative of the trance history so far?

An easy one… Kox Box, X-Dream, Man With No Name, TIP, Atmos, Juno Reactor, Johann, Simon Posford, Metal Spark.

Mate, a final question, what can Boom participants expect from your set at Boom 2010? A shedload of old Rhino stuff, a healthy dosage of TIP, a dollop of Blue Room, a few arabesques from Dragonfly… I’ll see what I can dig out of the vault!

Boom goa trance retrospective will have the sets from Gus Till, Man With No Name, Joti Siddhu, Green Nuns Of The Revolution, Psychopod, Jorg, Johann Bley, Anders Tillman, and the neo-goa from Filteria and Random Mode.


“Let’s All Help to Bring Wisdom to This World…”

the Android Jones style. What is truly special about Android and Phadroid is the human interactive dance element, so it will be great for them to sync up to our big dancefloor grooves. It can be truly mindblowing!

What can Boomers expect to hear from the set you will be performing?

How do you think the music will gel with the performance itself?

System 7 music is very visual and we work a lot with VJs including Antonio Pagano in the UK and the Mood Magic team in Japan who made a great video for our track Hinotori that we feel is not a million miles away from

People who know our music well understand our somewhat unique System 7 cocktail of trance, techno and progressive grooves and our deep psychedelic feeling. We’re quite good at making the transition between progressive and more full-on beats, and so in this case we will be starting quite fast and strong and then subtly easing the tempo down to finish in a deep progressive way. We might add an extra more meditative element towards the end so people on the dancefloor can reflect on the whole Boom

experience and what it means to them. There will be some strong emotions there.

Finally, what would be your message to the Boomers?

Let’s all come away fully cleansed and energised from the wonderful event, with our minds open and strong. Let’s all help to bring wisdom to this world in 2012 and beyond!

System 7 are performing the final show of the Dance Temple on the night of August 25th.


OOOD Do you think making people aware of the situation


will help make a positive change. What else can we do to stop ‘Dougal the Machine’ from hurting our planet?

Anita Shukla Vs OOOD

Live sound and animated visuals unite for the first time in the history of psytrance. Producing trance since 94’, OOOD bring it on at the Dance Temple, opening the evening with a blinding live psychedelic set, featuring a specially-produced show for the activism-based visuals of indie film producer, Anita Shukla. We bring them together in a back2back mini-interview...

the animation?

between different styles and ways of working that the really interesting things happen. You end up with something that’s often better than either party would have come up with on their own. It’s potentially a very good combination.

RYO (OOOD) The first time we saw the film I saw a few

OOOD What inspired the rabbit in the movie?

ANITA As we come from different artistic backgrounds, did you get the feeling it would be challenging to work with an animator like me?

ANITA There’s an old Japanese folk-tale where a cute rabbit violently beats up a raccoon, so that came to mind. It’s not an animal which is usually seen as being very evil - but the WTO aren’t seen as being evil by much of the public either. So I thought it was funny for the rabbit to symbolise this negative force and I felt it was a good idea to laugh at the illogical nature of the WTO and GM seed companies that exploit farmers hence I added the rabbit for comedy value.

ANITA What were your first impressions after seeing

possible combinations - which, I thought might work. What we came up with just slotted in. It was almost scary how our music and your movie synchronised.

COLIN (OOOD) Collaborations often seem to bring

out the best in each contributor; it’s at the boundary

Boom and Funktion1 fuel a partnership to create a special sound experience. Besides the Dance Temple and Groovy Beach, Funktion1 presents two more systems for the first time. At the Liminal Zone, Tony Andrews, the inventor of F1 technology give a lecture with customized speakers. We are also honoured to stage for the first time in the world, a system from Funktion1 that is an upgrade from the concept of Surround 5.1. Showcased at Healing Area’s Sound Temple, it diverges from the notion of surround sound as it adapts microphone technology to multi-source music. Multi-channel audio is used to generate 3D sound quality from speakers positioned within the sound field and using phasing in a 6-point sound field.

ANITA We can start by growing our own food, purchase more organic foods to help farmers and keep farms sustainable, make sure we know where the products we buy come from - this is what people are oblivious to. We need to be aware of how the free trade rule within the WTO is ruining eco systems and exploiting developing countries. Live Soundtrack takes place at the Dance Temple, 22nd August at 10pm

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groovy beach With a large scale art installation as dance floor we showcase some of the most exciting modern music


Alex Under Tadeo Expander David Rodrigues Alan Fitzpatrik Stereo Addiction José Belo Husley & Gunz AlexR Manu

An eletrifying pallete dance floor created by The Do Lab.



Maurice Aymard Mark Henning Dan Syndrom Andrade MiniMonster Sven Dohse Nori Aroma Barem



“Well...” begins creative designer, Josh Flemming, “I was surfing one day and I hit my head on a rock...” The crew have been constructing stages and themed areas for the last 6 years at major events including Burning Man and Coachella and are protagonists of the highly acclaimed Lightning in a Bottle event.




Ben UFO Infestus Ramadanman Octa Push Neuhen Monkey Steak Pacheko Mr Gasparov ShortStuff Unidade Sonora Untold Relocate Interact Sub Sound C156 Deestant Rockers Pevere List Volátil Oder Ikkaku Suckafish P. Jones Cardopusher Baobinga

Re:Axis Jackspot SQL

POST-TRANCE-TECH Minilogue Khainz Gabe Dani The Menace Edoardo Marvaso

Dimitri DKN Førm Fiord Yuli Gino


GLITCH Jupiter Heyoka

DEEP TECHNO Marcel Dettman Donatto Dozzy Michaelangelo Dasha Rush

“We find mistakes usually end up better than the planned design itself”, says Josh. “We wanted to create a 360º vista so from the outside of the structure, so you feel drawn to enter, and when you enter, you forget everything else outside of it.”

PROG-TECHNO Lee Burridge Manuel Lobo Kasey Taylor Diogo Ribeiro Tata Kaesar Felix daCat

30m in diameter, the tallest tower and DJ booth are 13m. 6 towers are positioned in hexagonal form on the rim of the inner circle, 6 on the outer. “When people enter, they will feel some depth to the dimensions,” says Josh.


800+ pallets are tied together with nuts and bolts. “Locally sourced materials work best on many levels – economical, ecological costs of transportation are significantly reduced,” says Josh.


CONSERVATION IS KEY “Only after the last tree has been cut down... the last river has been poisoned... the last fish caught, only then will you find that money cannot be eat.” Cree Indian Prophecy.


dharma dragon

ambient paradise An atmospheric utopia – The electrifying hexagonal design and land art of Ambient Paradise ignites a symbiosis between deco, light and music.

The legend of Boom’s emblematic dragon, by artist Broll Jholl comes to life at the Ambient Paradise - breathing atmospheric vibrations that resonate between the sound, hexagonal fountain and a magical garden of untold secrets for you to discover. This is the Ambient Paradise. A utopia for pirates of all walks of life…

ROBERT RICH Musical mastermind, Robert Rich built his first synthesiser at the age of 13. His scientific approach has seen him explore rhythmic patterns, including sound experiments that influence REM. First performed in San Francisco in 1982, his infamous sleep-concert series became legendary. Since then, the artist has released a string of critically acclaimed albums that have seen him fuse a medley of home-made instruments with computer-based signal processing. Ambient, dark ambient and that infamous “drone” sound inspire a peaceful, meditative state. Simply genius.


Intonation composer and instrument builder, Jacques Dudon is the man behind production of sound that is modulated from light. This ingenious generation of sound is developed using a light source that shines through painted glass discs. Patterns of light are picked up by solar cells and converted into a voltage that becomes a sound signal. An experience not to be missed…




Cloudycle come together for the very first time to perform live and direct. To celebrate we are presenting a memorable concert to mark the closing of Ambient Paradise at 3am on August 26th. This is the project of Greg Hunter, Mauxuam, Master Margherita and Lingua Lustra, a peculiar breed of musicians that fused to launch Cloudcycle – an audio-blog sharing copywrite-free tracks,

STAGE Virtual project


The musically rich sounds of Rhasa Bhava; hypnotic Indo tech beats of Shringara, and more recently – a remix of Kaya Project featuring that dusty tribal, gypsy-dub sound: Makyo’s expeditions into ethnic sound fusion continue to inspire. The artist and group of performers stage a live Hindustani dub set, fusing Indian and middle-eastern acoustics, featuring mystical dancers in this unique live-jam set. Expect instrumentally rich sounds and an oasis of beautiful melodies.

alternative mixes, demos and samples and that invites all artists to create their own remixes. They play all things related with dub, bass music, ambient, IDM, funky beats as analog meets digital across a beautiful soundscapes. They’re joined by Robert Rich, Jacques Dudon, Naomi O’Sullivan and Dymons; projecting the emotion of this final showdown in a spontaneous, magic, resonant, synchronicity blending of amazing music. Not to be missed...

One of the most exciting names to grace the Ambient Paradise, Italian musician, ercussionist and producer Antonio Testa’s visionary sounds are a journey to the soul. His first release “Senza Tempo” dates from 1985 and since then he have built instruments, inspiring generations and exploring the ethnic music traditions into modern music.

AMBIENT PARADISE Virtual project



British dubster, Nick Manasseh’s rumbling bass lines androotsy vocal chants continue to inspire audiences and artists alike. A lover of that original Jamaican sound, Nick spent most of the 80s re-inventing 70s roots dub – making a profound contribution to the revival of roots and reggae. The re-release of Sound Iration in Dub takes us back to 1988. Anyone who missed that time will now have the privilege of getting a taste of dub-licious history – defining that old-time aroma of bass-heavy spiritual sounds, not to mention the birth of the UK Steppers. Class act!

He is one of the most extraordinaire electronic producers in the last decade. This Mexican started a whole movement of classically-influenced electronic music when he dropped his incredible debut album ‘Martes’ in 2002. With perfectly manipulated glitchy beats and the kind of strings you’d expect to hear on a movie, Fernando Corona introduced many electronic fans to the sounds of orchestral bliss and a subgenre was born. His ability to layer strings into epic soundscapes makes his music breathtaking. A must see at Boom 2010.

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sacred fire Weaving the Magic


THE ZOME STAGE Virtual project

“There is a Divine fire in the Earth and in the plants. The Waters carry the fire and the same fire dwells in the rocks. There is a fire within human beings, within the cows and the horses are sacred fires. The Divine fire shines from heaven as the Sun . The Divine fire extends the wide atmosphere through the wind . Mortals enkindle the Fire that carries their prayers, which loves clarity.” [viii] Atharva Veda

Welcome to Sacred Fire 2010!

For the third time in a row, Sacred Fire crew has the honour to serve Boom audiences with their kick-ass acoustic stage, lush gardens of edible and ornamental plants and their cosy, earthy feeling space of delicious food stalls, comfy hangouts and lovingly woven installations of land art and detailed landscaping, plus a few novelties that will push the threshold of Sacred Fire much further than before.


Spreading along more than 300 meters of gravel walkways, the Sacred Fire gardens have grown larger and more beautiful than ever. Carefully set in one of the small forests that make up the new Boom site, providing ample shade and freshness for you to sit, chill and enjoy the work in progress of our landscaping crew and our land art installations, this is the oasis that Sacred Fire fans have grown used to.


Our daily program kicks off with a sunset prayer where representatives of different spiritual traditions go on stage to honour the core element of this year’s edition of Boom Festival, the Water. Followed by an average of 4 bands every evening, and a sideshow of top Portuguese world music DJ’s to bridge the gaps between bands and provide a musical backdrop to the wandering circus performances that tour the different festival venues, we’re sure to make your visit worthwhile and provide you with a diversity of musical projects that has been the trademark of this stage since the beginning. Make sure you don’t miss out on our non-stop all-acoustic trance night that we’re putting on full moon, August 24th.


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This year our gardens will feature 3 beautiful temples where you can tap into your innermost essence in the carefully prepared safe spaces of the Temples of either The Sacred Feminine or The Sacred Masculine before you enter the Temple of Love. Daily workshops, cutting edge coaching sessions or the simple possibility to hang out in a sheltered environment of sharing provide a space for healing and integration of the powerful energies of intimacy and affection. These are places to grow emotionally and talk gender and love. Another novelty in Sacred Fire this year, the The Temple of Rhythmic Consciousness gathers a quality lineup of workshops dedicated to dance, drumming and voicing, where some of the musicians that perform on our stage share their skills and gather for two jam sessions daily under the Drumming Tree.


After 2008’s successful introduction of the beachfront spa, this year Sacred Fire’s dedicated team of healers, therapists and masseurs move into the woods to join forces with the elemental energies of Nature, lovingly caring for the boomers in need of relaxation, healing and well-being in a comfortable and safe setting that meets the highest standard of alternative welfare.


These are the places to enjoy our selection of gourmet food stalls and original handicraft shops while you visit our gardens and to make a contribution to some of our team’s personal projects.

The moon-spirit resonates with heightened emotion as we approach the latter end of the Boom. This is the full moon. This is 24th August. Highlight Tribe, Ganga Giri, Olive Tree Dance, Wild Marmalade, Airtist and Tribal Dance step up for a 10-hour acoustic jam at Boom to trigger that reminder. Come and celebrate this show, taking place for the first time in the history of modern trance.

HILIGHT TRIBE “There will be high vibes on the dancefloor, the temperature should be ecstatic and the spirit of this music shall unite us once again (Insh-Allah!). We are in the midst of an auspicious time and magic place: just like the lotus, born from the mud and blooming into colourful flowers....”

TRIBAL DANCE You are going to go 3000 years back into time when we celebrated as a tribe. Let’s wake up the ancient tribe and celebrate life!

WILD MARMALADE Expect something really special. Make a night of it. Ride the wave with us. Expect happiness, dancing , colour, dynamic, collaborations, smiles, a full moon and dirt under your feet.

OLIVE TREE DANCE I believe together we’ll create a tremendous energy in a field where we all will fly higher. I expect. It will be a fantastic celebration. It Will be a massive atmosphere!

SACRED FIRE – A Community in Action

Sacred Fire is built in the spirit of a temporary, free-will community, meaning that we build the area from the premise that any member of our crew should feel free to create whatever, whenever he wants. Even though sometimes this proposal is challenging to master and even more difficult to fit into the conventional boxes of budgeting, scheduling and planning, we believe that these are the parameters that most deeply reflect the highest path of Creativity, Empowerment and Love. Please respect our space and be aware than more than a festival area, this is an extension of our personal process that we offer in Service and Love. Tread lightly and feel free to make our area more beautiful than you have found it, within this spirit of affection and respect. Please do not disturb any of the ongoing workshops. If you want to meet our crew or need any additional information about our lineup and our ongoing activities, please come and visit us at our renowned headquarters, The Banana Palace.


The Sacred Fire Crew

healing area Well-being and connectedness with the wholeness is a key to experience Boom’s healing hub

A holistic view of human existence... The Healing Area manifests a holistic view towards human existence. It is accentuated through meditation, sound journeys, yoga and by aura, chakra and energy readings, stimulating mental clarity, physical well-being and spiritual understanding. The Healing Area becomes the heartbeat of the Boom, where we ignite our inner light so that it radiates out into the rest of the festival and beyond...

WATER TENT Virtual project

SOUND TEMPLE Virtual project

Prem Geeta teaches the art of embodiment – a technique involving movement that empowers us to live life completely. She will be hosting regular Stretch-In classes at the Practice Tent.

WHAT DOES EMBODIMENT INVOLVE? It involves exploring different parts of the body through sense,



Design of structures within the Healing Area has been inspired by the Sacred Mandala. It is the Divine Flower of this sacred space and forms the nexus of this zone at Boom. Every component of the Healing Area is invigorated by the power of the mandala and it dynamics inspire a connection to the source and the light of all creation – guiding us to be at one with ourselves and all that is.


The Group Practice Tent manifests the sacred components of the Mandala, arranged and harmonized to give the chance for groups of all walks of life to meet and practice together in a peaceful and energizing space.


Puja is an act of devotion, celebrating life. It is the main space across the Healing Area, offering a variety of “sadhanas” and “satsangs” for all seekers of Truth, spiritualists, the curious, and free and open-minded that wish to improve their connection with the cosmic energy. Discover asana chanting, QiGong, Hatha yoga, healing with raw food, kirtan, bio-energetic workout and tantric dance.


Featuring a water facility that runs constantly at 34o (birthing temperature), the Water Practice defines this Boom edition’s theme of water. Joints and muscles behave work differently in this controlled environment. Come experience the bliss of Aquatic

Body Work, Water Shiatsu sessions, Aquatic Yoga, Aquatic Tai-Chi and many others activities that take place in a special healing water pool.


To enter the sweat lodge is to cleanse yourself on physical, mental and spiritual levels. This timeless approach to cleanliness is reflected in the temazcalli of Mexico, sauna of Finland, the Hamam of the Persians, the sweat lodge of the Southwest Indians and the Turkish steam bath. It is advisable to experience the sweat lodge on an empty stomach.


The way to experience the Sound Journey is to deeply let go, deeply surrender, and deeply allow the sound to pass into you, through you, around you, with no resistance or interpretation.


With free homeopathic and sound modelling consultations, the Yurt becomes a personal space for connecting with ourselves on other levels. Aura, chakra, energy and meridian readings tap into our more subtle dimensions while initiating an exploration of something deeper...

Prem Geeta

touch, movement and a technique that I have called Stretch-In.

WHY STRETCH-IN? Because we actually “stretch into ourselves”. It generates clarity and awareness, integrating body, mind and spirit.

WHAT CAN ONE EXPECT TO ACHIEVE FROM EMBODIMENT? Because we spend more time in our minds, embodiment becomes a soothing remedy for the nervous system, allowing us to live life completely. Being in the body brings aliveness!

With the variety of artists from the scope of imagination and fantasy, in each edition we continue to evolve with the mission of unlocking the vast potential of ourselves as creators. These are some of the artists of Boom 2010. AMETHYST PORTAL

Nestled between Sacred Fire and Healing Area, Harlan Emil Gruber’s Amethyst Portal welcomes participants to receive an unforgettable experience boundaries within dissolve into as the physical bo the intergalactic medium that connects us all.


In a distant galaxy light years a way, alien creatures packaged their genetic material into microscopic


spores containing the entire blueprint of their biology, history, technology. One of those spores found a place to germinate on Earth, luckily for us, at Boom... Don’t miss the opportunity to meet these other worldly creatures. Thanks to the efforts of the Cosmic Walkers, you can. See them positioned near to the Dance temple.


Le Moulin Aux Chimeres bring the future technologies of their cosmic kaleidoscope to Boom. More than 40 people can enter its perimeters for an interactive journey. Also featuring work by Edu of Sagaz Corp and the debut of a fully interactive metal flower with hidden secrets... Located near The Drop towards the Ambient Paradise.


An all time Boom favorite, LUGU Test Area return to blow us away with their imaginative creations. From the Tripical Beach to magnificent recycled lamps – their work will take you on playful adventures.

TAZ of the World


of Indie Tribes Boom is a pirate utopia, a Temporary Autonomous Zone. It is space for Artivism, where civil disobedience, assertive action and art evade formal structures of control. First coined by anarchist philosopher, Hakim Bey, the nature of TAZ has served


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THE KISS By Android Jones


Enroute to Sacred Fire, one will encounter a beacon of glowing orbs – his metalwork sculpture, otherwise known as Sphae who leads us to discover portals far and beyond. Michael also brings with him, Keynote – a magnificent piece of art evoking contemplation into the hidden aspects of ourselves...


Ram has made his psychedelic splash, taking the theme of water to the optical center. He also brings his hyper-cosmic totems to Boom. We are proud to have him back to help make Boom the most beautiful festival in the world.


Shrine and his Laughing Hands crew bring the Golden Shack to Boom. Meanwhile, the Gamelatron, creation of Brooklyn-based artist, A.Taylor Kuffner is a traditional Balinese instrument comprising gong and xylophone components. Perched between Groovy Beach and Ambient Paradise with daily shows.


Brought to the festival by Boom 2010 Art director, Carey Thompson, the Stargate enables you to project your clearest intentions and send them instantaneously to all points of the holographic universe – and without a doubt, the universe will respond.

VICENTE BETTENCOURT A true creature of the land,

Vicente returns to Boom to expand his palette of natural objects with clay, branches, stone. His work is all around the site, using roots, bones and natural materials expressing land art in a truly indigeneous way.


Xavi has travelled to earth as ambassador of another world to share his visions through paintings, installations and line of wearable art. Near the Drop art market, he’ll be creating a large mural – a masterpiece in progress and exercise of passionate dedication.

as a form of conceptual architecture for evolving subcultures. From graffiti art and the break-dance phenomena to techno-mania or squats – dialogue with renegade tribes has intensified across the world. Yet there’s no defining the TAZ. What it does define however, is the freedom we feel outside the hegemonic order of dominant societies. At Boom, the TAZ forms the fabric of an alternative reality. It is a means to survival in the face of totality. The beauty of TAZ lies in the spirit of its spontaneity as seen at Boom. Pirates of no name from across the world unite here. They leave behind their music, graffiti, theatre, dance, poetry, art – it vanishes as sporadically as it had appeared. Melding life with theatre, Denmark in the seventies set the course of things to come when Freetown Christiana and The New Society became


The mystique of creatures from the underworld is present in the fluidity of their transmutation. Expanding the consciousness beyond the confines of mundane reality, Brol Johl takes us on a journey beyond the 3-dimensional, amplifying the magic of nature. See his emblematic dragon at the Ambient Paradise...

KALEIDOSCOPE Le Moulin Aux Chimeres

LOVE NATURE We must repair our relationship with the Sacred Earth by respecting nature. Please be conscious - keep cigarette butts in portable ashtrays, take care of your rubbish and keep the trees clean - just as you found them.

permanent autonomous zones. Boom is rooted in the concept of the Temporary Autonomous Zone, reflecting the spirit of a free cultural space that will continue to grow organically as an ecological, social and communalistic playground.


Dissolving borders between public and artists, the Amsterdam Balloon Company bring the Axis Mundi Project to Boom to raise its 4th totem pole. According to founder, Aja, an Axis Mundi “symbolizes the centre of the world. Through history it was projected on a sacred mountain, as a column of smoke, a tree, a totem pole or imaginary line to the polar star around which the earth was believed to spin.” “The Boom Axis Mundi marks the festival ground as a world centre of consciousness, of positive power and peace, establishing creative and

spiritual bonds and making a statement about the global importance of alternative, experimental societies and festivals,” says Aja. ABC has planted 3 Axis Mundi at the infamous TAZ locations of Ruigoord (Holland), Christiana (Denmark) and Doel (Belgium) and aim to build a transnational network of cultural travel to alternative spaces and festivals. The group welcome Boomers to become a part of this network. ruigoord.nl boomfestival.org

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Activist, musician, freedom fighter, producer, cinematographer, artist… In April we lost one of Boom’s totems – Jorge Fialho. We remember him together with his favorite musician, Jimi Hendrix in a painting from Carey Thompson. Jorge’s enthusiasm has been an inspiration for all of us. His main phrase, “Love Only”, is rippling all across the Boom 2010.

the drop The biggest innovation at Boom, an exciting meltdown between knowledge and performing arts



An interactive hub of creativity featuring exhibited works by some of the world’s most dynamic artists.

World-class acts stage a series of performances at the Theatroom everyday from midnight until 2am.

In its second edition, the Paradigms Films brings indie cinema to Boom. Over eight nights we showcase 21 movies to demonstrate new paradigms and conscious evolution are being showcased by modern cinema activists. DREAM PEOPLE OF THE AMAZON


Liminal is Boom’s contribution to a changing zeitgeist where powerful voices present solutions and explore the profound message of a new social reality.


A number stimulating art tours take place at the Inner Visions Art Gallery. Drop by and check the schedule!


In line with the Boom 2010 theme Water, this year’s Liminal Zone emerged from the aquatic notion of exploring uncharted waters and navigating the edge of different FRONTIERS. The program starts 18th August at 22:00 with Paradigms Films (until sunrise) and ends 25th August at 23:00.


With WATER as the main theme, today we take humanity’s pulse asking: Where are we? How did we get here? Where are we going next?

HIGHLIGHT VIVIAN DITTMAR Be the Change Symposium – Pachamamma Alliance Designed with the collaboration of some of the finest scientific, indigenous and activist minds in the world, the Symposium presents unique information and inspiring multimedia connecting participants with a powerful global movement for reclaiming the future.


Come and discover how you can Make Change Happen. Activism is the theme of the day.

HIGHLIGHT VANDANA SHIVA Bhoomi – Action for Earth Democracy One of the world’s most powerful communicators, environmental activist and eco feminist, Vandana Shiva discusses how we can act as Earth Citizens at a time when the conventional trajectory spells extinction.


With a focus on prana, movement, nutrition and healing, we explore the natural power of the body to reach healthy and even ecstatic states.


UK raw food pioneer Kate Magic is sharing cutting edge nutritional teaching, inspiration and wisdom – for the mind, body, heart & soul.


How we create our own reality and the latest research with psychedelics and sacred plants are some of the themes covered.

HIGHLIGHT FRONTIERS OF MEDICINE The Role of Psychedelics and Sacred Plants

BE CONSCIOUS Boom is a leave-no-trace-event: Ask yourself at all times: Am I leaving a trace? Take EVERYTHING back with you – leave behind nothing but your amazing memories of Boom 2010.

By Larry Landsburg The indigenous Achuar people of southeast Ecuador live in a remote and pristine part of the Amazon and have only been in touch with the outside world since the early seventies. This documentary tells their compelling story.

CONVERSATIONS WITH THE EARTH – Indigenous Voices on Climate Change By Insight Share In this series of 12 shorts, we meet indigenous videographers from Cameroon, the Philippines, Peru, Arctic, Kenya and Panama – a growing network of indigenous communities working on climate and human rights issues.

VISIONS OF A UNIVERSAL HUMANITY By Barbara Marx Hubbard Following the success of the documentary series, Humanity Ascending, futurist, Barbara Marx Hubbard brings together some of the finest minds of our time to reveal a positive future for humanity.

2012: TIME FOR CHANGE By João Amorim and Daniel Pinchbeck A radical alternative to apocalyptic doom and gloom, the film follows journalist Daniel Pinchbeck on a quest for a new paradigm that integrates the archaic wisdom of tribal cultures with the scientific method.

É DREDA SER ANGOLANO By Fazuma Collective The social power of music in Africa in this mambo-style documentary has been surprising audiences across Portugal and Africa. An outstanding musical and visual trip to the streets of Luanda, Angola, and inspired by the album, ‘Ngonguenhação’, by beat-diggers Conjunto Ngonguenha. ¾

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the drop

With Rick Doblin (MAPS), Alicia Danforth (psychedelic researcher), Ben de Loenen (ethno botanical documentary maker), Seabrook Leaf (participant in first US government approved LSD study), Benjamin Crystal (shamanic healer) and moderated by Jon Hanna (senior editor at Erowid.org). Not to be missed!


A psychedelic rhapsody of vision and sound!

HIGHLIGHTS TONY ANDREWS Why Bad Sound is Disrespectful to our Divine Nature

The inventor of the Funktion1 sound technology gives an exciting talk about sound. With a 40-year career in loudspeaker development, Funktion1 Tony Andrews has contributed significantly to our enjoyment of music and the nature of sound. Come and hear it from one of the most important figures in sound design today!

ANDROID JONES Art, Drugs & God

The techno-alchemical process revealed by techno-mystic visual pioneer Android Jones. Psychedelics, spirituality, technology & creativity taken to the next level.



The work of an artist is often indicative of the journey embarked. Carey Thompson’s exploration of ancient cultures, sacred geometry, mysticism and the universal matrix are crystalized in his works.


Prime suspect RAM has been spotted with his spraycan and continues to kick up a storm with his dynamic style. Catch him in the midst of creative chaos and explode that magic can against the soundscape of infectious music!

For this edition of Boom, the Inner Visions Gallery transmutes into a central hub for staging art from across the festival spectrum. Featuring installation art from Cosmic Walkers, Shrine, Harlan Gruber, Broll Jholl and structural art sketches from Bamboo DNA. Live performance painting is also highlighed in a special display


dharma dragon

The transition from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age and the reactivation of powerful planetary energies are the topics of this talk. GR states that “There will be very intense transformative energies during Boom, anchoring the higher vibrations of Love.”

Live graffiti and stunning visuals unite as RAM and Android Jones come together for the finale at the Dance Temple. Don’t miss this magical explosion of creativity!





It’s the most dynamic event in live painting to take place at a European festival and features paint on canvas, graffiti art and digital painting across various stages. Look out for BOOMbastik creations, live and direct from Amanda Sage, Autumn Skye, Adam Scott-Miller and many more! For a schedule of who’s doing what and where, please visit the Inner Visions Gallery.

Graffiti has been a life-long love for this unique artist. He’ll be projecting his alchemical style of visionary art across the festival... Not to be missed!

Open your heart under the full moon in an exploration of the Frontiers of Love.

prevalent in his works. It is an honour for Boom to share the visual journey of this truly wonderful artist.




Trained in techniques of the old masters by Michael Fuchs, this vibrant young artist brings life, colour, imagination and magic to the canvas.

while key exhibitions include: Evolution of Art: Past & Future; and Life Time Tributes, dedicated to Abdul Mati Klarwein, Victor Olenev and Sergey Timonin.


Gallery Tours become a special component for interaction with artists and an inside view of the artwork. Visit the gallery for details of the schedule. HIGHLIGHTS


60s psychedelia defined his surrealist creations yet symbolism and non-western deities were ever


Beauty, light, enigma, sensuality, purity, divinity... These are just some of the words to describe the work of this special artist.


Visions of brilliant light, an explosion of vibrant colours, imagery of universal love, this talented young artist continues his quest of new discoveries.


Voyaging into the spiritual mysteries of the human imagination, Luke Brown channels a lucid dialogue with the sources of creativity.

A MAD HARVEST By Anita Shukla In this visually stunning activism-driven animation, independent filmmaker, Anita Shukla takes us on a journey into the world of nuclear weapons, honing in on government priorities over food for impoverished millions.

VOLTAGE By Bam Studio An impressive animation-short that tells the story of connection, discovery, action and reaction. Half-human, half-robot synthesisers are fuelled by high energy, connecting in an electrically chaotic trance. Mesmerising!


In Frontiers of Evolution we look at the future we are consciously co-creating. Where to next?

INVOCATION By Fernando del Sol A fun-filled psychedelic, music-driven adventure that delves into the beauty of humanity’s attempt to create bridges between ourselves and the invisible forces of the universe - taking us on a journey to the largest human gathering on Earth - India’s Kumbha Mela.

HIGHLIGHT JAMIE JANOVER Crossing the Event Horizon – The Unified Field Theory of Nassim Haramein A unification of all sciences and philosophies emerging from a complete and applied view of the physics underlying the wheelworks of nature... A perfect wrap up to the week’s events.



By Richard Meech In the heart of the Amazin, a doctor and an accountant experience life-altering epiphanies when they drink a psychoactive brew called Ayauasca, the Vine of the Soul… Indepth interviews with Peruvian and Canadian shamans, experts speak to the increasing use of ayahuasca outside the Amazon and the benefits for western medicine, personal spiritual growth and a new understanding of Nature.

An explosion of creativity pulsates the perimeters of the Theatroom while Live Art Performances transform the festival grounds into a surreal universe of parallel dimensions! Here are just some of the highlights...


Blacklight mask and dance theatre-company, ARCHEDREAM FOR HUMANKIND perform “Inside Out” - a mindblowing UV mask dance performance that takes place 19th August


O’ULTIMO MOMENTO present, “Contigo” on 21st

where giant beasts from prehistoric times wade through crowds. Keep ears open for the deafening roar of these ginormous beings!

World-renowned, post-apocalyptic circus troupe,

A gravity-defying aerial acrobatics act, GOLTRIX are exhilarating to watch in this circus style show...

August, featuring Chinese pole acrobatics and dance choreographed by Rui Hora.

LUCENT DOSSIER, bring their magic to Boom on

24th August with the Vaudeville show, “Android Love” - flying aerial and explosive dance.


performance, “Oscillare” places us in an ephermeral space where the universes of dance and technology unite. Takes place 25th August.

SampList, EBOMAN connects with the audience in this interactive video performance, where the audience becomes a part of the show.

LIVE ART PERFORMANCES CLOSE ACT bring their mobile act, “Saurus” to Boom

ICARUS PRODUCTIONS bring “The Roos” to Boom – a group of giant kangaroos on stilts that bounce a metre off the ground and 2 metres in bound. A phenomenal site! CREME DE LA CREME’S “Clown couple” enact

a humourous and satirical take on the cliches of marriage. Extremely funny, highly interactive and lots of fun! Aerial and circus act, PSYCHOLOGICAL ART CIRCUS present, “Human document” at the Dance Temple – a sureal act based on a true story of life after death.

By One Giant Leap A groundbreaking audio-visual project, Grammy-nominated duo, Jamie Catto and Duncan Bridgeman’s visionary project explores the complexities of human nature, aiming to reveal how e are all connected through our creativity, beliefs and most of all, our collective insanity. Featuring collaborators as diverse as Noam Chomsky and Billy Connolly.

IBOGAINE – Rite of Passage By Ben DeLoenen The history of the sacred plant spirit goes back thousands of years. In a tribute to Howard Lotsof, who discovered the plant’s antiaddictive properties, Ben DeLoenen documents a profound insight into the traditional and contemporary roles of the medicine.

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boom at a glance COMMUNITY KITCHEN



You can use the community woven/kitchen made out of super

If you have lost your child please report it in the Info Stand or

Once on site, please get familiar with fire exits, fireman and water

adobe for your own cooking. This is a free service. Enjoy folks!

to any of the stewards we have at Boom. All found child will be


looked after at the Baby Boom.

AT BOOM due to high risks of fire.



Please don’t leave valuables in your car or tent or carry them

No amplified music is allowed onsite. Please don’t disregard this

around with you if you don’t need them. Tents can be an

We have the Baby Boom ready and beautiful ready for your child

as we are all need to live in one community. There are plenty

invitation to thieves. The best way to keep valuables safe is to

to be looked after. There are plenty of joy and love to share over

of Boomers that want to be away from personal soundsystems.

use the Lock-Up (at the Info Stand in Dow Tow). If you are a victim


Please respect each other.

of theft, or see anybody acting as a thief or without a wristband,


please report it to the stewards/security.



There are plenty of toilets on-site. Please respect

We can’t fulfill our efforts for respecting nature

the compost process – never throw any tampao,

if you don’t help us. Please help us to keep this beautiful site

There are ATM Machines at the Dow Tow. There is no extra charge

glass, plastic or any other item to the toilets.

clean and tidy. There are plenty

from Boom for withdrawal.

The outcome of the compost process creates fertilizer for the soil.

of garbage bins and recycling points around the site – please use them and dispose your litter in



the correct bin.

There is an Info Stand located at Dow Tow where our team is trying

There are showers on-site for free. Please use eco-

You will be given garbage bags when you arrive at Boom. Please

to answer all queries about the programme, Boom daily life, site

-friendly products at the festival to protect the local wildlife and

make sure you dispose of your cigarette butts in your pocket

information, and all other info. A notice board is available


ashtray or in any other garbage bins across the Boom site.

for personal messages.



If you have lost a personal item, please contact the Info Stand where

Please protect the lake. Don’t throw garbage, piss or excrete

Both the fireman and Boom Medical Service provide 24-

staff are able to help you. If you find any lost items, please hand to

in it. Water is too precious to be mistreated. Give love, joy and

-hour first aid cover. They are located nea.

the Info Stand crew at Dow Tow. Never take what is not yours.

gratitude every time you dive in this beautiful lake.

Due to technical reasons, in the pocket map of Boom 2010 the Healing Area is missing. We apologize for one of the most beautiful areas of Boom. Make sure you visit it!









15 STAR – Water treatment unit







11 DOW TOW: Info Stand, ATM, Phone, CyberCafe, Boom Shop and Utopia Tickets














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dharma dragon

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