Freckled Autumn 2011

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autumn 2011

cover photo by linn heidi stokkedal

FRECKLED MAGAZINE Issue 2 autumn 2011 Featuring


jasper van es ................................... willabelle ong .................................. paul jatayna .................................... yewon kim ....................................... elodie fiers .................................... street etiquette ................................

pg pg pg pg pg pg

89 77 85 93 81 97


41st and home ................................... pg 51


jessie roth ..................................... pg 17 emma cherry ..................................... pg 75 joshua foster & ting shuen ...................... pg 01


robin mellway ................................... sid black ....................................... louis edwin fry ................................. amber ortolano ..................................


pg pg pg pg

03 19 39 67

catherine shearer ............................... pg 33 gabriel dionisio ramos romo ..................... pg 63

Time Zones (I) by Joshua Foster

She leaves her home while the birds are sleeping and the flightless travellers wish they were sleeping, or at least had something to keep them awake. Walking through twice forgotten laneways her shadow repaints sun stained walls, while she listens to branches conversing with the wind as it stutters and stumbles by, clumsily dropping rumours of Winter ‘I’ve h-heard he’s on his way!’ Arriving at the station, eyes out of synch swaying like the needle of an untrained metronome, she separates the 50% wool, 50% cotton wagers strangers have placed on Autumn’s mood. As she waits, she opens her book, page 97 four months have bound her fragile hands from the veiny pages and in the meantime a dandelion floret has settled between the crooked dog-eared crease. It’s no longer the mini-helicopter she remembers as a sun kissed child but instead a lost firework from a faded Summer evening, muffled by the equinox.


(II) by Ting Shuen


The callused soles of his chestnut wingtips mourned the cacophonous pitter patter of November's showers as he unwillingly wrestled and refused to surrender to Nature's stubborn metronome. The half-forgotten verses of William Shakespeare: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances..." silently lingered and fell asleep within the vacant abstractions of his vintage Filson. A pair of 35 mm cameras sought sanctuary; steadfastly perched beneath the southernmost hemisphere on the waning map of his wax-like eyelids: his frostbitten pupils, all rain-swollen and wide-angled filmed the odes and eulogies, absent-mindlessly recited by the 10 o'clock passengers as he approached the 10 o'clock platform. He rest assured in seat twelve 'b:' fingers crossed for first impressions and second chances. He scanned his wristwatch: 10:05, late as usual... "I do believe we've met before, but I don't believe in pseudonyms. My name is Autumn. Take care, Winter."

(III) by Ting Shuen It is where Summer and Winter meet, it is the fractured veins of a hemlock's stray child haphazardly sewn onto the leather outsoles of your burgundy loafers, it is the tears of condensation your kettle cries as it impatiently waits to be poured into your eight o'clock pot of earl grey, it is the innocent scars from your feathered paperbacks and your honey-and-milk-stained coffee mug sunken into the marbled skin of your living room mantelpiece, it is the petty, short-lived quarrels of the howling wind and the ill-tempered rain that awkwardly cross paths with your pneumonic complexion, it is the archival palette of Harvard crimsons and Cuban mahoganies and woodland emeralds resurrected from your grandmother's anthology of fair-isle sweaters, it is the unspoken soliloquies that Autumn so eloquently rehearses before Winter takes the stage.

photograph by robin mellway


ROBIN MELLWAY I love the natural world and spend as much time in nature as I can, whether it is a backcountry adventure in the wilderness or just walking through a city park. There is infinite beauty and mystery in nature, and my photography is just one of my ways of trying to appreciate that. When it comes to photographing nature, I think less is more. I try to keep it simple, both in terms of picture composition and in terms of methods. To me nothing feels more authentic than a grainy print from film. This series of images is an attempt to depict some of the beauty of autumn in the north, primarily Alaska and the Yukon. The fall is a wonderful time up north, with the amazing colours of aspens, birches, heather and berry bushes contrasting with the vast green spruce forests and snowy mountains. It is a relatively short season, with the threat of fast-approaching winter always present.


written by Jessie Roth

The city is a well-crafted quilt of streets and avenues where large and magnificent structures plunge toward the sky with outstretched peaks. Full of strangers, these notable people produce a population I have encountered on walks but with whom I never been officially introduced. I have a longstanding fascination with strangers. For years, I have pondered the way a person could touch my life for a brief moment, enjoyed the undocumented but softly supposed stories, and studied my surroundings on the lookout for interesting people. I did a reading for writing class a few weeks ago and underlined this phrase by Phillip Lopate: “It was the unexpected rapport that touched him. Walking was both a way for the poet to be alone and—controlledly, indirectly—with others, knowing the spark of intimacy would last only a short while and incur no further obligations.” This is what New York is about and why I enjoy the mere act of walking amidst the many buildings and people. As my feet make contact with the sidewalk and the sun sears its red palm across the nape of my exposed neck, I look around. I maneuver the streets and meet all sorts of human beings: men, women, young and old, lovers and the lonely. Each time I am on a solo adventure, I seem to encounter a different stranger and write a new story.


I was headed towards the underground one afternoon this summer when an elderly woman approached me and asked, “Do I know you?” I smiled and told her that no, I didn’t know her, but she continued to talk to me in spite of this. She asked me if I was a Scorpio or a Sagittarius. I told her that I was actually on the cusp between these two. “Yes,” she closed her eyes and nodded knowingly. “Yes, you have the passion and depth of a Scorpio, but the outlandishness and wisdom of a Sagittarius. You are smart and your mind will expand greatly, but you are not naïve.” Incredulous, I thanked her. She shared with me snippets of her life and at one point stated plainly, “sometimes I feel like a series of internal contradictions.” I told her I understood. We then each went on our way again as just two strangers whose paths randomly coincided for no more than nine minutes. On another occasion, I stood waiting to cross the street in the East Village when a young man with crazy hair turned to me and told me I had beautiful eyes. I was taken aback at the indiscriminate compliment but promptly smiled at him and expressed my gratitude. As I began to walk away, he asked me why I was in New York, and I told him that I liked it here in the village. We passed a building on our left made of red stone with vines growing up it where he paused and told me that this building was where he most wished to live. Déjà vu hit me as, by uncanny coincidence, I realized I photographed this same building, almost exactly a year ago. He wanted to talk, to release his stories to a stranger, and I was more than happy to lend him an ear. After a few minutes, we naturally parted and he went on his way. Before walking away, he told me, “I could tell the second I saw you because you seem like the kind of person who is happy no matter what.” I don’t even know his name. It’s about this wild interest in strangers. Human relationships are everything and strangers are people we learn the most from. It’s a taboo thing in our culture, but I don’t mind. I’ve been told that I see people differently, in “the way they should be seen.” I think it’s about maintaining a free mind, clear of discrimination, and unclouded by judgment. Everybody has a story and each one is interesting. I’m not sure why strangers approach me or why these things happen to me, but I am glad they do.



I've been seriously interested in photography for about 2 years now, although I've always loved taking photos. I like to travel, and photography, for me, is a way of recording all the things I see, and sharing how i see them with other people. I have a crap memory, but I remember clicking the shutter for every single photo I've ever taken, so my photos are a diary of sorts, a diary that other people seem to like, (for some odd reason.) But I guess I'm just lucky that I've gotten to go to all the amazing places that are in my photos.



CAITLIN SHEARER Hi, I'm Caitlin Shearer - 22 - a girl obsessed with obsession, romance, beauty, women, the golden age of hollywood and loneliness. I love painting in watercolours, focusing on portraiture and quiet storytelling - creating a world of my own inside barriers of paper - playing with these imaginary people in a voyeuristic manner - a grown up version of paper dolls. Painting makes me entirely happy and if I ever lost the ability to use my hands i would go insane.


artwork / caitlin shearer



artwork / caitlin shearer



artwork / caitlin shearer


louis edwin fry

In some sense my work is a visual diary, in other works i am trying to capture and record both the physical state infront of me and my emotional state that infulences my experience at the same time. So that it is more than just a photograghic documemtation of a place or person. I'm from London, England. right now i'm in Leipzig, Germany.








an interview with singer and guitarist thom kolb.



that there was a more interesting story behind our name but it’s actually just a reference to our practice space. We get together several times a week in Garth's parents’ garage just off of 41st and Fraser. Garth (drums) and I chose the name during an MSN conversation and I’m really glad we stuck with that instead of some of the other options we had kicking around. Names from Norse mythology and Latin words were all serious contenders at one point…I shudder to think that this might be an interview with Thom from Tonitrus or Acquiecense or something. I always cop out when someone asks for me to describe our sound, so I just turn it over to what other people have said about us. I do it mainly because bloggers etc seem to have a better handle on it than I do. We’ve been described as everything from ‘orchestral indie rock’-which I think sums us up fairly succinctly-to post baroque/ chamber pop, cinematic rock, epic punk and in one case, ‘whimsical.’ If I had to describe our music to someone who had never heard of us I’d say that it’s energetic, dynamic, orchestral rock music sans the standard lyrical content regarding love or the lack of it. Our songs are about family, growing up, the wilderness, rebellion and anything that we happen to find interesting or that stands out to us for different reasons.

clockwise from top left: patrick, george, sejal, thom and garth.


The band was started by Garth and I towards the end of our first year at UBC. We’re both science majors (he’s in biology, I’m in geology) and we bumped into each other in the science undergrad lounge while we were both on our way to guitar club. We had a few incredibly mediocre jams in the garage-the mediocrity was my fault, really. I was still getting used to the concept of jamming and was also stuck in an unfortunate musical rut where I listened to the same canned alternative rock and tried to sing like Eddie Vedder. We probably would have gone our separate ways right then and there, but during one of these ‘jams’ we found a cello that his brother had borrowed from school. Neither of us had any idea how one would properly play a cello, but we got really excited and made . We’ve had some lineup changes over the years, but we lucked out and got George and Sejal from craigslist ads. Patrick and I worked together at the airport last summer doing customer service and spent more time than we should have singing harmonies together in the giant freight elevator.


who are some of your influences? It’s funny when we get asked this because I feel like most bands come together based on a shared appreciation for certain music or similar tastes. We seem to come together based on our differences; our tour van playlist is probably the best reflection of that. We’ll roll with everything from the standard indie fare, to Bollywood soundtracks and gangster rap. A lot of that has to do with our individual musical backgrounds; I taught myself guitar while listening to Zeppelin and Black Sabbath but people like Sejal (violin) and Patrick (keys) grew up doing orchestra

and theory classes. It’s cool though, I think that we combine all our experiences to make something that’s a little different from what you usually see in the indie scene. We do share a common appreciation for groups like The National, Arcade Fire and Broken Social scene, which are the bands we get compare to most often, but we’re always discovering new stuff or sharing our individual tastes with the rest of the group. I look back on Left In Places with a fairly critical eye, but also a certain level of fond


ness. In the end it was really just an album made by a group of kids who had a lot of good ideas but didn’t really know what they were doing. That’s not to say that its bad, but I think we’ve just moved past it. When I listen to it I hear the weakness in my voice, the parts that could have been cut shorter, lyrics that needed resolution and empty space that needed something to fill it in. I also remember all the graveyard shift recording times we fit in to save money, how big the studio felt and the amount of

time it took. That was a year long process of working around the studio schedule and attempting to coordinate time amongst ourselves. When we made Raised By Wolves we wanted to feel in our comfort zone, so we literally took the experience home and recorded it in the garage, with George doing all the engineering. We had 12 hour days sometimes, we recorded and scrapped a lot of different ideas, brought in friends to listen to our progress or record different parts and were able to finish the whole thing within a month. This way we weren’t thinking about how much money we were spending or when

music / 41st and home

we needed it done, our entire focus was on experimenting with sounds and getting the best performances out of each individual. It didn’t feel like work at all, it was just exciting to build up the layers piece by piece and see what we’d done ourselves. I think it’s a much more interesting since more time was devoted to working on lyrics, dynamics, harmonies, interesting melodies or time signatures and energy. As far as Left in Places goes now we haven’t abandoned the material, we still play a lot of those songs live but we have reinterpreted them to match our newer sound. whats a particularly good show you’ve seen? I couldn’t make it unfortunately, but I understand from Garth that the Karkwa, Aidan Knight, Belle Game show was just phenomenal. We’ve all been lucky enough to see some stunning performances lately, it just floors me when you see someone that bares themselves completely on a stage. I saw Fields of Greens Peak Performance Project showcase and couldn’t take my eyes away from Kyle Tubbs during his guitar solo, everyone was holding their breath. Seeing Sufjan Stevens recent show at the Vogue was surreal. I could tell that a lot of the crowd were just hoping for Illinois material, but I loved that he decided to push the envelope and put on a performance that intense and frankly, insane. I never expected to see the man who wrote ‘For the Widows in Paradise’ to wear a technicoloured bodysuit, play synths and do robot dances, but man if he wasn’t great at it. Has there been a particular soundtrack or album that has stuck with you? I have to think carefully here, because we do have some music snobs in the group and I don’t want to catch any flak for giving you an ‘unworthy’ answer. Seriously, music discussions in our band are like scenes out of High Fidelity. It’s hard to say anyway though, I have a lot of stuff that’s been there are the right time in my life that I come back to constantly. I’ve always thought Peter Gabriel was brilliant; the secret world tour live cd/movie blew my mind when I was little, and I watch it constantly…I mean, he packs his band into a suitcase at one point. Takk by Sigur Ros was a game changer as well, I didn’t know music like that was even possible when I first heard it. I’ve also become obsessed with Bob Dylan over the past few years, his music has changed the way I approach writing lyrics and the way I approach music in general. I think the most inspiring for me though has been hearing the music that friends are making; We Are The City, Jordan Klassen, The Belle Game, The Magician, Aidan Knight, Yes Nice and so many others are making BC an exciting place to be right now.


One of the main differences between Raised By Wolves and our last record is that all of these songs are thematically linked; in some ways it’s our attempt at a concept album. We wrote it during a transitional period following some ‘personnel changes’ that we weren’t entirely sure how to deal with, we’d also been critically examined from every angle during the Peak Performance Projectand were basically unsure of where we stood as a band. It also dawned on me around that point that I had somehow entered adulthood without warning; I felt out of place with some of my old groups of friends, people started taking me more seriously and yet I didn’t feel like I was grown up enough to deal with it. Out of that came all these lyrics about the loss of youth and innocence, impending responsibility, and what it really means to grow up. The idea of escape, and reverting to a wild, animalistic state comes up in several of the songs; I think there’s a kind of romantic notion behind running off into the wilderness and leaving behind the structure and order of society. I always loved the idea of feral kids that you get in The Jungle Book, Where the Wild Things Are, Peter Pan or Lord of the Flies and I took a lot of inspiration from them.

how would describe vancouvers music scene? Vancouver, and BC in general is undergoing a cultural renaissance and the world seems to be taking notice. I think our community has just become more supportive of local music, especially with help of things like the Peak Performance Project, and realized that we don’t have to look outside of our province for exciting new sounds. It’s a big attitude change, we’re more willing to tell the world that cool stuff happens here and people that wouldn’t normally seek out independent artists are being exposed to them. When my mother, who (bless her) is not the most musically adventurous, comes home and chats with me about Hollerado or the new Dan Mangan record, then you know that CBC or the Peak are doing their jobs right. I love it, its been fascinating watching my friends bands mature into word class acts and I cant wait to see what the future holds.

where does 41st and home hope to go from here? Ideally, I’d like the band to evolve into something that we could tangibly work at full time. At the moment we are able to cover our expenses and do a lot of the things we’ve been dreaming about; we put out Raised By Wolves on vinyl, we toured across Canada this summer and we recently shot a music video with Amazing Factory who we’ve wanted to work with for a long time. I’m so thankful that we’ve had these opportunities but it would be so freeing to not have to work part time jobs to support ourselves. In the meantime our mantra is to keep travelling, keep writing and to keep sharing our music. When I look back and see how far we’ve come in less than a year it’s an affirmation that we need to keep working hard and stay in love with what we do.


music / 41st and home


Gabriel Dionisio Ramos Romo

I'm a Mexican 24 year-old boy who has always liked Visual Arts and Exact Sciences. I currently live in Ensenada, Mexico.


artwork / gabriel dionisio ramos

I remember drawing since I was a little kid. I drew animals and cartoons' characters. I usually drew anime characters (like Dragon Ball's) during my childhood. When I was like 14 years old (2002) I started to draw real people (since I saw a fashion illustration for Calvin Klein in one of my sisters' magazine), but also continuing drawing anime-like people, and little by little I stopped drawing anime people and started to draw only realistic people. I have a Bachelor's degree in Physics and I'm studying a Master degree in Materials Science and Engineering specialized in Nanotechnology. As a curious fact, when finished high school I didn't know what to study, if Visual Arts or Physics, and I decided (and I'm glad I did) Physics because I can still draw without studying a career :) I lived in Puerto Vallarta, a small city where I didn’t know many people, and it was when I move to Guadalajara to study my Bachelor’s degree (18 years old), when other local illustrators admired my drawings that I started to think of my drawings as a salable work. I guess I have many influences in my work... I like Coco's illustrations, I think she's one of the best fashion illustrators. I also like Sandra Suy, Alphonse Mucha and Gustav Klimt's work. I'm also influenced by my family since I have an illustrator older sister, a graphic designer uncle, a sculptor uncle and a painter uncle (in fact, my three siblings draw). I think that what most inspires my work is the beauty of the women I draw. Other astists I admire are Michelangelo Buonarroti and Gottfried Helnwein, among many others. left: grace kelly 2 upper: irina 2 lower: måshenka



artwork / gabriel dionisio ramos

I usually draw with a mechanical pencil and color with color pencils, colorful paper and Photoshop. I've never taken drawing/design/art/illustration lessons and I think I can do a so much better work than I do. I've had a solo exhibition in Dear Deer gallery at Guadalajara in 2008 and participated in several group exhibitions. I made an illustration for fashion designers Julia&Renata for their collaboration with Sister.

far left: elle fanning far right: natasha khan left: untitled


Amber Ortolano

Fascinated by the inner workings of our minds, I often explore the unknown and the illusion of images our eyes create. I strive to tell a story, a narration of a small part of someone’s life; even if it is just for a second. I think a lot of my photographs are connected in a way; they all have the same story, but each time I take a new photograph, a different part of that story comes alive. Photography / Amber Ortolano Model / Daina Michelle






self portraits - Amber Ortolano


the lady who reeked of dry leaves It rained twelve times last year. I would put on my tights in the mornings, even when I saw those damp grey sheets sliding down my window glass, and I would slip on some cotton flats and march out into that grey with the will of a painted tin soldier. In the afternoons, my flats would take their place on the radiator until I smelled burning linens and my tights would drench my feet until my ankles earned wrinkles and my toes morphed from plums into violet prunes. This time, I’d take some grey slivers with my tea and I’d listen to the sonnets that the rain hummed on my soft dry home. And next time, I’d wear loafers. Summer rapped on my door twice this year but I swear, it was an early morning and my bed of feathers and lovers was too warm and I couldn’t bear to hear that noise without clutching pillows on my tawny head. So I yelled through the walls and I told her to come back later and she left a sheet of tissue paper on my doorstep that said she was on an indefinite sabbatical to the tropics of Trinidad, and I choked a little on my “thank yous”, on my “please go”s. She never did come back and I remembered fondly stroking her hibiscus-scented neck and wishing it smelled like juniper, like sunflowers, like poinsettias.


I am afraid that I will die alone, like a leaf, like the one leaf that falls near my hair when I lay, splayed, on Northwest soil and suburbia. Things happen slowly here; autumn crawls by timidly, but I am sure, I am sure honey, that November will bring those coral reds that you have always marveled at. I can smell cinnamon and pear cider and the Bartletts from September’s fruit festival are nestled smoothly, in the crook of my pale arm, and so I think I’ll have a picnic in a pile of maple tree tears, or make some pie.

Written by Emma Cherry


Willabelle Ong How would you describe your sense of style? It's eclectic as I like to experiment with all kinds of prints, colours and textures. My style used to be relatively based around dull colours but I've been attempting to incorporate colour-blocking into it. So far, I'm really loving hints of colour in my outfits; it gives that extra detail for fascination. My ensembles are usually just things I like thrown together, and personalized with touches of accessories like jewellery or legwear.I don't think I'll ever stop trying different things as sometimes, the most unexpected combinations are my favourite outfits!

How did you initially become interested in fashion? When I was younger, my mum had always been interested in fashion and I never really noticed it until I started going through her fashion magazines. The fashion spreads and photography were engaging but it didn't influence me as much. Then came the day I joined Lookbook and the never-ending scroll feature was like a infinite catalogue of inspiration. People on there were good at what they did and I also started discovering fashion blogs. It didn't take long for me to get drawn into the fashion scene and its trends, fashion weeks, and so on. I absolutely love it, and for me, it's a form of self-expression that is really stimulating because you can find so many ways to wear a particular item!

If you could choose any city to live in the world based on its fashion, where would you want to live? Definitely New York City where the city never sleeps! I've never visited that place but it seems like the centre of the entire world. It appears to be a place where people live and breathe fashion, and I want to experience that too. Moreover, New York Fashion Week always looks like the best place to be at. Fingers crossed I'll have enough money to move over to 'The Big Apple' after University and pursue my dream of working for Vogue!


Where are some of your favourite places to shop? Western Australia has a limited number of labels to shop at so I mostly get my stuff online, especially from ASOS and Solestruck. However, I really like Sportsgirl, Myer, Forever New and other vintage shops in Perth because they're reasonably affordable. My favourite international brands include H&M, Topshop, Forever 21, Zara, French Connection, and so on. I could go on forever...


Elodie Fiers


How would you describe your sense of style? I've got a pretty boyish style actually, even if I like a girly dress sometimes, but I alawys do it with loafers or derbies. I'm not a big trend follower, it's the easiest way to look ridiculous in my opinion. I've been crazy about vintage and thrifted clothing for a number of years.

What are some of your favourite things to do or see in Paris? For shopping, I go to thrifted stores a lot. The most popular place for this is Guerrisol at Barbès, quite an amazing place. I'm a big cinema fan too and I spend a lot of time in Parisian theaters. The most important thing to do is seeing Paris by night, that's the moment where the city is the most beautiful. Wherever you are, it's always stunning. I love the flea markets too, on Sundays or Saturdays, I get up early, have a hot chocolate in some cafÊ and then meet a friend for finding some cheap and unique treasures. Porte de Vanves and Belleville are the big places for flea markets in Paris. Avoid the famous Puces de Saint Ouen, it's way too expensive ! What are some of your favourite magazines? There's a french magazine called Standard that I adore, very smart, it talks about everything in art, cinema, music and the fashion "editos" are the best. I love another french magazine called Jalouse, but it's pretty much a hipster magazine. It can be annoying sometimes and a little bit pretentious. I like Lula and Nylon too, Lula is like a book of art and Nylon is just crazy and so fluo, it's refreshing. What in particular, are you looking forward to wearing this season? I don't buy a lot of new clothes so I keep my money for more precious things. This year I think I would buy myself an Olympia Le Tan clutch as a Christmas present. And I want a dress or one of these amazing sweaters by Carven, I'm in love with this brand. And a lot of new vintage crazy stuff like a victorian white dress, I have a vision of it wearing with red booties, don't know why !


How would you describe your sense of style? This has always been a hard question for me because my style is so varied. How I put all the pieces in my outfit together is probably what defines my style. I like to experiment different things and I make sure I keep myself open to old and new ideas.

Who or what inspires your style? My style is greatly affected with my 90's pop, rock, and hiphop, the really cool dance indie tracks, my favorite childhood superheroes, street art, jesus christ, anything organic, anything dead, and a whole lot more.

What are some of your favourite fashion blogs?


Tell us about the type of accessories that you design. I am 1/3 of the designers of OS

( Our brand's aesthetic greatly deals with the raw form of bones as accessories. Our idea is making it more street and wearable so anyone can easily relate their personal style with the bones's natural beauty.


Jasper van Es I think it’s very hard to describe my style. I read so many books and magazines and watch a lot of films that constantly inspire me. I would say it’s always a mix between rock, punk, goth and minimalism in a Scandinavian atmosphere.


How would you describe the fashion scene in Rotterdam? Everyone from Amsterdam always say that Rotterdam is ugly. I hate it when they say that, because the only thing they see is the shopping street. Rotterdam is a bit like Berlin, it’s a hard and raw city, with some cosy streets and a lot of modern architecture. There are a lot of creative people who live here, so there are many people with an incredible style. From well dressed hip-hop guys till sweet lolita girls. Who or what influences your sense of style? I have always been fascinated by rock bands from England like Joy Division, The Beatlesand The Smiths. I would wish I could live in the 80’s for a week. I also like the indie bands from now, like The Drums and Hurts. I’m also inspired by designers like Kris van Assche, Raf Simons, Miuccia Prada and Damir Doma. I love designers who work with shapes and new materials. The movies from Xavier Dolan are also a one and a half hour of inspiration. He knows how to make you feel a part of the movie.

What are some items on your musthave wishlist? I just bought amazing platform brogues from COS the other day, so I’m still in a kind ofextremely happy feeling. But you see a lot of burgundy red in stores now and I love thatcolor, I can’t understand why I haven’t anything in that color yet. The winter is coming, so maybe a pair of leather boots for when the snow will fall down.

Yewon Kim I could describe my personal style with two scenarios - I met a guy and fell in love with him. But I actually fell in love with his clothes, not the actual person. I decided to wear his clothes and concluded I looked better in them. Or, I got my clothes from my older brother (I actually do not have an older brother) and decided to make them feminine.

when did you become interested in fashion? I got interested in fashion during NYFW Autumn/Winter 2010-11. I was amused by the clothes certain models wore, and as I was doing my own research on models and the brands they walked for, I found out about menswear and my interest in menswear has not stopped since then. It definitely is something I would not see in womenswear magazines, and it just was very refreshing to me. where are some of your favourite places to shop? Rag and Bone, Theory, and Isabel Marant. They all make pieces that can be super feminine, yet masculine with a quirky touch of feminine accessories. how would you describe fashion where you live? The fashion scene in Chicago is not as advanced as bigger fashion cities such as Paris or New York. Although I am in love with this city, I have to say the fashion scene in Chicago can be described in two ways - you either tried too hard, or you just do not care. I often see people walking down on Michigan Avenue in designer clothes but the way they ensemble their pieces together makes me cringe. Even an expensive pair of shoes look terrible if you do not know what is going on above your ankles. I wish more people in Chicago would know more about their personal style and embrace it.



STREET ETIQUETTE Streetstyle Vancouver | | Ting Shuen | Maria Nguyen


Objective: To capture the finest fashion-conscious individuals while wandering the streets of Downtown Vancouver.


ometimes, we feel as if people don’t receive enough credit for the thought and effort that goes into the process of assembling their everyday attire. Street Etiquette was established as an approach to document and recognize those certain individuals throughout the city of Vancouver who infuse elements of themselves, while simultaneously encompassing the essence of the city into their personal style. Street fashion blogs are an ingenious means of making fashion accessible to everyone, as they emphasize the realities of fashion while giving us inspiration to draw from and people to relate to. Vancouver isn’t internationally renowned for being one of the quintessential fashion capitals of the world; however, its fashion scene is continuing to evolve and expand its horizons and hopefully, Street Etiquette will persist to accompany it for years to come.


names: nick and camille occupation: stylish students at ubc


names: josh and carly occupation: sales associates at american apparel

MUSIC FROM AUTUMN complied by jessie roth

1. autumn - paolo nutini 2. a candles fire - beirut 3. shiver - coldplay 4. october - broken bells 5. broken horse - freelance whales 6. falling from the sun - the album leaf 7. seasons trees (feat. norah jones) - danger mouse & daniel 8. two weeks - grizzly bear 9. australia - the shins 10. (dont let them) cool off - peter bjorn and john


11. changes - stars 12. neighborhood 3 (power out) - arcade fire 13. tiger mountain peasant song - fleet foxes 14. holocene - bon iver 15. caught a long wind - feist 16. walking far from home - iron & wine 17. shuffle - bombay bicycle club 18. armchairs - andrew bird 19. futile devices - sufjan stevens 20. how it ends - devotchka



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