Freckled Winter 2011 2012

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winter 2011/2012

Coming from Canada, you might assume that we'd experience what you'd consider to be an authentic winter. Both of us live on opposite sides of the country, Ting on the West Coast and Shanene on the East. Ting's winters are fairly mild and consist of copious amounts of rain (while not owning a pair of rain boots), violent windchill and maybe one or two days of snow. In contrast, Shanene’s winters are closer to what you'd probably call "a Canadian winter", consisting of temperatures way below zero and many mornings of waking up to an all white world. For us, this issue epitomizes everything that we love about winter - from cozy festive sweaters to snow capped peaks on the mountains. Thank you for reading and we really hope you'll enjoy this issue. Ting and Shanene.

Back Cover Photograph by Michael Päßler

Foreward Photograph by Jessie Roth



Julia Topaz .................................... Monsieur Le .................................... Zoe Suen ....................................... Anthony Urbano and Dustin Tyler Moore ..........


155 163 159 167


Behind Sapphire ................................ PG 97


Kristina Haynes ................................ PG 77 Ana Carrizo .................................... PG 153 Anna Peters .................................... PG 01


Jocelyn Catterson .............................. Missy Prince ................................... Ana Cabaleiro .................................. Džesika Devic .................................. Johanna Wallin ................................. Geneviève Bjargardóttir ........................ Carmen Marchena ................................ Kristina Petrosiute ............................



79 63 133 29 55 03 41 109

Emma Leonard ................................... PG 127 Julianna Swaney ................................ PG 19

Cover Photograph by Marine Beccarelli


Written by Anna Peters

here is the truth about december: and the world splits into inside and outside, softed by the silence of frozen impressions collecting in drifts. groundfrost and stiff joints, blood dulled to lukewarm; small pleasures like small lights clinging to skeleton trees, no two the same.

Photograph by Brianne Wills

here is the truth about january: the solstice passes and the light begins its return slowly; cold and bare and pure. regret frostbitten and shaken out of veins; hope, like the evergreen, wears its coat of frost as if it were made of diamonds.

here is the truth about february: broken stems of grass abandoning the frozen ground for dirty boots. spring: a lovestoned promise quiet as the new moon

Geneviève Bjarga

I use my photographs to create a personal geography for myself, an intimate visual map of where I’ve being continually revised and updated. I am searching for a home, yet know that I may never find one


been and what it has meant to me that is e. My work is a record of the hunt.

Julianna Swaney I grew up in the wilds of Michigan, playing out in the woods behind my house every day and cultivating a love of animals and bird watching. I would spend seemingly endless days observing and watching the plants and animals around me. My parents were birdwatchers and every family vacation revolved going to some distant place to see a bird with an exotic sounding name, or visiting a historical sites, and antique stores. I was lucky enough to have an early education that also cultivated my imagination, books were always very important in our house, and I always had a love of fairytales and magic that I could find in the real world though nature and history. It’s these experences that have had the greatest effect on my work.


I attended Maine College of Art and got my BFA in Printmaking. Since then I have made a living from my artwork by doing illustrations for publications and showing my work in galleries around the country. Most recently I did the illustrations of the book Menagerie by Sharon Montrose. I currently live and work in a small studio in Portland, Oregon.Though the fairytales and folktales I grew up on I felt like I could understand a universe that was confusing and often frightening, but beautiful and mysterious. I didn’t believe in fairies but I firmly believed that everything, animals, trees, rocks, had a voice, and that if I listened hard enough they would be guides for me. Today I may look at the natural world more realistically than I did then I was a child but I don’t think it can be reduced to a set of abstract principles. There is a human elementthat is essential to our understanding of the non-human world. Intermingling with facts are patterns and traces, lingering echoes of childhood memories, of folklore and fairy tales.







D탑esika Devic


I'm a 23 year old girl with a love for film and nostalgia. I take pictures because I am afraid of forgetting. My pictures are just a form of documentation for my life. While a photo might just be a photo to one person, it is a story I remember. I can tell you where it was taken, why, when, how I felt, what was running through my head. I don't like to share those details but rather show stories that can be left up to the imagination.





Carmen Marchena

togra I use pho of Every so in ord ar

. ve inside a h I h c i h nel that w mountain peaks n a h c o t e aphy get to th he universe o t d e e n ften, I ess of t n t s a v e thin it, th i l w e e e f c a o l t p y der . d find m n a e o quickly m o t d s e v o roun d that m tch this in a worl ca I need to only. on film

Johanna Wallin


I grew up in a small village in the countryside of northern Sweden. I do not know what came first - my fascination of the landscape or my interest in photography and capturing my surroundings. Spending my childhood close to nature and travelling with my parents I early discovered the diversity of landscape this world can offer. Since I can remember I have taken every given chance to travel and experience new places, and facing these different places and people have become a central part of my work.









Missy Prince is a photographer from Portland, Oregon who makes geographic and cultural landscapes.




Winter’s Love Poem Written by Kristina Haynes

Bodies immersed in moonlight remind me of you. Something about the way skin responds to this kind of illumination and how it curls around crests of shoulders, crooks of knees, hollows of throats and lines between teeth, Something about the give-and-take exchange that occurs when seasons shift and dissolve together like watercolors and for one split second the earth stops spinning and the trees unfurl their colors in one great leaping sigh and the sky is gathering the clouds in her arms and coaxing autumn back to sleep with her cloud-spun voice—


Photograph by Reinhard Pantke

It’s this, this metamorphosis that takes place when autumn bodies become winter bodies that makes my heart itch.

And I know you beat yourself up because some of us forget that we’re made of wintertime,

Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?

That you’re the beginning of all the beginnings,

Because it’s easy to write about the ferocity of summer or the lilting cadence of spring and easier still to write odes about autumn’s leaves, her plumage, her appearance, her middles and ends— easy to speak of her the way we do, with the dedication people usually reserve for their gods.

That you’re so beautiful even the sun treats you differently,

But I can sum you up in one word: Nostalgia. Because you are the season made for missing,

And you’ve got the birds on your side and they understand that for now they’ll be happier where the tangerines are.

the season made for forgetting old loves and shaking the leaves from our hair and washing the summer from our skin.

So don’t cry, don’t worry— lift your chin because someone loves you.

You are the baptism we can’t pray hard enough for, the relief in our thousand year-old bones, the warm coats on our beaten backs, the exposed branches of a tree stretching lazily towards the moon and the sliver of skin between a glove and the end of a sleeve.

I know what you mean when you do what you do, so you don’t need words to speak. Your mouth was made for kissing anyway, and when you’re in the mood these kisses fall as frequently as ripened peaches, staining me the color of stars as they land.

And that I would get down on one knee right here right now and propose to you with one of Saturn’s rings. But you’re the ‘mise’ in promise,


Jocelyn Catterson

I grew up in the mountains Photograph of Jocelyn by Jeremy Daigneault.

They are both an escape and

around the pond, climbing r

had always hiked and climb

and more. I guess I have bec

reminds me how small man

before my eyes. Really, the m

what I try to reflect through

of Colorado with the woods right out my back door. I spent all of my spare time exploring

rocks, and running through the tall grasses. As I grew older, I started climbing mountains. I

bed the mountains around my house, but eventually the higher altitudes began to lure me more

come a little addicted to the mountainous landscapes. Standing on the edge of a mountain

n is in comparison to nature, but also makes me feel a part of the land that stretches on forever

mountains have been bred into my blood. The mountains are home. The mountains are divine.

d a reality check. They are everything good in the world. All of these thoughts and feelings are

h my photographs. But I also simply document all the fun I have out in the wild.


Matthew, Lindsay and Grant in Gastown, Vancouver. Photographs by Ting Shuen.



To say that Behind Sapphire had an eventful year would be a mere understatement. Hailing from Vancouver, BC, Behind Sapphire is a high-spirited experimental pop band whose sound consists of lighthearted, up-tempo melodies. From touring China, to the success of their "Oh My, What A Fine Day," music video featuring actress Jodelle Ferland, to that same music video being picked up by MuchMusic and being featured on Degrassi, to singing for Ellen DeGeneres and even designing their own line of rain boots, it is evident that Behind Sapphire has an exciting future ahead of them.

The Band Members: At the present time, there are five full time members of our band: Grant Cassell, who sings and plays trumpet and percussion; Matthew Mazankowski, who plays guitar, piano and sings; Lindsay Sjoberg who plays keys, synths and sings; Joseph Ward who plays bass and sings; (not photographed) and Steven Ward who plays the drums. (not photographed) We are often joined by our best friends Josh Contant, Jon Sykes and Miho Matsuo.

What’s the story behind the name “Behind Sapphire”? Grant: My pursuit for treasures never ceases when I enter one of those enchanting little antique stores. So many stories and history in every item. It was on one of these treasure hunts I stumbled upon a brass monkey statue with what apppeared to be little doors with hinges attatched for eyes. Behind each eye when opened, I found embedded bright blue glimmering gems staring at me, beyond my eyes it seemed. The value of this item exceeded that which we could afford at the time, but our pursuit for it’s duplicate or sister has yet to leave our ambitious nature. Behind Sapphire formed under its entangling sorcery.

Musical Inspiration: Matthew: For me personally, my love for music all started back to when my Dad sang me Beatles tunes, to lull me to sleep, so I would have to say that the Beatles are a huge influence in my musical imaginings. Lately, I've been finding myself loving movie soundtracks, huge orchestrations and big choirs - I find them to be complex and full of emotion and therefore inspirational and attractive. The artists I’m currently digging are: Annuals, Sufjan Stevens, Beirut, Paolo Nutini, Patrick Watson, Mindy Gledhill, St. Vincent and The Elwins.


Musical Inspiration: (continued) Grant: I can't hide from my biggest inspiration Billie Holiday, and I think it would only be fair if I mentioned her sister Ella Fitzgerald. I also thoroughly enjoy Patrick Watson, Andrew Bird, Sufjan Stevens, St. Vincent, and Madeleine Peyroux. Who are some of your favorite musicians in our city? There is some serious talent here in Vancouver. There are some really great bands here that are getting some incredible exposure. I think Dan Mangan is one of those. I also, and I realize they are from Kelowna, think that We Are The City is one of my all time favourite BC bands. I grew up listening to and admiring Said The Whale and Hey Ocean, so it's really cool to see their success. What have your experiences been like with the Peak Performance Project? Grant: Being part of the Peak performance project has unleashed all of our ambitions. There are no rules to how far you can take your music. We learned so much about music in Canada, and ourselves. I hope they continue the Peak Performance Project annually forever. There is so much talent in Vancouver!

How has your sound changed over the past few years, from your self-titled album to your recently released Diamonds EP?

Matthew: Ever since Grant and I have been playing music together, we've been searching for our style for music that we are comfortable writing and releasing. We listen to loads of different types of music, and are often very influenced by it. I believe that as we grow, our music grows with us. Our debut was written when we were spending lots of time in nature, by the beach and with our friends; it was very inspired by all those experiences and where we were at musically. It has been over 4 years from the time we started writing and demoing our debut until now. We've grown a lot, musically, in that time, and it really shows on the Diamonds EP. It's a much more mature sound, in my opinion, and I think that its a good representation of where we are at in our lives. At the present, our minds have been focused on our mysterious sophomore LP, which is even different from Diamonds. I am so thrilled to share it. In my opinion, musical change is good. It’s not always welcomed or supported, but it is necessary. It shows growth, expands creativity and allows you to be vulnerable which helps you learn, grow and become a better musician.

Behind Sapphire has had a really eventful and successful past year! How did you receive it? Was it surreal or just everything you had wished for? Matthew: You know! It's funny you mention that. The year was so busy and went by so fast that we've hardly have time to stop and just think about it. I think the only way for me to talk about it, is to replay it. We spent the first four months of the year on the road, touring across Canada on the Oh My, What a Fine Tour. We had some great music memories, made some incredible friends and literally touched/licked/drank the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. It sure wasn't all hunky dory though! There was a time where we thought we weren't going to make it home.

pretty ideal. We dyed our hair bleach blonde/white, we went go-carting, swimming, thrifting, skate-boarding, pogo-sticking and to top it off we ate deep fried pickles! Our next stop, was the Peak Performance Project bootcamp. The camp was overall, pretty amazing. The thing I find, with almost everything we do, is that there is a huge learning curve, or a growth period, and for the past two years, the Peak has been that for us. Literally, straight from the camp, we left for China, which was one of the coolest trips we’ve had. It was our first time flying together and our first time playing our

The Albatross (our tour van) was having some transmission problems, and it was leaking pretty bad. We also ran out of gas a couple times, got hit by a woman in a car sliding on ice in Calgary, and got stuck on ice and a mound of snow, trying to make our way down to the water in P.E.I. Fortunately for us, we are incredibly blessed. After the Oh My tour, we spent the next two months locked up in our friend’s basement writing our sophomore record. We ate Kimcheenwa and drank 7-Eleven slurpies nearly every day. We embarked on a western Canada tour with our friend Jasper Sloan Yip and his band, shortly thereafter. It was probably one of my favourite tours because we were able to do so much in such a short time, plus touring in the summer is

music in another country together. I think one of the most surreal moments, was when we had the opportunity of playing on national TV, on this massive stage. The best part was, that I wasn't nervous! Recently, we got home off our Diamonds Tour, which was across Canada in support of our new EP. It was so much fun, because Steve's brother, Joseph, joined us. He's one of my best friends, and it made the whole experience feel like a big family, traveling in a big white van, across the cold, vast, Canadian landscape. Overall, the year was one of our hardest. But I believe when things are tough, you are learning and growing the most - stretching yourself to become better at which ever thing you are doing.


What was your overall impression of touring in another country?

Grant: It was phenomenal! so great to experience a place where the expectations of society are so different! We tasted and they tasted. It was a mutual common ground, curiosity and respect. What has been a memorable touring experience so far?

Grant: I really enjoyed Lindsay's and my attempt to busk in China with strange flute instruments we had purchased during the day. We made some money too! Where would you go to perform if you could put together a tour plan right now?

Matthew: We are pretty ambitious, and would love to tour the world! The places that top our list are: Australia, USA, Europe and Japan.

Was your first tour everything you’d expected? Matthew: Our first tour was the Green Giant Tour, back in 2010, with our friends 41st and Home. It wasn't at all what we expected! We were all traveling in the same van. 8 seats, 8 guys. The van was packed to the brim, with gear and luggage in every nook and cranny. A tour isn't a tour with a few setbacks. The van got stuck in this massive mud pile out back of a Value Village in Winnipeg, we received a massive speeding ticket, our bass player hit a duck while he was driving, and we were in Toronto during G20. But, despite all the setbacks and misadventures, we had a lot of fun. We did lots of swimming: Grant jumped into the water off the side of the road, a couple of us went to the pool in Thunder Bay and we stopped at West Edmonton Mall to go water sliding. Alongside that, we met some of the best people, developed some great friendships and just took everything in that we were seeing and experiencing. It was tough, there is no doubt about that, but it was sure an amazing experience.


The boots sales have been going really well. We've sold over 100 pairs, and the orders keep coming in. We are so grateful for the support from the Children’s Wish Foundation, our fans, our friends and the community.

How did you decide on the Children's Wish Foundation to share the proceeds with?

Grant: My sister was diagnosed with kidney failure when she was 15, two years later she received a kidney from my Uncle. It later failed and she has been on dialysis since. Not as easy life to endure. My sister along with many other recipients of the Children's Wish Foundation have inspired us to partner with an amazing charity who helps children's imagination and dreams come true. It's a blessing to be able to help where we can.


50% of proceeds from all boot purchases go directly to the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada.

Order a Pair of Boots Here: album/yellow-rubber-boots More About the Campaign: events/1363/Yellow-Rubber-BootsCampaign-


What do you hope for the future of Behind Sapphire? Matthew: My hope is that we can continue to write music, share it and travel the world. With show plans, tour plans and new music plans coming into place, I can say that this year will be another memorable one for myself and the band. Above that, it would be a great honour to have the ability and the opportunity to inspire, influence and encourage the world to be more full of love and kindness. I think we all need to take a greater responsibility on how we treat others and how we can do our part to show more love to our families, friends and total strangers. That is one of the great lessons that I've learned over the past two or so years.

If you weren't making music together, what would you be doing? Grant: I would be learning to fly airplanes, or teaching children. It's fortunate that Matt and I enjoy writing music together, and won't stop!


I’ve always remembered myself as having seen things differently. I tend to find beauty in everyone and everything. One year ago I started using my father’s film camera to capture the moments I wanted to remember and share. Each time I take a photo I forget to breathe, my heart beats faster and my camera becomes an extension of me.



Pe trosiute

Emma Leonard

My name is Emma and I usually draw girls. Especially ones with melancholy expressions and sad eyes. Sometimes they feel so shy they just have to hide their faces altogether. Every now and then, if you say something that really pleases them, they just might give you the hint of a smile. However, that is very rare. I am a Melbourne based illustrator who combines traditional media with digital techniques to create carefully considered renderings of delicate femininity, fragility and ethereal beauty.


I am inspired by the work of the pre-raphaelites, natural history museums, folk tales, mysticism, and the work of other illustrators like Audrey Kawasaki, Miss Van, Abbie McCulloch and Beci Orpin. I am almost always compelled to draw faces and portraits, and have recently been combining them with images of wings, bones and insects as my work starts to take a more ' narrative' direction.



Ana Cabaleiro I live in Vigo, a city in Galicia (which is in the the north of Spain). I started photography on a trip to the basque country four, five... years ago in a trip to Pais Vasco and I only wish I had started earlier. I find inspiration in unexpected locations, old road movies,also in so many photographers, known and unknown.. and music, always.

Winter has made an appearance, holding us tenderly against barren birch branches in stillness— We tread across the frost-covered grass laid out as crisp linens under the weight of our bones— Cardigan sweaters and words pulled down from the sleeves are to keep us warm— We have stumbled upon the coldest of nights; begging to be no longer forgotten by the stars—

Written by

Ana Carrizo

Photograph taken by Olga Alekandrova

Julia Topaz

Simplicity and clarity are the two most important things to me in terms of


I like to be able to look at an outfit and immediately understand and sympathize


the wearer's intentions. My personal style is always evolving, but recently I

do my

best to mix vintage and minimalism and androgyny and earthiness with an


entirely thrifted wardrobe.


How would you describe the fashion scene where you live? Who are some of your style icons? All the girly garconnes: Clemence Poesy, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Francoise Hardy, Freja Beha Erichsen, Charlotte Rampling, etc.

What are some items on your must-have wishlist? Right now on my 'unrealistic ultra-poor-student' wishlist are some Rachel Comey booties, a cream-colored playsuit for Spring, a leather bag by Nutsa Modebadze, and these amazing Jeffrey Campbell platforms ( tee-bee.html).


Richmond is the progressive needle in the ultra-conservative haystack that is Virginia. That makes it an enormously art-friendly community that, for the 6 years that I've lived here, has nurtured my confidence to walk out the door wearing whatever I feel like wearing. You can check out some Richmond street style on Dirty Richmond (


Zoe Suen

but it’s pretty My style changes all the time, mixing textures like polka casual and girly. Right now, I like dots, denim, velvet etc.


THE FASHION SCENE IN HONG KONG: Once there's a popular trend, you see it everywhere! But there are a lot of people who wear more fun, daring pieces on the streets. FAVOURITE PIECES TO WEAR IN THE WINTER: Lots of scarves, and sweaters (especially with a collared shirt underneath so the collar peeks out). FAVOURITE PLACES TO SHOP: Online! I love American Apparel, and eBay has good deals as well.


Monsieur Le

I like to keep it classic and preppy, buttoned-up. I also try to add oxford vintage accents or boho-chic twist whenever I can. I feel like Im still experimenting a bit though.

163 How would you describe the fashion scene where you live? Well, it's a small city, rather traditional, and I'd dare to say there is no such thing as "fashion scene" here. I feel like people don't pay too much attention to how they look, therefore they often seem to dress carelessly or follow safe trends at least. It's easy to stand out. You have some sort of exclusiveness and free hand to be creative and original. At the same time, that's one of the reasons I plan on moving to a cosmopolitan capital city one day. Who or what inspires your sense of style? Right now I think of two main inspirations: photography and fashion culture. I draw inspiration from photography, as a visual art, by exploring aesthetics, colors, shapes, patterns and all the beauty of portraiture that it brings along. And by fashion culture I mean seasonal collections, catwalks, magazines, street style blogs, models. Every day I feed my eyes with tons of editorial, fashion and fine art photography. Do you prefer fall/winter or spring/summer attire and why? Some time ago I'd definitely say the spring/summer one. However, lately I've been madly enjoying layering, bronze hues, knitwear, Fair Isle patterns and snuggling in scarves. So today I'd rather go with fall/winter attire. It somehow suits the contemplating aura of that time, which I truly adore.



CLOSETFREA Anthony Urbano & Dustin Tyler Moore

mo e the t r i m d I a mos st? style ce me the o s m ' t o e on wh nd influen eman in a ire th s m r d e a p a p tl ou ne e's o o I admire older gen g a crazy e do y r l e y h t t s n h the ari e w yet e of that peopl ld be ssenger we personal know e sens u s e o t h o c ' t h n W It me ike uch I do eel l e streets. r the bike nfusing s ny: f o h I t n h A o t, t. re i hones I see on t he bodega who a admire mos e l t To be p s o e tside ay pe he on hat I are t smoking ou the everyd rdrobes t wa t jacke kers. It's nto their i ea of sn nal style io funct Dustin: I really admire Anthony's style. I think that's what I noticed first about him. I actually thought he was in fashion styling when I met him. He has made me over well and I'm proud to be his personal Ken doll. Ugly sweaters, colored denim, suede desert boots, button down shirts, cuffed jeans...I feel so handsome in everything he puts me in.



ost. t tweed pair

How would you describe the fashion scene where you live? There is a large artist/creative community where we live in downtown Jersey City and we think the majority of the residents are pretty fashion conscious. Most people may not even realize that Jersey City is just across the Hudson River from Manhattan and that the city's fashion influence is definitely present here - but in a more relaxed and casual way. The fashion scene is a little vintage, punk, indie, artsy, preppy, and urban - but all with a laid back attitude, just like the people. What items do you typically splurge on? Shoes and outerwear. We love having tons of options when it comes to both and there is no such thing as having too many. The way we see it is that these items are things we will wear year after year, so why not spend extra for quality and comfort. If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be? Anthony: I've had the opportunity to travel to a lot of great cities but one place I haven't been and would love to go to is Tokyo. The fashion, the technology, the culture! Everything there just seems so cutting edge. Plus I'm easily distracted by bright, shiny things so I think my senses will go crazy in Tokyo. Dustin: I would love to visit Sweden. I've heard such great things and know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it except some of the best music comes out of there. Many of my friends have gone and say it's gorgeous, and that the people there are gorgeous as well.


What are some of your hobbies? Anthony: I like photography and interior design. I'm not the best at either but I think what draws me to them is being able to create something that is aesthetically pleasing. The challenge of setting up a shot or laying out a space so that every element works in harmony is a lot of fun and very rewarding for me. Dustin: Music, music, music! I love to sing and I hope to record an album soon. Oh, and cheeseburgers, I've always been interested in cheeseburgers... eating them in particular. Who are some of your favourite bands or artists? Anthony: I listen to a lot of different types of music but my go-to music is anything with a disco/ funk/pop backbone that makes me wanna dance. I love Miami Horror, Holy Ghost, Penguin Prison, Body Language, Tesla Boy, Tortured Soul, tons more. Oh, and also Little Dragon. Started listening to the latest album and can't stop. Super addictive. Dustin: Oh my! How do I choose? I listen to all types of music. Here are some favorites I'm listening to now in no particular order: Robyn, R贸is铆n Murphy, Little Dragon, New Look, Sia, Architecture In Helsinki,Yacht, Quadron, Amy Winehouse...the list really does go on and on.

Photographs by James Chororos


1. Children's Songbook - Picture A Christmas 2. Frank Sinatra - It Came Upon A Midnight Clear 3. Sufjan Stevens - Sister Winter 4. Coldplay - Christmas Lights 5. Sigur Rós - Hoppipolla 6. Wham! - Last Christmas 7. Damien Rice - Amie

Winter Compiled by Behind Sapphire Photograph taken by Anna Ådén

8. Imogen Heap - Just For Now 9. Mumford & Sons - Winter Winds 10. St. Vincent - Marry Me 11. Arcade Fire - Rebellion (Lies) 12. Michael BublĂŠ - All I Want For Christmas Is You 14. Aidan Knight - Friendly Fires


Freckled Magazine Issue 3 Winter 2011/2012

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