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Health Times

2024年3月1日/ March 1, 2024 第1071期


星期五出版 ISSN 1480-30

148 Colonnade Road,Unit 208, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 7R4

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蒙特利尔 Montreal office Tel:(514)241-8515 Fax(514)337-7966

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潘建鸿 John Phan

诚信服务 以客为尊 613-796-3688

专业地产经纪 国、粤、英、越语服务

john@johnphan.com www.johnphan.com

Mansu Ding 丁慢俗 MBA CFP B.Sc.Eng. 总裁 曜日金融 注册财务策划师 工商管理硕士 环球百万圆桌会会员 航空航天工程师学士

电话:613-799-3368 传真:613-230-7450 mansu.ding@sunlife.com www.sunlife.ca/mansu.ding

招 聘

中餐馆招聘厨师一名,包食宿 距渥太华一小时车程 电话: 613.878.8308




时间: 3月春假和暑期

Downtown 学校

ByWard Market

35 George Street Ottawa, ON 613-241-7471

Orléans 学校 Shenkman



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祝贺“四海同春-华星闪耀”-2024 加拿大春晚 渥太华专场”文艺晚会圆满成功

本報文字及廣吿設計保留版權 專文作者意見不代表本報立場
Wechat ID: health-times
Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd. Orléans, ON 613-580-2765

请关注本报微信平台 加都人

请关注本报微信平台 加都人

Health Times

2024年3月1日/ March 1, 2024 第1071期


星期五出版 ISSN 1480-30

148 Colonnade Road,Unit 208, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 7R4

Tel:(613)688-7160, Fax:(613)288-8818


多伦多 Toronto office Tel:(905)927-1781 (416)456-8131

蒙特利尔 Montreal office Tel:(514)241-8515 Fax(514)337-7966

温哥华 Vancouver office Tel:(604)294-5699 Fax:(604)294-0677


潘建鸿 John Phan

诚信服务 以客为尊 613-796-3688

专业地产经纪 国、粤、英、越语服务

john@johnphan.com www.johnphan.com

Mansu Ding 丁慢俗 MBA CFP B.Sc.Eng. 总裁 曜日金融 注册财务策划师 工商管理硕士 环球百万圆桌会会员 航空航天工程师学士

电话:613-799-3368 传真:613-230-7450 mansu.ding@sunlife.com www.sunlife.ca/mansu.ding

招 聘

中餐馆招聘厨师一名,包食宿 距渥太华一小时车程 电话: 613.878.8308




时间: 3月春假和暑期

Downtown 学校

ByWard Market

35 George Street Ottawa, ON 613-241-7471

Orléans 学校 Shenkman



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祝贺“四海同春-华星闪耀”-2024 加拿大春晚 渥太华专场”文艺晚会圆满成功

本報文字及廣吿設計保留版權 專文作者意見不代表本報立場
Wechat ID: health-times
Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd. Orléans, ON 613-580-2765



大春节联欢晚会渥太华专场(以下简称 “渥太华春晚)于2月18日晚在渥太 华亚岗昆剧场完美落幕。本次渥太华春 晚由加中文化艺术协会,渥太华华星艺 术团联合当地几十个社团联合举办。本 台晚会由华星艺术团的艺术家以及远道 而来的无锡歌舞剧院与无锡民族乐团联 袂打造。渥太华春晚以精良、紧凑的节 目编排、强大的演员阵容、美轮美奂的 舞美设计,向当地华人华侨致以最诚挚 的甲辰龙年问候与祝福!

虽然晚会当天渥太华遭遇了冻雨天 气,但是依旧没有抵挡嘉宾与观众的 热情。剧场内座无虚席,中国驻加拿 大大使馆丛培武大使、加拿大联邦众 议员Chandra Arya、渥太华市长Mark Sutcliffe以及赞助商代表TD Wealth Financial Planning Ms. Fadia Mankal 发 表了热情洋溢的讲话,并向观众致以最 诚挚的新春祝福。

本次渥太华春晚得到了中国驻加拿 大使馆和加拿大三级政府的大力支持。

加拿大总理,中国驻加拿大大使,加拿 大参众两院议员,安大略省议员,渥太 华市长,市议员纷纷发来贺信,向加拿 大的华人华侨致以龙年的新春祝福。


本次晚会由王曦Cici Wang与何杰 Jacob Gerow担当主持。



本次晚会的开场演出由管亚东音乐工作室/子婵国际艺术学院联袂担当。 国乐雅韵,奏响千年。在一拨一动间,弹出了温婉和美,奏响了气象万千。国 乐的守护者与传承者们,将各自对国乐的热爱散播到世界各地,让它们在海外 生根发芽。音乐无国界,《乐咏新春》凝聚着不同年龄演奏者们对龙年的美好 期愿,传递着辞旧迎新的欢乐祥和,与在场观众们齐迎新岁。 群舞:《晨光曲》 北国歌舞团

一年之际在于春,一日之计在于晨。《晨光曲》一段东方韵味十足的旗袍 舞令许多观众倍感惊艳。伴随着经典的乐曲,一个个身着旗袍的女子缓缓走出, 踩着小板凳,挥着竹蒲扇,将舞台比做遥远的弄堂,翩翩起舞,生动刻画了上 海女人生火、做饭等普通的生活状态,将东方女性的神秘、婀娜、含蓄、温婉 演绎的淋漓尽致。


形象信息服务,相信能够为方便社会大众求医问药,促 进医疗保健业业务的展开起到一个推动作用


唢呐:《百鸟朝凤》、《打枣》 无锡民族乐团 徐金龙 熟悉唢呐演奏的朋友或许应该知道,《百鸟 朝凤》是唢呐曲目里技巧最全面的一首,充分 发挥了唢呐擅长模仿的特长,将唢呐的表现力 演绎到了极致。而《打枣》则需将卡腔、口弦 含在喉中以模仿人的叫声、笑声及说话声音, 并快速转换吹奏3种乐器,模仿人声对答,做出 滑稽的声音。 (未完待续)

加拿大中医药针灸学会渥太华分会部分中医师、针灸医师、推拿医师 渥太华部分中医师、针灸医师、推拿医师、牙医、眼科、药行等

妇科、五官、皮肤、小儿等疾病。 ( 接受医疗保险)

March 1, 2024 Friday 2024年3月1日 星期五 NTERTAINMENT & VITAL LIFE E Health Times 08 08 文艺娱乐/多彩生活
性结节。 关节炎、哮喘。 地址: 152 Bayview Rd.; Ottawa 电话: 613-729-6165 SINO ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC 郭兆起 中医师 47 年临床经验 世界针灸学会联合会执行理事 李祺祯假牙诊所 制作和修理全口与部分活动牙托 收费合理,国、粤、英语服务 1175 Wellington St. Suite 7, Ottawa 预约请电: 613-722-5962 我们的服务: ●免费药物咨询及送药 ●糖尿病与戒烟咨询 ●老年人分药服务 ●接受各类药物保险 ●预定各类非处方药产品 ● 设远程医疗诊所,由持证医生问诊,无需预约,中文服务 美信药房 杨沐霖 注册药剂师,注册糖 尿病咨询专家,多伦多大学药学院学士 (普通话/英语) 381 Kent St., Ottawa, ON K2P 2A8 电话: 613-797-8383 地址:1332 Cahill Dr. (South Keys)Ottawa AADC 中医针灸所 胡智慧 安省注册中医师 南京中医药大学中医全科毕业江苏省人民医院主任中医师 中医针灸临床30余年, 积累丰富临床经验,治疗多种疑难杂症疗效显著 主治各科疾病,尤为善长治疗各种痛症、呼吸、消化、
员更好地开展业务,为医疗保健业供求双方更好地提供 双向服务,本报特设“求医问药指南”广告专栏。本广 告专栏形式新颖、特点突出,方便用户查找,提供直接
主治各类急/慢性痛 症,消化系统疾病,不育不孕 症 鼻敏感,青光眼/飞蚊症,偏头痛/眩晕症 中风后遗症 /偏瘫, 针灸美容,针灸减肥。 613-265-9036 | 1419 Carling Ave, Suite 209 (Hampton Park Plaza) 曾峥 安省注册中医师 /针灸师 临床经验二十余年 电话:613-232-4337 精诚健康服务中心 纪世露 安省注册中医师 上海中医药大学硕士,安徽中医大学中医学士 诊脉,方药,针灸,推拿 三十余年中加临床经验 擅治:不孕,不育,月经不调,更年期综合症,抑郁、 焦虑、失眠,胃脘胀痛,咳嗽,肌肉萎软/强直, 牛皮癣,痤疮,湿疹及各种痛症。(接受医疗保险) 电话:613-986-6938 地址:3 Catterick Cres., Kanata 中 医 硕士 , 副主任医师 金玉梅 在辽宁中医药大学附属医院工作14年,36年中加临床经验 安省注册中医师 地址: 736 Chorus Drive, Ottawa, ON. K4M 0L8 电话: 613-225-1938 各种痛 症 ,内、妇、五官、 皮肤及儿科疾病,多种癌 症 主治 2451 St-Joseph Blve., Suite 206, Orleans 预约请电: 613-824-2122 惠登广告 Tel: 613-688-7160 Fax: 613-228-2217 E-mail: sale@healthtimes.ca 18 Deakin Street, Unit 106, Ottawa ON K2E 8B7 613-366-9710 www.tcmontario.com 莫愚 / 莫翰文/王巧云 广东省名中医/广州中医药大学名教授 安省注册中医师 40 余年临床经验 善长:花粉过敏,各类痛症,风湿病,面瘫, 皮疹,不孕不育,各类癌症。 (接受多种医疗保险,国,粤,英,法服务) 热烈祝贺“四海同春-华星闪耀” 2024
圆满成功 February 2024 Dear Friends: I am pleased to extend my warmest greetings to everyone celebrating Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is a time to reflect upon the memories and accomplishments of the past year, and to look to the future with optimism and hope. This year, Chinese communities in Canada and around the world welcome the Year of the Dragon, a symbol of good luck and leadership. As family and friends come together, this occasion is also a chance for all of us to recognize the important contributions that Canadians of Chinese descent make to our national fabric and to celebrate their role in making Canada the diverse and place we call home. On behalf of the Government of Canada, I offer my best wishes to all those ringing in Chinese New Year. Sincerely The Rt. Hon. Justin P. J. Trudeau, P.C., M.P. 中国驻加拿大大使丛培武致辞 联邦众议员Chandra Arya 致词 渥太华市长Mark Sutcliffe 致词 TD Bank Ms. Fadia Mankal 讲话 The Senate of Canada Ottawa, Ontario Le Sénat du Canada Ottawa, Ontario February 18th 2024 Greetings from The Honourable Victor Oh am pleased to extend my warmest greetings to everyone attending Spring – Brilliance of Huaxing – The Spring Festival Gala 2024 Canada organized by the Canada-China Culture and Art Association (CCCAA) The Festival of Spring – Brilliance f Huaxing is a wonderful opportunity for Chinese Canadians in the National Capital Region to ring-in the Year of the Dragon among friends and family, while enjoying the best of the millenary Chinese cultural heritage would like to commend the Canada-China Culture and Art Association for their continued commitment to our community. would also like to thank all staff and volunteers who contributed to making this event possible. Please accept my best wishes for a memorable event and joyful Year of the Dragon! Sincerely, The Honourable Victor Oh Senator - Ontario February 9, 2024 Jason Zhang Chairman Canada-China Culture and Art Association It is with great pleasure that I extend my warmest greetings to you all as we come together to celebrate the Brilliance of Huaxing at the 2024 Spring Festival Gala. The Spring Festival, also known as Lunar New Year, is a time of joy, renewal, and hope. It is a period where families come together, traditions are celebrated, and we look forward to the prospects of a new year. This celebration symbolizes the unity and strength of our diverse Canadian community, highlighting the beauty of cultural exchange and mutual respect. would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Canadian Chinese Cultural Association (CCCA) and other Chinese Canadian community organizations in Ottawa for their tireless efforts in organizing this wonderful event. Given our strong tradition of multiculturalism, Canadians are fortunate to enjoy opportunities for sharing our different cultures and heritages. This event is not only a celebration of the Lunar New Year but also an occasion to recognize the significant contribution of the Chinese-Canadian community to the socio-economic development of Canada. Through their efforts, ChineseCanadians have significantly enriched our country’s rich multicultural fabric. May the Chinese-Canadian community continue to thrive and enrich Canadian society through the sharing of culture and ideas. Thank you for inviting me to be part of the Brilliance of Huaxing. Sincerely, Chandra Arya Member of Parliament / Député – Nepean February 18 2024 am delighted, on behalf of my colleagues on Ottawa City Council, to welcome all those Festival of Spring-Brilliance of Huaxing-The Spring -hosted by theChina Culture and Art Association CCCAA in taking place at the Algonquin Commons Theatre unceded Anishinabe Al onquin territor ves as an important platform to showcase diversity of arts groups performing Chinese gymnastics, martial arts, and theatre, as well as shining the spotlight on calligraphy, painting, fo art and the As Head of Council, want to acknowledge the participating artists, sponsors and volunteers for dedicating efforts, talents, expertise, tonight joyable and memorable evening entertainment as well as to the visitors for very Sincerely, 18 février 2024 Au nom de mes collègues du Conseil municipal Ottawa, je suis ravi de souhaiter la bienvenue toutes les personnes qui participent au Festival of SpringBrilliance of Huaxing, le Gala du Festival du printemps 2024 du Canada organisé par l’associationen partenariat avec les communautés chinoises du pays, qui se déroulera au territoire algonquin non cédé. groupes artistiques qui pratiquent la danse folklorique, le ballet, la musique et le chant, la chinoise, tout en mettant en lumière la calligraphie, la peinture, art populaire et les uvres littéraires. En tant que chef du Conseil, je tiens aussi saluer les dirigeants et les membres de la CCCAA, ainsi que les commanditaires et les bénévoles pour les efforts, le talent, l’expertise, les services et es ressources qu’ils ont consacrés l’organisation du gala de ce soir pour enprésentes une soirée de divertissement des plus agréables et des plus mémorables, et aux visiteurs un séjour très agréable Ottawa. Cordialement Mark Sutcliffe Mayor/Maire Winter 2024 I would like to extend my warmest wishes to the attendees of the CanadaAssociation’s 2024 Spring Festival Gala, and offer special note of thanks to the performers and artists who are sharing their talents at the event. I congratulate the CCCAA for organizing this year’s event, which brings together more than 100 Chinese organizations to join in celebrating the Lunar New Year. Happy Spring Festival! 新春快乐, 龙年吉祥,身体健康,万事顺意! Yours sincerely, Senator, British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique  - -  -YuenPau.Woo@sen.parl.gc.ca February 18, 2024 Greetings from MPP Lisa MacLeod I wish to warmly welcome you to the opening ceremony of the Festival of Spring – Brilliance of Huaxing – The Spring Festival Gala 2024 Ottawa. This exciting yearly gathering adds distinct cultural value to our community; allowing us to congregate together on this momentous occasion. Thank you to the Canada China Culture and Arts Association and 36 Arts groups including Chinese folk dance, ballet, instrumental music, vocal music, folk art, gymnastics, martial arts, calligraphy, painting, publishing, theatre and performing arts for their many hours of training and rehearsal to entertain each and everyone here tonight. Congratulations to all the individuals and organizations that have made this event possible and best wishes for a rewarding and memorable festival. Kindest regards, Lisa MacLeod, MPP Nepean City of Ottawa Ottawa, ON K1P Phone: (613) 580Fax: (613) 580-mail: Cathy.Curry@ottawa.caFebruary 8 2024 Jason Zhang ChairmanBy e- sihe@rogers.com Dear Chairman Zhang Greeting –am honoured to provide a greeting to all those participating and celebrating at the Festival of Spring – Brilliance of Huaxing – The Spring Ottawa. I hope that you enjoy lcoming in the Year of the Drago with this wonderful event e Spring Festival Gala highlights an important timethe New Year This event does a remarkable job of showcasing and celebrating Chines ulture in our community It is events like these that play an important role in celebra ing the very important contributions that Chinese culture brings to Canada cultural fabric and diversity. would also like to acknowledge the ongoing work of the Canada-China Culture and Art organizing nd the role it plays and promoting Ottawa and across Canada hope you have an enjoyable evening and wish you th, happiness and prosperity in the coming year. Cathy Curry Councillor, City of Ottawa

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