The New Fuss About Copyrighting Guide

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In the field of intellectual property protection, copyright law plays a pivotal role. So, what is copyright law? In simple terms it is a property right that includes in any type of works like literary, musical, dramatic, sound recordings, broadcasts & films and grants the user of its exclusive rights ensuring that their work is used prior to their permission. In every country across the world this is the main aspect of copyright law. What are protected under copyright law? As we already discussed above there are different types of works that can be protected under this law. So, here are different types of works that can be protected with copyright law.

Literary Works: By definition a literary work is any kind of work that is written, spoken or sung other than musical or dramatic work. Some of the most common types of literary work are books, collection of poems, different types of instructions like business letters etc. The list is no doubt exhaustive, but owners & creators protect their creativity with this copyright law. Dramatic Works: In this type of work creative pieces of dance, mimes etc are included. Thus, if these are protected under copyright law, a reconstruction of any piece would require permission of the rightful owner and thus gain monetary benefits and enjoy fame. Musical Works: As the name suggests musical works includes any type of work of music. Thus, it includes not only the lyrics but also the musical notes. As a further step musical works includes all types of materials effecting human ear like orchestra & harmony. Artistic Works: Artistic work includes photographs, graphic work, sculpture, architecture and the list goes on. In more simple way artistic work includes that creative works that is completely significant visually. Under copyright law artistic works can be protected well. Film, Sound Recordings & Broadcasts: In case of film & broadcast anything that is recorded & broadcasted can be protected under copyright law. In case of film the soundtracks used in films are also treated as part of film and hence can be protected under this law. In many cases films are also treated as dramatic work. This same outlook is also maintained for sound recordings where the sound piece protected by this law can no longer be reproduced without the prior permission of the owner or creator.

Thus, we can see that copyright law is a vast concept intending to protect the creative aspects of the creators. But copyright does not protect the ideas of the creation. It only protects the every word expressed in the way. However, in case of any invention the concerned inventor needs to seek protection in other areas of intellectual property law like patents and design protection. The process of copyrighting a work involves lot of legal complicated process. So, if you are creative person and want to protect your creation seek the help of copyright lawyer to earn your much

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