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"Tell me the secret to being a successful affiliate marketer!" I get this type of email on occasion. I always dutifully read the email and send a polite reply. In the reply email I always try to stress the following points: There are no secrets in affiliate marketing! I don't care what the guru's tell you. Being successful in affiliate marketing isn't a matter of luck, or the result of some type of magical wizardry. Being successful in affiliate marketing involves knowing the ingredients that makes other affiliate marketers successful. One of the common threads that I have observed in all successful affiliate marketers is their ATTITUDE toward their affiliate marketing business. Jim Martell, Rosalind Gardner, Jim Edwards, Allan Gardyne and many other highly successful affiliate marketers, that you may not have even heard of, all LOVE affiliate marketing. They have the passion a burning desire to be successful in their affiliate marketing endeavors. Passion for affiliate marketing has to be the one key ingredient to achieving success, not only in affiliate marketing, but in any pursuit you undertake in life. Without a passion for your affiliate business, you are traveling down the road to failure. Your passion is what will keep you moving forward one tiny step at a time when your affiliate marketing business is going through difficult and trying times. That same passion will be the key factor in ultimately moving your affiliate marketing business toward the rewards of financial success! Do you have this type of passion? I don't know. Only you can answer that. I do know that without belief, interest, and determination you will never develop the passion that pushes other successful affiliate marketers to extreme heights of affiliate marketing success. Let's take a look at some of the traits that will fuel your passion to be successful in affiliate marketing: Belief Do you believe in the opportunity you have to be successful with affiliate marketing programs? If you don't, then you need to start right now. You MUST believe that you will be successful in your affiliate marketing efforts. How do you get this belief? Simple, do some research on affiliate marketing. You will find that many ordinary people, like you, can and are doing quite well in the world of affiliate marketing. Some people who were once in the same position you are in right now are earning thousands of dollars a month through their affiliate program marketing efforts. Don't be fooled into thinking that only the Cream of the Crop, the Super Affiliates with their names plastered all over the internet are the only ones making money with affiliate marketing. That isn't the case. Many people you have never heard of are making a very nice income from affiliate marketing; they