Leader In Business - The Story

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Everyone has the potential to become a leader; which is a good thing, given the dire need of good bosses who would actually serve as guides rather than overbearing emperors. Here's how you can win hearts and still get your point across: *A good leader is a good planner: And, a good planner is one who has foresight and takes charge. It is of no use spending time, money and effort chalking out plans if you aren't informed and well equipped to deal with constant ups and downs in the marketplace. When you are leading a team or an organization, the onus is on you to, in the words of Bob Marley, get up, stand up. Don't just sit there and wait for someone else to put your plan into action, you need to take that first step. *Vision and clarity: An automobile is useless unless there is a terrain on which it can be used. In much the same way, a plan is about as worthless unless it is molded by a vision. True leaders are true visionaries, and business leadership requires you to have a well defined, realistic goal that breathes life into every plan you seek to implement. Share your professional dreams with your employees or teams, because in doing so they will believe in your potential as much as you do. *No 'talkathons' please: No one wants a leader who loves to give lofty speeches but does zilch when it comes to actually practicing what he/she preaches. You need to be seen as someone who talks the talk and walks the walk as well. *Make everyone feel involved: Unless you have set out to become a modern day Attila the Hun and want to exercise overt control when it comes to sharing information, you would do well to make each member of your small business feel like they are a valuable part of your decision making process. Ask them to give their inputs, encourage them to provide solutions and new ideas and yes, admit your mistakes, if any. They need to know you are human, not Superman. *Show appreciation and mean it: You may think all it takes to boost employee morale is to keep thumping them on their backs until they finally get slipped discs. However, in reality, giving them little tokens for their appreciation and recognizing merit by providing a raise, promotion, or a bonus would go a long way in establishing their confidence and faith in you as a leader, and giving a 100% to the business. *Be eager to try out something new: A common problem with many leaders is that once an idea or strategy turns out to be successful, they tend to fall back on it a bit too often. This makes your employees think you are 'stale' when it comes to accepting new challenges and doing things differently. Don't trick yourself into falling back in that safety net of something that's been tried and tested; the hallmark of a visionary is to take risks when needed and to expect the unexpected with true optimism.

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