Your complete guide to Mission and Ministry at FUMC
The Sunday
Scoop is your one-stop-shop for learning about
mission and ministry here at Fredericksburg United Methodist Church! We want to keep you connected to upcoming events, ongoing activities and ministry opportunities in our home. We want you to know that whoever you are, you are welcome here, and we invite you to
make this place your home! Blessings upon you, and thank you for honoring us by being with us this day. Know that you are always welcome in this place. We hope that we can be a home for you, a safe place to be loved, encouraged and nurtured as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Here at Fredericksburg United Methodist Church our emphasis is on meaningful, spirit-filled worship, spiritual growth and learning in order to be faithful disciples, outreach and mission for the transformation of the world, and supportive Christian friendship. We invite you to come and
make this place your home, to be a part of
the growing, exciting, vibrant church here in the heart of the Hill Country. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours in Christ, George Lumpkin, Senior Pastor
MISSION & VISION To make new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
To become a vibrant, growing community of disciples, diverse in age, culture and giftedness, passionately committed to love each other and serve the world in the name of Christ.
GET IN TOUCH WITH US 1800 N. Llano, Fredericksburg TX, 78624 Regular office hours: Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.—5 p.m. (closed 12-1 p.m. for lunch) Office Phone: 830-997-7679 Online at Senior Pastor—Rev. George Lumpkin ( Associate Pastor—Rev. Sid Spiller ( Office Manager—Linda Klein ( Director of Finances—Selena Hendrix ( Director of Music Ministries—Don Doss ( Director of Youth Ministries—Joel Griffin ( Director of Children’s Ministries—Lisa Davis ( Director of Communications—Tricia Small ( Director of Media Ministries– Travis Houy Organist—Judy Hickerson Custodian—Florie Hernandez RN Wesley Nurse—Tammy Amerson-Wilson (
Sunday Schedule 9 A.M.—CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP This service is very informal and relaxed. It is not unusual to find people wearing jeans, tshirts, or shorts in worship. The music is led by our praise team of guitars, drums, bass, keyboard and several vocalists. Multimedia and video are used extensively.
10 A.M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday school is offered for children, youth and adults. See individual class descriptions to find the best fit for you and your family!
11:10 A.M.—TRADITIONAL WORSHIP Our traditional worship service tends to be more formal (at least compared to our contemporary service), but still relaxed. The pastors wear robes and everything from suits, ties, and dresses to jeans and casual clothes can be seen in our traditional worship services. The music is led by our chancel choir and piano or organ. The chancel choir often provides special music during the service. Multimedia is used to project all the words to the hymns, prayers, and liturgies onto a screen.
Additional Info..
Coffee and snacks are
available in the Fellowship Hall during our “Agape Hour” from about 9:30-11:30 a.m. Children of all ages are welcome in worship, but there is a cry room at the back of the sanctuary, and a nursery for children 4 and under in the children’s wing.
Adult Education Sunday School Classes CHOOSE LIFE 10-11 a.m. in Room 6-8 This class teaches Bible-focused lessons that encourage class participation. A broad spectrum of theological backgrounds is its strength. It is devoted to an in-depth Bible study that seeks an understanding of the people and historical settings of biblical periods. The class is mission-minded and supports six foreign missionaries in addition to local organizations. The class is a praying, caring, and supporting fellowship of believers.
SEARCHERS 10-11 a.m. in Room 10 We welcome all folks of an inquiring mind. Our class is driven by topical lessons using a discussion format. Led by Esther Shaffer and Deborah Agnew, this group averages around 15. Personal growth and individual expressions of faith are important to its members.
THE FAMILY 10:15-11:05 a.m. in Room 11 Our newest class is a mixed age group of singles, couples, parents, single parents, and grandparents ages 20 to 70+. Bring your Bible or Bible app. All are welcomed! Facilitated by Elliott Davis. We meet later because we have members in the Praise Band and parents like to check on their young children and pick up snacks from Agape time before we meet.
ENCOURAGERS 10-11 a.m. in Room 7-9 The Encouragers Sunday School Class is an adult Christian fellowship. Our class is a roundtable discussion style class led by Dr. Jerry Bane. Discussion topics are centered around bible study, but lead to practical applications for living a Christian lifestyle in today’s social environment. In addition to the lively Sunday discussions, our class meets quarterly for a potluck lunch. Small groups within the class sometimes meet for more in-depth bible study, or maybe a car rally to enjoy a ride to a destination restaurant, or meeting for coffee at a local venue. The class is full of active adults who participate fully in the life of our Church. All adults are welcome to come and experience the warm Christian fellowship found in the Encouragers Sunday School Class.
INQUIRERS 10-11 a.m. in the Family Room As our name suggests, the Inquirers class is a relatively new, small group of adult believers who are interested in learning more about our personal, spiritual relationship with God. We are also interested in determining how we can best be God’s hands on earth in furthering both His wishes for social justice as well as how to be responsible caretakers for all of His creation. In pursuit of these goals, our Sunday School class is guided by God’s unconditional love for each of us as we exercise mutual respect for each of our members’ views, no matter how varied they might be.
THEE BIBLE CLASS 10-11 a.m. in Room 2 Thee Bible Class provides an opportunity for an in-depth reading of the Bible followed by small group discussion. We are a mixed group of all ages and welcome different perspectives.
Youth and Children BACK PORCH YOUTH MINISTRY Back Porch Night, Every Wednesday from 5:30-8 p.m., Back Porch Contact: Joel Griffin ( Cost: None Middle school youth starts at 5:30 p.m., and high school youth starts at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings in the youth room (back porch). All youth who want to have their lives changed by the love of God are welcome for food, games, worship, fellowship and bible study! There are other fun events and ministry opportunities throughout the year, including local and overseas mission trips. For more information about any of our youth events, contact Joel Griffin at
TREE HOUSE KIDS’ CLUB Wednesdays after school Contact: Lisa Davis ( Cost: None Our Wednesday after school program, now called Tree House Kids' Club, runs through May 3rd, and will pick back up again in September. Kids k-5 are invited each week for a fun afternoon of discovering the Truth of God's word. Transportation from school is provided, along with an after school snack. Contact Lisa for more information about the program or to get involved as a volunteer at or 997-7679. Registration packets are available in the church office.
NEW DAY KMA Thursdays after school Contact: Don Doss ( or 997-7679) Cost: General music education free, contact Don for special instrument instruction tuition Our Kid’s Music Academy offers an entire afternoon of affordable music instruction to kiddos in our community every Thursday through May 4th, and will pick back up in September. Beginning with basic rhythm, movement and singing, children are taught the fundamentals of note reading and music theory. Classes include singing, ringing hand chimes and bells, learning to play the recorder, movements to rhythm sticks, xylophones, glockenspiels, drums, and a variety of rhythm instruments. To register your child, or to get involved as a volunteer, get in touch with our Music Minister, Don Doss! Registration packets are available in the church office.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 10th– 14th, 9 a.m.—12 p.m. Contact: Lisa Davis (, 830-456-1953) Cost: None At Maker Fun Factory VBS, kids discover not only that God made them the way they are, but for a purpose too. Maker Fun Factory is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch and even taste. Sciencey-fun gizmos, teambuilding games, cool Bible songs, and tasty treats are a few of the activities that help faith flow into real life. Contact Lisa for details about registration or getting involved as a volunteer!
TUTORING PROGRAM Beginning September 2017 Contact: Lisa Davis (, 830-456-1953) or Ginger Barr (254-223-3417) Cost: None This program will start up in the Fall for students in grades 3-5 to help strengthen academic and spiritual growth as well as build confidence. Contact Lisa or Ginger for more details about registering your child or getting involved as a volunteer!
SUNDAY SCHOOL 10-11 a.m. in the Children’s Wing Contact: Lisa Davis ( or 997-7679), or Joel Griffin ( We have Sunday School classes in the Children’s Wing for kids in K-5, and for youth from 6th-12th grade, as well as a nursery for kids 4 and under. For more information, or to get involved as a volunteer, contact children’s director Lisa Davis, or Youth Director Joel Griffin.
Ministry Opportunities CHURCH PRAYER DAY We invite you to join Pastor George in the Sanctuary each Thursday at noon for prayer and communion. It is very informal, just come as you are and join with us in prayer for the nation, the community, our church and each other.
UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Contact: Leta Ann Metzger (830-997-4640, We invite women of any age, interest, or character flaw to join the United Methodist Women. Participation in the Fredericksburg United Methodist Church Unit of United Methodist Women gives all of us an opportunity for growth in our individual spiritual experiences, and also builds friendships that enhance each of our lives. And it is an opportunity to give of our individual spiritual gifts while receiving invaluable insight and gifts from others of different ages and strengths. Mission is our program. We take seriously the command from Jesus to “Feed my sheep.” United Methodist Women hear the cries of women, children and youth and constantly look for ways in which we can support them. Through the global ministries of the church, UMW programs help people become as great as they can be. For more information contact our UMW president, Leta Ann!
CHANCEL CHOIR Wednesdays at 7 p.m., Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Contact: Don Doss ( The Chancel Choir is open to all people, regardless of musical prowess, church membership or denominational orientation. Come and visit us at our 7:00 Wednesday evening rehearsal (6:00 during the summer) and we will greet you with a big smile! Each member is expected to sing with us at the 11:10 Sunday morning time and regularly attend our Wednesday night rehearsal. We gather together in the choir rehearsal room at 10:30 a.m. to rehearse on Sunday mornings.
PRAISE TEAM Thursdays at 6:30 p.m., Sundays at 8:15 a.m. Contact: Don Doss ( The Praise Team of Fredericksburg United Methodist Church is one of the oldest contemporary praise groups in Fredericksburg. The group incorporates vocalists and instrumentalists as well as sound engineers and media operators and is always on the lookout for new and fresh faces and talents to continue to upgrade and keep the ‘contemporary’ contemporary! Anyone is welcome to join us for a rehearsal at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday evening in the Sanctuary.
HANDBELLS Contact: Deborah Agnew (830-997-5339, Our Wesleyan Hand Bell Choir rehearses at 6 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Choir Room, under the direction of Deborah Agnew. They play during morning worship services on special occasions. To join this joyful ministry, contact Deborah.
MEDIA MINISTRIES Contact: Tricia Small ( or Don Doss ( We use some innovative technology in worship, and our media staff is always on the lookout for support volunteers. No experience needed, we will provide all the necessary training! To become part of our media team, contact Tricia or Don.
WORSHIP ASSISTANTS Sunday Mornings at 9 a.m. & 11:10 a.m., special services Contact: Linda Klein (, 830-997-7679) Lay readers are needed for the 9 a.m. and 11:10 a.m. services each Sunday. The 9 a.m. lay reader reads the scripture for the service, and at the 11:10 service the lay reader does the greeting, opening prayer, introduces the first hymn and reads the scripture. The scripture is emailed to you no later than the Thursday before so you have time to read it prior to Sunday. Communion servers are needed the first Sunday of each month and on special Christian holidays. If you would like to volunteer as a lay reader or communion server, please contact Linda in the church office!
WORSHIP DECORATING Seasonally as needed Contact: Maryneil Dance ( We have a committee of about 19 people that help change altar colors and decorate the church as the seasons change. This includes a display case in the front hallway, the Welcome Area and Fellowship Hall, and of course, the sanctuary! The most help is needed at the beginning of December to help get the church ready for Christmas, but some other holidays include Thanksgiving, Easter and Fourth of July. If you are interested in joining this committee, or just offering your time to help out once or twice a year, contact Maryneil!
WONDER WORKERS Tuesdays at 8 a.m. Contact: John Doudna ( The Wonder Workers are a group of faithful volunteers that meet at the church every Tuesday morning to do projects around the building. Everything from upgrading our lightbulbs to a more energy efficient system, to electrical and plumbing jobs, to building projects, to painting, to cleaning the big cross hanging in the sanctuary. If you are interested in more information on this group, get in touch with John Doudna!
WOUNDED WARRIORS Contact: Dottie Pieper ( or Sharon Massey ( Wounded Warriors is an all volunteer, interdenominational ministry dedicated to offering gratitude and respite to wounded, injured and ill service members, their families and care providers. This ministry demonstrates the love of Christ to these warriors and their families and caregivers by offering respite, assisting with reintegration into civilian settings, showing our deep gratitude for their sacrifices, and sharing GOD’s Word! There are many, many ways to get involved with Wounded Warriors, from joining the core team, to volunteering for a care weekend, to baking cookies or making a meal, to giving a financial gift. To learn more about what this ministry does and how to get involved, contact Dottie or Sharon, or visit us online at
MISSIONS COMMITTEE Contact: Brenda Miiller (830-456-3642 or The Missions Ministry Committee is responsible for the proper distribution of FUMC funds budgeted and/or donated for Missionaries and non-profit groups in the local, national and international arenas. The Committee also reviews, develops and helps promote mission projects presented to it. In fulfilling that goal/purpose, we monitor and distribute mission funds from the FUMC budget and from non-budgetary funds given to the church to be used specifically in the mission field. Money from these funds usually go to about seven Christian based non-profits in the local area to help those who these non-profits serve, about eight Christian charities that are statewide or international and to our seven missionary families. We also help those in our church going on mission trips with partial scholarships and make contributions to the Youth Belize Mission trip. The Missions Committee maintains email communications with our missionaries and posts them on a church bulletin board, plans and executes two Community work days annually (normally in the Spring and Fall) and organizes and distributes monthly Communion altar rail offerings. We also sponsor a Coffee for Camp program and plan and execute special mission projects such as specific disaster fundraisers, flood bucket filling and the pre-disaster clothing drive, to name a few. If you are interested in getting involved in this vital ministry, contact Brenda!
THE FACTORY Contact: Caroline Eidson ( or Kenneth Williams ( The Factory is a small group of people from all backgrounds, age groups, and years of FUMC membership/attendance who are making connections among church members through service, outreach, and hospitality. Our goals are to provide opportunities for church members to serve others both within and beyond FUMC, to foster connections within and outside of FUMC, and to raise awareness about past and present ministry opportunities within our church. Basically, we’re all about fun and fellowship. For more information on the Factory and how to get involved, contact Caroline or Kenneth.
BUS DRIVING Sunday Mornings, Special Events Contact: Todd Eidson ( or the Church Office (830-997-7679) FUMC provides a courtesy shuttle to both Sunday worship services as well as Sunday school for members of the congregation that require physical assistance or have no means of self-transportation. The shuttle service is offered via our 14passenger bus. Currently, four church members rotate bus driving duty. Arrangements for pick-up and drop-off can be scheduled through the church office.
PUPPET MINISTRY Contact: Andrea Gentry ( or Lisa Davis ( The FUMC puppet ministry is designed to spread the good news of Jesus Christ through fun and innovative ways using large, Muppet-sized puppets. Each show is chosen based on the message, the audience, and preparation time. This is a diverse, intergenerational group who want to have fun and tell stories about Jesus. Ages 8 and up are welcome. All you need is love for Christ, a strong arm (or two), and a cooperative attitude!
QUILTERS Second & Fourth Wednesday at 9 a.m. in Room 11 Contact: Jackie Heupel (830-456-4270) or Janice Langerhans (830456-4748) Approximately 12 years ago, a member of our congregation invited anyone interested in quilting or learning to quilt to form a new ministry while learning or improving our skills. Our first ministry project was to make a selection of quilts to be given to each child at their baptism as a physical reminder of being wrapped in the love and care of the entire congregation through the sacrament of baptism. There have been close to 75 baptisms since that time, including a few teens and adults. Once we got a handle on the idea of baptism quilts, we realized that all of our children experiencing confirmation could benefit from the same sense of love and care that came with the baptism quilts, so we made quilts for our first confirmation class the next year (13 of them made in the three months from decision to dispensing!) Then there are the countless quilts donated by our members to the hospital in the form of “raggedy” baby quilts for indigent mothers, fetal demise pouches and tiny quilts for the families of stillborn infants. Needless to say, we have never looked back – so if you are a quilter, a sewist, or just like the idea of quilts come and join us every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 9 a.m. in room 11 of the adult Sunday school wing. For more information call Jackie or Janice, or stop by and talk to Linda in the church office at any time!
FUNERAL COMMITTEES Contact: Judy Hickerson ( The Funeral Reception Committees are small groups of approximately 10 people who provide sandwiches or cookies and/or serve as host/hostess when receptions are needed for one of our church families. We have several committees that rotate out, so each one is only called upon to serve once or twice a year. Providing these receptions to families who have lost a loved one is a wonderful way to show love, encouragement and hospitality at a time they need it most. If you are interested in joining a committee, you can sign up in the foyer, stop by the church office during normal office hours, or contact Judy.
PRAYER SHAWL Tuesdays at 9 a.m. in the Church Library Contact: Judy Hickerson ( A Prayer Shawl Ministry was established at FUMC in 2009, and now meets informally every Tuesday morning from 9 – 11 a.m. in the church library. This group knits, crochets, and prays over the shawls they work on. These shawls are then distributed to both church members and non-members who are in need of God’s healing and loving touch. Anyone is welcome to join this group, whether you are a long-time crocheter or brand new! Through the years, over 700 shawls have been distributed locally and throughout the US. Currently the group is providing shawls to members of our church and community, Hospice, special needs at the Fredericksburg Elementary School, the Linus Project in San Antonio, Texas Special Olympics and our village in Mexico. We also are able to provide knitted caps to the Wounded Warriors at Nebo, and also small blankets for newborns at HCMH.
OTHER WAYS TO GET INVOLVED We have several other ministry areas and volunteer opportunities that come up throughout the year, so check our weekly communication for the most recent ways to get plugged in. Don’t hesitate to call the church office, tell us about yourself and your areas of interest and find out about some places that are just right for you! We are also always open to suggestions for new outreach ministries, bible studies, small groups, etc. We want to empower you to carry out our mission of creating new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!
STAY CONNECTED We send our weekly Sunday Scoop right to your inbox every Thursday! If you would like to subscribe to the Sunday Scoop, contact our communications director Tricia Small at To get more in-depth information about how God is working here at FUMC, check out The Thread, which will also get emailed right to you every other month. You can subscribe with Tricia at
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