The Sunday Scoop Welcome to Fredericksburg United Methodist Church!
Sunday, Oct. 30th, 2016
Sunday Scoop is your one-stop-shop for learning
about mission and ministry here at Fredericksburg United Methodist Church! We want to keep you connected to upcoming events, ongoing activities and ministry opportunities in our home. We want you to know that whoever you are, you are welcome here, and we invite you to make
this place your home!
10/30 Sunday Schedule 9 a.m.– Contemporary Worship Service 10 a.m.– Sunday School 11:10 a.m.– Traditional worship service (Sanctuary) 12:30 (approximately)- Chili Fest Lunch in the Fellowship Hall
Congratulations United Methodist Women! The last estimate of money raised at the UMW Annual
$10, 276. Wow! Good work UMW! Remember, all of these proceeds go to support mission and outreach projects,
Bazaar is
including 25% to the Church Mission Committee ($2,569). And again, thank
everyone who helped out, worked hard
and contributed. Way
to go Church.
What’s Ahead CONSECRATION SUNDAY TODAY, Sunday October 30th Celebration Chili Fest Lunch to follow the 11:10 service TODAY is our annual Consecration Sunday. We invite you to join us immediately after the 11:10 worship service for a Celebration “Chili Fest” Lunch served in the Fellowship Hall. Don’t worry if you didn’t bring any chili, just bring you, your family, and your appetite! Consecration Sunday is when we get an opportunity to practice the spiritual discipline of giving. Specifically, we do this by filling out and turning in our “Estimate of Giving” cards. This is an estimate of how much you think you can give to the Lord through His Church this coming year for mission, ministry, and worship. As well as being an “outward and visible sign” of the generous hearts that the Lord Jesus calls us all to, these cards are also very helpful to the church in calculating the budget for the coming year.
TRUNK OR TREAT TODAY, Sunday, October 30th from 4:30-6 p.m. Contact: Joel Griffin ( Cost: None We invite you to join us THIS EVENING, for our fifth annual Trunk-or-Treat hosted by our youth ministry! Kids through fifth grade are invited to come in costume for carnival games, prizes, hot dogs, popcorn, candy and lots of fun! If you would like to volunteer your trunk to host a game, or have any questions about the event, contact Joel by email or in the office at 997-7679. We look forward to seeing you there! If you can’t be there, we could use candy donations! There is a box to drop off any donations in the Fellowship Hall.
FOUNDATION GRANT REQUESTS Deadline this Monday, October 31st Learn More: TOMORROW is your last chance to drop off grant request applications in the church office. You can find a pdf of the application at the link above, or pick up a hard copy in the church office. The FUMC Foundation is established to provide a means through which enduring charitable gifts will become a living memorial and a perpetual source of financial support to benefit the church and its programs. It is the vehicle for receiving and managing gifts that look to the future and enhance the ability of the church to promote its ministries and care for its property. Each year, our Fredericksburg United Methodist Church Foundation awards grants to help fund ministry!
ALL SAINTS SUNDAY Sunday, November 6th, 8:40 a.m., 9 a.m., 11:10 a.m. This is a special time to remember and honor all the “saints” in our lives who have loved us and helped shape our hearts and lives in special ways. We will begin with a short worship service in the Memory Garden at 8:40 am. There we will lift up those who have been interred in our columbarium as well as those persons whose names have been placed “In Loving Memory” on the Memory Wall. During our regular worship services, we will lift up and remember those members of our congregation who have passed away in the last year. We hope that you will join us on this special Sunday as we give thanks for all who have meant so much to us.
Church Prayer Day This Week at invite a Glance.. We
you to join Pastor
George in the Sanctuary each
Mon., Oct. 31st
Tues., Nov. 1st
-Foundation Grant Request
-Wonder Workers at 8 a.m.
-Prayer Shawl Ministry at 9 a.m. in the library
-Women’s Bible Study at 6:30 p.m.
-Ministry Goals and Budget Deadline -Bell Choir at 6 p.m. -Chancel Choir at 7 p.m. -Treehouse Kids’ Club after school -Back Porch Youth Ministry from 5:30-8 p.m.
Thurs., Nov. 3rd
and communion . It is very informal, just come as you are and join with us in prayer for
-Disciple Bible study at 6:30
-747 Bible Study at 10 a.m.
Wed., Nov. 2nd
Thursday at noon for prayer
-Prayer Time in the Sanctuary at 12 p.m. -Kid’s Music Academy after school -Praise Team Rehearsal at 6:30 p.m. -747 Bible Study at 7 p.m.
nation, the community, our church and each other.
Noteworthy News.. -Our Food for Kids ministry is almost out of plastic grocery bags. If you have some extra ones lying around, donations are welcome in the church office! Thank you for your continued support that helps kids from going hungry in our community! -Mission and Ministry goals and budget planning are due to Linda Klein in the church office this Wednesday, November 2nd. You can pick up a letter with additional details in the church office or at the Welcome Desk! -October’s edition of The Thread is available online at! Submissions for November/December’s edition are due by November 1st. -Make this Place Your Home t-shirts are available for $10 each in the church office during regular office hours! Proceeds go to our children and youth!
FAMILY FUN NIGHT BOWLING Sunday, November 6th, 5-8 p.m. Contact: Kenneth Williams ( Cost: $7 for two games and shoe rental Calling all bowlers, people who support bowlers, and people who just want to have fun! Join your FUMC family and friends for an evening of bowling and fun at BB’s Billiards and Bowling at 758 S. Washington St. For extra excitement, create a team of 4-6 people and compete against other teams. Can your Sunday School class out-bowl the youth or the church staff? Let’s find out! Prizes will be offered throughout the event. Sign up now before space runs out by emailing Kenneth Williams with your team or individual information. Come join in the fun even if you don’t want to bowl!
COMMUNITY MISSION DAY Saturday, November 19th, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Meet at Fredericksburg UMC, travel to locations Contact: Jim Ryan ( or 990-2916) We need volunteers to help those in need in Fredericksburg. The assistance will go to members of our church, clients of the Meals-on-Wheels program, and we will also try to finish the Spring job at the Black Methodist Church on Main Street. There are jobs for all skill levels, so don’t worry if you don’t have experience! Your time is a wonderful blessing to people in our community. Contact Jim Ryan to sign up or learn more.
CHURCH CONFERENCE MEETING Sunday, November 13th, following the 11:10 worship service (about 12:30 p.m.) Our annual Church Conference meeting is scheduled for November 13th, following the 11:10 worship service. All members are invited to attend and vote on pastor compensation and elect new officers for the upcoming year. Our district superintendent, John Wright, will be our guest preacher in both the 9 a.m. and 11:10 a.m. worship services that morning.
Sunday School
Sunday School classes for adults, youth and kids meet at 10 a.m. Adults meet in the Su each class), and kids in grades k-5, as well as youth in grades 6-12 meet in the Childre
TREE HOUSE KIDS’ CLUB Wednesdays after school Contact: Lisa Davis ( Cost: None Kids k-5 are invited to Treehouse Kids’ club each week for a fun afternoon of discovering the Truth of God's word. Transportation from school is provided, along with an after school snack. Contact Lisa for more information about the program or to get involved as a volunteer at or 997-7679. Registration packets are available in the church office.
NEW DAY KMA Thursdays after school Contact: Don Doss ( or 997-7679) Cost: General music education free, contact Don for special instrument instruction tuition Our Kid’s Music Academy is now on THURSDAYS! That means we’re offering a whole afternoon of music instruction for kiddos in our community! To register your child, or to get involved as a volunteer, get in touch with our Music Minister, Don Doss! Registration packets are available in the church office.
BACK PORCH YOUTH MINISTRY Back Porch Night, Every Wednesday from 5:30-8 p.m., Back Porch Contact: Joel Griffin ( Cost: None Middle school youth starts at 5:30 p.m., and high school youth starts at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings in the youth room (back porch). And don't forget youth are invited for Sunday school every week at 10 a.m. For more information about any of our youth events, contact Joel Griffin at
unday School Wing (see the fall programming edition of the Scoop for details on en’s Wing. A nursery for kids 4 and under is available in the Children’s Wing as well.
If You are Checking us out on Issuu.. CLICK HERE for this week’s suggested daily prayer guide. (also
available in the bulletin and at
CLICK HERE for our full google calendar. (also
available at
Some Quick Details. . We are located at 1800 N. Llano Street, Fredericksburg, TX, 78624. Our regular Sunday Schedule is contemporary worship at 9 a.m., Sunday school for adults, children and youth at 10 a.m., and traditional worship at 11:10 a.m. Our regular office hours are Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.– 5 p.m. (closed from 12-1 p.m. for lunch. You can reach the office at 997-7679.