The Sunday Scoop Welcome to Fredericksburg United Methodist Church!
Sunday, Dec. 4th 2016
Sunday Scoop is your one-stop-shop for learning
about mission and ministry here at Fredericksburg United Methodist Church! We want to keep you connected to upcoming events, ongoing activities and ministry opportunities in our home. We want you to know that whoever you are, you are welcome here, and we invite you to make
this place your home!
12/4 Sunday Schedule 9 a.m.– Contemporary Worship Service 9:30-11:30 a.m.– Former Child Development Center Appreciation Gathering (Fellowship Hall) 10 a.m.– Sunday School 11:10 a.m.– Traditional Worship Service
Remember, Special Sunday Next Week We have a special schedule NEXT Sunday, Dec. 11th. George will hold a short prayer and praise service at 9 a.m., the Belize Mission Team will begin serving enchilada soup in the Fellowship Hall at 10 a.m. to raise money for their June 2017 trip, and at 10:30 a.m. our church musicians will present Home for Christmas, a musical presentation sharing the joys and traditions of our individual families with our larger church family! They’ll have another performance at 3 p.m., so come see it for yourself and then invite everyone else you know to come see it too! It’s going to be a great day, and we can’t wait to see you there.
What’s Ahead SAN VICENTE GIVING TREE Sunday Dec. 4th. Contact: Judy Hutcherson (830-456-7323) This is the last Sunday our San Vicente Giving Tree will be up! We invite you to pick a family from the tree and help make Christmas special for our brothers and sisters in Mexico. We are also collecting 5 lb. bags of sugar and 2 lb. bags of pinto beans. The delivery team will make the trip to San Vicente December 7th-10th, so items must be at the church by TOMORROW. Contact Judy Hutcherson to sign up for the trip or learn more about this ministry!
EMMAUS GATHERING Monday, December 5th at 6:30 p.m. Fredericksburg UMC Fellowship Hall Contact: Brenda Miiller (830-456-3642) Solid Rock/(Fredericksburg) Emmaus will meet tomorrow, December 5th, here at FUMC. There is a potluck meal at 6:30, followed by worship. We invite you to bring your favorite dish to share and join us for food and fellowship as we lift our praise to God. You can call Brenda Miiller with any questions.
POINSETTIA SALES Sunday, December 4th– Sunday, December 18th Fellowship Hall Contact: Joel Griffin ( The Back Porch Youth ministry begins their annual poinsettia sale fundraiser this Sunday! Stop by the Fellowship Hall during your regular Sunday activities, or get in touch with Joel in the church office during regular office hours. Poinsettias can be given in honor or memory of loved ones, whose names will be listed in the bulletin when the poinsettias are delivered to decorate the sanctuary. They are free to go home with you after Christmas Eve Worship!
HOME FOR CHRISTMAS MUSICAL Sunday, December 11th, 10:30 a.m. & 3 p.m. Fredericksburg UMC Sanctuary Come Home to Christmas! NEXT SUNDAY, our Chancel Choir, Praise Team and orchestra will be serving up some Christmas memories from our church family, having fun and sharing together about our family holiday traditions, past and present. Christmas family gatherings are full of singing, laughing, telling stories and retelling the Christmas story of the baby in the manger. You are invited to bring your own family and join the larger one so it will be a very, very large family time together. But we also want to get the word out to other families that could join ours. Get the word out about Come Home to Christmas!
This Week at a Glance.. Mon., Dec. 5th
-Emmaus Gathering at 6:30
Appreciation Gathering We invite you to join us in the Fellowship Hall today for an
appreciation gathering
have served and supported the former Child Development Center. We want to offer our gratitude to all those who offered their time, talents and leadership to this ministry of our church. Please
Tues., Dec. 6th
for those who
-Wonder Workers at 8 a.m. -Prayer Shawl Ministry at 9 a.m. in the library -747 Bible Study at 10 a.m.
join us in during Agape
time (about 9:30-11:30) for light refreshments and a chance to give thanks.
Noteworthy News.. -The Holiday edition of The
Wed., Dec. 7th
-Bell Choir at 6 p.m. -Chancel Choir at 7 p.m. -Treehouse Kids’ Club after school -Back Porch Youth Ministry from 5:30-8 p.m.
Thurs., Dec. 8th
-Prayer Time in the Sanctuary at 12 p.m. -Kid’s Music Academy after school -Praise Team Rehearsal at 6:30 p.m. -747 Bible Study at 7 p.m.
Thread is
available online at! --Today’s Communion Rail offering will support our district’s designated hunger ministry as well as Food Pantries in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas and the Indigenous Women’s Vegetable Gardening and Leadership Project, Guatemala. Your generosity toward fighting hunger and aiding our neighbors in need is appreciated. -Today and Sunday, Dec. 18th are your last opportunities to stock up on 41&Change coffee before Christmas. Get some for yourself, or the coffee lovers in your life as a Christmas gift! Pick some up in the Fellowship Hall during your regular Sunday activities.
CHRISTMAS EVE SCHEDULE Saturday, December 24th at 12 noon, 5 p.m., & 7 p.m. We will hold three services on Christmas Eve. Our first service is a Lessons and Carols service at 12 noon led by Pastor Sid. At 5 p.m., we will hold a family friendly service featuring our puppet ministry, and at 7 p.m. Pastor George and our Chancel Choir will lead a traditional service. All three services will include candlelight and communion. Don’t forget we will have a single service at 11:10 a.m. on both Christmas Day (Sun., Dec. 25th) and New Year’s Day (Sun., Jan. 1st). The church office is closed from Dec. 22nd through January 3rd. Call us at 997-7679 with any questions!
Ongoing Ministries ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Sundays at 10 a.m. We have six adult Sunday school classes available each morning. Choose Life meets in Room 6-8, Encouragers meets in Room 7-9, Inquirers meet in the Family Room. The Family meets in Room 11, Searchers meet in Room 10, and Thee Bible Class meets in Room 2. To learn more about each class, visit the Welcome Desk, or call the church office at 997-7679.
MUSIC MINISTRY Our vibrant music ministry is under the direction of Don Doss, who leads the Chancel
Choir and Contemporary Praise Team. Choir rehearses at 7 p.m. on Wednesday evenings in the Sanctuary, and Praise Team rehearses on Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Our Praise Team leads contemporary worship at 9 a.m. on Sundays (sound check at 8:15), and our Chancel Choir leads the traditional service at 11:10. To get involved with these groups, contact Don Doss at, or call the church office at 997-7679. We also have a
Wesleyan Hand Bell Choir that rehearses
at 6 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Sanctuary, under the direction of Deborah Agnew. To join this joyful ministry, contact Deborah at 997-5339, or
Sunday School for Youth and Children
We have Sunday School classes in the Children’s Wing for kids in K-5, and for youth fr contact children’s director Lisa Davis at, or youth Director Joel Griff
TREE HOUSE KIDS’ CLUB Wednesdays after school (last meeting of fall semester Dec. 14th) Contact: Lisa Davis ( Cost: None Kids k-5 are invited to Treehouse Kids’ club each week for a fun afternoon of discovering the Truth of God's word. Transportation from school is provided, along with an after school snack. Contact Lisa for more information about the program or to get involved as a volunteer at or 997-7679. Registration packets are available in the church office.
NEW DAY KMA Thursdays after school (last meeting of fall semester Dec. 8th) Contact: Don Doss ( or 997-7679) Cost: General music education free, contact Don for special instrument instruction tuition Our Kid’s Music Academy is now on THURSDAYS! That means we’re offering a whole afternoon of music instruction for kiddos in our community! To register your child, or to get involved as a volunteer, get in touch with our Music Minister, Don Doss! Registration packets are available in the church office.
BACK PORCH YOUTH MINISTRY Back Porch Night, Every Wednesday from 5:30-8 p.m., Back Porch (last meeting of fall semester Dec. 14th) Contact: Joel Griffin ( Cost: None Middle school youth starts at 5:30 p.m., and high school youth starts at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings in the youth room (back porch). And don't forget youth are invited for Sunday school every week at 10 a.m. For more information about any of our youth events, contact Joel Griffin at
rom 6th-12th grade, as well as a nursery for kids 4 and under. For more information, fin at
If You are Checking us out on Issuu.. CLICK HERE for this week’s suggested daily prayer guide. (also
available in the bulletin and at
CLICK HERE for our full google calendar. (also
available at
Some Quick Details. . We are located at 1800 N. Llano Street, Fredericksburg, TX, 78624. Our regular Sunday Schedule is contemporary worship at 9 a.m., Sunday school for adults, children and youth at 10 a.m., and traditional worship at 11:10 a.m. Our regular office hours are Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.– 5 p.m. (closed from 12-1 p.m. for lunch. You can reach the office at 997-7679.