The thread volume 16

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thread Vol. 16 July 2016

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” -John 1:5

God’s Story at FUMC this month

IN THIS ISSUE Mission & Vision

p. 1

Sid’s Butterfly Flutterings

p. 3-4

Health and Wellness

p. 5-6

Ministry Matters

p. 7-8

Letter From the Editor

p. 9-10

Monthly Calendar

p. 11-12

Month at a Glance

p. 13-14

What’s Coming Up

p. 15-16

Celebrations and Concerns

p. 17-18



Vol. 16 July 2016

Bible Study This Bible Study will be taught by our Associate Pastor. It is for those who have never been in a Bible Study, or for that matter, those who have never read the Bible! Or for those who have read the entire Bible six times, or more or less. Or if you are a Bible Scholar. Whoever you are, you will see the scriptures from a new “heavenly view.” Tell a friend. Bring a friend.

Each session will have a minimum of ten participants who are willing to read all 66 books of the Bible in the 40 week period. No exams. No previous knowledge of the Bible needed! Just a hunger for understanding the Bible.

The “flight” begins with an orientation meeting on Tuesday, August 16th and Thursday, August 18th. Sessions will continue weekly with time off for Thanksgiving and Christmas and will end on June 1st, 2017.

Whoever you are, you will see the scriptures from a new “heavenly view. Pre-registration is required.

Everybody has to start somewhere. Pastor Sid describes the study like this:

You are in a 747 Airplane flying at 35,000 feet looking down at the Bible and seeing it from that perspective...just the facts and how every book is connected.

You can call the Church Office, or be on the lookout for a clipboard in the Narthex and online registration which will both be available next month. More details will be shared as takeoff nears!

Be Blessed,

Particular emphasis will cover the unifying themes, the place of Christ, and the overall plan of scripture. Pastor Sid will teach a systematic outline of the 66 Books of the Bible in 40 weekly sessions on Tuesday (either morning or afternoon during the day, exact time to be determined), and on Thursday evening (exact time also to be determined).

Pastor Sid

Rev. Sid Spiller has been our associate Pastor at FUMC since July of 2014. He served as a pastor for over 35 years, and focuses primarily on pastoral care and senior adult ministry here in his retirement.



our wesley nurse D

ear Church Family,

I thought I would share plant ideas to repel mosquitos! 1. Marigolds: These flowers are colorful additions to landscaping, but they have a distinctive smell that repels mosquitoes and other garden pests, including squash bugs and tomato worms. Marigolds contain a natural compound used in many insect repellents. Plant some marigolds in the garden among your squash, melons and tomatoes or near open windows and doorways where mosquitoes might be tempted to enter. 2. Lavender: About the only insects you see around lavender are bees. They love the flowers, but other bugs stay away. Lavender has a pleasant scent that comes from the essential oils in the leaves of the plant, but the bugs hate it. Hang some dried lavender in your closet and you won’t have to


Vol. 16 July 2016

worry about moths eating your clothes. The herb is a perennial and is drought resistant once established, a bonus for areas that are watching their water consumption. 3. Lemon grass: Lemon grass can grow up to 4 feet tall, but the best thing about this decorative grass is that it contains citronella, a common natural ingredient in many mosquito repellents. You’ve probably heard of citronella candles and torches. The plant itself does even better at deterring mosquitoes because it has a stronger smell. Lemon grass tolerates heat and drought but not frost. So in most areas, it’s best planted in a pot that can be moved indoors in winter. 4. Garlic: This herb has long been regarded as a deterrent to blood-sucking vampires and werewolves, but it really deters buzzing bloodsucking mosquitoes. Planting garlic around the garden also will ward off other insects and creepy

crawlers. Garlic extract sprayed in your garden is harmless to plants, but bugs don’t like that garlic odor. 5. Rosemary: Though you'll want to plant an herb garden for cooking, rosemary repels flies and mosquitoes. It also has a pungent scent that drives away other bugs, including cabbage moths. It does well in hot dry weather, and thrives in containers, so you can set it in various places around the garden. 6. Basil: This herb also tastes great in your favorite dishes but doubles as a bug repellent. Basil’s strong smell keeps mosquitoes away. In addition, if you put a potted basil plant near your picnic table, you won’t have to worry as much about flies either. 7. Catnip: Many cats love catnip, but mosquitoes won’t come near it. In fact, some studies show that catnip is 10 times more effective than DEET, the chemical formally known as N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide and found in most commercial insect repellents. Roll up a few catnip leaves and rub them on your skin. The bugs won’t bother you, but the neighbor’s cat might. Catnip grows almost anywhere, and it will spread in your garden, so growing it in pots is best. 8. Petunias: These annuals add a bright splash of color to any landscape, but the funnel-shaped

blossoms also have a licorice-like scent that repels many insect pests, including aphids, tomato hornworms and squash bugs. But do keep an eye on these flowers because other crawly garden pests are attracted to petunias, including slugs and caterpillars. 9. Mint: Who doesn’t like the taste of mint? It’s a beautiful plant that smells and tastes great to people, but ants and mice absolutely hate it. It can spread quickly in the garden and is hard to remove, so you might want to keep it in a pot. Put some containers of mint around your patio or in your garden, and it will ward off other insects, including mosquitoes. These are just a few of the many plants that bugs find distasteful. Surrounding yourself and your patio with a few them will keep the bugs away from you, too. Some of the plants are perennials, which will come back from year to year while others need to be replanted annually. You can find all of these plants at most nurseries and garden centers. Blessings of Health, Tammy

Tammy joined the FUMC family in 2005 after working as a hospice case manager for HCM for 1.5 years and at Children’s Medical Center for 17 years before that.


MINISTRY MATTERS Words of Thank You ear Reverend Lumpkin, Reverend Sid Spiller and Members of the Congregation, As another school year closes, we would like to express our gratitude to you, Reverend Spiller, the staff and congregation of the Fredericksburg United Methodist Church, for your continued support of the staff and students at Fredericksburg Elementary School. From furnishing lunch for the entire staff at the beginning of the year, to purchasing socks and shoes for a child in need, we can’t thank you enough for everything you do for us. We truly appreciate the church purchasing lice shampoo, which is given to families who are not able to purchase it themselves. 7

Vol. 16

July 2016

We would also like to thank the ladies of the “Prayer Shawl Ministry” for providing blankets for the nurse’s office and for students who were in the hospital. The joy this brought to the students and parents was evident. Your generosity impacts more lives than you know. The thoughtfulness of people like you makes it possible for our school to accomplish far more than we could otherwise. On behalf of the students, faculty, staff and parents of Fredericksburg Elementary, thank you again. We extend our best wishes to you and the church. Sincerely Monica Ward Principal

ear George, We want to thank you for your gift of $460.50 to Providence Place. With your gift you have made it possible for us to keep writing future stories. In this edition of “Your Contributions” we are featuring one of our CHI students. Kimberly has been in our program for almost seven months. She’s part of our CHI Choir and is very excited for the opportunities the future will bring. Kimberly is one of many students in our CHI program, which is made possible by gifts like yours. In other happenings on campus, our adoption agency has two finalizations pending and a placement in June. We can’t wait for future adoptions this year. As we reflect on the past 120 years of service and go back to our roots, we will work hard to keep Madame Volino’s mission alive. Our students, birth moms, adoptive parents and staff thank you very much for your generosity. Kind regards, Judith Bell President and CEO

Kimberly Clarke n the seven months since she first arrived at Providence Place, Kimberly Clarke has been doing things she never thought possible. Kimberly is a CHI student with a joyful, positive attitude. Kimberly first heard about Providence Place from Hannah, another CHI student. After hearing of the services Providence Place provides, Kimberly and her parents decided to take a tour. The Clarkes decided our agency would be the perfect place for her to develop the life and vocational skills she needed to live a more independent life. “I am learning to be independent,” said Kimberly, when asked what she had learned so far in the CHI program. She has taken classes that have taught her about money management, childcare, and even sign language. “Since Providence Place serves young adults with various disabilities,” CHI Director Leslie Bellieu stated, “including those who are deaf and hard-of-hearing, we

feel it’s important for students to be able to communicate with their peers. Kimberly can now sign basic words like ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ and is eager to learn more.” One of Kimberly’s favorite things about Providence Place is Choir. Our CHI Choir is made up of a small group of students with a love for music. In April, our Choir was invited to perform at Morgan’s Wonderland for the Methodist Church Center for Leadership Excellence. “I was pretty nervous,” said Kimberly, “we were told there were like 450 people.” The Choir did an amazing job and were highly praised by the crowd. Our CEO Judith Bell told them after their performance “You inspire me every day.” Kimberly is excited about the opportunities that will come as she progresses at Providence Place. She can’t wait to start volunteering and find the right job. Meanwhile, she’ll keep learning life and vocational skills, attending Chapel, and hanging out with her friends. 8

The Not So Fun Stuff

Tricia Small is one of the newest member to the FUMC family. She graduated from UT Austin with a journalism degree, and joined the staff in November of 2014 She is passionate about transforming lives by sharing the love of Christ. 9

Vol. 16

July 2016


ello Church! Your friendly neighborhood communications director here. Writing to you has been a struggle for me this month. That happens some months. Other months God shows me something loud and clear and I can write four pages in an hour and then I have to pare down my excited rambling into something concise for you, dear friends.

on, I became more confident. With Beauty and the Beast, as time went on I became more and more convinced that I was not the right person for this job. That feeling seeped into everything. I felt that way here with my work every day. I felt that way as a friend, and as a daughter and a disciple. Every corner of my life felt plagued with this worry and self-doubt.

My intuition, which is usually pretty spot on and an incredibly important tool for a stage manager, This month though. This month has been pulling was getting drowned out by all these other voices teeth. And while things have been busy, and it’s telling me I was doing the wrong thing, or I wasn’t true that I’m guilty of getting stuck going through doing enough. And then I started stressing out the motions trying to check all the things I have to about stressing out because a stressed out stage do off the list (we’ve been here before, yes?), I manager is a disaster waiting to happen. But oh, think this month it has more to do with self-doubt. friends, our kind and loving Father knows what we need. After a particularly abysmal A lot of you know that since I rehearsal one week before opening moved to Fredericksburg a little It was like He night (we’re talking multiple people in over a year and a half ago, I’ve whispered in my ear tears by the end of it) God gave me the gotten involved with the Fredericksburg Theater Company. ‘Hey, kid. I’ve been gift of affirmation that I so needed. Like really involved. Like I’ve listening. Why are It was like He whispered in my ear worked on the production team you doubting? I “Hey, kid. I’ve been listening. Why are for all but one show since I moved you doubting? I have you. I have this. here. In April, I started working have you...’’ You are not crazy. Just trust me.” as the assistant director and stage manager for Beauty and the Beast. Trust is hard. I struggle with it more than almost anything else. But I don’t have to trust I assistant directed Into the Woods earlier this year, myself. I don’t have to lean on my own so I wasn’t entirely inexperienced. I was working understanding. There is a wonderful freedom in with the same director, several of the same cast that, dear ones. We need only trust the One who is members, and three of my crew members were perfectly trustworthy. Whose promises are true. returning from Into the Woods as well. Initially, I Who wants nothing but good for us. On my own was feeling pretty good about things. I had just strength, I am indeed a wildly inadequate assistant done this, right? I made a lot of rookie mistakes director and stage manager. When I stop trusting, and I figured out the expectations and now I’m that self-doubt, and anxiety and worry drown out prepared to do this one well. Guess what, friends. the steadfastness and calm voice of reason that is There are ALWAYS more mistakes to be made. God’s gift of His Holy Spirit. Holding tight to that trust got a show on the stage last Friday night. My first mistake was comparing the two shows. I And Saturday night. And then again on Sunday should never have assumed this one would be afternoon. Holding tight to that trust guided me easier, or even that I would be more prepared. calmly through a whole lot of unexpected Each show is unique and each one presents new occurrences that make me love live theater so challenges, has different dynamics and comes much. together in its own time. Beauty and the Beast has a much bigger cast, more choreography, more scenes What a blessing it is to have opportunities to rely and set pieces, more mics and a bigger crew. The on the Lord. And how wonderful it is when he closer we got to opening night, the more wildly gently and lovingly reminds us of His grace and inadequate I began to feel. goodness, especially when we have been so reluctant to accept it. Have a great month, friends! I had those moments with Into the Woods. The first time my director turned a rehearsal over to me, I Peace, Tricia shook through the entire thing, but as time went 10

THE month

at a g





3 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service 12:15pm Alpha Small Group


5 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl MinistryMinistry-Library 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:15pm Living Well Learning Center Board Meeting 5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball



11 UMARMY for High School 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 10:00am Cards for Christ 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch BunchBunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group 4:30pm Child Development Board 6:00pm Stephen Ministry Leadership

12 UMARMY for High School 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl MinistryMinistry-Library 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 5:30pm Mission Committee Meeting


17 Quilt Retreat 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service 12:15pm Alpha Small Group

18 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch BunchBunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group

19 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl MinistryMinistry-Library 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball



25 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 10:00am Cards for Christ 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch BunchBunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group 6:30pm Stephen Ministry Leadership


27 9:00am Quilters 9:30am Windcrest Retire Retir 10:00am Fredericksburg 12:00pm Alcoholics Ano 6:00pm Chancel Choir P 7:00pm Overcomers Gro

UMARMY for High School 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service

9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service

31 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service 12:15pm Alpha Small Group


7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl MinistryMinistry-Library 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball

9:30am Knopp Retireme 10:00am Fredericksburg 12:00pm Alcoholics Ano 6:00pm Chancel Choir P 6:30pm SemiSemi-Circle 7:00pm Overcomers Gro

UMARMY for High Sch 9:00am Quilters 10:00am Fredericksburg 12:00pm Alcoholics Ano 6:00pm Chancel Choir P 7:00pm Overcomers Gro

10:00am Fredericksburg 10:00am Knopp Retirem 10:30am Knopp Nursing 12:00pm Alcoholics Ano 6:00pm Chancel Choir P 7:00pm Overcomers Gro

glance July 2016

ent Social g Nursing Home Sing onymous Practice oup

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g Nursing Home Sing ment Center Communion g Home #1 Communion onymous Practice oup

ement Communion g Nursing Home Sing onymous Practice oup




30 1 BASIC CAMP for Middle School youth CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 9:00am UMW Craft Workshop 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal


7 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Book Club 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal



14 UMARMY for High School 8:30am Biblical Garden Workday 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal




9:00am Living Well Learning Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal

28 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am UMW Craft Workshop 9:30am Heritage Communion 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous UMARMY for High School Quilt Retreat

16 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous UMARMY for High School Quilt Retreat


12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

30 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

THIS month

at fumc

Special Announcements “Make This Place Your Home” Grab some Gear *A lot of you have been asking about t-shirts with the new logo on them, and we are happy to announce that they are here! Shirts are $10 each for adults, free for youth and kids 18 and under. No need to have pre-ordered; we have all sizes available. All you have to do is stop by the office during regular office hours. In addition, cobalt blue koozies with our logo and church name and website are available as well. Those are $3 each or two for $5. Cash or check only please!

2016 Ministry Goals *If you are interested in the vibrant ministries and a congregation committed to serving our Lord, then click on this link, , or come by the office and pick up a copy of FUMC's 2016 Ministry Goals. Be in the know, like the 116 members of our congregation who worked on these goals because ministry matters. It is action packed and mission driven.

Young Adults Houston Mission Trip July 22nd-24th *All 20 and 30 somethings are invited for a mission trip to Houston. $30 non refundable deposit. Contact Joel Griffin at

Children Children’s Sunday School

Youth Movie Marathon Day Wednesday, July 6th Youth Room

Float Trip Tuesday, July 19th *Contact youth director, Joel Griffin, for details about travel times and price.

High School Mission Trip July 10th-16th *Contact Joel Griffin at for more details

Trampoline Park Wednesday, July 27th *Contact youth director, Joel Griffin, for details about travel times and price.

Wednesday Youth Group & Youth Sunday School Regular youth activities on Wednesdays and Sunday will pick back up in August. Stay tuned for more special events throughout the summer!

Music Chancel Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays at 6 p.m. FUMC Sanctuary

Sundays 10-11 a.m. *Contact Lisa Davis at 997-7679

Praise Team Rehearsal


FUMC Sanctuary

Vol. 16

July 2016

Thursdays at 6 p.m.

Special Music Sundays

41&Change Coffee Sales

Join us on Sunday mornings to hear some guest musicians leading us in worship this month.

Coffee for camp sales are now the FIRST and THIRD Sunday of each month. That means more opportunities to stock up (if you didn’t know already, they are now selling K-cups!), and more opportunities to fund YOUR ministries. If you want to take over the sales to help raise money for your missions, contact Brenda Miiller at

Sunday, July 17th– Aaron and Kelly Patterson Sunday, July 24th– Wade Daniel on piano

Audio Visual Tech Help Sunday, July 31st– 4 Proches

In the Community Rio Texas Conference Kids Camp July 21-24th Mount Wesley, Kerrville, TX *For all kids in the Rio Texas Conference from 4th-6th grade. REGISTRATION DEADLINE is JULY 7, 2016. To register or learn more contact Pam Elliott at 830-8966400 or email

Opportunities To Serve Garden of Eatin’ The Garden of Eatin' is in need of some more "pickers and grinners!" Since harvesting began in mid May, the garden has produced at least 500 pounds of squash. We've also begun harvesting eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and beans. Harvested vegetables are donated to various contacts through our church and the Fredericksburg Food pantry. For more information about joining this community service project please call David or Mary Wiemers at 830-997-4902.

Our praise team is growing! That means our audio and video team occasionally needs some help. If you are interested in getting involved with the worship service in a new way by helping with sound, running the Sunday slideshow, or producing our live stream, contact our communications director, Tricia, at

Trustees Project The Trustees need help refinishing a communion table and pulpit to be donated to the Old First United Methodist Church of the Pioneer Museum. If you are interested in getting involved with this project, please contact our Board of Trustees Chair, David Wieting, at 830-998-1840 or by email at

Fuel Your Fire, Join a Choir Become a Summer Hummer Each year, many of our choir members spend the summer traveling, which means we have lots of spots available! If you have thought about checking out our chancel choir, but aren’t sure if you want to make the commitment, maybe just want to dip your toe in, or simply have a love for music, we would love to have you! Consider joining us just for the summer, and if you like it, we can always find a permanent spot for you. Contact Don Doss at


what’s ahead

at fumc

15 Vol. 16 July 2016


1 Lorrie Stewart 1 Jerald Jenkins 2 Cherry Wilson 2 Randall Lea 2 Pat McConnell 3 Keven Eckhart 3 Ken and Frances Baethge 4 Ron Frisbee 4 Faith Moellering 4 Kenny Vaughan 4 Jim Wilhite 5 Charlie and Zala Koym 5 Craig and Deborah Sly 6 James and Marianna Lively 6 Pam Coe-Brown 6 Judy Ryan 7 Steve Cannon 7 Clay McAnally 7 Alicia Pate 7 Savannah Neffendorf 7 Chris and Emily White 8 Danielle and Randall King 8 Amy O’Neil 9 Laura Bowman 9 Randall and Liz Wunderlich 10 Spencer Neffendorf 10 Jack Wiemers 10 Betty Phillips 10 Cathy White 10 Roy and Andrea Gentry 11 Lauren Schverak 11 Vedena Brown 11 Gayle Darling 11 Dennis Houy 17 Vol. 16 July 2016

12 Marge Bennack 12 David Hughes 12 Voy and Liz Althaus 12 Terry and Cathy Collier 12 Mary and David Wiemers 13 Judy Hutcherson 13 Lloyd Harper 13 Cristin Herbort 13 Deanna Carroll 13 Cody Segner 13 Carissa Plocheck 13 Dennis and Donna Henke 13 Bill and Nora Dempsey 13 Reed and Diane Cobb 14 Alice Kneupper 14 Lonnie White 15 Jim and Kristie Gedeon 15 Lucy Little 15 Dick Hoopman 15 Frank Jenson 15 David Wiemers 16 Nancy Coon 16 Diana Perry 16 Jo Dodd 16 Dorman Schmidt 16 Melinda Lowrey 17 Roselie Miiller 17 Jace Axe 17 Collins Gonzales 17 David and Margaret Kneese 18 Irene Mauldin 18 Imogene Friedrich 18 David Whiting 18 Dave Schafer

19 Evelyn Ibbotson 19 John Draper 20 Anne Surma 20 Christian Gould 20 Jim and Glenda Swink 21 Zala Koym 22 Charles James 22 Dee Walker 22 Shawn Straker 22 Paxten Keyser 22 Grace Gallaspy 22 Roy and Pam Alspaugh 22 Bob and Judy Hickerson 22 Bill and Rhonda Strelke 23 Ruth Winkler 23 Jason Smith 23 Wesley Traver 23 Rick and Pat Hoerster 23 Vernon and Linda Treibs 24 Al Bispo 24 Kim Houy 24 Trey Carroll III 25 Beth Colvin 25 Dalton Inks 25 Kate Hallford 25 Russell and Rita Rice 26 Cathy Collier 27 Levi and Lynn Shaw 29 Jim and Jackie Heupel 31 Marcia Draper 31 Grace Crook 31 Rick Schafer 31 Bill Nanni ¡ Dates and names in bold are anniversaries.

CONTINUING CONCERNS Nursing Home & OUR Military Retirement Center Carolyn Allen Ruth Braeutigam Clarence Durst Imogene Friedrich Fred Mesch Desmond Sagebiel Mabel Teschner Romilda Jaimson Audrey Kothmann

Norma Peterson Marvin Prochnow Marvel Pospisil Auralia Schmid Melrose Sultemeier Jimmie Tree Fred Kunz

OUR Missionaries

Scott Benfield Khristy Brazell Roland Cleveland Adam Duecker Gary L. Goin Dylan Guess Houston Haley Chance Harling Wacey Holladay Mark Klaerner Bryce Klein Jason Loving Alec Maples Quentin Moellering

James Muncy Dennis Ray Phillips Chris Pieper Steven Ramsey Tyler Remini Cody Segner Jason Smith Bruce Stafford Perry Waters Charlie Watson Ash Westerfield Weston Williams Dara Wydler Steve York Joshua Weaver Ethan Waterman

Here I am. Send me.

Central Asia: Brian & Cynthia -Isaiah 6:8 Eastern Asia: Misti Ecuador: Ecuador: Tim & Daina We also want to Madagascar: Adam & Suzie, acknowledge Jana and Leigh, Phoebe, Emma, Baylee & River who are serving the Japanese Detroit .We support them Nicaragua: Sara & Joey, Risa, inwhen possible, and hope to Micah & Jace add them to our regular Philippines: Marsha support list in the future. Connect Online!


Fredericksburg United Methodist Church 1800 North Llano Fredericksburg TX 78624-2917 **************************************

Connect with our staff Rev. George Lumpkin……Senior Pastor ( Rev. Sid Spiller……..Associate Pastor ( Don Doss……………………Director of Music Ministries ( Joel Griffin…………………..Director of Youth Ministries ( Lisa Davis……………..Director of Children’s Ministries ( Kenneth Vaughan…………Director of Media Ministries ( Tricia Small…………………Director of Communications ( Judy Hickerson……………..Organist Linda Klein………………….Office Manager ( Selena Hendrix……………...Director of Finances ( Florie Hernandez……………Custodian Tammy Amerson-Wilson RN………Wesley Nurse (

Regular office hours are Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.—5 p.m., closed 12-1 p.m. for lunch, and You can reach the office at 830-997-7679, or visit to learn more about our worship and ministries.

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