The Thread Volume 19

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thread Vol. 19 October 2016

God’s Story at FUMC this month

IN THIS ISSUE Mission & Vision

p. 1

Music Ministries

p. 3-4

Health and Wellness Ministry Matters

p. 5-6 p. 7-8

Letter From the Editor

p. 9-10

Monthly Calendar

p. 11-12

Month at a Glance

p. 13-14

What’s Coming Up

p. 15-16

Celebrations and Concerns

p. 17-18

t’s really hard for me to believe we are deep into Christmas music preparation but it’s so true! This year’s musical presentation will focus on being ‘home for Christmas,’ a look back into Christmas memories we share as a church family. How do we do that? Well, we’re still in the planning stages, but one of the key ingredients to this program being successful is YOU! We need to use some personal, inspiring, memorable, meaningful, and touching stories about you and your own family memories of Christmases past. We need between 10 and 20 short stories that will be recorded and used in 3

Vol. 19

Oct. 2016

Musical the program…we need you! Maybe even throw in some old pictures of your family at Christmas! If you have a story you would like to share with your church family, contact Don Doss and he will schedule a time to record your memory. What do you do when you gather with your family at Christmas? Well, if it’s like my family when we travel to OKC to be with my brother and sister and their families - we eat a lot, watch some great movies and talk about our family history and share stories to catch us all up on what’s going on. With my own family we listen

to great Christmas music, make and eat cookies, watch the classical TV movies, and remember back to holidays when my girls were young. So when our church family gathers together on Sunday morning, December 11th and again on Tuesday evening, December 13th, we are going to share together some well-known Christmas songs and carols and experience some great inspiring stories within our own church family. Maybe we’ll even share some cookies and sit around the fireplace, who knows - it’s still early. But we need your stories right now - give Don a call and let’s record them!

congregation’s life. One of the most obvious examples we have that demonstrates the power of KMA to reach is our Children’s Minister, Lisa Davis, who brought her two boys to join KMA back when we started. KMA was an introduction to our church family that joyfully led to her family joining ours and then to Lisa actually joining our staff as the Director of Children’s ministries. KMA is a real outreach tool that is effective in bringing families into our building, but we have to be the ones to bring them into our family. We are grateful to have some incredible instructors teaching our children right here at home. We rely on the support of our church family as well as various organizations to fund these great teachers and instruments and teaching supplies. We offer this quality music education at NO CHARGE to the community except for the string and guitar classes which require tuition. Some families wish to have their child take violin or guitar but can’t afford the cost so for those cases we offer a scholarship to assist them.

For Kid’s Music Academy The KMA 2016-2017 year has begun BIG! Our NEW DAY is Thursday, but it also is a ‘new day’ in the administration and function of the Academy from this year on. From the beginning the desire was for KMA to eventually become a true community school of music, and not simply a ‘children’s choir’ for the music ministry. This new year brings some additional faculty on board who have many years of public school music experience. We have also created a board that will oversee the financial stability of the academy and help guide it into a fully functioning community school in years to come. The Kid’s Music Academy was mentioned in Dr. Ruben Saenz’s address to the Rio Texas Conference this past year as an example of outreach into the community. Indeed, KMA has been a very successful program that has reached out into the Fredericksburg area and actually seen some families become integrated into the

Our church family provides the funds needed to offer these scholarships through gifts to KMA. The fall tuition for these classes is $150 per student and the spring is $200. If you would like to help fund these great kids you may give your gift to the KMA Scholarship Fund. If you have any questions please email me at, or call me at 997-7679… To God Be the Glory!! Don Doss joined the FUMC staff in April of 2007 having served in several other Boerne and Kerrville churches. Don is FUMC’s Director of Music Ministries, and he oversees all of the musical groups and music ministry work that happens here. He personally directs the Chancel Choir and the Praise Team as well as the Kid’s Music Academy.


FROM OUR Wesley Nurse ear Church Family,

I found an interesting tidbit about pineapple, so I thought I would share…

They’re juicy. They’re filling. They’re tasty. There’s just something so satisfying about sinking your teeth into a ripe, golden, juicy and delicious pineapple. Yum! However, it’s more than just the tasty and sweet goodness that makes pineapples so amazing. They are actually amazingly healthy for you. This tropical fruit contains tons of vitamins and nutrients, as well as enzymes, making it a wonderful addition to your daily diet.

Every Serving Contains 10 Essential Nutrients That’s right, in and around all that yellowy goodness is a ton of different nutrients, including: 1. Thiamine 2. Riboflavin 3. Vitamin B-6 4. Folate 5. Pantothenic acid 6. Magnesium 7. Manganese 8. Potassium 9. Antioxidants 10. Polyphenols (like beta-carotene) 5

Vol. 19

Oct. 2016

As you get older, people often develop Bvitamin and magnesium deficiencies. Eating pineapple is a great way to combat that trend, while all the antioxidants are great for the health of your heart, cells, and brain.

Your Entire Dose of Vitamin C in One Cup While people typically think of oranges as the best way to get their vitamin C, just one cup of pineapple also gets the job done, giving your immune system a nice boost.

The Only Source of Bromelain The bromelain enzyme breaks down proteins and helps to reduce inflammation. Since pineapple is the only known source, it has been eaten for centuries to treat indigestion and inflammation.

Reduces Your Risk of AgeRelated Illness Eating more pineapple, and fruit in general, can help with all sorts of agerelated health problems, from macular degeneration to wrinkles. The antioxidants help fight cancer-causing free radicals, Tammy joined the FUMC family in 2005 after working as a hospice case manager for HCM for 1.5 years and at Children’s Medical Center for 17 years before that.

while the nutrients help prevent harmful deficiencies often caused by old age.

Relieves Asthma Symptoms Beta-carotene is a nutrient found in pineapples that can actually help lower your risk of developing asthma, and can help relieve asthma symptoms. Broccoli, mangoes, pumpkin, carrots, and cantaloupe are also good for the same reason.

Improves Fertility If you are planning to have a baby any time soon, pineapples are a must have. Vitamin C, beta -carotene, zinc, copper, and folate are all known to help naturally boost male and female fertility, and pineapples are full of them.

Naturally Lowers Blood Pressure Bromelain is actually a blood thinner, and so can help you naturally lower your blood pressure. It can even act as a replacement for aspirin, provided you check with your doctor.

Gives Your Skin a Healthy Glow Pineapples are good for you, inside and out. The same things that help your blood

pressure, digestion, and immune system, also help your skin. Antioxidants and vitamin C both prevent free radicals from causing skin damage. Plus, vitamin C plays a vital role in forming collagen, which keeps your skin full and elastic.

Reduces Inflammation Since the late 1800s pineapple has been used to treat swelling after surgery, but it can also be used for injuries like sprains and strains, or conditions like tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Improves Digestion Pineapples can help with indigestion because of the bromelain they contain, and because they are full of dietary fiber. The bromelain helps break down leftover proteins, while the fiber can relieve constipation and cleanse the colon. There are plenty of good reasons to eat more pineapple, so try it in a smoothie, or a fruit salad. For breakfast or dessert! One cup a day really can do wonders for your health. Blessings of Health, Tammy Amerson-Wilson Wesley Nurse 830-997-9849


MINISTRY MATTERS Words of Thank You ear Pastor Lumpkin, On Behalf of the Gideons International Hill Country Camp, thank you for your hospitality in hosting the Gideons on Sunday, September 18th, and your most generous support of the Gideon ministry! Martha and I thoroughly enjoyed worshipping with you in Sunday School and the Worship Services! It is a great blessing to the Gideon ministry to be able to take 100% of the $1,175 given by the church to purchase and distribute almost 1,000 Scriptures! We pray with you that, as they are placed in the hands of boys and girls, men and women, God will use them to draw souls to Himself, in Gillespie County, throughout Texas and the U.S., and 7

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Oct. 2016

throughout the uttermost parts of the world. The Hill Country Gideons and I pray God’s continued blessing on your church and its ministry in Fredericksburg and the surrounding area. Thank you again for allowing us the privilege of being a part of your church’s mission program! Your brother in Christ, Clarence Dykstra Gideons International

n Tuesday, September 20th, Church Council recognized Debra Agnew for her service to the church and specifically for her leadership as Director of the Hand Bell Choir. Be sure to thank her when you see her for her dedication and passionate leadership!


The Not So Fun Stuff

Tricia Small is one of the newest member to the FUMC family. She graduated from UT Austin with a journalism degree, and joined the staff in November of 2014 She is passionate about transforming lives by sharing the love of Christ. 9

Vol. 19

Oct. 2016


ello Church! Your friendly neighborhood communications director here.

There’s an expression I’ve seen a lot lately. I have no idea how long it’s been popular, or who first coined it. But it seems to be particularly prevalent among women Christian writers (Lysa TerKeurst is one of my favorites at the moment, for example). “Live loved.” It’s such a sweet expression. But it’s not just a reminder of God’s love for us. It’s a call to action. It’s kind of the foundation of who we are as children of God, right? We love because He first loved us. I mean really think about it, friends. What does it really look like to truly LIVE loved? Is there any greater feeling than the feeling of being loved? Think about how it feels when a stranger extends a random act of kindness, when a friend offers help or comfort in times of need, when a spouse speaks sweet words of encouragement.

who He says we are, we are quick to welcome others to share in that infinitely wonderful ocean of love. I read over the expression so many times without truly grasping what it means to live each day, each moment, in the assurance of God’s promises. To live boldly, confidently, in the knowledge that Jesus has overcome the world, and that the Creator of the universe will redeem, and restore and He is good! Praise. God. But we forget it, don’t we? I know I do. I let my mistakes, and past hurts, and pressures at work, and financial worries, and conflicts in relationships, and the chaos in the world and my own selfish will shake that confidence. We get our hearts broken, we suffer loss, we start to believe the world when it tells us we aren’t good enough, and when it tries to convince us there is no hope. We lose the warm and fuzzy, and then it gets harder to “live loved,” doesn’t it? We are quicker to act with impatience, or anger, or self-righteousness. We are quicker to feel anxious, fear the future, or seek to protect our own rights.

What does it really look like to truly LIVE loved?

How much does that warm and fuzziness ease those times of suffering and sweeten the times of joy? How much does the knowledge that we are accepted and loved make us more loving, patient and kind in return? And how much more fully and perfectly does our Creator love and accept us! If we are walking in the absolute certainty that we are known intimately, accepted entirely, and loved deeply, there is no room for insecurity, jealousy, pride, worry, self-doubt, negativity, the list goes on. When we are bursting with that love, we can’t help but let it spill out onto others. When we are forgiven, we are quick to forgive. When grace is extended to us, we are quick to extend grace to others. When we are secure in who God is, and

But God has us. That’s the sweet truth. He is our everlasting hope. We are still His precious children. He is so patient and long-suffering. He doesn’t stop loving us. He doesn’t stop pursuing us. He doesn’t stop changing our hearts and showing us His nature so that we can truly “live loved.” And dear friends, He gave us each other. So that we can be vessels of His grace and mercy and encourage one another in this life. What a blessing that is! So, my dear friends, happy October! (It’s my favorite month of the year). Be blessed this month, and LIVE LOVED! Peace, Tricia


THE month

at a g





2 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service

3 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous Bunch--Rm 2 12:00pm Lunch Bunch 12:00pm Rotary Group 5:00pm Trustees Meeting -Rm 12 6:30pm Disciple Bible Study 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

4 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center Ministry--Library 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry 10:00am 747 Bible Study 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:15pm Living Well Learning Center Board Meeting 5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 5:30pm Mission Committee Meeting 6:30pm Beth Moore Bible Study


9 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service 12:15pm Alpha Small Group


11 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl MinistryMinistry-Library 10:00am 747 Bible Study 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group 6:30pm Beth Moore Bible Study 5:30pm Mission Committee Meeting



17 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch BunchBunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group 2:00pm Hannah CircleCircle-Rm 2 6:30pm Disciple Bible Study 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

18 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl MinistryMinistry-Library 10:00am 747 Bible Study 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:30pm Beth Moore Bible Study


25 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl MinistryMinistry-Library 10:00am 747 Bible Study 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:30pm Beth Moore Bible Study


9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service 3:00pm Music Club Concert

6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 10:00am Cards for Christ 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch BunchBunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group 6:00pm Stephen Ministry Leadership 6:30pm Disciple Bible Study 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

23 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service 12:15pm Alpha Small Group

24 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 10:00am Cards for Christ 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch BunchBunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group 6:30pm Disciple Bible Study 6:30pm Stephen Ministry Leadership 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting


31 HAPPY HALLOWEEN 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch BunchBunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group 6:30pm Disciple Bible Study 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Consecration Sunday Worship Service 4:30pm Trunk or Treat

9:30am Knopp Retirement 10:00am Fredericksburg N 12:00pm Alcoholics Anony 3:30pm Tree House Kids 5:30pm Middle School Yo 6:00pm Bell Choir 6:30pm High School Yout 6:30pm SemiSemi-Circle 7:00pm Chancel Choir Pra Pr 7:00pm Overcomers Grou

9:00am Quilters 10:00am Fredericksburg 12:00pm Alcoholics Ano 3:30pm Tree House Kid 5:30pm Middle School Y 6:00pm Bell Choir 6:30pm High School Yo 7:00pm Chancel Choir P 7:00pm Overcomers Gro

10:00am Fredericksburg 10:00am Knopp Retirem 10:30am Knopp Nursing 12:00pm Alcoholics Ano 3:30pm Tree House Kid 5:30pm Middle School Y 6:00pm Bell Choir 6:30pm High School Yo 7:00pm Chancel Choir P 7:00pm Overcomers Gro

9:00am Quilters 9:30am Windcrest Retire Retir 10:00am Fredericksburg 12:00pm Alcoholics Ano 3:30pm Tree House Kid 5:30pm Middle School Y 6:00pm Bell Choir 6:30pm High School Yo 7:00pm Chancel Choir P 7:00pm Overcomers Gro

glance Oct. 2016

t Social Nursing Home Sing ymous



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6 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Book Club 4:00pm Kid's Music Academy 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm 747 Bible Study



13 8:30am Biblical Garden Workday 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 4:00pm Kid's Music Academy 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm 747 Bible Study 7:00pm Boy Scout Committee Meeting


20 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:30am Helen Tainter Circle 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 2:00pm Friendship Circle 4:00pm Kid's Music Academy 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team RehearsalRehearsal7:00pm 747 Bible Study




9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am UMW Craft Workshop 9:30am Heritage Communion 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 4:00pm Kid's Music Academy 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm 747 Bible Study

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

8:00am UMW Bazaar

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


9:00am UMW Bazaar 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

22 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

THIS month

at fumc

Special Events UMW Annual Bazaar Friday, Oct. 14th from 8 a.m.– 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15th from 8 a.m.– 3 p.m. Family Life Center/Fellowship Hall *Come shop the sale! All proceeds benefit local charities. Admission is free, and a homemade spaghetti lunch is available for $8 on Friday from 11:30 a.m.– 1 p.m. Contact 997-7679 to learn more.

Trunk or Treat Sunday, Oct. 30th from 4:30– 6 p.m. Fredericksburg UMC Parking Lot

Kid’s Music Academy Thursdays After School *Contact Don Doss at 997-7679 or

Children’s Sunday School Sundays 10-11 a.m. *Contact Lisa Davis at 997-7679

Youth Back Porch Nights Wednesdays 14th in the youth room (back porch) *Contact Joel Griffin at for more details.

*All kids through 5th grade are invited to come in costume for carnival games, prizes, hot dogs, popcorn, candy and lots of fun! If you would like to volunteer to host a game, contact Joel Griffin at

Youth Sunday School

Consecration Sunday Lunch

*Contact Joel Griffin at

Sunday, Oct. 30th, following worship Family Life Center *Join us after our regular Sunday worship schedule for a Fellowship meal (around noon) celebrating the consecration of our financial gifts to God.

Children Treehouse Kids’ Club Wednesdays After School *Contact Lisa Davis at 997-7679 or 13

Vol. 19

Oct. 2016

Sundays 10-11 a.m. in the youth room (back porch)

Music Bell Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays at 6 p.m. FUMC Sanctuary

Chancel Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays at 7 p.m. FUMC Sanctuary

Praise Team Rehearsal Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. FUMC Sanctuary

Music Club Concert Apollo Chamber Players Sunday, Oct. 16th at 3 p.m. FUMC Sanctuary *Free community event. Click this link to learn more about the Apollo Chamber Players and the Fredericksburg Music Club.

Ministry Opportunities

published every other month. The new deadline will be the first day of the publishing month (November 1st and January 1st are your two deadlines coming up!). This will allow us to streamline our communication, with upcoming events published primarily in our new Sunday Scoop, and your ministry stories making up the meat of The Thread. If you have any questions, please contact Tricia Small at

41&Change Coffee Sales Coffee for camp sales are now the FIRST and THIRD Sunday of each month. That means more opportunities to stock up (if you didn’t know already, they are now selling K-cups!), and more opportunities to fund YOUR ministries. Contact Brenda Miiller at if you would like to host coffee sales.

Church Prayer Day Each Thursday, Pastor George invites you to join him in the sanctuary at 12 p.m. for prayer and communion. If you need prayer, or want to serve as a pray warrior for our church, our community, our country and our world, you are welcome!

Upcoming Deadlines Foundation Grant Requests Each year, our Fredericksburg United Methodist Church Foundation awards grants to help fund ministry! They will accept applications beginning Oct. 1st, and all applications must be submitted by Oct. 31st. Applications are available online at page_id=85724 and in the church office.

The Thread October is the last monthly edition of The Thread. Starting with a holiday edition in November, the Thread will get

In the Community Gospel Readings Saturdays from 1-3 p.m. beginning Oct. 15th A reading of the Gospel starting with the Gospel according to John will be held at Faith Baptist Church. We will be reading from the Gospel each Saturday from the 15th forward at the same time each week until we complete the Gospels. We are looking for readers. If anyone is looking for a ministerial opportunity contact Faith Baptist Church at 830-997-9836 or Jon Lennon at 830-992-9253.

The Academy for Spiritual Reformation Sunday, Oct. 9th from 3-4 p.m. Alamo Heights UMC Church Parlor 825 E. Basse Rd. San Antonio *You are invited to a Sunday afternoon reception hosted by Rev. Donna Straube and friends to learn more about The Academy for Spiritual Reformation, receive updates on the latest event plans, meet Rev. Mary Earle (presenter for A Taste of the Academy next March), and fellowship with friends! If you are interested in this event, or would like more information, contact Donna Straube at


what’s ahead

at fumc


Vol. 19

Oct. 2016


1 Natalie Bowman 3 Pauline Johnson 3 Voy Althaus 3 Kathryn Hogue 3 Violet Ross 3 Nina Deskin 3 Jayne Marburger 4 Jo Murphy 4 Lou Colie 4 Bob & Barbara Banks 5 Joe Hannon 5 Tricia Small 5 Abigail Scheirman 5 Dave & Valerie Scafer 6 Conrad Matysiak 6 Jack Stephens 6 Monica White 6 Sarah Stafford 8 Allen Benfield 8 Caiden Davis 8 Dwight & Carol Schmidt 9 Paul Riefler 9 Jeanne Warren 9 Joel Griffin 9 Kathleen Norris 9 David & Nancy Wieting 10 Lucy Ann Arnold 10 Brenda Lumpkin 10 Lance Wendel 10 Kelton & Anne Duecker 10 Newton & Verna Mae Houy 11 Gwen Williams 17

Vol. 19

Oct. 2016

11 Peggy Mittel 11 Daniel Norris 11 Daniel Thompson 12 Jim Ryan 14 Caroline Eidson 14 Melissa Wehmeyer 15 Sherry Freeman 15 Barry Trautman 15 Jerry Smith 15 Linda Nevels 15 Pat O’Neil 15 Arnold Wolf 16 Richard Crowell 16 Beverly Somers 16 Lizzie Bispo 16 Todd & Caroline Eidson 17 Kenneth Kordzik 17 Peggy Metzer 17 Jacque Clements 18 Carol Stead 19 Bethany Kendrick 19 Terry Hays 20 Mary Boenker 20 Tom Boone 20 Haleigh Straube 20 Ryan Weaver 20 Marissa Martinez 20 Makayla Martinez 20 Todd & Katie Richardson 21 Walter Heard 22 Crawford Guthrie 22 Alice Hahn

22 Herbert & Mary Lou Schmidt 23 David & Lydell White 23 Jim McMahon 25 Laurie Andreassian 25 Valerie Schafer 26 Jean Pressler 26 Katherine Enloe 26 Bob Colie 26 Pam Traver Hilburn 26 Dana Schafer 26 Alex Cardiel 26 Aryn Rasmussen 27 Cloyd Phillips 28 Barbara Grote 28 Joyce Smith 28 Connor Lange-Davis 28 Alex & Tina Cardiel 29 Donna Henke 29 Better Treude 29 Clay & Kari McAnally 29 Patty and Johnny Odom 30 Janelle Neffendorf 30 George Hahn 30 Carole Gillespie 30 Nathan Benfield 31 Marge Spiller ¡ Dates and names in bold are anniversaries.

CONTINUING CONCERNS Nursing Home & OUR Military Retirement Center Carolyn Allen Ruth Braeutigam Clarence Durst Imogene Friedrich Fred Mesch Desmond Sagebiel Mabel Teschner Romilda Jaimson Audrey Kothmann

Agnes Houy Norma Peterson Marvin Prochnow Marvel Pospisil Melrose Sultemeier Jimmie Tree Fred Kunz

OUR Missionaries

Scott Benfield Khristy Brazell Roland Cleveland Adam Duecker Gary L. Goin Dylan Guess Houston Haley Chance Harling Wacey Holladay Mark Klaerner Bryce Klein Jason Loving Alec Maples Quentin Moellering

James Muncy Dennis Ray Phillips Chris Pieper Steven Ramsey Tyler Remini Cody Segner Jason Smith Bruce Stafford Perry Waters Charlie Watson Ash Westerfield Weston Williams Dara Wydler Steve York Joshua Weaver Ethan Waterman

Here I am. Send me.

Central Asia: Brian & Cynthia -Isaiah 6:8 Eastern Asia: Misti Ecuador: Ecuador: Tim & Daina We also want to Madagascar: Adam & Suzie, acknowledge Jana and Leigh, Phoebe, Emma, Baylee & River who are serving the Japanese Detroit .We support them Nicaragua: Sara & Joey, Risa, inwhen possible, and hope to Micah & Jace add them to our regular Philippines: Marsha support list in the future. Connect Online!


Fredericksburg United Methodist Church 1800 North Llano Fredericksburg TX 78624-2917 **************************************

Connect with our staff Rev. George Lumpkin……Senior Pastor ( Rev. Sid Spiller……..Associate Pastor ( Don Doss……………………Director of Music Ministries ( Joel Griffin…………………..Director of Youth Ministries ( Lisa Davis……………..Director of Children’s Ministries ( Kenneth Vaughan…………Director of Media Ministries ( Tricia Small…………………Director of Communications ( Judy Hickerson……………..Organist Linda Klein………………….Office Manager ( Selena Hendrix……………...Director of Finances ( Florie Hernandez……………Custodian Tammy Amerson-Wilson RN………Wesley Nurse (

Regular office hours are Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.—5 p.m., closed 12-1 p.m. for lunch, and You can reach the office at 830-997-7679, or visit to learn more about our worship and ministries.

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