The Thread Volume 21

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thread Vol. 21 Jan. /Feb. 2017

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new! –2 Corinthians 5:17

God’s Story at FUMC going into 2017

IN THIS ISSUE Mission & Vision

p. 1

From the Pastor’s Desk

p. 3-4

Health and Wellness

p. 5-6

Ministry Matters

p. 7-8

Letter From the Editor

p. 9-10


p. 11-14

What’s Coming Up

p. 15-18

Celebrations and Concerns

p. 19-20

From the


trust you were blessed this Christmas season, and are looking forward to the New Year. It seemed very busy this time, didn't it? So, maybe things will settle down a bit, we will all catch our breath (maybe lose a few pounds), and get on track for the New Year. First, let me say thank you all for this past year. Your kindness to Brenda and I, as well as your faithfulness and hard work has been simply phenomenal. Thank you for your continuing love, support, and friendship. It all means more than you might imagine. Second, a brief report on the "state of the church." Financially, we had a fantastic year. You might remember that last January we passed a zero growth budget, at the beginning of 2015 we were in the red, and only barely finished in the black. Even though it was a zero growth budget, it was still projected to be a deficit budget. Not only did we meet our budget, we ended the year with a wonderful surplus. And we have passed a surplus budget for 2017, even though that includes some much needed programming increases and staff salary increases! Very good indeed. Most importantly, it allows us to expand our ministry to the world, which we certainly have. Our children's and youth ministries are on the rise, as well as KMA and other areas. Thank you, my friends. A more detailed statistical summary will be included when we mail out end of year giving statements a couple of weeks from now.


Vol. 21

Jan. /Feb. 2017

We have also had a modest increase in membership and worship attendance and paid all of our apportionments ("apportioned" giving to ministries beyond the local church). I am particularly excited that we have many more folks participating in Bible Study and small groups than a year ago. We do have things to work on, of course. We especially need to better reach younger adults and families. They need the Gospel and a supportive community of faith so very much, and we cannot neglect them. To that end, I am very excited about Monte Marshall coming on board later this year. (More on that in the box to the right). I think he will help our evangelism and small group ministries very much. And of course closing down the Child Development Center was, though necessary, painful and difficult. But our leadership rose to the occasion. I could go on and on about everything that happened this last year, but again, overall, it has been a fantastic year, and I thank you all. Now having said all this, allow me to shift gears a bit. I have long said that Methodists are the ADD denomination. No one does busy like us. Busy doing lots of great activities and ministries. And though this is wonderful, I have been thinking that what I need in addition to the activity is some quiet time, some prayer time, contemplative time, some noticing Jesus in the world time. Maybe that is my New Year's goal; more time in the Presence. I encourage you to make some time as well.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor George Rev. George Lumpkin has served as Senior Pastor of Fredericksburg United Methodist Church since June of 2015. He has been serving as an ordained minister in Texas for more than 25 years.

Monte Marshall is Coming to Fredericksburg! Many of you have already heard that Monte Marshall is retiring this coming June (with Laura Jean, of course) and will be moving to Fredericksburg. Welcome (back) home Monte and Laura Jean! What you might not know is that Monte will join our staff later in the summer as a part time associate pastor! Many of you will recall that Monte served as a full time associate pastor at Fredericksburg UMC from 19992006, and also worked for the Nimitz for several years prior to working at the church. He is currently serving as the lead pastor at Travis Park UMC in San Antonio, and will retire at Annual Conference in June. The Staff Parish Relations Committee has already worked out a job description and compensation package, and several generous donors will be providing financial support. Monte will be overseeing visitor follow up, new member assimilation, and small group formation. Sid Spiller will continue to oversee our senior adult ministries, as well as teach and help with worship. This should prove to be a wonderful blessing for our congregation, to say the least. Please keep the Monte and Laura Jean in your prayers as they make this transition. 4


our wesley nurse


ear Church Family,

2. Give space heaters space: Keep fixed and portable space heaters at least three feet from anything that can burn. Turn off heaters when you leave the room or go to sleep. 3. Smoke outside: Ask smokers to smoke outside. Have sturdy, deep ashtrays for smokers. 4. Keep matches and lighters out of reach: Keep matches and lighters up high, out of the reach of children, preferably in a cabinet with a child lock. 5. Inspect electrical cords: Replace cords that are cracked, damaged, have broken plugs, or have loose connections.

I thought I would share safety tips which are helpful from National Fire Protection Association.

6. Be careful when using candles: Keep candles at least one foot from anything that can burn. Blow out candles when you leave the room or go to sleep.

1. Watch your cooking: Stay in the kitchen when you are frying, grilling, or broiling food. If you must leave, even for a short time, turn off the stove.

7. Have a home fire escape plan: Make a home fire escape plan and practice it at least twice a year.


Vol. 21

Jan. /Feb. 2017

8. Install smoke alarms: Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, inside bedrooms and outside sleeping areas. Interconnect smoke alarms

throughout the home. When one sounds, they all sound. 9. Test smoke alarms: Test smoke alarms at least once a month and replace conventional batteries once a year or when the alarm “chirps” to tell you the battery is low. Replace any smoke alarm that is more than 10 years old. 10. Install sprinklers: If you are building or remodeling your home, install residential fire sprinklers.

Sprinklers can contain and may even extinguish a fire in less time than it would take the fire department to arrive. Hope everyone had a blessed and healthy Christmas. Happy New Year!! Blessings of Health Tammy Amerson-Wilson Tammy joined the FUMC family in 2005 after working as a hospice case manager for HCM for 1.5 years and at Children’s Medical Center for 17 years before that.


MINISTRY MATTERS Words of Thank You ur Fredericksburg United Methodist Church foundation accepted a grant request from our church Wonder Workers for a PowerLift. The lift was delivered to the church on Friday, Dec. 16th, and got its inaugural use on Tuesday, Dec. 20th. The PowerLift allows our faithful Wonder Workers the ability to change lights in the sanctuary, clean our hanging cross, and other high elevation projects that would otherwise require rental equipment. Thank you to our brave and hardworking Wonder Workers, to our Church Foundation, and to all of you who support the missions and ministries of the church!


Vol. 21

Jan. /Feb. 2017

f you remember back to our “Christmas in July” project, we asked members of the congregation to donate six highway signs to be placed along all the major highways coming into town. Your response was overwhelming! We were able to order the signs and also find church members willing to let us place them on their property. On Saturday, Dec. 18th, a group of volunteers put up two of the signs. Keep an eye out for the rest of them popping up later in the year. Thank you for your generosity!

ear Andrea and Christian Friends, ear Church, Your church staff would like to say “Thank You” for the Christmas gift you gave to each of us. We were surprised and awed by your generosity. You are a wonderful group of Christians and you make Fredericksburg United Methodist Church a special place. May you each have a blessed new year. Your Church Staff

Thank you for choosing Arms of Hope to receive your generous donation. The daycare items you donated to our organization are truly appreciated. Our children and mothers will greatly benefit because of your generosity and encouragement. We continue to be blessed by loving and caring folks like you. Your concern is truly the “spirit of giving and sharing.” Visit our campus anytime you have an opportunity. You are always welcome. Very truly yours, Troy Robertson President and Chief Executive Officer Arms of Hope


The Not So Fun Stuff

Tricia Small is one of the newest member to the FUMC family. She graduated from UT Austin with a journalism degree, and joined the staff in November of 2014 She is passionate about transforming lives by sharing the love of Christ. 9

Vol. 21

Jan. /Feb. 2017


ello Church! Your friendly neighborhood communications director here bringing you the first 2017 edition of The Thread.

I’m sure that at the end of every year I draw this same conclusion, and perhaps it’s true every year, but looking back and reflecting on 2016, it feels like one of the most pivotal and formative years of my life. It was uniquely challenging, at times very painful and lonely, and at other times full of joy and fun and laughter. But at all times, it was a year of profound spiritual growth and closeness with God.

friends.” I asked God to take my feelings away. He didn’t. I asked God if I should say something to Zac about my feelings. The voice in my spirit said, “No.” I asked God if I should distance myself and limit our conversations. Again the voice in my spirit said, “No.” I asked God what in the world He was doing. He said, “Wait. Be patient.” It wasn’t until I was so mixed up about everything, so worried about my ability to get a show on the stage in seven days, so unsure if I was even hearing from Him at all, that God moved and Zac talked to me about pursuing a relationship together. And I went oh, I see what you did there! Like I said, friends. Retrospect.

The most articulate response I can form in response to what God has done in my life in twelve months is “whoa.” But retrospect is easy, I could write pages and pages about all the ways am I right, friends? Oftentimes, we can look back this relationship has blessed me, and how God and understand what God was has used it to teach me about Himself and doing all along. It’s not easy ‘Tis so sweet to trust work His own mind and spirit into me, but when you’re down in the will share just one of the unexpected in Jesus, and to take Iblessings trenches, when it feels like life is that has been a result of my him at his word; just dealing you one blow after the spending time with Zac: getting to know other. his family. Not only have I had this best to rest upon his promise, and to know friend to learn from, grow with and talk It’s not easy when you want the Lord with, I’ve also been able to answers, and God is ‘Thus saith the Lord.’ fellowship with his mom. whispering, “Just wait, kid. Be patient.” It isn’t easy when we Friends, this is a warrior woman if I have —UMH #462 lose loved ones. It isn’t easy ever met one. She has walked some tough, when those we trust hurt us. It isn’t easy when we tough things. God has put a faith and a love for look at the state of our nation, and the violence in Him in her that is so beautiful, but I know it has the world. But it’s exactly in these times that God not been an easy journey. Earlier this week, we invites us into His loving kindness. He draws us were all reading and talking, and she shared one close, and promises though we don’t understand of the difficult things God asked her to do many right now, He is working for our good. years ago, and how she is still only now beginning to really understand what He was doing. When I assistant directed Beauty and the Beast back in June, God did a really cool thing right Isn’t this what Paul talks about when he writes before we opened the show. I met the actor we that we walk by faith, and not by sight? We won’t cast as the Beast, Zac, during my first backstage always see the big picture. We will not always experience at the Fredericksburg Theater understand what God is doing, but because we Company, and worked on four more shows with have been given the promise that God is for us, him over the next 16 months. In the few months we submit to His will over our lives, even when it leading up to opening night of Beauty and the seems to make no sense, even when it hurts. Each Beast, our friendship had deepened quite a bit, time we step out as God leads in faith, we glorify and friends, I was super confused. Him. This is my most fervent prayer, friends, that I might fulfill the purpose I was created for, and On the one hand I was very grateful for his He would use my life as a prayer of praise unto friendship. I looked forward to seeing him and Him. Happy New year, church! May it be full of talking Jesus as the highlights of my weeks. But His many blessings. on the other hand, I wondered why God had placed this wonderful man in my life to be “just Peace, Tricia 10

THE month

at a g





15 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service 3:00pm Music Club Concert

16 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY DAY 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 10:00am Music Club Board Meeting 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch BunchBunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group 2:00pm Hannah CircleCircle-Rm 2 6:30pm Disciple 1 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

17 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl MinistryMinistry-Library 10:00am 747 Bible Study 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball

18 10:00am Fredericksburg 10:00am Knopp Retirem 10:30am Knopp Nursing 12:00pm Alcohol Anony 3:30pm Tree House Kid 5:30pm Middle School Y 6:00pm Bell Choir 6:30pm High School Yo 7:00pm Chancel Choir P 7:00pm Overcomers Gro

22 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service

23 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 10:00am Cards for Christ 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch BunchBunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group 6:30pm Disciple 1 6:30pm Stephen Ministry Leadership 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

24 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl MinistryMinistry-Library 10:00am 747 Bible Study 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball


29 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service

30 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch BunchBunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group 6:30pm Disciple 1 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

31 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry 10:00am 747 Bible Study 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball


Vol. 21

Jan./Feb. 2017

9:00am Quilters 9:30am Windcrest Retire Retir 10:00am Fredericksburg 12:00pm Alcohol Anony 3:30pm Tree House Kid 5:30pm Middle School Y 6:00pm Bell Choir 6:30pm High School Yo 7:00pm Chancel Choir P 7:00pm Overcomers Gro

glance Jan. 2017

g Nursing Home Sing ment Center Communion g Home #1 Communion ymous ds Youth

outh Practice oup

ement Communion rement g Nursing Home Sing ymous ds Youth

outh Practice oup




12 13 8:30am Biblical Garden Workday 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 4:00pm Kid's Music Academy 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team RehearsalRehearsal-Sanctuary 7:00pm 747 Bible Study 7:00pm Boy Scout Committee Meeting

14 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

19 20 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 9:30am Helen Tainter Circle 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 2:00pm Friendship Circle 4:00pm Kid's Music Academy 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team RehearsalRehearsal-Sanctuary 7:00pm 747 Bible Study





12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am UMW Craft Workshop 9:30am Heritage Communion 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 4:00pm Kid's Music Academy 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm 747 Bible Study

9:00am Equipping the Saints 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


THE month



at a g



1 9:30am Knopp Retireme 10:00am Fredericksburg 12:00pm Alcohol Anony 3:30pm Tree House Kid 5:30pm Middle School Y 6:00pm Bell Choir 6:30pm High School Yo 6:30pm SemiSemi-Circle 7:00pm Chancel Choir P 7:00pm Overcomers Gro 5 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service

6 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch BunchBunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group 5:00pm Trustees Meeting -Rm 12 6:30pm Disciple 1 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

7 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry 10:00am 747 Bible Study 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 5:15pm Living Well Learning Center Board Meeting 5:30pm Girls Basketball 5:30pm Mission Committee Meeting



13 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 10:00am Cards for Christ 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch BunchBunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group 6:00pm Stephen Ministry Leadership 6:30pm Disciple 1 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

14 HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY DAY 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl MinistryMinistry-Library 10:00am 747 Bible Study 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball

15 10:00am Fredericksburg N 10:00am Knopp Retiremen 10:30am Knopp Nursing H 12:00pm Alcohol Anonym 3:30pm Tree House Kids 5:30pm Middle School Yo 6:00pm Bell Choir 6:30pm High School Yout 7:00pm Chancel Choir Pr 7:00pm Overcomers Grou

19 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service 3:00pm Music Club Concert

20 PRESIDENTS' DAY 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 10:00am Music Club Board Meeting 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch BunchBunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group 2:00pm Hannah CircleCircle-Rm 2 6:30pm Disciple 1 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

21 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl MinistryMinistry-Library 10:00am 747 Bible Study 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball

22 9:00am Quilters 9:30am Windcrest Retirem 10:00am Fredericksburg N 12:00pm Alcohol Anonym 3:30pm Tree House Kids 5:30pm Middle School Yo 6:00pm Bell Choir 6:30pm High School Yout 7:00pm Chancel Choir Pr 7:00pm Overcomers Grou

26 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service

27 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 10:00am Cards for Christ 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch BunchBunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group 6:30pm Disciple 1 6:30pm Stephen Ministry Leadership 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

28 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl MinistryMinistry-Library 10:00am 747 Bible Study 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball

9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service


Vol. 21

Jan./Feb. 2017

9:00am Quilters 10:00am Fredericksburg N 12:00pm Alcohol Anonym 3:30pm Tree House Kids 5:30pm Middle School Yo 6:00pm Bell Choir 6:30pm High School Yout 7:00pm Chancel Choir Pr 7:00pm Overcomers Grou

glance Feb. 2017

ent Social g Nursing Home Sing ymous ds Youth


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ment Communion Nursing Home Sing mous


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2 3 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Book Club 4:00pm Kid's Music Academy 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm 747 Bible Study

4 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

9 8:30am Biblical Garden Workday 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 4:00pm Kid's Music Academy 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm 747 Bible Study 7:00pm Boy Scout Committee Meeting 16 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:30am Helen Tainter Circle 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 2:00pm Friendship Circle 4:00pm Kid's Music Academy 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm 747 Bible Study

10 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

11 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

17 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous




9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am UMW Craft Workshop 9:30am Heritage Communion 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 4:00pm Kid's Music Academy 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm 747 Bible Study

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

25 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


THIS season

at fumc

Special Events Equipping the Saints Saturday, Jan. 21st From 8:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m. *Our Church is hosting the Hill Country District’s Equipping the Saints. This is a day of worship and workshops for clergy and lay persons from Methodist Churches in our area. If you would like to volunteer, contact Linda at 997-7679. To register for the event, contact the district office at 896-6400.

Grief Support Group Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Beginning Feb. 1st *Eight week Grief Support Group facilitated by Dr. Rick McMinn, a certified grief therapist, pastoral counselor and Doctor of Psychology. Everyone is welcome to attend this confidential group setting. Contact Rick at 370-9237 for more information.

Indoor Picnic Sunday, Jan. 29th from 5-7 p.m. Family Life Center *Join us for a wintertime indoor picnic in the family life center (gym). Bring your picnic dinner and blanket, and we’ll provide corn hole, sack races, dominoes and other fun activities! This is a great chance for church family and friends to come together for some warm fellowship and fun. Guests are welcome!

15 Vol. 21 Jan. /Feb. 2017

Children Treehouse Kids’ Club Wednesdays After School *Contact Lisa Davis at 997-7679 or for more info.

Kid’s Music Academy Thursdays After School *Contact Don Doss at 997-7679 or for more info.

Children’s Sunday School Sundays 10-11 a.m. *Contact Lisa Davis at 997-7679

Youth Back Porch Nights Wednesdays in the youth room (back porch) Middle School at 5:30 High School at 6:30 *Contact Joel Griffin at for more details.)

Youth Sunday School Sundays 10-11 a.m. in the youth room (back porch) *Contact Joel Griffin at

Music Bell Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays at 6 p.m. FUMC Sanctuary

Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Church Prayer Day

Wednesdays at 7 p.m. FUMC Sanctuary

Each Thursday, Pastor George invites you to join him in the sanctuary at 12 p.m. for prayer and communion. If you need prayer, or want to serve as a pray warrior for our church, our community, our country and our world, you are welcome!

*Contact Don Doss at 997-7679 or for more info.

Praise Team Rehearsal Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. FUMC Sanctuary

Music Club Concert Miró Quartet Sunday, Jan. 15th at 3 p.m. FUMC Sanctuary *Free community event. Click this link to learn more about the Miró Quartet and the Fredericksburg Music Club.

Ministry Opportunities UMCOR Mission Trip Sager Brown Depot, Baldwin, LA March 26-31 (sign up by March 1st) Contact: Judy Hutcherson ( or 456-7323) Our Missions Committee is sponsoring a mission trip to the Sager Brown Depot in Baldwin Louisiana, which is the hub of The United Methodist Committee on Relief’s relief supply operations. Locally, UMCOR Sager Brown reaches out to Baldwin neighbors through food distribution and housing rehabilitation projects, engaging volunteers in these projects that help families and the elderly. At a shelter for survivors of domestic abuse and at a women's teen challenge center for drug and alcohol addiction, our volunteers provide assistance with painting rooms and sorting items in their Thrift Shops and Food Pantries. To help meet the nutritional needs of local children, volunteers distribute food items to parents from the Pre-School Food Pantry at a local Head Start school. Also, Sager Brown Volunteers have opportunity to read to children at some local Head Start Centers.

41&Change Coffee Sales Jan. 15th and Feb. 19th Fellowship Hall, Agape Time 41&Change coffee is now offered on the THIRD Sunday of each month. Remember that this high quality, Central American coffee is not only delicious, ethically sourced and a great way to raise money for local ministry, it also helps fund scholarships to send kiddos in Nicaragua to Young Life Camp so they can hear about the love of Jesus! AND it’s a great way to raise money and spread awareness for the individual ministries of our church. Want to host sales for a month (or two or three!)?Contact Brenda Miiller at to learn more about our coffee for camp program.

In the Community The Academy for Spiritual Reformation March 6-8th at Obate Renewal Center in San Antonio *You are invited to a Taste of the Academy, a three-day event centered around Celtic Spirituality led by Mary Earle. Cost is $250 if you register by Jan. 23rd. A limited number of partial scholarships are available for lay and clergy applicants. Contact Jackie Heupel at 830-990-1265 or 830-456-4270 to learn more about the event and how to register.


what’s ahead

at fumc

17 Vol. 21 Jan. /Feb. 2017


January 1 Ruth Braeutigam 2 Roberta Stackhouse 2 Ron Hamby 2 Bee Bennett 2 Ivy Cardiel 3 Georgene Ridner 4 Beverly Harrell 4 Morgyn Granville 4 Sadie Eidson 5 Shirley Hahn 5 John Metzger 5 Viola Hohmann 5 Marcia Lyngaas 5 Dianna Blount 5 Richard Banning 5 Esmeralda Childers 5 Nancy Thompson 5 Chuck Traver 6 Donna Itz 6 Reese Griffin 7 Ned Butler 7 Erica Neri 8 Dorothy Shipp 8 Christine Granados 8 Lloyd and Cindy Harper 9 Allen Oestreich 9 Judith Synek 9 Erika Benfield 9 Misti Miiller 10 Ila Burnett 10 Becky Reeves 10 Kathy Lux 11 Deborah Hardin 11 Mary Wiemers 11 Cloyd and Betty Phillips 12 Rene Cameron 12 Carole Harrington 13 Romilda Jamison 13 Harvey Hogue 13 Tom Wallace 13 Dorothy Panaceck 14 Margaret Hull 14 Jim Heupel


Vol. 21

Jan. /Feb. 2017

14 Taylor Baskin 14 Jalyn Baskin 15. Kay Telle 15 Steve and Donna Cannon 16 Carl Langerhans 16 Cora Elliott 17 Bob Hickerson 17 Maddie Smith 17 Kyler Cade 18 Vangie Huie 19 Terry Collier 20 Skip Smith 21 J. Hardin Perry 21 Randall Wunderlich 22 Newton Houy 22 Margaret Kneese 22 Anabelle Cope 23 Megan Druen-Miller 23 Ariana Detmar 23 Will Cooke 24 Gracie Zenner 25 Chloe Campbell 25 Michael Barr 26 Stacy Ottmers 27 James Cade 27. James Lively 27 Jeanette Stewart 27 Martha Neitsch 27 Todd Eidson 27 Tonya Martinez 27 Scott Allen 28 Linda Gartner 28 Sandy Phillips 28 Joshua Strelke 30 Bill Treude 30 Don Doss 30 J and Diana Perry 31 Carol Schmidt 31 Halle Collier

February 2 Chase Whiting 2 Kathy Karr

2 Selena Hendrix 2 Cliff & Edda Litherland 3 Ray Tolson 3 Pam Tucker 3 Stacy Baccus 3 Julian Gedeon 4 Cullen Wallace 4 Pat Hoerster 4 Candy Campbell 5 Jackie Heupel 5 Jim Swink 5 Mary Beth Richardson 5 Ronald Miiller 5 Alexis Schmidt 5 Kye Carroll 6 Ingrid Stengel 6 George Lumpkin 6 Sid Spiller 6 Ben Mittel 6 Janet Krenz 6 Stephanie Whitworth 7 Lee Dunsirn 7 Fred Mesch 7 Carson Grona 9 James Glazener 9 Garey Brown 9 Troy Klein 9 Fred Hays 9 Katy Weaver 9 John & Carol Batterton 10 Myrt McCallum 11 Donald Heidebrecht 11 Lauren Benfield 12 Mitch Maner 12 Maryneil Dance 12 Lonnie & Cathy White 12 Joe & Peggy Hannon 12 Jett Baccus 13 Roland Player 13 Brent Major 13 Tom & Jan Canfield 13 John & Deedee Courter 14 Dorothy Karr 14 Sloan Ball 15 Dennis Henke

15 Charles Lowell Quindry 15 Deedee Courter 15 Gavin Correa 15 Jeff & Larissa Hallford 16 Dorothy Schmidt 16 Bette Smith 16 Alice Hester 16 Lyla Traver 17 Anne Strickland 17 Linda Klein 17 Peggy Hannon 17 Frankie Miller 17 Ken Cooke 17 Don & Jennifer Doss 18 Trudy Hutton 18 Madeleine Oestreich 18 Mel Mueller 18 Kenneth Sultemeier 18 Rubye Hallford 18 Jeri Atkins 18 Charles & Evelyn Quindry 19 Cliff Litherland 19 David King 22 Travis Cook 21 Allen & Madeleine Oestreich 25 Liz Eberle 25 Bruce Nichols 26 Steffanie Eckhardt 26 Delaney Ball 27 Carolyn Sipes 27 Gary Wilcox 27 Beverly Kendall 27 Bill Davis 27 Shane DeLeon 28 Melrose Sultemeier 28 Deborah Agnew 28 Steve Allen 28 Andrew Kendrick

¡ Dates and names in bold are anniversaries.

CONTINUING CONCERNS Nursing Home & OUR Military Retirement Center Carolyn Allen Ruth Braeutigam Clarence Durst Carol Dwyer Imogene Friedrich Anne Houy Fred Mesch Desmond Sagebiel Mabel Teschner

Romilda Jaimson Audrey Kothmann Norma Peterson Marvin Prochnow Marvel Pospisil Auralia Schmid Melrose Sultemeier Jimmie Tree Fred Kunz

OUR Missionaries

Scott Benfield Khristy Brazell Roland Cleveland Adam Duecker Gary L. Goin Dylan Guess Houston Haley Chance Harling Wacey Holladay Mark Klaerner Bryce Klein Jason Loving Alec Maples Quentin Moellering

Here I am. Send me.

James Muncy Dennis Ray Phillips Chris Pieper Steven Ramsey Tyler Remini Jeffrey Schmidt Cody Segner Jason Smith Bruce Stafford Perry Waters Charlie Watson Ash Westerfield Weston Williams Dara Wydler Steve York Joshua Weaver Ethan Waterman

Central Asia: Brian & Cynthia -Isaiah 6:8 Eastern Asia: Misti Ecuador: Ecuador: Tim & Daina We also want to Madagascar: Adam & Suzie, acknowledge Jana and Leigh, Phoebe, Emma, Baylee & River who are serving the Japanese Detroit .We support them Nicaragua: Sara & Joey, Risa, inwhen possible, and hope to Micah & Jace ad them to our regular Philippines: Marsha support list in the future. Connect Online!


Fredericksburg United Methodist Church 1800 North Llano Fredericksburg TX 78624-2917 **************************************

Connect with our staff Rev. George Lumpkin……Senior Pastor ( Rev. Sid Spiller……..Associate Pastor ( Don Doss……………………Director of Music Ministries ( Joel Griffin…………………..Director of Youth Ministries ( Lisa Davis……………..Director of Children’s Ministries ( Kenneth Vaughan…………Director of Media Ministries ( Tricia Small…………………Director of Communications ( Judy Hickerson……………..Organist Linda Klein………………….Office Manager ( Selena Hendrix……………...Director of Finances ( Florie Hernandez……………Custodian Tammy Amerson-Wilson RN………Wesley Nurse (

Regular office hours are Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.—5 p.m., closed 12-1 p.m. for lunch, and Friday from 8 a.m.—12 p.m. You can reach the office at 830-997-7679, or visit to learn more about our worship and ministries.

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