God’s Story at FUMC this Lenten Season
Vol. 23 May/June 2017
“Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you.” —John 15:2-4
IN THIS ISSUE Mission & Vision
p. 1
Children’s Ministry
p. 3-4
Music Ministry
p. 5-6
Health & Wellness
p. 7-8
Letter From the Editor
p. 9-13
Ministry Matters
p. 14
Fredericksburg Pride
p. 15-16
p. 17-20
What’s Coming Up
p. 21-24
Celebrations and Concerns
p. 25-26
leading children in ministry
hat an amazing year it has been at The Treehouse Kids’ Club. Bible stories, snacks, games, crafts, worship, friendship and service were all a part of the Wednesday afterschool program. As the parents were picking up the kids and I was reminding them that our last day would be the following week, every kid expressed disappointment. They want to be here! Isn’t that great? It has truly been a blessing to see how these kids 3
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are growing physically, emotionally and spiritually. A phrase that a friend shared with me to describe how she felt after a year in serving in Children’s Ministry was “joyful exhaustion.” I can certainly identify with that, and I am sure the other leaders can too. We are already looking forward to starting again in the fall, but we will take advantage of the break.
However, VBS is coming up so I expect more “joyful exhaustion” in July. We have a fun program this year called Maker Fun Factory. The purpose is to help kids know that God created them and they are built for a purpose. As preparations are under way, I am reminded of a Bible verse: Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12 A successful VBS can only happen when we come together to share our gifts, talents and love with the kids and with each other. There are so many ways that you can take part this year and you will be blessed by the experience. Give me a call or send me an email, I look forward to hearing from you.
Blessings, Lisa Lisa Davis serves as Children’s Director for FUMC. During the last 7 years , she has taught God’s Word to children as a children's leader at Bible Study Fellowship, Sunday School and at multiple VBS programs. This has developed a passion in her for the Bible and for children to know it. She is excited to bring children and their families closer to Christ.
1. It brings glory to God. 2. Children's Ministry is one of the Church’s most important ministries. 3. Childhood is the best time to introduce kids to Jesus. 4. You’ll grow in your faith along with the kids! 5. You’ll get some yummy snacks! 6. It helps us to refresh our faith. 7. It also helps us to remember to have faith like a child. 8. It’s a time to let your hair down and be a kid again. 9. It makes God happy! 10.You’re helping to lead kids, and ultimately whole families to Jesus Christ. 4
aving such a blessed music ministry and so many of our folks involved in making music is something that our church appreciates and has appreciated for many years. We should never get tired of saying thank you to those in our own congregation that give of their time and talents every week! 5
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Every year we have a Music Celebration Sunday where we take the time to say a special ‘thank you’ to those that supply our great music program along with some of our kids in KMA that continue to grow into young musicians every week. Sunday, April 30th was our 10th anniversary of saying thank you.
KMA Teachers & Helpers - Donna Vaughan, Melinda Brown, Sarah Klein, Christy Lockhart, Sheila Kraus, Loxi Bell, Gwen Fullbrook, Larissa Hallford, Elaine Bigelow, Frances Baethge, Roberta Stackhouse, Nancy Wieting, Bob Hickerson, Rubye Hallford, Margaret Hallford, Rachel Cole, John Doudna, Judy Ryan, Martha Foster, Mary Segner, Pam Wilhite and Judy Hickerson. Our KMA Students - Kinder - Max van der Stoel, Elijah Anderegg, Joshua Davis, William Jones, Madelyn Robles, Logan Weirich 1st Grade - Grace Daley, Joseph Gonzales, Isaiah Guaderrama, Jackie Haggerty, Cayden Langerhans, Peighton Skinner 2nd Grade - Izayah Cardiel, Alexandra Jones, Grant Kenney, Maydialee Lindo, Wyatt Sisney, Finley Skinner, Alison Weirich 3rd Grade - Annabelle Holster, Aviya York, Henry Anderegg, Ivy Cardiel, Dean Jones, Christian Kraus, Aubrie Palmer, Bella Sione, Shyan Sisney 4th Grade - Gage Collier, Andrea Villagrana, Marcus Navejas, Trinity Robles, Rebecca Turner, Victoria Victorica, Mackenzie Weirich 5th Grade - Kate Hallford, Carleigh Hutcherson KMA Music Maestro - Completing over 14+ lessons this year - Shyan Sisney, Christian Kraus, Alison Weirich, Mackenzie Weirich, Kate Hallford… Highest in their class - 1st Grade Grace Dailey with 17, 2nd Grace
Alison Weirich with 23, 4th Grade Mackenzie Weirich with 23, 5th Kate Hallford with 28, and GRAND Music Maestro goes to Henry Anderegg with 29! Chancel Choir High Attendance Gwen Fullbrook, Rubye Hallford, E.W. Hallford, Billy Harrell Weslyan Bell Choir Eager Ringer Linda Nevels Praise Team Heart to Worship Brenda Lumpkin Friend of Music - Nancy Weiting This recognition is to one in our congregation that ISN’T a part of any of our musical groups but still helps and encourages and does the hard work that is needed. Nancy volunteered to take care of the KMA snack time purchasing, coordinating and serving the snacks to our KMA kids after school on Thursdays!
Don Doss joined the FUMC staff in April of 2007 having served in several other Boerne and Kerrville churches. Don is FUMC’s Director of Music Ministries, and he oversees all of the musical groups and music ministry work that happens here. He personally directs the Chancel Choir and the Praise Team as well as the Kid’s Music Academy.
Hundreds Receive Free Dental Care from Mobile Dental Clinic in Kerrville, TX By Theresa Standage, RN, Wesley Nurse (Kerrville, Texas) hen I saw the Texas Mission of Mercy (TMOM) trailer pull into the parking lot of Kerrville First United Methodist Church, my two-year aspiration became a reality. I had a vision of bringing mobile dentistry to Kerrville after several of my uninsured patients expressed a need for dental care and shared stories of self-care treatments and going to the Peterson Regional Medical Center’s emergency room in search of relief from painful toothaches. With the help of donations from Methodist Healthcare Ministries, the Perry & Ruby Stevens Charitable Foundation, and the Hal & Charlie Peterson Foundation, the event was placed on the calendar for March 2017 and I was delighted to serve as lead organizer. As a Wesley Nurse, I’m committed to helping the least served through education, health promotion and collaboration with key organizations. Once I was introduced to Texas Mission of Mercy, I knew how beneficial it would be to Kerrville community members. Texas Mission of Mercy is a mobile dental clinic that travels around the state providing basic dental care (including cleanings, fillings, or extractions), free of charge, to uninsured Texans. They provide services without any pre-qualifications; therefore, patients do not have to prove their poverty or residency. The event had the help of 529 volunteers, including 161 community members and 59 dental professionals (pediatric dentists, orthodontists and oral surgeons). The two-day event brought 7
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dental staff from all over the state of Texas, with some traveling from as far as Brady, Texas. Local dentists, Dr. Jennifer Bone and Dr. Jamie Bone, were the dental chairpersons for the event. “It’s amazing to see the community support for this event — from the financial support of our major sponsors to the in-kind contributions of local businesses and countless volunteers giving their time to help Friday and Saturday,” said Dr. Jamie Bone. “It's a tremendous undertaking, and it's heartwarming to see people coming together for such a good cause.” As early as 8 p.m. the night before, patients with blankets in hand started lining the sidewalks of Kerrville First United Methodist Church. Dental chairs had been assembled, water had been piped in, and the gym had been transformed into a 20chair dental clinic. By 5 a.m., patients were being checked in and receiving dental consultations, xrays, and even extractions. For many, it was the first time they had ever seen a dentist. “An urgent dental problem can have a major impact on a person's life; it can affect a person's confidence, mood, job and school/work performance,” explained Dr. Jennifer Bone. “Kerrville's TMOM was just a two-day event but it helped make a big difference for the people who received treatment.” At closing Saturday evening, it was evident how the community had come together. A total of 445 patients received treatment; we averaged six people every 15 minutes. The event provided $281,835 in free dental services, about $633.34 per
patient. However, the greatest thing about the event was everyone’s spirit. Both event days were nonstop, but the patients and volunteers alike all had smiles on their faces and a spring in their step. It was incredible to see. The TMOM Committee would like to express appreciation to: • Acapulco Restaurant • Community Foundation of the Texas Hill Country • Community Volunteers • Five Star Rental • Hill Country Dental Associates • Kerrville First United Methodist Church • Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc. • Peterson Regional Medical Center • San Saba Cap Company • Texas Dental Association/Smiles Foundation • The Hal & Charlie Peterson Foundation
The Perry & Ruby Stevens Charitable Foundation
Theresa Standage, RN, is a Wesley Nurse with Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc. Methodist Healthcare Ministries' Wesley Nurse program is a faith-based, holistic health and wellness program committed to serving the least served through education, health promotion and collaboration with individual and community in achieving improved wellness through self-empowerment. Several Wesley Nurses in the Hill Country area, including our Wesley Nurse, Tammy, volunteered long hours at this important event. Learn more at Our Wesley Nurse, Tammy Amerson-Wilson, joined the FUMC family in 2005 after working as a hospice case manager for HCM for 1.5 years and at Children’s Medical Center for 17 years before that.
The Not So Fun Stuff
Tricia Small is one of the newest member to the FUMC family. She graduated from UT Austin with a journalism degree, and joined the staff in November of 2014 She is passionate about transforming lives by sharing the love of Christ. 9
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ello Church! Your friendly neighborhood communications director here. I'm going to take a little bit of personal privilege here as your editor of the Thread and take up a little more space than usual this month because I think what God has been showing me is worth sharing. I'm writing to you just after wrapping up Holy Week, and I have to admit that I was not feeling the joy and hope of the resurrection season last week. Mostly I was just feeling worn out, exhausted and in desperate need of a break from expectations and pressure.
putting pressure on myself to change or do more or be better means I don’t see Jesus for who He is and what He did on the cross. It’s a twisted up form of pride that fails to acknowledge the weight and all-sufficiency of Christ’s death and resurrection and the power of His living spirit.
So it is quite obvious that living with constant anxiety over falling short of righteousness is completely contradictory to the Gospel message. We forgive because we are forgiven. We love because we are loved. God's grace is so overabundant and far-reaching and it more than covers us when we get it wrong. I believe In the church, we talk this in my head. But I don't know if it's Berating myself, endlessly about something hardwired in my brain: a speaking harshly to forgiveness, about loving predisposition to think I need to prove myself, putting our neighbor, about bearing my worth, or if it's the church pressure on myself to with one another's environment I grew up in, or if it's my change or do more or shortcomings and accepting childhood and teenage years that put all be better means I everyone as God's people. I of these false ideas in my head, or a don’t see Jesus for who don't do this perfectly. None combination of all of these things, He is and what He did of us do. But do you want to whatever it is, the idea that I don't have on the cross. know who I fail to treat as to fix all of the things that are wrong one of God's beloved more with me on my own is an extraordinarily often than anyone else? Myself. I forget difficult concept for me to actually internalize sometimes (okay a lot of times) that I am one and KNOW. of God's people, too. He extends grace to me, When I was about 20 years old, during my too. Why is it so much easier to bear with sophomore year of college, I made some other people's shortcomings and forgive their changes to my life as I was coming out of a imperfections, but so difficult to accept my rough season of loneliness and heartache. I own? decided that if I could fill my days with as Most of us are taught from a young age to many positive things as possible, there would love others as yourself, but oh my goodness, if be no more room for unhappiness. And it I talked to other people the way I sometimes worked, sort of. I went to church, I started an talk to myself, well, I probably wouldn’t be on intense workout regiment, I tried out new speaking terms with anyone. But I wouldn’t healthy recipes every week, I spent a lot of even think to treat others that way. Not for a time cleaning, I made sure my bed was made second. People sometimes confuse this selfbefore I went to school or work every day, I admonishing with humility, but this is not studied hard and went above and beyond in true humility, friends. I believe it was C.S. my classes, taking every available extra credit Lewis who said “humility is not thinking less opportunity and attending every study of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.” session, and every night I would fall right to Berating myself, speaking harshly to myself, sleep because I was so exhausted from my day
” 10
of doing all the things that successful, happy people are supposed to do. It's not that any of these things were new to me. I've always been a high achiever and had a desire to do the "right" things. The problem is that I made this kind of high achieving, "don'tgo-to-bed-until-you've-checked-all-the-thingsoff-the-list" lifestyle a drug. It was a way to numb out and to feel better about myself. Again, not an entirely new thing to me, but I reached a point of obsessive achievement that came at a cost to my soul. Where I used to be soft and compassionate, I believed feelings were "weak." I believed needing help was "weak." I put on this tough outer shell, built up walls around my tender heart and waved my new self-reliance around like a banner of pride: look how awesome and independent I am. I don't need anything from anyone, because I've got this life thing down. Now I didn't consciously think "I don't need God." I didn't think about it that way. It was more like a little kid whose dad just took the training wheels off her bicycle and let her go for the first time. "Look at me, dad! I'm doing it!" It seems so silly now, but I was so ignorant about God and His Word, I really thought I was doing what I was supposed to do. I've learned much, much more about who God is since then, but I still struggle with this obsessive striving to meet perceived expectations. Now that I've read scripture and studied Jesus's life, every time I have a poor attitude, or I don't show grace, or I feel like I'm being selfish, or I mess up in any way at all, I viciously attack myself for it. You know better. Why aren't you better? And then I know that I'm not supposed to beat myself up. That I'm supposed to trust God and let it all go and be okay. So naturally then I feel guilty and beat myself up some more. A group of ministry leaders from our church attended the livestream of the Global 11
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Leadership Summit put on by Bill Hybels last August, and during the event his daughter, Shauna Niequist, read an excerpt from her book "Present Over Perfect." The book was available on Audible and Shauna herself reads it (I love when authors read their own writing), but I just now got around to actually listening to it. Friends, I sobbed through this entire book. Layer after layer, intricate tangle after intricate tangle of unraveling these lies that she has internalized and built her identity on. She is me. Almost every single word that she read, pouring them from her mind and heart, could have come from my own. She talks about how she has spent her life trying to live up to all these perceived expectations, being all things to all people. She talks about how she feels she has to earn and prove and secure her worth, and that rather than viewing Jesus as a loving Savior, in her heart of hearts she saw Him as an impatient teacher. You ridiculous child, how many times have we been over this? Why don't you just get it already? She is always ready for the sting of rejection and the shame of a scolding. She talks about how she doesn't feel worthy of asking for help, even from God, because "you made your bed, Shauna, now you have to lie in it." She talks about how there is a weird duality between pride and shame: she became bitter and arrogant toward people who had leisure time, or took time to play and rest, while at the same time she believed her lifestyle wasn't so difficult that she should need those things herself. She believed she should be able to handle everything, and more. Who was she to need help, or rest, or ask for grace, or love? But at the same time, those are our deepest longings. Our thoughts and feelings on these things are so complex, so nuanced, so at odds with each other, aren’t they, church? And then she talked about what happened when she started to strip away the things she
had built her life on. She started sitting in silence instead of filling her day with one task after the next, saying no to one more thing in her schedule, allowing herself to stop proving, earning, trying to do everything on her own. When we stop, when we let go of checking all the "right" things off of our list and allow ourselves to reevaluate all the things we think we SHOULD get done, and all the things we think we HAVE to be, we invite in the feelings that drove us to this place of busyness. We invite in the feelings that we were outrunning when we made productivity and efficiency a drug. What Shauna was left with was a visceral selfloathing. This was the moment in the book that undid me. Because I relate to her. I empathize so deeply. I wasn't healing when I made those changes to my life. I was trying to escape a profound sense of unworthiness and inadequacy. I was convinced that I was unlovable as I am, so I settled for being useful. The clutch player. The high-capacity, highly organized, get-stuff-done-well kind of girl. And then I exhausted myself trying to live up to expectations that I literally just made up. As Shauna describes it: “a three ring circus where I am a different performing animal in each ring. “ And that's what it is. A performance. Identity management. This kind of life is not real Gospel living, no matter how "right" it might look on the outside. Sure it worked for a while, but it inevitably leaves us empty, exhausted, fragmented and wanting. We want desperately to be known and loved and held and cared for and OKAY, but we are also terrified that we won't be. So we anxiously try to fill ourselves up by checking boxes. Don't worry, God. I'll fix it. I'll get it right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know I don't have it yet but just wait, just wait. I'm trying. I'll get it. I've always been this way. Terrified of getting it wrong, and of the inevitable shame when I
do. I'm so sorry, just wait right there, and I'll clean myself up. I'll try harder. I'll do more. I'll be what you need. Moving my way through life apologizing and placating and people-pleasing and trying so hard to be BETTER. Always better. Always more than what I actually am. And church, I can't do it. And more importantly, God doesn't ask me to. We are called to ONE thing. ONE thing. To know God and His ways. That's it. That's all there is. Knowing Him and living in Him is what produces spiritual fruit in us. That one thing is what builds up His life in us. My own efforts can't make me look more like Jesus. My worth can't be earned, and it doesn't have to be proved. It is inherent because of the One who made me. Now friends, this is easy to write down on paper. It's easy to read. It's easy to listen to other people's stories and say oh yeah I see how that works. It's much more difficult to live in this assurance day in and day out. But I think maybe that's the point. If it was easy, and if it made sense, it wouldn't be so earth-shattering. It wouldn't bring us to our knees before Him in overwhelming need and gratitude. I think God uses heartache as an invitation for a lot of us. Just read the Beatitudes. God draws us close in our need. All the bad stuff, all the hard stuff, all the painful stuff, it's really an instrument of mercy because it drives us into our loving Father's arms. It causes us to reach out our hand like Peter on the water, and our dear Friend and Savior is always right there with his hand outstretched toward ours, ready to rescue us every time. He is not impatient with us. He doesn't scold us in our shame. He tenderly and lovingly corrects and makes right what is wrong within us. We are known. We are loved. We are cared for. Deeply, intimately, fully. Whether we feel like it all the time or not. Our feelings are fickle. His truth is eternal.
So now what? What's next? What did listening to Shauna's book change? On one hand it changes nothing, but on the other it changes everything. Reading this book didn't bring me to some grand epiphany. It didn't reveal things about myself that I didn't already know. And the changes she made in her life don't necessarily translate to mine. But just the knowledge that there is another human being who was able to navigate and articulate all those intricate, tangled up thoughts and feelings and come out the other end saying "it doesn't have to be this way," is powerful. I think mostly my response is about stopping, resting, making space. And that means letting go. It might mean dirty dishes in the sink, or a regularly unmade bed. It might mean saying no a little more often. It will certainly mean more stillness and less noise, less busyness. Less feeling trapped by my own iniquities, my flesh, and more meditating on the surety of God and His promises. It means, as a church member said to me recently, that I “Chill out! Experience grace!” What I failed to see in the metaphor of the father taking the training wheels off his child’s bike is that the father doesn’t go far. He stays right beside the bike because he knows his child isn’t going to get it down on the first try. Probably not the second. Probably not the third. Sometimes he grabs the handlebars and guides the bike closely. Sometimes he might let the kid fall. But he is always there to pick her up, dust her off, clean up her scraped knees and elbows, and show her her mistake with gentle love. GRACE. And for a little while, at least, it means inviting in those things I've been running from. Letting them make their home in my heart for a little while, and trusting God to minister to them however He sees fit. It means I stop hiding behind my works, and accept myself as I am, 13 Vol. 23 May/June 2017
all the flawed, messy and seemingly unlovable parts included. I've propped myself up on my own productivity and ability to get things done far too long. I've made being "better" an idol, something I can attain if I just work at it hard enough, rather than simply worshiping God by humbly laying myself at His feet and trusting I will be made better as an inevitable outcome of His transformative work within me. I don't want to perform anymore. I don't want to value efficiency and productivity over real living and real connection with Jesus and His people. I want to make peace with myself and find true humility instead of twisted forms of pride. I want to be kinder to myself. I think that living this way requires some comfort with discomfort. Humility is hard and painful. And the world's systems absolutely value efficiency, productivity and outward image over real, imperfect people. There will be people who don’t understand. There will be people who care only about what you can do for them. They, like I too have been guilty of, will see rest and self-care as weak. But as Pastor George said in a recent sermon, the rat race way of living just results in a bunch of exhausted, burned out rats. The best thing I can give to others is not my own efforts, but a spirit that is pruned and purified and filled by Christ. It's here that real living begins, friends. Letting go of worldly expectations, letting go of ourselves, really. Simply stopping and making space for the Spirit of Christ. Our Living Water. Our All in All. It is in this Fellowship with our Living God that our lives are remade from the inside out, built up in His strength instead of our own, and overflowing with His abundant grace, mercy and love. Your Kingdom, come, Lord. Thy will be done. On earth. In me. Peace, Tricia
MINISTRY MATTERS God’s Love in Action ear Rev. George, We did it! Thank you for helping us reach our $85,000 goal by giving Something from the Heart this year. Your $473 gift is being doubled to $946 thanks to the generous matching grant by the Dian Graves Owen Foundation. “Start strong, stay strong, and finish strong by always remembering what you’re doing in the first place.” — Ralph Marston
important role our Needs Council provides our shared community. Thanks in part to your support, we were able to finish strong, enabling us to continue serving the 3,000 individuals seeking help each year. With utmost gratitude, Cindy Heifner Executive Director Hill Country Community Needs Council p.s. Be sure to keep your eyes out for our newspaper thank you ad later this month!
Rev. George, daily we are reminded of the
SPECIAL thanks
ear George,
Thank you for your gift of $203.50 to Providence Place. In partnership you help share the true message of Easter—new and abundant life! This season we have been blessed with the birth of a lamb in our horticulture program that we have named Esther Marie, a beautiful and physical reminder that the Lamb is always with us. Every day we see this new life grow, and pounce around the garden in triumphant spirit. This is a season to celebrate! Your act of kindness fills the lives of our birth parents, adoptive families and young adults with disabilities with hope of new beginnings and unfulfilled dreams. Together, we are helping others write their future stories full of hope, renewal and new life. Thank you for your faithful gift. May Spring blessings flood your heart. We are so grateful for you continued support of Providence Place! You are a blessing to this ministry! Easter Blessings, Judith Bell President & CEO Providence Place
for National Cage Tournament group of youthful girls’ basketball players from Fredericksburg has just ensured they will have a summer to remember because they have just received a bid to play in a prestigious national tournament this summer in South Carolina.
“Your girls won a big super regional tournament a couple months ago that we hosted,” said Tom Brown, Texas’ NTBA director and owner of the Alamo City All Stars in San Antonio, which stages NTBAsanctioned events year-round for boys and girls from third grade through high school.
The tournament, staged by the National Travel Basketball Association, is scheduled June 29July 2 in Myrtle Beach, S.C. The local girls, who play as Fredericksburg Pride, will be entered in the fifth-grade division along with teams from all over the country.
“That qualified the Fredericksburg girls for a bid to the national tournament, but I won’t issue a bid unless I feel a team will be competitive on the national stage.
Some of the Pride girls have been playing competitive basketball for as long as four years now, according to Kristin McKinnon, one of the coaches, a former NCAA Division I player and for the last 15 years an NCAA college women’s basketball official. “The interesting thing is that most of the teams our girls have been playing for quite a while now are select teams of all stars from big organizations in big cities with paid coaches,” said McKinnon.
“Your girls have a great chance of doing exceptionally well at the fifth-grade level. I have a lot of confidence in their skills. They have the right disposition, a high basketball IQ, and they really love playing basketball. “The NTBA has been around for four years now and grew out of the AAU program. It’s one of the fastest-growing national basketball organizations in the United States. It’s a genuine national tournament. This tournament will attract over 700 boys’ and girls’ teams from 30 to 35 different states.
“Our girls all come from our community here in Fredericksburg, which makes what they’ve accomplished even more impressive.”
“The girls’ teams we’ve sent from Texas in the past haven’t done very well, but I believe Fredericksburg has a great chance to compete well and finish high in Division I of this tournament.”
What the Pride girls have accomplished includes winning an NTBA qualifying tournament in March in San Antonio, but that wasn’t enough to ensure a bid to the national tournament.
The girls have come a long way since they started practicing and playing four years ago, said McKinnon.
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“These girls, and all the girls at all levels in the Pride program, have really worked hard, “ said McKinnon.
“We push them to be the best, and they’ve responded. They are talented athletes, they come to practice, and they’ve fallen in love with the game. Their parents have been very supportive in getting these girls to practice and encouraging them. These girls have learned that hard work does pay off, and we’re so proud of all the girls in the Pride program.
Members of the Pride team headed to Myrtle Beach are Madison Frantzen, Kirsten Hartmann, Madison McKinnon, Jordan Zenner, Charli Olfers, Taylor Grona, Aurora Araiza, Lauren Danz and Ryann Gallagher.
Girls in the Pride program have been practicing weekly, primarily in the Fredericksburg United Methodist Church gym.
“This group of girls has lost to only one team in the last year, and that was last summer when they finished runner-up in the All American Sports National Tournament’s 4th grade division in San Antonio. They’ve won every tournament they entered since then, and we’ve probably averaged two tournaments a month.”
“We are so appreciative of the church allowing us to practice in their facilities when they are not used for church functions. That gym has played a big role in these girls’ development,” said Garet von Netzer, one of the team’s coaches and a long-time member of the Methodist Church in Fredericksburg. He and his wife, Mardi, were married in the Fredericksburg Methodist Church nearly 49 years ago.
McKinnon said the team’s accomplishments are impressive.
McKinnon said the girls and their families now are working hard to try and raise enough money so that all can attend and play in the tournament. “They may never have this opportunity again.”
These Fredericksburg Pride girls, who prac ce in the FUMC gym when it’s available, have won a lot of medals and trophies during the last year. The players are from le": Taylor Grona, Jordan Zenner, Madison McKinnon, Lauren Danz, Ryann Gallagher, Madison Frantzen, Aurora Araiza, Charli Offers and Kirsten Hartmann. The girls are excitedly preparing for their na onal tournament in Myrtle Beach this summer. If you would like to help them get there, contact the church office at 997-7679, or get in touch with Coach Garet Von Netzer at
THE month
15 6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group-FH 10:00am Music Club Board Meeting 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch Bunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group 2:00pm Hannah Circle-Rm 2 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting
at a g
16 7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library 10:00am 747 Bible Study 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball
17 10:00am Fredericksburg 10:00am Knopp Retirem 10:30am Knopp Nursin 12:00pm Alcohol Anony 5:30pm Youth End of Y 7:00pm Chancel Choir 7:00pm Overcomers Gr
21 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service 3:00pm Music Club Concert
22 6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group-FH 10:00am Cards for Christ 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch Bunch-Rm 2 12:00pm Rotary Group 6:30pm Disciple 1 6:30pm Stephen Ministry Leadership 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting
23 7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library 10:00am 747 Bible Study 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball
24 9:00am Quilters 9:30am Windcrest Retir 10:00am Fredericksburg 12:00pm Alcohol Anony 7:00pm Chancel Choir 7:00pm Overcomers Gr
28 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service
29 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED MEMORIAL DAY 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Rotary Group
30 7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library 10:00am 747 Bible Study 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Disciple 1
10:00am Fredericksburg 12:00pm Alcohol Anony 7:00pm Chancel Choir 7:00pm Overcomers Gr
glance May 2017 Thu
g Nursing Home Sing ment Center Communion ng Home #1 Communion ymous Year Party Practice roup
18 19 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 9:30am Helen Tainter Circle 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Prayer Service 2:00pm Friendship Circle 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:30pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm 747 Bible Study
20 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
rement Communion g Nursing Home Sing ymous Practice roup
25 26 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 9:00am UMW Craft Workshop 9:30am Heritage Communion 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Prayer Service 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:30pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm 747 Bible Study
g Nursing Home Sing ymous Practice roup
12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
THE month
at a g Wed
4 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service
5 6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group-FH 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Rotary Group 5:00pm Trustees Meeting -Rm 12
6 7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 5:15pm Living Well Learning Center Board Meeting 5:30pm Girls Basketball
12 BELIZE MISSION TRIP 6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group-FH 10:00am Cards for Christ 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Rotary Group 6:00pm Stephen Ministry Leadership
13 BELIZE MISSION TRIP 7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball 5:30pm Mission Committee Meeting
14 BELIZE MISSION TRIP 9:00am Quilters 10:00am Fredericksburg Nursin 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 7:00pm Chancel Choir Practic 7:00pm Overcomers Group
18 FATHER'S DAY 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service
19 6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group-FH 10:00am Music Club Board Meeting 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Rotary Group 2:00pm Hannah Circle-Rm 2
20 7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball
21 10:00am Fredericksburg Nursin 10:00am Knopp Retirement C 10:30am Knopp Nursing Hom 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 7:00pm Chancel Choir Practic 7:00pm Overcomers Group
25 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service
26 6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group-FH 10:00am Cards for Christ 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Rotary Group 6:30pm Stephen Ministry Leadership
27 7:00am Men's Breakfast-City Cafe 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry-Library 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball
28 9:00am Quilters 9:30am Windcrest Retirement 10:00am Fredericksburg Nursin 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 7:00pm Chancel Choir Practic 7:00pm Overcomers Group
UNITED METHODIST ANNUAL CONFERENCE CORPUS CHRISTI BELIZE MISSION TRIP 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service
9:30am Knopp Retirement Soc 10:00am Fredericksburg Nursin 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 6:30pm Semi-Circle 7:00pm Chancel Choir Practic 7:00pm Overcomers Group 7:00pm Chancel Choir Practic
glance June 2017 Thu
1 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Book Club 12:00pm Prayer Service 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:30pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm 747 Bible Study
8 UNITED METHODIST ANNUAL CONFERENCE CORPUS CHRISTI 8:30am Biblical Garden Workday 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Prayer Service 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:30pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm Boy Scout Committee Meeting
15 BELIZE MISSION TRIP 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:30am Helen Tainter Circle 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Prayer Service 2:00pm Friendship Circle 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:30pm Praise Team Rehearsal
16 BELIZE MISSION TRIP 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
24 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
9:00am Living Well Learning Center 9:00am UMW Craft Workshop 9:30am Heritage Communion 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Prayer Service 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:30pm Praise Team Rehearsal
30 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
Communion ng Home Sing
29 9:00am Living Well Learning Center 12:00pm Alcohol Anonymous 12:00pm Prayer Service 5:15pm Women of Wonder Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:30pm Praise Team Rehearsal
cial ng Home Sing
ng Home Sing
ng Home Sing Center Communion me #1 Communion
12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
3 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous
THIS season
at fumc
Special Events Senior Recognition Sunday Sunday, May 28th at 9 a.m. *We will recognize and pray for all of our graduating seniors in worship on May 28th. There are currently baskets in the Fellowship Hall with a picture of each senior. We would love to fill their baskets with gifts as they prepare to leave for college! Donations of things like socks, laundry supplies, school supplies, gift cards, etc. are appreciated!
Confirmation Sunday Sunday, June 4th at 9 a.m. *We will confirm our 2017 confirmands in worship on June 4th. Thank you to our Youth Director Joel, all our confirmation sponsors, our confirmands’ parents, and all the disciples who have supported these young people in their confirmation journey! We hope you’ll join us as we celebrate this step in their spiritual journey!
Summer Celebration Sunday, July 9th at 10:30 a.m. Pioneer Pavilion at Ladybird Park *Join us for our annual Summer Celebration worship at Ladybird Park! We’ll provide hamburgers, and sides/ desserts are potluck.
Children Vacation Bible School July 10th– July 14th from 9 a.m.—12 noon *Maker Fun Factory VBS is about learning that God made each of us in His love for a purpose! Registration is open now for kiddos ages 4—5th grade at Volunteers can register through the same link! Contact Lisa Davis at 997-7679 or for more info.
Children’s Sunday School Sundays 10-11 a.m. *Contact Lisa Davis at 997-7679
Belize Mission Trip Saturday, June 10th– Friday, June 16th *Our Belize Mission Group has been hard at work all year planning, preparing and fundraising for their 2017 trip to Bella Vista, and it’s almost here! Please keep this group in your prayers in the weeks leading up to their departure, and as they travel to Belize to share God’s love. Thank you for all the support and gifts you’ve given for this mission trip throughout the year. 21
Vol. 23
May/June 2017
Youth Back Porch Youth Ministry Click this link or get in touch with Joel for a complete Summer Calendar *There are lots of special events throughout the summer. Wednesday Night Youth group will continue meeting at different locations each week. Contact Joel Griffin at for more details.
Youth Sunday School
Community Mission Day
Sundays 10-11 a.m. in the youth room (back porch)
Saturday, May 20th Fredericksburg Community Contact: Jim Ryan (990-2916 or
*Contact Joel Griffin at for more details
Music Bell Choir *Bell Choir will resume rehearsals in September. Contact Deborah Agnew at
Chancel Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays at 6 p.m. FUMC Sanctuary *Contact Don Doss at 997-7679 or for more info.
Praise Team Rehearsal Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. FUMC Sanctuary *Contact Don Doss at 997-7679 or for more info.
The Spring Community Mission Day is scheduled for May 20th. Please save this date and join us in serving others in our community. We need volunteers to do home repairs, yard work, clear junk from a yard, or work inside someone's home. This year we will be working with Habitat for Humanity to help clear a lot for the next build. There are dead trees plus junk that need to be placed into a dumpster. In addition, we have asked our Meals-onWheels recipients if they need any odd jobs done, and we usually receive several requests. Also, if you know of anyone within our church who could use some help with the same kind of work, please let Jim Ryan know. To volunteer or add a job to our list please contact Jim!
Music Club Concert
Wheels for the World
San Antonio Brass, Inc. Sunday, May 21st at 3 p.m.
Ongoing Ministry
FUMC Sanctuary *Free community event. Click this link to learn more about Doug Montgomery, Sonic Escape, and the Fredericksburg Music Club.
Ministry Opportunities Visitation Disciples Needed Contact: Alice Hahn (998-7440, Our Congregational Care Visitation disciples visit homebound members once or twice a month, send cards and/or make phone calls for special events, and come up with creative ways to make our members feel loved and cared for! Some also deliver communion once a month to those who request it. If you feel a call to help with this ministry, please get in touch with Alice G. Hahn!
A local high school senior, Ellie Cole, reached out as a representative for Joni and Friends’ Wheels for the World, a Christian wheelchair collection organization, asking for our help! Wheels for the World collects, restores and distributes wheelchairs and other assistive devices (walkers, canes and crutches) to provide help for people with disabilities in countries around the world while sharing the Gospel. Their desire is for local churches to unite and collect wheelchairs for this honorable purpose. They are seeking wheelchairs, foldable metal walkers, metal canes, and metal crutches (in any condition). They can provide donors with a receipt if requested. If you have any of these items you can donate, please bring them to the church office. To learn more about Wheels for the World, visit wheelsfortheworld/
what’s ahead
at fumc
23 Vol. 23 May/June 2017
May 1 Kathy Doerr 1 Rachael Cole 1 Mikayla McMahon 1 Allen & Pat Spousta 1 Larry Altman & Patti Pavliska 2 Joan Richards 2 Frank & Sandy McGill 3 Danielle Hallford 3 DeDe Sanchez 3 Thomas Whetstone 3 Dorman & Vicki Schmidt 6 Greg Andreassian 6 Paul W. Loyd 6 Chelsea Kenny 6 Morgan O’Neil 7 Colton Geistweidt 7 Rita Irons 7 Gary Marburger 7 Levi Shaw 8 John Davies 8 Karl & Ingrid Stengel 8 Tom & Valerie Boone 9 Rachel Atkins 10 RaPaula Varney 10 John Courter 11 Reg Gartner 11 David Fullbrook 11 George & Alice Hahn 12 Josh White 12 David & Gwen Fullbrook 13 Leslie Correa 13 Laila Correa 13 Joseph Plocheck 13 Chenoa Schmidt 14 John Doudna 14 Nina Pruitt 15 Robert Deming 15 Pat Spousta 15 Steve & Beverly Allen 15 Jim & Janet Lindley 16 E.W. Hallford 16 Dennis Phillips 16 Jim & Sharon McMahon 17 Barry Smith 17 Christi Traver 17 Jay Rogers
25 Vol. 23 May/June 2017
17 Mac & Ila Burnett 19 Rachel Houy 19 George Murphy 20 Pam Milde 20 Ronald Deskin 20 Natalie Stafford 21 Tom Anderson 21 Robbin Embury 21 Dorothy Pritchett 21 Cole Smith 22 Jill Elliot 22 Dorothea Mclure 22 George & Brenda Lumpkin 23 Janet Lindley 23 Danny Richardson 23 Sharon Wahrmund 23 Debbie Sue Hadaway 24 Barry & Joyce Smith 25 Bill & Deborah Wiginton 26 Britanny Axe 26 Larissa Hallford 26 Mary Lou Schmidt 26 Gail Weich 26 Donna White 26 Clay Wiemers 27 Ed Graham 27 Cayden Longerhans 27 Marvin Pickens 28 Joel & Rene Griffin 29 Scott Robinson 29 Fred & Terry Hays 30 Travis & Jeri Neal 31 Melva Chancellor 31 Anne-Marie Houy 31 Troy Wadzeck 31 David White
June 1 Dianne Cobb 2 Norma Heard 2 Kurtis Karr 2 Clara Mae Knopp 2 Kent Weinheimer 2 Nick & Gayle Longley 4 Jamye Davies 4 John & Myrt McCallum 5 Richard Laughlin 5 Michelle Reson
5 Kenneth & Jana Sultemeier 6 Jim Lindley 6 Shelley Weaver 6 Bettie White 6 Patty Odom 6 Shelly Weaver 6 Paul & Dorothy Panaceck 7 Aaron Cox 7 Kristin Hagelstein 7 David Kneese 7 Lynn Shaw 7 June Wicker 7 Thomas Jacob Houy 7 Jim & Carol Barnhouse 7 Jim & Linda Graham 8 Bobbie Heller 8 Ann Barsch 8 Sharon Brunner 8 Travis Houy 8 Heather Jacoby 8 James & Patsy Hejl 8 Tom & Trudy Hutton 10 Meta Carroll 10 Connie McCracken 10 Galen Neitsch 10 Ronnie Williams 10 Marsha Wille 10 Elgin & Geneva Tatsch 10 Quentin & Beth Smith 11 Bonnie Stanley 11 John & Marcia Draper 11 April & James Cade 12 Melissa Craig 12 Michael McMahon 13 John Batterton 13 Larry Altman 14 Doris Behrends 14 Ruth Kott 14 Don & Dianna Blount 14 Alix & Ryan Crunk 15 Loes Williams 15 John & Peggy Benson 16 Barbara Heinen 16 Stanley & Janet Rabke 16 Dale & Roberta Stackhouse 17 Mac Burnett 17 Gus Eberle 17 Cameran Whiting 17 Shannon & Tina Houy 18 Jan Peterson
19 Bill Gary 19 Brenda Miiller 19 Tom Walden 19 Keith & Molly Wyatt 20 Dorothy Knauth 20 Priscilla Althaus 20 Skip & Pam Smith 21 Gene & Betty Scott 22 Lou Petermann 22 Margaret Duecker 22 Nick Frisbee 22 David & Connie Whiting 23 Paul Nixon 23 Judy Hickerson 23 Mardi Von Netzer 23 Ryan Griffin 23 Dave & Clare Davenport 23 Patrick & Jayne Elliott 24 Linn Brady 24 Gage Correa 25 Heather Davis 25 Ray & Jane Tolson 25 Ronnie & Jan Williams 26 Karson Smith 26 Izaya Cardiel 26 A. J. & Suann Waight 27 Audrey Cope 27 Rick Hoerster 27 Patsy Hejl 27 Dick & Judy Hoopman 27 Ronald & Brenda Miiller 27 Danny & Jill Elliott 28 Ava McMahon 28 Ed & Sue Graham 29 Beth Watson 29 Andrew Cole 29 Shannon Karp 29 Kenneth & Gwen Kordzik 29 Linn & Beth Brady 29 Barry & Joyce Trautman 29 Ricky & Judy Moellering 30 Roy Alspaugh 30 Joe Ditges 30 Ayden Shaw 30 Danny & Mary Beth Richardson
· Dates and names in bold are anniversaries.
CONTINUING CONCERNS Nursing Home & OUR Military Retirement Center Carolyn Allen Ruth Braeutigam Clarence Durst Carol Dwyer Imogene Friedrich Anne Houy Fred Mesch Desmond Sagebiel Mabel Teschner
Romilda Jaimson Audrey Kothmann Norma Peterson Marvin Prochnow Marvel Pospisil Melrose Sultemeier Jimmie Tree Fred Kunz
OUR Missionaries
Scott Benfield Khristy Brazell Roland Cleveland Adam Duecker Gary L. Goin Dylan Guess Houston Haley Chance Harling Wacey Holladay Mark Klaerner Bryce Klein Jason Loving Alec Maples Quentin Moellering
James Muncy Dennis Ray Phillips Chris Pieper Steven Ramsey Tyler Remini Jeffrey Schmidt Jason Smith Bruce Stafford Perry Waters Charlie Watson Ash Westerfield Weston Williams Dara Wydler Steve York Joshua Weaver Ethan Waterman
Here I am. Send me.
Central Asia: Brian & Cynthia -Isaiah Eastern Asia: Misti Ecuador: Tim & Daina Madagascar: Adam & Suzie, Phoebe, Emma, Baylee & River Detroit: Jana & Leigh serving the Japanese Philippines: Marsha
Connect Online!
Fredericksburg United Methodist Church 1800 North Llano Fredericksburg TX 78624-2917 **************************************
Connect with our staff Rev. George Lumpkin……Senior Pastor ( Rev. Sid Spiller……..Associate Pastor ( Don Doss……………………Director of Music Ministries ( Joel Griffin…………………..Director of Youth Ministries ( Lisa Davis……………..Director of Children’s Ministries ( Tricia Small…………………Director of Communications ( Travis Houy.....................Director of Media Ministries Judy Hickerson……………..Organist Linda Klein………………….Office Manager ( Selena Hendrix……………...Director of Finances ( Florie Hernandez……………Custodian Tammy Amerson-Wilson RN………Wesley Nurse (
Regular office hours are Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.—5 p.m., closed 12-1 p.m. for lunch. You can reach the office at 830-997-7679, or visit to learn more about our worship and ministries.