The thread volume 7

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thread Vol. 7 Oct. 2015

FALL into Agape Love

willingness A Ti m e of Tra i tio nwill fornsHIS

God’s Story at FUMC this month

IN THIS ISSUE Mission and Vision

p. 1

From The Pastor’s Desk Consecration Sunday

p. 3-4

Sid’s Butterfly Flutterings

p. 5-6

Health and Wellness

p. 7-8

Children’s Ministries

p. 9-10

p. 4

Letter From the Editor

p. 11-12

Honoring a Loved One

p. 13-14

Foundation Update

p. 15-16

What’s Coming Up

p. 17-24

Celebrations and Concerns

p. 25-26

*AGAPE: (ägä´pā )Greek word translated as love: the highest form of love, especially brotherly love, charity; the love of God for man and of man for God."





he Lord has done worse) and tried to “move” like Elvis, if you know what I mean (worst of great things for all). So obviously, my objective was us, and we are filled with not to impress you with my skill; instead, it was simply to help us all joy.” have a good laugh. And if I do say so Joy is a very -Psalm 126:3 Elvis speaks! So, I am like famous now, trending on the internet, fielding requests for repeat performances, etc.

important, and all too often neglected part of the Christian experience.

Even the Lutherans have been calling me. Yes, I did an Elvis impersonation, and it was a terrible attempt. I sang (badly) and played guitar (even 3

Vol. 7 Oct. 2015

myself, I think I did a pretty good job at doing that. Joy is a very important, and all too often neglected part of the Christian experience. There is a time for seriousness, of course, but seriousness can also at times be deadly. Sometimes we best experience the Divine in our laughter, in a good joke, in a great meal together with folks we simply enjoy being with.

There are many challenges ahead for us, and in order to meet the challenges we will have to trust each other, be united with each other. It’s pretty hard to do that if we can’t even laugh with each other. “The Joy of the Lord” is my prayer and hope for us all. And there is much to be joyful about. The Resurrection, for example. God wins! We get the last laugh over Death itself! It was good to hear everyone laugh, to see all the good talent, to share a great meal together, experience Spirit filled worship. Somehow, the Lord felt near.

Consecration Sunday Is Coming!

Sunday, October 25 One Combined Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Meal Following (not a potluck– meal is provided!)

Proud to be your pastor,

George Rev. George Lumpkin is the Senior Pastor of Fredericksburg United Methodist Church. He has been serving as an ordained minister in Texas for more than 25 years, and occasionally makes an appearance as Elvis.

Consecration Sunday is an opportunity to learn and grow in the spiritual disciplines of trust and generosity. It is not about budgets or the church’s need for money, but about our need to give. Generosity, faith, trust; these are necessary traits for Christian Discipleship. Please mark your calendars and come and join us for some wonderful worship, a great meal, and an opportunity to “consecrate” our gifts to God.




Vol. 7 Oct.. 2015

et me share something that has motivated my ministry for 41 years. I’ve kept it in my “preaching Bible” (the one I have used my entire ministry) glued fast to the first page (actually it is on the back of the first page!)


There are times when all of us lay folk need to be reminded that we have fallen short of our Lord’s expectations. If the person who points it out does so in love, we can take it! And, just maybe, we can do something about it.” (End of article)

It was written by Roger Burgess and I assume he was a Methodist because I can read only that it came from a Methodist publication with a section called “Today’s Ministry” from “… thodist” (the first part is missing) and it was dated July 1974. Mr. Burgess has no clue how his article molded my ministry for these last 41 years and I hope for several more.

So how am I doing, Church? Can you take it? Can you do something about it?

You are one flock of sheep that is easy to offer God’s Agape Love to. Thank you … for you are a gift of Agape Love to me.

There are times when all of us lay folk need to be reminded that we have fallen short of expectations.

I am printing the article without his permission or the publisher’s OK; assuming Mr. Burgess has probably gone on to write his wisdom and share it with the angels in heaven! Roger Burgess writes:

Pastor Sid, Sheepdog for the Shepherd

“If I Were a Preacher I’d try to convince my people that I really love them. It’s amazing what that assurance can do for people. If the congregation is confident about your love and concern for them, you can preach on anything—social issues, personal morality, local elections, or the need to give more money. Why? Because when you call someone a sinner, you’d better have tears in your eyes. Because if you seem holier-than- thou or too pleased about the shortcomings of your flock, then you’re in trouble.

Rev. Sid Spiller has been our associate Pastor at FUMC since July of 2014. He served as a pastor for over 35 years, and focuses primarily on pastoral care and senior adult ministry here in his retirement.



our wesley nurse


Vol. 7 Oct. 2015


ear Church Family,

The flu season is upon us, so I wanted to share some helpful hints how on to prevent the spread of the flu and remind ALL to get the flu vaccine. The single best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get vaccinated each year, but good health habits like covering your cough and washing your hands often can help stop the spread of germs and present respiratory illnesses like the flu. There are also flu antiviral drugs that can be used to treat and prevent the flu.

1. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too. 2. Stay home when you are sick if possible from work, school and errands. You will prevent others from catching your illness.

As always, Blessings of Health, Tammy Wesley Nurse 997-9849

3. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick. 4. Cleaning your hands often will protect you from germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcoholbased hand rub. 5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth; germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth. 6. Practice other good health habits, which include getting plenty of sleep, staying physically active, managing your stress, drinking plenty of fluids and eating nutritious food.

Tammy joined the FUMC family in 2005 after working as a hospice case manager for HCM for 1.5 years and at Children’s Medical Center for 17 years before that.


Jehovah Jireh

Is in the House

Not only was Elvis in the house during September, but so was Jehovah Jireh (God Provides).

As the month approached I felt more and more like a giant tsunami wave was about to wash over me. I could certainly see it on the horizon. There were just not enough hours to get everything done that was coming my way. New Sunday school and Pioneer Club teachers and their helpers 9

Vol. 7 Oct. 2015

had to be recruited. A family meal for the Pioneer Club and CDC families had to be arranged. Food for the First Annual John Wesley Vaudeville Talent Show had to be obtained. Wounded Warriors were coming to Fredericksburg for two separate events. Plus, amazing people planned two separate fundraisers for Wounded Warriors at Nebo and I felt a deep need to attend both. And so the wave approached.

many got a thumbs up by those who partook of it. The event took place, because of the many people who cooked, set up tables and chairs and then tore them down, and those in the kitchen helping in so many ways. BUT, little did anyone know that God was at work keeping an eye on the kitchen, making sure First, He touched the hearts of so many of that the right persons came through the door, His children who are a part of our that a flood of tea could be dealt with quickly congregation, who provided donations and and even though some of the meat was volunteers for both meals. The amazing thing burnt, because I forgot it was warming in the was that even when I really messed up, He oven, there would be enough food due to an provided. For example, the day before the overage of food from the Pioneer Club dinner for the Pioneer Club I really didn’t dinner. have enough people for cleanup. And Florie had warned me that everything needed to be The month of September is winding down and a new tsunami wave is forming, but I am cleaned up that night, because of another not overanxious. I have learned that He will upcoming event. I had visions of being up provide what is needed, that He hears the until midnight cleaning, putting tables up, pleas for help. Often He uses His people to etc. However, God provided more volunteers than I anticipated, including the accomplish His will and when they are wonderful cooking team which extended its willing to come together to serve Him, work hours. The people who pitched in that miracles occur and lives are touched – even night had no idea that they were my miracle. by such small acts as opening up commercial cans of beans when you are dressed in your Earlier that same day, which was our first Sunday best or mopping up tea with grace day for the Pioneer Club and Kid’s Music because somebody else goofed, etc. I also Academy, I left the chapel praying for know that He covers us with His additional volunteers. Approximately fifty foreknowledge – even providing food when children arrived at our doorsteps, almost half there is a catastrophe in the kitchen. not registering until the two days before the program started. I did not even make it to the Narthex before I heard Judy Hickerson say, “Sharon, I have a new volunteer for you.” How incredible is our God who hears a brief plea offered up “on the run.” The thing about this wave is that I knew that there was nothing I could do to stop it. No matter how hard I tried, there just would not be enough time to prepare for the onslaught. All I could do was pray and do my best to shore things up. And then God intervened.

The following Sunday was our church-wide lunch and vaudeville show. What joy it brought to my heart to see our family laughing together, and I just didn’t know how much talent we had! And the food that had been prepared by so

Sharon Massey

Sharon serves as Children’s Director for FUMC. She is also deeply involved in Wounded Warriors at Nebo and Cards for Christ. She feels called to share Christ’s great love for humanity through her service.


The Not So Fun Stuff

Tricia Small is one of the newest member to the FUMC family. She graduated from UT Austin with a journalism degree last year, and joined the staff las November. She is passionate about transforming lives by sharing the love of Christ. 11

Vol. 7 Oct. 2015


ello Church! Your friendly neighborhood communications director here. So this Saturday, I was at HEB. What on earth possessed me to visit HEB in the middle of the day on a Saturday is beyond me, friends, but that’s what happened. I’m in line at the checkout. I have like two weeks worth of groceries. I’m totally in my own world. Messing around on my phone, oblivious to the fact that one of our sweet church members is trying to get my attention behind me.

35 people, to come up with three words: one to describe how non-church members see us, one to describe how we see ourselves right now, and one to describe where we want to be in a few years. I won’t share them all with you, but I would like to share some of those words representing where we see ourselves in the future: strong, united (x2), caring, loving, welcoming, accepting, inclusive, inviting, serving, missional, outreach, honest, home, Christ-centered, on fire for Jesus, vibrant, excited, focused energy, spirit-filled (x2), fun, growing, young, God’s love in action.

When I finally realized she was there, we made simple small talk. Talked about how busy things are at the beginning of Fall, and then she leaned I don’t know about you, but I am so guilty of over to the woman behind the checkout and said, getting lost in the stress and chaos of day-to-day “I don’t do this often, but this whole tab is on me.” living. I am guilty of forgetting who it is we are serving and who we are called to be. I am guilty of Now church, let me tell you how often I cry. It’s focusing on myself and my pride, rather than pretty much never. And so here we are in the selflessly seeking to glorify God. Those words middle of HEB and I’m remind me what I’m doing here, and why I’m so choked up I can’t I don’t do this so beyond blessed to have this job, in this place. talk because I’m so often, but this whole It’s you, friends. It’s your spirit, your selfless overwhelmed by the radical generosity and servant hearts, your love for The Lord, your un tab is on me. love of this member of -hesitating generosity in giving a single, oneour church family. I year-out-of-college-trying-to-learn-how-to-bemean what a gift. That simple sentence, that single a-real-adult, young woman the precious gift of not act of kindness was so unbelievably powerful. This just free groceries (which, let’s be real honest, is sweet woman showed me Jesus on Saturday. probably one of the most awesome things ever in the whole world), but more than that, the gift of But I have amazing news for you, friends. That Agape love that is the key to bringing people to kindness, that generosity, that love, that power, I Jesus. see it everywhere. That energy and desire and fire in the belly to pour out the love of Jesus Christ, I Church, thank you. Thank you for embracing me. see that all over this church, and boy does it make Thank you for rolling with me when I ask you to me excited to be a part of Fredericksburg United do things a little differently. Thank you for Methodist Church. showing up. Thank you for offering all that you offer to this church, this community, this world, in I receive calls from people asking if they can visit the name of Christ. I can’t tell you what it has church members in the hospital. I get asked for meant to be a part of your family these last eleven addresses to send handwritten cards. We have a months. church member who makes personal phone calls to every single person with a birthday listed in our One of my favorite worship songs is called “Set a system. I see people give their time and their Fire.” That song epitomizes how I feel serving as talents to help us put on events (HUGE shout-out your communications director and joining you in to everyone who helped with the talent show a few our mission as a church: “Set a fire down in my soul that I can’t contain and I can’t control. I want more of weeks ago). I have seen church members open you, God. I want more of you, God. No place I’d rather their homes to strangers and invite them in as be. No place I’d rather be. No place I’d rather be, than friends. I have witnessed overwhelming financial here in your love. Here in your love.” gifts pour in to support day-to-day church operations and ministries. I mean wow, friends… Be blessed this month, my dear friends. Know that Earlier this month, Don and I met with the church your ministry matters! Whatever it may be. Keep praying for that fire in your souls. council and some ministry leaders and staff members to talk about where FUMC is headed. We Peace, did an exercise asking everyone in the room, about Tricia

“ ” 12


he Fredericksburg United Methodist Church Memorial Garden and Columbarium is a beautiful place to peacefully pray and reflect on the life of a loved one. You might consider reserving a niche or adding a plaque to the memory wall. To learn more about this part of our church, visit, or pick up an informational brochure in the narthex. 13

Vol. 7 Oct. 2015


To help meet the needs of our church’s members in the time of a loss of a loved one and to provide a place for memories, prayer and reflection.


Each niche is $1800 and will hold up to two urns. To purchase a plaque for the Memorial Wall (pictured left), the cost is $175 each or $300 total when you purchase two together. Top Left: Columbarium-The Columbarium in the Memorial Garden is a meaningful place for your loved one. Top Right: Testimonial-“Each time I visit my loved one’s memory plaque, it brings back sweet memories in a beautiful garden setting,” said J. Hoopman. Bottom Left: Memorial Wall Plaques, In Loving Memory- Honor a loved one’s life and memory with a plaque on the Memory Wall. 14

YOUR FUMC foundation T

he time is here, friends! It is officially October, which means the deadline for grant foundation requests is upon us. The grant application has been redone and will be available

on October 1st, with a deadline of October 31st. Note that this is a different deadline than past foundation grant requests. If you would like to donate to the foundation, you can choose one of the options listed to the right. Your gift is tax deductible, and more importantly it goes a long way in funding some special projects that promote ministry and growth here at FUMC!


Write a check or give cash • Make the Foundation the beneficiary of your life insurance policy • Memorial gifts or tribute gifts • Real Estate • Personal property • Stocks or bonds • Planned gifts • Qualified charitable gift annuity •

The FUMC Foundation is established to provide a means through which enduring charitable gifts will become a living memorial and a perpetual source of financial support to benefit the church and its programs. It is the vehicle for receiving and managing gifts that look to the future and enhance the ability of the church to promote its ministries and care for its property.


Vol. 7 Oct. 2015

2015 Foundation Grant Request Approvals



Balance to be funded

Prayer Shawl Ministry




Projector & Audio– Youth Room




Mission Committee Scholarships $2363.36



Memory Garden Lighting




Chancel Choir Scholarship




Computer & Camera– Com Dir.






*For more information on the FUMC foundation, visit new3/?page_id=85724 16

THIS month

at fumc

Special Events Foundation Grant Requests

The FUMC Foundation approves thousands of dollars for grants funding incredible ministries each year! The Foundation will have a brand new grant request form available this year, beginning October 1st, and all applications are due back by October 30th.

UMW Bazaar

The UMW Bazaar is coming up soon! You are invited to a members only preview sale and chili dinner on Friday, September 16th from 4-6 p.m. The Bazaar will open to the public on Saturday, September 17th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Get a hot pizza lunch from Mr. Gatti’s for only $5 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.!). Any unsold items will be available for purchase at a clearance sale from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Sunday.

Church Directory Photos

Photo sessions begin October 20th. Sign up at

Coffee for Camp Sales

October 25th during Agape Time FUMC Fellowship Hall

Youth Middle School Youth

Wednesdays from 5:30 –7 p.m. in the Youth Room

High School Youth

Sundays from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Youth Room

Youth Sunday School

Sundays at 10 a.m. for all youth 6th12th grade in the Youth Room

Youth Service Project

Saturday, October 17th. Time TBA

Scary Movie Day

Wednesday October 28th From 2-5:30 p.m.


October 31st from 4:30-6:00 p.m. FUMC Parking Lot

Children Children’s Sunday School Sundays 10-11 a.m. *Contact Sharon Massey at

Consecration Sunday

*Combined worship service followed by free lunch and entertainment.

Child Development Center

October 25th at 10:30 a.m.


Vol. 7 Oct. 2015

Weekdays from 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. *Contact Amy O’Neil at 990-2320

Pioneer Club and Kids Music Academy

Wednesdays beginning at 3:30 p.m.

*transportation from school provided. register online at or in the FUMC office

Music Wesleyan Bell Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays at 6 p.m. FUMC Sanctuary

Chancel Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays at 7 p.m. FUMC Sanctuary

Praise Team Rehearsal Thursdays at 6 p.m. FUMC Sanctuary

Opportunities To Serve

UMW Bazaar Help The UMW Bazaar committee is looking for some help on Saturday, October 17th including: credit card booth cashiers, sales floor customer assistance and seated volunteers in various areas with no physical lifting or walking requirements. PIZZA COUPONS AVAILABLE for 14” Mr Gattis 1-topping pizza for $10.00. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday morning, or contact Lizzie Bispo at 830-9982236

Stock the Crystal City Thrift Shop The Missions Committee is sponsoring a drive to stock a thrift shop in Crystal City, one of the poorest communities in the United Methodist Hill Country District. They are in need of basic items for working class people living in extremely poor conditions (i.e. no nice clothes, large appliances, etc.) Donations will be collected in the Fellowship Hall and entrance to the Children’s Wing during the entire month of October.

Funeral Committee Children’s Ministry Volunteers

The FUMC children’s ministry is in need of a loving heart willing to teach a small group of second and third graders about God’s love and His word on Wednesday from 3:20 -4:45 p.m.. We could also use some additional Pioneer Club Teacher Assistants to help our little ones listen, cut, paste, color and get from one place to another. Contact Sharon Massey at 456-3697

Kids Music Academy Volunteers We could use some adult bodies to help our new recorder/flute instructor. We could also use a few more adults to help with our computer lab. This might be more hands-on, but Don will provide training! Remember, this is a huge ministry of our church to teach the children about music and how they can be used by God through their gifts. If you are willing to help for a few hours on Wednesday afternoons, contact Don Doss at or 997-7679

The disciples of the Congregational Care group need your help as we create a new and vital ministry for our members and their families. When a member passes away, the staff must make urgent phone calls to find people willing and able to step in at the last minute to provide sandwiches, cookies, punch, etc. for funeral receptions. We are asking that you prayerfully consider joining this important ministry by signing up at the tables in the narthex or online at Please contact Alice Hahn (chairperson) at 998-7440, or for more information.

You Do You

We want to empower you to use your individual gifts, talents and passions to serve God and carry out our mission of creating new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Have some thoughts about how to engage with FUMC and the community? Or an idea for a ministry? A community outreach event? Maybe you want to teach a bible study class? Let us know how we can help you! Call the church office at 997-7679 18

THE month

at a g





4 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service 5:00pm High School Youth

5 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 7:30am Child Development Center 10:00am Cards for Christ 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch Bunch 5:00pm Trustees Meeting 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

6 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 7:30am Child Development Center 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well College 9:00am Prayer Shawl MinistryMinistry-Library 12:00pm Al Anon - Rm 11 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:15pm Living Well College Board Meeting 5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 5:30pm Asthma Prevention Education



12 Columbus Day (regional holiday) 6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group 7:30am Child Development Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch Bunch 4:30pm Child Development Board 6:00pm Stephen Ministry Leadership 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

13 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 7:30am Child Development Center 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well College 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry 12:00pm Al Anon 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 5:30pm Mission Committee Meeting


8:00am Cookies for Kairos 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service 5:00pm High School Youth

18 9:00am Contemporary Worship 9:30am Agape Hour 10:00am UMW Bazaar Clearance Sale 10:00am Sunday School 11:10am Traditional Worship Service 3:00pm Music Club Concert 5:00pm High School Youth

19 6:30am Bacon & Eggs GroupGroup-FH 7:30am Child Development Center 10:00am Cards for Christ 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch Bunch 2:00pm Hannah Circle 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting


25 9:00am Sunday School 10:30am Consecration Worship Service 11:30am Consecration Sunday Lunch 5:00pm High School Youth

26 6:30am Bacon & Eggs Group 7:30am Child Development Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Lunch Bunch 6:30pm Stephen Ministry Leadership 7:00pm Boy Scout Meeting

20 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 7:30am Child Development Center 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well College 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry 12:00pm Al Anon 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Finance Committee 7:00pm Church Council 27 7:00am Men's BreakfastBreakfast-City Cafe 7:30am Child Development Center 8:00am Wonder Workers 9:00am Living Well College 9:00am Prayer Shawl Ministry 12:00pm Al Anon 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:15pm Women's Emmaus Reunion Group 5:30pm Girls Basketball

7:30am Child Developm 9:30am Knopp Retirem 10:00am Fredericksburg 12:00pm Alcoholics An 3:30pm Pioneer Club 5:00pm Kid's Music Ac 6:00pm Bell Choir Prac 7:00pm Chancel Choir

7:30am Child Developm 9:00am Quilters 10:00am Fredericksburg 12:00pm Alcoholics An 3:30pm Pioneer Club 5:00pm Kid's Music Ac 6:00pm Bell Choir Prac 7:00pm Chancel Choir

7:30am Child Developm 10:00am Fredericksburg 10:00am Knopp Retirem 10:30am Knopp Nursin 12:00pm Alcoholics An 12:00pm Diabetic Supp 3:30pm Pioneer Club 5:00pm Kid's Music Ac 6:00pm Bell Choir Prac 7:00pm Chancel Choir 28

7:30am Child Developm 9:00am Quilters 9:30am Windcrest Reti 10:00am Fredericksburg 12:00pm Alcoholics An 1:30pm Pioneer Club 2:00pm Scary Movie D 5:00pm Kid's Music Ac 6:00pm Bell Choir Prac 7:00pm Chancel Choir

glance Oct. 2015

ment Center ment Social g Nursing Home Sing nonymous cademy ctice r Practice

ment Center g Nursing Home Sing nonymous cademy ctice r Practice

ment Center g Nursing Home Sing ment Center Communion ng Home #1 Communion nonymous port Group cademy ctice r Practice

ment Center irement Communion g Nursing Home Sing nonymous Day for Youth cademy ctice r Practice




1 7:30am Child Development Center 9:00am Living Well College 9:30am CDC Kid's Chapel 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 12:00pm Book Club 5:00pm Rotary Club 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal

2 7:30am Child Development Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


8 7:30am Child Development Center 8:30am Biblical Garden Workday 9:00am Living Well College 9:30am CDC Kid's Chapel 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 1:00pm UMW Executive Committee 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team RehearsalRehearsal-Sanctuary 7:00pm Boy Scout Committee Meeting

9 7:30am Child Development Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

10 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

15 7:30am Child Development Center 9:00am Living Well College 9:30am Helen Tainter Circle 9:30am CDC Kid's Chapel 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 2:00pm Friendship Circle 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Cub Scout Pack Meeting 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00pm Boy Scout Leaders

16 7:30am Child Development Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 4:00pm UMW Bazaar Preview and Sale




7:30am Child Development Center 9:00am Living Well College 9:00am UMW Craft Workshop 9:30am Heritage Communion 9:30am CDC Kid's Chapel 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal


7:30am Child Development Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


30 7:30am Child Development Center 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous


7:30am Child Development Center 9:00am Living Well College 9:30am CDC Kid's Chapel 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 5:30pm Girls Basketball 6:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal

12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

9:00am United Methodist Women Bazaar 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous

Halloween 12:00pm Alcoholics Anonymous 4:30pm Trunk or Treat

what’s ahead

at fumc

21 Vol. 7 Oct. 2015


23 Vol. 7 Oct. 2015


1 Natalie Bowman 3 Voy Althaus 3 Kathryn Hogue 3 Violet Ross 3 Nina Deskin 4 Jo Murphy 4 Auralia Schmid 4 Lou Colie 4 Bob & Barbara Banks 5 Joe Hannon 5 Tricia Small 5 Dave & Valerie Scafer 6 Conrad Matysiak 6 Jack Stephens 6 Monica White 8 Allen Benfield 8 Dwight & Carol Schmidt 9 Fannie Stech 9 Paul Riefler 9 Jeanne Warren 9 Joel Griffin 9 David & Nancy Wieting 10 Lucy Ann Arnold 10 Brenda Lumpkin 10 Lance Wendel 10 Kelton & Anne Duecker


Vol. 7 Oct. 2015

10 Newton & Verna Mae Houy 11 Jean Smith 11 Gwen Williams 11 Peggy Mittel 11 Daniel Thompson 11 Eric Henry 12 Jim Ryan 14 Caroline Eidson 14 Melissa Wehmeyer 15 Sherry Freeman 15 Barry Trautman 15 Jerry Smith 15 Linda Nevels 15 Pat O’Neil 16 Richard Crowell 16 Beverly Somers 16 Lizzie Bispo 16 Todd & Caroline Eidson 17 Kenneth Kordzik 17 Peggy Metzer 17 Jacque Clements 18 Carol Stead 19 Bethany Kendrick 20 Mary Boenker 20 Tom Boone 20 Haleigh Jordan

20 Todd & Katie Richardson 22 Crawford Guthrie 22 Alice Hahn 22 Herbert & Mary Lou Schmidt 23 David & Lydell White 25 Laurie Andreassian 25 Valerie Schafer 25 Phillip Moellering 26 Jean Pressler 26 Katherine Enloe 26 Bob Colie 27 Cloyd Phillips 28 Barbara Grote 28 Joyce Smith 28 Connor Lange-Davis 29 Donna Henke 29 Better Treude 29 Clay & Kari McAnally 30 Janelle Neffendorf 30 George Hahn 30 Carole Gillespie 31 Marge Spiller · Dates and names in bold are anniversaries.

CONTINUING CONCERNS Nursing Home & OUR Military Retirement Center Carolyn Allen Ruth Braeutigam Clarence Durst Carol Dwyer Imogene Friedrich Anne Houy Fred Mesch Desmond Sagebiel Mabel Teschner

Romilda Jaimson Audrey Kothmann Norma Peterson Marvin Prochnow Marvel Pospisil Auralia Schmid Melrose Sultemeier Jimmie Tree Fred Kunz

OUR Missionaries

Scott Benfield Khristy Brazell Roland Cleveland Adam Duecker Gary L. Goin Dylan Guess Houston Haley Chance Harling Wacey Holladay Mark Klaerner Bryce Klein Jason Loving Alec Maples Quentin Moellering

Here I am. Send me.

James Muncy Dennis Ray Phillips Chris Pieper Steven Ramsey Tyler Remini Jeffrey Schmidt Cody Segner Jason Smith Bruce Stafford Perry Waters Charlie Watson Ash Westerfield Weston Williams Dara Wydler Steve York Joshua Weaver Ethan Waterman

Central Asia: Brian & Cynthia -Isaiah 6:8 Eastern Asia: Misti Ecuador: Ecuador: Tim & Daina We also want to Madagascar: Adam & Suzie, acknowledge Jana and Leigh, Phoebe, Emma, Baylee & River who are serving the Japanese Detroit .We support them Nicaragua: Sara & Joey, Risa, inwhen possible, and hope to Micah & Jace ad them to our regular Philippines: Marsha support list in the future. Connect Online!


Fredericksburg United Methodist Church 1800 North Llano Fredericksburg TX 78624-2917 **************************************

Connect with our staff Rev. George Lumpkin……Senior Pastor ( Rev. J. Sidney Spiller……..Associate Pastor ( Don Doss……………………Director of Music Ministries ( Joel Griffin…………………..Director of Youth Ministries ( Sharon Massey……………..Director of Children’s Ministries ( Kenneth Vaughan…………Director of Media Ministries ( Tricia Small…………………Director of Communications ( Amy O’Neil…………………Director of CDC ( Judy Hickerson……………..Organist Linda Klein………………….Office Manager ( Selena Hendrix……………...Director of Finances ( Florie Hernandez……………Custodian Tammy Amerson-Wilson RN………Wesley Nurse (

Regular office hours are Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.—5 p.m., closed 12-1 p.m. for lunch, and Friday from 8 a.m.—12 p.m. You can reach the office at 830-997-7679, or visit to learn more about our worship and ministries.

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