Book Reviews - Mix 221

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Book Reviews - Mix 221 We hope you find these book reviews informative. You will also find some FREE BOOKS at the bottom of this document to download! is only too happy to display and promote authors books for free, and we wish them the best of success with their publications in the future

The Intercept: A Jeremy Fisk Novel Jeremy and his partner, Kristen Gersten are in a race against time to solve a terrorist plot that somehow is clearly intended to mark the anniversary of 9/11 with a new outrage. The stage is set when Fisk discovers a fragment of a coded message taken when Osama bin Laden was assassinated that speaks to a new and devious plot to forever weaken the spirit of the secular western world.

The Hunger Pains: A Parody (Harvard Lampoon) While this wasn't horrible it wasn't all that funny either. I got about half way through and was truly bored because it was just more of the same type of humor. I did find the modifications of names, places and events creative and humorous, some more than others and when you first start the book, it is entertaining with this approach and you will recognized the original plot which it sticks to closely. That is definitely a plus for Hunger Games fans and part of the fun of reading this as opposed to other parodies that are fart and poop type of jokes with no plot.

The Fashion Hound Murders: Josie Marcus, Mystery Shopper Elaine Viets' THE FASHION HOUND MURDERS tells of a mystery shopper, mother and sleuth who finds danger in the world of canine fashion puppies when she's hired to check out a pet store's involvement with puppy mills. Danger evolves from a seemingly simple investigation. A top pick for any mystery library's paperback section.

The Nightcrawler The Nightcrawler isnt like a lot of other horror titles out there. It's focus is on character and story instead of the blood and gore. It's an atmospheric, spook-fest of eerie scares as well as good times. I found myself thoroughly enjoying one of the character's adventures, while wondering what was going to happen to the other character.

The Poison Tide A tense story of a spy undercover during the First World War, Andrew Williams recreates the early years of the Secret Service as evocatively as anything by John le Carre or Robert Harris. The Poison Tide is the first in a series of loosely linked novels set in that world and 'possesses a richness of characterisation and intelligence that few thrillers can match...' Sunday Times. 1915. German guns are on their way to Ireland. The British government faces its worst nightmare insurrection at home while it struggles with bloody stalemate on the Western Front. A British spy, Sebastian Wolff of the new Secret Service Bureau, is given the task of hunting down its enemies: one a traitor reviled by the society that honoured him as a national hero the other a German-American doctor who, instead of healing the sick, is developing a terrifying new weapon that he will use in the country of his birth. Wolff's mission will take him undercover into the corridors of power in Berlin, then across the Atlantic in a race against time to prevent the destruction of the ships and supplies Britain so desperately needs to stave off defeat.

The Rule of Four Princeton. Good Friday, 1999. On the eve of graduation, two friends are a hairsbreadth from solving the mysteries of the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, a Renaissance text that has baffled scholars for centuries. Famous for its hypnotic power over those who study it, the five-hundred-year-old Hypnerotomachia may finally reveal its secrets to Tom Sullivan, whose father was obsessed with the book, and Paul Harris, whose future depends on it.

Blood and Silver (Deacon Chalk Occult Bounty Hunter Novels) I have read every book and short leading up to this and I will have to say. Blood and Silver blew me away. Never have I read about so many types of Weres in one book! Really awesome work James looking forward to more!

Blood and Feathers

Thank you, oh thank you Literary Gods! I was terrified that BLOOD AND FEATHERS by Lou Morgan would turn out to Twilight with angels standing in for vampires. Why read on with the threat of a sparkly-vampire guillotine hanging over my head? Well in case you hadn't noticed I have become a big fan of Solaris Books. So far this is a publisher that has done little to steer me wrong. Oh and there is a quote by EBR favorite, Sarah Pinborough that goes a little like this...

Blind Eye (Logan McRae) The violence in this novel could be off-putting for the faint-hearted, but in no way detracts from the clever plot. Once again detective Logan McRae somehow manages to catch the bad guys, while at the same time navigating his survival under the scary DI Steel. MacBride's descriptions of Aberdeen are masterful.

Automatic Woman Jolly is a gret character and you just want him to get through as the tension builds to a great conclusion that leaves just enough dangling to hint at a follow up. I already want to read that sequel. But that is all I am going to say about the plot. You should sit down and read it to really get a feel for it. Dark, complex but it flows in a way I did not expect.

Black Site: A Delta Force Novel Dalton Fury over delivers in his book Black Site. The hero, Kolt Raynor, is smart, resourceful, and tough. The only thing that will stop Kolt from achieving his objective is death, and Kolt proves he is hard to kill. Kolt draws on his experience in Delta Force to conduct missions even Delta can't get authorization for. The action and drama is intense as Dalton Fury creates a story so real you will feel you are there with Kolt, and you will likely duck for cover as you pull for Kolt. There is no BS in this book. All the characters and situations are based on reality. I worked with Dalton in the military, and I was very impressed with the book. The audio version is well read, and is a good option. I found myself playing the audio at home on the Blu Ray because it grabbed me so well. Everyone I have recommended the book to has thanked me.

Armed and Fabulous The mystery side of it was well written, and though I figured out most of the 'who done it' seeing the why of it was great and complex. The romance is weaved into the humor of the book as Lexi deals with two guys, a family of cops, and a funny best friend. I love that Lexi is a main female character who is smart and goes her own way but with faults. I spent so much of the book laughing at her reactions to things, but enjoying the great suspense the author creates.

Apocalypse Cult (Gray Spear Society) I just read this book off my wife's kindle. The description makes it sound religious, but it's not. It's more like hardcore action with a supernatural twist. Or maybe crime novel with holy warriors instead of cops. It's hard to describe the genre, but I liked it.

An Officer's Duty (Theirs Not to Reason Why) If you are looking for an exciting military science fiction book with female main characters, an Officer's Duty definitely fits the bill. I'm a sucker for consistent characters, a well thought out plot and interesting world-building. It's amazing how enjoyable (and rare!) it is to find a book where the characters are all mostly competent, good at their jobs, and try to do and be the best they can. No one is obviously evil or stupid or mean. It's a very enjoyable book and well worth the cost. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

An Eye for Murder Libby Hellmann's An Eye for Murder is the first in a series of mysteries featuring filmmaker Ellie Foreman. It's a good read with a rather complex plot that, however, can become confusing if one isn't paying strict attention. In Ellie Hellmann has created a likable protagonist with an interesting circle of friends and family: Ellie, the divorced mother of a twelve-year-old daughter, has a fiscally irresponsible ex-husband, an unusually but charmingly devoted gardener, a cigar-smoking character of a father, and, as we see blooming in this first book in the series, a love interest in the person of fiftysomething David Linden. Hellmann saddles Ellie with some unfortunate vices: she has a history of kleptomania, and it is hinted that she makes occasional use of drugs (not to mention alcohol and tobacco). In future installments these imperfections may serve to round out her character, but in the present book they seemed tacked on rather than organic. I will be interested to read future books in the series to see how Ellie develops, and how her ostensibly safe career as a documentarian involves her in new difficulties.

Almost: A Love Story Anne Eliot has created such a wonderful love story with Almost. I immediately connected with Jess and all she's been through and how desperately she is to be considered 'normal' again. So desperate that she hires Gray Porter as her boyfriend for the summer. Eliot is a master at creating tension between the characters but still letting the reader know that Jess and Gray are meant to be together. The story was sweet and heartbreaking at the same time as the two fell in love and overcame their fears to be together. It was the exact fulfilling ending that I love in a book and I can't wait to read more by this talented author.

All Seeing Eye Four hours ago, I turned on my Kindle and started reading. I had not planned on spending the whole morning reading, but once I opened the first page, I was reluctant to stop. Jack has a distinctive voice, and his psychometry "disability" flows over him and any reader. Don't think psychometry parlor tricks. The range of characters he meets and the types of situations kept me speeding on. I'm looking forward to re-reading the novel in a more normal fashion!

All Summer Long (Fool's Gold) In All Summer Long, Susan Mallery brings the Stryker brothers' trilogy to an outstanding finish and tantalizes her readers with a teasing glimpse of their sister Evageline's upcoming story. While this latest novel in the Fool's Gold series is a bit more serious than the previous two novels, it is a romantic and fairly light-hearted read.

Acting Up

It turned out to be the British title for "Pride, Prejudice and Jasmin Field," a wonderful book I've read more than once. I can use "Acting Up" as a lending copy, but wanted to post this to alert fans that no, no one discovered an unpublished manuscript from Melissa Nathan, more's the pity!

A Winter Discovery This novelette by Michael Baron draws the reader in immediately and immerses the reader in a warm, wonderful blanket. This is not a sicky sweet read though. It has substance, real characters and a plot that is perfectly drawn. Reece Rubato, a five year old who has endured so much in his short life, believes in Santa, Frosty and miracles and we are drawn into his world, as he copes with the loss of his mother.

A Small Free Kiss in the Dark I love this narrator, and it was engrossing to camp out inside his head. He sees everything with an artist's eye, and he teaches you to appreciate the color and light and shape of the people and places he meets. His rich detailed observations allow his thoughts to become your thoughts, and you effortlessly follow along his journey, step by step. He's a runaway looking for a place to call home and people to call family in a world that's suddenly fallen into chaos.

A Rush to Violence (Fifth Avenue) Throw in Assassins, betrayal, sibling rivalry, greed and hired guns and chances are the book will be hard to put down. The Fifth Avenue, Running of the Bulls universe that Smith has created keeps on getting better and better. The characters in this update to the universe are very endearing. Marty, Camille, Emma and Beth are the characters that drive this book forward. From start to finish, Smith pulls you in. At times the events seem out of this world but he still manages to make you feel for the characters. And believe me when i say that some characters here carry loads that would make Atlas empathetic. When i finished the book, i found it to be a great read, enjoyed the ending and can't wait to see what Smith has in store for this universe.

A Done Deal (Savannah Martin mysteries) Savannah's back and so is Rafe. Unfortunately, no one told her until she stumbled across him and his new girlfriend. She hopes that investigating a rather uncouth bride-to-be will distract her but no such luck. Jealousy lands her in some funny spots. Luckily, Rafe is willing to lend a helping hand. A Done Deal is a wonderful new addition to the story. I love the dual plot lines and the returning cast of characters. While the bodies aren't fresh in this one, there's plenty of mystery to go around.

A Desirable Residence: A Novel of Love and Real Estate Reading "Desirable Residence" was like going to a party and hearing the latest gossip about all your friends and neighbors. The plot was juicy and the characters likable. As a huge Maeve Binchy fan, I enjoyed reading another British author with a flair for characters and plots that connect them to each other. It was a fun and frothy book and made me want to read more of Wickham's work.

A Cat Was Involved: A Chet and Bernie Mystery eShort Story I have read an awful lot of mystery and crime novels, with and without dogs. I love a lot of them but the Chet and Bernie books are something special. Since Chet the dog is the narrator of all the books there would have to be anthropomorphism, but Quinn seems to have a special understanding of a canine's take on things. Chet never loses his essential dogness, even as he relates his adventures in the first Spencer Quinn is a pen name for Peter Abrahams, who is an acclaimed and established writer of suspense fiction for adults as well as mysteries for young adults, all of which would explain why these books are so well written, right from the start of the series.

1.4 I loved this series. This book is my favorite of the two but both are definite must reads. Wonderful addition to any dystopian collection...

Winter Wonderland I am a keen fan of Belinda Jones, and feel she doesn't get the recognition she deserves in the US. Her books have realistic dialogue, from characters that you believe in. It is only Belinda that can make me laugh one moment and gently weep another. She is great with her plots, and the books seem to melt rapidly towards the disappointment of having finished. She obviously is a keen traveller, because her observations on Quebec are far better than you would find in a stuffy impersonal old fashioned travel guide.

Tunnel Vision I particularly enjoy books that can create a true sense of place with local landmarks and locations. Braver's novel includes just enough details to allow a reader familiar with Boston to picture the sights and sounds of the city, which enhanced my enjoyment of the story-line, especially the growing horror that the main character, Zack, feels as he undergoes repeated "suspensions" induced by Dr. Luria and her crew in an effort to evaluate the "truth/reality" of near-death-experiences.

Trickster's Girl In the year 2098 America isn't so different from the USA of today. But, in a post-9/11 security-obssessed world, "secured" doesn't just refer to borders between countries, it also refer to borders between states. Teenagers still think they know everything, but there is no cure for cancer, as Kelsa knows first-hand from watching her father die.

Touch of Death As Jodi gets to school late on her very first day, she tells the lady in the front office, Mrs Thompson, that she's late because she hit a deer. Mrs Thompson tells her she needs to get checked out by the school nurse, so Jodi goes to her office, even though she doesn't feel as though she has any injuries. Ms Steingall, the nurse, looks Jodi over and clears her for class.

Traitor's Son When I read Trickster's Girl last year I really enjoyed the story, but had my doubts when I heard the sequel would feature a new main character. Kelsa was a fun character, I liked her and had a hard time imagining the story without her. Jase surprised me though. Not only could I connect with Jase as a character, I really think I enjoyed his story so much more.

Jase's story is about family and the rift that has torn his family apart. While he resists learning to heal the leys, he also resists healing the rift in his family.

The Walnut Tree: A Holiday Tale When the friend delivers and the Germans take Belgium and it becomes clear Paris is next, Lady Elspeth heads for Calais to catch a boat home, but she's too late. A wickedly attractive army captain helps her get out of there and onto a train. Back in England she'll encounter Bess, a member of Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service, who'll tell her how and where to train for and become a battlefield nurse herself, (which Elspeth does, after dropping the title that precedes her name, and thus the requirement for a guardian's approval). All the key ingredients for a most compelling wartime love story are now pretty much in place. It kept this reader up way past her bedtime to polish it off in a single sitting.

The Thing Itself (The Brighton Mystery) The gripping new thriller in Peter Guttridge’s highly acclaimed Brighton series. The truth will out. Thriller writer Victor Tempest is dead and his son, the disgraced ex-Chief Constable Bob Watts, is discovering what really happened in the unsolved Brighton Trunk Murder of 1934. At the same time, DS Sarah Gilchrist has a lead that may establish the truth about the Milldean Massacre. If she can stay alive long enough to follow it . . . Jimmy Tingley, once SAS, now avenging angel, is in Europe on the trail of the Balkan gangsters who wreaked bloody havoc in Brighton. He’s armed for World War III, but is that enough when he’s his own most dangerous enemy?

The Search for Sam You'll probably like this. I loved it. The writing is not the best, it is definitely not mind-blowing literature, but dag on these books have me hooked! I'm on the edge of my seat and can't wait to get to the end. Then I'm sad because I want more. The action is well described and you can really see it in your mind. This is not for those looking for some intellectual stimulating material. This book is for those that are into action, teenage angst, and other worldly adventures. I love this series and this book was no exception. I can't wait for the next installment!

The Siren: A DC Gary Goodhew Mystery Set in Cambridge, England The word "siren" has multiple meanings. It is the definition of the device that creates an unmistakable noise that signals a warning. In Greek mythology, sirens are sea nymphs who use their beautiful voices to lure sailors to their deaths on the rocky shores of their island. And, the term is sometimes used to describe a beautiful and seductive woman. As the title, the three definitions apply. Goodhew hears sirens as he runs toward Rachel's burning house. Kimberly may have been the beautiful woman who played a role in Nick Lewton's death on the rocks off the coast of Spain. Kimberly is a beautiful and seductive woman who may be dangerous to all who fall under her spell.

2014 NewYork Times Best Sellers - Fiction (Top 25) English | EPUB + MOBI | Ebooks Collection | All In One | 81 MB The New York Times Best Seller list is widely considered the preeminent list of best-selling books in the United States. It is published weekly in The New York Times Book Review. The best-seller list has been ongoing since October 12, 1931. This Pack Contain Top 25 Best Seller Fiction featured in NY Times in 2014 January

Inner Power: Six Techniques for Increased Energy & Self-Healing

English | 336 pages | ISBN-10: 0738706671 | EPUB, MOBI | 3.44 Mb Inner Power presents Deatsman's proven programme for self-healing. It includes methods for developing self-awareness, reducing tension, clearing energy blockages, and replenishing one's life force, which helps to protect against viruses, harmful bacteria, and allergens. These powerful techniques - involving meditation, visualisation, self-hypnosis, and journeying - can help readers uncover the roots of their illness and ultimately restore physical and spiritual harmony.

Knitting New Scarves: 27 Distinctly Modern Designs English | 144 pages | ISBN-10: 1584796332 | PDF | 32.23 Mb Scarves are often the first garments beginning knitters try. Then, when they feel ready for a greater creative thrill, they move on to other types of garments. In Knitting New Scarves, Lynne Barr beckons all levels of knitters back to their humble beginnings and then wows them with 27 spectacularly modern designs, each created using an innovative new technique or a unique take on a traditional one. This novel approach, which dares knitters to rethink what is possible by simply manipulating knits and purls, leads to a collection of flattering, functional, and fun-to-make accessories. Imagine a scarf that looks like a strand of black pearls or unfolds like an accordion, one that playfully draws inspiration from the famed Chanel jacket or a twisting futuristic highrise. Every scarf is shown in its finished form in beautiful still-lifes by photographer Tyllie Barbosa, and, when unusual techniques are called for, up-close step-by-step photos are provided as well. This means every scarf in this masterful collection is both captivating and accessible for all levels of knitters.

The Ultimate Metabolism Diet: Eat Right for Your Metabolic Type English | 288 pages | ISBN-10: 0897935101 | PDF | 1.64 MB Atkins, the Zone, the South Beach Diet. Anyone with a serious weight problem has probably tried - and failed - to use one of these diets to lose weight. And it's not their fault. According to weight loss specialist Dr. Scott Rigden, there is no miracle diet that works for everyone because everyone possesses a unique body type and corresponding metabolism. People can be divided into five different metabolic types that have a corresponding plan of specific dietary and lifestyle habits that make weight loss work. In this book, Rigden helps readers determine their metabolic type and then devotes a chapter to each one with dietary, exercise, supplement, and medicine advice complete with glossaries and case studies. He also includes chapters on emotional eating and how to mentally prepare for weight loss. Readers find out why conventional diets don't work and, using the guidelines in this book, jump-start their metabolism and experience safe, permanent weight loss.

Discussion Starters: Speaking Fluency Activities for Advanced ESL/EFL Students University of Michigan Press/ESL | English | 1996-05-15 | ISBN: 0472083341 | 200 pages | PDF | 11 MB One of the most common problems facing ESL teachers is the advanced speaking class in which the most confident students dominate the discussion and the weaker students quickly withdraw. Discussion Starters is designed to balance the oral participation of all the students in the class and thus promote an environment in which everyone has not only a chance but a real need to speak out.

Danielle Steel Romance Collection 1977-2013 English | EPUB + MOBI | Ebooks Collection | All In One | 151 MB Genre: Romance

Danielle Steel is an American novelist, currently the bestselling author alive and the fourth bestselling author of all time, with over 800 million copies sold. Based in California for most of her career, Steel has produced several books a year, often juggling up to five projects at once. All her novels have been bestsellers, including those issued in hardback. Her formula is fairly consistent, often involving rich families facing a crisis, threatened by dark elements such as jail, fraud, blackmail and suicide. Steel has also published children's fiction and poetry, as well as raising funds for the treatment of mental illness. Her books have been translated into 28 languages, with 22 adapted for television, including two that have received Golden Globe nominations. Passion's Promise (1977) Smart, beautiful, and very rich, Kezia Saint Martin leads two lives: one as a glamorous socialite jetting between the poshest places in Europe and America; the other, under a false name, as a dicated journalist committed to justice and her profession. But the two worlds are pulling her apart, leaving her conflicted about her identity and the lies she tells to every man she meets. Then she meets Lucas Johns, a bold, dynamic crusader for social change--and an ex-con. Their attraction is immediate, but their love may be just one step from tragedy at any time. The Promise (1978) Young architect Micheal Hillyard and artist Nancy McAllister are determined to get married despite his wealthy mother's disapproval. Then minutes before their wedding, a terrifying accident and a cruel deception separate Micheal and Nancy-perhaps forever. Each pursues a new life--Nancy in California, Micheal in New York. But eventually nothing--and no one-can keep them apart as they keep their vow never to say good-bye. Now and Forever (1979) Season of Passion (1979) Summer's End (1979) To Love Again (1980) The Ring (1980) Loving (1980) Palomino (1981) Remembrance (1981) A Perfect Stranger (1982) Crossings (1982) Once in A Lifetime (1983) Thurston House (1983) Changes (1983) Full Circle (1984) Family Album (1985) Secrets (1985) Wanderlust (1986) Fine Things (1987) Kaleidoscope (1987) Zoya (1988) Daddy (1989) Star (1989) Message From Nam (1990) No Greater Love (1991) Heartbeat (1991) Jewels (1992) Mixed Blessings (1992) Vanished (1993) Wings (1994) Accident (1994) The Gift (1994) Lightning (1995) Five Days in Paris (1995) Malice (1996) Silent Honor (1996) The Ghost (1997)

Special Delivery (1997) The Ranch (1997) The Wedding (1998) The Klone and I (1998) The Long Road Home (1998) Mirror Image (1998) Bittersweet (1999) Irresistible Forces (1999) Granny Dan (1999) Journey (2000) The House on Hope Street (2000) Leap of Faith (2001) Lone Eagle (2001) The Kiss (2001) The Cottage (2002) Sunset In St. Tropez (2002) Answered Prayers (2002) Dating Game (2003) Safe Harbour (2003) Johnny Angel (2003) Echoes (2004) Ransom (2004) Second Chance (2004) Miracle (2005) Impossible (2005) Toxic Bachelors (2005) H.R.H. (2006) The House (2006) Coming Out (2006) Bungalow Two (2007) Sisters (2007) Amazing Grace (2007) Rogue (2008) Honor Thyself (2008) A Good Woman (2008) One Day at a Time (2009) Matters of the Heart (2009) Southern Lights (2009) Big Girl (2010) Family Ties (2010) Legacy (2010) Hotel Vendome (2011) 44 Charles Street (2011) Happy Birthday (2011) Betrayal (2012) Friends Forever (2012) The Sins of the Mother (2012) Until The End Of Time (2013) First Sight (2013) New York. London. Milan. Paris. Fashion week in all four cities. A month of endless interviews, parties, unflagging work and attention to detail. At the centre of the storm is Timmie O'Neill, whose renowned line, 'Timmie O', is the embodiment of casual chic, in fashion and for the home. She has created an international empire that inspires, fills, and consumes her life. In a world where humility and compassion are all too rare, Timmie's humour, kindness, integrity, and creativity are inspirational. Yet as blessed as she feels by her success, she harbours the private wounds of a devastating childhood and past tragedy. Always willing to take risks in business, she never risks her heart - until an intriguing Frenchman comes into her life during Paris Fashion Week. There is every reason why they must remain apart. But neither can deny their growing friendship and the electricity that sparks whenever they meet.

Are they brave enough to face what comes next? And will they do it together - or apart? Winners (2013) When a horrific chairlift accident leaves 17-year-old competitive skier Lily Thomas paralyzed, she must come to grips with the fact that she'll not only be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life, but will never fulfill her lifelong dream of winning Olympic gold. Meanwhile, her wealthy father, who has doted on Lily since her mother died when she was three, is devastated as he watches his only child lose all she once cherished and suffer through the arduous road to recovery. But just as all hope seems lost, Lily meets Teddy, a young man even more badly injured than she, but as doggedly determined to live an enriching life. Danielle Steel is at her best in this powerful story of a father and daughter triumphing together over unthinkable tragedy, creating new lives for themselves and providing hope for others along the way.

Self Help Ebooks - How to Pass Exams, Fall in Love, Extraordinary Words, Speed Reading, Energy and Self ... English | PDF + EPUB | Ebooks Collection | All In One | 146 MB 16 Self-help ebooks ...

1. How to Pass Exams - Dominic O'Brien - 2013 - ISBN: 1844833917 - PDF 2. How to Fall in Love - Cecelia Ahern 2013 - EPUB - ISBN-10: 000735049X 3. 25 Things You Need to Know About the Future - Christopher Barnatt - 2013 - EPUB 4. How to Live Forever: And 34 Other Really Interesting Uses of Science - 2013 - Alok Jha - PDF - ASIN: B0074VPJOK 5. Healing With Herbs And Spices: Heal Your Body, Mind And Spirit With The Amazing Healing Powers Of Herbs - 2013 ASIN: B00AB7YG8E - PDF 6. Nutrition For Healthy Living - Wendy Schiff - 2012 - ISBN-10: 0073522759 PDF 7. The Oxford Book of Health Foods - J.G. Vaughan , P.A. Judd - 2006 - ISBN-10: 0192806807 - PDF 8. Healing Spices: How to Use 50 Everyday and Exotic Spices to Boost Health and Beat Disease - Bharat B. Aggarwal, Debora Yost - EPUB 9. 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself: Change Your Life Forever - Steve Chandler - 1996 - PDF 10. Can I Freeze It?: How to Use the Most Versatile Appliance in Your Kitchen - Susie Theodorou - PDF - 2009 - ASIN: B000SEF4HM 11. Inner Power: Six Techniques for Increased Energy & Self-Healing - Colleen Deatsman - 2005 - ISBN-10: 0738706671 - EPUB 12. Speed Reading for Professionals - H. Bernard Wechsler, Arthur Bell - PDF - ISBN: 0764131990 13. The Wonder of Whiffling: And Other Extraordinary Words in the English Language - Adam Jacot De Boinod- 2010 ISBN-10: 0140515852 14. Toujours Tingo: More Extraordinary Words to Change the Way We See the World - by Adam Jacot de Boinod - 2010 EPUB - ISBN: 0140515860 15 . The Meaning of Tingo: and Other Extraordinary Words from Around the World by Adam Jacot de Boinod - 2007 EPUB - ISBN: 0143038524 18. 20,000 Secrets of Tea: The Most Effective Ways to Benefit from Nature's Healing Herbs -by Victoria Zak - 1999 ISBN-10: 0440235294 - EPUB

Amazon Web Services For Dummies English | ISBN: 1118571835 | 2013 | 384 pages | pdf + epub | 24 mb Create dynamic cloud-based websites with Amazon Web Services and this friendly guide! As the largest cloud computing platform in the world, Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides one of the most popular web services options available. This easy-to-understand guide is the perfect introduction to the Amazon Web Services platform and all it can do for you. You?ll learn about the Amazon Web Services tool set; how different web services (including S3, Amazon EC2, and Amazon Flexible Payments) and Glacier work; and how you can implement AWS in your organization. Explains how to use Amazon Web Services to store objects, take payments, manage large quantities of data, send e-mails, deploy push notifications, and more from your website Details how AWS can reduce costs, improve efficiency, increase productivity, and cut down on expensive hardware investments - and administrative headaches - in your organization Includes practical examples and helpful step-by-step lists to help you experiment with different AWS features and create a robust website that meets your needs Amazon Web Services For Dummies is exactly what you need to get your head in the cloud with Amazon Web Services!

The Dollop Book of Frosting: Sweet and Savory Icings, Spreads, Meringues, and Ganaches for Dessert and Beyond English | ISBN: 1440558833 | 2013 | EPUB | 160 pages | 12,9 MB 45 flavorful frostings that truly take the cake! After her appearance on Food Network's Cupcake Wars, thousands traveled far and wide for a bite of Heather "Cupcakes" Saffer's delicious desserts, but it wasn't just the warm cake they were clamoring for--they couldn't get enough of the gourmet frostings that adorned the irresistible treats. In this book, she shares her most decadent frosting recipes, a variety of creative uses for the icings, and the memories that inspired her to concoct such extraordinary flavor combinations. From Orange Cardamom and Strawberry Merengue to Cinnamon Whisky Buttercream and Maple Bacon, each mouthwatering spread features step-by-step instructions and tempting ideas for using the yummy creation in snacks, entrees, and cocktails. You will surprise guests with indulgent goodies swirled with rich and creamy frostings like: Strawberry-frosted limoncello "shortcakes" Malbec ganache tossed chocolate raspberry pasta Coffee toffee ganache frosting truffles S'more push-pop parfaits Cheddar beer-boiled pretzels dipped in a cheddar bacon frosting Complete with hundreds of mouthwatering four-color photographs, The Dollop Book of Frosting shows you how to turn this ordinary cupcake topping into a show-stopping treat!

Tabletop Fountains: 40 Easy and Great Looking Projects to Make 1999 | ISBN: 1579901050 | English | 128 pages | Scan PDF | 33 MB The first how-to book on one of the hottest new trends around. Includes a fountain to make for every taste and style. The three sections (20-Minute, Two-Hour, and Weekend Fountains) present everything from a simple centerpiece of moss and flowers to an elegant stacked tile fountain. Clear instructions included for each. A craft craze waiting to happen.

Stop Talking, Start Communicating: Counterintuitive Secrets to Success in Business and in Life 2013 | 256 Pages | ISBN: 0071813047 | PDF | 2 MB PLAY DUMB. BE BORING. DON'T SOLVE PROBLEMS. AND ABOVE ALL, DON'T BE YOURSELF. Not exactly what you'd expect to hear from a communication expert, but these counterintuitive strategies are precisely what we need to interact productively and meaningfully in today's digital world. Our overreliance on quick, cheap, and easy means of "staying connected" is eroding our communication skills. Speed steamrolls thoughtfulness; self-expression trumps restraint. Errors and misunderstandings increase. And our relationships suffer. With startling insights and a dash of humor, Stop Talking, Start Communicating combines scientific research with realworld strategies to deliver a proven approach to more effective communication. "Only Geoffrey Tumlin could write a book about a serious problem--our mounting communication deficiencies--and make me laugh and learn all the way through it. Witty, smart, and 100 percent accurate, Stop Talking, Start Communicating points the way to a better conversational future." -- Tina Morris, managing director at Standard & Poor's

"An elegantly analytical, accessible, and enjoyable guide to improving interpersonal communication, Stop Talking, Start Communicating is a key resource for anyone who wants to be a difference-making leader, manager, or team member." -Eduardo Sanchez, deputy chief medical officer of the American Heart Association

Sinful Sweets & Tasty Treats: More Than 150 Desserts Sure to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth English | ISBN: 0975539647 | 2013 | EPUB | 192 pages | 12 MB Have you ever met anyone who doesn't like dessert? No way! That's why the Mr. Food Test Kitchen has created a collection (tested, tasted, tweaked and then tested again) of our very best dessert recipes. This book will be packed with over 150 mouthwatering recipes and more than 90 enticing photos to make the recipes truly come to life. We even included lots of easy Test Kitchen tips to help you become a kitchen hero whether you're a seasoned cook or just learning your way around the kitchen. No sweet tooth will be disappointed. Trust us... between the cakes & cupcakes, pies, brownies & bars, cheesecakes, frozen & refrigerated desserts and a collection of cookies that will make any cookie jar proud, you can't miss. So if you want dessert recipes that are super easy and really tasty ...then this is the book for you. Every sinful bite will have you and your family sharing in years of "OOH IT"S SO GOOD!!". Over 150 recipes with full color photos, and 192 pages.

Put Your Dream to the Test: 10 Questions to Help You See It and Seize It English | 2009 | ISBN: 0785214127 , 1400200407 | ISBN-13: 9780785214120 | 320 pages | EPUB | 1 MB Do you dream big? Now you can put your dream to the test and bring it to life! What's the difference between a dreamer and someone who achieves a dream? According to best-selling author Dr. John Maxwell, the answer lies in answering ten powerful, yet straightforward, questions.

Playful Little Paper-Pieced Projects: 37 Graphic Designs & Tips from Top Modern Quilters 2014 | ISBN: 1607058200 | English | 160 pages | PDF | 143 MB Playful Little Paper-Pieced Projects by Tacha Bruecher is a collection of paper-pieced projects featuring some of the best work from today's most talented modern quilters. You can learn everything you need to know about foundation paper piecing, and then test your skills with 37 projects ranging in difficulty and complexity. Bursting with ideas and ingenuity, this book will inspire you to include paper piecing in all your sewing projects.

I Can Knit 2012 | ISBN: 159217440X | English | 32 pages | PDF | 7 MB Fun, wearable accessories and gifts are easily made using the step-by-step instructions in this introduction to knitting for youngsters. The book follows a natural learning progression with short lessons and quick results; each lesson teaches just one new skill so that beginners are able to finish simple projects early on. As they add techniques to their repertoire, young knitters gain skills and confidence. Instructions are included for both left-handed and right-handed knitters, and photographs abound to aid in creating the projects, which include hats, scarves, headbands, purses, and bracelets.

Troubleshooting and Repairing Major Appliances English | PDF | 2 Books | All In One | 66 MB Diagnose and repair home appliances and air conditioners using the latest techniques "The book has it all...written by a pro with 40 years of hands-on repair and teaching experience...this book is like brain candy"--GeekDad ( Fully updated for current technologies and packed with hundreds of photos and diagrams, this do-it-yourself guide shows you how to safely install, operate, maintain, and fix gas and electric appliances of all types. Troubleshooting and Repairing Major Appliances, Third Edition provides easy-tofollow procedures for using test meters, replacing parts, reading circuit diagrams, interpreting fault and error codes, and diagnosing problems. Featuring a new chapter on becoming a service technician, this practical, money-saving resource is ideal for homeowners and professionals alike. Covers all major appliances: Automatic dishwashers Garbage disposers Electric water heaters Gas water heaters Top load automatic washers Front load automatic washers Automatic electric dryers Automatic gas dryers Electric ranges, cooktops, and ovens Gas ranges, cooktops, and ovens Microwave ovens Refrigerators Freezers Automatic ice makers Residential under-the-counter ice cube makers Room air conditioners Dehumidifiers Fix Your....Major Appliances (How to Fix It) Publisher: Time Life Custom Pub 1998 Time-Life Books Editors Language: English ISBN-10: 0737000244 ISBN-13: 978-0737000245 144 Pages PDF 20.6 MB Fix your appliances is one of those books which having one is the must for the man of the house.learn how to be a repair man and save lots of money for yourself.This is a simple Tutorial to fix your major appliances even if you are not an experienced one.

Complete Home Storage, Projects, Plans, Tips, Techniques Drawings for Furniture Designs and Home Decor English | PDF | 4 Books | All In One | 95 MB Includes: - Complete Home Storage - Cheap Home Decor: Crafting with Paper - Shop Drawings for Craftsman Furniture: 27 Stickley Designs for Every Room in the Home - Small Shop Solutions Projects, Plans, Tips , and Techniques Book 1: Complete Home Storage by Editors of Sunset Books Publisher: Sunset Books (1997) ASIN: B0027B24DQ There are lots of great ideas of diagrams, suggestions, plans. A lot of attention to using otherwise "dead" space for inventive storage, and like all of Sunset's how-to books, clear illustrations and great photographs make theoretical ideas easy to imagine, plan, and realize in your own home Book 2: Cheap Home Decor: Crafting with Paper

Paper is one of the best materials to craft with because it's everywhere. You can do paper crafts with computer paper, notebook paper, tissue paper, newspaper, and, of course, scrapbook paper. Scrapbooking and card making are increasingly popular pastimes for crafters, but lately people have been looking for other ways to craft with paper. After all, who wants to spend all that time perfecting a scrapbook layout only to have it shoved into a book and stored on a shelf? It's much more beneficial to display your crafts in your home! The benefits are twofold: you get to display the crafts that you toiled over (and you should be proud of them!) and you also get cheap, easy, and personalized home decor too, all just by doing something you love--paper crafting. Book 3: Shop Drawings for Craftsman Furniture: 27 Stickley Designs for Every Room in the Home by Robert W Langbaum (Author) , Robert W Lang (Author) Publisher: Fox Chapel Publishing (October 1, 2001) Language: English ISBN-10: 1892836122 ISBN-13: 978-1892836120 Featuring working shop drawings, this book demonstrates 27 pieces of authentic Craftsman household furniture by Gustav Stickley and his contemporaries. Every type of furniture is represented here: Morris chairs, chests of drawers, wall shelves, bookcases, sideboards, dining tables, occasional tables, beds, side chairs, and rockers. Each project includes a perspective view along with elevations, sections and details, and complete measurements. Book 4: Small Shop Solutions Projects, Plans, Tips , and Techniques English PDF 96 pages 45 MB ASIN: B003TC2JF0

Cloth Doll Workshop: From the Beginning and Beyond

2010 | ISBN: 1592536212 | English | 128 pages | EPUB | 9 MB Patti Culea, elinor peace bailey, and Barbara Willis are three of the leading doll artists and teachers in the country. They are also friends. Each of these artists has her own distinct approach to the design and development of a cloth figure. In this book, each artist's process will come alive through their choice of fabrics, sketches, simple patterns, and skill-building variations. The book is oriented toward beginning doll makers, but offers unique variations and embellishments to please even more experienced doll designers. Two introductory chapters cover basic materials and techniques. Each artist's chapter includes step by step illustrations, instructions, and patterns to make a complete doll, plus variations that create completely new figures. Readers are treated to full color photography and a look inside of each artist's workspace. A gallery of additional creations by each artist, along with commentary on each work completes the collection. This is a must-have book for any aspiring or experienced doll making.

Younger Next Week - Your Ultimate Rx to Reverse the Clock, Boost Energy and Look and Feel Younger in 7 Days 2013 | ISBN: 0373892837 | English | 304 pages | EPUB | 15 MB A radiant appearance. Boundless energy. Effortless weight management. Supercharged health and well-being. Forget facelifts and fancy wrinkle creams—the fountain of youth is in the foods you eat and simple exercises and behaviors that will turn back the clock. Acclaimed nutritionist and wellness expert Elisa Zied shows you how to jump-start weight loss, reduce stress, improve sleep, banish mood swings and love the vibrant woman you see in the mirror. Discover how to: * Nix the habits that age you (some will surprise you!) * Fuel yourself with age-defying, nutrient-rich foods * Relax and decompress with dozens of Stressipes * Revitalize your life with exercises that put the brakes on aging * Eat and enjoy 30 easy-to-make, delicious recipes

Featuring The 7-Day Vitality Plan, complete with menus, exercise guidelines and lifestyle solutions, Younger Next Week is your surgery-free solution to look and feel younger in just one week.

50 Simple Questions for Every Christian ISBN: 161614727X | 2013 | EPUB | 350 pages | 3 MB Written in a respectful and conversational style, this unique book is designed to promote constructive dialogue and foster mutual understanding between Christians and non-Christians. The author, a skeptic and journalist, asks basic questions about Christian belief.

How You Can Create an App and Start Earning Thousands of Dollar in 7 Days English | 2013 | PDF | eLearning | 10.5MB I have uncovered and exposed a step-by-step system for creating massively successful Apps with little or no effort. The same system that the top App makers have been using! Once you read this book, you will join this elite group of millionaire developers that have figured it out! This is the most surefire system for creating an outrageously successful Apps that I have ever seen. Here Are Just a Few of the Secret Techniques You Will Learn With This System and Nowhere Else: A step-by-step blueprint for creating massively successful Apps over and over and over. Why you don’t need to spend years becoming an “expert” to make expert money with Apps. How to have your App downloaded a million times How to keep an App in constant Use Ways to earn money with a free App What Apps are users looking for Examples of highly successful Apps and guide to create them How to create your own Angry Birds and Facebook App How to get millions of downloads with a silly App How to name your million-dollar App How to market your App and spend ZERO on marketing! How to publish a killer App and get paid for the rest of your life! How to get your App to the Top of the Apps Stores A Super secret to getting more App downloads! How to rightly price your App Ways to make money from a network of Apps How to create an App empire

Crowdsourcing For Dummies 2013 | ISBN: 1119940400 | 378 pages | EPUB | 3,3 MB Give your business the edge with crowd-power! Crowdsourcing is an innovative way of outsourcing tasks, problems or requests to a group or community online. There are lots of ways business can use crowdsourcing to their advantage: be it crowdsourcing product ideas and development, design tasks, market research, testing, capturing or analyzing data, and even raising funds. It offers access to a wide pool of talent and ideas, and is an exciting way to engage the public with your business. is your plain-English guide to making crowdsourcing, crowdfunding and open innovation work for you. It gives step-bystep advice on how to plan, start and manage a crowdsourcing project, where to crowdsource, how to find the perfect audience, how best to motivate your crowd, and tips for troubleshooting.

How to Live Forever: And 34 Other Really Interesting Uses of Science English | 224 pages | ISBN-10: 0857388355 | EPUB | 4.09 MB How to Live Forever is the essential survival guide for anyone who has ever been baffled by science. Embarking on a journey from the very small to the very big, readers will be taken on a glorious tour of the universe, taking in cloned sheep, alien worlds, bizarre life forms, quantum weirdness, parallel dimensions and dissected brains along the way. You'll discover how to travel through time, how to start (and cure) a plague, how the mind works, how to turn sunbeams into oak trees, how to boil a planet, how Harry Potter's cloak of invisibility works and much, much more. Both informative and enjoyable, this is a rip-roaring tour through the wonders of the natural world.

The Maker's Diet Revolution: The 10 Day Diet to Lose Weight and Detoxify Your Body, Mind and Spirit English | 224 pages | ISBN-10: 0768442281 | EPUB | 2.05 MB The Maker's Diet Revolution is the long awaited sequel to The Maker's Diet that Jordan Rubin's fans are ready for. Jordan will share everything he has learned in the years since he wrote The Maker's Diet, including: Health and Diet Tips Why our nation's food supply is compromised The importance of organic foods Choosing the best water sources Raising healthy children, healing chronic illnesses and much more! His Popular Health Myths and Truths Jordan Rubin is a renowned natural health expert and NYT Best-selling author of The Maker's Diet.

50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know English | 208 pages | ISBN-10: 1847240070 | EPUB | 3.46 MB In this, the second volume in an important new series presenting core concepts across a range of critical areas of human knowledge, author Joanne Baker unravels the complexities of 20th-century scientific theory for a general readership. She explains ideas at the cutting-edge of scientific enquiry, making them comprehensible and accessible to the layperson.

Cycling Nutrition: Carb Cycle Super Cheat Sheet to Rapid Weight Loss English | 34 pages | ISBN-10: 1630222135 | EPUB | 2.14 MB Are you struggling with losing stubborn fat? - Do you have pounds and inches that you just can't seem to get rid of, no matter what you try?- Does it seem like you're doing all the right things, but you're still not losing weight? Low-carb diets like Atkins and South Beach are notoriously difficult to maintain over time and have been deserted by millions of people. Health-conscious people all over America are ready for something better. What if someone told you that it doesn't have to be this hard? What if there was a simple program that allowed you to eat your favorite foods and still lose weight? What if you could finally have the body you've always wanted? In fact, you can! "Cycling Nutrition: Carb Cycle Super Cheat Sheet to Rapid Weight Loss - A 7 Day by Day Carb Cycle Plan To Your Superior Cycling Nutrition " is the answer. By allowing you to eat full, nutritionally balanced meals on any day, The Carb Cycling Super Cheat Sheet breaks away from the "deprivation model" of most diets on the market today. Alternating between limited-carb and normal-carb days, you have your cake and eat it, too, without having to rely on supplements or sugar substitutes.The guide also includes easy recipes and meal plans for normal- and low-carb days. There are no complicated tables, no calories to track, and no food portions to weigh. All you have to do is follow a few simple guidelines and eat the foods from the approved lists, included in this book. No confusing explanations... Just the facts on how you can use carb cycling for losing stubborn fat, fast... No calorie counting... Unless you want to Plus, dozens of tips and tricks gleaned from over a decade of using carb cycling to help real people just like you in losing stubborn fat.. Get started now!

Simply Successful Applique: Foolproof Technique 9 Projects For Hand & Machine 2012 | ISBN: 1607054809 | English | 128 pages | EPUB | 21 MB Award-winning applique quilting artist, Jeanne Sullivan, shows you how to create flawless appliqué in just minutes—by hand or machine. Get pinpoint accuracy more easily with this comprehensive visual guide (includes bonus CD of full-size template patterns). Anyone can learn her stress-free methods, even if you’ve never tried appliqué. Seasoned quilters and sewers will also love these new techniques for more complex designs and for faster, easier ways to make ruching, narrow lines, reverse appliqué, Broderie Perse, and more. Plus “what you see is what you get” with Jeanne’s process…work with your fabrics and templates right side up!

1,000 Places to See in the United States and Canada Before You Die English | 1200 pages | ISBN-10: 0761163360 | EPUB, MOBI | 47.2 MB The 1,000 Places to See books are pleasurable, inspiring, wondrous, a best-selling phenomenon and, yes, practical: Announcing the updated edition of 1,000 Places to See in the USA & Canada Before You Die, The New York Times No. 1 bestseller. Because USA & Canada is not only a wish book but also a guide, this information, including phone numbers, Web addresses, and more, is now completely revised and updated. For travel season, for long summer weekends, for whenever the mood strikes to pack up the car and set out to discover a new piece of America (and Canada!), 1,000 Places to See in the USA & Canada is a map to all the unique and wonderful places just around the corner: Sail the Maine Windjammers out of Camden. Explore the gold-mining trails in Alaska's Denali wilderness. Collect exotic shells on the beaches of Captiva. Play tennis the way it was meant to be-on grass-at the lavish Victorian Newport Casino. Take a barbecue tour of Kansas City-Arthur Bryant's to Gates to Snead's. There's the ice hotel in Quebec, the stalacpipe organ in Virginia, out-of-the-way Civil War battlefields, dude ranches and cowboy poetry readings, and what to do in Louisville after the Derby's over. More than 150 places are highlighted as family-friendly, and indices in the back organize the book by subject-wilderness, dining, beaches, world-class museums, sports, festivals, and more.

Dog Photography For Dummies English | 2012 | ISBN: 111807775X | 320 pages | PDF | 53,6 MB Tips and tricks for capturing your canine's personality with every click of the camera Simply snapping a picture may not capture the playfulness or spontaneity of a dog. Knowing what kind of equipment, angle, and composition to use while photographing a dog can make all the difference in the character captured in the photo. Dog Photography For Dummies gives you practical and fun guidance for capturing your dog's personality and turning ordinary shots into priceless memories that will last a lifetime. Covering all the latest and greatest gadgets and accessories available to capture and alter photos of your favorite pooch, Dog Photography For Dummies offers techniques that amateurs and intermediates alike can use to improve their photography skills. This hands-on guide features great examples of dog portraiture, plus tons of ideas for fun new places to pose your furry friend, such as the beach, the park, the car, in the snow, and more. * Detailed discussions of color versus black-and-white, indoors versus outdoors, composition, and capturing movement * Advice on how to get a dog to sit still * Considerations for photographing a shy dog who is scared of the camera * Guidance on making the most of natural light * Tips for photographing dogs with black (or dark) coats * How to photograph people and dogs together Whether for decorating, memories, or holiday cards, Dog Photography For Dummies makes it easy to capture the best of your four-legged friend.

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