Book Reviews - Mix 222

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Book Reviews - Mix 220 We hope you find these book reviews informative. You will also find some FREE BOOKS at the bottom of this document to download! is only too happy to display and promote authors books for free, and we wish them the best of success with their publications in the future

The Polaris Protocol: A Pike Logan Thriller One more time (as is typical with this author), the reader is taken on a trip of many miles. From Turkmenistan to Mexico and then to Colorado and back to DC, it is indeed a gripping novel. Plot is well developed, characters (both the good and the bad ones) are well defined and just an outstanding read for me. Most highly recommended.

Those Pricey Thakur Girls The book is throwback to eighties when newsreaders were celebrities. They made staid opening of various tv transmitters hugely interesting with heaving bosoms. The book is full of colorful characters judge who names his daughters in alphabetical order, Hot Dulari the cook, Grand old pressman who is bothered by the freedom of press as well as his bowel moments.

The Shadowed Throne (The Risen Sun) Arenadd Taranisaii, infamous leader of the Northern people, has vanished. Only his half-breed daughter Laela knows what happened to him. Left to rule her father’s Kingdom, Laela is all that stands in the way of the war her cousin Saeddryn wants to declare. But Laela faces a far more dangerous enemy: the Night God herself wants Laela dead.

The Lovely and the Lost (The Dispossessed) ARC! Paris is plagued by an underworld of demons and gargoyles who all seem to want something from the Waverly girls. Saving Ingrid's twin, Grayson, from the fallen angel Axia nearly killed them. And they're still being hunted only this time, demons aren't their only predators.

The Widow File Widow File is the third book I've read by S. G. Redling, and I highly recommend them all. Though their settings and circumstances are impressively varied, so far each of her novels features an off-beat female character whose personal drama is part of a monumental event. Widow File has Dani caught up in what looks like some kind of industrial terrorism, Flowertown has a deadbeat junkie trapped in a massive chemical containment disaster that poisons and permanently quarantines a town full of people, and in Damocles the main character is a lone linguist in the midst of engineers, all thrown together on a long-term space mission in search of human-like life forms that results in first contact.

The Sea Without a Shore (Lt. Leary) ARC! Cinnabar's chief spymaster is a mother also and her son is determined to search for treasure in the midst of a civil war. Who better to hold the boy's hand and to take the blows directed at him than Captain Daniel Leary, the Republic of Cinnabar Navy's troubleshooter, and his friend the cyberspy Adele Mundy?

The Lion and the Rose (A Novel of the Borgias) I've really tried to get across how wonderful this book, but it's hard for me to convert feelings into simple words that are inadequate. Like Homer, Kate Quinn is magic. Even if you don't read historical fiction, you are bound to lose yourself in this book. It really is just that good.

The Keeper of Lost Causes

"The Keeper of Lost Causes" is an addictive read. Who can resist flawed heroes who underachieve until they find some reason to put forth their best effort? Carl is an excellent investigator when he is not busy wallowing in self-pity or having panic attacks. Adler-Olsen uses flashbacks effectively to recount Merete's torturous ordeal. She shows amazing spunk and resourcefulness as she squares off against villains readers will love to hate they are sadistic, vengeful, and remorseless fiends who enjoy inflicting agony on their helpless victim. It is entertaining to observe Assad and Carl squabble and fuss like kindergarten children (Carl does most of the fussing) until the pair eventually learn to work together productively. This is a darkly humorous, poignant, twisty, and engrossing novel that thriller fans will eagerly embrace.

The Last Girl The end of the world happened quickly. The sun still shone, there was no explosion - just a tsunami-sized wave of human thought drowning the world in telepathic noise as everyone's inner-most secrets became audible. Everyone's thoughts, that is, except sixteen-year-old Danby.

The Kept This is well crafted, and I'm not disregarding that fact. If you are looking for a novel written in the tradition of Cold Mountain, then I think this one is for you. If you are looking for something light, a story with a bit more balance, then perhaps this isn't for you. If you are highly sensitive, this one might weigh you down as you read.

The Hanging Judge The Hanging Judge is the story of a case in which the United States seeks the death penalty for a drug-related shooting that resulted in killing not only the intended drug dealer, but an innocent bystander as well.

The Fell Sword (The Traitor Son Cycle) The pages flew by. I can't wait for the next volume. This series has a very unique system of magic, intriguing characters and is a worthy addition to the genre.

The Emperor's Blades (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne) The story alternates chapters between the 3 children of the recently murdered Emperor who have been separated for about 8 years. Adare is the daughter who stayed near her father and learned the finance and political roles in the Empire.

Valyn, a younger son, was sent away on the to join the elite military wing that ride giant black hawks. And the heir to the throne Kaden was sent far away to the edge of the empire to a monastery where he learns self-discipline.

The Exile Britton's ever-increasing legion of fans will be well-served by this latest installment in the Kealey canon. The world is a complicated and treacherous place, and Britton, like few others, captures it perfectly for the printed page.

The Barkeep Delightfully dark with just the right amount of creepy undertones. The characters are well-drawn and I loved all of it, especially the last chapter and the acknowledgements at the end.

Tales from High Hallack

For the first time, the Grand Dame of science fiction Andre Norton has her short stories gathered for her fans’ reading pleasure. Tales reach back to the 1930s, as fresh and relevant today as they were when she wrote them . . . such was Andre’s skill. High fantasy, fables, science fiction, coming of age stories, and more fill three volumes.

Snowblind Christopher Golden proves here that the best creepy stories do not need out and out gore blood and guts, the best ones are the ones where its the atmosphere that gets you, and where the characters are realistic people that you can root for even as unrealistic things are happening to them. It did genuinely make me shiver now and then (creepy, misbehaving children will do that to me every time!) and it is an imaginative and disturbing tale.

The Dead in Their Vaulted Arches: A Flavia de Luce Novel It may be fair to question how many murders and mysteries one sleepy hamlet could possibly endure… particularly in a single year. Perhaps in response to this very concern, ―The Dead in Their Vaulted Arches‖ sets the stage for an exciting new direction in the series. An intriguing new foil for Miss de Luce is also introduced who may figure prominently in the future. If one precocious young lady is this much fun, what if there were two?

The Ancient Rain The third Mancuso private investigative tale (see BIG BOOM and CHASING THE DRAGON) is a superb urban noir that uses history to include the Symbonise Liberation Army of Patty Heart fame and much more like the title coming from a poem by Bob Kaufman. Bill pegs Dante as the perfect person to protect his kids as he knows that the mane never let's anything go and he proves totally right especially with a late twist. From the moment that Bill is stopped on the bay Bridge with the cops ignoring his two kids sitting in the back seat in stark terror as they are inconsequential to the arrest until the climatic end, fans will read this strong suspenseful tale in one shocking sitting.

Switchblade "Switchblade" is a very short, competently written, story by Michael Connelly about one of the myriad of cases that Harry Bosch has solved during his time with the Open-Unsolved Unit of the LAPD (my rating 3.5 stars). The Kindle Book details a mere 72 pages for the book, but "Switchblade" only takes up 35% of that space with the remaining 65% taken up with an excerpt from Connelly's recent December 2013 release of "The Gods of Guilt" plus author information. This is not detailed in the book description.

Rome's Fallen Eagle (Vespasian) Continued great writing from Robert Fabbri. He obviously knows his subject well and fills the book with intrigue and action. One of the best books available about the the time of the Roman Empire.

Signs of Life: A Memoir Natalie Taylor and her husband Josh were an average, young, married couple, perhaps a little bit happier and luckier than most. When Josh dies in a freak accident, Natalie is twenty-four years old and pregnant with their first child. Ms. Taylor easily draws the reader into sharing her journey of grief, uneasiness, and awkwardness. The death of a young person holds a unique degree of tragedy, and the descriptions of how Josh's friends and family memorialize him are seen through the unique perspective of how Natalie both yearns and dreads to hear Josh spoken of publicly.

Rosemary Cottage (Hope Beach) This book kept me guessing even as I anticipated some of the twists. My daughter was absolutely convinced I could never anticipate everything that would happen. She was right though I did unwind more of it than she did! I love a book that

keeps me guessing. I enjoy books with a satisfying romance. Put the two together, and I am a very happy reader. This book is perfect for those who love romantic mysteries.

Silent Night: A Rock Harbor Christmas Novella Silent Night was a great novella, though really short. I loved reading another story about Bree and her family - I loved the Rock Harbor series and Abomination (which is one of my favorite reads). The story wasn't that suspenseful to me, but I still enjoyed it and recommend Silent Night to fans of Colleen Coble and her Rock Harbor series.

Shovel Ready Meet Spademan, a second-generation garbage man in futuristic New York. After a dirty bomb hit Times Square, most residents of Manhattan skipped town. After personal tragedy hit Spademan, he became a garbage man of a different sort. For a price, he'll take out any trash, no questions asked male, female, doesn't matter. He doesn't care why. One phone call, no follow-up, you'll know the job is done when you find the dead body. But he does have one rule: no children.

Mr. Monk Gets on Board

I love reading the Monk books. There always a lot of fun to read and it seems, that each book gets better every time they come out. Mr. Monk Gets on Board was a lot of fun to read. There is a lot of great laugh out loud Monk moments in the book. Any Monk fan I believe, would really enjoy reading Mr. Monk Gets on Board.

Master of War A enjoyable start to what should be an enjoyable series following Thomas, his wife and children through the complex maze of allegiances during the Hundred Years War. The book compared well to Cornwell's 'Grail Quest' series taking in the same time period. The book took a turn which I didn't expect with Thomas, an Englishman, taken in by a Norman Lord after the battle of Crecy.

Murder at Hatfield House: An Elizabethan Mystery This was surrounded by the "cosy" mysteries at my local bookstore, which I generally don't like. This novel was much more meaty. It reminded me very much of Fiona Buckley's Ursula Blanchard mysteries, all of which I like and own. I am looking forward to the next in this series. And I really do appreciate the lack of bad language and sex scenes.

Killing Custer (A Wind River Mystery) The book begins with the murder of General George Custer, but this is not a historical mystery. The murder victim is actually a reenactor, and the 7th Calvary is riding in a parade near the Wind River Reservation. A big part of the books charm is the similarity of the present day murder, with what actually happened to Custer. The book is populated with wonderfully drawn characters and a setting that's so real I feel like I've been there. I particularly enjoyed reading and learning about the Arapaho Indian Tribe that inhabit the reservation.

In the Night of Time The novel is told in densely written vignettes that jump back and forth through periods of the man's life, so attention must be paid to keep up with the thrust of the plot. The hefty and often rich substance of the story (largely narrative) is what makes it worth plowing through the 600-plus pages of the book, which are heavily populated with un-indented paragraphs that frequently caused my mind to wander. That challenge notwithstanding, "In the Night of Time" very effectively and convincingly evokes the political chaos of 1930s Spain, the fraying of Spanish society, and the crumbling of the protagonist's well-ordered architect's life and his subsequent reaction to a middle-aged obsession.

Kingdom of Strangers It's not uncommon to see the personal lives of recurring characters involved in their cases, but this aspect seems to be even more integrated into the overall narrative in the case of Ibrahim and Katya. Each of them necessarily have to keep secrets in their own personal lives due to the nature of Saudi and religious law, and their own circumstances show just how difficult this lack of openness can make the investigation of any serious crime. Kingdom of Strangers is therefore another strong work from Zoe Ferraris on every level. It's an intriguing serial killer murder investigation, it's a continuation of the development of genuinely interesting and evolving characters, it's revelatory of all kinds of sickness within Saudi society, but it also gets to the beauty of the people and the world they live in.

Killer Honeymoon (A Savannah Reid Mystery) I have loved Savannah from the very first book. There has been wonderful character developement throughout the entire series. I've been waiting for this book for months and it did not disappoint.

Into the Deep

The third in Ms. Coble's Rock Harbor series takes my breath away! Once again, Bree Nicholls is back with her wonder search-and-rescue dog, Sampson, to save the day. Only this time, Bree must save Sampson! Perfectly paced, the plot of this book has twists and turns remanent of an amusement park's roller coaster! A must read for everyone who's fallen in love with Bree and the gang from Rock Harbor.

Hollow City (Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children) The author once again made great photographs managing to make a fantastic story around each of presented characters so that the reader really does not know whether were first photographs found then text created, or vice versa, because they simply fantastically complement. Therefore although I read the novel in electronic form, I plan to buy it as soon as possible in the paper form, because seldom is encountered such innovative illustrated work of art that is a treat to browse through.

First Love In a story that is remarkably inspiring, poignant, memorable and full of adventure, James Patterson, the bestselling author of the Alex Cross thrillers and The Women's Murder Club series, has taken a leap into a world of romance with his new novel, First Love, in collaboration with Emily Raymond. For those who have identified him with his brand of heartpounding, out-of-this-world thrillers, the switch is like having a bad dream. But once you get into the story, you'll understand why James Patterson has to tell this tale.

Foul Deeds: A Rosalind Mystery A professional criminologist, Rosalind works with a cranky private investigator named McBride a long-time association that has led her from one sordid foray to another in the world of crime. Her passionate escape is theatre and her latest venture is with a company of out-of-work actors putting on an independent production of Hamlet.

Heart's Blood Grey Carteret, magister of the conjurer's guild, the most powerful conjurer in all of England, awakens face down in a stinky gutter, feeling as though his entire body has been badly beaten. The voice of a young lad interrupts his confused thoughts, claiming he's watched over him through the night, protecting him with his magic.

House of Bathory

Good but not great...maybe my standards are a bit too high for this genre to be able to give this author higher praise. Again, as with the Bloodletter's Daughter, I found myself engrossed in the mix of fact and fiction. I definitely found this novel easier to get through because, unlike the aforementioned, it was not quite as shocking. Gruesome at times? Yes...but not nearly so much as Bloodletter's Daughter. All in entertaining, suspenseful, fast read but there are some holes and some stretches in the story line and pages I skimmed instead of reading.

He Drank, and Saw the Spider: An Eddie LaCrosse Novel A great mystery leavened with humor and humanity. If you haven't read Alex Bledsoe's work before, you are missing out on a great author.

Flimsy Little Plastic Miracles In what is one of the most fascinating and addictive books I've read in a while, Currie conjures Ginsberg and Ralph Ellison, writing a novel that is part poetry, part bildungsroman, and all human experience. Though I hesitate to describe Flimsy Little Plastic Miracles as poetry, it is at once poetic and experimental in its reach, and it succeeds without feeling blatantly poetic or experimental. That's a roundabout way of saying you should read it and not be scared off by its quirks.

Finding My Forever This series just keeps getting better and better. I loved Jimmy. His personality shines. I got pissed at him a few times, but dayum...way to rip my heart out Heidi. Love, love, love this book!!! Read it, people! It will be a lot better if you read Forever My Girl and My Unexpected Forever first. Read them all, people!

Dreams of the Golden Age Carrie remains one of my favorite authors and I recommend her to my high school students. What if your parents had superpowers and you didn't is how I sum up the Golden Age.

Ex-Purgatory At first, I was a bit thrown off by the pace and premise of the book, as it differs somewhat in style and format from his earlier books (for example, there are no flashback sequences that are somewhat prevalent in his other novels), but as the story progressed and I began to understand what was happening, it rapidly drew me deeply in. The story is still centered

around George Bailey, aka The Mighty Dragon, aka St George, but the other main characters are also deeply involved, and as a bonus, you get to learn more about Stealth's background.

Eggs in a Casket (A Cackleberry Club Mystery) Suzanne and Toni seem to find themselves in the midst of the death of the former prison warden, Lester Drummond, after finding him face down in a newly opened grave. Although not meant for Lester, the killer was just taking advantage of the situation. Sheriff Doogie warns the ladies to stay out of police business, but after the Sheriff has an accident and is left for dead, they are right back in the thick of things. Only after Suzanne's beau, Dr. Sam is lured out into a terrible storm does Suzanne figure out who the killer is.

Douglas: Lord of Heartache Loved this book. Grace Burrowes has an interesting mind. 'Douglas' is a story about redemption and finding one's self again. On many levels. Being a huge fan of the 'Windham' series of Burrowes' books, it was wonderful to finally have the backstory of the Duke and his heir. Much of the Windham storyline comes into focus with this book. Of course, now I have to go back and reread 'The Heir' with new eyes. Well done, Grace!

Death, Taxes, and Green Tea Ice Cream I read this book in one day. I really enjoy Dianne Kelly sense of humor. Love Tara and her work buddies. All are captivating characters. Reading this book just makes me relax and get lost in the story. This is a stand alone book, but read all of them you won't be sorry.

Dark Justice This book completely stressed me out! Of course when you are talking about a suspense book, being stressed out is a very good thing. The tension kept mounting with each page that was turned. With each new incident you begin to wonder just who you can trust. If you are like me you will begin to think about what you would do in the situation. Where would you go? Who are the good guys? How would you prepare for the impending doom?

Double Blind

In the last three years, Lisa Newberry has suffered three miscarriages, lost her husband and been the victim of a mugging. She is suffering depression from all the losses, but her acceptance into a medical trial might be the answer. Cognoscenti's new Empowerment Chip is implanted directly into the brain, and claims to remove the trauma associated with emotional issues such as depression.

Dawn of Swords (The Breaking World) In closing this a great book, the author is a really nice guy who responds to fan email, not to mention the book is over 600 pages! No one gives you that much book anymore. All I want to leave you with is my impression at the end of the book. It was like the feeling I get when I watch the third Star wars, the prequel. When you see the Darth Vader mask go over Anakins head and the twins get dropped off at their homes, I just have to watch the originals, i just have to know how it ends. That is the feeling this book left me with.

Cross of Vengeance (Burren Mysteries) Even though this novel is the tenth in the series I had no problem whatsoever with being able to understand the background of the characters, the foundation of the legal system, and the author did a wonderful job of making me comfortable with the characters as well as the surroundings. This is the type of mystery novel where the crime is solved by discussion among many interested parties so I was given all the information showing how Mara came to her conclusion. The themes of religious fervor and human nature are what hold this story together. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and will not hesitate to read more in the series.

Circus Galacticus Circus Galacticus offers a fun new take on science fiction for the middle grade/tween reader, with action and suspense building alongside moments of comedy. It's also one of those books that leaves you eager to read the sequel.

Chameleon I really enjoyed this story from the beginning even though it's outside of the usual genre I tend to gravitate to. I'm not going to lie, at one point in this story (no spoilers as to what part) I cried so hard the words blurred and I had to take a moment to compose myself. The only reason I didn't give this book 5 stars is because the ending seemed rushed and there were minor editing issues that tended to trip me up along the way... Regardless, I personally enjoyed it and will be recommending this book to my friends and family.

Blindsided (Sisterhood)

It is one of her better books of the sisterhood series. it reminds me a lot of the first 6 and it was hard to put down. I felt that the sisters were back in full swing. I was anxious to see how they were going to take care of the sister judges and the kids hurt by them.

Arena Optio Macro of the Second Legion, recently decorated for courage on the battlefield, can't wait to leave the teeming city behind. He's dismayed when he's compelled to stay in Rome to train Marcus Valerius Pavo, a young gladiatorial recruit.

Abomination Author Colleen Coble has delivered an incredible story in ABOMINATION, the fourth book in the Rock Harbor series. Engrossing, full of detail, and populated by richly drawn characters, ABOMINATION is a page-turner. Coble draws the suspense out, dragging readers along for the ride, all the while deftly keeping them in the dark until the very end. Her characters are sensational, written so well that readers will long to come home to Rock Harbor with Bree , just as Eve does.

Cries of the Lost This installment in Arthur's "adventure" leaves Knopf's Hamptons in the dust as Cathcart risks exposing himself in an ever-accelerating dash through the Caribbean, Europe and the U.S. It turns out the author is equally familiar with Arthur's new locations, and provides his typically rich background for each new stop. Cultural insight and Knopf's always engaging dialog abound as Cathcart finds an unlikely partner to help with his search. Natsumi Fitzgerald leaves the safety of her casino job to blast through London, Southern France, Italy, and Spain, from one risky confrontation to the next, while Arthur's recovering brain generates cleverer plans and reactions at every encounter.

Brewster A gorgeously written and immensely affecting coming of age story. Jon Mosher, the child of German immigrants, grows up in Brewster in 1968, around the time of the town's gentrification. Race relations and racism set an underlying tone. Jon's rejected by many because of his foreign-ness, until he meets two unlikely friends and forms a bond with them. In high school, a teacher almost blackmails him to join the track and cross country teams, where Jon finds the most solace and personal achievements.

Beyond a Doubt (Rock Harbor, Book 2) Coleen Coble captivated me with suspense and intrigue in this dynamic story. The characters drew me into their private worlds with true emotions and real problems that kept me turning page after page. I'm ready for more from this skilled writer!

Always Watching When you read Brandilyn Collins you expect mystery and thrills, and once again she doesn't disappoint. Her adult fans will find much to rave about here, while new teen readers will love the youthful voice and perspective that Amberly Collins brings to the table. Underlying the tension and dread is a strong spiritual message about trusting in the God who is always watching over us. In the end we are left with the closure we long for and a promise of even more mystery to come. The Rayne Tour is in full swing and you can guarantee that I won't miss a show.

A Little Love Pru Plum is the celebrated owner of a famous Mayfair bakery. She wears Chanel and her hair is expensively cut. Few would believe that this elegant woman turned sixty-six last year. But Pru is not the confident, successful businesswoman she appears. She has done shameful things to get to where she is today. And she will do anything to protect the secrets of her past - especially when, for the first time in her life, she has finally fallen in love...

Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Crafts: An A-to-Z Guide with Detailed Instructions and Endless Inspiration ISBN: 0307450570 | 2009 | EPUB | 416 pages | 104 MB This amazing tome is a technique-based, how-to reference book, which includes more than 200 innovative craft projects. With thorough, step-by-step instructions and more than 700 instructional and inspirational photos, this book makes crafting fun and exciting. As you know, crafts has always been an extremely popular subject at Martha Stewart Living. Our crafts editors have developed an impressive library of projects that clearly display our talent for adopting and adjusting historical and established techniques. Today, with our ideas and our creativity, and with modern tools and materials, we have brought these crafts into the twenty-first century. This Encyclopedia of Crafts will serve as a helpful guide for anyone who loves to create.

Choose More, Lose More for Life ISBN: 1401324843 | 2013 | EPUB | 304 pages | 15 MB Transform Your Body, Transform Your Life! Each season, millions of viewers tune in to see Chris Powell lead extraordinary transformations on ABC's breakout hit reality-transformation show, Extreme Weight Loss. Now, building on the basic weight-loss philosophy introduced in his bestselling book Choose to Lose, Chris has created a transformation plan anyone can follow--one that recognizes that no weight-loss journey is the same, and that more options mean longer-lasting results. At the center of Chris Powell's Choose More, Lose More for Life is Chris's carb-cycling plan, which kicks your metabolism into full gear by alternating between low- and high-carb days. Never carb-cycled before? No problem. Powell provides all the information you need to get started and see immediate results. Been carb-cycling but need to shake things up? This book provides four different cycles--Easy, Classic, Turbo, and Fit--to help you find a plan that fits you. Chris also understands that weight loss plateaus when we get bored. So in this book, he focuses on choices--including more than twenty new workouts called Nine-Minute Missions--that pack maximum results into minimal time. He also offers more delicious and easy recipes to keep you eating well, more tracking logs to keep you motivated, and more success stories to inspire you as you write your own--one that lasts for the rest of your life! "If you want results--if you want to lose that weight and transform your life?you need to stop thinking about it and get going! You hold in your hand the map to an incredible path to success, and I'll be right beside you 100 percent, cheering you all the way to your finish line. You're choosing to make a healthy change, and I'm choosing you. It's going to be a wonderful journey for both of us!" - Shape Your Body in Just Nine Minutes Each Day - Find a Carb Cycle That's Made for You

- Build in Cheat Days to Enjoy Foods You Love - Eat Carbs to Lose Weight - Transform Your Body, One Success at a Time

Bullying (Teen FAQ) English | ISBN: 1445100894, 1848377037 | 2010 | EPUB | 48 pages | 6,4 MB

Achieve Anything in Just One Year: Be Inspired Daily to Live Your Dreams and Accomplish Your Goals Published: 2010-01-01 | ISBN: 0981363903 | EPUBMOBI | 376 pages | 3 MB Learn to make small daily choices that will transform your life. Find your personal inspiration. Rediscover your motivation. Propel yourself out of an unfulfilling existence. Comprehensive and inspiring, this self help book will teach you how to: Set goals and stick with them Take daily action that creates a ripple effect Stay motivated, focused and balanced Feel happier everyday Define, pursue and celebrate personal success

A Dog Walks into a Nursing Home: Lessons in the Good Life from an Unlikely Teacher (Audiobook) Unabridged edition 2013 | 7 hours and 4 mins | ISBN: 145266210X | MP3 32 kbps | 97 MB At loose ends with her daughter leaving home and her husband on the road, Sue Halpern decided to give herself and Pransky, her under-occupied Labradoodle, a new leash-er, lease-on life by getting the two of them certified as a therapy dog team. Smart, spirited, and instinctively compassionate, Pransky turned out to be not only a terrific therapist but an unerring moral compass. In the unlikely sounding arena of a public nursing home, she led her teammate into a series of encounters with the residents that revealed depths of warmth, humor, and insight Halpern hadnt expected. And little by little, their adventures expanded and illuminated Halperns sense of what virtue is and does-how acts of kindness transform the giver as well as the given-to. Funny, moving, and profound, A Dog Walks into a Nursing Home is the story of how one faithful, charitable, loving, and sometimes prudent mutt-showing great hope, fortitude, and restraint along the way (the occasional begged or stolen treat notwithstanding)-taught a well-meaning woman the true nature and pleasures of the good life.

The DC Comics Guide to Inking Comics English | ISBN: 0823010295 | 2003 | 128 pages | EPUB | 25 MB For the aspiring artist who wants to become an expert comic book inker, The DC Comics Guide to Inking Comics is the definitive, one-stop resource! America's leading comic book publisher brings its superstar creators and classic characters to the third in an authoritative series of books on how to create comics. Legendary comic book inker Klaus Janson uses DC's world-famous charactersincluding Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman-to demonstrate an array of inking techniques, covering such topics as using textures, varying line weights, creating the illusion of three-dimensionality, and working with light and dark. Janson's lively, step-by-step instructions are informative, exciting-and clear enough for even beginners to follow. In addition, every technique shown in this guide conforms to actual industry standards. The perfect how-to on everything from basic inking materials to storytelling techniques, this one-stop sourcebook is packed with a wealth of tested techniques, practical advice, and professional secrets for the aspiring comic artist.

Rustic Modern Crochet: 18 Designs Inspired by Nature 2014 | ISBN: 1596687363 | English | 112 pages | EPUB | 10 MB A collection of unique and sophisticated crochet designs! Enjoy Yumiko Alexander's showcase of eighteen clean, sophisticated crochet designs. Her garments feature eye-catching construction based on very simple lines that come together in unexpected ways. Stitch patterns have central focus here, as the silhouettes or shapes are kept simple to emphasize the crocheted fabric. Yumiko's pieces are versatile enough that they can be dressed up or down according to your fancy. Yumiko takes her inspiration from the natural world–tide-swept sand, shells, coral, shale rock formations, the colors of sunset. Her nature-inspired palette is brought to life using luscious yarns that are as pleasing to the hand as they are to the eye. These designs will appeal to crocheters seeking a more upscale look in their garments. Rustic Modern Crochet features designs in subtle earth tones and warm sunset hues that hold a cross-generational appeal.

Bird Sense: What It’s Like to Be a Bird ISBN: 0802779662 | 2012 | EPUB | 288 pages | 730 KB What is going on inside the head of a nightingale as it sings, and how does its brain improvise? How do desert birds detect rain hundreds of kilometers away? How do birds navigate by using an innate magnetic compass? Tracing the history of how our knowledge about birds has grown, particularly through advances in technology over the past fifty years, Bird Sense tells captivating stories about how birds interact with one another and their environment. Never before has there been a popular book about how intricately bird behavior is shaped by birds senses. A lifetime spent studying birds has provided Tim Birkhead with a wealth of fieldwork experiences, insights, and a unique understanding of birds, all firmly grounded in science. No one who reads Bird Sense can fail to be dazzled by it.

Handwritten Recipes English | ISBN: 0399160140 | 2012 | EPUB | 208 pages | 20,6 MB Leaf through your cookbooks, and you’re likely to find a bit of paper with a recipe written in a familiar (or not-so-familiar) hand. It could be a family secret finally divulged, a scribbled interpretation of something seen on TV, even a culinary experiment long since forgotten. What happens to these recipes when the books are passed on? By day, Michael Popek works in his family’s used bookstore. By night, he’s the voyeuristic force behind the websites ForgottenBookmarks and HandwrittenRecipes, where he shares the weird, wonderful objects he has found among the stacks at his store. Handwritten Recipes is a treasury of Michael’s most fascinating found recipes. You’ll find classic Americana like pies and casseroles alongside ethnic mainstays such as Italian cookies, springerle, and German dumplings. Some are perfectly clear and complete, while others leave crucial elements—like cooking times and ingredient measurements—to the reader’s imagination. You can venture to try any recipe, or just enjoy Popek’s findings as a time capsule from kitchens of generations gone by.

Baby on Board: Becoming a Mother without Losing Yourself-A Guide for Moms-to-Be English | 2007 | ISBN: 0814409075 | Pages: 224 | PDF | 1 MB Most mothers-to-be are so busy preparing for their babies that they fail to focus on themselves. But during this incredible, thrilling, life-changing time, it is more important than ever that they take the time to reflect. What kind of mother do they want to be? Will they fashion themselves after their own moms, or do they picture their lives differently? Filled with practical advice and heartfelt wisdom, as well as anecdotes and hands-on exercises, Baby on Board is an encouraging and inspiring guide that helps readers figure out what motherhood means to them personally, while ensuring that they dont lose their sense of self as they become parents. Based on the authors successful life-coaching of women across the country, Baby on Board helps readers discover what will bring them balance and fulfillment as new mothers as they juggle career, family demands, social expectations, and their own needs and dreams. This unique book supports, encourages, and celebrates each womans unique path to motherhood, giving each just the right amount of direction to let them lead themselves.

The New Atkins for a New You Cookbook: 200 Simple and Delicious Low-Carb Recipes in 30 Minutes or Less English | ISBN: 1451660847 | 2011 | EPUB | 288 pages | 7,4 MB HEALTHY NEVER TASTED SO GOOD! The New Atkins for a New You revolutionized low-carb eating and introduced a whole new approach to the classic Atkins Diet, offering a more flexible and easier-to-maintain lifestyle. But there’s one thing people keep asking for: more Atkins-friendly recipes. And that’s what The New Atkins for a New You Cookbook deliversвЂ‖it’s the first cookbook to reflect the new Atkins program, featuring 32 pages of full-color photographs and 200 original low-carb recipes that are: QUICK With prep time of 30 minutes or less SIMPLE Most use 10 or fewer ingredients ACCESSIBLE Made primarily with ingredients found in supermarkets DELICIOUS You'll be amazed that low-carb food can be this fresh and tasty! Atkins is more than just a diet, it's a healthy lifestyle that focuses on weight management from Day 1, ensuring that once you take the weight off, you'll keep it off for good. And The New Atkins for a New You Cookbook features recipes with a broad range of carb counts, providing the perfect plan for a lifetime of healthy eating. They include: POULTRY, MEAT, AND SEAFOOD‖ more than 60 innovative ways to prepare these Atkins-friendly staples VEGETARIAN ENTRE‖ such as Spinach-Mushroom Quiche, and even Mustardy Mac Cheese and Tofu Pad Thai

BREAKFAST OPTIONS‖ go beyond scrambled eggs with low-carb versions of muffins, pancakes, scones, granola, and smoothies DESSERTS‖ more than 35 decadent, delicious, and totally Atkins-friendly treats, including Pistachio-Chocolate Truffles, Pineapple Upside-Down Cake, and four different kinds of cheesecake SOUPS AND STEWS‖ including Thai Coconut-Shrimp Soup, Tomato Bisque, and Green Chile Pork Stew SALADS WITH THEIR DRESSINGS‖ such as Mexican Avocado Salad, Orange and Goat Cheese Salad, and Curried Quinoa with Snow Peas SANDWICHES AND MORE‖ like Mozzarella, Kalamata, and Tomato Panini; Sauted Onion, Black Olive, and Goat Cheese Pizza; and Chicken Teriyaki Burgers APPETIZERS AND SNACKS‖ from Baba Ghanoush and Avocado Hummus to Summer Rolls VEGETABLES AND OTHER SIDES‖ including more than 30 recipes for all your favorite veggies, from green beans and sweet potatoes to zucchini, plus wild rice and other satisfying grains

New York Times Best Sellers COMBINED PRINT & E-BOOK FICTION & NONFICTION - January 26, 2014 English | EPUB + MOBI | Ebooks Collection | All In One | 150 MB The New York Times Best Seller list is widely considered the preeminent list of best-selling books in the United States. It is published weekly in The New York Times Book Review. The best-seller list has been ongoing since October 12, 1931. New York Times Bestseller Fiction Combined (Print and eBook) - January 26, 2014 1. THE INVENTION OF WINGS, by Sue Monk Kidd. (Viking.) 2. THE GOLDFINCH, by Donna Tartt. (Little, Brown.) 3. DARK WOLF, by Christine Feehan. (Berkley.) 4. FEAR NOTHING, by Lisa Gardner. (Dutton.) 5. SYCAMORE ROW, by John Grisham. (Doubleday.) 6. STANDUP GUY, by Stuart Woods. (Putnam.) 7. AFTER THE STORM, by Maya Banks. (Berkley.) 8. RIVER ROAD, by Jayne Ann Krentz. (Putnam.) 9. GONE GIRL, by Gillian Flynn. (Crown.) 10. THE HUSBAND'S SECRET, by Liane Moriarty. (Amy Einhorn/Putnam.) 11. COMMAND AUTHORITY, by Tom Clancy with Mark Greaney. (Putnam.) 12. ROME, by Jay Crownover. (Morrow/HarperCollins.) 13. THE ROSIE PROJECT, by Graeme Simsion. (Simon & Schuster.) 14. WANTED, by J. Kenner. (Bantam.) 15. THE PAGAN LORD, by Bernard Cornwell. (Harper.) 16. TAKEDOWN TWENTY, by Janet Evanovich (Bantam) 17. INNOCENCE, by Dean Koontz (Bantam) 18. WAIT FOR YOU, by J. Lynn (Morrow)

19. THE GODS OF GUILT, by Michael Connelly (Little, Brown) 20. THE DESTINY OF VIOLET & LUKE (CALLIE & KAYDEN), by Jessica Sorensen (Forever) 21. CROSS MY HEART, by James Patterson (Little, Brown) 22. BEFORE JAMAICA LANE, by Samantha Young (NAL) 23. KING AND MAXWELL, by David Baldacci (Grand Central) 24. THE LONGEST RIDE, by Nicholas Sparks (Grand Central) 25. FIFTY SHADES OF GREY, by E. L. James (Vintage) New York Times Bestseller Non-Fiction Combined (Print and eBook) January 26, 2014 1. LONE SURVIVOR, by Marcus Luttrell and Patrick Robinson. (Little, Brown.) 2. KILLING JESUS, by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard. (Holt.) 3. THINGS THAT MATTER, by Charles Krauthammer. (Crown Forum.) 4. DAVID AND GOLIATH, by Malcolm Gladwell. (Little, Brown.) 5. THE WOLF OF WALL STREET, by Jordan Belfort. (Bantam.) 6. WILD, by Cheryl Strayed. (Knopf.) 7. BRAINSTORM, by Daniel J. Siegel. (Tarcher/Penguin.) 8. THE MONUMENTS MEN, by Robert M. Edsel with Bret Witter. (Center Street.) 9. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S SECRET SIX, by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger. (Sentinel.) 10.HEAVEN IS FOR REAL, by Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent. (Thomas Nelson.) 11.I AM MALALA, by Malala Yousafzai with Christina Lamb. (Little, Brown.) 12.LEAN IN, by Sheryl Sandberg with Nell Scovell. (Knopf.) 13.ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK, by Piper Kerman. (Spiegel & Grau.) 14.UNBROKEN, by Laura Hillenbrand. (Random House.) 15.LITTLE FAILURE, by Gary Shteyngart. (Random House.) 16.PROOF OF HEAVEN, by Eben Alexander (Simon & Schuster) 17.QUIET, by Susan Cain (Crown) 18.THE BULLY PULPIT, by Doris Kearns Goodwin (Simon & Schuster) 19.TWELVE YEARS A SLAVE, by Solomon Northup (Various publishers) 20.THINKING, FAST AND SLOW, by Daniel Kahneman (Farrar, Straus & Giroux) 21.OUTLIERS, by Malcolm Gladwell (Little, Brown) 22.MY AGE OF ANXIETY, by Scott Stossel (Knopf) 23.YOUR LIFE CALLING, by Jane Pauley (Simon & Schuster)(Not Available) 24.THE POWER OF HABIT, by Charles Duhigg (Random House) 25.THE HAPPY WIVES CLUB, by Fawn Weaver (Thomas Nelson)(Not Available)

The Spirit Book: The Encyclopedia of Clairvoyance, Channeling, and Spirit Communication English | ISBN: 1578591724, 1578592135 | 2005 | PDF | 528 pages | 28,1 MB The fascinating history of Spiritualism is coaxed into the material realm as the object of this perceptive and sweeping encyclopedic overview by Raymond Buckland, a legendary author of the occult and supernatural. More than 500 entries and 100 illustrations cover clairvoyance, channeling, and more.

Master iPhone Photography Serenity Caldwell | 2012 | EPUB | ISBN: 1937821072, ASIN: B008KT4LCG | 136 pages | 4 Mb Thanks to the iPhone, many more of us have a camera in our pocket. But, like any art, perfect photography takes time. (Maybe not so much money wasted on roll upon roll of 35mm film, but still.) That's why we put together this book, our attempt to help you glide through the rough patches and onto photographic stardom. This book explains it all: the nitty-gritty bits of taking pictures, editing and sharing your work, and using third-party apps and accessories to move from mischief to mastery. We still can't teach you to have fun, or love your iPhone camera. But with any luck, this book will put you on that path.

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