BP Insurance Brokers - The Underwriter, Winter 2015-16

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Driving through the dark months The winter months can make driving tough - even experienced professional drivers can be daunted by driving conditions at this time of year. Throughout the winter, preparation is the key to peace of mind when you’re on the road; a few precautions and changes to your driving habits can make all the difference. As easy as it might seem to postpone your winter driving preparations, if the conditions turn bad, you’ll be glad you took the time! Naturally, it starts before you even set off. Ask yourself if you really need to make the journey (can you delay it until the weather’s better?), and if you absolutely have to travel, be sure to allow plenty of extra time, even for the most familiar routes. Make sure your car is in good condition. Check the oil and water regularly throughout the winter, as well as the tyre pressure. Remember, your tyres are the only point of contact between you and the road, so it’s essential that they’re ready for each journey. Pay close attention to the road surface and climate conditions before you set off. Black ice and freezing fog can

make any route treacherous, and stopping distances can increase tenfold in snow or heavy rain. Visibility is always a key consideration. Put your headlights on as soon as the weather becomes bad, but only use your fog lights when visibility is particularly poor. Make sure your headlights, wing mirrors and indicators are clean, as dirt from the road can impair their effectiveness. Your windscreen needs particular attention during the winter - in freezing conditions, even a small chip or flaw could cause the whole screen to shatter. Likewise, your wiper blades have to work hard at this time of year, so check that they’re in good condition. Top your washer bottle up before every trip, and check that there’s enough antifreeze in it. Listening to local radio is a good way of staying abreast of changing conditions. You’ll hear about any road closures, traffic jams and incidents, and can plan accordingly so as to avoid any danger areas. Indeed, technology can certainly help with winter driving, but it won’t necessarily solve all your problems. Even if your phone is completely charged (and it really should be), you might not be able to get a signal, so take some change in case you have to use a payphone.

Prepare an emergency snow kit and you’ll enjoy peace of mind on a winter journey: Likewise, don’t rely on your mobile for the important numbers you might need, like your breakdown insurance provider’s number and your membership details. If your battery runs out, you’ll be stuck! Write the numbers down and keep them somewhere safe in your car. Rather than being dependent on your sat-nav, check the route in advance. Even the most sophisticated pathfinding software can sometimes take you off the main road and up a narrow dirt track that leads nowhere. Purchase a current A to Z and make sure you’re familiar with the journey you’re making; this way, you’ll be aware of any strange directions coming from your automated companion. Be sure to tell someone where you’re going, and when you expect to arrive. This is particularly important when you’re heading to a rural area, and ensures that someone is able to raise the alarm if you’re late and they don’t hear from you. You should also take a secure flask with a hot drink, and some non-perishable food - this is particularly important if you’re travelling with children. Always think “worst case scenario” when you’re preparing for a winter trip. It’s so much better to be ready for anything, than to find yourself stranded in foul weather. In better weather, it can be easy to forget just how dangerous and frightening a winter breakdown can be.

Torch • Blanket Ice scraper • De-icer Grit (cat litter works too) Well-maintained spare tyre Jump leads • First aid kit Tow rope • Snow chains Consider a reflective jacket and warning triangle too - they don’t cost much but it’s great to know you have them ready.

Want to know more? Call 01253 393106 or visit www.bpib.co.uk to find out how we could help you.

The festive finishing touches They don’t call it the party season for nothing. This is the time of year when we all want to create a festive atmosphere that delights the senses. Of course, there’s no harm in making the season of goodwill feel a little more magical, as long as you take some basic safety steps - as well as exercising a little common sense along the way. Snow spray is beloved of youngsters decorating their bedroom windows… and hated by the parents who have to scrape it off in January. Make sure that you use a non-flammable spray (check the can carefully), and take care that the room is well ventilated when you’re making all those lovely snowflake patterns. Whether you have children of your own, or are expecting an influx of young visitors this year, it’s crucial that your home is decorated in a child-safe way. Aside from the obvious electrical hazard, strings of lights are a strangulation risk. Glass or metal decorations should be kept out of reach, as should fake berries or other decorations which might be a choking risk. Scented plugins are great for setting the mood, but they’re also a fire hazard. Never leave them on when you’re not at home. Similarly, scented candles are dangerous for obvious reasons - extinguish them completely before you leave the house or go to bed. The

smell of cinnamon and mulled wine really isn’t worth putting your home in jeopardy for! On cold winter evenings, it can be tempting to use a portable electric heater. Many models have a mock flame effect which makes a great centrepiece for a relaxed evening. However, the trailing power cable on an appliance like this is a twofold hazard. Firstly, it’s important to ensure that the cable isn’t snagged under the appliance itself; secondly, you should check that you aren’t going to fall over it in the subdued light. When you go to bed, switch it off at the mains. Similarly, Christmas lights look wonderful, but shouldn’t be left unattended for long periods. Before you put them up, check the entire string carefully for signs of wear and tear, particularly around the power pack. If you’re in any doubt about how safe your lights are, buy a new set - they’re not expensive. Take extra care when putting lights up, as they can generate a surprising amount of heat and could scorch or ignite fabrics. Of course, the Christmas tree is the focal point of many a home this winter. If you’re buying a new one, make sure it’s fire resistant, and keep it at least three feet from any heat sources such as fires, heaters or radiators. If you opt for a real tree, make sure it’s as fresh as possible and stays well hydrated - this will make it less of a fire hazard.

Want to know more? Call 01253 393106 or visit www.bpib.co.uk to find out how we could help you.




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Find some winter sunshine With the best will in the world, the long nights and cold dark days of the winter months can bring you down a bit. Getting away from it all can be a great antidote to the winter blues, and if you’re a keen skier, you could combine a holiday with some fun on the slopes too. Winter holidays are big business, with a whole industry built around helping you to escape the bleak midwinter with some sunshine and leisure.

However, that doesn’t mean you can take it all for granted - just like a holiday at the traditional height of summer, there’s plenty to see into before you jet off for a break. Tempting as it might seem to book a lastminute trip and just jump on a plane, it’s essential that you take care of the practicalities of travel.

that covers you for it. Jury service, industrial action, a tour operator going bust… any number of factors could come into play, but the right holiday insurance can help make sure you don’t lose out, even if you have to forego your trip.

Naturally, this goes far beyond “passports, tickets, money” - although they are, of course, rather important in themselves. The desperation to get away from it all on a winter break can lead to bad preparation, and one of the most common casualties is travel insurance, so if you’re heading off on a winter holiday, take a little time to make sure your policy is right for your trip.

The insurance cover you need is dependent on many things, key among them being the activities you’ll be undertaking while you’re away. Don’t assume that just because you’re planning a quiet trip you can rely on the cheapest policy - a beach break might seem safer than a high-adrenaline ski holiday, but every trip has its own dangers. Be sure to tell your insurer about the nature of your plans, and don’t take any risks you wouldn’t take at home.

Thinking ahead Far too many people book their holiday, but don’t think about organising their travel insurance until just before they go. After all, it’ll save money, won’t it? Hardly. Life has a way of surprising us all, and if your trip has to be cancelled for any reason, you need an insurance policy

What are you planning?

Be prepared If you’re in any doubt about your holiday insurance, speak to your insurer today. You may find that your policy does everything you need it to, but there’s no

point wondering, and a quick phone call is all it takes. In particular, make sure you know how to claim - it’s not a pleasant thing to think of, but if something does happen while you’re away, you may need to obtain specific items of paperwork such as medical reports.

And just in case you’d forgotten… Passports If you didn’t check yours was in date before you left, you may need to pull out the stops in order to get it sorted. Visit www.gov.uk/get-a-passport-urgently for details on the fast-track services available - but remember that the whole process can still take around a month.

Tickets Get all your documentation together well in advance - there’s no point struggling to print your boarding pass when the airport taxi is waiting outside. Some travel companies allow you to use tickets held as email attachments on your mobile phone, but a printed copy is always recommended as a backup.

Money Don’t rely on ATMs while you’re away - in most cases you’ll pay non-sterling transaction fees which can quickly mount up. It’s also worth bearing in mind that different credit cards have different rates, so a bit of advance planning could stop you spending more than you need to. Always carry some cash with you, as not everyone will accept cards.

Take care of your furry friends

It can be easy to overlook the impact the winter weather might have on the animals in your home. Check that their sleeping quarters, whether indoors or outdoors, are warm and dry enough; just because your dog has its own fur coat, doesn’t mean it’ll be comfortable in a damp, cold kennel. Every month is a new discovery for young pets, and they may be confused by the changing weather. Snow, in particular, can be frightening and disconcerting. If you’re in any doubt about how your pet will react, take time to acclimatise them to winter conditions. A walk around the garden on a lead might help them to become familiar with the texture of snow or frost. It’s a cliche, but with good reason… pets should NEVER be bought as Christmas gifts. Every year hundreds of pets are abandoned after the novelty wears off and the responsibility of keeping an animal starts to dawn

on their new owners. Please don’t add to the statistics; if you’re considering getting a pet for yourself or your child, be sure you’ve considered all the implications. You’re welcoming a new life into your home - are you prepared? Finally, take a moment to think of the wildlife outside your home. Putting some food out can provide valuable sustenance for the birds, but if you’re going to do this, you must do it regularly. If birds know food has been available in your garden, they’ll keep coming back. Don’t disappoint them!

Want to know more? Call 01253 393106 or visit www.bpib.co.uk to find out how we could help you.

LETTING SOLUTIONS ASPIRE NOT ONLY TO FULFIL A LETTING SOLUTIONS ASPIRE NOT ONLY TOFULFIL FULFIL A CUSTOMER’S EXPECTATIONS BUT ONLY TO EXCEED THEM. LETTING SOLUTIONS ASPIRE NOT TO A for over 10 years. TheseLETTING days, customer service SOLUTIONS ASPIRE NOT ONLY TO FULFIL A CUSTOMER’S EXPECTATIONS BUTTO TO EXCEED THEM. and satisfaction usually come Unlike others, Letting Solutions aspire CUSTOMER’S EXPECTATIONS BUT EXCEED THEM. with aLETTING negative connotation, SOLUTIONS ASPIRE NOT ONLY TO FULFIL A CUSTOMER’S BUT TO EXCEED THEM. not only a customer’s forEXPECTATIONS overto10fulfil years. These days, customer service for over 10but years. These days, customer service expectations but not at Letting Solutions. to exceed them. The and satisfaction usually come for over 10 years. 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Quayside, Fleetwood Vermont Grove,Thornton Cleveleys Willowbank Avenue, Blackpool and comprehensive variety of services, taken seriously and so is complying with the necessary regulatory bodies as ensuring that they have something to Quayside, Fleetwood Vermont Grove,Thornton Cleveleys Willowbank Blackpool Fleetwood Vermont Grove,Thornton Cleveleys Willowbank Avenue, Blackpool wellQuayside, as the team being ARLA members offer everyone, howeverAvenue, they can also

Quayside, Fleetwood 2 bed purpose built apartment Modern bathroom and kitchen ● Spacious throughout Popular location next to Freeport ● Allocated parking built apartment ● 2 bed purpose

● ●

● Vermont Grove,Thornton 1 bed true bungalow Cleveleys

● Willowbank Avenue, Blackpool South Shore location

Ideal retirement area ● Conservatory Modern kitchen and bathroom ● ● Garage 1 bed true bungalow ●

● Conservatory Ground floor bathroom Front & rear gardens ● Gas central heating ● South Shore location

● ● Modern bathroom kitchen Conservatory ● Ideal retirement area ● 2 bed purpose builtand apartment 1 ●bed true bungalow South Shore location ● Ground floor bathroom £495 pcm £550 pcm ● ● IdealConservatory retirement area Conservatory ● ● Popular location next to Freeport Modern Front &floor rearbathroom gardens ● ● kitchen and bathroom ● Spacious throughout Conservatory Ground ● ● ● Allocated parking Garage Gas central heating ● ● ● ● ● Front Popular location next to Freeport Modern kitchen and bathroom & rear gardens 2 bed purpose built apartment 1 bed true bungalow South Shore location ● ● ● Redvers Terrace, Blackpool Parkstone ●Avenue,Thornton Hastings Avenue,Warton ● ● Allocated parking GarageCleveleys Gas central heating bathroom and kitchen Ideal ●retirement ● ● 2 bed Modern purpose built apartment 1 bed true bungalowarea SouthConservatory Shore location ● ● ● £450 throughout pcm £495 pcm £550 pcm Spacious Conservatory Ground floor bathroom ● ● ● Modern bathroom and kitchen Conservatory ● ● Ideal retirement area ● Popular location next to Freeport Modern kitchenpcm and bathroom Front & rear gardens ● £450 pcm £495 £550 pcm ●● 2 bed purpose ●● 1 bed ● built apartment Shore location Spacious throughout Conservatory Ground bathroom ● ● true bungalow ●Southfloor Allocated parking Garage Gas central heating ● ● ● ● ● ● Modern bathroom and kitchen Ideal retirement area Conservatory Popular location next to Freeport Modern kitchen and bathroom Front & rear gardens Redvers Terrace, Blackpool Parkstone Avenue,Thornton Cleveleys Hastings Avenue,Warton ● ● ● Spacious throughout ● ● Conservatory ● Ground floor bathroom Allocated parking Garagepcm Gas £550 centralpcm heating ● ● ● £450 pcm £495 Redvers Terrace, Parkstone Avenue,Thornton Cleveleys Hastings Popular location nextBlackpool to Freeport Modern kitchen and bathroom FrontAvenue,Warton & rear gardens ● ● ● Allocated parking Garage Gas central heating ● ●

● Spacious throughout £450 pcm ● Modern bathroom and kitchen

! NE £450 pcm O G ! Redvers Terrace, Blackpool NE ! E O GON G ! NE O G E !E ! N N O G GO

Redvers Terrace, Blackpool £450 pcm

! NE £495 pcm O G ! Parkstone Avenue,Thornton Cleveleys NE ! E O GON G ! NE O G EE! ! N N O GGO

Parkstone Avenue,Thornton £495 pcm Cleveleys

● ● Parkstone Avenue,Thornton Cleveleys TwoRedvers bedroomTerrace, terrace Blackpool Sought after residential location ● Excellent condition throughout 4 bedroom dormer bungalow ● ● Gas central heating Gardens front and rear ● ● Modern kitchen and bathroom Double glazed ● ● Popular residential location En-suite room location ● ● Two bedroom terrace Sought shower after residential

Excellent condition terrace throughout ● Two bedroom

● Gascondition central heating £550 pcm ● Excellent throughout

Modern bathroom ● Gaskitchen centraland heating ● Popular residential location ● Modern andterrace bathroom Two kitchen bedroom Popular condition residentialthroughout location Excellent ● £550 pcm Gas central heating ● Modern kitchen and bathroom ● pcm Two£550 bedroom terrace ● Popular residential location ● ● Two bedroom terrace Excellent condition throughout ● ● Excellent condition throughout Gas central heating ● ● £550 pcm Modern kitchen and bathroom Gas central heating ● ● Popular location Modern kitchenresidential and bathroom ● ●

● ●

Popular residential location £550 pcm

£550 pcm

4 bedroom dormer bungalow Sought after residential location ● Gardens front and rear pcm 4£650 bedroom dormer bungalow ● Double glazed ● Gardens front and rear ● En-suite shower room ● Double glazed Sought ●after residential location ● En-suite dormer shower bungalow room 4 ●bedroom ● £650front pcm Gardens and rear ● Doublepcm glazed ● £650 Sought after residential location ● En-suite shower room ● ● Sought after residential 4 bedroom dormer location bungalow ● ● 4 bedroom dormer Gardens frontbungalow and rear ● ● £650 pcm Double glazed Gardens front and rear ● ● En-suite shower room Double glazed ●

● ●

En-suite shower room £650 pcm

£650 pcm

! NE £550 pcm O G ! Hastings Avenue,Warton NE ! E O GON G ! NE O G EE!! N N O GGO

Hastings£550 Avenue,Warton pcm

Hastingsmodern Avenue,Warton Detached 3 bedroom Close to British Aerospace ● En-suite shower room ● Gardens front and rear ● ● DetachedGarage modern 3 bedroom

Close tomodern British Aerospace Detached 3 bedroom ● En-suite shower room £695 pcm Close to British Aerospace ● ● Gardens front and rear En-suite shower room ● Garage ● ● Gardens front and rear Detached modern 3 bedroom ● GarageAerospace Close to● British ● £695shower pcm room En-suite ● Gardens front and rear ● £695 pcm Detached ●modern 3 bedroom Garage bedroom ● ● Detached modern Close to British 3Aerospace ● ● Close to British Aerospace En-suite shower room ●● £695 pcm Gardens front and rear En-suite shower room ● ● Garage Gardens front and rear ●

● ●

● Garage £695 pcm

£695 pcm

tailor these to suit each individual’s specific needs where necessary including our trademarked service; Your RenttoOn Every Time tailor these suitTime… each individual’s in which wetoguarantee that your rent tailor these suit each individual’s specific needs where necessary will be paid full onnecessary the service; monthly due specific needs where including ourintrademarked date, ofeach whether your tenant including ourto service; tailor these totrademarked suit each individual’s Your Rent On Time… Every Time tailor regardless these suit individual’s pays or not*, affording you theTime peace of Your Rent Time… Every in which we On guarantee that your rent specific needs where necessary needs where necessary mind safeguarding your income. in which we that your rent will bebypaid inguarantee full on the monthly due including our trademarked service; including our trademarked service; tailor these to suit each individual’s will be paid in full on the monthly due date, regardless of whether your tenant You will benefit from having your own Your Rent On Time… Every Time Your Rent On Time… Every Time specific needs where necessary date, regardless of whether your tenant pays or not*, affording you the peace of experienced property account manager, in which we guarantee that your rent in which we guarantee that your rent including our trademarked service; pays or not*, you thethe peace mind bypaid safeguarding your income. meaning you will deal with same will be inaffording full on the monthly dueof your tenants, ensuring that any will beby paid in full onpassed theEvery monthly due Your Rent On Time… Time mind safeguarding your person and not bewhether around date,will regardless of your tenant You benefit from havingincome. your ownan problems are dealt with in person and in which we account guarantee thatthe your rent date, regardless of whether your tenant office.Your manager will pays or not*, affording you peace of You will benefit from having your own experienced property account manager, promptly, whether it be a leaky pipe or will be in affording full on your theyou monthly due of pays or not*, themanager, peace communicate with regularly, mind bypaid safeguarding income. experienced account meaning you property will dealyou with the same a tenantensuring has locked themselves out, date, regardless oftowhether your tenant yourif tenants, that any mind by safeguarding your income. keeping you up date with anything meaning will deal with the same person and not be passed around an You will benefit from having your ownof problems can knowing pays or not*, affording you the peace youryou tenants, ensuring any aresleep dealt soundly withthat in person andthat regarding your property.They will also person and not be passed around an office.Your account manager will experienced property account manager, You will benefit from having your own promptly, Letting have it covered. mind by safeguarding your income. problems areSolutions dealt itwith inleaky person and whether be a pipe or provide you with quarterly inspections office.Your manager communicate withdeal you regularly, meaning youaccount will with thewill same experienced property account manager, promptly, whether it be a leaky pipe ifyour a So, tenant hasensuring locked themselves out, if you’re not happy with theorservice tenants, that any You willand benefit from having your own and detailed reports. 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they provide a 24 hour helpline for

references and credit checks.


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Seasonal shopping safety Buying Christmas presents is stressful enough at the best of times - the last thing you need is for all those expensive purchases to go “missing” and end up in someone else’s hands. At this time of year, thieves patrol shopping centre car parks, looking for valuables on show. The best policy is, if something won’t fit in the boot, keep it with you. You wouldn’t leave your wallet or handbag on the car seat, so a branded bag that’s clearly full of festive gifts is also a no-no. Many shops

let you leave your purchases with them to collect later, so you don’t have to make lots of separate trips to the car. Try to keep your “gift miles” as low as possible, to minimise the risks you take. If it’s at all possible, don’t have too many expensive items in your car at once. Most car insurance policies have fairly low thresholds in this respect, and you could easily be caught out. Personal possessions insurance can raise this amount but again, it pays to be aware of what restrictions are in place - as well as weighing up the excess and potential loss of your no-claims bonus.

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Marionette Facilities Ltd. trading as BP Insurance Brokers. Registered in England No. 3240846. Registered Office: Marionette House, 73-75 Whitegate Drive, Blackpool FY3 9DA. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.


Essential maintenance for homes and businesses Colder weather doesn’t just mean looking after yourself by wrapping up warm. The buildings you spend time in - your home as well as your office premises - need taking care of too.

It doesn’t take long to safeguard your properties against the onset of winter, and the potential outlay both in terms of time and money should be enough to motivate you. Just keep a few key points in mind and you won’t go far wrong.

Put the heating on a timer - just an hour each morning and evening can prevent water freezing in your pipes if you’re away, saving you a nasty shock when you get back. And from a comfort point of view, it means the place isn’t quite so cold!

Check the pipework - water damage from burst pipes is one of the most common reasons for home insurance claims. All pipes and water tanks should be fully lagged. However, you mustn’t insulate underneath a tank, as this prevents it being warmed by air rising from below. Fix any leaks before the weather gets too cold, and make sure you know not just where your stopcock is, but that you can turn it on and off easily.

If you do find a frozen pipe - first of all, be ready with a mop, bucket and towels in case the thaw reveals a leak. Isolate the frozen area using the stopcock, then use either a hot water bottle or hairdryer to gently thaw the ice. Never use a naked flame - this poses dangers of its own as a fire risk.

Clear the gutters and drains - decaying leaves and other debris can block drains, turning snow or heavy rainfall into a real flood risk for your property. Keep water channels clear so that rain and melt-water can drain away easily. Look for water accumulation points - if a path is particularly prone to getting wet or icy, ask yourself why. Fit canopies above doorways, or place absorbent mats to stop these areas becoming hazardous.

Secure loose outdoor items - windy weather can fling loose items around your garden. Those ladders you’ve been meaning to tie up could suddenly become a destructive missile, so take some time to check that everything is secure and stable, not just in the main building but in outbuildings too. Get the right equipment - it doesn’t cost much to invest in a sturdy snow shovel or other snow-clearing tools, but they can mean the difference between a job well done, and a half-hearted token effort. Make sure anyone using snow-clearing equipment knows how to use it safely.

Seasonal extras - decorating your office or shop premises should be a pleasure, but should also be safe. Make sure that emergency exit signs and sprinkler systems aren’t obscured by your decorations, and check that all embellishments are fire-resistant. Grit regularly - gritting your paths helps to keep them safe for guests, customers and staff. The best times to put grit down are early in the evening, before the frost sets in, and early in the morning, before anyone arrives. Be sure to allow enough time for the salt to soak into the moisture on your paths. Gritting is a must when when snow, frost or ice are forecast; when paths may be damp or wet; and when the temperature is at or below freezing. Stay informed - the Met Office and Highways Agency often release new information about changing weather conditions, which can help you to plan your maintenance throughout the winter. Check your lighting - inadequate illumination can stop people seeing whether a path is safe or not due to ice or fallen leaves, increasing the risk of trips and slips. Walk around to test the paths in person, and see how safe you feel.

Beware of snow build-up - a 10-metre square of snow just 1cm thick at 4 degrees C weighs 100kg, so it’s easy to see how it can cause damage. This weight increases as it freezes and compacts too; clear it regularly to reduce the strain on your property. Pay particular attention to roof lights and louvred ventilation systems. Be sure you’re insured - be mindful of any change in your circumstances throughout the year, and take a moment to check that your home insurance policy provides the right kind of cover. Don’t assume that you can claim for anything and everything; each policy has its own limitations and conditions. Finally, remember that the responsibility for looking after your home or business premises rests with you. If you do come to make a claim and your insurer decides the damage was due to negligence or a failure to keep within the terms of your policy, your claim may well be rejected.

Want to know more? Call 01253 393106 or visit www.bpib.co.uk to find out how we could help you.

Christmas values… and valuations As the Christmas presents begin to pile up under your tree, so does the additional value of your home contents. Did you account for this when you filled in the value estimate on your original insurance form? Probably not, which means that in the event of a breakin, you won’t be able to claim for all those wonderful gifts you’ve been gazing at.

Some insurers automatically increase your level of cover in the pre-Christmas period, to allow for the gifts you’ll be giving and receiving, but you can’t take this as a given. If you’re in any doubt about the level of home contents cover you have, call your insurer now. Take a little time to consider what other information you might be giving away about what’s in your home. It only takes a moment for a burglar to rifle through your bin and see all those giveaway branded boxes, so tear any packaging up and disguise it in a bin bag, with some smelly, wet rubbish (such as food waste) on top. And after all the festivities are over, think about the gifts you’ve received. You may need to update your home contents policy to reflect the value of the new items in your home.

Stay safe at home this winter

Statistics show that break-ins increase throughout the winter - after all, there’s more darkness for burglars to exploit. It’s always important to have good home security habits, but at this time of year you should be particularly vigilant. A burglar alarm or CCTV installation is an excellent way to keep burglars away. The blinking light on your alarm box makes your home an unattractive prospect for any would-be intruder. Put the welcome mat away and lock your shed. It doesn’t usually occur to law-abiding citizens that the tools and ladders in their outbuildings are ideal equipment for burglars. Every night, check the doors and windows without fail. It never takes as long as you think it will, but the price you pay for even one instance of carelessness could be immense. Don’t give opportunist thieves a chance.

The childhood advice rings true even today… switch things off and put them away! The standby light of a laptop is a dead giveaway, so shut it down completely. Many people leave expensive valuables on full view, making it easy for burglars to plan a break-in. It only takes a moment to put something out of sight. Install tracking devices on high-value items like laptops and mobile phones. This can help the authorities track down your stolen goods, and could result in a conviction for the thief as well.

Want to know more? Call 01253 393106 or visit www.bpib.co.uk to find out how we could help you.

Be streetwise this winter Dark nights and bad weather make for poor visibility. Whether you’re on foot or a bicycle, for leisure or work, it’s essential that you can see well and be seen too. Reflective clothing is a must for all cyclists (along with bright, well-maintained cycle lights, naturally), but pedestrians should also be aware of how well they can be seen, and wear lighter clothing to stand out more against their surroundings. That brightly-coloured scarf you received last year could be more practical than you realise! If you work or live in a rural area, take a torch with you each day. At this time of year dusk can fall extremely quickly, and fallen leaves or black ice can make familiar footpaths treacherous. Take extra care when crossing roads: don’t assume oncoming vehicles can see you as well as you can see them, and never cross without waiting for the lights to turn green before you step off the pavement, even if the road looks clear.

Want to know more? Call 01253 393106 or visit www.bpib.co.uk to find out how we could help you.

Early warning safety essentials Chances are you already know that it’s good practice to have smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in your home, but did you realise just how important it is? If you don’t have a smoke alarm, you have virtually no chance of survival if a fire breaks out in your home, and nearly 40% of fire deaths occur in properties without a working smoke alarm. On average, two people over the age of 65 die in house fires every single week. With these kinds of facts in mind, the government have introduced new legislation requiring private landlords to install not just a smoke alarm in each storey of a rented property, but a carbon monoxide detector in every room that contains a solid fuel burning appliance. These measures are designed to keep tenants safe, and to minimise the tragic, unnecessary loss of life which comes from ignoring these simple, affordable safety steps.

If you don’t have a smoke alarm or carbon monoxide detector in your home, take action NOW. Many fire and rescue services can install these free of charge for you, and combined units are available which take up less space. If you’re a landlord, this is part of your duties, and severe penalties could apply if you do not make sure your properties are compliant.

Brought to you by

Insurance Brokers

Winter should be a time for celebration and relaxation, so make sure you’re ready for it! The friendly team at BP Insurance Brokers will help you find the best cover for your needs.

Call now or visit www.bpib.co.uk for more details on the many policies available. For a FREE insurance quote contact us today... Blackpool



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01253 393106 enquiry@bpib.co.uk

01253 863636 cleveleys@bpib.co.uk

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The information in this publication is provided by Marionette Facilities Ltd t/a BP Insurance Brokers and whilst every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained in this document, this information should not be relied upon as a substitute for advice from professional tradesman or professional bodies. Marionette Facilities Ltd t/a BP Insurance Brokers its employees and agents will not be responsible for any loss, however arising, from the use of, or reliance on this information. Marionette Facilities Ltd trading as BP Insurance Brokers is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Our FCA Register number is 307072. Our permitted business is advising, arranging, dealing as agent and assisting in the administration and performance of general insurance contracts. You may check this on the FCA register by visiting the FCA website, www.fca.org.uk or contacting the FCA on 0845 606 1234. Marionette Facilities Ltd. T/A B.P. Insurance Brokers. Registered in England No. 3240346. Registered Office: Marionette House, 73-75 Whitegate Drive, Blackpool, Lancashire FY3 9DA.

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