BP Insurance Brokers - The Underwriter, Autumn 2015

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AUTUMN NEWSLETTER 2015 Advice, ideas and inspiration to help you take care of the things that matter. In this issue: Last-minute Holidays

Enjoy peace of mind on late breaks

Autumn Safety

Important tips as the nights draw in

Motoring Essentials

Prepare your car for winter weather And much more‌


Your insurance needs, taken care of. Visit www.bpib.co.uk to request a free, no obligation insurance quote today.


Make autumn the season of adventure You don’t need to head overseas to enjoy a break from your usual routine. The UK is full of great opportunities for days out and weekends away, and autumn days can be the most beautiful of all. Before you jump into the car and head off for a weekend jumping in piles of leaves, though, ask yourself - are you well prepared for the trip? First of all, and this might sound odd, check whether you have the right kind of insurance. From road accidents in the fog, to slipping on wet grass and breaking your ankle whilst out walking, a short break in the UK can still pose risks. Check out our article on last-minute breaks elsewhere in this issue, for more details on booking holiday insurance. You should always be prepared for a journey of any length. In the autumn, this means checking your car over thoroughly. There’s no point in being stranded miles from home! Keep some blankets in the boot, and take a flask of a hot drink. It doesn’t take long to prepare, but if you’re waiting for a vehicle recovery service, the additional warmth is more than just a luxury. In today’s world of driving everywhere, we often find ourselves missing something on a short journey, but it’s not a problem as we’re not far from home. On a longer trip, you’ll be glad of your extra preparations.

Planning a day out in the autumn can be a great stressrelief valve - as the memories of the (sometimes) lazy, sunny days of summer fade into distant history, getting out in the crisp autumn air is a real tonic. Safety should never be far from your mind, though, particularly with kids, as the rush to release all that pent-up energy can lead to bad safety choices. Climbing trees is one of the nostalgic joys of many childhoods but slippery branches make this a risky pastime. Even just running through the park could result in slip or trip injuries if all those picturesque fallen leaves have become wet. A little forethought goes a long way when you’re arranging an autumn day out - as long as you prepare in advance, and stay mindful of this season’s risks, the stage is set for some quality time with the people you love.

Want to know more? Call 01253 393106 or visit www.bpib.co.uk to find out how we could help you.

Last-minute holiday bookings - a mixed blessing? Organising a holiday at the last minute seems like a good move for all sorts of reasons. Holiday companies and tour operators are keen to fill seats, so you can often pick up a great deal by keeping your nerve and booking a late trip. And of course, you can’t escape the feeling of “oh, go on then” - booking a last-minute holiday feels like a treat. However, there’s more to it than jumping online and finding that the holiday of your dreams is only a couple of weeks away at a massive discount. The same rules and

restrictions apply to a holiday regardless of whether you book months in advance or at the very last minute, and if you don’t meet any of these requirements, booking a trip at short notice means you have to act fast in order to sort things out. The first thing to be sure of is that you have the right insurance. The same factors apply here as with a trip booked well in advance, so don’t assume you can cut corners for the sake of convenience…

Where are you going?

What if someone’s ill?

Different policies cover different destinations. Depending on where you’re heading, you might need a specific type of cover, so don’t take it for granted that a standard policy will do everything you need it do. When you’re making a booking, be sure to check the safety situation at your destination - the Foreign Office website will warn you about countries deemed unsafe for travel.

If you or a member of your party is unwell while you’re away, you need to be sure that you’ll be able to use local healthcare without paying through the nose. Medical treatment overseas can be shockingly expensive, and treatment that we take for granted in the UK can represent an enormous cost while you’re away.

A bargain trip isn’t a bargain if you’re not going to feel comfortable for the duration of your holiday, and going to at-risk countries could invalidate your insurance, as could remaining in a country whose status changes while you’re there.

If a medical emergency arises, it doesn’t matter whether you’re on a three-day break or a month-long sabbatical - you could still be looking at a huge bill. Repatriation, too, is very costly. Even if you’re only going away for a very short time, make sure your travel insurance allows you access to medical care.

How long will you be away?

When does your cover start?

Spending a few days in the sun can be the antidote to the end-of-summer blues. Single-trip cover can offer a cheaper alternative to a year-round policy, giving you the cover you need but not forcing you to pay for months of cover that you won’t use.

Even if your trip is only a few weeks off, it’s absolutely crucial that your holiday insurance comes into force immediately, rather than just when you set off. Circumstances can change at the drop of a hat - the whole point of an emergency is that nobody foresees it, and even the best deal can represent money down the drain if you have to cancel and can’t claim anything back.

What will you be doing? A short break spent lounging by the pool is somewhat different from abseiling down a cliff or jet-skiing across the ocean waves. Make sure your insurance covers you for any unusual activities you might be taking part in; additional premiums may apply.

How do you make a claim? A last-minute holiday doesn’t give you much time to check paperwork, but this is vitally important. A

holiday insurance policy isn’t much use if you come to make a claim and find you haven’t obtained any of the necessary documents (medical reports, for example) for that claim to be processed. Many countries have unique criteria as to which documents are necessary to make a claim. Your insurance isn’t the only thing you need to take care of when booking a last-minute trip. The excitement of an imminent trip shouldn’t blind you to the many important things you need to organise before you travel. With just a little forward planning and clear thinking, though, you can throw yourself into your last-minute holiday with confidence.

Passport… What, you mean you didn’t check whether yours was still in date before you booked? Well, notwithstanding that unfortunate oversight, some fancy footwork might be needed to get a new one in time for your trip. Visit www.gov.uk/get-apassport-urgently for more details on the fast-track services available for urgent passport renewal. Be aware that if your trip is more than about a month away, you might still struggle to achieve this.

Tickets… have you got all your travel documentation together? Many last-minute trips allow you to print your own paperwork at home, which is very convenient as you can get everything organised in a few minutes. Don’t leave this until the last second though - make sure your printer is working, as getting a new cartridge isn’t practical when the taxi to the airport is on its way!

Money… Using ATMs while you’re away is a convenient option, but you’ll probably be charged a non-sterling transaction fee for withdrawing cash, and this can quickly add huge amounts to your holiday spend without you realising it. If you have different cards, check the overseas rates on them all to find the most cost-effective (it usually only takes a few quick phone calls). It’s worth carrying at least some cash with you, as not everyone will take cards while you’re away, but don’t rely on cashpoints at the airport, as these usually offer a very poor rate.

Home security… Who’s looking after things while you’re away? Asking a friend or relative to pop in and move the post isn’t a huge imposition, and allows you to get on with your trip with peace of mind. Plus, if any potential burglars have got wind of your upcoming break, they might be put off by seeing someone around your home.

Want to know more? Call 01253 393106 or visit www.bpib.co.uk to find out how we could help you.

LETTING SOLUTIONS ASPIRE NOT ONLY TO FULFIL A LETTING SOLUTIONS ASPIRE NOT ONLY TOFULFIL FULFIL A CUSTOMER’S EXPECTATIONS BUT ONLY TO EXCEED THEM. LETTING SOLUTIONS ASPIRE NOT TO A for over 10 years. TheseLETTING days, customer service SOLUTIONS ASPIRE NOT ONLY TO FULFIL A CUSTOMER’S EXPECTATIONS BUTTO TO EXCEED THEM. and satisfaction usually come Unlike others, Letting Solutions aspire CUSTOMER’S EXPECTATIONS BUT EXCEED THEM. with aLETTING negative connotation, SOLUTIONS ASPIRE NOT ONLY TO FULFIL A CUSTOMER’S BUT TO EXCEED THEM. not only a customer’s forEXPECTATIONS overto10fulfil years. These days, customer service for over 10but years. These days, customer service expectations but not at Letting Solutions. to exceed them. The and satisfaction usually come for over 10 years. These days,service customer service and satisfaction usually come team Unlike others, Solutions aspire With CUSTOMER’S customer and understand that letting your Unlike others,Letting Letting Solutions aspire EXPECTATIONS BUT TO EXCEED THEM. 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Quayside, Fleetwood Vermont Grove,Thornton Cleveleys Willowbank Avenue, Blackpool and comprehensive variety of services, taken seriously and so is complying with the necessary regulatory bodies as ensuring that they have something to Quayside, Fleetwood Vermont Grove,Thornton Cleveleys Willowbank Blackpool Fleetwood Vermont Grove,Thornton Cleveleys Willowbank Avenue, Blackpool wellQuayside, as the team being ARLA members offer everyone, howeverAvenue, they can also

Quayside, Fleetwood 2 bed purpose built apartment Modern bathroom and kitchen ● Spacious throughout Popular location next to Freeport ● Allocated parking built apartment ● 2 bed purpose

● ●

● Vermont Grove,Thornton 1 bed true bungalow Cleveleys

● Willowbank Avenue, Blackpool South Shore location

Ideal retirement area ● Conservatory Modern kitchen and bathroom ● ● Garage 1 bed true bungalow ●

● Conservatory Ground floor bathroom Front & rear gardens ● Gas central heating ● South Shore location

● ● Modern bathroom kitchen Conservatory ● Ideal retirement area ● 2 bed purpose builtand apartment 1 ●bed true bungalow South Shore location ● Ground floor bathroom £495 pcm £550 pcm ● ● IdealConservatory retirement area Conservatory ● ● Popular location next to Freeport Modern Front &floor rearbathroom gardens ● ● kitchen and bathroom ● Spacious throughout Conservatory Ground ● ● ● Allocated parking Garage Gas central ● ● ● ● ● Front Popular location built next to Freeport Modern kitchen and bathroom rear heating gardens 2 bed purpose apartment 1 bed true bungalow South & Shore location ● ● ● Redvers Terrace, Blackpool Parkstone ●Avenue,Thornton Hastings Avenue,Warton ● ● ● Allocated parking GarageCleveleys Gas central heating bathroom and kitchen Ideal retirement ● ● 2 bed Modern purpose built apartment 1 bed true bungalowarea SouthConservatory Shore location ● ● ● £450 throughout pcm £495 pcm £550 pcm Spacious Conservatory Ground floor bathroom ● ● ● Modern bathroom and kitchen Conservatory ● ● Ideal retirement area ● Popular location next to Freeport Modern kitchenpcm and bathroom Front & rear gardens ● £450 pcm £495 £550 pcm ●● 2 bed purpose ●● 1 bed ● built apartment Shore location Spacious throughout Conservatory Ground bathroom ● ● true bungalow ●Southfloor Allocated parking Garage Gas central heating ● ● ● ● ● ● Modern bathroom and kitchen Ideal retirement area Popular locationTerrace, next to Freeport Modern kitchen and bathroom FrontConservatory &Avenue,Warton rear gardens Redvers Blackpool Parkstone Avenue,Thornton Cleveleys Hastings ● ● ● Spacious throughout ● ● Conservatory ● Ground floor bathroom Allocated parking Garagepcm Gas £550 centralpcm heating ● ● ● £450 pcm £495 Redvers Terrace, Parkstone Avenue,Thornton Cleveleys Hastings Popular location nextBlackpool to Freeport Modern kitchen and bathroom FrontAvenue,Warton & rear gardens ● ● ● Allocated parking Garage Gas central heating ● ●

● Spacious throughout £450 pcm ● Modern bathroom and kitchen

! NE £450 pcm O G ! Redvers Terrace, Blackpool NE ! E O GON G E! N GO ! ! EE NN O O G G

Redvers Terrace, Blackpool £450 pcm

! NE £495 pcm O G ! Parkstone Avenue,Thornton Cleveleys NE ! E O GON G E! N GO ! ! NNEE O O G G

Parkstone Avenue,Thornton £495 pcm Cleveleys

● ● Parkstone Avenue,Thornton Cleveleys TwoRedvers bedroomTerrace, terrace Blackpool Sought after residential location ● Excellent condition throughout 4 bedroom dormer bungalow ● ● Gas central heating Gardens front and rear ● ● Modern kitchen and bathroom Double glazed ● ● Popular residential location En-suite room location ● ● Two bedroom terrace Sought shower after residential

Excellent condition terrace throughout ● Two bedroom

● Gascondition central heating £550 pcm ● Excellent throughout

Modern bathroom ● Gaskitchen centraland heating ● Popular residential location ● Modern andterrace bathroom Two kitchen bedroom Popular condition residentialthroughout location Excellent ● £550 pcm Gas central heating ● Modern kitchen and bathroom ● pcm Two£550 bedroom terrace ● Popular residential location ● ● Two bedroom terrace Excellent condition throughout ● ● Excellent condition throughout Gas central heating ● ● £550 pcm Modern kitchen and bathroom Gas central heating ● ● Popular location Modern kitchenresidential and bathroom ● ●

● ●

Popular residential location £550 pcm

£550 pcm

4 bedroom dormer bungalow Sought after residential location ● Gardens front and rear pcm 4£650 bedroom dormer bungalow ● Double glazed ● Gardens front and rear ● En-suite shower room ● Double glazed Sought ●after residential location ● En-suite dormer shower bungalow room 4 ●bedroom ● £650front pcm Gardens and rear ● Doublepcm glazed ● £650 Sought after residential location ● En-suite shower room ● ● Sought after residential 4 bedroom dormer location bungalow ● ● 4 bedroom dormer Gardens frontbungalow and rear ● ● £650 pcm Double glazed Gardens front and rear ● ● En-suite shower room Double glazed ●

● ●

En-suite shower room £650 pcm

£650 pcm

! NE £550 pcm O G ! Hastings Avenue,Warton NE ! E O GON G E! N G O !! NEE N O O G G

Hastings£550 Avenue,Warton pcm

Hastingsmodern Avenue,Warton Detached 3 bedroom Close to British Aerospace ● En-suite shower room ● Gardens front and rear ● ● DetachedGarage modern 3 bedroom

Close tomodern British Aerospace Detached 3 bedroom ● En-suite shower room £695 pcm Close to British Aerospace ● ● Gardens front and rear En-suite shower room ● Garage ● ● Gardens front and rear Detached modern 3 bedroom ● GarageAerospace Close to● British ● £695shower pcm room En-suite ● Gardens front and rear ● £695 pcm Detached ●modern 3 bedroom Garage bedroom ● ● Detached modern Close to British 3Aerospace ● ● Close to British Aerospace En-suite shower room ●● £695 pcm Gardens front and rear En-suite shower room ● ● Garage Gardens front and rear ●

● ●

● Garage £695 pcm

£695 pcm

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they provide a 24 hour helpline for

references and credit checks.

Don’t let the dark nights leave you vulnerable The nights are drawing in, and although it happens every year, this still manages to take us by surprise. It’s important to make sure your home is safe and secure not just now, but all the year round.

haven for wrongdoers - don’t give them a chance to watch your property! Make sure stepladders are locked away too, as these are an inviting prospect for anyone looking for an easy target.

First of all, does your home look secure? Putting lights on timers is a great way to deter intruders, and you don’t need to go overboard. How many lights do you leave on in your house every single evening? A light in the hall, and possibly one in the lounge, can give the impression of someone being at home, whatever you might actually be doing.

Bought anything new lately?

Is your burglar alarm in good condition? If it’s due for a service, now is the perfect time to get this organised. Even the flashing light on the installation box outside your home can keep burglars at bay. Be sure to lock up every night too: balmy late summer days can result in open windows, so take a little time before you go to bed, to make sure everything’s shut tight. Does your garden offer any hiding places for thieves? Trim back any trees or bushes which might offer a

Sometimes, we accumulate valuable possessions over time without really realising it. Take a moment to consider any large purchases you’ve made over the past few months. Are there any specialist items you bought for the summer, such as golf clubs? If so, be sure they’re on your home contents insurance; a quick telephone call is all it takes to check. It might mean a small increase on your premium, but that’s a small price to pay when you consider the alternative. If the unthinkable happened and your new toys were stolen, how would you feel if you found you couldn’t make a claim for them? There’s no sense in leaving it to chance.

Heat your home happily It’ll soon be time to switch the central heating on, at least for short spells. But after a long period of relative inaction, do you know that it’s working as it should be? Before you start using it day in and day out to keep your home warm, now is a good time to have your boiler serviced and check that your pipework is in good order. By the time the cold weather arrives in earnest, you can be confident that things will stay toasty warm all winter! It’s also a good idea to check around your home to make sure fallen leaves or moss haven’t blocked any flues or vents - this could cause a dangerous carbon monoxide build-up.

Fitting a carbon monoxide detector in your home is always advisable; they don’t cost much at all but will alert you if anything is wrong.

Want to know more? Call 01253 393106 or visit www.bpib.co.uk to find out how we could help you.

Don’t be tricked this Halloween Halloween is meant to be a time for harmless scares, a bit of fun to lift the spirits as the nights grow longer. Whether or not you subscribe to the party atmosphere, it pays to be vigilant and establish a few ground rules for yourself and your loved ones. There might be lots of costumed kids wandering around, but Halloween doesn’t mean your neighbourhood is suddenly more safe. Keep doors and windows locked the same way you would at any other time of the year. Even if you’re answering the door every five minutes, don’t be any less vigilant about locking it. Be sure to accompany younger children on trick or treating expeditions. Youngsters need to know about “stranger danger” and understand that collecting sweets on doorsteps isn’t a normal way to behave. If your kids are a little older, plan a specific route for them (avoiding any back alleys or crossing any busy main

roads) and set a time by which they have to be back home. Don’t allow children to eat the sweets they collect until they get home and you’ve checked everything. This isn’t just to make sure the sweets look safe to eat; it also reduces the chance of indigestion the next morning! It’s also important to think about elderly or vulnerable people who might not be able to deal effectively with the sudden appearance of children at their front door. Criminals have been known to use Halloween as a way to bluff their way into elderly people’s homes. If you’re worried about a friend or relative, ensure that they don’t answer the door on Halloween, and if you have any doubts, offer to sit with them for the evening.




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Have a brilliant bonfire night Watching fireworks is a wonderful way to enjoy the autumn atmosphere. Remember, remember, though - strip away the colourful sparks and whizzing noises, and you essentially have a group of people crowded around a huge open flame and a set of powerful explosives. There are far too many stories of people being injured - or worse - but a few safety precautions can make all the difference to your bonfire party. Leave a safe distance around your bonfire and keep ALL flammable items well away from it. Let the fire develop naturally and under control - never use any accelerants such as paraffin. Trying to rush the growth of a bonfire is asking for trouble. Use a taper held at arm’s length to light each firework, and once it’s lit, get away from it - and stay away. Even if it looks like it’s gone out, it’s still dangerous, so leave well alone.

Once the fun’s over, a responsible adult should wait until the fire has completely burnt out; don’t leave a bonfire unattended. If you’re in any doubt at all (and don’t forget, glowing embers can quickly flare up again), use plenty of water to extinguish the fire. With all this in mind, you may prefer to go to a larger, organised fireworks display. If you choose this option, be sure not to lock your house securely before you go.

Want to know more? Call 01253 393106 or visit www.bpib.co.uk to find out how we could help you.

Get motoring this autumn

The changing weather brings all sorts of challenges to even the most familiar journey. Fallen leaves can become dangerously slick if they become wet and compacted, so check your brakes are effective, and make sure you have at least 3mm of tread on your tyres. Add some dedicated windscreen antifreeze to your car’s screen wash bottle too - a sudden drop in temperature can result in an inconvenient and dangerously iced-up windscreen.

Autumn driving looks terribly romantic until you actually try it. Clear days and low sun can be dazzling, and are cited as the cause of a high number of accidents and fatalities every year. For this reason, having a pair of sunglasses in the car isn’t just about looking stylish. Keeping your windscreen clean is imperative too, as any dirt becomes impossible to see through if the sun is shining in. Don’t forget that wiper blades generally only last two years, and can become ineffective very quickly.

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Marionette Facilities Ltd. trading as BP Insurance Brokers. Registered in England No. 3240846. Registered Office: Marionette House, 73-75 Whitegate Drive, Blackpool FY3 9DA. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.


One of the most dangerous road conditions in autumn is fog, particularly freezing fog. The first step is to drive more slowly and cautiously, so allowing more time for a journey is a must. Back off from other drivers at all times - fog can make the road surface more slippery. Use your fog lights to increase your chances of both seeing and being seen.

The transition to autumn also comes with another important change, welcome for some but hated by others‌ the kids are back at school. After a long summer of quiet mornings, the sudden appearance of lots of traffic can be a little bewildering. You should also watch out for kids crossing the road unaccompanied even if you know how important it is to stop, look and listen, you can’t assume everyone else does.

Want to know more? Call 01253 393106 or visit www.bpib.co.uk to find out how we could help you.

Bringing help where it’s needed the most The north east of England was battered by violent storms at the beginning of July, bearing the brunt of an intense hail storm that left hundreds of people seeing extensive damage to their property. Hailstones the size of golf balls battered the entire area, smashing conservatory roofs and battering cars. As one of the UK’s largest insurers, and facing over 350 claims in County Durham alone, LV stepped up to the mark admirably, setting up a pop-up insurance shop in a hotel on the outskirts of Durham. They gave local claimants a practical and helpful solution that’s a world away from the call-centre hell many expect when it comes to making an insurance claim. The claims team was able to work hands-on, helping the owners of vehicles and homes damaged in the freak storm to make successful claims. One vehicle had

suffered 197 dents from the huge hailstones, and the average claim value started at £2000 - testament to the violence of the storm and the scale of the damage. LV teamed up with local network garages to help get drivers back on the move again as quickly as possible. With high-value vehicles such as Bentleys and Range Rovers among the wheeled wounded, it’s easy to see why the company faced a bill of nearly £1 million when factors such as courtesy cars were taken into account. It’s great to know that when disaster strikes (and strike it will, sooner or later), even the large insurance companies are ready to roll up their sleeves and get things done. It’s an example to business owners everywhere - not just in the world of insurance, but further afield too. Sometimes, a local crisis needs a local presence from a company that wants to help.

No need to weather it‌ Normal wear and tear on a building is one thing - we all expect that - but no matter whether it’s a home or a business, extreme weather conditions are a different story. From frozen pipes in the winter, to spring gales and sudden summer storms, we can never be sure what Mother Nature has in store. Check with your insurer to see what cover you have for weather damage. Being aware of what your policy covers may inform the decisions you make about specialist maintenance or any preventative measures.

Want to know more? Call 01253 393106 or visit www.bpib.co.uk to find out how we could help you.

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The information in this publication is provided by Marionette Facilities Ltd t/a BP Insurance Brokers and whilst every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained in this document, this information should not be relied upon as a substitute for advice from professional tradesman or professional bodies. Marionette Facilities Ltd t/a BP Insurance Brokers its employees and agents will not be responsible for any loss, however arising, from the use of, or reliance on this information. Marionette Facilities Ltd trading as BP Insurance Brokers is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Our FCA Register number is 307072. Our permitted business is advising, arranging, dealing as agent and assisting in the administration and performance of general insurance contracts. You may check this on the FCA register by visiting the FCA website, www.fca.org.uk or contacting the FCA on 0845 606 1234. Marionette Facilities Ltd. T/A B.P. Insurance Brokers. Registered in England No. 3240346. Registered Office: Marionette House, 73-75 Whitegate Drive, Blackpool, Lancashire FY3 9DA.

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