Diverse Editions Vol.2

Page 1

diverseeditions Health and Wellness

The Living Wellsprings of Health and Wisdom:

The Story of Dr. Evelyn D. Schmidt and Lincoln Community Health Center Business

Center for Employment Training

Local Non-profit organization provides job training and employment

Diverse Editions Launches Nationwide

John C. Fitzpatrick, II The Fighter...The Pastor Talks about his passion for fairness, justice and ministry


The Pamela Spence Story: Called to Return the Favor


Home and Lifestyle

Mama Dee’s Home Cooking: Gourmet Mixes:

Tastes the Same as Made From Scratch www.diverseeditions.com US $5.00 November 2010 ISBN 978-0-9828955-1-1

9 780982 895511

Hair and Cosmetics

BIG ROD “The Barber” 8 Million Ways to Cut

Online Universities and Online Colleges The New Standard Of Education For The Future

Featurestories 08

Online Universities And Online Colleges The New Standard Of Education For The Future


Center for Employment Training Local Non-profit organization provides Job Training and Employment


The Pamela Spence Story Called to Return the Favor


John c. fitzpatrickthe fighter and the pastor Overcomer of Adversity...Advocate for Justice


BiG Rob “The Barber” 8 Million Ways to Cut


Mama dee’s home cooking Gourmet Mixes: Tastes the Same as Made From Scratch


Vol. No. 2 November 2010

06 Education 14 Business 22 Religion 39 Health and Wellness 43 Hair and Cosmetics 54 Home and Lifestyle 62 Music, Arts, and Culture

DIVERSEEDITIONS About Our Company Diverse Editions’ primary objective as a magazine company is to introduce to the world, the Local, Hidden and Overlooked in our communities in the specific branches. Our prestigious magazine and economical prices will brand companies by providing local and national distribution. We will increase: 1) Marketability 2) Revenues 3)Visibility 4) Credibility 5) Awareness 6) Networking Opportunities. We believe that we have local, hidden and overlooked celebrities and professionals right among us that have stories to tell, products and services to market and sell to the world but need an economic vehicle that will become the launching pad to promote their success. Diverse Editions, a prestigious high-quality printed magazine, will be published quarterly. Our online magazine will be updated monthly. Get your businesses, organizations, products and services in front of millions of people. Marketplace advertisement has become one of the most effective ways to reach the masses. Diverse Editions’ secondary goal is to annually host Small Business Empowerment Summits that will bring entrepreneurs, business owners, church leaders, non-profit organization leaders and other professionals together to network, empower, and provide resources and solutions for their financial growth and business development. This global affair will be expanding into other states and eventually become a national conference within the next 2-3 years. Our passion and our purpose is to create a community of individuals who are interconnected, and who collectively and cohesively promote and produce greatness and resounding success. You know that many of our small businesses and entrepreneurs are in need of resources as well as look for opportunities to network, sell, market and advertise at minimal expense. Our priority, indeed, one of the reasons for our existence, is to help them. Diverse Editions is a publication that “Is More Than a Magazine.” We are committed to the vision of always evolving, that we may properly capture the essence of and meet the needs of our readers and the communities in which they live. We will be a mindful and relevant presence who brings a holistic perspective and honors the diversity among us that is worthy to be celebrated.

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Editorial Founder | Dr. Inga Johnson co-Founder | Roger Brown Publisher and Founding Editor | Dr. Inga Johnson Creative Director | Jamain Freeman Staff Writer | Anthony Fuller Dr. Inga Johnson Staff Editor | Paulette Becoate Staff Photographer | Jay Keiholz Senior Account Executives | Nathan Farrior Kevin Hinton Mike Williams Executive Administrator | Pamela I. Williams


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“Professional Branding Creates a World of New Opportunities”

The Seven Wonders of Our World: Celebrating the Hidden Pillars of Our Community 1} Education- The Pillar of Enlightenment 2} Business- The Pillar of Ownership 3} Religion- The Pillar of the Spirit 4} Health and Wellness- The Pillar of Defense 5} Hair and Cosmetics- The Pillar of Empowerment 6} Home and Lifestyle- The Pillar of Legacy 7) Music, Arts, and Culture – The Pillar of Expression and Celebration A wonder is defined as a remarkable phenomenon or something that is a cause for surprise, astonishment, or admiration. So surely the institutions and the fields of operation that we are about to present, fit the bill as wonders and are noteworthy pillars worthy to be celebrated. Pillars are defined as upright, vertical structures or constructive parts that provide support and under gird a larger structure. Thus we can clearly see that the local institutions previously mentioned have operated under this definition of pillars. Institutions that have been vertical, walking upright, standing in the column of integrity and uncompromising ethics, and quietly impacting lives and transforming our community at the grass roots level. Thus, these series of articles are dedicated to honoring the wonderful institutions that have faithfully and diligently impacted, enhanced, and transformed our communities. by: Anthony Fuller

Location/Contact Information: 2530 Meridian Pkwy 3rd Floor Durham, NC 27713 Tel#: 919.424.1220 | Fax#: 866.401.4544 © Copyright 2010


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| 5

education is the key Education


The Admission



Are In!

How Do You Make Your Final College Choice?

by. Marjorie Hansen Shaevitz

Education - Pillar of Enlightenment by Anthony Fuller


ur educational institutions are truly some of the most vital and strategically important ones that exist in our society. From the earliest stages of childhood, education plays a major role in our development. From elementary school, to middle school, to high school, and all the way through to the university and graduate school levels, the educational system is both the gateway and open door that grants access to a life of new beginnings, expanded opportunities, eye-opening exposure, and limitless possibilities. Enlighten is defined as to give intellectual of spiritual light to; to instruct or impart knowledge to. Those who hold positions within the educational system occupy one of the noblest vocations in our society. The scope of influence and the depth of impact that this field has is enormous, and those who engage in this profession, should do so with a great sense of responsibility, personal integrity, and accountability. An educator has been entrusted with the crucial role of molding and shaping a young mind and equipping them with

the tools that will allow them to be productive and successful in life. Those educators who have a personal conviction about their calling, conduct themselves with a focused sense of purpose and passion, handling and dealing with each student with great regard, concern, and care. They are always aware of the power of influence that they carry–knowing that one word of condemnation or mislabeling can send a child down the pathway of gross underachievement. Just as one word of

Enlighten is defined as to give intellectual of spiritual light to; to instruct or impart knowledge to. ” affirmation can launch a student into scholastic excellence by speaking to the creative genius that lies within us all. Once a child or student of any age is properly exposed to the element of knowledge, and the spark of education is lit on

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the inside of them, a self-motivating passion to learn and excel will drive them past all adversity and obstacles to achieve all of their goals and dreams. Education is a Pillar of Enlightenment, because no matter how dark, discouraging, and broken the environment a person comes from, education has the undying power to light up the pathway to a new hope and a brighter future.

Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to three colleges! Now you have to make a decision. How do you decide on one college when all of the choices are good ones? Well, there are a series of things you can do. First, identify what it is that you really want to in a college: size, location, makeup of the student body, the feeling of the campus, how much access you have to professors, etc. Second, if it’s important to you and your family, take a look at the financial aid packages. Who is offering you the best deal? However, if College A’s financial aid package is superior to College B’s, but you think you’d rather go to College B, call the Financial Aid Office at College B to see if they can match College A’s offer. Third, if you haven’t done this already, visit your top choice colleges. If you go, try to visit when classes are in session. And be sure to talk with current students about what they like (and don’t) about the college. Also try to meet faculty members and check out different kinds of activities. Many colleges have pre-admit weekends (special days for newly admitted students). If you can, attend these special events. If making college visits is not within your family’s financial

circumstances, then call the colleges to see if they have funds to help you make the trips. Any number of colleges provide this kind of assistance. Fourth, as you get ready to make your final decision, try to do it in a systematic way. For each top choice college to which you’ve been admitted, make a list of pros and cons and also rate each school on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 = not interested at all, 10 = totally love the school). Certain colleges will emerge as you go through this exercise. Finally, if you continue to be undecided, go with your heart, not your head. Which of the schools on your list is the one that makes you feel good? Which college offers you the most of what you want? Where can you see yourself happy and involved for the next four years of your life? Which school offers a student body that feels like you, a faculty that seem accessible and friendly, a nearby town or community that will be good to live near and a campus that makes you smile? You should know that regardless of whether they end up at their top choice school or not, most students end up having a wonderful college experience, wherever they decide to go to college.

November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 7

Online Universities And Online Colleges The New Standard Of Education For The Future by: Mangesh Vyas Would you consider enrolling in online universities

study in an online learning facility could prove

and online colleges employ unique approach to teaching

and online colleges to earn your degree? If in

worthless. It could mean not only a waste of

and you have to determine which ones suit you best

the past, college courses online was intended

money, but also of your time and effort. It is one

and what you believe is more effective for learning.

mainly for distance learning, nowadays more

of the most basic requirements that employers look

and more people appreciate the value, quality,

for from their applicants, so it is very important.

and flexibility that online learning offers them. To the uninitiated, online distance learning college has

Despite the growth and expansion of online learning, such that many consider it to be of equal quality as

Once you have proof of an online university

traditional universities, many are still having second

accreditation, you must then conduct

thoughts about obtaining their college degrees


online. In reality, there are actually a few advantages

standard universities. Thus, deciding to


on a given university.

to this method of learning than traditional classes.

enroll in online universities and online

Your goal here is to

colleges carry with it the additional


as much similarities and differences as



With online college courses, you can enjoy lots of

burden of having to carefully



flexibility – with time and your geographic reach.

decide which online schools

colleges offer the best

With time flexibility, you can study whenever

to enroll to, such that you can

quality in terms of your

during your free time such that enrolling in online

still enjoy quality education.

prospected degree courses

universities are recommended to single parents or

or program to enroll. The best

those with a regular day job. It also enables you to

way to earn valid information

enroll in colleges that you normally would be unable

The most basic first step to online



is from the students themselves

to attend to due to geographic limitation. And finally,

who have previously enrolled in that

you have more access to interactive learning tools


the online university to attend. offer

specific university. Did they feel they

with university classes online, especially since the

the same growth and progress in your learning as

got the education they deserve? Use all of these

internet is considered as a hub of information.

traditional classes do. You need to narrow down your

information to make an informed choice. Also,

search by looking for an accredited online university

compare as many online universities as possible.

Depending on your choice, it could

to ensure that a particular school you are attending

If you can practice proper self-discipline in the learning process and you take responsibility with how you pace

is qualified to teach the degree programs offered.

From the broad terms, you need to get into the

your study, then enrolling in online universities and

You must then inquire from various online universities

specific details. More important, you must look into

online colleges will open up more possibility for your

and online colleges you are considering proof

the actual class content and curriculum for a given

career later on. So, be smart when making your choice

of their accreditation. Without this, your years of

online degree program. Different online universities

to ensure a bright future ahead.

8 | diverse editions | November 2010

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Union Independant School and Troy K. Weaver:

The Blueprint for Academic Success

By Anthony Fuller

At Diverse Editions, we operate our publication by the creed of being “More Than a Magazine.” In our commitment to this creed, we have selected as our chief focus, “Branding the Local, Hidden, and Overlooked.” By exercising this passionate purpose, we provide a platform to promote institutions and individuals who operate with such a spirit of excellence that their local impact demands national exposure. It is within the context of this vein, Diverse Editions had the highest honor and profound privilege, to able to highlight and showcase Union Independent School and its Head of School, Troy K. Weaver. This academic institution and educational leader have made such a tremendous impact on the community in just its first year of operation; Union Independent School has literally changed the landscape of the city. Their presence, both within the neighborhood in which they are located, and in the lives of the children whom they serve, has already ushered in transformation and positively changed the academic course of an up-and-coming generation. By creating an environment of academic excellence, Union Independent School is securing our future, by building a present legacy of quality learning that is empowering our children for academic success. In this article, we will provide our readers with an indepth disclosure of Union Independent School, including its daily operations and overall vision, as well as provide some background information on the Head of School, Troy K. Weaver. Union Independent School opened its doors for operation in August 2009. The school came out of the heart and vision of Reverend Kenneth Ray Hammond, the senior pastor of Union Baptist Church since 1992. Pastor Hammond and Union Baptist Church, a church founded in 1897 and having over a century of presence in Durham, have been and continue to be significant contributors to both the transformation and elevation of our community. Pastor Hammond is a visionary leader who believes in holistic ministry that addresses and meets the total needs of the individual. One of these central and vital needs is the element of education, and it is to this noble end, that the vision of Union Independent School was created. In fact the genesis of Union Independent School emerged out of the highly successful Durham Scholars Program. The Durham Scholars Program was created by one of the Union Baptist Church

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members, Dr. James H. Johnson, a distinguished professor of geography and business at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, along with the late Frank Hawkins Dean of Durham and William C. Friday who is the executive director of the William K. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust, a Chapel Hill-based trust that began in 1966 and benefits education nationwide. The program targets inner-city students from economically disadvantaged neighborhoods in Durham and tracks them from sixth grade all the way through high school. The program offers continual academic and social support that culminates in the offering of academic scholarships for college. The program had such a prominent impact on raising both the high school graduating and college graduating rate in these neighborhoods that Pastor Hammond and Dr. Johnson begin to explore the possibility of greater impact if academic intervention was started at a much earlier age. Thus, the concept of Union Independent School, currently providing schooling for children from grades K-2 was born. Union Independent School is located on the corners of North Roxboro and Dowd Streets in the northeast central region of Durham, North Carolina. Northeast Central Durham, an area covering approximately 172 blocks is one of the most economically-challenged regions in the city, with a median annual family income of about $18,000 compared to an average annual family income of about $51,000 for the city as a whole. It is an area marked by high poverty, high crime and low income. In the face of these statistics and this stark reality of life, Union Independent School seeks to provide a beacon of hope within the community. They purchased the land located directly across from Union Baptist Church. This land holds tremendous historical significance, as it is the former site of The Royal Ice Cream Parlor, where some of the earliest civil rights sit-ins took place. The School occupies a state-of-the-art, 50,000 square foot facility, a $10 million-dollar facility that has been collectively indebted by the congregation of Union Baptist, a congregation who operates with a spirit of unity and cooperation, committed to serving the community in which they reside. The School leases about 5,000 square feet of space to a private daycare center. Currently, they have on site Primary Colors, a 5-Star daycare program headed by Kara Turner. Head of School, Troy K. Weaver informed us that the school’s partnership with Primary

Colors Daycare provides a cohesive system of early intervention and a jumpstart of academic and social skills for the children. The School has about 2,000 square feet set aside to build a Health and Wellness Clinic for the children and their families, as well as providing a free clinic for the community. Union Independent School currently serves 65 students from grades K-2. Its plan is to progressively add additional grade levels until they reach the range of grades K-8. Students are admitted to the school through a lottery system that is freely open to all who want to apply. The students are only admitted to the school at the kindergarten grade level, because the school desires to work with the student and track their progress through the duration of the program. Union Independent School provides a free tuition, private school experience for its students. A TYPICAL SCHOOL DAY AT UNION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL This section is dedicated to giving you an inside look and feel into the daily operations of Union Independent School. All the students are uniformed and the school day begins at 7:45 am in the morning. The students are served fresh breakfast daily, provided by Thompson Hospitality Services, a minority-owned food service company out of Charlotte, North Carolina. The students also receive a mid-morning snack around 10:15 am, a full lunch and then a mid-afternoon snack around 3:45 pm. During breakfast time, the children are taught proper dining etiquette, in the form of proper table manners and proper conversation. They collectively recite the pledge of allegiance, and the school is currently working together to create a school-wide pledge, as the students are taught the invaluable lesson of community building. After this time, the school embarks on a period called DEAR, an acronym for “Drop Everything and Read.” All adults from every capacity of the school come together to publicly read literature to the student body, as the students silently read along, thus creating both a model and an environment of reading in the minds and lives of the students. Afterwards, the students gather in smaller groups, participating in daily literacy blocks lasting from 15 to 30 minutes. The students continue in different rotations that include computer training and phonetic skills training. Throughout the course of the school day, the students are exposed to a curriculum that includes reading, writing, mathematics, science

and social studies. One of the academic practices that make Union Independent School unique is the daily instruction of foreign language that the students receive. The students receive Spanish instruction from a native speaking instructor named Ms. DeLaTorre. Students not only learn the language but also learn about Spanish history and culture, and participate in holidays like Cinco de Mayo, as well as participate in Spanish dancing and plays. The students receive instruction in theatre and the fine arts from instructors from North Carolina Central University. The School’s media coordinator teaches the students about media and technology. The students participate in classes for character education from a licensed counselor with an extensive background in social work. Another element that separates Union Independent School from other school is the fact that all the lead teachers

of the school directly administer the curriculum to the students and hold the National Board of Teachers Certification, which is the highest level of certification in the teaching profession. They also each bring 30 plus years of teaching experience to the table. Yet another distinguishing quality of Union Independent School is the daily physical education class each student receives. Union is committed to increasing the overall physical activity in the lives of their students which is one of the principle tenets of the school. The main school day ends around 3:45 pm and students then move into an extended day program which runs to 6 pm. In discussing the principle tenets of the school’s philosophy, one of the essential ones is to provide Union students with a sense of global awareness,

and in turn make the students globally competitive. The school has extensively studied and researched the “East Asian Model of Education,” which has the highest level of calendar school days for their students, ranging as high as 225 days in Singapore to averaging around 200 in Japan and other Asian countries. Typically, the average for the United States school system is 180 days. Union operates on an all-around academic calendar that currently consists of 195 days. Union’s school model has also increased the total amount of school hours for its students through its extended day program. The extended day program has its own coordinator and its own staff. The program is in itself unique, because it is not just a time and place where children get babysat until their parents arrive, but the program has a very proactive agenda for the students that include another physical fitness element, financial literacy, as well as instruction in public speaking. Another tenet for the school is the education of health and nutrition in the lives of the students and their families. To this end, Union will employ licensed dietitians to assess the nutrition of each student, as well as taking baseline health data from each student and tracking their progress throughout the stay at the school. This will also include doing research on family medical history, in order to trace medical patterns of health issues that can be broken and overcome in this present generation. Union recognizes that there is a crucial relationship that exists between the students and their family lives which has a significant impact on academic achievement. To this end, the school holds a parent meeting every month entitled PEP which stands for “Parent Empowerment Program.” Also, the school requires parents and families of students to participate in at least three hours of community service at the school. Union Independent School has also implemented a program that modeled from the Harlem School Kids Zone, called Dinner With Dads. This program allows fathers to participate in joint events with their children at school, which in some cases reconnects the father with their child, and in all cases promotes and preserves the bond between the student and parent that has nothing but positive benefits and affects for the student. As Union Independent School moves forward, its vision is both multi-faceted and far reaching

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Home School

in its scope of community impact. Union desires to be a hub within the community as a center for innovation and new ideas—a place of cuttingedge research in academics and education that will ultimately lead to the improvement of the health, wellness and viability of the communities of which they serve. Union is already committed to expanding its system to include grades K-8 and is currently providing a tuition free, private school experience. They are definitely welcoming of partnerships from all sectors and from all walks of life to assist in fundraising to help facilitate the school’s vision of academic excellence that we all should participate in some capacity, because the children are truly our future and we hold a stake in investing into that future.

Fieldtrips for the

Best Learning Experiences by Laura Chapman


HEAD OF SCHOOL Troy K. Weaver is the Head of School at Union Independent School. Weaver is a New Yorker, born in Jamaica, Queens, and grew up on Long Island in North Babylon, New York. He came to Durham, North Carolina to attend Duke University and become a pediatrician. Instead, after graduation, he worked at Duke University Medical Center as a certified Poison Information Specialist by night and eventually became a substitute teacher with the former Durham City Schools by day. His experiences as a substitute teacher caused him to be "bitten" by the teaching bug, and he then received a Lyndhurst Fellowship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to receive a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) and North Carolina Teacher's Certification in a one-year, intensive program. Weaver has been in education for more than 22 years and has had a number of exciting professional experiences. He began his career by serving as a public school biology and chemistry teacher at Hugh M. Cummings High School in Burlington, North Carolina. Later, he moved closer to home by accepting a position in a non-traditional educational setting as an Educational Specialist, providing educational diagnosis and teaching all subjects to incarcerated youth (ages 10-16) at the Durham County Youth Home. His next professional venture was within the independent school ranks by becoming an inaugural faculty member at Cary Academy where he taught algebra and science in the middle school and later moved to the upper school where he taught biology and chemistry, and developed a course in forensic science. Weaver also began his first administrative position by becoming Dean of Students for grades 9 and 10. In 2002, he became the inaugural headmaster of Durham Nativity School a private, tuition-free, all-male middle school in NortheastCentral Durham, where he also taught science, religion and math. He most recently taught and served as an administrator at Triangle Day School, a K-8 coed school in Durham. Weaver is absolutely thrilled to be able to serve as the inaugural Head of School for Union Independent School, a school that will undoubtedly change lives and impact the Northeast-Central Durham community! He is married to Claudette E. Weaver and they are the proud parents of six wonderful sons.

Pictured: Troy K. Weaver School is to develop a model for educating children who live in challenging urban environments—a model that can be replicated across the nation in America’s most disadvantaged communities. This article expresses the essence of Union Independent School. It articulates the heart and soul of the school’s vision, and as the school approaches the end of its inaugural year, it is a mission and a vision that is being lived out right in the midst of our community, equipping and empowering our children to achieve academic excellence, standing in the gap and standing as a Beacon of Hope. Diverse Editions salutes and honors Union Independent School and Troy K. Weaver for being The Blueprint for Academic Success.

The following is the vision and mission of Union Independent School that can be found on their website www.unionis.org: MISSION STATEMENT The Union Independent School provides a tuition-free, holistic, K-8 laboratory school for children living in Northeast-Central Durham. This specially designed, continually evolving curriculum will build on best practices from model programs nationwide. An extended school day and year-round program will provide students with the time they need to master fundamental skills—reading, writing and mathematics—as well as afford time for the integration of arts education, global awareness, character education and entrepreneurial education. To make sure they are ready for the rigors of the school day, students receive healthy, freshly-made meals each day, daily physical activity, and access to an on-site health and wellness clinic. The rigorous academic program and extensive support systems will develop mind, body and character by preparing students to attend, excel in and graduate from college, as well prepare them for success in today’s knowledge-based economy. VISION STATEMENT To develop and demonstrate that all children can succeed academically, the Union Independent School is taking a stand on one of the most economically distressed areas of Durham, North Carolina. The goal of Union Independent

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Contact Information: 116 East Corporation Street Durham, NC 27701 Tel#: 919.682.5903 Email: tkweaver@unionis.org Website: www.unionis.org

omeschooling is great to bond with your child, and give them the experiences that you want them to experience while children. You can teach them your values and not have they learned values from someone else’s point of view. One of the other great benefits of homeschooling is that you can also go on many field trips and have them get hands on experience. Why are taking many field trips better for children to learn? Well if you think back on your childhood, what days do you remember better? Was it the days when you took a field trip in school or days where you sat at the desk and read out of a book? Like most of us, we remember days when we went on field trips, or took family trips. Your children will too. How to get the most learning experience out of a field trip? Before going on a field trip you will want to give a few lessons about things that they will see or experiences that they will have. If you are going to a historical place have them research about what happened there many years ago, then when they get to the place they will understand more about why it’s a special place. When going on a field trip with your children, you will want to give them notebooks to jot down notes, or papers that you have wrote out questions on so that they can answer them while they are there. Give them a cheap digital camera so that they can take photos of things that they see there. Once you get back home you can reinforce the lessons about the place you went to, have them print off some of the photos that they took and have them make a little memory book about the adventure so that they can remember it years from the adventure. Homeschooling field trips are a great way to enjoy things with your children and make it a learning experience. Your children will benefit from spending time with you and learning at the same time. They will learn better and retain what they have learned when they experience it hands on. When homeschooling always take as many field trips as you can and start creating learning memories as a family this is one part of homeschooling that you will not want to miss out on, the field trips are the best part of learning.

stats on

home schools Comparing Homeschooling Families with Families of Public and Private School Students Looking at homeschooling families in comparison to public and private school families in the NCES data, the most striking differences that show up are these: •

While families with three or more children make up 43.6% of the public school population and 40.6% of the private school population, they make up 62% of the homeschooling population.

While all populations are more likely to live in two-parent families, 49.3% of public school students and 56.3% of private school students have both parents working, while only 25% of homeschoolers do.

While half of private school students have family incomes of $75,001 or more, public and homeschooled students families are approximately equal in falling into income brackets of up to $25,000, $25,001-$50,000, $50,001-$75,000, and $75,001 and up.

Number of Students Homeschooled Reviewing the number of students attending different types of schools, the NCES data shows that: •

In 2003, 2.2 percent of all student - about 1,096,000 - were homeschooled, up from 1.7 percent of students (850,000) in 1999.

Over 43% of homeschooled students were in grades K-5, with about 28% in grades 6-8 and about 29% in grades 9-12.

Over 19.5% of parents of homeschoolers have been to graduate or professional school.

Of the 1,096,000 students being homeschooled in 2003, 82% of them had no education other than homeschooling, while 18% attended another school part-time, most of those for less than 9 hours a week.

With regard to homeschooling methods, the NCES 2003 data reveals that: • •

Over 41% of homeschooled students were involved in some kind of distance learning. Of those students involved in distance learning, slightly more than 20% were gaining instruction through television, video, or radio; nearly 19.5% were instructed through the Internet, email, or other use of the web; and slightly more than 15% were instructed using the United States Postal Service (USPS).

Sources: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) - nces.ed.gov/pubs2006/homeschool

November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 13

B u s i n ess The Pillar

of Ownership Written by Anthony Fuller

Ownership is the Key to Financial Freedom


usiness and entrepreneurship represent the Pillar of Ownership. Ownership is defined as the legal right of possession. This Pillar of Ownership is extremely critical in changing the entire landscape of a community. It accomplishes this by shifting the corporate paradigm from a consumer-driven mindset to a producing perspective. This in turn, sets up the entire populace for collective success. Business owners and entrepreneurs and are community models that need to be lifted up, emulated, and supported. We, as a community at-large, support this model by our commitment to patronize their businesses and direct our consumer dollars in their direction. Therefore, a circle of “in-house cash flow” is created, which in turn allows resources, capital, and employment opportunities to circulate and remain within the framework of the community, thus strengthening the corporate economic base. This Pillar then allows a community to operate from a position of strength and independence, because it has self-sustaining capacity to build its own infrastructure, meet the needs of its residents, and set the stage for ongoing community expansion by presenting an attractive and cutting-edge community model.


Therefore, let all of us present a united front in promoting this Pillar of Ownership—first, by having entrepreneurs operate their place of businesses with a spirit of excellence and second, by having residents stay committed to patronizing our local businesses. So through all times, even in recession, we can all stand.

Small Business Impact on the Economy The estimated 29.6 million small businesses in the United States: »» Employ just over half of the country’s private sector workforce »» Hire 40 percent of high tech workers, such as scientists, engineers and computer workers »» Include 52 percent home-based businesses and two percent franchises »» Represent 97.3 percent of all the exporters of goods »» Represent 99.7 percent of all employer firms »» Generate a majority of the innovations that come from United States companies Source: U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy, September 2009

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November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 15

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SendOutCards offers a simple and professional way for businesses to follow-up with their customers, vendors and associates. A customer that feels appreciated will continue to do business with you. They will also refer others to you. At SendOutCards, you can create campaigns that will automatically send out Thank You Cards, Birthday Cards, Holiday Cards, and Promotional Postcards. Customized Greeting Cards and Postcards You can customize your business cards with your own logos, photos, or designs. For a nominal fee, SendOutCards will create and set-up your own custom card. With this, a business can choose between their own custom cards, or have the flexibility of using any of the cards already available in SendOutCards main card catalog.

bend the rules: how to find the right job If you’ve ever had an unsuccessful job hunt then you know how difficult

Your qualifications are always an asset. Businesses often use stipulations

it can be. The job openings can appear few and far between. On the other

like years of experience or a particular certification to discourage people

hand, job hunting can be very rewarding even before you actually land a

who aren’t dedicated to getting a position. For some positions these

job. An inspired attitude could be just the thing you’re missing in your

specifications are important, but for others they are just guidelines. Even

quest for a job. The job hunt process is very familiar. You read want

if you don’t meet every criterion, apply for a job if it’s one that you really

ads then mail a resume and hope to get an interview. After you interview, the decision is usually out of your hands. The procedures may be familiar, but that doesn’t mean that you’re doing what’s best for you. If you want a head start on other job-seekers, take

“Finding a job isn’t

want. Companies teach their employees how


applying has the benefit of allowing you to sell

a one-size fits-all

things should be done, so initial guidelines are only part of the story. Taking a chance on

qualifications that you have that an ad may not have mentioned. Try traditional strategies in

a look at these options. Be proactive rather than reactive. The typical

new ways. Adhering to standard rules is only okay if you’re getting the

action is to contact a company in response to some ad that you’ve seen

most out of the experience. Looking on the Internet is key to finding

advertising an open position. Try contacting businesses even if you’re not

a job in many professions. Also, try creative approaches like designing

sure that they need a position filled. This gives you a chance to inquire

a website or uploading video that lets you give your profile. Finding a

about positions that may have just opened and to just tell them who you

job isn’t a one-size-fits-all process. It’s only a matter of using the most

are. Being familiar with particular business practice is also a good idea

successful tactics to land the best job for you. If you think creatively

because it allows you to offer specific ways you can help the company.

and go on the offensive, you greatly increase your chance for success.

16 | diverse editions | November 2010

PERSONALIZATION With the assistance of your SendOutCards representative, you can have a campaign setup for your business in just minutes. You can even personalize each piece within a day of its scheduled time to go out. You can have custom greeting cards and postcards made for your business; this lets your customer recognize you. You can find information on creating your custom cards HERE. Example: Let’s say you sell insurance. You decide that when someone buys a policy from you, you will send a pre-scheduled campaign of cards to your new customer. You will first send a Thank You Card, then a Birthday Card will be scheduled, A Holiday card will be scheduled and an Anniversary of Policy postcard will be scheduled that promotes new products that you offer. The system will automatically do this for you. In addition, you can look up a customer’s name at any time, click on a card that is scheduled to go out, click on that card and customize your message to that customer at any time.

Nathan Farrior

Retail Package Plus, Auto Order and Annual Renewal accounts. CUSTOM CARD DESIGNS Send Out Cards can custom design a card for Christmas, birthdays, parties or any other event. ONLINE CONTACT MANAGER AND REMINDER SERVICE Never forget another birthday or special occasion. Our reminder service comes complete with a contact manager, a calendar that shows events and a reminder service that will never let you forget. You may type in your contacts or import them from Microsoft Outlook, Goldmine, Act, etc. This is all included in the price of your account. You can send a printed greeting card with your message in Less than 60 Seconds. • Choose your card • Write your message • Click send SendOutCards prints it, stuffs it and mails it, all for less than a greeting card at the store. USE THESE SERVICES FOR YOUR PERSONAL AND BUSINESS NEEDS tINCOME OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE VISIT www.sendoutcards.com/nathanfarrior TO RECEIVE AND SEND YOUR FREE CARD!

PRINTED GREETING CARDS ON DEMAND With a simple click of your computer mouse - you can select a card, write a message and send a printed greeting card. We print it, stuff it, stamp it, and send it in the mail for you. It’s Fast, easy and fun. Let our reminder system tell you when a card is needed or simply choose a card anytime you want. Send unexpected cards at unexpected times. Never forget another birthday. Always show appreciation. We are changing peoples lives one card at a time. Printed Greeting Cards on Demand GIFT CARD AND GIFT SENDING OPTIONS Now when sending a card, you can choose to insert a gift card to one of many different businesses, or even choose to send a gift of chocolates, cookies, cocoa, as well as many other gifts. RETAIL ACCOUNT OPTIONS Retail accounts are great for those who simply want to send greeting cards at their own pace, and use the system mainly for personal services. There are three options for retail accounts:

November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 17

Center for Employment Training:

The Lighthouse for Permanent Empowerment

Written by Anthony Fuller Here at Diverse Editions, we are always on the lookout for organizations that are making a practical difference. In our search, we had the fortune to come in contact with The Center for Employment Training. This organization is truly a local lighthouse, intervening and positively changing the very course of people’s lives. Through their professional expertise and committed assistance, a willing individual in need and coming from a challenging background can be walked through the process that will ultimately lead to personal empowerment through permanent employment.

There are many aspects of CET that make this a standout organization. First, Pell Grants and student loans are available and accepted to attend this program. Also, CET is an accredited institution by standards of Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The training can be completed at one’s on pace and one may complete some of the programs as early as four months. There are no academic requirements to enroll for some classes. GED classes are offered and one

“The Mission of CET, an economic and community Development Corporation is to promote human development and education by providing people with marketable skills training and supportive services that contribute to selfsufficiency.” For each CET student, the goal is to obtain a permanent, unsubsidized, well-paying, entry-level position with benefits, and continued growth potential.

The Driving Force behind CET is Dr. Celeste Turner. Dr. Turner has a relentless passion for this organization of which she became director of in December 2009. Dr. Turner is guided by the extensive vision that she has for CET that houses both short-term and long-term goals and aspirations. Some of the immediate goals of Dr. Turner are to: 1. Increase partnerships with organizations that lead to hiring graduates. Currently, she invites CEOs and managers to tour the training center and see the value of the center and intermingle with the students.

Now in its 44th year, and having trained and placed over 140,000 men and women in meaningful jobs, Center for Employment Training (CET), headquartered in San Jose, CA, continues to be acknowledged as one of the most innovative, cost-effective and efficient job training programs in the nation. Founded in 1967, CET is a private, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to fighting poverty and dependence on public aid by making hands-on job training available to youth and adults of all educational levels and backgrounds, but especially to those most in need and hardest to serve including ex-offenders, drug abusers, and those involved in gang violence.

9. Ex-offenders and parolees 10. Veterans, among many others...

2. Increase enrollment of students by letting the community know of their presence. 3. Increase partnerships with other organizations that would complement the CET’s vision and program. In order to assist our students in attaining their goal, there are four very distinct aspects to how CET operates: can start at any time; enrollment is year-round. One aspect that clearly makes CET unique is the wide range of disadvantaged populations that they service including: 1. Welfare Recipients (Cal Works, TANF). 2. High school dropouts/unemployed youth 3. Unemployed seniors (55-62) 4. Displaced workers 5. Disabled workers 6. Refugees and immigrants 7. Minority, single-female heads of household 8. Homeless

18 | diverse editions | November 2010

1. Training - Training is accessible, flexible, timely, affordable, hands-on, highly individualized and self-paced. CET does not conduct testing as a prerequisite to entry, and allows an individual open-entry and open-exit depending on the student’s progress. CET offers over 30 skill training options, which are determined by industry demand in local economies of each community served. 2. Support - Life skills instruction, workplace simulation, human development, and supportive services. This essential aspect of our CET model sets us apart from many vocational training institutes as we make our resources available to assist our students in eliminating barriers to success and fully preparing them to transition into the workplace. 3. Industry Partnerships - Our curriculum is carefully

developed in partnership with local industry employers in the form of local industrial advisory boards and technical advisory committees. With input from these employer advisors, CET training programs are kept abreast of technological advancements and current industry requirements for entrylevel positions. 4. Job Placement - CET job developers and instructors work closely with employment recruiters and human resources representatives to match job-ready students to employer needs. CET currently offers job training for positions in the following industries: 1. 2. 3. 4.

including all related communication, computer, and safety skills relevant to industry. This course prepares students for work as Medical Records Clerks, Hospital Admittance Clerks, Outpatient Admittance Clerks, Insurance Clerks, Medical Receptionists and much more! There is an incredible demand for employees in all of the above three fields. The US Department of Labor predicts


MEDICAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT This course covers essential skills in medical office administration as well as related communication, computer, and safety skills relevant to industry. At the end of the classroom portion of the course, students complete 80 hours of externship in a doctor’s office, hospital or clinic, giving students the experience they need to enter the workforce! MEDICAL INSURANCE BILLING This course covers essential skills in medical insurance billing

THE CENTER OF EMPLOYMENT––OUR FOCUS IS YOUR CAREER SUCCESS! • Job Placement Assistance for LIFE • Career-Oriented Programs • Intensive Hands-on Learning • Self-Paced Training • Highly Individualized • Support Services In conclusion, Diverse Editions presents to some and introduces to others one of our community’s best assets, The Center for Employment Training, under the invaluable leadership of Dr. Celeste Turner, an organization and an individual, making a tangible difference on the grassroots level, and shining the light of hope for a brighter future for us all.

Business Office Technology Medical Administrative Assistant Medical Insurance Billing Building Maintenance

BUSINESS OFFICE TECHNOLOGY This course prepares students for employment in professional office settings. While there will be great emphasis on technology, the course will focus on developing business and administrative skills as required for customer service representatives, administrative assistants, receptionists and other diverse clerical occupations.

in 2006 and are employed in almost every industry.

significant growth in this field in the next decade with growth twice as fast as average occupations over the next decade. As our population grows, the need for high-quality healthcare services becomes increasingly great.

Dr. Celeste Turner, Site Director Center for Employment Training 807 E. Main Street; Durham, NC 27701 Telephone: 919-686-4050 E-mail: cturner@cet2000.org Web site: www.cetweb.org

BUILDING MAINTENANCE This course covers essential skills in building construction, maintenance, and repairs, in addition to all applied math and safety skills, relevant to the residential industry. Graduates of our program may choose to work in general Building Maintenance and Repair or specialize in Plumbing, Carpentry, Electrical, Roofing, and more! General maintenance and repair workers held 1.4 million jobs

November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 19




Maximum Potential Taking “communicating better” to be a goal (although, certainly, it would have to have to be far much more accurately explained than that!), this principle applies. I can not imaging each saying that I’m this type of great communicator that I certainly not ought to improve once more, and so there may be no greatest end-point, but I can set a collection of interim stages in place, and keep adding to them, during the way that you simply would add to some rolling business strategy. Some items are simply never finished. Under these circumstances, step-by-step objectives appear appropriate. How beneficial would I love to get by early summer? How great would I love to become next year? By determining the steps for each and every of those, I am making identified targets or destinations that aren’t the greatest end final result (and there will by no means be 1 of those people), but that do allow me to recognize my development and drive me near a objective. Some issues will not have a described ultimate finish result. I, for example, wants to be a much better mountain biker, but there is certainly no greatest end-point for me, inside the sense that I won’t get to a specific degree of capability and say “right, which is enough”! This question is both instead tricky and very quick to response. Wherever are we going once again? The illustration of smoking is really a valuable element here. When you do some thing (or do not do one thing) with no acquiring to consciously think about it, it has become ingrained in your sub-conscious, and also the new practice has replaced the outdated one particular. That is not to say which you have to have never believe about it once again - being alert to potentially reverting to old habits is essential - but the additional and a lot more you “do” the new routine, in more and a lot more

20 | diverse editions | November 2010


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different environments, the a lot more normal it’ll become. Lots of stuff are definitely simple to resolve - inside the brief phrase. Any individual that has ever given up smoking is probably to recognise that heading one particular day with out a cigarette is reasonably right forward in comparison to going permanently without having just one. So if we’ve committed to listening much more intently to a specific person so that you can fully grasp them far better, how lengthy do we have to have to accomplish that for prior to we have actually, genuinely, reached our objective? Are we definitely nearly there? Using the well-known child’s query of “are we there however?”, the desired destination is usually clearly described - when I pull up outside the villa/cottage/park etc, I can be extremely confident that we are “there”, and give a quite straight response towards the issue. But with personalized skill improvement, defining the destination is (at greatest) a great deal a lot more subtle, and (at worst!) there might be no “destination” at all... A lot of administration education courses, and literature for the topic, covers the very first two of those actions, but my feeling is that there may be instead much less for the latter; so what are the challenges with truly “doing it”, especially knowing when you’ve truly bought there? 3) Undertaking it. 2) Committing to carrying out it. 1) Figuring out what you want (or need to have) to try and do. Inside the context of personal improvement (broadly defined - we could be speaking about creating leadership skills, or finding out a fresh language, anything actually), I tend divide the process into 3 basic steps: Pretty huge on my record of all-time infuriating phrases (being a parent) is “are we nearly there still?”, but it’s also one particular of the most important phrases when managing adjust, be it organisational adjust administration, or personalized development.

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Religion... The Pillar of the Spirit Written by Anthony Fuller

Religion is defined as a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs; as well as something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience. Religion can be also be characterized as belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe, and a personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship. Thus religion is truly a foundational institutional system that exists in any vibrant and healthy community. Religion presents itself as a faith-based system that becomes a bedrock presence, because of its ability to weather all storms, seasons, and turbulent changes that a neighborhood or community might undergo. Religion is something that is relevant and applicable to people from all walks of life; from all different cultures, ethnic backgrounds, social and economic classes. There exists a common thread, desire, and need in humanity to express a system of faith that connects us all to a

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higher power and provides a sense of purpose to our lives. The inherent beauty present in religion is that there exists limitless ways of expression of this medium. Therefore, we would do ourselves a righteous service by moving from a society that just tolerates religion to one that celebrates our religious diversity.

Through this celebration of diversity, we all would strive to protect, promote, and preserve our personal freedoms, and from this collective mindset; we naturally achieve unity in diversity. Religion is the Pillar of the Spirit, because it is a structure that anchors our soul, builds and renews our faith, and breathes life into our spiritual being. Thus, a system where one can safely, peacefully, and freely engage in praise and worship, be strengthened and encouraged in an environment of belief and faith, receive support and backing from being a part of an extended spiritual family, and have access to godly counsel and wisdom, providing holistic benefits for the individual and their entire family. True religion is the Pillar of the Spirit because it prevents us from becoming wearied and burned out by the cares and burdens of life, while at the same time inspiring and charging us to press on and march on till victory is won.

November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 23

Dean JT Roberson and the Shaw University Divinity School:

Christian Church

A Call to Teach and the Power to Reach

“If I see a need I will meet that need and no one goes lacking”

by Anthony Fuller

Shaw Divinity, located in Raleigh, NC, has become a pillar in the religious community of schools

At Diverse Editions, two of the six divisions of community that we focus on are the field of education and the other, religion. In this particular edition, we had the prestigious honor of highlighting an individual and an institution that represents both pillar divisions at the highest magnitude and with a spirit of uncompromising excellence. This article is dedicated to presenting to our reading audience and our community at large, the well-respected Dean Roberson and the Shaw University Divinity School. Roberson has been the Dean of Shaw University Divinity School since 2000. Dean Roberson has provided an unparalleled and unwavering leadership that has guided Shaw University Divinity School into being one of the most prestigious and prominent theological institutions that our nation has to offer. So it will be our literary purpose, as we proceed, to first focus on Dean Roberson and then the Shaw University Divinity School. Roberson was born and raised in the segregated south, in the town of Moss Point, Mississippi. He initially left Mississippi to enter the military and upon returning, he quickly observed the south had changed and was in period of transition. Roberson first attended Jackson State, a historically Black university, for two years. He then proceeded to attend Millsaps College, a liberal arts college, and became the first African-American to graduate from the college in 1968 with a degree in Mathematics. This particular achievement speaks volumes to an undeniable truth of character concerning Roberson. Roberson has the DNA makeup and essence of a pioneer and a trailblazer. Roberson then embarked on a long and prestigious career with IBM, where he worked for 25 years, serving as a

high-level executive in the capacities of programmer, systems manager and project manager until 1992. Roberson furthered his education by obtaining a Master’s in Computer Science from New York University. During his tenure at IBM, Roberson was divinely called into ministry and started preaching the Gospel. He traveled to New York to attend New York Theological Seminary where earned a Master’s of Divinity. Roberson then received his Ph.D. from Fordham University in Administration and Supervision with a concentration in Church Leadership. Roberson then moved to Dayton, Ohio to attend United Theological Seminary where he remained for seven years. He was a part of United’s well-renowned Dement Program, founded by Sam Proctor and the famous Proctor Fellowship. Roberson directed the program from 1994 to 2000. In January 2000, Roberson accepted the position of Dean of Shaw University Divinity School, which he still currently holds. He is also the pastor of New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, located in Macon, North Carolina.

The Shaw University Divinity School is of course connected to Shaw University, one of the most prestigious historically Black universities in our nation that has a long, illustrious, and rich tradition of producing leaders who make significant and historical contributions to our community and to the entire world. Shaw University Divinity School is a fully-accredited institution accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, as well as the Association of Theological Schools of the United States and Canada. These agencies are the major accredited agencies that accredit institutions like Duke, Southeastern Theological Seminary, and all other prominent schools. Shaw University Divinity School is a graduate school that offers a Master’s of Divinity as well as a Master’s of Religious Education. For those individuals and prospective students who do not have the necessary Bachelor’s degree to apply for the Divinity School, Shaw has a continuing education department under the leadership Dr. Rudolph Crip that offers classes and a certificate for those persons who are currently in ministry and want to increase their theological education. In fact, one of Dean Roberson’s primary visions for Shaw Divinity is to work to have a Shaw Divinity degree or certificate in the office or home every pastor and church leader in the state of North Carolina. One of the living examples of Shaw’s educational vision is Steven John Thurston, president of the National Baptist Convention of America. Thurston is currently working on obtaining his Master’s in the Divinity School, so that he can be a model of education and stress its importance to church leadership.

W h ile i nt e r v iew i ng Dea n Roberson, a prestigious and profound individual who has reached the highest pinnacle of his profession, the recurring theme of pioneer consistently surfaced in Roberson’s educational and professional career. During his time at IBM, Roberson was part of the constituency that helped usher in the paradigm shift of personal computers. In the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, long before the introduction of Blackboard, Roberson had the vision that computer technology could be used as a national and global What really makes Shaw University medium to advance education Divinity School unique and stand pictured, Dean JT Roberson on a larger scale. In fact, out as an institution is the vision Roberson’s dissertation was on the subject and role of and collective mindset of Dean Roberson and the rest of distance education. Roberson continued his pioneering the faculty. The School’s mission statement is to provide ways by introducing online education in the Black Church, theological education for people preparing for ministry in providing leadership training to church leaders on every the clinical, pastoral, and research professions. The School level. One of Roberson’s goals is to raise the overall level is committed to the development of research and leadership of theological education in the Black church, and distance that is specifically focused on the African-American education is a viable tool in achieving this goal. As Dean of community. There is a strong sense of connection Shaw University Divinity School, he was able to introduce between the school and the community, because most of and incorporate Blackboard and online education into the the faculty comes from the community, so they understand school’s curriculum. So it is with this innovative, visionary the educational nuances of the community. A large part of mindset that Dean Roberson leads the Shaw University the faculty is also local pastors, so they can provide a dual Divinity School. component of leadership to their students. Many have been educated at historically Black colleges and universities, so

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there is a point of empathy with the students that causes the faculty to go the extra mile, because they understand the element of the struggle that exists in the pursuit of achievement. Dean Roberson instructs his staff with the principle, “You are called not just to educate, but to go wherever you students are, and bring them to where they ought to be.” Thus, as passionate educators, you have the power to reach individuals in our community with all of their issues, academic shortcomings and challenges and bring to the place where they ought to be—a place of academic excellence and achievement. Dean Roberson articulates with a deep sense of conviction, “We will lower the bar as low as it takes to get you in, but will make sure you go climb all the way to the top before you get out.” This kind of leadership will inevitably lead to the collective elevation and transformation of the entire community. This mandate is expressed in a grant initiative affiliated with the school called “The 10%” where Shaw Divinity is allowed to admit 10 percent of its student population without the usually necessary accredited load of classes.

Mailing Address: PO Box 15412 Durham, NC 27704 Tel#: (919) 638-9543 Email: sfjrministries@yahoo.com Visit our Website for Updates: www.newvisionchristianchurch.org

Senior Pastor

Shaw Divinity School’s vision for the future consists of continuing to evolve as a data communication and distribution center of research activity. The goal is for this academically-driven research to be dispersed between the African-American Church and the community to bridge the gap and make a stronger sense of connection. There is currently collaboration between Shaw and UNC to create grants that focus on health disparities. Shaw desires to be a hub of research and leadership that will eventually provide solutions to long-standing problems and crises, within the Black community to which it belongs and serves. In the pursuit of this noble endeavor, Dean Roberson and Shaw University are always looking for partners, individuals, institutions, and organizations that they can collaborate with to collectively fund and corporately facilitate the vision. In conclusion, Diverse Editions celebrates and honors Dean JT Roberson and Shaw University Divinity School to their tireless commitment and devotion to theological education and academic excellence. We as a people, community and society are all better off, because they have answered “The Call to Teach and Exercised the Power to Reach.”

Contact Information: Shaw University Divinity School 118 East South Street Raleigh, NC 27601 Tel#: 919-546-8570 November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 25

Non-profit… or not Just Profiting?

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“Develop a strong website infrastructure that will grow with your


Do you run a church or non-profit organization? Is your organization donation-based? Is your company a 501(C)3? If you run a non-profit, you might be surprised at the changes in landscape that can help you create an online experience that would even surpass secular businesses. The goal, of course, would be to help you develop better affinity and loyalty for your donors and give them a reason to continue supporting your cause – whatever that may be. One of the big barriers to non-profits or churches taking advantage of many of the new technologies has been the commonly held belief t h a t t e c h n o l o g y i s e x p e n s i v e . O r, t h a t t h e r e i s some sort of ethical barrier to using the same strategies that a secular business might use. We l l t e a r d o w n t h e w a l l s – b e c a u s e i f y o u don’t, they’ll be torn down for you and you’ll be exposed to the harsh realities of failing numbers and loyalty dropping in masses. If you are a non-profit or not-for-profit organization, you actually may have more of a moral obligation to seek efficient practices than those whose business is entrusted to shareholders. If you are donor-based, you do a disservice to your donor anytime you don’t take advantage of cost-effective developments on the web. Well, enough about that – now on to how you can enjoy successes of best practice and proven strategy with new web technology and developments. Principle One - Understand your mission and sellout to it. Everything – from the volunteer core, to the receptionist, to your leadership, to your print pieces, to your website to your Press Releases – has to resonate with your message. Use the elevator test to make sure every single person in the building understands w h a t t h e i r m i s s i o n i s . N o t i c e I d i d n ’ t s a y, “Make sure everyone knows the slogan”. The elevator test is simply to ask each employee to be able to describe what the organization does to their mother in fifty words or less. Then, once they get it down to that, tell them to refine it so that they can talk about your organization i n t h r e e s e n t e n c e s o r l e s s . T h a t w a y, w h e n they enter an elevator they can talk about what you do and your mission in the time it takes to ride in an elevator from one floor to the next.

Then, take that mission communication and sell everything to make sure it gets communicated appropriately and consistently in everything you do. Principle Two - Spend money to save money. You need to save money to make more money.

will grow with your organization at no additional expense. There are a lot of great web designers and programmers out there. Find one that can give you a web site built with a strong architecture – a structure that allows you to continue to grow your web site without always having to return to them for more expenses and programming.

One of the larger challenges of non-profit organizations is the shrinking pool of donationb a s e d c o n s t i t u e n c y. C h a n g i n g h a b i t s i n consumer lifestyles and “competing interests” in catastrophe funding has created a remarkable attack on regular donor giving. As a result, the opportunity to solicit from people is becoming less and less as the asks are more and more.

2. Use your limited human capacity as well as possible through strong technology. Make sure that you have a suitable content management system (CMS) that will allow you to add new content with a few clicks of the mouse…or delete content without having to go through people and money to get it done. This will allow you to organize your business so that everyone can help accomplish the same goal.

The best way to approach this competition is t o i n v e s t m o r e i n s a v i n g m o n e y. A l l o w m e t o clarify: spend money right now to advance your c o m m u n i c a t i o n w i t h y o u r d o n o r. D e v e l o p a better web site, funding operation and strategy; become better at those things and you’ll reduce costs, expenses and overhead later on.

3. Provide online giving. All your donor needs is a reason and a way to give online for you to see increases in donations. There are several solutions to help you get there. You can use PayPal. There are several non-profit services that take donations. But there is nothing as good as having a customized donation and online giving page that keeps your donor on your web site. It may cost a little more up front, but in the long-run your web site user will appreciate the trustworthy experience much more and therefore also be more apt to return.

One of the best ways to save money later on is by reducing the human capacity needs through better technologies such as content management systems for your web sites, automating processes, and developing better, more consistent branding in your marketing collateral. Principle three – Close the communication gap. I can’t tell you how many non-profit web sites I’ve visited over the last several years that seem as though they were built in the dark ages. And I am talking about large, well-known organizations. Not the small, mom and pop variety. If your organization values its donors and desires a strong way to make use of the limited resources that are available, you need to make sure your web site speaks well of your mission, your people and your service in the community.

4. Develop brand consistency online. If your web site looks poorly constructed or changes to different looks and styles from page to page, you’ll sabotage your own efforts. Don’t spend minimally to recreate a poorly designed site. It is better not to use that money at all and pull down your site. Better yet, take the time to carefully consider the options available to you through a marketing consultant or web developer, and then make the plunge into the 21st century. Your donors, board of directors and bottom line will appreciate it.

There are several web applications that can be affordable for even the smallest budgets over time, and that help you close the perceived communication gap. Some Ideas? 1. Develop a strong web site infrastructure that

November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 27

calledthe to return




A true pillar and leader of our community

by Anthony Fuller

We at Diverse Editions have committed ourselves to the mission and purpose of celebrating and honoring the pillars of our community: individuals and institutions that have undergirded, supported, and have literally been the backbone of our society. In this edition, we profile one of these pillar individuals, Bishop Pamela Spence. This seasoned and powerful woman of God has been a cornerstone of faith, the walking embodiment of the Gospel, an uncompromising witness, whose personal light is being used to pierce all darkness, illuminating people’s pathway back to their Creator, and fulfilling the divine ministry of reconciliation. Diverse Editions had the privilege and honor to be able to interview Bishop Spence, and it is crystal clear to anyone that encounters this anointed woman, that she is a walking visionary, carrying a message of hope that is extremely relevant and purposeful as such a time as this in our society. Thus, we want to present to you a synopsis of both her liberating message and her empowering vision.


PAMELA Spence 28 | diverse editions | November 2010

Bishop Pamela Spence is Senior Pastor of a local church called ROC Fellowship Church in Raleigh, North Carolina as well as serving as the Presiding Prelate of Greater Covenant Fellowship of Churches. This means she leads her own organization of churches. Bishop Spence is also the founder and overseer of ROC Nation. She is sought after all over the world for her prolific and profound sermons. Many life tragedy experiences have become a launching pad for triumphant victories. Bishop Spence’s message of hope is birthed out of her own personal experiences which have become testimonies designed to help others overcome by the delivering hand of the Lord. According to Bishop Spence, the Lord first began to reveal to her the calling on her life between the

ages from seven to nine, in the forms of dreams and visions. However, a short time later, while in her early teens, she entered and became immersed in street life, which involved the drug culture and gang involvement. She recounts how she was constantly exposed to perilous conditions and life-threatening scenarios, and even though these situations were self-induced, the delivering presence of the Lord intervened and interceded on her behalf. The journey of this lifestyle culminated in a kidnapping at gunpoint and a subsequent incarceration. Yet it was in this tenuous moment, in her early twenties, that Bishop Spence had an epiphany and came to the personal revelation that she had not been born to neither live nor die like this, and decided to recommit to the Lord and surrender her life to him, and she has not looked back since. Yet she did not leave this phase of her life empty-handed. There is always purpose in the process and product in our pain that the Lord will ultimately use for His Glory. Bishop Spence carries with her a profound revelation of grace and mercy that gives her both the compassion and passion to protect and cover others. She has a complete understanding of her assignment—a Voice assigned to those persons who have neither been birthed nor processed through religion or church experience, but need someone to articulate what they feel and identify with them where there are, so they may experience the love of God outside of the walls of the church. She has a keen sense of spiritual warfare that causes her to remain sober and vigilant, knowing that the enemy always comes in our lives to steal, kill, and destroy. As she so insightful expounds, “The enemy is a peculiar kind of thief, a spiritual kleptomaniac, with an impulsive and obsessive need to steal from us things he does not need or cannot even use—like our peace and our joy. So Bishop Pamela Spence has made it her business and personal mission to return the favor to the enemy, becoming both forceful and offensive, taking the fight to him, to snatch souls out of the Kingdom of Darkness and be translated into the Kingdom of

Continued on pg. 35

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pledge 25 cents a car. You might want to try to set a goal of each member to get at least $2 in pledges but you may be very surprised to see that most members will receive even more! Set up a car washing station with your water, hose and soap. Create your "FREE CAR WASH" sign. All members should collect their pledges after the fundraiser is complete. 6) How about a star-studded twist on the standard auction fundraiser? The members of your group could compile a list of all the stars they want to contact and locate their mailing addresses on the internet. You would want to craft a professional letter to forward


to their attention indicating your fundraising effort and what it is for. You then want to

“And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and power. That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God”. 1 Corinthians 2:4-5

The Lord has given me a mandate to now share 32 years of ministry experience and minister healing, wholeness and deliverance to all that have ears to hear, to save the lost and help advance the kingdom of God.

ask if they will send you something they sign. The item could range from pictures, clothing, books, tapes, CDs, sports items, etc. You may also want to consider contacting your "local stars" such as newscasters, tv personalities, weatherforecasters and so on.

Your local school, church or other such organization generally hold fundraisers to raise money they may need to accomplish tasks or goals which have been set.

And those are just a few of the unique and fresh ideas for the fundraising project you may have on the horizon!

However, most of the time, fundraisers are usually the same old ideas such as holding a bake sale or selling candy bars or having a raffle. How would you like to try something new and innovative for your next fundraiser? Check out these unique fundraising ideas! 1) For an annual fund raiser, your group might think to sell a 'Flag Service.' What you could do is come up with a set amount, say $15-$20 a year, and then the members of your group would come to your home on each Federal holiday and place a US Flag in your yard. Once the holiday was over, the group members would remove the flag from your yard and then place it in storage until the next event when a US Flag is typically flown. The flags are nice and large as well as typically mounted on PVC-type poles. The members of your group would hammer a stake into the ground and and then slide the post on. When you think about it, the initial investment really isn't too much and after the first year is really hardly anything at all. Once a few individuals in the neighborhood get one, you can be sure that most likely everyone else will want one too. It definitely looks great and adds lots of patriotism and spirit to your local communities around all the Federal holidays. 2) Is your fundraiser for a music-related organization? If not, that's fine too... How about conducting a "Rock-a-thon" fundraiser? The individuals who wish to participate for the event would take pledges for rocking in a rocking chair over say like 10 hours. You could make things interesting as the time stretches into the early morning hours by throwing around water

balloons and so forth. Upon completion of rocking, participants would then collect their pledge monies. 3 ) For sports-related fundraiser, your group might think about sponsoring a golf tournament. Solicit your local businesses for prize donations and charge for tournament play. 4) Here is a nice springtime fundraiser that you can do during crafttime with kids. You can buy some small clay pots and fingerpaints which can be purchased inexpensively at a craftstore. When the pots are decorated, buy some nice flower or herb seeds to grow. Many people really like these as a personal touch and it would help to raise money for your club or organization. 5) Some clubs or organizations do hold a car wash as fundraiser. How about holding a "FREE" Car Wash fundraiser? The members of your group would ask family members and business to get pledges per car. Individuals might pledge 10 cents a car while businesses might be willing to

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Church Affiliation: The Kingdom Center 524 N. Main St. South Boston, VA 24592 Pastor: Bishop-Designate Inga Johnson Pastor Pamela I. Williams is an ordained Pastor that also provides marriage counseling and officiates wedding ceremonies. | 31 November 2010 services | www.diverseeditions.com

John C. Fitzpatrick, II-The Fighter John C. Fitzpatrick, II-The Pastor by Dr. Inga Johnson


Stepping Outside the Proverbial Box

An Overcomer of Adversity and an Advocate for Justice How can you defend somebody who’s Guilty?

Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me. Attorney John C. Fitzpatrick, II has become one of the most notable and accomplished attorney’s in the world in spite of personal challenges and major road blocks at the age of 16. Fitzpatrick’s professional career to be an advocate was birthed from the pains of injustice inflicted. It was a true-life experience that cemented his desire to become a lawyer for justice. Shortly after getting his driver’s license, an incident occurred with a police office. The lawyer says he was driving and obeying the speed limit and driving carefully. “A police officer drove along beside me, quickly drove around in front of me, so I fearfully turned off on another road,” Fitzpatrick recalls. “He followed me. He put the lights on, pulled me out of the car, began to ask me questions, and he basically tried to intimidate me, using threatening words that had racial overtones. One of the last things I remember the police officer saying to me was, I dare you to take me to court, if you take me to court I will never loose. There I was a 16-year-old kid and going through all that. I said to myself watch I’m going to be a lawyer you watch, and I told him.” In particular, the lawyer says he has a special debt to repay in regard to poor and unrepresented individuals.

I WAS BORN TO LITIGATE These words are a driving force for Attorney John C. Fitzpatrick, II, who has practiced law for over 14 years representing clients in Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill and surrounding areas. He is known as an advocate for justice and a litigator who welcomes the opportunity to fight for his clients in court. Attorney John C. Fitzpatrick, II started his career as a Durham County Public Offenders office, worked in other colleague private practices and since 2003 launched Law Office of John C. Fitzpatrick, II. “I was born to litigate, I like fighting for the underdogs, we get positive results for our clients,” Fitzpatrick says. “If necessary, I will fight cases in court to help maintain justice, order and balance. It’s who I am, an advocate for justice.” Not only did Fitzpatrick become a lawyer he has become one of the most favored, respected and accomplished attorney’s of this time. Fitzpatrick’s firm has a reputation for fighting cases with integrity and persistence which is one of the reasons he was elected President of Durham County Criminal Defense Bar and inherited a reputation of being a fighter. Secondly, Fitzpatrick’s firm has become known for maintaining high profile cases and its many positive results. Phillipians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

“I never had great scores on standardized tests,” Fitzpatrick explains. “I made a promise to the Lord that if He allowed me to pass the bar, I’d give back to those who are less fortunate or unfortunate and financially challenged, and I’d give back to my community. I passed the bar the first time. This is the reason I chose to work in the Durham county public offender office, defending those that are indigent, I have worked pro bona (FREE) helping those in the community and still do from time to time.” Fitzpatrick says his firm serves Hispanics because he believes that is a segment of our community that often times goes unrepresented and neglected. “We have clients who have given testimonials about how they appreciate our passion, our empathy and sincerity,” says Fitzpatrick. “We really get close and personal with our clients. They are treated with respect. We have taken families out to dinner to celebrate. We are known for personal attention, integrity and accessibility. Many of our clients have stressed their appreciation for our fight when cases were lost.”

WE OFFER A 24 HOUR CALL SERVICE HOW CAN YOU DEFEND SOMEONE WHO’S GUILTY? We asked Attorney Fitzpatrick one of the most speculated questions: “How do you defend someone who’s guilty?” Fitzpatrick replied, “One, my job is to not judge the person, judge the facts. Two, my role is to make sure my client has the protection of the constitution and is treated fairly while going through the court process (during) which (we) may

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end up pleading guilty, but if they are not being treated fairly or if the state has done some things that are not permissible or allowable by law in obtaining this charge, which violates the constitution then I’m going to fight for my client regardless. He or she may be factually guilty but not legally guilty. If that’s the case then I’m going to fight for them. Here’s an example I always give, imagine a young African American male walking in a drug neighborhood minding his own business walking or sitting in his car. A police officer stops him because he’s black, strip searches him and finds drugs in the lining of his clothes. Yes factually he’s guilty for having drugs in his pants, but constitutionally they cheated and the way they did it was unlawful and impermissible, therefore, I’ve got to fight for that defendant. It’s bigger than my client, I’m fighting for my son, for my son’s son, I’m fighting for everybody else in the community who may be discriminated against because of their race, religion, or creed. If nobody fights then that kind of injustice will continue to go on. It’s all about maintaining the balance of justice while embracing the constitution. Right is right and wrong is wrong! If you win the game, then you win and we will plead guilty, but if you cheat in the game then we are going to fight until the end!” “In order to be a an effective advocate for justice, I’ve got to be great at what I do and I’m great because of God’s grace wisdom and compassion and I’ve narrowed my focus. I want people to know that if they need a lawyer for criminal, traffic, family, and personal injury, they are getting the best representation. Rather than being good in eight areas of the law, I’d rather be great in four areas.”

FOUR AREAS OF PRACTICE Criminal • Traffic • Family • Personal Injury

by Dr. Inga Johnson

Sometimes it is necessary to break from tradition and step outside the proverbial box. “We’re more progressive,” says Pastor John C. Fitzpatrick when speaking about One Love Ministries (OLM). “We don’t discard tradition, but we don’t embrace tradition as doctrine. I believe in just letting the Holy Spirit flow. We do what God says do. I’m very untraditional. A lot of times, (people) are bound by tradition. At One Love Ministries, we don’t believe there is a box. (However) if there is a box, it is obedience to what the Holy Spirit says do.”

One Love Ministries is a nondenominational church not bound by tradition or religion, but by relationship in Christ. “There is no democracy, it’s a theocracy. We use lots of visual props on the stage, words on the screen. In today’s age and time we need to meet the people where they are,” Pastor Fitzpatrick says. “We are not so antiquated in our methodology, we’re

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ 37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when

more progressive. We’ve had beds on our stage. We’ve had a mock marriage during our sermons. I preach with jeans and a T-shirt on. We use Face Book and Twitter. A lot of these concepts I attribute to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and my adopted pastor R.A. Vernon of The Word Church.

did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ 40 “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’ 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you

Pastor Fitzpatrick attributes his spiritual roots and foundation


When you have been arrested and need help fighting criminal charges in North Carolina, choosing the right lawyer can make the difference you need to avoid unwarranted jail time, heavy fines, or other penalties. Our cases range from misdemeanor drug possessions to first degree murder.


Attorney Fitzpatrick says, “The worst decision you can make is an uninformed decision”. When you pay off your tickets without representation you are, in effect, pleading guilty to the charge. You are also exposing yourself to license or insurance points, which cause your insurance to increase or your license privilege to be revoked. Don’t let a minor ticket cause major problems!”


We do not recover any attorney fees unless you recover damages. If you do recover damages, we then charge a percentage fee and the amount of trial or evidentiary expenses. We help clients with all sorts of personal injury accidents, including auto accidents, trucking accidents, bicycle or pedestrian accidents, slip-and-fall, and other premises liability cases.


We assist individuals, spouses, and families with a variety of family law matters, pertaining to divorce and broader areas of family law, as well: Divorce * Alimony * Child Custody * Visitation * Child Support * Property Distribution * Adoptions • Much More The office understands that when you are considering obtaining a divorce, you may be experiencing a tumult of emotions that you may not have experienced with such intensity before. We endeavor at all times during our attorney-client relationship to treat you with the sensitivity and patience you require while protecting your interests in divorce mediation, negotiations, or at trial.

Law Office of John C. Fitzpatrick, II Physical Address: 116 W. Main Street Durham, NC 27701

Pictured: Pastor John and First Lady Fitzpatrick to the Honorable Bishop Reginald Hinton, Senior Pastor of Mt. Pisgah Freewill Baptist church in Erwin, NC. After leaving Erwin, Pastor Fitzpatrick matriculated to Durham, NC and began fellowshipping with Orange Grove Missionary Baptist Church where Reverend Carl W. Kenny taught him “a lot about life, compassion, and a sincere empathy for people.” On July 13, 2003, OLM was founded with a stated purpose of teaching the unadulterated truths found in the word of God. Pastor Fitzpatrick says the original members officially organized and entered into covenant to observe the principles of Christianity and maintain public worship. Those initial eight adult members met in the basement of the pastor’s home before moving to the Marriott and then to a 4200 sq ft building, and now to a 12,000 sq ft. facility located in Northeast Central Durham at 1107 Holloway St, Durham, NC 27701. Pastor John C. Fitzpatrick, II has a lovely wife, and two beautiful children John Fitzpatrick III (AKA Tre) and Cameron Alexandria Fitzpatrick.

Our ministry is based on Matthew 25 and Luke 4. Matthew 25:31-46 31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. 34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35

did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

Continued on pg. 34

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Right At Home

Stepping Outside the Proverbial Box

Bishop Spence Enjoys Ministering to the People of God's Needs Every Week

by Dr. Inga Johnson

continued from pg. 29

45 “He will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” “Here at One Love Ministries, outreach is one of our greatest heartbeats,” Pastor Fitzgerald says. Here are just a few of the many things the church is actively doing in the community: • Angel Food Ministries – We are a host site, where people can come and buy groceries 1/3 of what it cost in the stores. People can even use their ebt cards. • Trinity Wear Fashion – A store where people can shop for FREE – Many of the clothes still have the price tags on them. Pressed, Cleaned, Nicely kept. We show people how to prepare and dress for an interview. • Men of Honor Program – A 9-Week program where we teach and train men how to understand foundational truth of the word of God. They go through oral and written test about the knowledge of word of God. They have to provide proof of life insurance, driver’s license, health insurance, proof that they are getting their credit taken care of and learning how to be men of God. We have graduated a host of men and this program has changed their lives and their families. • Youth Ministry which is headed by First Lady Fitzpatrick and Elder Gladys Harris, two phenomenal women of God. They have developed a program that implements youth services during our church services. Our teachers are certified and trained. We have 4 classes from age 2 and up. • Prison Ministry where we connect with people with monthly visits and letters “We have ongoing outreach activities that go beyond book bag handouts for Back to School,” the pastor explains. “For example, we took over 50 kids in the community on a shopping spree and gave them all $60-$75 gift cards and took them to Old Navy. We took over 50 kids to the State Fair, paid for their entrance and one parent, paid for their rides and food, and provided transportation. We give out gas cards and food cards on a regular basis.” “One Love Ministries is a practical ministry that teaches individuals of all races and creeds how it will benefit them to have God in their life. It’s about winning souls to Christ, becoming empowered and operating effectively in your gift, that’s my prayer as a Pastor,” Fitzpatrick says.

“The Bible talks about us having an advocate in Jesus. I believe (as a lawyer) I am an advocate, a mouth piece for those who have no voice—a light in darkness. My job is to be that pillar of stability or of hope for my clients as Christ shapes me and molds me that they may see Him and give Him the glory for it… I thank God for the call of pastor. It allows me to have the compassion and not the judgmental attitude that folk could have if they did not have that compassion.” Pastor Fitzgerald also expressed his opinion of Diverse Editions: “I think Diverse Editions is going to shock the world,” said the pastor when asked about the magazine. “I don’t think the world is ready for the blessing that the kingdom is putting forward now through Diverse Editions. I actually believe this is one of the most open, transparent and powerful magazines that I have ever read. I think it is full of power, knowledge and insight and it is not about just commercializing a book or just having a magazine just for the sake of it. I believe there is a kingdom assignment and purpose found in the purpose of this magazine and all of those who get a copy of it, I truly believe will be blessed by it. I think if they sow into the magazine by purchasing advertisement or even purchasing a copy of the magazine, I think they will reap a harvest just because of them tilling into fertile ground. I think this magazine is going to bless so many people. It’s very professional. It’s informative, and it’s dynamic. So get ready world for Diverse Editions.”


9:30am – 11:00am

Mid Week Worship Wednesday 7:00pm

ONE LOVE MINISTRIES MONTHLY SERVICES Prayer, Praise, and Worship First Friday 7:00pm ~ Come as you are, It’s about Souls not Clothes ~

34 | diverse editions | November 2010

ONE LOVE MINISTRIES 1107 Holloway St. Durham, NC 27702 Tel#: 919.688.2163 Fax#: 919.249.1399 Email: info@visitonelove.org Website: www.visitonelove.org TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE FOR ALL SERVICES Please call in advance 919.688.2163 or Email us at: comegetme@visitoneloveministries.org and leave your name, number and address.


continued from pg. 29 Light. Bishop Spence has made her focus not only to minister to the outcast and downtrodden, but to target and pursue people of influence, affluent individuals like doctors, lawyers, politicians, entertainers and such, who have achieved significant success in their fields, but who are broken, injured, and wounded internally and need a spiritual voice to speak healing into their lives. The God-given vision that Bishop Pamela Spence carries is currently being fulfilled in her role as Pastor of ROC Fellowship C h u r c h , where she has purchased a close to $1 million edifice in one year starting out with 22 members and now having over 100 in such a short time. Her vision for her church is one that has a focus of community outreach, where a tangible reality is created wherein whatever a family needs, the church can provide. Entities like a twenty-four hour prayer vigil site; if kids want to go swimming, play basketball, or any other sporting or leisure activities, they can do so on church grounds, thus creating a bonding place and safe haven for the entire family. Currently, the church is actively involved with community ministries, like Message for

the Mantle, which involves a coat drive where families came come hear a message and receive much needed coats to take home. She has teamed up with Toys for Tots and Hands of Purpose Daycare to provide toys to over 1400 children. As Presiding Prelate of the Greater Covenant Fellowship of Churches, she provides direct spiritual covering to spiritual leaders and churches that cover the Detroit, Philadelphia, South Carolina, and North Carolina regions. ROC Nation is an organization that not only covers spiritual entities, but professional and performing groups as well. The long-term vision of ROC Nation is to develop a base of land that will house a community life center, a senior citizen housing complex as well as an orphanage. This is a vision that will both empower and transform both our families and communities, thus collectively benefiting us all, that should also inspire and motivate us all to do our part to assist in making this vision a reality. This is an organization that earnestly accepts all charitable donations and contributions to help facilitate this community building ministry.

In conclusion, Diverse Editions salutes, honors and celebrates Bishop Pamela Spence for being a difference maker and a beacon of light in our community. A dedicated, selfless and tireless servant called, chosen, and appointed to make an indelible impact and glorious mark on this world.

Remnant of Christ Fellowship Church

501 E. Lane Street Raleigh, NC 27616 Tel#: 919.803.7350 Email: rocfellowship@live.com Website: www.therocnation.org

November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 35

Come and Visit Shalom Tabernacle Where the Main Attraction is the Presence of our Heavenly Father

Shalom Temple

Bishop Odom Preaching the Word of God

November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 37

OLE N.C. BAR-B-QUE BANQUETS BUFFETS CATERING SALAD BAR HOTBAR 4201 North Roxboro Rd. Durham, NC 27704 Tel #: 919-471-1300 Fax #: 919-471-1440

Cell #: 919-618-0747 Faye Heath, Chester Heath


GREATER LIFE “STUCK IN VICTORY” PREACHING ~ REACHING ~ TEACHING Powerful Word of God Preached with Impact A Commemorative Praise and Worship Experience Overseer Rosalind Wilson, Pastor

“Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.” 2 Corinthians 2:14

by: Anthony Fuller


The Pillar of Defense

Health is a critical factor in determining the overall well-being of a community and the families and people that make it up. Our health institutions and the health professionals that work so diligently to provide quality healthcare help provide a pillar of defense that helps protect, shield, and cover an entire community. The possession of knowledge in any arena is power to a people, but carries significant weight in the health field. Thus, the age-old proverb, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” still rings true to this very day. Through the continuous flow of accurate health information from the healthcare system all the way to our homes, we can strengthen this Pillar of Defense by becoming active participants in the maintenance, improvement, and preservation of our own personal health. Things like knowing your family’s medical history, your genetic and hereditary dispositions, your at-risk factors, the role of diet and exercise in your daily regimen, the need for regular doctor checkups and physical exams, and other preventable measures, create healthy lifestyles that can help usher in the element of longevity in our communities. These consistent changes in health, cemented by our conscious daily choices and decisions, can have a positive ripple effect—seen in the preservation of the family unit, the strengthening of the nucleus of the community, the increase in active involvement and participation in communal affairs. All of which help undergird and reinforce the Pillar of Defense called Health.

WEEKLY SERVICES Wednesdays bible Study 7:00 pm Sundays Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am Every 2nd and 4th Sunday Evening Service 4:00 pm

WALK INTO A GREATER LIFE!!! Greater Life Ministries 4100 Mockingbird Lane Rock Hill, SC For more information or bookings call our Executive Administrator Elder Archinya Ingram at 803-389-1778 or Email: archinyaingram@ymail.com

38 | diverse editions | November 2010

November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 39

Parker and the Good Work Organization:

The Living

Dr. Evelyn D. Schmidt, Lincoln Community Health Center

Wellsprings of Health and Wisdom:

Diverse Editions recently had the prestigious honor and privilege to interview one of the living pillars of health in our community in the person of Dr. Evelyn D. Schmidt, MD, who is currently the chief executive officer of Lincoln Community Health Center, located at 1301 Fayetteville Street, Durham, North Carolina 27707. with the Department of Community and Family Medicine at Duke, and a Just For Us program which provides medical care to the homebound. The newest indigent care program called Project Access provides specialty care without charge to low-income, uninsured patients registered at any of the LCHC sites. Project Access is based upon donated specialty services from community physicians and physicians at Duke Medical Center.

Dr. Evelyn Schmidt, a graduate of Duke Medical School, was appreciative of an excellent medical education, but much opposed to the then-existing racial policies. She continued her graduate education in pediatrics and public health in the north. In September 1971 Schmidt returned to Durham to become the first director of Lincoln Community Health Center (LCHC), a federally-qualified health center, located at the still operative Lincoln Hospital. Dr. Schmidt started starter clinical team consisted of 1 Internist, 1 Emergency Doctor, 1 Nurse Supervisor and Dr. Schmidt herself which was the Pediatrician and Director. Although by law segregation had ended, there were still many obstacles including access to health care for low-income individuals without health insurance. In 1973 Lincoln Hospital joined the Durham County Hospital Corporation in anticipation of a new hospital to replace both Lincoln and Watts Hospitals. Durham Regional Hospital opened in 1976. However, it was an old facility which had many inconveniences for good patient care. Funds were raised from grants, county government and a community drive which enabled the construction of its present facility occupied since December 1982. LCHC by law is an independent organization with a Board of Directors, 51 percent of which must be active patient users. The Center now operates the main site, a school-based clinic at Hillside High School, an HIV Early Intervention Program located at Durham Community Shelter for Hope, three primary care clinics in cooperation

LINCOLN COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER The mission of Lincoln Community Health Center is to provide comprehensive primary and preventive health care in a courteous, professional and personalized manner. LCHC is committed to collaborating with other institutions dedicated to continuous improvement in services provided to decrease health disparities assuring access to all. LCHC is a federally-qualified health center operative in the Durham community since mid-September 1971 and accredited by the Joint Commission since 1987. LCHC provides comprehensive primary health care services including adult medicine, pediatric/adolescent medicine, dental, behavioral health, transportation, and on-site laboratory, x-ray, and pharmacy services. LCHC is the agent for the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program for Durham County. This is a state-run program offering food assistance and education to mothers regarding overall nutrition and encouraging breast-feeding. In addition to the main site, LCHC operates a Wellness Center at Hillside High School; a Healthcare for the

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By Anthony Fuller

Contact Information: Good Work PO Box 6013 Raleigh, NC 27628 Tel#: 919-682-8473 Email: johnparker@nc.rr.com

by: Anthony Fuller

The Story of Dr. Evelyn D. Schmidt and Lincoln Community Health Center Dr. Schmidt is both a pioneer and trailblazer in the medical profession, and her body of work has become a wellspring of wisdom and knowledge for all to draw from. Wellspring is the head or source of a spring, stream, or river; a fountainhead or a source or supply of anything, especially when considered inexhaustible. Thus, Dr. Schmidt clearly operates within the role of a wellspring, supplying a constant source of medical expertise and providing exceptional and inexhaustible leadership to Lincoln Community Health Center. Lincoln Community Health Center, of which I have been a personal benefactor of over the years, has been an invaluable source of quality health care of the highest magnitude, improving the overall quality of life of an entire community.

The Bridge Builder Connecting People With Community for the Greater Good

Homeless Clinic at the Community Shelter for Hope; three primary care clinics: Walltown, Lyon Park, and Holton in association with the Department of Community and Family Medicine at Duke; a Just for Us program which provides medical care to homebound elderly; and an HIV Early Intervention Clinic located at the Health Department. In calendar year 2009 there were 37, 926 users for a total of 139, 694 encounters. The Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is being used at all sites. Another continuing effort for 2010 is to bring LCHC Medicaid patients utilizing the emergency room for primary care during the day back to LCHC. This effort’s success will be associated with recruiting more providers and maintaining extended evening hours. The Durham Access Program which provides specialty care without charge to uninsured, low-income individuals started July 1, 2008. This program is based on specialist at Duke in the community volunteering a number of visits without charge. The program has started with LCHC patients because of the large backlog of need. LCHC serves 60 percent of more of the uninsured, low-income in Durham County. There is a constant effort to improve patient access by phone to make urgent and routine appointments, as well as to improve the availability of appointments. Another identified need for LCHC is to increase staff cultural competence. So in this edition of Diverse Editions, we recognize, honor and salute both the presence and ongoing contributions of Dr. Evelyn D. Schmidt and Lincoln Community Health Center. An individual and an institution that have made an indelible and longstanding positive impact in our community. We celebrate and lift up these pillars of defense in the vital field of health and wellness. Let us all pledge our allegiance and support to ensure that these Living Wellsprings of Health and Wisdom remain in our midst for future generations to enjoy. Lincoln Community Health Center (LCHC) is located at 1301 Fayetteville Street, Durham, NC 27707. Call 919-956-4000 or visit www.lincolnchc.org.

Diverse Editions operates from the premise of being more than a magazine, and it is from the perspective of this belief that we actively seek out individuals and organizations that live out “the being more philosophy” within our communities, serving as agents of change who enhance the quality of people’s lives and contribute to the greater good. One esteemed individual that fits this profile that we had the good fortune of interviewing is the honorable John Parker, who is currently the director of the Good Work organization. This article will be dedicated to talking about Parker on a personal level, as well as discussing Good Work as an organization. Parker was born and raised in Moore County, North Carolina. Parker expressed to us, the profound impact that his upbringing in rural North Carolina had on developing his life’s perspective. Parker’s first work experience was working in the family retail hardware store, Parker Hardware & Supply Company in Southern Pines, North Carolina. According to Parker, a major part of his childhood was spent in the confines of the family business, a business that the family owned for over 25 years. The lessons learned here were multi-faceted and far reaching. The practical lessons of the importance of customer service and taking proper inventory, and the value of hard work and the strength of family unity were all internalized there. However, Parker stressed to us with a deep sense of conviction, one of the greatest principles that he was exposed to during this time was the impact that a small business could have on a local community. Parker Hardware & Supply Company evolved from being just a local hardware store to becoming a hub of the community, a meeting place and a safe haven where mutual trust and confidence was created, allowing families and people to open up and freely share their lives with one another. Parker recalls, “We had customers coming into the store to get

a broken toilet fixed, but this hardware problem was a gateway to share their experiences to tend to and mend the broken pieces and places of their lives. The power of small business grows beyond a revenue-producing entity to a place of community, a place of transition, and a place of giveback. The Parker Hardware & Supply Company expressed this model of business by hiring employees with mental disabilities and others with felony backgrounds, thus enlarging the scope of community empowerment. Parker then proceeded to pursue his higher education armed with this community business mindset. Parker explained to us that he wanted to choose a major that was able to allow his gifts, talents, and passions to be aligned with his chosen vocation. He chose Applied Anthropology as his major, with a minor in Community Development. John received his Master’s in Applied Anthropology from the University of Memphis and Bachelor’s from Wake Forest University. During the course of his matriculation, Parker spent the summers traveling to Central America, where he did extensive ethnographic work and lived among the native people. Parker informed us that he learned the power of the story, which exists in all cultures. Stories that bring life to statistics and present points of view that go beyond the scope of the numbers to bring substance to collected data. Parker articulated, “The statistics might classify a family as struggling, but a personal encounter with this family uncovers the presence of resilience, corporate passion and pride, and deep-seated strength and unity. Parker summarized this experience by saying, “I had to go away to learn about home.” Another experience that helped shape Parker was his volunteer work at a hospice organization, which led to a deeper spiritual awakening. Parker expressed that caring for the dying deposited in him the gift of compassion and empathy, which would allow him to be a living resource of support to grieving families dealing with the loss of loved ones. Parker did his

graduate work in Memphis, Tennessee. He chose this city because it is rich in southern culture and civil rights history. It was during this time, Parker learned the power of the church in the community at the grassroots level. He also came to the selfrealization that his overseas experience had made him impervious and fully equipped to handle all the challenges of local leadership. Parker walked away from this period in his life with the confidence in building relationships and being able to connect with all people right where they are. Parker then proceeded to return to North Carolina, armed with the mindset to help people reach their full potential and provide a map and course of action for people to bring their ideas to reality. Through his experience in Memphis, he learned the relationship between politics, public policy, philanthropy, community development, and grassroots activism and the need for them to connect and the reality produced when they do not. Parker served as director of a non-profit organization called SelfHelp from 1998 to 2002. While serving in this role, Parker learned the component of finance as it relates to community development. He also worked with the Beloved Community Center organization; he now serves on its board. This non-profit operates out of Greensboro, North Carolina, and most of its leadership has roots from the civil rights movement. They deal with prison reform, school reform, provide aid to the homeless, and promote overall advocacy to the disenfranchised. The SelfHelp organization, under the leadership of Parker, was a catalyst for national financial reform and advocacy against predatory lending. Parker became director of Good Work, a non-profit organization founded in 1991, from 2002 until now. Good Work is a community development organization with a mission to strengthen people and communities through economic empowerment, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development.

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The Good Work team trains, coaches, guides, and supports everyday people, entrepreneurs, and organizations to advance their knowledge and skills to be self-reliant, entrepreneurial, and collaborative. Its focus is the sphere of small business and the nonprofit sector. They place the highlight of assistance on the personal element rather than the enterprise. Good Work is committed to ensuring that its clients not have a successful game plan for its business but for their lives as well. They help clients operate from a place of strength by developing and surrounding them with an active team structure to support them in the pursuit of their goals. Parker proudly informed us that recently Good Work has transitioned from operating from a budget of primarily grant funds to a budget driven by consulting fees. So in its mission to produce community entrepreneurs, they have become more entrepreneurial. Also, Good Work under the expert leadership of Parker, has expanded its scope of influence from the urban Triangle region to now include the local rural regions, leading to a state-wide impact. Its mission is to build networks, relationships, and coalitions between community organizations that would create an inter-connected system that empowers the community at large. Good Work has professional working relationships with The Rural Center in Raleigh, North Carolina; The Conservation Fund, a grassroots organization working for a triple, bottom-line impact consisting of business, social, and pro-environment profit; The North Carolina Institute for Minority Development; The North Carolina Indian Economic Development Initiative, representing eight local Indian tribes; The Self-Help Credit Union; Generations Credit Union; and the Latino Credit Union. As Good Work enters its nineteenth and twentieth year of service, its vision for the future is developing a larger role in facilitating collaborations and network weaving between local small businesses and non-profit organizations. And in the pursuit and vein of this vision, Good Work is always looking for new partnerships to assist in this endeavor. In conclusion, John Parker is a both a local giant and a global visionary who conducts his life from the principle of active stewardship. According to him, active stewardship is defined as a combination of a person’s vocation and passion being utilized to make an individual contribution to society that focuses on and leads to the greater good. This kind of stewardship leads to the dialogue and discussion of sustainability, a principle that causes one to take accountability for self, home and vocation, which will in turn lead to ongoing community change and transformation. We at Diverse Editions salute and honor Parker and Good Work, community hero and community advocate committed to The Greater Good.


Upholstery, they’ve had you

covered since1964” Durham Upholstery

hair and cosmetics...

By Anthony Fuller

WHEN DOES IT MAKE SENSE TO REUPHOLSTER? REUPHOLSTER OR BUY NEW? Durham Upholstery has been breathing new life into old, tattered furniture for more than 40 years. Its mission is to do the best job every time. The company’s upholsterers have a combined 94 years of experience, consisting of a team working together for more than 15 years. Durham Upholstery underwent new ownership in 2005 and is leading the way to develop the number one reupholstery service in the Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill area of North Carolina. Its craftsmanship and fine detail goes into every piece of furniture from the living room to the board room. Many have heard that reupholstering can be expensive. Many think they are able to save some money by going to the nearest massproducing furniture store and just buying new furniture. A common question is, “What can justify reupholstering?” Here’s the answer: Most furniture built even as recently as 10 years ago was built at a time when there was a higher standard for furniture construction. Even finer furniture manufacturers of today have had to lower their standards to keep up competition with the cutthroat, corner-cutting furniture manufacturers. The common question in the industry is, “What is going on underneath the upholstery of newer furniture that makes it so much more inferior?” Have you ever wondered why your old furniture has lasted so long? It probably has yesteryear's built-in quality. In order to offer the consumer furniture at dramatically low prices, quality is being sacrificed. Woods that were previously unsuitable for furniture frames are now being used. These frames are often shoddily thrown together as quickly as possible with staple guns and fast-drying epoxy. The old standard of using meticulously dowelled joints and waiting for wood glue to dry during several reclamping processes has been eliminated by many manufacturers. Old-fashioned coil springs and heavy-duty

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sinuous (no-sag) springs are being replaced with a lighter gauge of sinuous springs with less of them per seat. Good, high-density foam has gone up in price drastically over the past couple of years. So, many furniture manufacturers use a low-density foam that is suitable for its showroom appearance, but may break down on the consumer after only a few months of use. Coil springs are generally known as the highestquality spring. Part of the reason is because they are to be tied with jute twine with eight knots per spring. It appears that the manufacturers that put these settees together are in a bit of a rush. In general, it costs 60% to 80% of new material to upholster. According to the owner, the one main reason to upholster is one of sentimental value and preserving the quality of furniture. So much of the newer furniture is being made so cheaply inside that it is getting harder and harder to find really well-made sofas for less than $3,500. The less expensive stuff is being made overseas and the manufacturers are dropping the level of quality. If the furniture you have has excellent construction, you should at least get some estimates. As others have said, if it has an excellent frame, reupholstering costs far less than replacing it with the same quality. In addition to upholstery, they offer FREE pickup and delivery, FREE estimates, refinishing, and custom built furniture. Durham Upholstery services residential, commercial, medical, cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, lawnmower seats, and beauty shops. You name it, they do it! Give them a call or stop by their location and experience their professional guaranteed satisfaction! Durham Upholstery is located at: 809 Midland Terrace; Durham, North Carolina 27704. Call 919-688-6901. Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am-5:30 pm and Saturday 9:00 am-1:00 pm or visit their website www. durhamupholstery.com.

Pillar of Empowerment By Anthony Fuller and Dr. Inga Johnson The hair and cosmetic industry provides another pivotal presence in our communvvvity, which collectively celebrates us with a Pillar of Empowerment. Empower is defined as to give power or authority to; to enable or to permit. A person’s appearance plays a major role in the development, maintenance, and preservation of their self-esteem and self-confidence; with hair and cosmetics being an integral part of that appearance. We can also collectively agree that self-esteem and self-confidence are two of the most critical components in a person’s approach and attitude towards life. The hair and cosmetic industries are full of establishments that are occupied by skilled and trained professionals who have the capacity to enhance and elevate an individual.

from environment elements, such as the sun. And as a person goes through this process of transformation, there is something that infuses their self-esteem, encourages their hearts, and internally beautifies the self-portrait of them, which they may have somberly carried in with them, which they will now cheerfully and triumphantly carry out with them. This improved and remodeled self-portrait provides the client with a new dose of energy, courage, and passion to re-enter their lives and confront all upcoming challenges and opportunities with a new and vibrant sense of optimism. Also, within the hair and cosmetic field, people of all ages and genders can see a tangible model of other individuals are skilled professionals making great use of their talents and gifts, thus providing a constant source of inspiration to all those who flow through its doors. The hair and the cosmetic industry—a Pillar of Empowerment—empowers one individual at a time, and one empowered person can help change a whole community.

“Hair attracts people’s

A woman deserves to be respected, admired and appreciated. Personality and appearance play a significant role in making your first impression an appealing one. However, everybody is not born with a beautiful face or impressive personality. You can definitely improve your appearance and get that aspired look with the help of cosmetics. It helps a woman feel more confident and assured about her image. That’s also a reason why cosmetics have gained extreme popularity throughout the globe. Makeup is a must for celebrities and professionals in the show business industry. Nowadays, cosmetics are equally popular amongst men and women. Cosmetics can bring about a huge change in your personality.


Hair attracts people’s attention. By studying a woman’s hairstyle, it is possible to gauge her personality, salary bracket, health, profession, place in society and more. This is quite a feat when you consider what hair is: stringly material comprised of dead protein cells whose purpose is to protect our scalps

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inprove your beauty with sound sleep

and healthy

l i fe s t y l e

By Niz “When we take a good sleep, we feel fresh and are able to perform our jobs with more concentration” To maintain a mental and physical balance in the body, it is really important to get a sound sleep. There are thousands of people who suffer from insomnia, which ultimately results in various health problems. When we sleep, our immune cells get charged up and recover the disease fighting capability. So to have a healthy lifestyle, a good sleep is of utmost importance.

Reasons for not Getting a Sound Sleep • Some people are in the habit of watching TV while in the bed. Such people suffer from lack of sleep and get stuck with various health related problems. • Too much of coffee intake in the office hours can also result in lack of sleep, as it contains caffeine. • If you intake an unbalanced diet at irregular intervals, it might cause a problem for you at night, while taking sleep. The body starts craving at night also and results in sleeplessness. • Even an uncomfortable mattress or pillow can bother your sleep. So be very particular while selecting mattresses for your bed to have a good sleep.

Effects of sleeplessness If a person is not able to sleep well at night, he may have to suffer from various diseases and awful outcomes. Some of the consequences which result from lack of sleep are given below: • Short Memory • Low concentration and alertness • Diabetes • High Blood Pressure • Lowered speed of repairing tissue • Stoutness • Sleep walking

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Effects of Sleeplessness How to get a sound sleep? • Before going to sleep, try listening to soft music or do some yoga for relaxing the body. • Go to bed only when you feel sleepy. • Avoid sleeping on couches or settee and choose a cozy bed while sleeping. • Keep away from caffeine and alcohol, as they can give rise to lack of sleep as well.


Nature’s Pearl



Benefits of Sleep for a Healthy Lifestyle • When we take a good sleep, we feel fresh and are able to perform our jobs with more concentration. A person who is suffering from lack of sleep might feel irritated and lethargic. This shall result in slow metabolic process and one may not be able to focus on the daily jobs. • Some people prefer taking a sleep of almost seven to eight hours and call it as the “Beauty Sleep”. This is due to the reason that a sound sleep facilitates us to look much better and rejuvenates our skin. When we sleep, all the metabolic processes take place and toxins are thrown out the body, thereby giving a healthy skin. This is the reason we feel fresh and relieved off the dark circles. • It is been proved scientifically that people who sleep well at night have comparatively more power to fight diseases than those people who do not take a sound sleep. When we sleep at night, the cells of our immune system get charged up and are prepared for the next 24 hours. So to fight diseases we should sleep well at night.

NO ALCOHOL SUGAR ADDED 26 OZ 1 FOR $15.00 2 FOR $25.00 12 FOR $110.00

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To Order Call Dr. Jae at 919-225-3714 or EMAIL: dr.ingajae@gmail.com

A good sleep costs nothing, but is priceless. So sleep well and improve your beauty and lifestyle.

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4. Low Manipulation There’s no need to brush your hair 100 strokes per night before going to sleep. In fact, the less you do to black hair, the more it flourishes. 5. Use Protective Styling Once your hair is a certain length, you might want to wear it loose all the time to let everyone know just how long it is. You want to feel the wind blowing it to and fro, but wearing your hair in protective styles more often than not will help you retain that precious length. Protective styles keep your ends – the oldest and often driest parts of your hair – from rubbing against clothing, pillowcases and car seats. By keeping these ends up and out of sight, you hold in the moisture your hair needs and prevent dryness that can lead to breakage. Protective styling also applies to nighttime care; a silk or satin hair cover or pillowcase is better for the health of your hair than cotton. 6. Stay Away from Heat

11 Tips to Make Your Hair Grow Longer By Del Sandeen

One of the biggest myths about black hair is that it doesn’t grow or grow as quickly as other types of hair. All hair grows an average of ½ inch per month, but it’s how you treat your hair that determines how much you’ll retain. Some women swear by vitamin regimens that call for popping pills all day long, while others cut their hair according to the phases of the moon. There’s no mumbojumbo involved in hair growth. All that’s required is your commitment to healthy hair practices and treating your hair with TLC. Here are 11 tips you can use to grow your hair longer and stronger: 1. Follow a Healthy Lifestyle Before we get to the outside, we need to take care of the inside. Yes, what you eat, drink and how you treat your body has an effect on your hair. You need to eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables, drink enough water and exercise regularly for your body’s overall health. Since your hair grows directly from your body, when you treat your body well, your skin, nails and hair benefit, too. People who suffer from vitamin deficiencies and unhealthy diets can suffer from dry, brittle hair. 2. Get Regular Trims

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This sounds counterproductive if you want your hair to grow longer, but trims help get rid of dry, damaged and split ends which can work their way up the shaft of your hair, causing even more damage. A trim is defined as removing ¼ to ½ inch of hair, nothing more. If your stylist insists on cutting off inches of hair every time you go in for a visit, your hair won’t get longer, so either find a professional who understands exactly how much hair you need removed or learn to trim your hair yourself. Depending on the chemicals you have in your hair as well as your daily routine, you may need a trim anywhere from every six weeks to six months. The better you care for your hair on a day-to-day basis, the less often you’ll need trims. 3. Use Moisturizing Products Because black hair is often dry by nature, it’s best to use products that replace needed moisture. This includes using shampoos and conditioners formulated for dry and/or damaged hair. These products don’t have to come strictly from the “ethnic” hair aisle, either; many mainstream brands make hair products for different types of hair, from oily to dry.

While occasional flat iron and curling iron use is usually fine (so long as the heat isn’t too high), you should minimize heat styling as much as possible. Choose hairstyles that don’t rely on so much heat, as well as gentle styling methods like wraps, wet sets and twists.

Washing and Conditioning the Hair is a Key to Hair Growth

7. Use the Right Tools With all of the hair styling tools and accessories out there, it can seem overwhelming. What do you buy? The best tools and accessories for black hair work with its natural texture. They don’t pull on it, but are gentle. When you lose less hair to tools and accessories, that’s more hair you keep on your head.

10. Go, and Stay, Natural If you currently relax your hair and see a lot of breakage and damage, consider stopping chemical processes altogether. Many women have rediscovered their natural texture after years of straightening. Learning to work

8. Condition, Condition, Condition

with your hair in its natural state may take getting used

This is crucial for having healthy hair. Besides the right shampoo and conditioner, use leave-in conditioners as well. You also need a good deep conditioner; use it at least once a month. Well-moisturized hair is less prone to dryness and breakage, leading to more hair retention.

to; some women don’t know what their real texture is

9. Relax with Care

away as your new growth comes in, is the easiest way to

Chemical abuse is one of the biggest causes of hair damage in black women. Everyone isn’t going to go to a professional to get her hair relaxed; even some who do may find that the stylist isn’t putting hair health as her top priority. When it comes to growing relaxed hair longer, you can’t relax too often, but when it’s time for a touch-up, get one because the longer you wait, the greater the chance of breakage occurring where the relaxed hair meets the new growth. Overlapping a relaxer onto previously relaxed hair is another major cause of breakage. If you choose to wear your hair relaxed, it’s best to find a competent stylist and stick with him or her – the fewer people you have applying chemicals to your hair, the better.

like because their hair has been permed since childhood. While cutting off all of your relaxed hair sounds like the last thing you want to do to gain length, getting rid of chemically processed hair at once, instead of trimming return to your roots. It also leads to less breakage and less frustration in dealing with two different textures. 11. Wear Gentle Styles Black hair is not as tough as it may appear, so you need to choose styles that keep its fragile nature in mind. Tootight ponytails and braids worn over extended periods of time will eventually lead to breakage. Hair styling should never be painful! Think: Be kind to your hairline and choose hairstyles accordingly.

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A No-Limit Barber:

The Rodney Bailey Story by Anthony Fuller

Rodney Bailey is the owner of My Personal Barbershop in Durham, North Carolina. He embarked on the road to this noble profession when he taught himself to cut hair at an early age, perfecting his craft along the way, while serving as a role model for other young barbers. Mr. Bailey believes in giving back to the community and he is committed to using his skilled gift to make a positive difference in the lives of all the people who cross his path. Known to everyone as “Big Rod the Barber,” Mr. Bailey started to cut hair on a serious level at the age of 16. He recalls, “I started because I was trying to be cool.” This genesis released “Big Rod” into an ongoing process of trial and error which led to the refining and polishing of his craft, while learning lessons of faith, perseverance, self-belief, responsibility and commitment to community along the way. The sign on Rodney Bailey’s place of business reads, “8 Million Ways to Cut, Choose One.” This chosen slogan carries a revelation into the identity of this self-made and self-driven business owner—“A No-Limit Barber.” Retracing the beginning of Mr. Bailey’s

journey into the world of barbers, we revisit a defining period of his adolescence. Mr. Bailey recounts that some of his peers were already cutting hair and pursuing goals that he wanted to attain. He recalls, “I actually got started when my mother was cutting my hair and messing my head up pretty good. One day during one of mom’s cutting sessions, I had reached my boiling point, and I was kind of loud in my reaction. She responded in a serious, you-just-crossed-theline, “Mom Tone” with the question, ‘What did you say?’ So I caught myself and changed the tone of my voice into a more mom-friendly voice, and told her I wanted to cut my own hair. After watching me cry for 20 minutes in the mirror because it was that terrible, she gave him the clippers that momentous day. I got a chance to cut my own hair—and it looked pretty good. I was serious, so she gave me the clippers and ever since that day I felt a sense of responsibility; you know I didn’t have that as a young man, so once I got in there, I just kept trying and adapting things and it started becoming easy.” Originally from Guilford County, Mr. Bailey grew up on a farm. He and his mother moved around a lot. His mother worked and they spent a

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to becoming a professional and licensed barber got temporarily sidetracked, Mr. Bailey eventually returned to school and finished. While there, he met his future wife, eventually got married and became the father of three kids.

Mr. Bailey credits his hard-working and dedicated mother for all of his success. She currently lives in Durham, and Mr. Bailey, the oldest of his siblings, has one sister and three brothers who all also reside in Durham. They

I questioned Mr. Bailey about his business slogan, “8 Million Styles,” wanting to know if this was an accurate number or a just a general figure he chose to drive home his message. Mr. Bailey laughed and said, “There are billions of people on the planet and there is not one hair of head I couldn’t cut. Everybody’s different. I believe I could cut every person’s hair on the planet to their liking. I never met a haircut I couldn’t do.” Thus, we see the mindset, attitude, and presence of “The No-Limit Barber.”

are all raising families and doing well.

He has cut hair from New York to Florida, state to state and county to county. Mr. Bailey uses scissors, razors, clippers, and the old-fashioned way of shaving with a straight razor. He even has a pair of clippers that his great-great-grandfather owned. He says, “They squeeze and they make the blade shift. They were actually sheep shearers, but they used them for barber clipping before electrical clippers came out.” Every Tuesday, Mr. Bailey gives $6 haircuts to kids, regular prices for adults are $10, but he adds, “The cheapest cuts in town are the best haircuts.”

person; he has a great sense of humor and likes to make people laugh. He

Big Rod also serves as a role model for barbers coming out of school, trying to make their way into the barber profession, being a positive force for them, an asset in the community, someone they can talk to. Rodney firmly says, “I believe in the things I do every day, so I try to pass on that same energy of life for them.” What would he tell them? Mr. Bailey explains, “I would tell them to have faith and believe in themselves. If you don’t have faith in God and you don’t believe in yourself, that’s two strikes already. Those two things usually can conquer all.”

and the younger generation that he inspires through his gift. Our community

Mr. Bailey volunteers at several schools for the kids during career days, takes his barber chair, and shares his profession in the classroom. After that success, several schools started asking him to come in and work with the kids and now he will go in for an hour or so and give the kids a chance to speak and have their voices heard. Big Rodd, with a big heart to match, is a very positive tells us, “I’m a big problem solver and if I can’t figure it out, I know someone who can. During the closing of our interview, he recites part of the Serenity Prayer, one of his favorites, and says, “I believe that if we all just join hands, all our dreams would come true, almost at the same time.” It is this sense of community with a heart to truly be “His Brother’s Keeper,” which qualifies Mr. Rodney Bailey as a local hero and a beacon of light to both his peers is being empowered, transformed, and uplifted by the presence of one Mr. Rodney Bailey, The No-Limit Barber. My Personal Barbershop is located at 1551-A Guess Road in Durham across from Northgate Mall. He can be contacted at (919) 358-4778. Precision Styles is located at 1201 University Drive Durham, NC 27707.

lot of time with his grandmother growing up. At 19, he moved to Durham, still working on his craft and then on to Durham where he got the chance to see a lot of different cuts. For the next several years, he got better at his craft. Mr. Bailey states, “I walked from neighborhood to neighborhood and let all the neighborhood barbers know about my passion for the profession and we all hung out together cutting hair and I started being known by name. During the time around the year of 1991, I desired to attend barber school, but I couldn’t afford the cost of it nor did I want to endure through its long waiting list. One day, this young lady observed that I had a steady stream of clients coming to my house and suggested that I to go to cosmetology school, and I thought, ‘cosmetology school’? I didn’t want to go to cosmetology school, but I ended up going and, it was the best move I ever made in my life.” Mr. Bailey attended Arnold’s Beauty College in South Square Mall and then transferred to Carolina Beauty College and graduated there. Rodney recalls, “That was a great experience for me, because I learned a lot, doing different things with shears, doing different hairstyles.” However, the journey to complete school was not a smooth ride and it took him a few years to graduate. Although his path

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African American Beauty Tips Women of color now have more options to look beautiful, as companies realize the potential to offer quality products and good service to ethnic market with products especially tailored to her needs, because women of color want to feel welcome at the cosmetics counter, instead of ignored by companies, as happened until today.. African American women usually have sensitive, oily skin that scars easily, so products powdery based can look chalky and ashy on darker complexions, while pink pigmented products are unflattering to ethnic skin tones. Skincare basics include a good understanding of the role of Melanin in your skin. Today, more companies are producing cosmetics for ethnic skin and hair, including natural and mineral lines that cause less harm to your very special beauty, including bleaching creams, oil reduction products and sunscreens, disregard of color, African American women should all wear sun protection. Your skin needs special attention to unify skin tone when it comes to applying makeup, downplaying overly prominent features and focusing on the upper third of the face. Learn to get the best from your face by knowing its structure of your facial features and the evenness of your natural skin color to create a great look. Never apply oil based products trying to make your makeup last longer, because dark skin has a tendency to reject all makeup. Melanin pigment protectors start getting tired with age, shown on the skin as irregular pigmentation, dark patches, age spots and lines. Hide uneven skin tone by using concealer and powder that is transparent or slightly colored to avoid the shinny look. A foundation tone that is between the lightest and darkest coloring of your skin, is the most convenient for you. African hair is the curliest hair, and many women of color suffer hair damage from chemical treatments and heat styling, and also having problems finding foundation and makeup colors that are at the same time flattering. Black hair is also the driest and the most fragile, so ethnic woman

must skip grease and wash their hair every three weeks using a gentle shampoo, especially formulated to impart moisture while removing hair-dulling product buildup. Women of color are tired of have been told for decades that grease is essential for their hair. Or in other words, you can have healthy hair, beautiful and easy to style whether you wear it straight, curly, wavy or in a natural Afro, however the curlier the hair, the drier it tends to be. Moisturizing your dry hair, will make it easy to repair damaged hair helping your hair to grow long. Avoid over blow drying your hair because the hot air causes fried ends and severe damage through prolonged use. Do not use blow dryers, curling irons or hot-combs that dry your hair. Try brushing your hair out instead for a natural style. Moisturize your hair using a product that penetrates the cuticle to create shine, for example a pure essence oil, such as lavender oil, almond oil, or even dropping on it vitamin E messaging gentle. Keep your hair healthy by trimming the ends every four months. For Women of color may be harder to detect split ends, particularly on textured hair than on straight strands, but easily to get them away if you keep your hair longer, or make the regular trimming a routine. Never scratch your scalp because you can cut the skin, making favorable for an assortment of bacteria. In such a case, relieve the itch by swiping the scalp with an astringent-soaked pad or cotton ball, cleansing the scalp of oily buildup while re-energizing your skin. Having curly hair does not mean that you should wear in just a very few different styles. If you want to look different and yet original try the Senegalese twists, an easy to do hair style, cute and fresh, suitable the entire year round, just part your hair horizontally from earlobe to earlobe to get center part. Now, working back from your forehead, start twisting narrow sections of your hair flat against your scalp, and picking up more strands each time as you move back like when cornrowing, and end pinning each twist at the horizontal part, leaving the back totally wild and loose.

“...you can have healthy hair, beautiful and easy to style whether you wear it straight, curly, wavy or in a

natural afro...�

50 | diverse editions | November 2010

November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 51

whywearmakeup By Sheila Dicks

Whether you are making a cake, building a staircase or creating a report, the end result won’t be very pleasing if you don’t complete the project completely and add the finishing touches. The cake might taste great but look uninviting without the icing, the staircase will be usable if built well but won’t attract buyers if it is not varnished or painted; and a report might have some ground-breaking information but won’t get attention if it is not put together well.

What does this have to do with beauty? A lot. Many women believe that being well dressed is enough. An expensive suit and great shoes and they are all set. However, being well dressed is just one side of looking great, the other side is looking after you skin and hair and using makeup. Equal attention must be devoted to these aspects in order to achieve a great look.

Eyebrows Frame the Face Thick, unruly eyebrows can ruin the look of the most perfectly applied makeup. Plucking your eyebrows opens up the area around your eyes and draws attention to them. Follow the natural line of your eyebrows and only pluck the lower edge of the brow.

Why Wear Makeup? If you are not used to wearing makeup and feel that you will look foolish or you are not sure how to apply it, consult a beauty advisor. When makeup is used correctly your skin will look clearer, dark circles will be less apparent, your eyes will look brighter and your lips more defined. It is also important to choose colors that are suitable for you. Women with light hair and skin will look better in light shades and women who have darker hair and skin look better in dark shades. *If your makeup has worn off within an hour of applying it you are not using the correct products or techniques.

Eyeliner and Mascara Pitfalls Whatever your age use eyeliner sparingly. Too much eyeliner overpowers the face and looks tacky. The purpose of eyeliner is to make eyelashes look fuller. To get this effect apply mascara as close to the eyelashes as possible. Avoid thick black lines. Too much mascara will make your eyelashes stick together or thicken into blobs. To make you eyelashes look longer use an eyelash curler.

52 | diverse editions | November 2010

Always Wear Makeup When Wearing Black Wearing black next to your face will make your skin appear pale and washed out. If you must wear black without makeup, be sure to wear a different color (such as a scarf) or accessory next to your face.

By: Stuff4beauty Professional Experts

PERFUMES and frangrances Your scent should be a reflection of your personality. But with so many products on the market, how do you know which one to choose? You should be able to select the right scent for you based on which category it is in. Dividing perfume in to five major categories simplifies this enormous task!


As the name suggests, floral perfumes have strong overtones of flowery fragrances. From roses to jasmine to lavender, floral perfumes have long been the most popular and widespread scents in the world, and are ideal for young and not-so-young alike. Anyone who wants to feel pretty and feminine without being overpowering should choose a floral perfume. Likewise, they're great as a safe perfume that's suitable for all ages and all occasions. Examples of floral fragrances are Sunflowers by Elizabeth Arden, Calvin Klein Escape and Anais Anais by Cacharel.


Fruity fragrances are generally spicy and fresh. They are quite youthful in their scent, and suitable for warm and cool weather alike. In winter, they invoke a sense of warm desserts and cider. In summer, they give an air of crispness. They are an excellent choice for women who like classic fragrances, but also want to add a little flair. If you're the type to be outside with friends on summer evenings, this is the perfume type for you. Examples of fruity fragrances are DKNY's Be Delicious, Champagne by Yves Saint Laurent and Cheap and Chic by Moschino.


Earthy tones are the feature of woody fragrances. These perfumes usually feature such scents as sandalwood, patchouli and cedar, to give a rich, natural fragrance. Woody perfumes are versatile and easy to wear, and are better suited to the mature woman who wants to smell fresh but retain an air of sophistication. These are an excellent choice for the cooler months and evenings. Examples of woody fragrances are Lovely by Sarah Jessica Parker, Chanel No.

19 and Givenchy Organza.


Where woody perfumes capture the essence of forests and woodland, green perfumes have tones more reminiscent of cut grass and crisp spring growth. They possess some of the same scents as oriental perfumes, but are far lighter and suitable for casual wear as well as evening and business wear. They are generally funky and contemporary perfumes that are most suitable for younger and sportier people and can be worn on all occasions. Their neutral tones make them excellent for gifts. Examples of green fragrances are Charlie by Revlon, Versace Metal Jeans Women and Diorissimo by Christian Dior.


Oriental perfumes are the strongest of all perfumes. Sensual overtones and rich undertones often make for quite heavy blends, but they are complemented by the fine scents of sweet vanilla, musk, sumptuous flowers and oriental resins. Most oriental perfumes have a wonderful crossing over of qualities from all the other categories from the spicy fruit tones to warm woody tones and this makes them a superb choice for corporate environments, evening events and special occasions, regardless of age. Examples of oriental fragrances are Chance by Chanel, Fendi by Fendi and Estee Lauder's Intuition. Each category also contains a number of sub-categories, where cross-over tones create more complex fragrances. However, if you make sure you start with the right basic idea, you will make your shopping experience much more pleasant. A perfume that reflects your interests, lifestyle and personality can be timeless. Knowledgeable sales assistants will be able to help you select from a range of suitable fragrances, so go out armed with what you've learned here, ask plenty of questions about the different perfumes and most importantly choose one you want to wear!


BY Niz

Our skin needs a special amount of care all the time. It is always not possible to visit the market to get the perfect skin care solution. Sometimes, the product does not have the perfect ingredient proportions; sometimes it might even harm your skin by causing allergies. Would not it be perfectly comfortable if one could come up with the skin care recipes right within the confines of home. Here are simple solutions that one can make use of if you are not able to find ample time to go to the market and buy skin care products. The best part about using such home made recipes is that since they do not contain any kinds of preservatives, emulsifiers and artificial stuff; they are quite safe to use and suited for all skin types. Moreover, these ingredients are not a pinch on your pocket like branded facial masks, which are priced exorbitantly. Most of these products cost about only about five to ten dollars. Yogurt is the simplest option that comes to mind when thinking about home-prepared recipes for skin care. You can mix it with some honey and then apply evenly on your face. Try avoiding its use on the vulnerable eyes. You should leave it for at least ten minutes on your face before washing it. This mixture can be applied several times a day for achieving a silky smooth skin. Since yogurt gets ruined easily, make sure that it is stored in the fridge to allow further use. Eggs are another nutritional product that can surely work wonders for your skin. It is easy to use an egg batter for skin care by mixing it with some water and honey. After application, just let the mixture desiccate and then wash off. During application, make sure that the batter does not get inside your mouth and eyes. This batter is not at all suitable for consumption due to the presence of raw bacteria in eggs. Honey used alone without anything else, is also a great cleanser for the skin. To use honey, first warm up your face with a hot cloth and then apply it. Just let it stay it on the face for about fifteen minutes and then wash off the stuff with hot water. You can use it some turmeric and rose water to make that perfect face pack. Honey also has the attributes of protecting your skin from the harmful solar radiation. Afterwards, wash it with chill water to seal the opened pores. The advantages with the homemade recipes are that they can be prepared for each and every kind of skin, be it oily, normal or dry by adjusting the quantity of nutrients. . These treatments can only yield the best possible results when you are completely relaxed while making use of them. Any contraction in the facial muscles by stress may not be able to give the desired results for your skin. Mayonnaise or garden cheese as it is more commonly called, is an excellent option, for dry skin but, due to its oily nature, it is only suitable for application in winters.

November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 53

Home and LifestylePillar of Legacy

By Anthony Fuller Home and Lifestyle are divisions of industry that leave a distinctive mark and make an indelible impact in our communities and the people that live within them, and in the process creates a Pillar of Legacy. Legacy is defined as something handed down from the past by the hands of an ancestor or predecessor. The first element in this division pertains to the home sector, and nothing captures the essence of home than home recipes. We all can bear witness to the touching and soothing reality that home recipes become an inerasable pillar of legacy that brings the whole family together and preserves family history. Just like a homemade recipe of mouth-watering meatloaf or a tender pot roast; a warm and hearty chicken pot pie; or a moist and savory chicken and dumplings; a melt in your mouth macaroni and cheese; a peach cobbler or a red velvet cake, all bring back vivid memories and conjure up warm, cozy feelings of togetherness and contentment. These Home Recipes have been passed down from great-grandmother, to grandma, to mother and aunts, to sisters and daughters as well as to fathers and sons. As the recipes are being passed on, a wealth of family stories connected to the recipes which contain rich family history are being passed on as well. Thus the natural gap between generations is being bridged and a collective family identity is being forged. A Pillar of Legacy is revealed in the underlying truth, that a family’s sense of unity and staying power is only as strong as the sense of history that they share, as well as the family secrets that resided in the kitchen. To this very day, we all can attest to the fact, that 54 | diverse editions | November 2010

we all know better than to ever tell anyone outside the family circle, the ingredients that is in any of grandma’s favorite dishes. Home recipes serve as the cohesive glue that sustains the bond of the family, just like a jar of grandma’s fruit preserves or molasses that she always kept in the basement.

Real Estate Matters... by: Tony Hawkins, ABR Real Estate Executive Broker/Instructor

In the United States, there still exists a prevailing belief that Homeownership is a significant goal to be achieved. With the First time Homebuyer tax credit incentive of $8000 and the move-up incentive of $6500, the United States government is reinforcing the idea.

involves the maintenance of the property, both interior and exterior. Proper home maintenance can insure property appreciation. This helps the homeowner’s investment to maintain value.

in America, and it is a right we need to be aware of, be good stewards of, and take advantage of! As stewards and homeowners, are we maintaining our home’s exterior? Are we attentive to the interior of our dwellings? As the proverbial question has been asked, “How you livin’?”

One of the primary lessons not being taught in our homes, about home ownership is that owning real estate in this country is a major deal, no matter what the property value. The real estate owner has a responsibility on three different levels.

There’s a saying that “a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind”. Is a messy home, the sign of a messy existence? With some homes, regardless of price range, that saying can be more truthful than not; which ultimately brings us back to value.

First is a spiritual level. Real Estate ownership conveys various rights that include land and air entitlement. With air privileges, what is owned reaches out to touch the Hand of God. Second is a fiscal responsibility. The managing and proper accounting of prompt bill paying and monitoring of credit issues creates accuracy in thought and develops discipline. Third

What is it that we value? And how are we living?

Homeownership, through the allodia system in the United States allows ownership of real property. It is a privileged right that we enjoy here

Because unexpected things happen in our lives, time has become a very valuable commodity. Let’s make sure we are attentive to the real estate matters in our lives. I pray you will make time to be with and enjoy those whom you love in a place that makes doing so even better.

So we celebrate and remember Sunday dinner, when the entire family gathered, and the table is spread full of the sights, smells, and aromas of homemade recipes and the taste of legacy reigns supreme.

The second element of Lifestyle represents interior decorating and design, home fashion and style. This sector also carries on the pillar of legacy by exhibiting and expressing a brand of style that is synonymous with a particular family or group. A unique style and matchless design can speak volumes to the common thread of identity that runs through the lineage of a family that has been passed on through generations. From concepts like decorating schemes and color patterns, to types of fabric chosen; like suede or leather furniture or the choice between plush or berber carpet, the legacy of fashion taste can be a galvanizing trait in home life. Yet within this legacy of common taste, lies the space and opportunity for an individual to introduce their sense of style and flair and thus carve out their own identity. So in the final analysis, Home and Lifestyle presents a Pillar of Legacy that celebrates both the family and the individual.

November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 55

Mama Dee’s Home Cooking

by: Anthony Fuller

Pictured Mama Dee (Doris J. Hooper)

no preservatives, chemicals or MSG. Thanks to this partnership, Mama Dee not only prepares some of the best desserts and dishes for home parties and family, but she has also introduced her business to the world and the world has embraced her famous mixes and desserts. Mama Dee’s gourmet mixes can be purchased inexpensively and the directions have multiple recipes and can be found on the website www.mamadees.biz. Benefits of the mixing are: 1. Easy preparation, even if you don’t consider yourself a great cook 2. Accents your current meals 3. Family and friends will think you spent the whole day in the kitchen.

Doris J. Hooper is a native North Carolinian that has a classy style, charisma, and is celebrated for her delicious southern home cooking and famous mouth-watering, made-from-scratch desserts especially her famous pound cake! Mama Dee always “throws down” at the typical holiday gatherings at work and everywhere else when she brings her delicious desserts and other dishes. Mama Dee loves to make her scrumptious desserts and dishes because everyone enjoys eating them. However, because everything is made from scratch, sometimes Mama Dee admits to easily becoming jaded or fatigued in her cooking, especially when preparing for groups and large families because of the time spent mixing all of the ingredients. Subsequently in 2008, Mama Dee was introduced to gourmet mixes, which are mixes that include all of the dry ingredients for your preferred desserts and other dishes. You can add one or two other ingredients and then you have a dish prepared with less time and a flavor that tastes as though everything was made from scratch. Mama Dee was quite skeptical at first, because she could never imagine experiencing the same results and taste from dry ingredients in a bag in comparison to making from scratch, which always made her dishes from scratch the most flavorful. Mama Dee was so impressed that she embraced this product wholeheartedly. She became a business partner and distributor and launched The Taste of Homemade product line. Mama Dee has partnered with one of the best in the country and the products cannot be purchased in stores. Each one of these quick and easy gourmet mixes are handmade using only the finest ingredients at just the right proportion. There are no mixing vats or assembly lines. Each mix includes all dry ingredients. You simply add one or two other ingredients such as water, sour cream, cream cheese, etc. The products are individually handmade on the West Coast and most contain

Today, Mama Dee’s vendors at exhibits gourmet mixes using samples of the finished product. Churches, businesses, organizations and individuals purchase her products or request her to make the dishes for them. One of the most commemorative moments was a year ago, when Mama Dee was a vendor at a business exhibit at the Renaissance Hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina. A famous professional football player named Cleveland Gary was fortunate enough to sample her famous pound cake. He pulled her to the side and requested her to make him a pound cake and ship it to Florida and compensated her generously.


56 | diverse editions | November 2010

Feel free to visit her website at www.mamadees.biz Mama Dee’s Home Cooking E-mail: dhooper@mamadees.biz Telephone: 919.672.7636

There is a long list of people who have sampled her products and instead of buying the gourmet mix-ins have preferred Mama Dee to make the recipe for them. The primary reason for this choice is that they prefer these tasty delights be made by the hands of Mama Dee.


home cooked

Diverse Editions is tremendously honored that Mama Dees has consented to share her recipes in this edition as well as the upcoming editions. Although she’s in the Triangle area, Mama Dee ships her products all over the country.

GRANDMA’S POUND CAKE (You must purchase the Grandma’s Pound Cake Gourmet Mix) Ingredients: (1) Grandma’s Pound Cake Gourmet Mix-in (2) Sticks of Butter 8 oz of Sour Cream (All Natural) (6) Eggs Tip 1: Allow sticks of butter to softened prior to mixing Tip 2: Add eggs 1 at a time and mix after each egg Tip 3: Make sure you mix everything in order below Tip 4: Preheat oven at 350˚

Mix together 2 sticks of softened butter, 8 oz. of sour cream and the contents of the package. Add 6 eggs (one at a time), beating thoroughly after each one. Pour batter into a greased pan. Bake at 350˚ for 60 minutes. Ovens may vary. This is a very moist cake. Taste like a cake made from scratch. You don’t have to measure out any dry ingredients Grandma’s Pound Cake Gourmet Mix-in $8.00 To order email dhooper@mamadees.biz or Call 919.672.7636 For more information visit: www.mamadees.biz


Mama Dee’s Home Cooking

1516 New Bern Avenue ~ Raleigh, North Carolina 27610

(919) 755-1551 , (919) 755-9190 or Fax (919) 755-1524

Home Cooking Made Easy!

THE TASTE OF HOMEMADE PRODUCTS To Order Email or Call www.mamadees.biz Email: dhooper@mamadees.biz or Call 919-672-7636 PRICES FOR GOURMET MIX-INS ONLY CAKES Grandma Pound cake – $8.00 Tropical Cake – $9.00 Mock Carrot Cake - $6.00 CHEESECAKES Cheesecake - $7.00 Dreamsicle Pie – $6.00 Lemonade Pie – $6.00 Strawberry Lemonade Pie – $6.00 PIES Caramel Pecan Pie - $6.00 MUFFINS Pecan Pie Muffins - $7.00 BREADS Pumpkin Bread – $6.00 Homemade Bread - $6.00 SOUPS Broccoli, Cheese & Rice Soup – $7.00 Wild Rice Soup – $6.00 DIPS Spinach Dip – $6.00 Tuscany Herb Dip – $6.00 Ranch Dip – $6.00 Apple Caramel Dip – $6.00

PRICES FOR MAMA DEE’S HOME COOKING (This price includes the gourmet mix-in and Mama Dee’s Home Cooking. The Price does not include shipping-Local may make arrangements for pickup) CAKES Grandma’s Pound Cake or Lemon Pound Cake – $25.00 Grandma’s Pound Cake with Dreamsicle, Lemon, or Vanilla Glaze - $28.00 Lemon Pound Cake with Lemon or Vanilla Glaze - $28.00 Apple Caramel Pound Cake – $30.00 Dreamsicle Pound Cake – $30.00 Mock Carrot Cake – $20.00 Tropical Cake - $25.00 CHEESECAKES Cheesecake - $25.00 Cheesecake/topped with strawberries or cherries - $28.00 Lemonade Cheesecake – $18.00 Dreamsicle Cheesecake – $18.00 Strawberry Lemonade Cheesecake – $18.00 BREADS Pumpkin Bread with or without glaze - $12.00 Homemade Bread – $10.00 Names of Different Dishes made from Gourmet Mix-Ins Wild Rice Casserole (with or without chicken) Broccoli, Cheese & Rice Casserole Sweet Dips/Icings Apple Caramel Dip/Icing Note 1: Allergen list available via website Note 2: Additional recipes available via website Note 3: For detail descriptions of products visit website

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At least 8 fresh vegetables everyday. Collards, Turnip Greens, Butter Beans, Rice & Gravy, Cabbage, Candid Yams, Macaroni & Cheese, French Fries, Cole Slaw, Okra, Potato Salad, Black Eyed Peas, Field Peas

Family Packs

Each Pack Inlcudes French Fries or Slaw and One Dozen Hushpupies 7 Piece Fish Trout.............................$13.99 7 Piece Flounder.................................$15.99


Tea and Lemonade Medium...................................$1.29 Large.......................................$1.49 Sodas $1.49

Corn Beef Hash Fish and Grits Porkchops Salmon Cakes New Jack’s Breakfast Open 7 Days a Week, 7:00am - 11:00am,2010 Check|Our Menu November www.diverseeditions.com | 59

Knowing One’s Ancestors Means Knowing One’s Self: Stanley Best and Best Genealogical Services By Anthony Fuller

Photo of Oakview Farmhouse in Raleigh, NC, A National Register of Historic Places


iverse Editions is very conscious and aware of the importance of history to any particular society, culture, family or individual. A knowledge and sense of history is vitally essential to the overall well-being and collective strength of a people. It is within the scope of this vein that Diverse Editions is extremely honored to present to our reading audience, a matchless and peerless historian, Stanley Best whose profession is to find out how much of your history has been excluded.



Stanley Best is a diversely educated, well-rounded, professional historian, who is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Best Genealogical Services, an ancestral history research service that he started in 2002. At the beginning of our interview with Best, we asked him what the source of inspiration was for creating his service. Best recalls a time in his life when he was involved in a very serious car accident that placed him in Duke Hospital fighting for his life. Sometime during his hospital stay, Best says his greatgrandmother and her two sisters appeared to him, as he also was seeing vivid images of himself growing up. Best emerged from this experience with the vision of Best Genealogical Services with the slogan, “Knowing your forefathers means knowing yourself.” Stanley Best brings the comprehensive skill set of a keen, astute historian to bear in his genealogical services. This component enhances his ability to locate and trace family history back to its place of origin, as he is driven by the premise that all families have stories. It is the collection of these stories that make up the unique history of each family. Best has a commanding knowledge of federal and state laws, codes, regulations and legislation, both past and present that allow him to accurately trace and reconstruct a family’s generational history and lineage. Best Genealogical Services currently offers three main services:


Full Service Ancestral Research provides a complete genealogical search of your most recent ancestors; this could go as far back as late 18th century, in particular, the 1780s. Clients receive a 5-foot chart that includes up to seven generations of your family, a hardcover book, and slideshow presentation. Ancestral Consultation consists of Best using his field expertise to advise and direct the family through the process of self-discovery of their ancestral history. Both of these services are painstakingly thorough and meticulous in approach, as he is governed by years of studying the history of counties, states, and ethnicities which enhances the quality of excellence that ensures the results for every family he services. Best, being an AfricanAmerican professional is a historian who specializes in researching AfricanAmerican history. For African-American families, Best can return a sense of family cohesion and identity through the rebuilding and reconstructing of a family history that might find itself fragmented, broken, and unknown, and usher in the element of reconciliation by reconnecting all family generations. Public Speaking involves Best, a prolific public speaker, conducting workshops and seminars to groups. He provides a wealth of knowledge concerning ancestral genealogy and effectively researches African-American history.

Best Genealogical Services is open and available to people from all different cultures and walks of life. There are some universal benefits that come from using this service. One is securing a tangible source of family pride that can promote family bonds and preserve family unity. Such was the case in one of

60 | diverse editions | November 2010

Best’s first major clients, a Caucasian family that he was able to trace a family predecessor to being a Civil War hero, was confirmed by actual war documents. Best recalls that it was a transcendent, bonding moment for the entire family. One of the greatest benefits of this service is the discovery of long-standing family medical history. This service can trace and pinpoint the presence of certain illnesses, diseases, disorders, and conditions in the family bloodline. By doing this, the medical family pattern can be identified and subsequently altered and overcome by present and future generations. Another important benefit ancestral genealogy research provides is temperament which is the combination of mental, physical, and emotional traits of a person. Dysfunctions, special gifts and talents can be identified as tendencies that we get from our ancestors. Best is a well-educated professional who holds Bachelor’s degrees (double majored in history and religion) from Shaw University, located in Raleigh, North Carolina. Best has also enlarged the scope of his field knowledge by being a voracious reader and researcher of history, constantly visiting and spending countless hours in the places of historical archives at the local and state level. Stanley Best is one of the most passionate and prolific historians of our time and day. He possesses such a command and grasp on the subject of genealogy, that he is a living embodiment of history. Stanley Best and Best Genealogical Services are both priceless gifts and treasures to our society, and we all owe it to the legacy and preservation of our families to utilize this gift.

Located in Raleigh, NC Tel#: 919-906-2620 Email: stanleybst@yahoo.com

November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 61

Music | Arts | Culture

Generations Community Credit Union is pleased to announce that

The Pillar of

Kenchen’s experience spans almost two decades


management. Prior to coming to Generations, Armeer spent ten years as Executive Vice President institution (CDFI), which has invested more than $5





RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY Call Today 919-424-1220

In greeting members at the credit union's 8th Annual Meeting held on September 25, Kenchen said, “I am excited about our future as we work with our members to usher in a greater level of service, access, and accountability. In particular, I want to achieve a better understanding of the needs of our membership. In doing so, we can do a better job of aligning our products and services with the needs of the members.” As CEO, Kenchen will work to increase the impact Generations is having in each local community. “It’s important for us to become an even stronger partner as we expand our reach throughout the community”, he says. About Us “We are excited about what the future brings us as we work together to improve the lives of our members and their communities.” Membership Generations Community Credit Union is a state-wide, full service, member-owned, community development financial institution where the financing terms are designed to meet your needs.


The Pillar of Expression reveals the heartbeat, pulse and the internal essence of a people while the Pillar of Celebration, showcases the talents, gifts, strengths and diversity of a community. Music is defined as the art of combining tones to create expressive compositions and rhythmic sequences of pleasing sounds. Art is defined as human creativity and all branches and products that make up a collection of creative work. Culture is defined as the skills, arts, style, and fashion of a given people in a given period. So, in profiling the Music, Arts, and Culture of a community, we express all the combining tones, forms and impressions that exhibit both the rhythm and creative flow of a body of people.



Union opment credit union with a mission to provide strength and stability to communities vices for more than 11,000 members statewide. GCCU promotes homeownership, pendence with a focus on quality member service. GCCU operates seven branches, offering products that allow its members to buy a home, start a business, save for their children’s education and meet their every-

Anyone is eligible to become a member of the credit union. Membership requires an initial deposit of $25 which includes a tax deductible $15 membership fee. We have branches conveniently located across the state ready to provide you with quality personable service. To find a branch near you visit our web site or contact us at 919.683.2000.

Member Services & Lending Products Generations provides its members affordable access to a full range of products and services. Our convenient products and services are designed to reasonably meet your needs. Generations promotes sound financial management for its members by providing counseling that can help you improve your credit, manage your budget and take the necessary steps to purchase your first home.


Member Services: • • • • • • •

ATM Access VISA Check Card Checking Savings Direct Deposit Certificates of Deposit Financial Counseling

Loan Services: • • • •

Consumer Loans Automobile Loans Mortgage Loans Salary Advance

Located at: 123 W. Main Street Durham, NC 27701 919.683.2000

When we emphasize the rich traditions of music, arts, and culture, we honor and show reverence to the past, present and future of all people, celebrating their cultural legacy and the gift of diversity that we all contribute to society.

by Anthony Fuller

November 2010 | www.diverseeditions.com | 63


Servicing North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and More including International

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Call 919-424-1219 Email us at: info@botchwayandshawsbro.com Visit us on the web at: www.botchwayandshawsbro.com 64 | diverse editions | November 2010


JoBotchway Construction & Shaw Brothers, Inc is a joint venture located in Durham, North Carolina

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