Women of Standard - Men of Standard

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IF NOT NOW, THEN WHEN? Accomplish Your Dreams Today!




LeadingLadies Entrepreneurship: Jumpstart Your VISION Today! Ariana Pierce ~ Arian Simone ~ Angel Richards

From the Desk of the Publisher

Why Not YOU?...Why Not NOW? I want to begin by asking you the question: Why not you? Why not now? So often in life we find ourselves stuck in our shoulda, coulda, woulda’s instead of grabbing hold of purpose and being fearless by launching out into the deep of grand opportunities that God has in store for us! I believe as women many of us suffer from jealousy, resentment and hatred because we see others operating in their purpose, doing things we only dreamed of doing but never had the courage or took the initiative to step out and actually do it! In this month’s issue I want to introduce to you three awesome young ladies who are indeed operating in their God given purpose! First, we have Ariana Pierce , Founder/CEO of Superstar Lacquer which has been worn by some of our most favorable celebrities of all time. Ariana is also a mentor to other young ladies whom she helps develop goals and get on the right track to pursuing their purpose and watch their dreams manifest before their lives. Ariana is the daughter of the Millionaire Maker Life Coach, Dr. Stacia Pierce. She indeed is following in her mother’s footsteps and is on her way toward greatness! I had the honor of meeting all of these ladies along with Dr. Stacia at her Women Success Conference in Orlando, Florida last year. It was indeed a life changing event! Next we have Angel Richards, she is also a coach who helps others un-clutter their lives by teaching them how to use proper time management, be specific with their goals and much more! Angel is the epitome of today’s woman. She was determined to persevere against all odds and work hard to provide a better life for herself along with her children and indeed she is doing just that! Lastly, we have Arian Simone who along with these other women wears many hats but she is ultimately the Founder/CEO of Fearless Magazine! Arian empowers other women via her testimony of how the Lord literally transformed her life almost overnight! She provokes others to be fearless in their approach and always believe the best no matter what! Now that you have been introduced to these ladies I must return back to my original question: Why not you? Why not now? The same way these women are operating

in their purpose is the very same way you could be operating in yours. I challenge you to allow 2013 to be a year of no more excuses for you! Be determined to live a purpose filled life with no restraints! Take the limits off of God and allow Him the opportunity to literally blow your mind! If God can use these ladies to make a mark in this world only to unveil His glory, then surely He can do the same thing for you! One thing about God is He is no respecter of persons so what He does for one He will also do for another!

Carla Cannon


February 2013

07 | Inspiration


Don’t Give Up On Love Going to Spiritual Heights For With God Nothing Shall Be Impossilbe



Leading ladies doing great things in business and empowering young women to do the same.

08 | Relationships


Maintaining healthy friendships and keeping the passion in your marriage.

17 | Youth Corner


What choices are you making that’s impacting your life negatively?

06 | Finances


ON THE COVER: Welcome to the world of successful business entrepreneurs: Angel Richards, Ariana Pierce & Arian Simone as they share with you their journey & how they do what they do while always looking fabulous!

Ridding yourself of extra debt that’s keeping you from succeeding.

17 | Health & Beauty


Your hair is essential to your look. Keep it moisturized and looking good.

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Stay in the



Carla Cannon CEO/FOUNDER

By: Lita P. Ward



...For More News, Updates, and discussions on How to Better Equip and Empower Women of Standard

FINANCE EXECUTIVE felicia C. Hagans VP OF MARKETING Jessica taylor CreATIVe DIreCTOr Ja’main freeman




isit womenofstandard.org to order your personal copy of this publication as well as subscribe to receive them monthly! Bulk orders are also available, for more information email us at: carla@womenofstandard. org.



ur Mission is to empower, educate & inspire global women to live victorious lives while leading them into their destiny. We not only focus on mainstream artists but anyone who is making a difference in their community. To be featured please email us at carla@ womenofstandard.org


Elizabeth White (Grand Rapids, MI)

Nanette Floyd Patterson

Craig Damon & Sherry Sanders

(Knightdale, NC)

(Atlanta, GA)

Lutricia Hankerson

Sonja Williams

Sydney O’Neill

(Fort Lauderdale, FL)

(Greensboro, NC)

Jekalyn Carr

Dr. Grace Nichols

(West Memphis, AR)

(Durham, NC)

(Jacksonville, FL)

Lorneka Joseph (Miami, FL)

Tarinna Terrell (Washington, D.C.)

One month of 2013 has passed. Instead of asking whether you are still following your new plan, striving to fulfill your new and improved goals, I want to simply encourage you by saying, “Stay in the race; don’t give up!” In order to be a contender in any race, you must stay in the race. You have to be in it to win it; success is not handed to you. You have to work for it. One cannot win or contend from the sidelines or the stands. Get back in the race and stay in it. Furthermore, whether you have one, two or no supporters cheering you on, you still have yourself. You should be your biggest supporter and fan.

and energy. All of these principles correlate with the Word of God. 2 Corinthians 1:20 says that all of God’s promises are yes and amen. But are you applying His principles as you strive for the promises? Are you lining up your life, words and deeds with the Word of God or just hoping that things will fall into place or turn around this year? Was it really 2012’s fault that you did not meet your goal, turn your finances around, develop a deeper relationship with God or a loved one? Or can you candidly confess that it was your own fault? Confession is truly good for the soul because it allows cleansing to begin. It lightens your load for the race My new-found friend, Jessica Taylor, before you and provides you with tagged me and many others on a clarity of mind. Now you can focus Facebook post recently, which stated, and move forward without having to “You are destined for greatness!” Yes, look back. I declare and decree that I was excited when I read it, but it you are free in the name of Jesus! cannot stop there with just the feeling When you come clean with yourself and emotions of elation. Work, and God, the spirit of liberation perseverance and determination will rest upon you. For where the must be applied to attain greatness. Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty! No matter the number of great prophesies given to you or visions Finally, God has equipped you with shown to you, they are of no effect everything you need. 2 Peter 1:2-4 unless you believe and act upon them. says, “… as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and Allow me to save you precious time godliness, through the knowledge of F e b r u A rY 2 0 1 3

Him… by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises…” You have what it takes to make it through by the power of Jesus Christ. You are destined for greatness, so stay in the race; don’t give up!

Let’s Connect Today! Email: Litapward@womenofstandard.org

Facebook: facebook.com/LitaPWard Twitter: @thkful2bhiz |

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Finances:Eliminating Credit Card


By: Roosevelt Ethridge, Jr.


s a result of the American fiscal cliff, unemployment, foreclosure, student loan debt and more, Americans have been worn by the fight of financial survival. Financial survival methods have been explored in more than one way. Americans have fought to survive by exhausting their 401(k) plans, mutilating their retirement funds and budgeting off of credit cards. The old saying, “robbing Peter to pay Paul,” has become a common practice in America. While trying to find ways to succeed and survive, many have been lured into credit card debt. Even college students find themselves applying for credit cards just to make it through the semester. However, many college students are held by the protection of the law. Foxbusiness.com reports, “Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure, which became law in May 2009, stops predator lending practices and adds various provisions that protect students and their parents. Students, or anyone under the age of 21, will either need to prove they have sufficient income to pay off any incurred debt, co-sign a credit contract with a parent or family member, or become an authorized user under a parent’s credit.” 6 w o m e n o f s ta n d a r d . o r g


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However, by the time a person graduates college or is old enough to acquire credit, they are swimming in debt just as fast as they can assume it. Credit cards are convenient spending with high interest. Eliminating credit card debt means that one must first diminish the desire to purchase. Having control over anxieties of having things can become the first step toward eliminating the debt. Next, control and make payments that kill the interest owed on credit cards. Late payments are not profitable for credit card debt. Many are swamped in credit card debt not solely because of what is owed, but by the compounded interest owed on purchases. As a rule of thumb, don’t purchase what you don’t need with credit cards. Control your spending. Eliminate the card when it no longer serves a purpose. Never let credit cards rule your life. High spending on credit cards does not mean a person is wealthy or disciplined with a savings. Every credit card user must budget to eliminate. Destroy the credit cards today. Emotional spending can become the crutch for credit card paranormal. Eliminating the debt gives you control over your finances instead of expending them.

ForwithGod Nothing Shall Be IMPOSSIBLE

for God. Even what may seem non-existent, God can and will show Himself strong. Get ready! With God, NOTHING shall be impossible.

Elizabeth White elizabeth.m.white@wmich.edu

For with God, nothing shall be impossible!Many of us have dreams, visions, and ideas that are all Heaven-sent that are about to be fulfilled. “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” -Luke 1:45 NIV Through all of the blood, sweat, and tears, we were being developed. Now we are getting ready to experience complete manifestation. God is breaking off mental bondage; He is breaking all doubt, fear, or any chain that may be holding us down. True victory for the believer is happening in this season. There are a few key steps that may take place: 1) Conceptionwhen you believe what God has given you. 2) Disobey natural, physical, and scientific laws of the world to bring forth fulfillment. Believe by faith, the Word of God and diligence. 3) The past state does not dictate the now or the future. Only what God has spoken, given, and implemented determines the future. 4) God will always send a word of affirmation to confirm the vision, dream, or idea. 5) Your response is necessary for the fulfillment. It is impossible for God NOT to bring forth fulfillment in your life if you believe. He is responsible to fulfill what He spoke.

All Things

Are Possible

“Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” –Philippians 1:6 “His Word cannot come back to Him void.” –Isaiah 55:11 “[Understand] God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should change His mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?” –Numbers 23:19 NIV In this next season of your life, you will be blessed. People will wonder why such great things are happening for you! You will be happy. You will walk and rest in the blessing, for God is faithful. I dare you to think outside of the box in this season. I charge you to spend all of the time you can with God, as He will continue to increase you more. You have reached a commendable level in your life, and now I want to encourage you. I want to declare that you are getting ready to reap the benefits. There are benefits to having a relationship with God. There are benefits to being obedient to the Word that God gives you. There are benefits to stepping out on faith. There is absolutely nothing too hard F e b r u A rY 2 0 1 3


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Friends for Life!

The Joy of Having


Relationships opportunity to take a closer look at what various relationship experts thought on this subject. This has helped me tremendously in my pursuit of lifelong relationships.

By: Dr. Grace Nichols

Do you have challenges in relationships? Are your relationships working for you? Relationships are a part of God’s design for our lives. No matter how successful we are in life, family or business, we will virtually be incomplete without healthy relationships. During my Master’s Degree coursework, I took a class on relationships. This class literally changed my life and the way I viewed relationships. It gave me an opportunity to view various studies and their outcomes. It gave me an 8 w o m e n o f s ta n d a r d . o r g


Growing up, I’ve always prayed that God would send someone in my life who would first be my best friend. Developing a relationship built on friendship was very important for my marriage because no matter what challenges my husband and I faced, we would look at the covenant we made each other and not our problems. I would ask myself the question: Was this misunderstanding so important that I would allow it to tear our relationship apart? When our friendship grew into a relationship, my best friend Wil gave me a friendship ring with my ruby birthstone. This was not an engagement ring. It simply meant he was serious about me. The next ring I received was an engagement ring, which meant I was the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. My husband Wil proposed to me after receiving the blessings of my father, mother and pastor. This was the beginning of a lifelong relationship with the best friend I prayed to God for at an F e b r u A rY 2 0 1 3

God’s perfect plan for our lives is that we follow His perfect will for our relationships on our way to a victorious life.

early age. There is a bond between us that runs deep. That bond keeps us accountable to God and each other. Researchers have conducted extensive studies on what makes people happy. The answer was not health, success, wealth, personal achievement or good looks. But, the clear winner was close relationships. We need love, affection, companionship, and a sense of belonging to thrive and survive. According to nationwide surveys, a quarter of all Americans have said they have felt lonely in the last month. Two-thirds of Americans say close relationships with other people are always on their minds. God’s perfect plan for our lives was that we follow His perfect will for our relationships on our way to a victorious life. Follow me in next month’s issue as we continue our journey through relationships. For more information on relationships, purchase a copy of No More Drama – Relationships or The Relationship Battle Plan by Dr. Grace Nichols and Pastor Wil Nichols visit www.victoriouspraise. org.

A Story of

God’s Love

Valentine’s Day came and went as any other day. We greeted each other with kisses and hugs before we both went off to work. Later on that evening when we both got home, we said our “Happy Valentine’s Day” greeting, ate dinner, and then I went to bed. The next morning, Sherry woke up with an attitude. I asked her what was wrong. She said, “You didn’t get me anything for Valentine’s Day.” I said, “That’s not true; just because I didn’t get you anything yesterday doesn’t mean you didn’t get anything.” She said, “But it’s nice to get something on the actual day of Valentine’s Day.” I had to remind her of the Valentine’s Day card and cake she received two days prior, the two dozen pink roses she received days before the cake, the bracelet she received four days before the pink roses, the two dozen white roses she got two days before she received the bracelet, and let’s not forget the “just because I love you” card and two dozen red roses she received a week before that. I said, “It looks to me like you’ve been celebrating Valentine’s Day every day.” Sherry said, “But I didn’t get anything yesterday... on Valentine’s Day.” I said, “I didn’t get anything either.” She said, “Because Valentine’s Day is a holiday for the

woman.” I said, “Valentine’s Day is about the relationship. It’s about the love two people share, and it’s about showing love to one another. We can celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14th like every other couple, or we can celebrate Valentine’s Day every day, how I like to celebrate it.” As she walked away with an attitude, she said, “We’ll do it your way.” I was operating in God’s love (agape), which is unconditional. We’re sharing this story to let you know that God loves and provides for us daily. His love continues to give, protect and adorn us. His love is unselfish. It gives without expectation. It holds no account of wrong doings. It’s quick to believe the best in others. It’s forgiving and generous. It endures all things, not just some things. As Christians, we must try to operate in God’s unconditional love toward each other. Husbands and wives love each other daily! Show each other the affection you both need, deserve and desire. Let each other know that even though there are some challenges, you are there to stay and to love and protect one another. Wives, love is not just for you or just about you. Husbands want love, too. Show

By: Craig Damon & Sherry Saunders your husband love he’s never seen before. Show him how to love you, how to touch you and what affection means to you. Teach each other. Allow the Holy Spirit to use you in your marriage. Be a vessel that God can use to love your spouse through you and you both will be blessed! Questions or Comments? Contact Craig Today! craigdamon@contractbarber.com

You have a magazine called FeArLeSS. What prompted you to start your magazine, and choose this particular name for it? The reason why I started Fearless Magazine was due to my own personal fearless journey. I really wanted other people to hear the stories of triumph and victory, so that they will be inspired to overcome their own individual fears and obstacles.


What would you say is your niche, or the thing that set’s your magazine a part from the other magazines? I would have to say the journey itself. We do have a strong celebrity base, where people are willing to confide and share their stories beyond what you normally get in the media. With me being a celebrity publicist, the relationships I have are rather strong. So, they know that my purpose in delivering their story is not to do anything to compromise them or to angle something to where they would be viewed in a bad light. I am very concerned on the image of anyone I speak to as well. But, I definitely want people to understand just the real; the perception versus the reality. So, therefore it can be used as a teaching tool, and inspirational tool for the next person.



Simon 10 w o m e n o f s ta n d a r d . o r g


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How long have you been doing the magazine? The magazine debuted August 15, 2010.


In reading your bio, we noticed that you had a bit of a transition from graduating from college, to getting a job in Los Angeles, and then you said you lost your job a month later. How were you able to remain positive, and how was that experience for you? Overall initially, I would say that I was highly encouraged. I would drive around to highend neighborhoods and I would look at the homes and say to myself, “If they have it, I can have it too!” I was just reminding myself of the possibilities out there. So, I definitely was always just feeding positivity


into myself. I was in church faithfully every Sunday! Any source of encouragement or any visual reinforcement of positivity, I definitely was engaging myself with. So, I was very conscious of what I was allowing into my ear gate as well as my eye gate. I did have a break down at some point of just exhaustion, but for the most part, that is just how I kept myself motivated. With you being a woman of many hats, we see that you have the “Social Life beauty bar”, your non-profit organization “Live Your Dreams” and your beauty line “The esther experience” In a nutshell how would you describe yourself in relation to you as a professional? I am a lifestyle entrepreneur. So, I come up with different businesses that mirror to my lifestyle that I offer to others as well. The Social Life Beauty Bar is rather a highend nail salon. It is exclusive, where you can have a glass of champagne or a glass of sparkling cider with your services. It is very A-List driven. The atmosphere is very comfortable and very luxurious entailing just the different things I like from a lifestyle perspective. I have found a way to


Yo u c a n ’ t w a i t months down the road for your harvest to arrive, y o u h a v e i t n o w.

funnel them into a business form to offer it to others. One of the things that stood out to me during one of your interviews was that you had to live out of your office. Tell us about that. At that time of my life I was just so exhausted. I told my mother that I didn’t


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see the purpose of living at that moment. I applied for more than 150 jobs and no one would hire me, I was filled with all this education, but it seemed to be no use for it during this time. So, at this point, I had to deal with what I’m thinking of as a social failure. Growing up, I was the cute, popular girl, with everything I wanted. So, for this to be a realization for me was so unreal. I heard poverty existed, but when did it become my story? So, I was definitely in a state of depression. I could not believe all of that was happening. So fast forward to when I had to sleep in my office. My logic behind that was that I couldn’t afford an apartment space that would be appropriate for the new clients I recently had. I had been sought out after months of struggling due to some PR Marketing work and they referred me to somebody else who referred me to somebody else. The next thing I knew is that I had 5-7 projects going on. Instead of me getting an apartment with that money, I went and purchased office space. I figured, well, let me just get on my feet and stay in the office. It was truly a blessing because Steve Harvey’s morning show was on the 19th floor and my office space was on the 26th floor. So, it was just very enjoyable at moments but at times also awkward from |

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a networking standpoint because every morning I was given the ability to go down to the show to meet the celebrities in the building. When do you believe that things began to take off for you? Things began to take off definitely in the office. Though it didn’t look like that from the outside, but I knew at that point things were extremely promising. That’s when a guy from the movie Coach Carter found me asleep on the floor in my office. I told him, I was just fine. He was like, look at you. You are living out of your office space. To me, I feel like I’ve been through the storm. I’m just fine. He exposed me to movie publicity, and that the studios outsources for what they need. Although from the outside looking in, people would think that I was still struggling. But, because my mindset had shifted, some could tell that victory was there. You can’t wait months down the road for your harvest to arrive, you have it now. I think it all has to do with your perspective. My mindset at that time was that I had made it. I may have only had a couple pair of shoes and a few outfits, but my mindset was so much bigger than that!


Take a moment and talk about the importance of having a positive mindset, as well as having positive people around you. I believe you attract who you are. As long as that is who you choose to be, then that is what will be drawn to you. I definitely believe in having a positive mindset. That is the only way to function. It is the only way to live and to fully enjoy this life that we have been promised. Your thoughts become your actions, and that becomes your reality. So,


I’d rather think great than to think mediocre or bad. In my foundation, I teach my 11 year olds that come into your head, just erase it with a positive thought. You have to counteract these things and I always teach them to have a positive mindset too. Yes, it is very important because we prepare for things in life, and we respond to things. My friend, Devon Franklin, wrote a book called Produced by Faith, and he said the one moment we are not in control is the moment something actually happens, it’s God. With that being said, if you put yourself in a negative mindset, then that will become your reality. You can’t control what happens to you in life, you can only control how you respond to it. So, you can create your world to be positive, or you can create your world to be negative. Who wants a negative world? That’s just no fun! (laughs)

But, when you are confident and strong in who you are, people know who you are and what you represent. Don’t get me wrong, the entertainment business is a secular business, and I do believe that I have been called to work in this entertainment sector to represent God’s kingdom. When you do His work, He sends His people. I will say, yes, there are different temptations in the entertainment industry. For people who are not called to work in that, I don’t advise it. If you come there without that level of faith and strength in Christ, then you are more than likely going to falter and fall to whatever the world is trying to feed you at that time. Trust me, I’ve seen it. It’s vital that you know yourself. I would say that even working around so many men. I have a heavy male roster, but for the woman who is not strong in her faith, she may fall by the wayside.


script. I am just playing a role. I would have never written this for myself. He is the writer and the author of my life. I seek Him out in all that I do. I am in love with Jesus! I am just in awe of God and how He continues to move in my life.


Connect with Arian Simone Website: www.ariansimone.com Twitter: @ariansimone www.facebook.com/theariansimone

“ Honey, God is the author of this script. I am just playing a role. ” 12 w o m e n o f s ta n d a r d . o r g


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By: Tarinna N. Terrell, MEd, CACII What immediately comes to my mind is the saying that has been embedded in my head for years. “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but words do hurt people. Harsh words can make us lose sight of love. If we all would take an introspective look at some point in our lives, we have questioned the phenomenon of love. Why? Because some words have been said that permeated our very heart and made loving quite difficult.

How has your relationship with God helped you through that process? Honey, God is the author of this

With the high profile people, that God has blessed you to come in contact with, how do you maintain that standard of not compromising, even around being around people that may not live the same lifestyle as you? When people take a stance on who you are, they don’t question you or try you. If I were to appear weak in my faith or that I could be persuaded to do something else then that would open a door for the enemy to launch his attack.

DON’T Give Up on LOVE!

February is the month in society where we are inundated with love. Cupid is soaring around aiming his bow and arrow. But the truth of the matter is some folks are struggling with loving themselves and others. Loving relationships with family, friends, and intimate partners are hanging in the balance. But we cannot let cupid over shadow the real heart of the matter that many are tarnished by love. “Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers

over all wrongs.” (Proverbs 10:12) So, how do we really capture the essence of the scriptures on love when our hearts are fragile and broken? Well, don’t give up on love, but address the hurt and heal your heart. Hurt is an inevitable process of life. There are persons who haven’t spoken to siblings in years because of hurt. There are children who haven’t spoken to parents in years when love once was the driving force. There are divorced couples who once loved but are losing sight on parenting due to discord. Sadly, the end result is unloving environments for their offspring. Hearts can be repaired but it will require taking healthy steps in mending your emotional wounds. First, you would have to admit that you are hurt and then take the steps to heal. Next make the amends on repairing loving relationships if possible. I say if possible because you only have control over you. A person may not be willing to rebuild a loving relationship but as long as you are at peace, then self-love can continue on. Sometimes professional help may be needed via counselor, therapist, or spiritual leader. It is okay to ask for help. Don’t give up on love because it can endure even in the midst of the storm. Furthermore, storms can produce a stronger love and generate endurance. Take a risk to love better and heal. But whatever you do, don’t give up on love. DON’T GIVE UP ON LOVE Don’t give up on love God created love to be a beautiful thing Don’t let one negative situation Have your heart in constant inner turmoil And never benefiting from love’s gratifications

Confession is truly good for the soul because it allows cleansing to begin. You are such an inspiration to so many young women. You have your jewelry line, your own nail polish, a coaching/mentoring program and the list goes on! (laughs) How did you get started? My mother was a huge inspiration to me. My grandfather owned a business and then my mother owned a business. So, I like to say it’s in my blood. (laughs) But, once I reached the age of 18, I wanted to do something different that I could identify with. For those who have followed me, they know I have been an entrepreneur since the age of about 14. But, when I turned 18, I really wanted to break off and do something on my own. That is when I started Super Star Nail Lacquer and I truly became involved and dedicated to it. I wanted to be in the fashion world but I didn’t have the desire to start a clothing line. Instead, I aspired to do something that matched the clothing lines. Desiring something unique, I thought, why not start a nail polish company? So I just took the idea and ran with it!


fast. Normally, it takes a few years for most companies to expand and get big, but this one just took off! Another point about Super Star Nail Lacquer is that people just liked the product. I believe it was because of the fast drying formula and at that particular time, no other nail polish possessed that


Pictured: WOS CEO Carla Cannon (Left) and Ariana Pierce

Awesome! So can you tell us about the Super Star Nail Lacquer? Well, I was going into my freshman year at Michigan State University. Most people do not start their businesses until after college, but mine was quite the opposite. I started my business going into my freshman year and it really took off. Strategically, I used various connections for getting the polish out there. While, the promotion wasn’t super big, everyone did very well for me. I would send people polish and all of a sudden, it exploded when we got our first mention in Glamour Magazine. Actress Eva Longoria was on the cover of it and it blew up really



I could have an event to do, or may have to send out polish, do this, or do that. Whatever it is, I plan everything out so I can have time to spend with my family, friends, and do my work. Also, I try to get my work done early in the week. For example, on Monday’s, I call it Media Monday. All I do is media stuff on Monday’s such as send out stuff to blogs, magazines, get people writing about the nail polish lacquer, and even the coaching program, where I would get testimonials from people saying how the program has helped them. Each day I plan it; it is all about having a calendar and sticking to it.

feature. The colors were their main focus and not a fast drying formula. We wanted something for the sophisticated woman on the go because we knew that she did not have a lot time to spare for getting her nails done.


So, at 22 years old you run a

multi-million dollar company,

and you are a motivational speaker

and a philanthropist. How do you

prioritize the things that you do? I totally get this question all the time and it is really all about planning. I keep a calendar and I write everything down. So, this week F e b r u a ry 2 0 1 3

Prior to your success, did you ever have a moment

where you doubted yourself? Well definitely, especially while being in college where you have exams and tests, and also trying to make money. My parents said it’s your business; you need to take care of it. So, for a couple of my businesses, they would help me push it. They would say, ‘Okay you need to do this today’;etc. They would ask me if I was making a particular amount of money that week. So, with that, and having to deal with school and making the Dean’s List, traveling and speaking, there were some days where I was just burnt out. Sometimes I wished I could just be a regular college student. But then, I would see the benefits and opportunities that came with me owning my own business, and I learned to appreciate it. I decided to keep pushing and then I always received advice from my mom. She does absolutely everything! I asked her how she stays grounded. How does she balance family and own successful businesses? Really, it was just about reaching out to people and getting advice. Also, I wanted |

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to help young people with my coaching program. I knew if I stopped that, so many people would not even know how to start a business or what to do. I always say that your purpose is not just for you; it’s for someone else. So, that came back to me and I decided to keep going.


You talk a lot about your

mother. What type of impact

did she have on you as a person as well as a successful business

owner? She is definitely a big inspiration to me. She doesn’t just tell me to own my business but she show’s me how. She allows me to be somewhat independent and put my swag into the business, and I really like that. It is good when you can watch people at home and see them for real. It’s not like you are watching someone on television or viewing a celebrity. You see what they do but you don’t see how they necessarily do it. So, I love that about her. She is always sharing things with me and she is there to help me become more successful. These celebrities don’t know me, and there are some that I do look up to and love, but she is really in my corner and she is cheering for me, which is why I look up to her.


Can you tell us about your 30 Days to Making It big

Coaching Program that you have? For 30 days, I come with you, when you put the CD into your car or wherever you want to listen to it. Every day I give you a homework assignment, not a huge assignment, but each day you will have some sort of activity to get you closer to your dreams now, and not later. That’s my whole thing about getting young people to live their dreams now! For example, on the first day, you may be asked to create a vision board. You would need to pick up magazines and a board and paste pictures of things you want in your future. So, if you want to be a singer, you may post pictures of you singing at Madison Square Garden, or traveling around the world or traveling to Europe and singing, or maybe singing on the stage with people like Jennifer Hudson.

The next day you may have to write out 10 goals and how you plan to accomplish them. So every day there is an assignment to help you reach your dreams, walk in your purpose and to help you make it now instead of later. What keeps you moving forward and wanting to become more successful? I always say there is another level to aim for. No matter how successful we become in life, there is always something better. Unless you are dead, there is always something better to aim for, and that’s what keeps me going. One of my dreams is to one day own a professional basketball team or a football team. But, I don’t have to have that right now, so I try to create goals that are on the next level to keep me reaching and pursuing. If my goals are everything I could achieve right now, I would feel like there’s no reason for me to keep going because I am able to achieve all those goals in my present state. So every time I reach a goal I say, ‘Okay that’s good, but now it’s time to set another goal that will take me to another level where it’s going to take some work to get there.’ So, that’s why one of my goals is to own a sports team, and I have to keep working for that. I have to keep pushing, keep going until I’m able to attain that.


Connect with Ariana Pierce Website: www.arianapierce.com Website: www.superstarnaillacquer.com

Website: www.styleshoppe.com Facebook.com/ ari.theheiress Twitter: @aritheheiress

By: Jekalyn Carr In life, we are presented with many choices, whether wrong or right. We have to understand that there are results behind every choice we make. Some youth are suffering today because of bad choices that they made. There are also some youth that are successful and productive because of the good choices made. When we were born, God gave us all power to choose. Genesis 2:16-17 says, God created the tree of knowledge, but He also gave Adam and Eve instructions concerning this tree. He gave them a choice. It was their decision to make the choice of disobedience. From their choice came the fall of man. Yes things such as drugs, gangs, sex, disobedience to parents, guardians, teachers, and leaders, are set before us daily. We do not have to make the decision of partaking with them. Great things are also placed before us. Obedience and going to college are placed before us. Becoming a great doctor, leader, teacher, or a very successful person is placed before us. God wants us to make the right choices so that we may continue to walk and live in His promises for us. He gives us the instructions on how to live and act daily through His Word--the Bible. It’s our decision to pick it up, read it, study it, obey it, and live it! If we make the bad choice of not doing so, we give Satan power and strength over us. Trust me, Satan knows this! If we make the good choice of doing so, we gain life, prosperity, and our true identity. Let’s fight hard every day to make good and right choices. STOP! REPENT! LEARN! The choices you make now can determine your future. The right choices can also give you long life. We just have to be careful because Satan’s ultimate goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. He plants various traps

and pits before us and before we know it, we’ve fallen into them. For some, it is too late for them to make the bad choices right. Then for some, because of God’s grace and mercy, they are allowed another chance to make it right. Yes certain traps can and will catch us off guard, but once it’s recognized, we have to stop, repent and learn from it so that we won’t give in to that bad choice again. Be very alert and sensitive to your surroundings. YOU CHOOSE Don’t allow anyone to push you into making bad and wrong choices in life. If it involves ungodliness, foolishness, and damaging others don’t be afraid to make the right choice of walking away. Remember that you get back what you sow. So, if you want good to come back to you, you have to sow good. Always treat others the way you’d like to be treated. You have the power to choose!

Your Fall Hair Tip! Your hair is an essential element to your signature overall look. It’s one of the first things someone will notice about you. During the dryer season your hair tends to lack moisture, so you will need to choose s shampoo that has moisture to protect your scalp from flaking and hair from breaking. Clean-n Curly by Taliah Waajid is a perfect choice. It cleans, moisturizes, hydrates and controls frizz of hair. It also paraben and sulfate-free, which is perfect for transitioning styles. Remember when transitioning from chemical to natural hair you would want to make sure you keep your ends trimmed regularly (between 8 to 10 weeks) depending on how fast the hair grows.

Mizz T Contact Mizz T at the Email Below


Connect with Jekalyn Carr Website: MyJekalynCarr.net Twitter: @JekalynCarr


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w o m e n o f s ta n d a r d . o r g 17

and holding you down to moving towards a more positive state. Things will begin to consistently flow and the energy is totally different. It’s more positive, more focused, and more energetic. You are no longer tired, stressed, or frustrated, but more excited to move forward. Because you have been able to get rid of the clutter in your life and you are very clear. Clarity stirs up motivation and inspiration in people. They are now able to see the big picture and the light at the end of the tunnel! After hearing your story, I was so amazed at how you successfully balance it all. You are the epitome of one having absolutely no excuses! Let us in the life of Angel richards. I am a single mom of four. My children are 15, 12, and four-year-old twin girls. I also teach full time. Coaching is something that I do part time. I tell people I am a teacher by heart for I believe this is what God created me to do. So my coaching is also teaching. Being a single mom can be very challenging especially when I’m working and teaching day and night all while trying to teach my kids to do the right things. We are not a perfect family, but I do have great kids! They listen to me when I am coaching or teaching classes. They may even watch the videos I have on YouTube. They get information from those things as well to be inspired. It is really challenging and a lot of people do make excuses. In the very beginning, I made a lot of excuses, and I was dealing with clutter. I had to overcome the clutter that initially was holding me back. Being that I was a teen parent and was molested as a young girl, and later raped as a teenager, those were some of the things that totally messed me up as a woman. I didn’t value myself. I had low self-esteem and I didn’t have any confidence. I was very promiscuous and manipulative with men. I was using men and I was out to get every body. I felt like a victim, and I saw myself as a victim. I was very angry and

bitter towards my mom for allowing certain things to happen to me. I feel as though she didn’t handle them in a certain way that I would have as a parent. We have a great relationship now but there were some really rough years that we had to endure. I would be at family reunions and have fun with my family, but as soon as I would come home I would cry because I was just so angry. I felt like I was being phony toward my mother until finally I was able to let everything out

From there, I spent the next four years in an unhealthy relationship where there was verbal, mental and physical abuse. I found myself wondering, ‘how I got to this place’? I was doing so well. My bank account was building up, I was going to the gym, I got down to my ideal weight, I was going to church every Sunday and my prayer life was great. The kids were doing well in school. I was in the process of buying a home, getting my Masters’ Degree. So, how did I let this happen? So, I basically had to face my reality and deal with the issues at hand.


Angel Q

Can you tell me about your program, From Clutter to

Clarity? What I do is, I work with women (a few men) primarily, who are dealing with different situations in life, whether it be mental struggles, hanging on to their past, worried about their current situations; etc I label it all as clutter. A lot of people don’t realize what it is that has them so emotional. As women, we are on what’s called an emotional roller coaster sometimes. We are excited one day, depressed the next, angry at one moment, then back to loving the next day. I work with women who are

going through those different situations even those who may have spiritual clutter. Some women, because of the things they have done in the past, have shunned away from God. They feel as though they can’t pray anymore and began to believe they are all on their own. Through my coaching program I help them overcome those obstacles so their mindsets can be reprogrammed.


Explain your definition of going from clutter to clarity,

as that seems to be your area of

expertise. My definition of going from clutter to clarity is going from all the hurt, mishaps, hang-ups and habits that are unhealthy to being in a place where you can make wise decisions and you’re clear and informed on the next steps to take. You are motivated to move forward and let go of the past. You are empowered with all of the tools, strategies, techniques and everything else you need to keep going on the right path that you desire for yourself; whether it’s in a relationship, your business or just with your family. It’s basically going from the things that are holding you back


At what point did you

realize you still needed

more help, that life wasn’t going

in the direction you felt God had

and tell her how I felt. I put the things I went through on everybody else but I had to really realize that it was done and time for me to get over it. I’m blessed to still be here. I am a survivor and I am a conqueror! I realized that I needed to let go and forgive. So, I started going through the forgiveness process. I called people up and told them, “I forgive you, I am sorry for some of the things I did”. Slowly but surely, I was getting to a better place. At that time I was vulnerable, open to love, and looking for the rosy fairy tale life to take place. I got myself caught up in an abusive relationship.

designed and destined for you? I realized that although I went through some healing, I was not completely healed. There were still some pockets and some holes in there that I had to deal with. That’s what “Clutter to Clarity” is all about. I broke the program up into mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, and relationships. I break it down because it’s those little pockets that we overlook, that always come back up and resurface. I took the time one by one to look at those different areas of my life. I was one of those women that said everything is going great in my life except my relationships. I took it lightly, and had to take a good look and say wait a minute, why is this? Why can’t I attract the right type of man? Why am I attracting men who need me instead of men who can provide for me? It was a process and was really messy and ugly for a long time. So I took some time for a while to really get myself together. A lot of people are out here trying to help other people but they really haven’t taken the time to get themselves together

I would rather be led by God than to be pushed by my problems. F e b r u A rY 2 0 1 3


w o m e n o f s ta n d a r d . o r g 19

and embrace their process. Many people want to skip the process and jump to the now but it doesn’t work like that. It was because I learned to embrace my process and figured out the “how” in my life, I am able to teach and coach women on how to do that as well.





profoundly in relation

to embracing the process. Why do you feel we must learn to embrace it rather

than fight against it? Well, you have to embrace the process. Either you are going to embrace it or it is going to embrace you. Right now, there is a process happening. As I am sharing with you everything that I have overcome, there is healing that comes with it. As I speak out loud, yes, I have overcome. Yes, I have overcome from clutter to clarity. The way society is right now, everything is quick, quick, quick. We want things to happen quick, fast, and in a hurry. We want quick solutions and results right away. The process of dealing with “you” and truly going from clutter to clarity, takes time. There’s no way you can get your health, finances, your relationship with family, friends, or coworkers in order if you don’t embrace the process. You can’t get your “A” game on the job, get your business running, get your spirit right, and build your relationship with God overnight. Time is needed. If you try to do everything at once at a quick pace you will find yourself being cluttered in your mind and in your surroundings; which can lead to you being overwhelmed. I think that’s where a lot of women may get suck at. We want to be perfect and do everything right now. When I go through the “From Clutter to Clarity” process with people, we go one 20 w o m e n o f s ta n d a r d . o r g


step at a time. I have them to prioritize the most important factor they want to change right now? Where’s the pain? If the pain is in your finances, and it is causing your relationship to fall apart, then we start with the finances. If it’s your mindset, and you don’t think you can push forward, then we start there. We have to start where the pain is at and then work the process. I like to take people through a 30 day phase. They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit, well give yourself 30 days to really totally focus on one area of your life and get it right. Then, after those 30 days, if you feel you are ready to move on, and you feel that you are in a good place we go to the next step. Again, these things take time. It took me years. It is not an overnight process but little by little, I was able to let go. I was able to change who I was. I started to become the person that God created me to be.






questions like: ‘What do you need me to do? ‘Where do you need me to fall back’? Or ‘What is my next step’? I take time to be still and listen so that I can be lead. I would rather be led by God than to be pushed by my problems. There are times when God will very clearly tell us what He wants us to do. But it is our part to take the time out to listen and be obedient. I can’t do any of the things I do without God’s leading. I have to stay centered, and have balance. I encourage every woman to stay focused and to remain in tuned with God’s voice. Stay plugged into the source, and that source is Jesus! Awesome! I love it! enjoyed you lady and I will definitely be in touch! Thank you so much again for having me and I look forward to talking again soon!


tutoring, raising four children,

being a single mother, and

having your coaching program,

how do you find the time to do

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Disobedience? It’s a new year and another month bites the dust. It’s February 2013. I don’t know about you but it appears that the days are going by faster and faster and faster as I progress in age. It will be January 2014 before you know it. Let’s do a little exercise. I want you to close your eyes and peek into vision.. It’s now January 2014. What the future future; another component of vision do you see? Do you see yourself finishing tasks relevant to the vision that the Vision Giver has assigned you or will you be saying, “I am still waiting on the Lord as Isaiah 40:31 instructs me to do.” Brace yourself. What I am about to say is not for the faint at heart and will cause a religious mud slide that usually occurs when what we are traditionally taught is challenged. Are you ready? The Bible verse, “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength…” does not imply inactivity as it relates to completing a task, especially a task assigned by the Vision Giver. The implication is that our hope of aid and salvation is in Him when we are going through the valleys of life. You know; those tough times or those “a brick wall has fallen on my chest” times. This verse means to trust in Him, to put our hope or confidence in Him during these times. It refers to a “spiritual waiting” not a “natural waiting.” Think about it. Would God tell you to complete a task and then in the same breath tell you to wait? God is not double minded. We are not to use this particular Scripture as a crutch when we have made the decision to be disobedient. Should a farmer wait for God to plow and sow his fields? If a farmer makes the decision to sit on his house’s front porch, staring at his field instead of using the abilities God has already given him to complete the work, thorns and nettles will grow and the harvest will be small. Your field is the vision God has assigned you. Proverbs 24:30-34 says it most profoundly (ouch):


all of these things? It’s all about balance. I can’t give all my time to my students at school because I have children at home. I can’t give all my time to my clients because I need me time. I need my time to recuperate and refresh and renew my mind. Prioritizing is the key. Sometimes you may have to pull back in an area and give a little more time in another. As women, it is hard to find that balance, seeing that we wear many hats. It’s important to create a balance and that’s why going from clutter to clarity is the first step. I find balance by praying. I ask God

Be Honest…Spirit of Wait or Spirit of

Connect with Angel Richards! Website: www.helpingotherstransform.com Website: www.youtube.com/hotcoaching FaceBook: www.facebook.com/ AngelRichardsYourHOTCoach Twitter: @hotcoaching

“I went by the field of the lazy man and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding; and, behold, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles were covering its face, and its stone wall was broken down. Then I beheld and considered it well; I looked and received instruction. Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep—So shall your poverty come as a robber, and your want as an armed man.” Your Vision Challenge is to begin again. Write three visionrelated small tasks that you can do this month. Write completion dates beside each task and then do them. Lovingly pushing you to manifest, Nanette Floyd-Patterson “The Vision Manifestation Queen” nfp@nanettefloydpatterson.com P.S. Truth…inspiration does not always feel good.



You know that “umph” of momentum you get right after hearing an incredible Word? Or the flood of inspiration you have after attending an epic conference? Occurrences such as these are what I refer to as “spiritual highs.” Spiritual highs can be beneficial in a sense that they cause a boost of motivation, which is good. Many times, when we experience situations like that, we start making decisions based on our level of excitement. We think about how we’re going to be better, do better, and press harder. Then once the atmosphere changes and our excitement slowly decreases, so does our spiritual high. Soon, all of the things we told ourselves we were going to do lose their sense of urgency.

So many of us make decisions based off of our feelings and emotions, only to realize later that we have gone back on our primary decision. Our feelings and emotions are subject to change. So when life begins to push back, when excitement and enthusiasm has withered down, we no longer see relevancy to do better or be better, or to press harder, simply because our feelings have changed. I often use the phrase, “Marry your decision;” however, in today’s society, the value and respect that goes along with understanding what marriage means has truly depleted. Wedding vows have maintained traditional value, but they lack moral value. They have become promises made based on the current state of the heart, rather than consecration taking place based on an unchanging decision. Could you imagine dating someone your whole life, never committing to a higher level, not marrying them, and just having an entire life relationship as “boyfriend and girlfriend?” Most of us would agree that would sound crazy and would be a waste of our time. However, I believe that’s how many Christians go about their relationship with God, never committing to the next level. They never want to stretch beyond what may seem comfortable to them. Our devotion toward God simply floats idly at the surface of our hearts. Natural conditions and circumstances dictate our level of devotion. When things around us begin to get rocky, so does our commitment toward God. As we enter into the New Year, perhaps we should do it a little differently than in times past. Do away with the unfinished New Year’s resolutions and the half- kept promises. Instead, let’s enter this year with a vow renewal to our King. Not merely committing ourselves based on our feelings and emotions, but marrying our decision, for better or for worse. Get rid of the spiritual highs and let’s make 2013 a year that we experience new levels of spiritual heights! by: Sydney O’Neill sydo218@hotmail.com F e b r u A rY 2 0 1 3


w o m e n o f s ta n d a r d . o r g 21

less. So if your results are abnormal, it is highly recommended that you make lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of heart disease and further complications. Another example of a heart disease is stroke. When my father called me to describe a recent event while at work, I knew he was having a stroke and I immediately asked him to call 911. If a person’s face droops, experiences arm weakness and difficulty speaking, you need to call 911. Every second counts, so do not wait!

Did You Know? About 600,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year–that’s 1 in every 4 deaths. By Lorneka Joseph

That walking at least 30 minutes most days of the week can reduce your risk of getting heart disease? Did you also know that in 2010, taxpayers in the United States paid $444 billion in heart disease and stroke hospitalizations? There are a number of conditions that fall under heart disease. Types of heart diseases include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, heart failure and diabetes just to name a few. Now what is interesting about heart disease is that these are all preventable conditions. The fact that one has the ability to reduce their risk of being diagnosed with a heart condition is powerful and everyone should exercise this right to improve their quality of life. With the plethora of information available today, it can be overwhelming on how to achieve optimal results when it comes to your health. As a healthcare professional, it is my duty to inform that everyone is unique and you should always consult your local physician before making changes. However, setting achievable and realistic goals for yourself is also important. This month, Women of Standard magazine join the American Heart Association to celebrate Heart Awareness and offer tips on how to reduce your risk of heart disease or improve your condition if you have been diagnosed with a heart disease. The first step to improving your health status is knowing your status. This requires making an appointment, undergoing examinations and discussing results with your doctor. For example, let us look at high cholesterol. The only way to know whether you have high cholesterol is to get your blood levels tested. There are two types of cholesterol that make up total cholesterol and this value should be 200 mg/dL or 22 w o m e n o f s ta n d a r d . o r g


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Whether you have a heart disease or not, find ways to implement 30 minutes of physical activity at least 3-5 times a week; have 3-5 servings of fruit and vegetables; drink lots of water; manage stress and follow your doctor’s regimen. The best way to prevent heart disease is to set goals and be consistent with the aforementioned tips. The more activity your heart receives, the better your heart functions and the more you can physically accomplish daily. As you care for others this month, give your heart what it needs to be happy and healthy! Contact Lorneka Joseph! lornekajoseph@gmail.com

References United States. American Heart Association. Stroke Warning signs. Dallas, TX 2012. <http: www.strokeassociation.org/ STROKEORG/WarningSigns/ Stroke-Warning-Signs_ UCM_308528_SubHomePage. jsp>. Accessed 12/18/2012 United States. Center for Disease Control. Atlanta, GA. <http://www.cdc.gov/Features/ HeartMonth/>. Accessed 12/18/2012


Lupus is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks normal, healthy tissue.



Disease By: Lutrica Hankerson

Growing up in the southern region of the United States, as children we often overheard of someone’s daughter, niece or female cousin having lupus but no one really knew what “it” was. After a family member (by marriage) developed the disease and ultimately passed away from complications, as an inquisitive child, I was determined to find out what lupus was. Lupus is an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks normal, healthy tissue. This results in symptoms such as inflammation, swelling, and damage to joints, skin, kidneys, blood, the heart, and lungs. In layman’s terms, the body begins to attack itself. There are many different forms of lupus, but Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or SLE accounts for more than 70 percent of the cases. Although lupus can affect anybody, 90% of lupus patients are women, who develop the condition during their reproductive years. In approximately half of these cases, a major organ, such as the heart, lungs, kidneys or brain, will be affected. Cutaneous lupus (affecting only the skin) accounts for approximately 10 percent of all lupus cases. Drug-induced lupus accounts for about 10 percent of all

lupus cases and is caused by high doses of certain medications. The symptoms of drug-induced lupus are similar to systemic lupus; however, symptoms usually subside when the medications are discontinued. The most prevalent symptom comes from the skin. Some patients with lupus have a red rash over their cheeks and the bridge of their nose. Because the location of this rash is the same as the common markings of a wolf, the name “lupus” (wolf in Latin) was given to this disease many years ago. There is a higher incidence of Lupus in certain regions of the world, such as the Philippines and China.

activities that inform, educate and equip society on the effects of lupus.. I dedicate this article to my friend and sister, Mrs. Shavena Mack-Lawrence and all those who are fighting the battle and winning against this debilitating disease. For more information on lupus seek your personal physician, local health department or the links below. Remember to stay prayerful, powerful and productive.

Contact Lutrica Hankerson Email: trish33311@yahoo.com http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/info/ lupus/

Recently I found out that one of my friends that I’ve known for over 20 years has developed the disease. She has Systemic Lupus and since there is no cure, her main concern is her husband and children. She says because of the pain, she has her good days and bad days but she keeps going. She relies on her faith and purpose in God for strength to get through the rough days.. Raising awareness of her condition is one of her main passions and when she is physically able, she participates in community F e b r u A rY 2 0 1 3

http://my.clevelandclinic.org/ disorders/lupus/hic_systemic_lupus_ erythematosus.aspx http://www.lupus.org/webmodules/ webarticlesnet/templates/ new_newsroomreporters. aspx?articleid=247&zoneid=60


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JB: I would just remind them when Jesus died on the JB: Absolutely. cross for our sins the woman with the issue of blood wasn’t there. When he died, the boy with the two fish and MOS: You are now no longer married, and are a single five loaves of bread weren’t at the cross. When he died, the man in ministry what standard or words of wisdom would blind man didn’t show up. But his mother was there. And you offer other young men and women in ministry that it shows that people are going to be there when you’re tend to not know how to maneuver and focus on the call blessing them. But when you need to be blessed that’s of God that is upon their life without getting caught up in all the drama that the “single life” can sometimes present why you have to plant the seed for your family. to us. MOS: One thing I notice in society today is people tend to JB: Kwame Kilpatrick in his autobiography entitled: struggle and lose their family because their primary Surrendered, he said, “You have to learn how to focus is on reaching the people in the street spend time by yourself ”. This is very true. You when often times we neglect the very have to learn how to date yourself away from the ones that are amongst us every day. crowd. Find out what you like as a person, not as JB: Absolutely! a personality. And when you are able to do that it’ll help you make wiser decisions about who MOS: Your latest book, World War Me. you bring into your space. What brought this book into existence? MOS: Awesome and timely word! I receive JB: It was my own therapy of journaling and that myself! (shares laughs) writing through my divorce and the trauma of going through public humiliation and falling MOS: Also take a minute and minister to short of the call of God on my life. Really just those who may have gone through a divorce for speaking out to people who have been wounded whatever reason and are having a hard time bouncing in the house of God, but haven’t had a proper way to deal back from what took place. with it or process it and to really come to grips with it as well. In my own circumstance I couldn’t blame it on the JB: The hardest thing I had to learn was that I couldn’t be enemy or spiritual warfare but there are sometimes even in control of everything. As a leader I’m so used to giving in the body of Christ where we are our own worst enemy. orders, giving direction and making things happen, but going through the divorce helped me to understand that MOS: I notice often times especially in the church we at some point you have to surrender and stop moving and tend to wear a lot of masks, instead of being honest and sit still. So, that’s a process that everyone has to endure. saying, I need help or I’m hurting; but we tend to bury those feelings and walk around wounded and infected by MOS: Back to your book, what made you write a volume the trials of life. What advice would you offer someone II to World War Me? that may be walking around with a silent cry and because JB: I think again the book was just me thinking out of their position they have no outlet of release? loud as a reflection of what I’ve had to deal with in my JB: Everyone needs somebody to be accountable to; to own desires/wants and learning to govern them and be answerable to. You can’t be superman all the time. You incorporating discipline in those areas. I believe God gave must look for that phone booth so you can turn back into that to me to share with a larger body. Clark Kent. And that’s what’s very critical to understand. MOS: Indeed we are blessed by you sharing. MOS: Through your various trials if you could preach JB: Thank you. one message based on your experiences to empower others what would it be? MOS: Well, that’s all I have and again thank you so much for your time and I am honored to have this time to speak JB: His grace is sufficient. That is actually the sermon I with you. preached for my initial sermon entitled: “No Pain, No Gain”. I had no idea that would be the hallmark for the JB: It’s my privilege. Take care. rest of my career and my ministry. MOS: God is truly a God of a second chance.

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us go on without ever experiencing fade away like a vapor? It can fade because we lose our focus on what passion. we should be passionate about. Ladies as you prepare yourself for the special day in this month to Woman of God, if the passion has be showered with candy, flowers, left, you can do something about it. jewelry, etc., take the time to think Start by showing the passion that about what your relationship is all your husband can’t seem to find or about. You need passion in your express. Who says that the passion relationship, because it keeps can’t start with you?! Use the power things fresh and exciting. If it is and gifts that God has equipped there, you never have to worry you with in getting the attention of about getting bored with your your spouse, along with the power mate. If your relationship possesses of prayer. Make this Valentine’s passion, moments together can be Day one to remember by reminding spontaneous, unexpected and very yourself and your spouse that exciting! It will not be a struggle passion originated at Calvary and for you to return the same type of this act of selflessness has allowed passion to your husband because you to experience the greatest when he is passionate towards gift of all between two hearts, an you, the response usually will be unconditional and passionate love. reciprocal. If this is the case, why Sonja Williams do we see the passion that started out in our marriage or relationship swilliams39@live.com

8 m e n o f s ta n d a r d m a g . o r g

24 w o m e n o f s ta n d a r d . o r g

Since we have entered into the month of the calendar year where many couples and lovers of the world celebrate the one they love, it is appropriate to address the issue of passion. Passion may frequently be used in the place of love, but you can definitely not have one without the other. Many pastors’ wives find themselves living with a man who seems to have so much passion for what he does and not enough for the one he professes to love. Passion can be defined as a strong feeling or desire for anything. So when a person truly has passion for someone, they not only love them but they strongly desire to be with them. It becomes so strong that when they are not in their presence, they desire to be with them. So is there passion in your marriage or relationship or is it simply love? You should have both, but many of


? n o i s s a

Where Is the

www.jamalbryant.org www.twitter.com/jamalhbryant

F e b r u A rY 2 0 1 3

Everyone needs somebody to be accountable to; to be answerable to. You can’t be superman all the time.



By: Carla Cannon

JB: Good afternoon, how are you? little bit. I have been following you for years and you are a man that did not graduate from high school, but MOS: I’m doing great. I would like to thank you so much obtained your G.E.D. and five years later you graduated for your time. I know you have a very busy schedule so we from Morehouse College in which you later went on and do not take it lightly. received a Master’s Degree from Duke University. You didn’t stop there! (laughs) JB: Oh no, it’s my privilege, thank you so much for having me.

You then went on and obtained your doctorate from

MOS: You’re welcome. I had the privilege of meeting you Oxford University in England. Talk about perseverance! a while back when you came to North Carolina and you (shares laughs) were very down to earth and were out in the midst of the MOS: I mentioned all of that to ask, where did your people. I noticed you didn’t have an entourage or body drive come from to persevere through it all? guards all around you. JB: Well, my mother raised me to believing that quitting JB: (laughs) Right. was not an option. If I didn’t persevere what else would I MOS: So, what makes you do things differently from do? It’s very clear that so many people give up forgetting those that have quote/unquote reached ‘celebrity status’? that giving up is not an option or at least it doesn’t have to be. No matter what you must always keep going. Under JB: Dr. Cornel West, a great Princeton philosopher said the Bible it says all things work together for good so I tend something some years ago on the Tavis Smiley State of to live by that. Black America show. He said, ‘you can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people’. I think we have come to a MOS: I am truly a witness to that! Today you are a man place that many of our preachers or personalities want who literally travels all around the world preaching. to be over the people JB: Yes. but don’t want to be amongst the people. MOS: In spite of your The old expression is busy schedule, I notice you have to be able to that you always make walk with the kings and time for your daughters still keep the common no matter what. I recall touch. I’ve adopted that one of your tweets as a part of my principle stating how you were and philosophy for life. spending time with them and so forth. MOS: So, how does it How do you balance feel to be considered ministry as well as your as a Pastor with one personal life ensuring of the fastest growing nothing goes lacking? ministries in the A.M.E. denomination? JB: I think I became a better family oriented Dr. Bryant pictured with daughters. JB: I am overwhelmingly person after going humbled by it especially through my divorce. It helped me to realize that family given the fact that I started the church and not too many was most important. Before I was divorced my family was A.M.E. actually plant a church. So, to be able to plant and my mistress and my ministry and career was my wife. And see it flourish in my parents’ lifetime is truly a blessing. now I realize my first responsibility is to my family and I am a third generation A.M.E. So to know that I am everything else is secondary. the product of my parents’ prayers is overwhelming and it just says that God can always bring new life into old MOS: With that being said what advice would you give institutions. someone who may be struggling with developing balance in ministry, family time, running their business, or simply juggling the many hats they wear? MOS: Absolutely! I wanted to touch on your life for a

F e b r u A rY 2 0 1 3


m e n o f s ta n d a r d m a g . o r g 7

DO NOT BECOME The Woulda Coulda

Shoulda Man By: Baron Samuel

Imagine if you received a dollar for every “should have” in your life. Do you know how rich you would be? Regret, as it pertains to life, relates to action or inaction. Life presents us with all kinds of opportunities and ultimately we hold the decision to embrace or reject these opportunities. We can take the mighty leap of faith and risk falling to our demise, or we can choose to keep our feet firmly planted on the ground with our heels dug securely into safety, yet all the while missing out on what those opportunities had to offer. For many of us, there is a clear distinction between what actually happened and what we wished would have happened in a given situation. Many of us realize a number of options we could have had or possibly should have taken instead of the action we eventually took. This feeling of regret or sense of second-guessing can be summed up with the expression, “Woulda, coulda, shoulda.” Unluckily, we don’t have a crystal ball in which we can gaze into the miasma to see what would have happened if we subsided our fears long enough to go for it. For this very reason, it serves justice to our lives to pursue what we set out to accomplish and not allow distractions, detours or misroutes of fear paralyze us into a vapid life. There are no dress rehearsals in life and you can’t hold on to what you had, only to what you have. So doesn’t it make sense to go for it? After all, it’s better to make errors of commission than errors of omission. You only get one shot at life, so take the shot. Otherwise there will be a whole lot of “woulda’s, coulda’s, and shoulda’s” when you look in the rearview mirror of your life.

Baron Samuel

http://baron-samuel.blogspot.com 4 m e n o f s ta n d a r d m a g . o r g


A Father's Focus Present and

Accounted For!

By Martin Bryant

No child should question the love that comes from their father. No father should separate himself from the love he provides to his child. Unfortunately we are in a time when absentee fathered households are prevalent. In school, the teacher would do roll call every morning. If you were not there, you would be marked absent. When it is time to vote, if you are not going to be in town on Election Day, you can cast an “absentee” ballot. Our children should not go one day calling your name, and you are marked absent. The heart and mind of a child is very impressionable. If you miss too many days of school, they expel you. Too many households have children with expelled fathers. There are too many fathers that settle for that absentee moniker. This has to stop! We have to take back our homes and stop walking out of our children’s’ lives, thinking it is okay. Our children need us and it is time for dedication from dads who will say “I am here” when called. It is time for dedication from dads who will say, “Present and accounted for,” when The Lord calls fathers. Fathers were created to lead, love and to provide lessons. Fathers have been created to provide, to protect and to prosper for their children and their children’s children. It’s hard for a child to truly have direction when father is always absent. Continued on Page 5

Live Everyday on Purpose Your dreams are realized through you living towards your purpose everyday. By: Dee Brown

As young boys, we all dream of becoming great men doing great things: doctors, lawyers, professional athletes, soldiers, and even firemen. We imagine ourselves all grown up, being the men we wish to become, living the life we wish to have. I remember being asked often as a kid, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Like most children, my answers changed as I grew older.

With all the impractical distractions in life, attempting any life change without structure is a blueprint for failure! Your change has to be strategically planned on a daily basis! You can’t be productive on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and be nonchalant on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. That equals a week of being average! For real life change to occur, you must focus every day, on purpose! Living every day on purpose does not mean that you have to go hard all day, every day until you place yourself in the hospital! Living every day on purpose means:

Schedule a significant amount of time each day with loved ones (family and friends).

Schedule time at least five days per week to work toward your change (school, career, and fitness).

Schedule a healthy amount of time to rest! This is undoubtedly the most important!

No great accomplishment in life happens by accident. It is always achieved by wise, independent planning! Develop a daily schedule that works for you and begin to make necessary changes to live your life every day, ON PURPOSE!

Before I knew it, my senior year in high school had come around, and I was asked another question, “What do you want to do with your life?” That question required a more focused answer because everyone told me this was the most important decision I’d ever make in my life. If we are honest with ourselves, we didn’t have a clue what we Continued from Page 4 wanted to be as eighteen-year-olds. For most of us, the trials and tribulations through life have caused us to fall, pick ourselves up, and learn what truly brings meaning to our lives. In those moments, we’re faced with trying to pursue that meaning, whether it’s a career, lifestyle, or a spiritual change. These changes are common as we mature into manhood. Unfortunately, for too many men, they never succeed in changing! I used to fall into this trap. I would declare to my family, friends, and associates that I was going make a change, that I had a new direction in life. I made sure everyone listened to me. Six months later, there was no change in my life and I was living the same unwanted life I’d always lived. The mistake I made is the same mistake many men make today.

Dee Brown deephenom@gmail.com

It is difficult for a child to learn in school if the class is being taught by a substitute teacher. And, just like school, so much in life can be missed by a lengthy absence of the father. There is a roll call being made and all fathers need to answer this call. Right now, if you are not present in the lives of your children, it is time for you to take your place in their lives. Stop being marked absent. Nowhere in the kingdom, or the definition of dad is a place for absentee fathers. God is calling; your children are calling. When they call your name, will you be marked absent or will you be present and accounted for?! As for me, I will be present and accounted for! Martin Bryant a.martinbryant@ymail.com

I made the choice without making a plan! I didn’t have a daily schedule to work toward reaching my goal. F e b r u A rY 2 0 1 3

F e b r u A rY 2 0 1 3


m e n o f s ta n d a r d m a g . o r g 5

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ur Mission is to empower, educate & inspire global men to live victorious lives while leading our families and becoming leaders in our communities. We not only focus on household names but anyone who is making a difference in their community. To be featured please email us at carla@menofstandardmag. org


Den Brown


Baron Samuel



Martin Bryant




Roosevelt Ethridge


Exclusive Interview with







From the Desk of the Publisher Salute to the STRONG Men...

Who Are Doing the Right Thing! I am very excited about our second issue of men of Standard Magazine! God is definitely doing great things! this month I wanted to take a moment to solute our brothers (regardless of race) and say thank you for a job well done. so often the world tends to highlight and focus on all the fathers who left Vs the fathers who stayed. the world likes to talk about the men who are locked up and in prison Vs the brothers who made wise decisions and work their 8 to 5 or better yet are successfully running their own businesses. we often hear much about this man cheating on his wife or that man beating his wife. But never say thank you for the men who took their vow unto the Lord seriously and for the man who was strong enough to walk away from the sister who although she may have been wrong, he had enough self control not to put his hands on her. they often like to highlight all the “no good” preachers and pastors who are sleeping with their members and all sorts of craziness Vs celebrating the true men of god who again took their vow with the Lord seriously and refused to compromise when many others did.

you all enjoy this publication and as we grow it is our goal to provide you with valuable information to help encourage you from day to day.

Carla Cannon

I know there is a lot of wrong going on in the world today and honestly we really should no longer be shocked for the word of god is only manifesting itself. the word of god informs us that in the ends of times men would be lovers of themselves and also that many would take the broad path but only a few would abide on the straight and narrow. so beginning with our contributors for men of standard magazine, I honor you all on today. I want to say keep up the great work and continue to be the positive example to those you encounter each and every day! to our cover feature, dr. Jamal Bryant, thank you for daring to be different, for not being afraid to stand up for what was right and for always being the voice fighting for equality for the african american culture. It is my prayer that


The Gentlemen’s Corner:



Inside: Hot Exclusive Interview

How are You Living?



Thanking The Men That Are Doing the Right Things

Dr. Bryant Talks...


Dr. Jamal


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