View from the Cupola v.32 i.2

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Mount de Sales Academy


BOARD OF TRUSTEES Executive Committee

Dear Friends of Mount de Sales Academy,

Joseph Geier P’08 ’12 ’17 President

“Love yourself how you are while staying committed to BEING

Richard G. Arnold P’11 Vice President


Christopher P. Brown, Esq. P’04 ’08 Secretary

In this loud and busy world, it is no surprise that many of our girls

Elizabeth Gibbons Jennings ’80 P’12 ’19 Treasurer

self, that teaches them to look for dignity and self-worth in their

Sister Mary Thomas Huffman, O.P. Principal

General Board Thomas Campbell P’14 Larraine Clark P’02 Reverend Michael DeAscanis Ronald C. Diegelman P’00 Paul M. Finamore P’11 ’16

struggle to hear the voice that helps moderate expectations of identity as a child of God and not in their achievements. In response to this struggle, our faculty and staff came together to coordinate a special event on Leap Day. They organized an afternoon full of talks, activities, and reflections to remind the girls that they are enough. The student’s quote above captured the message of the day—it is great advice for us all. I am excited for what the next school year will bring as we work together to realize the best version of Mount de Sales Academy. With this Annual Report we reflect particularly on the people who make this possible by giving their time, talent, treasure, and prayer.

William Glover P’15 Brian MacLean P’14

As you will read, our alumnae volunteer countless hours throughout the year organizing

Kim Martel P’00 ’02 ’08 ’15

events, coaching students, and raising money for scholarships. Our Board of Trustees

Kate Ohlmacher McAuliffe ’02

work together in collaborative expertise and dedication to fulfill our mission and achieve

Sharon McCormack, M.D. ’77

sustainable growth in faith, technology, academics, and facilities. Through their efforts

Lynda Geier Mules ’77 P’05 ’13

and that of many faculty and staff, MDSA held an Academy Update on March 17 outlining

Reverend Michael J.P. Roach

our current progress with the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan. This presentation is available on

John Teixeira

the Mount de Sales website.

James Zalucki, M.D. P’12 ’15 ’20

Our financial benefactors honor us with donations that show your faith in Mount de Sales. Alumnae Association Board

We are grateful for your gifts that continually create new opportunities for growth. Thanks

Jessica Wilson ’09 President

to your support, we exceeded our 2014-2015 Annual Giving goal and have dramatically

Nancy Dragin Reed ’81 P’17 Vice President

be unable to attend.

Jeanne Shaible Langeluttig ’84 Treasurer

With gratitude to God, we acknowledge His unique creation manifest in each of us. By

Danielle Wilson ’11 Secretary

our burdens, to become our best selves. We thank Him for the blessing of growth He has

expanded scholarship opportunities which open our doors to girls who would otherwise

this we are able to come together with our strengths and weaknesses, our blessings and placed before us as we work together to fulfill His mission.

Director of Communications Karen von Lange P’09 ’16

Sincerely in Christ,

Director of Development Elizabeth Saverino ’87

Photography Elizabeth Binette Mahon ’07 Galeone Photographers

Design Freestyle Designs LLC

Printing Printing Images

Sister Mary Thomas, O.P. Principal IN THIS ISSUE






V.32 I.2






COVER: Top L to R: Ileana Franklin '19, Samantha Facius '19. Bottom L to R: Molly Kelly '17, Enriqueta Espinosa '17, Raeghan Smith '17.




REV. MICHAEL DeASCANIS Fr. Michael DeAscanis, a priest in the Archdiocese of Baltimore

Tex has been a Board member since

since 2004, joined the Board of Trustees in September 2015.

February 2015.

A retired Northrop

He currently works as pastor at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church in Linthicum. He


received his Master of Civil Engineering from Johns Hopkins University and a License

works as a financial advisor for his own

of Moral Theology from the University of St. Alphonsus in Rome.

company, Pinch Hitter. He received his




Bachelor of Science from the United Fr. DeAscanis worked previously with the Dominican Sisters when he served as pastor

States Naval Academy, served as a U.S.

at St. Agnes Parish in Catonsville. Through his experience with the Sisters, he notes,

Naval Aviator, and is a graduate of

“MDSA is run by a religious order that is vibrant and growing. The Dominican Sisters

Harvard Business School’s Program for

have a clear sense of their identity, given to them by St. Dominic himself, and they

Management Development.

have a real love for the Catholic Church, which they try to imbue in their students. I want to do my part to maintain and strengthen the Catholic identity of the best

His beloved wife of 41 years, Margy,

Catholic high school in the state of Maryland!”

passed away in December 2015. They have two children: Elizabeth (Nick)


Durastanti, and Mark (Leigh) Teixeira, and six grandchildren: Anna, Joe, and Nicholas Durastanti, and Jack, Addy,

In January 2016, Paul M. Finamore, a Partner at Niles, Barton

and Will Teixeira.

& Wilmer, LLP in Baltimore, joined the Board of Trustees. He received his Bachelor of Arts at the University of Notre Dame and obtained his Juris

Currently, Tex serves as a member of the

Doctor degree from the Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law.

Fine Arts Committee, which is evaluating the MDSA curriculum and facilities

He and his lovely wife, Stephanie, have four children: Maggie ‘11, Paul, Jack and

opportunities that will be developed in

Katie ’16. When asked why he decided to join the MDSA Board of Trustees, Paul

the near future.

shares, “I want to give back to a school that has given us so much!” He is committed to serving on the Board


and shares, “My wife and I have always valued a strong Catholic education. Our son, Mark, attended Mount Saint

Lynda has been an active member of the MDSA Development

Joseph High School and Mount de Sales

Committee since its inception in 2009 and joined the Board of

was a ‘sister school’ we were impressed

Trustees in January 2015. She received her Associate of Art in physical therapy from

with. Our Catholic faith is a gift from

the College of Baltimore and Bachelor of Science in kinesiology from the University

God, and, as with all our gifts, we are

of Maryland, College Park.

called to share them with all those we come in contact.

Here at Mount de

For 30 years, she has owned Mady and Mules Physical Therapy in Lutherville and

Sales, the faculty and staff use their gifts

Howard County Physical Therapy in Ellicott City.

and talents to provide our students with a unique and treasured environment to

Lynda resides on Kent Island with her husband, Dan, and has three children: Jessica ’05,

learn and grow. They are a blessing that

Michael, and Abbey ’13.

is so very special!” 3


March MATHness Takes Mount de Sales by Storm



he Mount de Sales National Math Honor Society (NMHS), Mu Alpha Theta, held its third annual March Mathness event for seventh- and

eighth-grade girls on March 15 at Mount de Sales. The evening began with dinner and a brief overview of events by MRS. KATHLEEN CAUSAPIN '99, the MDSA math department chair and sponsor of NMHS. Then, several NMHS members spoke about the math classes they have taken at Mount de Sales and what careers they are interested in. The second portion of the event featured four different activities for the middle school girls that focused on a unique aspect of math. Each event was designed and run by NMHS members. The engineering challenge consisted of building towers using spaghetti and marshmallows and testing their strengths using books as weights. The next project involved fractals, in which students used geometry and construction paper to create their own self-similar, self-repeating geometric masterpieces. Two of the activities, the cybersecurity challenge and the math modeling station, involved technology. “In the cybersecurity challenge, middle schoolers learned about different computer operating systems and were able to figure out the vulnerabilities of each,” explained CATHY KWON ’17, a NMHS member. The modeling activity utilized Microsoft Excel to determine the probability of rolling certain numbers with dice. “The girls had fun and they learned a lot,” commented ELIZABETH KOLB ’16, another member of the NMHS. The evening proved to be a success, as approximately 20 seventh- and eighth-graders enjoyed themselves while learning about various applications of math. “March Mathness is a unique experience, and I really like getting girls excited about STEM subjects. I also enjoy letting the National Math Honor Society members show their love of math to others, since these principles are so applicable in our world today,” noted Mrs. Causapin following the event. She also mentioned that Mrs. Judi Lanciotti, vice principal of student affairs, was a large advocate for establishing the event. The juniors and seniors of Mu Alpha Theta expressed their satisfaction in volunteering and sharing their skills as well. “It was fun sharing my interest in computer science with middle school girls and promoting the CyberPatriot Club during the cybersecurity challenge,” observed MADDY SELBY ’17, a member of both the National Math Honor Society and the MDSA CyberPatriot Club. Mount de Sales will host a computer science camp this summer open to all middle school girls. For more information on this new experience, visit the Mount de Sales website.



Teacher Nominated

Governor Hogan’s Advisory Committee to



ast summer, I was asked to consider serving on the

P-20 Leadership Council,

a state

advisory committee that advises Governor Larry Hogan on educational issues. The committee is specifically interested in creating a preschool through graduate studies educational system that prepares individuals to participate in making the state more competitive in securing and maintaining business and economic development. The Council investigates ways to improve education and advance workforce creation. Furthermore, the Council ensures that college and career readiness and college completion strategies for Maryland students are implemented. The Council meets four times a year and has several standing subcommittees. I have chosen to work on a subcommittee exploring issues surrounding teacher education, recruitment, and retention. I feel blessed to love my job and hope that my experiences at Mount de Sales Academy and at Notre Dame of Maryland University, where I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in Gifted and Talented Education, can influence and improve public education for the State of Maryland. For further information on the P-20 Leadership Council, please visit the Maryland Government website:

A Door to Discipleship


he Men of Mount de Sales held an on-campus retreat on Saturday, October 24. The theme, A

Door to Discipleship, incorporated the Faith Strategic Plan goals of infusing Salesian and Dominican spirituality into the entire Mount de Sales community with “education of the mind and heart.” We are grateful to the organizers of this event: Paul Peyla, Tom Brinker, College Counselor Jeremy Tate, School Chaplain Fr. Albert Scharbach, Glenn Balick, Sr. Mary Brigid and Assistant to the Principal Marie Kromeke. Attendees were inspired by talks given by Campus Minister Megan Mastroianni and Fr. Scharbach. The retreat concluded with Mass in the Chapel of St. Francis de Sales. 5


Scholarship T Seeds Bring

Bountiful Harvest for our Students

he fruits that grow from the seeds of scholarship were recognized at the second annual MDSA Scholarship Breakfast on Thursday, March 10. This celebration of philanthropy was an opportunity to express gratitude to donors, showcase the amazing scholarship recipients, and build awareness of the growing need for scholarship support and the impact it makes in the lives of students and families. Our ability to meet the rising demand for scholarship support has substantially grown within a short period of time. This year, benefactor-funded scholarships made attendance at MDSA a reality for approximately 100 students, just over 20% of our enrollment. These “outside scholarships” are a vital component in our multi-faceted scholarship offerings, which also include tuition assistance, internally funded scholarships, and tuition discounts. Combined, 368 girls, representing more than 75% of our students, benefitted from some reduction in tuition for the 2015-2016 school year. This is 80 students more than last year due to the increase in tuition assistance and outside scholarships, a key factor in our 135 member freshman class, the largest in Mount de Sales history. The $1.1 million Scholarship Endowment, announced last year by the Board of Trustees, will produce additional scholarship opportunities. Starting with the 2016-2017 school year, approximately 18 students will receive an average of $2,500 each from the earnings of the Scholarship Endowment. Because the principal investment remains intact and untouched, the harvest of the endowment yields fruit in perpetuity – forever!

Please see page 12 for photo captions.


As the need for financial assistance grows despite the lowest tuition increase in recent history, scholarship support remains a priority. If you are interested in learning more about how you can support scholarship at Mount de Sales Academy, please contact Beth Saverino ’87 at


Combined, 368

girls, representing more than 75% of our students, benefitted from some reduction in tuition for the 2015-2016 school year.



New Head Cheer Coach Pam Woodward shares her insights & goals for the MDSA Cheer Program

Cheer Team with Coach Pam Woodward (left) and Coach Allie George ‘06 (right)


a result! We also finished rounding out


a transition for our competition uniforms

coaching the cheerleaders in August 2015,

that began last season. The team now

so I'm just finishing up my first cheer season

has body liners that match the rest of their

with the girls.

uniform, giving them a more polished and professional look. Their confidence at


competition has soared as they now have


the appearance to match their skill set.

been so many highlights this year. Seeing the team work hard to increase their stunt


difficulty was incredible! We had a fantastic


time traveling to National Harbor to

I have learned more from this experience

compete in the Battle at the Capitol. It was

than one article could possibly say. The

a different final competition than the team

girls have taught me about how far

had traveled to in years past, but it allowed

open communication can go to establish

for a lot of team bonding and growth. It

trust and confidence. They have taught

didn't hurt that we beat the competition-set

me about persistence and rising above

score to become champions in our division

expectations. They have taught me that,

either. And then, of course, there were the

even when you are exhausted, there are

new uniforms!

people relying on you, and sometimes that is all the motivation you need to do




something extraordinary. I couldn't be more








TEAM? The Mount de Sales cheer team


has cheered for the Mount Saint Joseph


(MSJ) football team for years, but they did

Coach ALLIE GEORGE ‘06 and I have

it in their MDSA uniforms, which was a little

some big ideas for this team moving

confusing for fans and the team. It created

forward! We plan on pushing our team

a disconnect. This year, the cheerleaders

to higher and higher levels and more

invested in uniforms that more closely

involvement in the school and community.

coordinate with MSJ while still carrying an

We welcome all interested Sailors to try out

element of the Sailor pride we all have.

for our fall season, regardless of skill set or

It was amazing how much more invested

experience. We are always looking for new

MSJ's community became this season as

talent and are excited for what is to come!


Science Department UPDATE

The Science National Honor Society


Sales. In the fall of 2015, the SNHS


hosted nurse Melanie Gonzalez,

(SNHS) is in its third year at Mount de

he Science Department strives to expose our students to new and exciting

who spoke to the students about

opportunities both in and out of the classroom. This year we hosted speakers,

bioethics in the medical environment.

competed in a cybersecurity challenge, and introduced two new courses:

A graduate of Franciscan University,

Environmental Science and Introduction to Computer Science. These science electives

Ms. Gonzalez works as a nurse at

are open to junior and senior students.

Mercy Medical Center and also serves as a private nurse for a special

The CyberPatriot team competed in its first year of competition. CyberPatriot is a

needs child.

cybersecurity competition in which students must identify and correct various vulnerabilities within their computer’s operating system. The team consists of sophomore Jane Hur and juniors Maddy Selby, Teresa Zambotti, Cathy Kwon, and Sarah Witt. The students competed in Rounds 1 and 2 plus the State Round to qualify for the Regional Round. Congratulations on a job well done!



CINDERELLA “A finer night you know you’ll never see!” This year the Mount de Sales Academy Theatre Department, along with the theatrical talent of young men from Mount Saint Joseph High School, performed Rogers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella. Over 70 students auditioned for the show, making it MDSA’s biggest cast ever. An additional 30 students were on the crew and in the pit band.




ount de Sales hosted the Cappies Student Critics at the Saturday matinee. Close to 40 students from various high schools in the Baltimore area attended

and wrote fabulous reviews of the show, noting our depth of talent, creative choices of the Technical Team (led by Mrs. Cardall and the Theatre Arts class), and professionalism of the cast, crew, and pit band. Our patrons enjoyed the show just as much as the critics. Many guests decided to come back for a second time, leading to a sellout crowd on Saturday evening. Lots of little ones arrived wearing their own princess dresses and had a magical moment meeting Cinderella, played by MARLEY NIESZ ’16, after the show for pictures and autographs. According to Marley, “Performing in Cinderella was the best possible way to end my Mount de Sales theatre career. The whole experience was surreal, and the cast really came together to put on a magical performance despite all the snow. Participating in Mount de Sales theatre over the past four years has been the best part of my high school experience so far!” The cast and crew received a pleasant surprise when MARY MORENCY ’15, who played Mary Poppins in last year’s production, volunteered much of her winter break to help with props, sets, costumes, and music. “Volunteering at MDSA was an amazing experience. It enabled me to apply what I have learned at college in a supportive environment,” Mary commented. “Throughout high school the experiences and people I met in the MDSA drama program gave me the confidence and tools I needed to study musical theatre at Marymount Manhattan College.

It was really fun to come back and see the students getting those same opportunities.” We are so grateful Mary chose to help with the show! Our reputation for enjoyable, professional, family-friendly shows continues to grow each year thanks to the hard work of students like Marley, the dedication of Technical Director MRS. KELLY CARDALL ’93, Choreographer MRS. ANGELA ROMEO ’94 P’18, Music Director Jeff Hosier, and the faculty and staff who make “impossible things happen every day!" 11


What’s new and exciting at MDSA? Our captivating video series!

Enriching the Whole Person

Dignity of Every Woman Watch now, watch often, and be sure to share the MDSA message with others! With sincere gratitude to MICHAEL & MARY THERESA PFAU P’97 ‘13 for their generous financial support and to

An Exceptional Place

Keeping the Fire Burning

Phil Rosensteel, of Wired Different Media,

FAITH is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. Heb 11:1



Inc., who filmed and produced the video series. Visit today!

Thank you to everyone who spoke with our girls during the Phonathon campaign! The annual event helps

Our faith points us to the final end we hope for: heaven. Our students are reminded

update our records and raise money for

in religion class of their mind-blowing identity. They are daughters of God and

the Annual Fund. It is a wonderful way

princesses of an eternal kingdom. They nourish this identity when at Mass they “do

for our constituents to connect with the

this in remembrance of Me,” taking Christ Himself as the food for their journey to that

current students who volunteer to make

anticipated kingdom. They live their identity as immortals when spontaneous prayer

the phone calls. If you would still like

leaders emerge on each of the sports teams to dedicate their victories and offer their

to contribute to the Phonathon, please

defeats to the Lord. We live our faith always and in all ways, because we have God’s

send in your donation before our fiscal

assurance of adoption. In faith, we hope for our unseen, but very real, home, heaven.

year ends on June 30, 2016!

Page 6-7 photos from left to right. Sponsors of the Guardian of Life Foundation, Gerard and Maureen Gallagher P’05 ’09, with recipients. Guest speaker and Semper Fi recipient Jennifer Myers ’16 with her mother, Maribeth. Holy Cross Scholarship benefactors Mary Ann and James Ehrman GP’12. Members of the McCormack family with the recipient of the Alma Kinlein McCormack ’36 and Marion Kaye McCormack ’72 Scholarship. MDSA Alumnae Association Secretary Danielle Wilson ’11 with recipients of the Alumnae Association scholarships.




Spotlight Beth KRASTEL ’02 Beth Krastel ’02 is beloved by her students. She teaches math, coaches JV lacrosse, serves as a mentor, and has donated to the Annual Fund and Capital Campaign regularly for years. She exemplifies what it means to offer her time, talent, and treasure to Mount de Sales.






A STUDENT. Coaching and playing are different. I remember playing JV


lacrosse as a student and having so much fun while also learning a lot. That

SCHOOL? WHY? They have all been great

is my goal for these girls. I want them to better understand the game, improve,

roles, but I think my favorite is faculty. I love

have fun, and create a lot of memories. I also think about how lucky these girls

being a teacher and interacting with the girls

are to play on this amazing turf field!

every day; they are so much fun! I hope I am having a positive impact on my students and


giving them some confidence that they may be

YOU SINCE GRADUATING IN 2002? The biggest improvement since

looking for in both math and life in general.

graduating is all of the facility updates. When I was a student, I remember digging in the ruins of the old infirmary during an archeology class. Now, those


ruins are beautiful Alumnae Hall! A lot of the campus has changed with the new


field and the new convent. Also, we didn’t have the air conditioning and the heat


15 years ago. As a teacher now I really appreciate having that!


my life and has given me so much. Some of my fondest memories are from high school and in my years working here. Importantly, it helped me to become even stronger in my faith. I think it is crucial to support a cause or institution in which you passionately believe. I believe so much in this school and its mission. Financially tithing to MDSA is my way of saying ‘thank you’ for what they have done in my life and what they continue to do for all these girls.

an amazing teacher! She really makes her class a comfortable environment where everyone feels welcomed. She has unlimited patience and won't let any student go confused or unsure

“Ms. Krastel is

of the subject material.”

–Sara Sullivan ‘16







KATHLEEN WILLS ’99 married Mark


dedicated her life to ministering to the

Causapin on June 27, 2015, in the

‘03 and her husband, Ryan, are excited

underprivileged with the Medical Mission

Chapel of St. Francis de Sales. Several


Sisters (MMS) for over 60 years. Her

Mount de Sales alumnae and friends


locations of service include Venezuela,

were in attendance, including JOELLE

their first child,

Amman, Jordan, Ghana, and Native

CHALL ’99 (maid of honor), CECILIA




LEUMAS WHITE ’99 (bridesmaid),

named Lily Ann,

America as well as other regions. Sister


on March 27,

Isabelle learned to speak five different

(reader). Kathleen and Mark met while

2015. She’s a

languages while working as an X-ray

teaching math in a summer program in

future Sailor in

technician and registered nurse in these

Hong Kong, and Mark proposed two

the making!

remote locations for MMS.

She now

years later when they both returned to

resides at a senior home for retired

Hong Kong to teach. Kathleen has taught


religious. She is pictured here with

at Mount de Sales for eight years and

her husband, Shawn, have two growing

her goddaughter, MARGIE WALSH

served as the Math department chair.

girls: Felicity Rose is 3 years old and

GROOT ’62, John Groot, and SHEILA

The two will continue their adventures in

Cecilia Joy is 1. Teresa, having worked

WALSH ’63.

Nashville, where Mark has accepted a

as a chemist before, is able to stay home

position at Aquinas College.

with them. Their family currently resides in



announce arrival



the Nashville area.



BRIANA LEE ’08 graduated from the



with her Doctor of Physical Therapy

Elizabeth Lozowski to their family on

’00 and her husband, Keith, welcomed

degree on September 10, 2015. Briana

January 23, 2016, at 10:17 p.m. She


says that she wouldn’t have been able to

weighed 7 pounds

MacWhorter, on

dedicate herself to this journey without the



April 3, 2015.

foundation that she received from Mount


Waylon weighed


inches long. Her



also says, “I am

big sisters Kinga,

ounces and was

thankful every day

Ingrid, and Ivette

21 inches long.

for the time I got

love helping to


to spend within

take care of her.

brother Brooks.

It’s a girl! EMMA EMESE SCHWARCZ LOZOWSKI ‘95 and her husband, Andy, happily






University of Maryland Eastern Shore









those walls.”





TAYLOR LUTZ ’11 received a graduate assistant position at Towson University, assisting the Communication Management department in research and as a teaching aid. Serving in this position funds her tuition for a master’s degree from Towson. In addition, Taylor also received a scholarship called the E. Magruder (Mac) and Helen M. Passano, Jr. Graduate Fellowship Endowment that covers all of her books and fees. She will graduate in 2016, completing her degree in half of the time as she doubled up on classes!


If you recently moved, updated your email address, or changed your name, don’t forget to send in the updated information to Mount de Sales. We want to make sure that you are receiving our

In May 2015 JULIA PLANTS ’12 graduated a year early from the University of Maryland, College Park, magna cum laude, with a degree in hearing and speech sciences. She was also awarded membership into the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. On June 18, 2016, she will be marrying Jamie Dubyoski, son of Mr. Dubyoski (MDSA religion teacher). Fellow alumna JULIE GILLS ‘12 will be in the wedding party. A week later, Julia and Jamie will be moving to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, where Jamie will be stationed as a naval officer.

publications and any updates from the school. Are we mailing this View from the Cupola to someone who no longer lives at this address? Please send all new information to Director of Alumnae Relations Elizabeth Binette Mahon ’07 at

JENNIFER ANN PUMPHREY ’12 will be graduating from UMBC with a bachelor’s degree in psychology in May 2016. Jennifer has been accepted into the master's program in counseling psychology at McDaniel College and will continue her education there in or by phone at 410.744.8498 ext. 265.

the fall. You are invited to follow Mount de Sales Academy on Twitter:

IN MEMORIAM Please pray for the following alumnae who have entered eternal life:


We invite all alumnae,





to like the "Mount de



Sales Academy" page

friends, and families

on Facebook.


*ANN CICHOWICZ P’77 ’79 ’81 ’85 *Past Principal of Mount de Sales

Join the Mount de Sales Academy Alumnae networking group

ALUMNAE SAVE-THE-DATE Visit for more info. Saturday, May 28, 2016: 164TH 5.28

COMMENCEMENT AT 3:30 P.M. IN THE MUSIC HALL Members of the Class of 1966 are invited as honored guests




on LinkedIn.

correction from the View from the Cupola, Winter 2016.


the back cover, the artist was erroneously noted.


Follow us on Instagram: @mountdesalesacademy.

correct artist of the wolf is CLAUDIA ROUTSON ’16. 15


FY 2013 - 2014

FY 2014 - 2015

FY 2012 - 2013

(July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015)

REVENUES: Tuition and Fees







Contributions, Gifts, and Donations







Investment Income $






Auxiliary Enterprises $






Miscellaneous Income $



















Scholarships and Financial Aid







Operation and Maintenance

























Net Assets, Beginning of Year







Net Assets, End of Year







Annual Fund































Annual Fund Growth

Fiscal Year: July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015

$458,964 Total Revenue 85.4% Tuition and Fees

0.4% Investment Income

6.8% Contributions, Gifts, and Donations

1% Auxiliary Enterprises 6.4% Miscellaneous Income


$143,657 Total Expenses 73.7% Instructional

’12-’13 16



6.6% Scholarships and Financial Aid

11.1% Operation and Maintenance 8.6% General Institutional


Dear Friends of Mount de Sales Academy, It is with great excitement that I update you on the work of the Board of Trustees and the steps we are taking to support the mission of Mount de Sales Academy. We continue to make progress in fulfilling the initiatives outlined in the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan. The Facilities Committee completed a vigorous study of our facilities and proposed a campus-wide space utilization plan in the fall. Since then, the Fine Arts Feasibility Committee has utilized all the data and models from the other committees to plot our course. As a result, we are undertaking a multi-staged approach to meet the needs of our students. This plan was shared at the Academy Update meeting and webinar on March 17.

“Preservation of the Gate House,

As we move forward with each stage, we will continue our process of due diligence with thorough research and planning. The next step is to

the first impression of

undertake a fundraising feasibility study to determine the fundraising goals that we can expect to achieve in the next phase of the Capital

our campus, will free up 1,315

Campaign. Results of the feasibility study for the fourth floor renovation and Performing Arts Center will enable us to make a determination on

square feet in the 1852 Building

our next capital endeavors in 2017.

and allow for the relocation

In the meantime, the Board of Trustees recently approved an allocation of our existing reserve funds to renovate the historic Gate House, which

of the Business Office

is the oldest building on our campus. Preservation of the Gate House, the first impression of our campus, will free up 1,315 square feet in

and Sailor Shop as well as the

the 1852 Building and allow for the relocation of the Business Office and Sailor Shop as well as the expansion of the Cafeteria. The work is expected to begin this summer.

expansion of the Cafeteria.”

The Board of Trustees does not take any expense lightly. We are proud that we accomplished raising $5.5 million for Phase I (new heating and air conditioning for the entire 1852 Building, new convent, and campus security), and $1.7 million for Phase II (athletic field) of the Capital Campaign without incurring debt or impacting the cost of tuition. We are deeply grateful to the many donors who made this possible. We are also thankful to the donors who have supported the Performing Arts Center. All gifts restricted to the Performing Arts Center are being held for the purpose intended by the donor. Thank you for your commitment and please consider continuing to partner with us as we move forward to better serve the students of Mount de Sales Academy. To view the Academy Update PowerPoint presentation in its entirety, please visit our website at Sincerely,

Joseph Geier P’08 ’12 ’17 President Board of Trustees 17


“T Wh Much is G

Time, Talent, Treasure, & Prayers

There are many ways in Mount de Sales enrich the

Members of the Alumnae Asso

month to plan fellowship and

current students. There are se daughters here, extending a walked through the windows

of our alumnae who offer the

prayers to MDSA. Here are a

alumnae network of w

to Mount de Sa

Colleen McKenna ’07 In 2014, the Alumnae Association decided they wanted to have a silent auction at the Crab Feast. As chair of the Silent Auction Committee, Colleen rolled up her sleeves and put in countless hours making sure the first silent auction was a success. Determined to see it grow, Colleen worked even harder to network and raise donations the next year. In 2015, the auction nearly doubled in size and money raised. We’re excited to see what happens in 2016!

Steadfast Sailors We celebrate the following



alumnae who


have given gifts of


treasure for 20 or



more consecutive


years to Mount


de Sales:



To hom Given…”

n which the alumnae of overall school community.

ociation come together every

d fundraising events to benefit

everal women who send their family legacy of women who at graduation. We are proud

eir time, talent, treasure, and

a few more examples in the

we salute

Colleen McKenna ’07 Sharon McCormack ’77 Steadfast Sailors The Class of 1988

women who give back


Sharon McCormack'77 Sharon is no stranger when it comes to spending time at Mount de Sales. Her mother, M. Alma Kinlein McCormack ’36, and aunts, Doris Kinlein McGloin ’34, Marion Kinlein ’38, and Lucille Kinlein ’39, are all graduates. Her late sister, Marion McCormack ’72, also graduated from MDSA. Sharon and her brothers sponsor a scholarship every year in memory of her mother and sister. She also faithfully attends the Alumnae Memorial Mass every year along with other alumnae events. Sharon has served as a member on the Board of Trustees of Mount de Sales Academy since 2009.

The Class of 1988 When a member of the Class of 1988 was going through severe health obstacles this year, the Class of 1988 rallied together to pray for her in the Chapel of St. Francis de Sales on a weeknight. Others who couldn’t be there in person offered prayers and intentions that were presented to their Sailor Sister in the form of a spiritual bouquet. The ability to join together in the community of prayer lasts long after graduation for our alumnae.



Student Philanthropy Matters!


100% 89%

All gifts to Mount de Sales Academy are important and enable us


to fulfill our mission for our students. Student gifts, however, are especially meaningful. Through their support of the Your Participation Matters student giving campaign, students are making financial gifts to their school. The benefits of Your Participation Matters are three-fold: 1. Raise essential funds for MDSA 2. Create a habit of giving that hopefully lasts a lifetime 3. Build a culture of philanthropy at MDSA (a Strategic Plan goal) GREAT WORK, SAILORS! Your participation really does matter!







Miss Natalie Gobrial

Miss Sarah Muldoon

Miss Caroline Walsh

Miss Ashely Forsyth

Miss Caroline Alexander

Miss Emma Greene

Miss Lauren Munter

Miss Nicole Wilhelm

Miss Lindsey Foster

Miss Keri Amrhein

Miss Laura Gretz

Miss Lindsey Nalley

Miss Morgan Winterbottom

Miss Danielle Fraser

Miss Danielle Andrews

Miss Natalie Gries

Miss Katherine Nardolillo

Miss Kelly Wright

Miss Kathleen Garvey

Miss Maryanna Antoldi

Miss Sydney Hamilton

Miss Olivia Nartker

Miss Katelyn Young

Miss Madeleine Gatto

Miss Julia Armstrong

Miss Elizabeth Hartman

Miss Madeline Nilan

Miss Abby Zalucki

Miss Abigail Getka

Miss Noelle Bailey

Miss Marissa Hawkins

Miss Mariah Passwaters-Stamper

Miss Anna Zambotti

Miss Megan Gower

Miss Elizabeth Basil

Miss Margaret Hayden

Miss Margaret Patrick

Miss Camryn Beaumont

Miss Clara Howard

Miss Megan Penn


Miss Meredith Beisel

Miss Katrina Hrabinski

Miss Briana Prescott

Miss Hannah Angelella

Miss Gianna Grogan

Miss Alyssa Berdan

Miss Sydney Hunter

Miss Faith Reed

Miss Caroline Arnold

Miss Elizabeth Halligan

Miss Maria Binette

Miss Clara Jeske

Miss Alexandra Rittie

Miss Samantha Asuncion

Miss Kayla Hamilton

Miss Jennifer Blake

Miss Taylor Johnson

Miss Jenna Rusk

Miss Madison Auer

Miss Meghan Hanlon

Miss Rachel Brooks

Miss Madeline Kallmyer

Miss Kathleen Russell

Miss Veronica Balick

Miss Katherine Hasson

Miss Kathleen Brown

Miss Alaina Keller

Miss Perry Ryan

Miss Victoria Barreira

Miss Emilee Hennessy

Miss Katelyn Celestina

Miss Susan Kelly

Miss Keelan Scharbach

Miss Jessica Berry

Miss Brooke Hoffman

Miss Lacy Cole

Miss Madelynn Kerstetter

Miss Christina Schell

Miss Carley Blyth

Miss Rachael Huston

Miss Stephanie Culotta

Miss Nicole Kyle

Miss Meredith Schorr

Miss Bridget Bodley

Miss Amelia Hutchens

Miss Gabrielle Daneman

Miss Clare Lipscombe

Miss Emily Seeberger

Miss Grace Boyle

Miss Hannah Ignacio

Miss Julia Darminio

Miss Jordan Lloyd

Miss Amanda Seidl

Miss Rebecca Boyle

Miss Elizabeth Izydore

Miss Meghan DeGeorge

Miss Kelly Long

Miss Stefani Senkus

Miss Jessica Brinker

Miss Anna Johnson

Miss Madison Diehlmann

Miss Olivia Luzier

Miss Karina Shaffrey

Miss Kathryn Calderone

Miss Carley Jones

Miss Anna DiPietro

Miss Emily MacMillan

Miss Margaret Smith

Miss Hannah Cimerola

Miss Hannah Jones

Miss Amanda Donovan

Miss Rachel Maher

Miss Grace Smoot

Miss Meghan Clarke

Miss Meredith Jones

Miss Carolina Elias

Miss Chelsie Marsh

Miss Julia Stafford

Miss Emily Coakley

Miss Caroline Kelly

Miss Madison Fields

Miss Megan Martel

Miss Kristen Stark

Miss Amelia Congedo

Miss Kathryn E. Kelly

Miss Sophia Ford

Miss Jillian McCarthy

Miss Sarah Steer

Miss Caroline A. Cornell

Miss Samantha Kenjorski

Miss Katelyn Frank

Miss Megan McDermott

Miss Sarah Strehl

Miss Catherine Currie

Miss Elizabeth Kolb

Miss Mary Funk

Miss Caitlyn McElroy

Miss Taylor Swenski

Miss Allison DeLisa

Miss Stephanie Larsen

Miss Riley Gentner

Miss Diane Miller

Miss Celia Thomas

Miss Elizabeth Doda

Miss Emma Lawrence

Miss Cassandra George

Miss Leah Mohler

Miss Morgan Tibbo

Miss Alyssa Doherty

Miss Samantha Lerch

Miss Emily Geppi

Miss Abigail Moran

Miss Barbara Van Natta

Miss Madelyn Dyer

Miss Kelsey Lesniewski

Miss Hanna Giotis

Miss Shannon Moran

Miss Maria Vikander

Miss Bridget Edmondson

Miss Lauren Linsao

Miss Laurel Glover

Miss Stephanie Moran

Miss Kristin von Hagel

Miss Katheryn Finamore

Miss Therese Lipscombe

Miss Mary Morency

Miss Jennifer Walls

Miss Emily Fitzsimmons

Miss Danielle Manser


Miss Celeste Goyena Miss Mackenzie Griffith

ANNUAL REPORT Miss Katlyn Martin

Miss Rachel Baeck

Miss Kathleen Kyak

Miss Teresa Zambotti

Miss Mary Langley

Miss Christina McCaul

Miss Betty Bartlinski

Miss Maria LeMonnier

Miss Maria Ziegler

Miss Julia Lawrence

Miss Claire McCormack

Miss Caroline Bateman

Miss Allison Long

Miss Madeline McVearry

Miss Alexa Blue

Miss Christina Lukasavage


Miss Hannah Megan

Miss Julia Blurton-Jones

Miss Delia Lynch

Miss Maya Ackerman

Miss Mary Marc

Miss Jennifer Myers

Miss ChloĂŠ Boustany

Miss Maggie Maguire

Miss Tallia Algiere

Miss Emily Mathis

Miss Marley Niesz

Miss Caroline Burns

Miss Julia Malcotti

Miss Sydney Allender

Miss Ruthi McFadden

Miss Isabelle D. O'Connell

Miss Alexandra Butts

Miss Jennifer Martin

Miss Elizabeth Ambrose

Miss Genevieve Meng

Miss Kathleen Ortel

Miss Emily Carroll

Miss Sydney Mathai

Miss Renee Andrzejewski

Miss Madison Metheny

Miss Grace O'Toole

Miss Crystal Castro

Miss Alison McDermott

Miss Hannah Austin

Miss Alicia Moylan

Miss Lauren Padgett

Miss Ketrina Clemons

Miss Valerie McGrath

Miss Rebekah Balick

Miss Emily Nguyen

Miss Anna Peyla

Miss Carly Coakley

Miss Emily McManus

Miss Madison Berry

Miss Elizabeth Niesz

Miss Jenna Polignone

Miss Lauren Corfman

Miss Kaitlyn Morgan

Miss Maria Bieberich

Miss Sarah O'Boyle

Miss Katherine Pope

Miss Rosa Cunningham

Miss Sandra Naylor

Miss Camila Bosenberg

Miss Gabriela Penafiel

Miss Sarah Prock

Miss Colleen Cusick

Miss Katelyn Nellies

Miss Daria Breslin

Miss Samantha Pestridge

Miss Cecilia Roling

Miss Victoria Daly

Miss Nehema Nkere

Miss Clairanne Chairs

Miss Nina Procopio

Miss Claudia Routson

Miss Lisa D'Ambrosio

Miss Megan Nolta

Miss Kirsten Cinotti

Miss Catherine Puglisi

Miss Juliana Ruggiero

Miss Sydney Daneman

Miss Lauren Offerman

Miss Mackenzie Cullen

Miss Robin Randall

Miss Elizabeth Ryan

Miss Jennifer Davis

Miss Azaria Oglesby

Miss Anna Culotta

Miss Jillian Rice

Miss Summer Ryan

Miss Maeve Davis

Miss Emma Olszewski

Miss Sophia Czaja

Miss Emma Rizzutti

Miss Alyssa Salter

Miss Saoirse DeBoy

Miss Kemi Omisore

Miss Grace DeLuca

Miss Julia Roling

Miss Clara Schall

Miss Mystee Delgado

Miss Mary Popp

Miss Julia Demos

Miss Emma Romeo

Miss Olivia Sherno

Miss Samantha Dinoto

Miss Megan Prescott

Miss Olivia DiMeo

Miss Anna Russell

Miss Lauren Sliker

Miss Alyssa DiPino

Miss Mary Megan Quinn

Miss Malaina Dunn

Miss Samantha Salter

Miss Emily Smith

Miss Caroline Divver

Miss Abigail Quirk

Miss Sarah Endres

Miss Laura Sarver

Miss Samantha Snider

Miss Enriqueta Espinosa

Miss Sydney Quizon

Miss Morgan Falter

Miss Catherine Scharbach

Miss Katherine Sniezek

Miss Ally Fink

Miss Diana Reed

Miss Allison Fendlay

Miss Gabrielle Schweitzer

Miss Victoria Snodgrass

Miss Molly Fitzmaurice

Miss Sarah Ridley

Miss Abigail Florenzo

Miss Natalie Scott

Miss Karolyn Steranka

Miss Jenna Florenzo

Miss Elena Rittie

Miss Abigail Fontana

Miss Johanna Seal

Miss Sara Sullivan

Miss Taylor Forgen

Miss Anna-Grace Rowland

Miss Emily Galoppo

Miss Sydney Skalstad

Miss Mary Swann

Miss Lindsay Gavin

Miss Alyssa Sandoval

Miss Isabella Genuario

Miss Jessica Skoglin

Miss Jessica Sweeney

Miss Haley Geier

Miss Kelsie Schapiro

Miss Amelia Getka

Miss Kelly Sliker

Miss Rachel Teti

Miss Brittany George

Miss Christina Schweitzer

Miss Elizabeth Gower

Miss Sophie Smith

Miss Molly Tucker

Miss Mary Giermek

Miss Mackenzie Scott

Miss Sarah Grebosky

Miss Margaret Sniezek

Miss Sarah Van den Berghe

Miss Marie Glagola

Miss Madeline Selby

Miss Olivia Gretz

Miss Matai Spivey

Miss Samantha Vanderlipp

Miss Clare Glasgow

Miss Raili Siebert

Miss Anna Hall

Miss Emily Steer

Miss Sarah von Lange

Miss Olivia Goodney

Miss Raeghan Smith

Miss Delaney Hill

Miss Lillian Stein

Miss Caroline M. Vollaro

Miss Amanda Grebosky

Miss Kelly Snyder

Miss Colleen Howard

Miss Sophia Stewart

Miss Mary Kate Weetenkamp

Miss Lillian Gretz

Miss Emma Stair

Miss Cydney Howard

Miss Megan Stilling

Miss Savanna Wells

Miss Alanna Hernandez

Miss Sara Stark

Miss Jane Hur

Miss Karlee Stocksdale

Miss Josephine Whelan

Miss Colleen Herrmann

Miss Margaret Stein

Miss Josephine Hyde

Miss Victoria Strasser

Miss Isabella White

Miss Mackenzie Hite

Miss Carlie Sterner

Miss Abigail Izydore

Miss Gabrielle Stratmann

Miss Kaylee N. Williams

Miss Rachel Huber

Miss Kelly Stone

Miss Kate Janos

Miss Delaney Tacka

Miss Madilyn Wrisk

Miss Regan Hyde

Miss Elizabeth Superczynski

Miss Emma Jendrek

Miss Kelly Tacka

Miss Alison Young

Miss Mary Kate Kalinock

Miss Barbara Syski

Miss Ashley Jimenez

Miss Calla Taylor

Miss Mary Rose Zoeckler

Miss Jennifer Kelleher

Miss Kelly Szalankiewicz

Miss Abigail Kallmyer

Miss Kathryn Thomas

Miss Molly Kelly

Miss Sophie Talbert

Miss Hanna Katulski

Miss Gabrielle Trimp

Miss Kathleen King

Miss Peyton Taylor

Miss Karen Kearney

Miss Katherine Tulenko

Miss Adelaide Allen

Miss Danielle Kolb

Miss Payton Tibbo

Miss Glynnis Kellermann

Miss Victoria Vanderlipp

Miss Lillian Alster

Miss Sarah Krammer

Miss Mary Vita

Miss Lindsay Koller

Miss Alexa Welch

Miss Madeleine Austin

Miss Zoe Kreisel

Miss Bridget Williams

Miss Erin Kosloski

Miss Stephanie Wiegmann

Miss Stefana Avara

Miss Catherine Kwon

Miss Sarah Witt

Miss Camille Kreisel

Miss Payson Wisniewski


Miss Doyeon Lee Miss Rachel Leisher



Ms. Anne A. Beatty

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Carroll

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dudley

Ms. Dina Beaumont

Mrs. Rosalie A. Carroll

Ms. Maura K. Duffy

Mr. Dylan Beaumont

Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Carver

Ms. Katherine M. Dunklee

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Beaumont

Mrs. Kathleen Causapin

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Dunklee

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Beliveau

Ms. Paula E. Cavanaugh

Mr. Joseph Dylong

Miss Elizabeth Bell

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Chester

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Egan

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Benzing

Miss Katherine A. Connolly

Miss Kathleen M. Egan

Ms. Patricia A. Adams

Ms. Nicole A. Benzing

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Coolahan, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Ehart

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ames, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berlett

Mrs. Melanie M. Crandell-Johnson

ELAC Maintenance & Services, LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ames

Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Beynon

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cugle

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Eller

Mr. and Mrs. M. Edward Amos, III

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Biagiotti

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Cunningham

Ms. Theresa Andrews Evans

Ms. Theresa Angelozzi

Ms. Suzanne Blair

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Cunningham

Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Fabula


Ms. Meghan Blodgett

Ms. Kirsten Dahlberg

Mr. and Mrs. Denis L. Falter


Mr. and Mrs. Greg Blodgett

Ms. Nichole N. Dantoni

Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Feehely


Mr. and Mrs. George Blyth, III

Ms. Anna Danz

Mrs. Anne S. Feild

Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Arnold

Mrs. M. Catherine Bowen

Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. D’Avella

Ms. Donna L. Fendlay

Miss Stephanie Arnold

Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Bowman

Miss Grace Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Fettig, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arnold

Miss Emily E. Boyle

Mr. and Mrs.+ Harold Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Fitzpatrick

Ms. Katherine R. Audy

Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Boyle

Mr. Frank J. DeGeorge

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitzsimmons

Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Avara

Mr. William A. Boyle

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence N. D’Elia

Ms. Janet Flanagan

Ms. Gianna E. Baccala

Mrs. Emma Jo Brantley

Ms. Molly L. D’Elia

Mr. Charles A. Fleischer

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baccala

Mr. James Bryant

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeLisa

Ms. Kaitlin M. Fletcher

Ms. Rachel Bacon

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Brzostowski

Ms. Betty Dice

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ford, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bailey

Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Buck

Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Diehl, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ford

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Baker

Mr. and Mrs. Thurl Burdette

Ms. Brooke E. Dignan

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forton

Mr. and Mrs. Chad L. Baker

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burnham

Miss Erin N. Dignan

Ms. Lucia A. Fraser

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Baker

Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Burns

Mrs. Lynn DiMeo

Mr. and Mrs. Justin Fratantuono

Mrs. Dolores Baker

Mr. and Mrs. Tristan Burwell

Mr. John H. Doud, III

Ms. Valerie A. Fuecker

Mr. Charles Balch

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Butler

Mrs. Mary Ellen L. Doyle

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Gahagan

Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Bankard, III

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Butrim

Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Dragin

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Gahagan

Mr. and Mrs. Josh Barbour

Ms. Judith G. Campbell

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dubyoski

Ms. Daniella Galindo

Miss Merry C. Baronas

Mr. and Mrs. Ian G. Cardall

Mr. and Mrs. James Dubyoski

Ms. Kelly A. Gallager

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Barth

Mr. and Mrs. John Carmody

Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Dubyoski

Mr. Sean Gannon

Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Bateman

Mrs. Alice Carpenter

Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Duda

Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Gardner, Jr.



+ deceased

Annual Giving Campaign The

There are many points of pride at Mount de Sales Academy, not the least of which is every one of our benefactors. We give a heartfelt thank you to our recurrent donors—your faithful support is critical to our success. Thanks to

YOU, we

surpassed our 2014-2015 Annual Giving goal by $60,000! This year, we are shifting our aim from dollars to donors. Our 2015-2016 Annual Giving goal is to increase our donor base by 10% more donors to help spread the good news of Mount de Sales Academy and enable us to embark on our exciting new ventures outlined in the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan update. If you have not made a donation to Mount de Sales considering becoming a new donor, we need your help in achieving our goal before the end of the fiscal year on June 30!





Academy in a while, or are


total donors

'15-'16 goal

1,129 1,242 23

Ms. Vernitta Gardner

Mr. and Mrs. Norman V. Henn

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Klug

Mr. and Mrs. Randolph H. Lytton

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Garner

Mr. and Mrs. Max F. Hesselbein, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Knight

Mr. and Mrs. George S. Maclean

Mr. Brian Gaspar and Mrs. Danielle M. Ko

Miss Lauren E. Hiltz

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Koenig, Jr.

Ms. Mary Maclean

Mr. and Mrs. David Gates

Ms. Miriam J. Hines

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Kolb

Miss Madison A. Maguire

Miss Jaclyn Gates

Miss Gina Hisky

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Korch

Ms. Nancy Maguire

Mr. and Mrs. John N. Gates

Ms. Jennifer L. Holl

Mr. and Mrs.+ Harry Kramer

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mahon

Ms. Courtney A. Geier

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Holl

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew N. Kreft

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mahoney

Ms. Allison B. George

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holt

Miss Alexandra E. Kresslein

Ms. Carolyn Majerowicz

Miss Ronnie Marie Georgieff

Mrs. and Mr. Pamela C. Holub

Mrs. Marie Kromeke

Ms. Kathryn C. Marlatt

Ms. Catherine Gill

Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Hoos

Mrs. Faye P. Kuehnl

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Marlatt

Ms. Nancy Gillece

Mrs. Carolyn Hornack

Mrs. Lucy M. Kunert

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Maselko

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy M. Gilless

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Horsmon

Miss Margaret LaCourse

Ms. Megan Mastroianni

Mrs. Ann T. Gilligan

Mr. Jeffrey Hosier

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lamm

Ms. Marilyn T. Mattingly

Ms. Nina D. Glose

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hrabinski

Miss Mary K. Lamm

Ms. Elizabeth A. May

Ms. Laurie Goldman

Miss Rebecca C. Huber

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lamont

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McAuliffe

Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Golibart, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Hughes

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lancaster

Miss Norina R. McAuliffe

Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Gosnell, Jr.

Miss Erin Hunter

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lanciotti

Ms. Janice McCarthy

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Graniewski

Mr. William Hunter

Mrs. Clare S. Langley

Ms. Megan N. McCawley

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greene

Miss McKenzie R. Hutchinson

Mr. and Dr. Kenneth J. Larsen

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McDonald

Miss Amanda Gretz

Mr. and Mrs. Casimir Jablecki

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lawrence

Ms. Annie McDonald

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold D. Gries

Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Jamison, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lazard

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. McDowell

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Griffin, III

Miss Frantzie Jeannot

Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Lee

Ms. Kathryn D. McElgunn

Mrs. Mary E. Griffith

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Jendrek

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Legendre

Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGrain

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Grochmal

Mr. and Mrs. John Jimenez

Mr. Lawrence Leibhart

Mrs. Margaret S. McGrath

Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Grose

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Johnson

Mr. Bernard J. Lewis

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn McHale

Mrs. Gloria Gustitis

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lewis

Ms. Megan E. McKenna

Ms. Hannah T. Gutcher

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jopson

Ms. Krysten M. Lewis

Mrs. Eugenia H. McKim

Mrs. Leslie A. Handler

Ms. Ruth Kalscheur

Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Liberto

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard C. Melka

Miss Caroline K. Hanlon

Mrs. Mary Kaltenbach

Ms. Ann C. Lipscombe

Mr. and Mrs. Grant E. Menefee

Mrs. Grace C. Harmon

Miss Catherine Keane

Mrs. Mary W. Louzon

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Meng

Mr. and Mrs. Brooke Harris

Mrs. Linda Keller

Love It! at Stella’s Bridal & Fashion, LLC

Miss Colleen Miller

Ms. Maureen R. Hattrup

Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lund

Mr. and Mrs. David C. Miller

Mr. James M. Hauf

Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Kenney

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Lutz

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Heilman

Mr. and Mrs. Seth Kerekes

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Luzier

Ms. Margaret Mitchell


+ deceased

Mrs. Inez L. Mix

Mr. and Mrs. A. Scott Preston

Mrs. Merry K. Seablom

Miss Courtney P. Van Wie

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Moran

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Prindeze

Mr. Earl F. Seboda

Miss Claire L. Vartain

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Moylan

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Printz

Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand M. Selby

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Verch

Miss Abbey Mules

Mr. and Mrs. George Prock

Miss Julianna Shearer

Ms. Ada L. Vergne

Mr. and Mrs. James Myers

Mr. and Mrs. Terrence A. Puglisi

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shearer

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Vidmar

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Nance

Ms. Barbara Quinn

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Shenk, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vollaro

Ms. Michelle Natale

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Randall

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell J. Skalstad

Ms. Mara E. Vukcevich

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Nellies

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Raver

Mr. Joseph B. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wallace

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Nettles

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Reed

Mr. and Mrs. Allan S. Snyder

Miss Lynn A. Walsh

Miss Kathryn Nevin

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Reichelt

Mr. and Mrs. Randy G. Stair

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery E. Niesz

Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Reisinger

Ms. Mary J. Stanton

Mr. and Mrs. Shane Walston

Mr. Charles R. Nitsch

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F. Reisler

Mr. and Mrs. Chip Steffe

Mr. and Mrs. W. David Warner

Mr. and Mrs. James Noonan, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Renehan

Ms. Megan Steffe

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Washko

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Norton

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Reynolds

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stevens

Mr. and Mrs. David Wasmund

Ms. Joyce E. Nuttall

Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Ribblett

Mr. and Mrs. Brent Stewart

Mr. and Mrs. Matas Webb

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nyman

Ms. Mary J. Robbins

Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Stromberg

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Weber

Mrs. Mary H. O’Donnell

Ms. Ashley M. Robertson

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Welsh

Mr. Gregory M. Olszewski

Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Rodriguez

Mr. and Mrs. Leszek Syski

Miss Claire E. Welzant

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Ordakowski

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Romeo, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Zoltan S. Szabo

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whelan

Mrs. Jo Anne Bloom Parks

Mrs. Sally A. Rominski

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Tacka, Sr.

Miss Anastasia White

Mr. Frank Paul and Dr. Jeanne McCauley

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Ruppert

Ms. Teresa S. Tacka

Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Wilhelm, Jr.

Ms. Robin Peace

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sagastume

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Tate

Ms. Anne Marie Willis

Miss Anna M. Peragine

Ms. Kelly E. Sagastume

Miss Anne C. Tavera

Ms. Jessica L. Wilson

Ms. Jennifer A. Perez

Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Salazar

Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Wiseman

Mr. Jose Perez

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Salter

Mr. and Mrs. Brooke Thompson

Mr. James Wisnieski and Ms. Lisa M. Frattare

Ms. Victoria Perez

Mrs. Rita Murray Saltysiak

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn D. Tibbo

Miss Payson Wisniewski

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Pescrille

Ms. Claire Sargo

Dr. and Mrs. John E. Tis

Miss Katherine E. Witt

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sarver

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Toczek, Sr.

Miss Grace Woo

Mrs. Cynthia Piechocki

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Schapiro

Mr. and Mrs. Jaime C. Tolentino

Ms. Megan Wood

Mrs. Shannon M. Pierce

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schmitz

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Towle

Ms. Margaret M. Woods

Mr. James E. Pope, Jr.

Ms. Carolyn M. Schorr

Mr. and Mrs. William Trautwein

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Woody

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Posner

Mr. and Mrs. David Schorr

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Tucker

Mr. and Mrs. George H. Wright

Ms. Mary W. Powell

Mr.+ and Mrs. Walter C. Schwartz

Mr. and Mrs. William Tupper

Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Wrisk

Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Preiss

Mrs. Mary C Scranton

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Van Hollen

Mrs. Barbara D. Yargar

+ deceased


"As Christine finishes her first semester of college, we are so very

grateful for the strong foundation

she received at MDSA. Well done and thank you!" -Debbie & Keith McQuay P’14

"This gift is given to the school which does so much for our young Christian women and in

appreciation for the wonderful work you and your staff do for the school."

-Michael & Mary Theresa Pfau P’97 ’13



'15-'16 goal







total donors


total donors

'15-'16 goal

415 454

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Zambotti

Ms. Lillian F. Brzostowski

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ziff

Ms. Erin Bugg

Mrs. Janet P. Zinzeleta

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Lloyd Buller, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burch


Mr. Leonard F. Gmeiner and Mrs. Patricia Elliott-Gmeiner Exelon Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Held Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Herrmann Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Herron Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hewins

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Burr

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Fell

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Hisky

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Butler

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Hobart, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Calderone

Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Klein, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Holland

Mrs. Antoinette Carter

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Florenzo

Dr. and Mrs. Scott A. Huber

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Celestina

Mr. and Mrs. David Fontana

Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Hufford

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Chairs

Mrs. Dorothy Temmink Furnary

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hunter

Mr. and Mrs. Chester D. Andrzejewski

Mr. and Mrs. Dana Mark Childress

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Gallagher

Ms. Stephanie A. Hunter

Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Angeletti

Miss Jessica M. Christopolis

Mr. Joseph A. Gallo



Mr. and Mrs. John Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Geier


Mr. and Mrs. Lucien L. Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Gentner, Sr.

The Jacobs Co., Incorporated

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Arnold

Class of 2004

Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Georgieff

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Jaecksch

Mr. and Mrs. Emerito L. Asuncion Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John Clements

Mr. and Mrs. John Geppi

Dr. Bayly E. Janson-La Palme

Mr. and Mrs. William Badger

Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Cohagan

Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Gettmann

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Jarboe

Mr. and Mrs. James Baeck

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Colclough

Mrs. Mary Jo Giulioni

Mr. and Mrs. James T. Johnson, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Bashur

Dr. and Mrs. O. Dale Collins, III

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Goodney

Mr. and Mrs. Roch Kallmyer

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Belk

Commonwealth Cares Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gover

Mrs. Mary Ortisi Kane

Ms. Julie Belkin

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Connolly

Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Grebosky

Mr. Raymond J. Kane, Jr.

Mrs. Katherine D. Benzing

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cress

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Greene

Dr. Gail Keller

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Berry

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Gregg

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Beyea

Mrs. Louise DeFeo

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gretz

Mrs. Ann H. Kendrall

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Bieberich

Mr. and Mrs. Steven DeGeorge

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Grogan

Mrs. Melanie Killian

Dr. and Mrs. Damian Birchess

Mr. and Mrs. Morrell Delcher

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Groot

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. King

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black

Mr. Stephen Delgado

Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Grove

Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Klein, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Blurton-Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Demos

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hagen

Ms. Emily Ko

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Bohan

Ms. Sally M. Di Marco

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Haines, Jr.

Ms. Elizabeth M. Krastel

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bonner

Mr. and Mrs. Victor P. Doda

Mr. David Hand and Ms. Mary Dan

Mrs. Harriet K. Krotz

Commander and Mrs. William J. Boulay

Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Dubyoski

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hanlon

Ms. Suzanne G. Lancelotta

Mr. and Mrs. Jon Eric Boustany

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Duffy

Mr. Richard Harmon

Mrs. Rosemarie S. Laque

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Boyle

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Eichelberger

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Hasson

Lauer’s Supermarket and Bakery

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bracken

Mr. and Mrs. G Kenneth Eichelman

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hattrup

Mrs. M Lynne Lee

American Trading & Production Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McCormack

Italics indicate Corporate Matching Gift

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Davis


Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Leo

Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. McNulty

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rittie

Mr. and Mrs. G. Harman Switzer, III

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Lightner

Mr. and Mrs. Alfonse Meccariello

Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Tavera

Ms. Laura L. Lodowski

Mr. and Mrs. James Menendez

Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Roesler

Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Tilyou

Ms. Elyse J. Lombardi

Morgan Stanley

Ms. Mollie Rogers

Mr. Robert M. Tirocchi

Mrs. Jeannie M. Rooney

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Todd

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lombardi

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Phelps

Ms. Jordan M. Lombardi

Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Muehe

Ms. Karen M. Rose

Commander and Mrs. Kevin J. Tokarick

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lombardo

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Murphy

Mrs. Angela C. Rossetti

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turgeon

Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Losiewski

Mr. Shayne Myhand

Mrs. Mary Ann Roth

United Way of Central Maryland

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Love

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nava

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ruf

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lowcher

Mr. and Mrs. Greg J. Neary

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ryan

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Van Wie

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Lund

Dr. and Mrs. William J. Neugebauer

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Sawyer

Mrs. Ursula Varner

Mrs. Susan H. Lyon

Ms. Jeane M. Neuman

Mr. and Mrs. John Scavilla

Verizon Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Malarkey, III

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Nevin

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schall

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hunter

Ms. Katherine A. Malloy

Mr. and Mrs. Justin Vann Nguyen

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmidt

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Vogelpohl

Mrs. Mary C. Mangione

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. O’Boyle

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Schwarz

Ms. Sheila Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. David H. Manser

Mr. and Mrs. Mell A. O’Donnell

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Scott, Jr.

Mr. Gregory K. Walton

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Marc

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Owen

Mrs. Carol Scully

Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Ward

Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Martel

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Padgett

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Shoemaker

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Warner

Mr. Larry Johnson and

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Panzer

Ms. Donna Shugars

Wells Fargo Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Payton

Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. Siebert

Mrs. Katherine McAuliffe

Mr. and Mrs. Pablo B. Penafiel

Ms. Barbara L. Siegrist

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Welzant

Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. McCarthy

Mr. and Mrs. Ian Penn

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Sikorsky, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. White

Dr. and Mrs. Gregory McCormack

Mr. and Mrs. David D. Person

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Simon

Mrs. Theresa White

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McCormack

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Phelps

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Skora

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilkinson

Dr. Sharon J. McCormack

Captain and Mrs. Thomas M. Pigoski

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Williams, Jr.

Mr. William McCormack, Jr.

Ms. Allison Plaut

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne F. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wingard

Mr. and Mrs. Shaun R. McCullough

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poisal

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Smoot

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wright

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McCurdy

Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Prozeller

Mr. and Mrs. Jan E. Sochurek

Sister Janet Mary Yu, O.P.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael McDonough, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Purkey

Miss Emma L. Staley

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zapata

Ms. Marie McGinn

Mr. and Mrs. John Quirk

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Stetz

Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Zerhusen

Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGraw

Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Ramsburg

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Street

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ziegenhein, III

Ms. Colleen McKenna

Mr. Jerome Reddy

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie C. Strickland

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Zitzer

Mr. and Mrs. William McMahon, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Rittie

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stryjewski

Mrs. Jeanne Martin


Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Ryan

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gretz

Italics indicate Corporate Matching Gift

"Our mother, a 1946 graduate, felt that she received an excellent education at Mount de Sales even though she was never sure how her education was paid for since the family did not have the financial means. The enclosed check is the way in which

she wanted to express her gratitude for the education she received."

-Daughter of an MDSA Alumna ‘46

"We deeply appreciate the dedication of all the Dominican Sisters in educating our granddaughter! Thank you all." -Proud and Grateful Grandparents GP’16





'15-'16 goal





total donors


total donors

'15-'16 goal

347 382 29

SAINT JANE FRANCES DE CHANTAL SOCIETY | Gifts $500-$999 Ahold Financial Services

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nejfelt

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Dignan

Mr. Patrick Neubauer

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ehrman

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Burns

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nevin

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen W. George

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Dignan

Northrop Grumman Foundation

Mr. J. Sebastian Grabenstein

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wineholt

T. Rowe Price Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stryjewski

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Howland

Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Williams, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Lukowski

SAINT CECILIA SOCIETY | Gifts $5,000-$9,999

Dr. and Mrs. John Baronas

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Reinckens

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Marx

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blee

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Riddle, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Nettina

Mr. John N. Bowers

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Roling

Northrop Grumman Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Burns

Ms. Elizabeth M. Saverino

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burch

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Croteau

Mrs. Jacqueline D. Christopher

Mrs. Velia J. Saverino

Mr. Joseph Zapata and

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Dinoto, Jr.

Employees Charity Organization of

Mr. and Mrs. Jon Shoemaker

Northrop Grumman

Mrs. Anne J. Short +

Mrs. Sally M. Norton

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Mules

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jopson

Mr. and Mrs. David Skomba

Mr. and Mrs. Don Pistorio

Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Smyth

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turgeon


Dr. and Mrs. Charles Reiter

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Witt

Mr. and Mrs. Edward von Lange

Reverend Michael J. P. Roach

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Giermek

Mrs. Mary Jo Warthen

Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Ryan

Mrs. Frances M. Glinka

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Williams

School Uniform Outfitters, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Glose

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wineholt

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Gretz

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Witt

Mr. and Mrs. Brian V. Sterner


Ms. Jennifer M. Hackett

Mr. Joseph Zapata and

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Svehla

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Cunningham

Ms. Martha Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Gallagher

Mr. and Mrs. Armand J. Volta, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark McVearry

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hauf Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Hockstra

Ms. Donna M. Szuba

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Arnold

Ms. Donna M. Szuba

Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Martin

SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS SOCIETY | Gifts $10,000-$24,999

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Krastel

SAINT JUDE SOCIETY | Gifts $1,000-$2,499 SAINT ANTHONY SOCIETY | Gifts $2,500-$4,999

Lt. Col. Elizabeth A. Kruger, USA Retired

Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Altoz

Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. MacLean

Apartment Services, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Richard Alexander

Reverend Walter J. McGovern

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Audy


Mr. and Mrs. John V. Mianulli

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell


Mrs. Corinne Middleton +

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burke

Mr. and Mrs. John Clark

Dr. and Mrs. Ivan H. Garcia

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Minnich, III

Mrs. Jowina Crehan

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Forgen

The Marion I. & Henry J. Knott Foundation

Reverend Edward J. Mullowney, S.S.J.

Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Culotta

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Geier

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Munson

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dignam

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Picco

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jobson Mr. and Mrs. Jon T. Kosloski


Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pfau Trinity Quality Homes, Inc.

SAINT DOMINIC SOCIETY | Gifts $50,000-$99,999

+ deceased | Italics indicate Corporate Matching Gift


Sailor Sisters Challenge:

“Pass it Forward”

SHEILA WALSH graduated from Mount de Sales Academy in 1963. Over 50 years later, Sheila says she is indebted to MDSA for the education, friendships, and overall formation she received during her years here. Now, she feels a responsibility to pass it forward to others through inclusion of her alma mater in her estate plans. The many gifts and memories of being an MDSA student have made an indelible impression on Sheila. “The [MDSA] graduation is one of the most beautiful with the long dresses and red roses. We all looked forward to that,” she recalls. “We also had wonderful times with Mrs. Muir singing, and wonderful times playing basketball. My sister, MARGARET WALSH GROOT ’62, and I were on the varsity basketball team. Our team was quite respectable considering we had to borrow gym time from churches and other schools. We didn’t really have a coach so the students taught each other.” While other schools had more resources, Sheila points out that MDSA students had resourcefulness through creativity and desire. Sheila still embodies these characteristics today. She applied the skills she learned at Mount de Sales to achieving her goals after graduation. As an adult, Sheila attended Stevenson University, where she received a bachelor’s degree in computer information systems and a master’s degree in advanced information technology. She juggled pursuing her degrees with working and raising her two sons, Vincent and Alex. Now, Sheila is retired from the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services where she was the webmaster supervisor in the Information Technology and Communication Division. Sheila’s personal and professional experiences provided a great appreciation for the importance of a strong education directed toward a marketable career for women. Her love of MDSA and recognition of the important role the school has in forming young women motivated Sheila to include Mount de Sales Academy in her estate plans. When the time comes, Sheila’s residual estate will be divided among favorite charities, of which MDSA is grateful to be included. Sheila’s gift is given without restriction allowing MDSA maximum flexibility in the use of her bequest. Sheila’s primary goal through her gift to MDSA is to help young women acquire an education and gain the necessary skills to take care of themselves and their families. We appreciate this tremendous generosity and the benefit it will bring to generations of Sailors yet to come.

For more information on Planned Giving for the benefit of MDSA,

Sheila would like to challenge her Sailor Sisters to consider their support of Mount de

please visit or

Sales. She explains that “Mount de Sales has stepped up to the call to create a fine

contact BETH SAVERINO ’87 at

educational institution. It makes us alumnae proud, and we should recognize that it or

was done through good planning and careful use of resources. It is our responsibility

410.744.8498 ext. 139.

to support MDSA!" 31


Mr. and Mrs. John Clements

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Raver

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Connolly

Mr. Jerome Reddy

Mr. Stephen Delgado

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Rittie

Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Dragin

Ms. Kathleen G. Russell


Mr. and Mrs. James Dubyoski

Mr. and Mrs. David Schorr

Exelon Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Szczybor

Mr. Brian Gaspar and Mrs. Danielle M. Ko

Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Tirocchi

Ms. Sara E. Bishop

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Foster

Mr. and Mrs. George H. Wright

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Boyle

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gentner, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Young

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Chester

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Glose

Ms. Sharon Zerhusen

Mr. and Mrs.+ Harold Davis

Mr. and Mrs. William Glover

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Dunn

Mr. and Mrs. Mirek S. Golebiowski

Mr. William Dunn

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greene

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Fuchs

Ms. Kara M. Hand

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Horsmon

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hanlon

Mr. William Hunter

Ms. A. Erin Hines

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Audy

Mrs. Linda Keller

Mrs. Mary R. Holden

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Croxson

Mr. Lawrence Leibhart

Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Holden

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Eichelman

Reverend Michael J. P. Roach

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jopson

Ms. Jennifer M. Hackett

Mrs. Maria Schwendinger

Mr. Brian Gaspar and Ms. Danielle M. Ko

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hauf

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Sheridan

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Koenig

Mr. and Mrs. Tucker S. Hite

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith

Ms. Elizabeth M. Krastel

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Izydore

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Maguire

Mr. Eugene Lappe, III

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Marlatt

Mr. William P. Lynch and


Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. McDonald


Mrs. Kathy E. Norton

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. McDowell

Mrs. Marie McCarthy

Mr. and Mrs. Keith T. McQuay

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Reiter

T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Bankard, III

Mr. and Mrs. Keith T. McQuay

Deacon and Mrs. Mark E. Ripper

Ms. Rebecca Bankard

Ms. Diane Miller

Ms. Elizabeth M. Saverino

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blake

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Walther

Ms. Judith G. Campbell

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nava

Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Woo

Mr. and Mrs. John Carmody

Mr. and Mrs. Mell A. O'Donnell

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ziff

Mrs. Antoinette Carter

Mr. Gregory M. Olszewski


+ deceased | Italics indicate Corporate Matching Gift

SAINT JUDE SOCIETY | Gifts $1,000-$2,499

Mr. and Mrs. J. Rocco Vicchio, Jr. Wells Fargo Foundation

SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS SOCIETY | Gifts $10,000-$24,999

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gretz Anonymous

Mr. and Mrs. James Young

The Aureus Foundation


Mr. and Mrs. William Ziegler

Mr. and Mrs. John Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Jon Eric Boustany

SAINT ANTHONY SOCIETY | Gifts $2,500-$4,999

Capital One Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Jennings Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Culotta

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Geier Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Giermek Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Mules

Mr. Dale Dean

Dr. and Mrs. Damian Birchess

The Pechter Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. R. Gregory Douglas

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shearer

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Rogers

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Finley

Mr. and Mrs. Clint Sliker

Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Schweitzer

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gretz

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Smoot

Mr. and Mrs. Armand J. Volta, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes

SAINT CECILIA SOCIETY | Gifts $5,000-$9,999

Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Kaufman Lt. Col. Elizabeth A. Kruger, USA Retired Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. MacLean

Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Boyle

Captain and Dr. Donald Marcus

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Diegelman

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McNulty

EE Connelly Family Foundation

Sanders Designs

Mr. and Mrs.+ Francis H. Falter, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Sanders, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Gallagher

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gower

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Szczybor

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Ignacio

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Topper

Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan

Dr. and Mrs. James Zalucki

SAINT CATHERINE OF SIENA SOCIETY | Gifts $25,000-$49,999 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Arnold

SAINT DOMINIC SOCIETY | Gifts $50,000-$99,999 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Brown

"The Board of Trustees does not take any expense lightly. We are proud that we accomplished raising $5.5 million for Phase I (new heating and air conditioning for the entire 1852 Building, new convent, and campus security), and $1.7 million for Phase II (athletic field) of the Capital Campaign without incurring debt or impacting the cost of tuition.

We are

deeply grateful to the many donors who made this possible. We are also thankful to the donors who have supported the Performing Arts Center." - JOSEPH GEIER P’08 ’12 ’17, President, Board of Trustees

+ deceased | Italics indicate Corporate Matching Gift



thank you D

aily, our students pray the Mount de Sales Academy Morning Offering, which concludes with the line, “… and for the intentions

of our Mount de Sales Friends and Benefactors,” to express our gratitude to God for all those who give for the benefit of our students.

Mount de Sales Academy Celebrates Philanthropy


Annually, we also express our gratitude to many of our benefactors who gather for a celebration of philanthropy at Mount de Sales Academy. The Black and White celebration on November 14, 2015, began with Mass in the Chapel of St. Francis de Sales followed by dinner in the Music Hall. Guests enjoyed music from members of the Concert Choir, and the evening concluded with the angelic voices of the Dominican Sisters singing their nightly prayer.


Page 34 | (Top left to right) Lee and Karen Arnold P’14 ’16 ’20; MDSA Benefactors; Sr. Mary Esther, O.P., and Chris and Jeanne Langelutting ‘84. (Bottom) Dominican Sisters singing nightly prayers. Page 35 | (Top left to right) Danny and Lynda Mules ‘77 P ’05 ’13; Michael and Lynn Boyle P ’14 ’16 ’18 and Jim and Michelle Zalucki ’84 P’12 ’15 ’20; Frank and Alice Falter+ ’60 P’84 ’86 GP’18 and Beth Saverino ‘87. (Middle left to right) Reverend Al Scharbach, Richard and Marguerite Alexander P’15, Vince and Cheryl Culotta P’15 ‘18 and Paul and Elaine Galeone. (Bottom left to right) Joe Geier P’08 ’12 ’17 and Brian MacLean P’14; Concert Choir; Mary Theresa and Michael Pfau P’97 ’13; Jean Schweitzer P’17 ’18 ’19 and Mark and Karen McVearry P’16; Larraine and John Clark P’02.



Gifts IN HONOR Mrs. Lauren Haines Ambrogio ’00 Mrs. Stephanie D'Avella Ashby ‘88 Ms. Caroline Butler ‘12

2014 Crabfeast Silent Auction IN KIND Donations

Ms. Emily Butler ‘09 Mrs. Alice Carpenter

The Baltimore Orioles

Sister Philip Joseph Davis, O.P.

Catonsville Discount Liquors

The Dominican Sisters

Catonsville Gourmet

Miss Laurel Glover ‘15

Cindy's Spirits

Ms. Helen Haines ‘10

Clear Channel

Ms. Laura Hewins ‘08

Mrs. Frances Glinka

Ms. Margaret Kenney ‘09

Dimitri's International Grille

Mrs. Lindsey Murphy Miss Katherine Nardolillo ‘15 Mrs. Michelle Natale Mrs. Louis Mattingly O’Brien ‘30 Mrs. Marta Salazar Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Schuster P’02 ‘09 Mrs. Maggie Schorr P’10 ‘15

Mrs. Christine Duda Eggspectation

Enchanted Forest Wine & Spirits ESPN 980 Mr. and Mrs. + Francis H. Falter, Jr. Fractured Prune Mrs. Brittany Gallagher

Sister Janet Mary Yu, O.P.

Gianni's Italian Bistro and Crab House

Mrs. Patricia Ziff

Grilled Cheese & Co.

Sister Robert Ann, O.P.

Mrs. Bernadette Hillman

Class of 1959

Home Depot, Lansdowne

Class of 1961

Jason's Wine & Spirits

Class of 1965

Mrs. Jeanne Langeluttig

Class of 2004


Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith Stanford Grill Sweet Elizabeth Jane Tersiguel's French Country Restaurant Village Green Spirit Shop

Westshire Associates The White Oak Tavern Ms. Jessica L. Wilson Wine & Spirits on Frederick Road Mrs. Meghan Young


Elizabeth M Photography

Miss Anne Tavera ‘14

Class of 1984

Ship's Café

Mr. and Mrs. Edward von Lange The Ale House Columbia

Mrs. Eileen Clements

Ms. Sarah Kenney ‘06

Mrs. Julie Rose

Leelynn’s Dining Room & Lounge Lyndwood Square Wine & Spirits Mr. James E. Malone, Jr., District 12A MD House of Delegates Ms. Colleen McKenna No More Piles Peace A Pizza

Ms. Jessica O'Ferrall

Mrs. Gloria Pomeisl

Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Schweitzer

The Pottery Stop

Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Smyth

Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Robinson

Mr. Harold G. and Mrs. Mary S. Albert Mrs. Cynthia Cook Balch ‘77 Mr. Williams Christensen P’01 Ms. Margaret Copper Mrs. Frances O'Ferrall Costello ’39 P’58 ’62 ’64 GP’93 Mrs. Miriam Burke Dean ‘23 Mrs. Justine Elizabeth Dougherty GP’15 Sr. Marie Duerr, S.U.S.C. Mrs. Patricia Feehly Gordon ‘49 Mrs. Claudia Copper Hornatko P’86 Mrs. Antoinette Lawrence Hughes ‘33 Ms. Catherine Lowrey ‘63 Mrs. Margaret Helen Kirwan Maisel ’30 P’53 ‘56 Mrs. Alma Kinlein McCormack ’36 P’72 ’77 GP’16 ‘19 Ms. Marion Kaye McCormack ‘72 Mrs. Margaret Spicer Piel ‘49 Mr. Samuel Pistorio Ms. Valerie Sheridan ‘77 Mrs. Margaret Tamburo P’70 Mr. Richard Thiemeyer P’82

Every gift is important to Mount de Sales Academy. However, in a list of this magnitude, errors sometimes occur. The gifts reflected in this report were received by Mount de Sales Academy between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. If you know that a donor's name has been misspelled, incorrectly placed, or omitted, please accept our sincere apology. We are grateful if you would inform us of any such errors at the Mount de Sales Academy Development Office at 410.744.8498. Thank you for your generosity and continued support of Mount de Sales Academy. You remain daily in the prayers of our Sisters, students, faculty, and staff. 36

+ deceased


Class of 1923 In memory of Mrs. Miriam Burke Dean

Class of 1930 In memory of Mrs. Margaret Helen Kirwan Maisel Mrs. Louis Mattingly O’Brien

Class of 1933 In memory of Mrs. Antoinette Lawrence Hughes

Class of 1936 In memory of Mrs. Alma Kinlein McCormack

Class of 1939 In memory of Mrs. Frances O'Ferrall Costello

Class of 1940 Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Dumler Griffith

Class of 1941

Class of 1946

Mrs. Rita Mellendick McDonough

Mrs. Mary Claire Gilley Knight

Mrs. Rosemarie Serio Laque

Mrs. Patricia Henn McNulty

Mrs. Faye Provenza Kuehnl

Mrs. Anne Johnson Short +

Mrs. Mary Scheck O'Donnell

Class of 1958

Mrs. Patricia Just Grose

Class of 1947

Mrs. Elizabeth Dorsey Gentner

Mrs. Jean Serba Jaecksch

Mrs. Susan Hoover Lyon

Mrs. Mary Dodson Jobson

Mrs. M. Lynne Miller Lee

Mrs. Janet Plunkett Zinzeleta

Mrs. Karen Muse Lightner

In memory of Ms. Catherine Lowrey

Mrs. Judith Zei Pescrille

Ms. Kathryn Duey McElgunn

Class of 1948

Mrs. Jeannie Mullican Rooney

Mrs. Jean Blackert McMahon

Ms. Anne Aiken Beatty

Mrs. Mary Costello Scranton

Mrs. Mary Agnes Federline Tolentino

Mrs. Katherine Jane Peters Geier

Mrs. Helen Walters Sikorsky

Mrs. Patricia O'Neill Wallace

Mrs. Rita Murray Saltysiak

Mrs. Rose DiPaolo Stevens

Ms. Sheila Walsh

Class of 1949

Class of 1959

Class of 1964

Mrs. Nancy Smith Davis +

Mrs. Elizabeth Meehan Dragin

Mrs. Genevieve Liberto Delcher

In memory of Mrs. Patricia Feehly Gordon

Mrs. Jane Mellendick Grochmal

Ms. Joyce Ellen Nuttall

Lt. Col. Elizabeth A. Kruger, USA Retired

Mrs. Inez Hopkins Mix

Mrs. F. Louise Lilley Smith

Ms. Jeane Neuman

Mrs. Anne Migan Ramsburg

Mrs. Kathlyn McCarthy Tupper

In memory of Mrs. Margaret Spicer Piel

Mrs. Merry Rogers Appler Seablom

Class of 1950

Class of 1960

Mrs. Patricia Cascio Bonner

Mrs. Maria Buettner Reisler

Mrs. Katherine Dukehart Benzing

Mrs. Jane Stutz Koenig

Mrs. Alice Marie Darby Falter +

Mrs. Nancy Clayton Mahoney

Class of 1952

Mrs. Diane Edmonds Harris

Ms. Karen Rose

Mrs. Janice Curran Collins

Mrs. Frances Streckfus Meccariello

Ms. Barbara Siegrist

Mrs. Eugenia Hogg McKim

Mrs. Eleanor Wise Prozeller

Class of 1965

Mrs. Mary Ann Crook Kramer +

Class of 1942

Class of 1953

Mrs. Margaret Strickroth McGrath

Class of 1943 Mrs. Mary Roth Holden Mrs. Mary Ann Ritter Roth

Mrs. Emma Jo Peach Brantley Mrs. Grace Culleton Harmon

+ deceased

Class of 1966

Mrs. Susan Devlin Switzer

Mrs. Marguerite Blair Ehart Mrs. Patricia Elliott-Gmeiner

Class of 1961

Mrs. Nancy Vaeth Gover

Class of 1954

Mrs. Rosalie Brocato Carroll

Mrs. Ellen Neyer Lytton

Mrs. Rosemarie Lusco Jamison

Mrs. Mary Ellen Lancelotta Doyle

Mrs. Christine Ferrara Purkey

Ms. Miriam Metzger Hines

Mrs. Barbara Degele Yargar

Class of 1955

Mrs. Mary Carroll Klug

Mrs. Cynthia Zei Piechocki

Mrs. Harriet Redmiles Krotz

Class of 1967

Mrs. Carol Hafele Scully

Mrs. Jo Anne Bloom Parks

Mrs. Ann Lynn Tawney Street

Mrs. Mary Lowrey Toczek

Mrs. Jessie Henn Tacka

Ms. Margaret M. Woods

Class of 1944

Mrs. Maria Payne Scott

Mrs. Frances Grace Glinka

Mrs. Anne Sehlstedt Feild Mrs. Dorothy Temmink Furnary

Class of 1963

Mrs. Ursula Hentz Varner

Class of 1957

Mrs. JoAnn Kuhn Weber

Mrs. Margaret Rose Davis

Class of 1962

Mrs. Rosalie Culotta Falter

Mrs. Mary Jo Bopp Cress

Dr. Gail Stasiowski Keller

Mrs. Margaret Walsh Groot

Mrs. Lucy Brocato Kunert

Mrs. Melanie Reese Killian

Mrs. Sandra Liberto Zitzer


Class of 1968

Class of 1978

Class of 1988

Class of 1999

Ms. Sally Di Marco

Mrs. Claire Middleton Cohagan

In honor of Mrs. Stephanie D'Avella Ashby

Mrs. Colleen McGarvey Berry

Mrs. Katherine McGrain Jarboe

Mrs. Ann Griber Eichelman

Mrs. Elizabeth Martin Blurton-Jones

Mrs. Kathleen Wills Causapin

Mrs. Sally Zephir Rominski

Ms. Stephanie Hunter

Mrs. Moira Stanton Tokarick

Mrs. Julia Kennedy Wilkinson

Mrs. Michele Faraone Selby

Mrs. Rosemarie Amrhein Vollaro

Class of 1969

Class of 1979

Class of 1989

Mrs. Courtney Giulioni Gahagan

Mrs. Deborah Tawney Diehl

Mrs. Mary Beth Waters Audy

Ms. Robin Peace

Mrs. Pamela Clemens Holub

Mrs. Ann Hennigan Kendrall

Mrs. Mary Catherine Eller

Class of 2000 In honor of Mrs. Lauren Haines Ambrogio

Mrs. Julie Baronas Morgan

Ms. A. Erin Hines

Class of 1990

Mrs. Meaghan Gardner Neary

Class of 1970

Mrs. Maureen Gemmill Johnson

Mrs. Jennifer Nolte Preston

Mrs. Kathleen Snyder Walsh

Ms. Laurie Kurtz Goldman

Mrs. Suzanne Cichowicz Jones

Mrs. Joan Miceli Robinson

Ms. Marie McGinn

Mrs. Mary Jo Courtney Riddle

Class of 2001 Class of 1991

Ms. Jessica Christopolis

Class of 1980

Mrs. Stacey Street Baker

Ms. Maureen Hattrup

Class of 1971

Mrs. Mary Kay Reymann Burch

Mrs. Jennifer Tirocchi Griffin

Mrs. Sarah Geisler McDonald

Mrs. Patricia Hahn Carver

Mrs. Mary Clare Walsh Duffy

Mrs. Nora Coakley Reiter

Mrs. Elizabeth Gibbons Jennings

Class of 1972 In memory of Ms. Marion Kaye McCormack

Mrs. Jessica Ames Nyman

Class of 1992 Mrs. Kristene Hamilton McCullough

Class of 1981

Class of 2002 Mrs. Ashley Wetzel Bashur

Mrs. Shona Townsend Baker

Class of 1993

Mrs. Pamela Stach Boyle

Class of 1974

Mrs. Beth Krebs Kerekes

Mrs. Kelly Burke Cardall

Ms. Elizabeth Krastel

Mrs. M. Catherine Bowen

Mrs. Nancy Dragin Reed

Mrs. Cheryl Simms Heilman

Mrs. Patricia West Smith

Ms. Anne Marie Hunter Willis

Class of 1975

Class of 1976

Mrs. Meghan Walton Young

Class of 1983

Mrs. Julie Simon Gilless

Class of 2003

Mrs. Theresa Andrews Evans

Mrs. Kara Spiva Hockstra

Ms. Valerie Fuecker

Mrs. Angela Burke Romeo

Ms. Danielle Ko

Class of 1984

Mrs. Angela Croteau Marx

Mrs. Ann Haynes Losiewski

Class of 1995

Mrs. Michelle Cascio Zalucki

Mrs. Meghan O'Connell Beyea

Class of 2004

Mrs. Christine Russell Duda

Mrs. Kelly Naylor Barbour

Class of 1985

Mrs. Elizabeth Williams Johnson

Ms. Lillian Brzostowski

Mrs. Maria Battaglia McAuliffe

Ms. Katherine Malloy

Mrs. Mary Walter Kaltenbach

Mrs. Holly Getka Brown Mrs. Jowina Crehan Sochurek

Class of 1994 Mrs. Melanie Crandell-Johnson

Mrs. Linda Freter Henn Ms. Teresa Tacka

Mrs. Mary Katherine McAuliffe

Class of 1977

Mrs. Ann Brown Nettles

In memory of Mrs. Cynthia Cook Balch

Mrs. Sharon Aylesworth Washko

Mrs. Patricia Hunter Birchess

Mrs. Alicia DeNardis Meng

Class of 1997

Mrs. Kathleen Matthews Nance

Mrs. Lisa Webb Burwell

Ms. Mary Powell

Mrs. Jean Dobson Bowman

Class of 1986

Mrs. Shannon Murr Pierce

Mrs. Ashley Prince Rodriguez

Ms. Ann Gilligan

Mrs. Robyn Dragin Van Hollen

Mrs. Elizabeth Grochmal Woody

Mrs. Aubrey Schluth Schmitz

Dr. Sharon McCormack

Mrs. Theresa Giardina Wiseman

Mrs. Mary Jo Centineo Webb

Class of 1998

Mrs. Lynda Geier Mules Mrs. Susan Budosh Ripper

Class of 1987

Mrs. Brooke LaMartina Korch

In memory of Ms. Valerie Sheridan

Mrs. Laura Slunt Cunningham

Ms. Jennifer Perez

Mrs. Kathleen Gemmill Stromberg

Ms. Elizabeth Saverino


Class of 2005

Class of 2009

Ms. Mary Robbins

Miss Kathryn Nevin

Ms. Jennifer Hackett

Ms. Sara Bishop

Ms. Kelly Sagastume

Miss Julianna Shearer

Ms. Jennifer Holl

In honor of Ms. Emily Butler

Ms. Elyse Lombardi

Mrs. Elissa Boffen Dubyoski

Class of 2012

Ms. Emma Staley

Ms. Maura Duffy

Ms. Meghan Blodgett

Miss Anastasia White Miss Grace Woo

Ms. Nina Glose

In honor of Ms. Caroline Butler

Class of 2014

Class of 2006

In honor of Ms. Margaret Kenney

Ms. Nichole Dantoni

Miss Merry Baronas

Ms. Allison George

Ms. Kathryn Marlatt

Ms. Molly D'Elia

Miss Emily Boyle

In honor of Ms. Sarah Kenney

Ms. Elizabeth May

Ms. Brooke Dignan

Miss Katherine Connolly

Ms. Megan McKenna

Ms. Jessica Wilson

Ms. Kaitlin Fletcher

Miss Erin Dignan

Ms. Courtney Geier

Miss Kathleen Egan

Class of 2007

Class of 2010

Ms. Kara Hand

Miss Ronnie Marie Georgieff

Mrs. Brittany Floto Gallagher

Ms. Katherine Audy

Ms. Ann Lipscombe

Miss Caroline Hanlon

Ms. Emily Ko

Ms. Nicole Benzing

Ms. Jessica O'Ferrall

Miss Lauren Hiltz

Mrs. Elizabeth Binette Mahon

Ms. Hannah Gutcher

Ms. Ashley Robertson

Miss Rebecca Huber

Ms. Colleen McKenna

In honor of Ms. Helen Haines

Mrs. Kathleen O'Connell Noonan

Ms. Jordan Lombardi

Class of 2013

Miss Alexandra Kresslein

Ms. Megan Steffe

Ms. Megan McCawley

Miss Stephanie Arnold

Miss Mary Kathryn Lamm

Ms. Sharon Zerhusen

Ms. Carolyn Schorr

Miss Elizabeth Bell

Miss Madison Maguire

Ms. Mara Vukcevich

Miss Grace Davis

Miss Norina McAuliffe

Mrs. Lauren Anderson Walston

Miss Jaclyn Gates

Miss Anna Peragine

Class of 2008

Miss McKenzie Hutchinson

Miss Amanda Gretz

Miss Anne Tavera

Ms. Rebecca Bankard

Class of 2011

Miss Gina Hisky

In honor of Miss Anne Tavera

Ms. Kirsten Dahlberg

Ms. Gianna Baccala

Miss Erin Hunter

Miss Courtney Van Wie

Ms. Anna Danz

Ms. Katherine Dunklee

Miss Frantzie Jeannot

Miss Claire Vartain

In honor of Ms. Laura Hewins

Mrs. Emily Sadler Fratantuono

Miss Catherine Keane

Miss Lynn Walsh

Ms. Mary Maclean

Ms. Daniella Galindo

Miss Margaret LaCourse

Miss Claire Welzant

Ms. Allison Plaut

Ms. Kelly Gallager

Miss Colleen Miller

Miss Katherine Witt

Ms. Mollie Rogers

Ms. Krysten Lewis

Miss Abbey Mules

Ms. Rachel Bacon

Living Legacy MARY ANN RITTER ROTH ’43 is one of the 18 women who graduated in cap and gown from Mount de Sales Academy in 1943. The material traditionally used to make white graduation dresses was rationed for parachutes during World War II. Also a trademark of that era, Mary Ann recalls several students wearing “warsages” which were corsages made out of war stamps. Mary Ann later sent her daughters, SUSAN ROTH TOMASULO ’65 and SANDY ROTH BURGAMY ’70, to MDSA. While Mary Ann still lives in the Baltimore area, Susan resides in North Carolina and Sandy calls California home. In March 2016, they were all able to visit for a tour and join the students for Mass in the chapel.



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Artist: Lauren Sliker ‘16

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