View from the Cupola v30 i1

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Strategic Plan in Place Welcome Class of 2017 Beautiful New Biology Lab Sailors for Sisters Christian Outreach

13 for '14: National

Merit Scholar Recognitions

IAAM B Conference Champions: Field Hockey & Tennis Senior Retreat Alumna Spotlight


Capital Campaign

From the Principal

Dear Friends of Mount de Sales Academy, “When I started at Mount de Sales, I never realized that I would be taking honors and even AP classes before I graduated.” “I have made friends that I will keep for a lifetime.” These are two statements made by two different Mount de Sales students to eighth graders at a recent high school fair. Each of these statements expresses a significant part of these students’ Mount de Sales high school experience. They are two very different quotes, but they are related. The academic statistics of the Class of 2013 give credence to the first remark about the academic growth possible at Mount de Sales. I love to share that 73 percent of our 2013 graduates were eligible for college credit through our advanced placement program. Did three-fourths of them think that was possible in their freshman year?

Probably not. But

somewhere along the four-year experience, a faculty or staff member suggested that they try it, and they believed that they could. And they did. While part of the formula for real student growth is challenge, the other part of the equation is encouragement from teachers and fellow students. As our teachers embolden students to reach their best, the academic environment is enhanced by the support and encouragement they feel from their classmates. It is easier to take risks and aim for new goals in front of classmates who are pulling for you. Growth anchored in faith is a guiding statement for our new strategic plan, which is shared in this issue. It focuses on the strengths and needs of the “girl learner.” With the advancement of technology and the addition of the new science lab, Mount de Sales will be able to effectively guide sailors over the next five years. A challenging and encouraging environment is a great combination for real human growth. Please enjoy the stories of both in this issue of the View, and let our students and alumnae themselves explain the heart of the Mount de Sales experience. In Christ,

Since 2004 2

Sister Mary Thomas, O.P., Principal

Mount de Sales Academy

13 National Merit


BOARD OF TRUSTEES Executive Committee Nora Coakley Reiter, CPA '70 P'08 President

Semifinalists, Commendees, and Hispanic Recognition scholars

Sister Mary Thomas Huffman, O.P. Principal Joseph Geier P'08 '12 '17 Vice President Mary Jo Warthen P'87 Secretary

In the 2014 National Merit® Scholarship Program, 13 young women at Mount de Sales Academy have been named Semifinalists, Commendees, and Hispanic Recognition scholars. The recipients are as follows:

Christopher Giermek P'14 '17 Treasurer

General Board Richard G. Arnold P'11

Hispanic Recognition

Christopher P. Brown, Esq. P'04 '08


Commended Students

Jessica Harris

Natalie Campbell


Rebecca Huber

Mary Halligan

Jessica Harris

Ronald C. Diegelman P'00

Mary Linsao

Anne Tavera

Frank H. Falter, Jr. P'84 '86

Monsignor Carl F. Cummings Keith S. Dalton P'10

Elizabeth Gibbons Jennings '80 P'12

Hannah Popp

Brian MacLean P'14

Arianna Purcell

Sharon McCormack, M.D. '77

Alyson Schmid

Reverend Michael J.P. Roach

Christina Smith

James Zalucki, M.D. P'12 '15

Emily Spaar

Alumnae Association Board

Diana Weyandt

Position Available President

Katherine Witt Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2014 competition by taking the 2012 Preliminary SAT/ National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT ). ®

The Semifinalists are the highest scoring entrants in each state. The National Merit® Scholarship Corporation provides scholarship application materials to Semifinalists through their high schools. To be considered for a National Merit

Kay McElgunn Everett '85 P'13 Vice President Jeanne Schaible Langeluttig '84 Treasurer Position Available Secretary

Director of Communications


Karen von Lange P'09 '16

Scholarship, Semifinalists must advance to Finalist standing in the competition by


meeting high academic standards and all other requirements explained in the

Elizabeth Ko Elfrey ‘05 Elizabeth Binette Mahon ‘07 Galeone Photographers

information provided to each Semifinalist.

Design Also in this Issue: 4 From the Board 6 On Campus 16 Alumnae News

Cover photo; 2014 National Merit Scholars: First Row left to right: Katherine Witt, Natalie Campbell, Emily Spaar, Diana Weyandt, and Alyson Schmid. Second Row, left to right: Rebecca Huber, Arianna Purcell, Hannah Popp, and Mary Halligan. Third Row, left to right: Jessica Harris, Anne Tavera, Christina Smith, and Mary Linsao.

Freestyle Designs LLC

Printing Printing Images

View from the Cupola: v.30 i.1


From the Board

Strategic Plan: Leadership Charts the course for school's future Dear Mount de Sales Community, Strategic planning is a process that enables us to identify why we exist (mission statement), where we want to be in the next five years (vision statement) and the steps needed to achieve our vision (strategies). Although the Board of Trustees, who has fiduciary responsibility of Mount de Sales, assumed responsibility for the formulation of the Strategic Plan, the Plan represents the combined efforts of the Dominican sisters, administration, faculty and staff. Input from parents, students, alumnae, trustees and other members of our community was invaluable in formulating an accurate picture of our current environment. Strategic planning must be an ongoing process. The Strategic Plan will engage and motivate our community to think and act tactically and to establish goals and objectives that will propel the school forward. Specifically, the Plan will guide our priorities and goals in the following areas: Faith, Academics, Technology, Admissions/Marketing, Funding, and Facilities. Now, we continue to identify action steps, empower the administration, faculty and staff to achieve their action steps, and strive to achieve our fullest potential - Academic Excellence in the Catholic Tradition.

Faith: Goals

Academics: Goals

Technology: Goals

• Infuse Salesian and Dominican

• Continue the strong academic tradition

• Prepare students to be technologically

of Mount de Sales while evolving to

fluent while remaining ethical and

spirituality into the entire Mount de Sales community with “education of the mind and heart” • Mold students into ambassadors for Christ who articulate Catholic tradition in the modern world with gentility and zeal for souls • Integrate students’ personal faith in accordance with Catholic teachings on social, moral, and human life issues by offering service experiences of greater diversity and depth • Continue excellence in Catholic identity, academics, and civic education (as recognized by the Catholic High School Honor Roll since 2004)

Year 1 Action steps • Continue implementation of new service program


accommodate 21st-century learners • Enhance a professional development

responsible • Provide sound instruction in educational

program for the faculty with a focus on

technology for faculty, staff, and

how young women learn


• Establish a four-year seminar program to further prepare young women for life beyond Mount de Sales • Engage parents to reinforce the mission and philosophy of MDSA

• Implement a one-to-one (computer-to­student) accessibility program • Utilize appropriate technological advances to enhance the Mount de Sales experience

Year 1 Action steps

Year 1 Action steps

• Sponsor two professional development

• Implement three tablet/Bring your own

days addressing the topic of “How Girls Learn Best” • Establish and teach a seminar curriculum to instruct students in study skills and human and social development • Meet with parents of freshmen to encourage involvement in the school

device (BYOD) pilot programs • Equip new and renovated science labs with Vernier LabQuest2 devices • Provide 40 tablets to be used for class settings • Implement wireless Internet throughout the facilities

From the Board The Mission of Mount de Sales Academy

Why do we exist? where do we want to be? how can we get there? At this point in the school’s history, we can appreciate how far we have come. Please read more about the school’s continued growth in the featured articles on the Capital Campaign and the newly created science lab. Each step brings us closer to the achievement of our vision. It has been a privilege to participate in formulating this plan. Working through the process has made us appreciate this “Academy of every virtue” more and more. May Mount de Sales continue to produce graduates who combine the servant heart of Martha with the contemplative heart of Mary and remain a beacon of hope in a world so sorely longing for His peace! Sincerely In Our Lord,

Nora Coakley Reiter ’70 P’08, President of the Board of Trustees

Admissions/marketing: Goals • Articulate a clear and focused message of the unique Mount de Sales combination of spirituality and academic excellence • Maximize enrollment through a comprehensive marketing campaign • Investigate opportunities and

Facilities: Goals

• Create and communicate a culture

• Create a campus­-wide space

of philanthropy in the Mount de Sales

plan, which matches present


resources with future needs

• Double the Annual Giving Campaign in the next five years (growth of $60,000/ year) and achieve 100% participation • Expand financial aid programs to help attract and retain a strong and socio­-economically diverse student

and the surrounding areas


driven marketing

Year 1 Action steps • Build stronger relationships with Catholic elementary schools • Increase transportation/bus routes

Anchored in faith, the community of Mount de Sales Academy is committed to academic excellence, lifelong learning, moral responsibility, service to others, and the dignity of the human person.

Funding: Goals

demographic trends within Baltimore • Emphasize the expansion of database-

Mount de Sales Academy forms young women in the spirit of Saint Francis de Sales and in fidelity to the Sacred Scripture and the Sacred Tradition of the Roman Catholic Church through a college preparatory education that nurtures the whole person.

• Develop a systematic plan to fund capital projects • Establish a general endowment fund

Year 1 Action steps • Increase relationships with community organizations

• Increase digital and TV marketing

• Sponsor a scholarship breakfast

• Hire an intern to help with digital

• Apply for two grants

while embracing the heritage of the campus • Develop a time-phased repair and maintenance plan for preservation and enhancement of the facilities • Plan, develop, and fund a fine arts/multipurpose building

Year 1 Action steps • Create a campus space usage plan • Review previous plans for fine arts/ multipurpose building



On Campus



Science At the start of the school year, Mount de Sales Academy celebrated the completion of a new biology lab and preparation room in its science wing.

“I love all the new equipment

This project, made possible by a matching grant from the Theresa F. Truschel

and the fact that all of the

Charitable Foundation, enriches the science curriculum and strives to meet

new tools work well and are beneficial to us. We do a lot of web quests when we’re in the lab. Being able to go into the lab once or twice a week

the demand of MDSA graduates seeking college majors in both science and math. In fact, 20 percent of the Class of 2013 chose natural sciences or engineering majors at their current colleges and universities. Coupled with the recently renovated chemistry lab, the new biology lab brings Mount de Sales to a new era in science technology.

is so much fun!”

The new technology includes 20 LabQuest2 devices, which provide the

- Claudia Rouston ‘16

girls with equipment that is similar to what they will use on the collegiate level. The devices have probes that measure motion, temperature, pH, and pressure. In biology classes the probes are used to test soil samples and water quality; in physics classes they have measured sound waves moving

“The new lab gives us the opportunity to move around a lot more. All of the supplies are




us. We frequently use the

up and down the long Mount de Sales hallways. Additionally, the devices “put learning into their hands,” as the students can use all the technology they need in one device. They can operate the connected science system remotely, graph their results, and begin reports without needing a computer. The science teachers are being trained to expand use of the devices, since girls are likely to use them on the AP science courses.

microscopes, and one of the

Along with the technology upgrades, the lab has special stations containing

thermometer that connects

everything that students need for lab work, including the new devices and

to the tablets so it tells us the

all the customary lab equipment that will never go out of style: microscopes,

exact reading and we don’t

goggles, and aprons. The preparation room means there is less time





have to guess. One of the best parts of the new lab is being able to see the board from anywhere in class.” - Alex Butts ‘17

involved in getting ready for an experiment, both for the teachers and the students, and the clean-up is considerably easier. Of the classroom experience in the new lab, Science Department Chair Ms. Claire Sargo says, “The projects are getting the freshmen excited about science, and I hope it encourages them to take a science class every year. The hands-on projects show them that science is everywhere and is within their grasp.”


On Campus

Science National Honor Society

Theresa F. Truschel Foundation

The Science National Honor Society (SNHS) was organized this year. The

Established in 2007, the mission of the Theresa F. Truschel

SNHS’s objectives are:

Foundation is “to provide scholarships to students attending

To encourage and recognize scientific and intellectual thought

Catholic schools at all levels, as well as to provide grants

To advance students’ knowledge of classical and modern science

To communicate with the scientific community

To aid the civic community with its comprehension of science

support themselves and their families.”

To encourage students to participate in community service and, in

Since its inception, the Foundation has awarded nearly

turn, encourage a dedication to the pursuit of scientific knowledge

$575,000 in scholarship money spread among 22

that benefits all of mankind.

Catholic high schools in the Archdioceses of Baltimore and

The SNHS is building a strong foundation for years to come. MDSA Students are currently going on shadow days with local science professionals,

to Catholic institutions and organizations which are helping those in need who require temporary financial assistance to

Washington, D.C.; 30 elementary/middle Catholic schools in the Archdioceses of Baltimore and Washington, D.C.;

which provides them the opportunity to meet with scientists and discuss

and eight Catholic colleges and universities in the U.S.

career paths. The first guest speaker, Jim Kelly of Oceaneering, spoke to

The $25,000 naming match grant won by Mount de Sales

the girls about a potential engineering career.

Academy was the first-ever awarded by the Foundation. The

The SNHS plans to become even more involved in the community and in

board of the Foundation has voted to offer a naming match

service projects, especially with mentoring local Catholic middle school students. The connection between science and our Catholic faith is at the heart of SNHS. We will continue ongoing education between faith and science and its implications in society today.

every other year. An announcement for 2014 will be made in the near future. For further information on the Theresa F. Truschel Foundation, please email TheresaFTruschel@ or call 410.494.4463.


On Campus

Two Sets of Championships


n October 23 at McDonogh School, the Mount de Sales tennis team captured its second B Conference championship

in two years. The team scored 13 points during the tournament with players represented in each of the final five matches. In the #2 singles match, Erin Dignan ‘14 defeated her opponent 6-1, 6-2. Maria Binette ‘15 and Sarah MacLean ‘14 defeated their opponents 6-1, 6-1 in the #1 doubles match. In the #2 doubles match, Mystee Delgado ‘17 and Julia Procopio ‘14 defeated their opponents 6-2, 6-4.

2013 Tennis Team

Katie Connolly ‘14 said, “Our team built an amazing bond this year. No other team has such a close relationship between their JV and varsity teams. While our main focus of the season was to remain undefeated, our second focus was to build an unbreakable relationship with our teammates – and we did just that! Given this was our second year playing in B Conference, we became very familiar with our opponents and their strategies. We were hopeful we would stay on top until the end. It was an amazing feeling holding up the IAAM Championship Cup two years in a row.”

Reaching The Goal O

n November 3 at Goucher College, the top-seeded Mount de Sales field hockey team defeated second-seeded

Maryvale Prep to win the IAAM B Conference championship. Mount de Sales took an early 2-0 lead with goals from Amanda Ignacio ’14 and Leah DiGiandomenico ‘14. Maryvale came back and tied the score in the second half, sending the game into the first round of overtime play. Neither team scored in the first overtime, which forced a second round of overtime play. As the

2013 Field Hockey Team

excitement mounted with five minutes remaining, Mary Kate Halligan ’14 sent a rebound into the back of the net to win the game! This double overtime victory earned another B Conference championship for Mount de Sales! “It was the best possible way to end my senior year. I know the other five seniors and I could not have asked anything more of our last high school field hockey game. Winning the B Conference championship was the goal in the back of our minds all season as we went undefeated in conference play,” said Mary Kate Halligan ’14. “One of the best feelings was consistently ranking in The Baltimore Sun's weekly Field Hockey Top 10 list. Many of us were on the team when we won the championship in 2011, which made us want to win another championship our last year even more. During the season we were constantly working on being more effective on our corner shots, so scoring the final goal of the season and of my high school career on something we worked so hard on was amazing.” Coach Mary Gentner adds, “This has been a banner year for the Mount de Sales’ field hockey program! We finished the 2013 season with a 19-1 record, remained undefeated in conference and are ranked ninth in the state. The past four years, field hockey has amassed an overall record of 60 wins, 13 losses, three ties, two championships and our first top 10 ranking! We are fortunate to play on our incredible turf field, which has made such a difference to our program. It is truly a privilege to coach such amazing girls who understand that the highest accomplishments are to play like a team, to practice hard, and to have fun!” 8

On Campus

Sailors For Sisters T


he Mount de Sales volleyball team set out this year to raise

Sister Lawrence Mary and Sister

money and awareness for the Little Sisters of the Poor in their

Rosario Flor of the Little Sisters of

Sailors for Sisters fundraiser. The Little Sisters of the Poor care

the Poor before the varsity volleyball

for the impoverished elderly at St. Martin’s Home in Catonsville,

game. Sister Lawrence Mary and Sister

less than two miles from our Sailor home.

Rosario Flor attended the Homecoming games and were avid

As part of this fundraiser, the team sold bracelets that read “Sailors for Sisters” at school and at each home game. The

cheerleaders! The Sisters presented both teams with pins of St. Jeanne Jugan, the foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor.

team’s players also took turns baking cookies to sell at home

The culmination of Sailors for Sisters was October 19, when

games. The cookie sales were extremely popular with Sailor

the Sailor volleyball team, coaches, and parents went to

fans, and everyone looked forward to seeing what type of

Saint Martin’s Home and played chair volleyball with the

cookie would be available at the next game.

elderly residents and sisters. Laughter and cheers filled the

Homecoming was a big day for the Sailors for Sisters fundraiser! In addition to selling bracelets and cookies, the team collected supplies that were needed at St. Martin’s Home. The team reached out to the Institute of Notre Dame (IND) volleyball

multipurpose room, and it is hard to know who had the most fun: the residents, the sisters, or the Sailors. After playing, the team presented Little Sisters of the Poor’s Mother Alice Marie Monica, with a check for $1,057.

team, its opponent for the Homecoming game, and asked

The Sailor volleyball team feels blessed to have been Sailors in

if they would be interested in participating in the collection.

support of the Little Sisters of the Poor this season, and hopes

Together, MDSA and IND presented the items collected to

that Sailors for Sisters will become an annual tradition. by Anne Tavera '14

The MDSA Volleyball team with the IND team, Sister Mary Thomas, O.P. (far left), Sister Lawrence Mary, l.s.p., and Sister Rosario Flor, l.s.p. (center). Volleyball logo above courtesy of A&G Designs, provider of MDSA athletic uniforms and team spiritwear.

Senior Signing November 2013 Congratulations to the seniors who signed their National Letters of Intent to play lacrosse for National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I and II universities. We recognize the following students: Samantha Gillis, Millersville University (Lacrosse); Amanda Ignacio, Georgetown University (Lacrosse); and Eve Lukowski, Bucknell University (Lacrosse).


On Campus

Welcome to our

2017, Mount de Sales Academy’s 165th graduating class, is comprised of 116 ladies, including 29 The Class of

Newest Class of Green:


scholarship recipients. This group of young women represents

88 parishes and 70 feeder schools. The freshman class travels daily to MDSA from 80 different zip codes.

We are proud to welcome the Class of 2017! Congratulations to our scholarship award winners: Father Duerr Scholars

Fra Angelico Art Scholars

Golden Counsel Scholars

Madeleine Austin Visitation Academy

Payton Tibbo St. Agnes School

Maggie Maguire Trinity School

Caroline Grayce Burns Monsignor Slade School

St. Cecilia Music Scholars

Diana Reed Trinity School

Colleen Herrmann School of the Incarnation Rachel Huber St. Louis School

Guardians of Life Scholars Lisa D’Ambrosio St. Agnes School Katelyn Nellies (honorable mention) Homeschool Maggie Stein (honorable mention) Lamb of God School

Caroline Grayce Burns Monsignor Slade School Zoe Kreisel St. Louis School

Golden Counsel Scholars Chloe Boustany Our Lady of Perpetual Help School Sydney Daneman Severna Park Middle School Mystee Delgado Sacred Heart School

St. Thomas Aquinas Scholars

Samantha Dinoto Homeschool

Zoe Kreisel St. Louis School

Taylor Forgen Resurrection-St. Paul School

Delia Lynch St. Mark School

Lillian Gretz School of the Incarnation

Sarah Witt Sacred Heart School

Mackenzie Hite Severna Park Middle School


Sarah Ridley Resurrection-St. Paul School Madeline Selby Sacred Heart School Maggie Stein Lamb of God School Sophie Talbert School of the Incarnation Mary Vita School of the Incarnation Bridget Williams Resurrection-St. Paul School Maria Ziegler Resurrection-St. Paul School

St. Martin de Porres Scholar Elena Rittie Sacred Heart School

On Campus

The Annual




Great Return

“The overall on Investment

renovation of the chemistry lab

When you make a gift to the Mount de

When supporting the Annual Giving

Sales Academy Annual Giving Campaign

Campaign the result exceeds the investment,

you invest in our students, and the returns

no matter the size of the gift. It’s how we

are innumerable.

are able to improve the school every year.

day activities in

Your gift today will benefit students within

the lab. This is a

The Annual Giving Campaign includes all

the year.

has improved the students’ day-to-

wonderful example

donations made through outright gifts, as

of how the science

opposed to those which are pledged over

Please invest in Mount de Sales Academy

time; those that are unrestricted (usage left

through support of the Annual Giving

to the discretion of the Administration);


or gifts that are restricted for a specific

how you can support the Annual Giving

is developing to

project or program outside of the Capital

Campaign, please contact Beth Saverino

meet the needs

Campaign; or scholarship. Gifts come in all

’87 at or

of its current and

sizes – ranging from a $5 Your Participation

410.744.8498 x139.

Matters student gift to a multi-figure gift

the Mount de Sales Academy website at

from other members of the MDSA family – and click “Donate.”





You can also visit

program at Mount de Sales

future students.” – Mrs. Stephanie Luzier, Chemistry Teacher

and are always appreciated!

Rebecca Boyle ’16 and Mrs. Stephanie Luzier conduct an experiment during Honors Chemistry class.


On Campus



As the last bell of the school day rang, seniors hurried to the Music Hall with their luggage, ready to deepen their faith and relationship with God and classmates on the three-day senior retreat. After arriving at St. Joseph’s in the Hills in Malvern, Pennsylvania, we settled into our rooms and attended Mass.

during the Fall

The next morning, many seniors took the opportunity to explore the nature trails

Senior Retreat

and one of the main topics discussed was the idea of “reckless abandonment.”

by Tori Tully '14, Class Chaplain and

Ms. Allie George ’06, MDSA religion teacher, truly inspired us to free ourselves

Emmy Spaar '14, Student Council Chaplain

and property of St. Joseph’s. Coming together as a class, we listened to witnesses The idea of abandonment seemed negative and daunting at first; however, from fear and learn to trust in God during times of worry and distress. In conjunction with this talk, each student took time for solitude and wrote a list of fears she experiences and her hopes to relinquish them. Students gathered in small groups and discussed any thoughts or questions from that day’s exercises. The small group experience on retreat allowed us to grow closer with classmates whom we might not know well or delved deeper into a close friendship. Claire Welzant ’14 said, “It was amazing to be able to see my classmates experience God’s love in a new way and to share that moment with them.” On the second day, the senior class received letters from their families. These

(L-R) Alyson Schmid, Alison Bracken, and Merry Baronas


letters helped convey some of the main messages of the retreat: That each of

On Campus us has a unique purpose on earth and that God loves us unconditionally. Later in the day, student testimonies shed light on God's grace working in our lives. During Eucharistic Adoration with silent prayer and music, every girl had the opportunity to bring a list of her individual struggles, fears, and worries to the foot of the altar. There she would rip it up and place it in a basket, signifying her total surrender to God's mercy and complete abandonment to His love. Five priests were available to hear confessions and a prayer team was stationed outside the chapel for anyone who had a special intention for which they needed prayers or who simply wanted to pray with someone. Regarding Adoration, Merry Baronas ’14 commented, "It was beautiful and different from other retreats

(L-R) Nicole Madden, Sister Elizabeth Marie, O.P., Julianne Hussman, and Kayleigh Crandell

I've been on. I've never seen such radical conversions; these were authentic encounters with Christ as He changes our hearts." At that night’s talent show, students sang, rapped, danced, and showed off any hidden talents kept under wraps for three years. Most girls stayed awake pretty late as new friendships were formed and old ones were strengthened. The next day, after Mass and a few closing talks, everyone was incredibly sad to leave. As a class, we will continue to grow in God's grace for the rest of the year and maintain the unity we received at retreat.

(L-R) Mary O’Donnell and Sarah MacLean


On Campus

Class of 2014 T



he current freshmen only know Mount de Sales Academy as it exists today with its climate control, all-season turf field, convent for the Dominican sisters, and feeling of safety and security on campus. The senior class still has vivid

memories of our campus before these much needed improvements. When the Class of 2014 was selecting Mount de Sales Academy, the Anchored in Excellence

Charting our Future

Capital Campaign Phase I for the convent, HVAC, and campus security enhancements was kicking off. After their freshman year, the convent was completed. When they returned for their sophomore year, they enjoyed air conditioning for the first time in the school’s history and that winter benefitted from efficient heat from the newly installed HVAC system. By the end of that year, Phase I was officially completed and Phase II for the turf field was launched. Returning to MDSA as juniors, they experienced another tremendous change with the new turf field. As seniors, they have grown accustomed to utilizing the field for P.E. classes and cheering their Sailor teams, softball included, with pride on their fabulous field. When the Class of 2014 chose MDSA, they had no idea how their school would improve during their experience as students. For this class of distinguished seniors, which includes the largest number of National Merit Scholars in our school’s history, they have experienced unexpected transformation that directly impacted and improved their high school experience.

Turf Field “Having the new turf field has been a great improvement for all our sports. When we came in as freshmen, we had a bumpy field that barely had any grass. When it rained, even a little sprinkle, we usually would not be able to practice on it for fear of ruining the field. Once we had the new field though, it didn’t matter if there was inclement weather. Also, having the new field gave us a sense of pride for our home field. Before the new field, we had more away games than home games because our field was not playable. Sometimes we would rather play away because the other teams had nicer fields and it was easier to play. Now with the new field, we would rather play at home because our field is better than most of the other teams! Having the new field has definitely been a positive addition to the school and is greatly appreciated by all the sports teams.” – Amanda Ignacio ‘14 14

Air Conditioning & Heating (HVAC) “Air conditioning and heating have definitely had a positive effect on the students at MDSA. Air conditioning has now made the



much nicer. I look forward to graduating in May in a cooler, more comfortable Music Hall. I am grateful for those who contributed to Phase I of the Capital Campaign.” – Erin Dignan ‘14

On Campus

these transformational projects

Racing to the Phase II Finish Line

should feel proud of what they

A L L G I F T S B E T W E E N N O W A N D M A R C H 3 1 W I L L B E M ATC H E D !

The many donors who supported




their giving to MDSA.


We are charging to the Capital Campaign Phase II goal for the turf field and we


need you to assist us to bring home the win for our Sailors. Benefactors have

give to complete Phase II of the

provided $252,000 as a matching gift to complete Phase II. Please make your

Capital Campaign so we can

gift by March 31, 2014 so we can blow the final whistle on Phase II and move on

move forward with Phase III,

to Phase III, the fine arts building. For more information on how you can make

the fine arts building. With your

a gift to the Capital Campaign, please contact Sister Philip Joseph, O.P. at spj@

help, the dreams for next year’s or 443.636.2060.

help is still needed!

incoming Class of 2018 will be realized in ways they can not yet imagine. For more information on the Capital Campaign and how you can make a difference at MDSA, please contact Sister Philip Joseph, O.P. at 443.636.2060 or

Gates and Fencing

Convent “The Mount de Sales community has been a

“As a freshman, I always felt Mount de Sales was safe

part of my entire life. My sister, Julie Baronas Morgan ‘00, went

because it was my school. Now that I am older and

to her first Mount de Sales mixer the day I was born, and I was

know more about the actions that go on outside in

her biggest fan at all of her varsity basketball games. Her senior

the world, I feel 100 percent comfortable and safe

year, she was elected Mount de Sales Girl and I had the privilege

with the new fencing around campus. It really gives

of being her attendant at the May Procession and held the crown

me a sense of security when I have to walk to my car

for the statue of Mary. It was only natural that I would spend my

after late practices and after arriving back to school

four high school years here and I can’t believe it’s coming to

after an away game.” – Megan Hren ‘14

an end at the 162nd graduation this year. The development of Mount de Sales has grown in my own four years in school with the installation of heating and air conditioning, the convent and the new turf field, as phases I and II of the capital campaign. Most memorable for me is the new convent for our sisters at Mount de Sales. They deserve a beautiful home and place of rest, and the resemblance of our school and their Motherhouse in Nashville is a reminder of their service and dedication for us students to see every day.” – Merry Baronas ‘14 15

Alumnae News Mount de Sales Academy is pleased to welcome back five alumnae to our faculty and staff for the 2013-2014 school year. Each alumna offers her personal experience from her time at MDSA and shares her hopes to inspire the present class of young women. Welcome home, Sailors!

MS. Katie Marlatt '09

Mrs. Elizabeth Binette Mahon '07

Assistant Athletic Director

Director of Alumnae Relations

When I was a student here at

Coming back to MDSA to be a part of the staff is so

Mount de Sales, there were

exciting! My years at Mount de Sales helped my love

certain faculty and staff members

for the Catholic faith grow and develop into a personal

who helped me grow in my faith

lifestyle. My hope, as director of alumnae relations,

and helped me grow into a

is to enrich the alumnae network of

confident young adult. As a student, I really appreciated

Mount de Sales so that alumnae from

that. Now that I am a staff member, I hope that I will

all generations may be reconnected

inspire other young women here to work hard, to follow

with each other as well as with legacy

their dreams, and to live a fulfilling Christian life.

of the school.

Mrs. Colleen McGarvey Berry '99 Science Teacher I am very happy and blessed to be back at Mount de Sales, as the school has made such a difference in my life. MDSA provided a foundation of faith and lifelong learning that has been the center of my life. I hope to be able to promote the same desire of learning in my students. Science is so amazing because it’s a true reflection of the work of God all around us, and I hope my students will see the beauty of God’s creation through my science lessons, labs, and reflections.

Mrs. Erica George Hansbrough '05

Ms. Elissa Boffen '09

Physical Education Teacher

Art Teacher

As a graduate from the Class of 2005,

I want my students to discover a passion.

I have a special place in my heart for

Everyone has one, perhaps it has yet to be

Mount de Sales. I owe much of my growth

realized. Maybe it’s for art, or maybe they


find it while searching for inspiration for their




socially and

work. I want my

development I received here inspired me to pursue my God-

students to use

given talents. I hope to be a role model to my students and


show them that a life anchored in God’s love and following

and that talent

His will is the most exciting, the most fulfilling, and the greatest

to glorify Christ,

success. I hope my students will leave P.E./Health with a sense

for He is the one

of wonder about the way God created them, a love for being

that blessed us

active, the motivation to glorify God mind, body, and soul, and

with that passion

the discipline to strive for excellence.

in the first place.






Alumnae News

90s.......................... 00s.......................... 00s.......................... Erin Hartzell Picco ‘97 married

Jessica Towle Barnhart ‘00 and her

Maria Louzon ‘09 ran the ING New

David Picco, ’98 graduate of Mount

husband, Phil, welcomed Clara June

York City Marathon on Sunday,

Saint Joseph, on October 5, 2013 in

Barnhart on September 24, 2013 in

November 4, 2013 and finished in

Millsboro, Delaware.


Eugene, Oregon. Clara weighed 7

4 hours, 41 minutes. This was her

included her sisters, Lindsey Hartzell

pounds, 3 ounces and measured 19

third full marathon – the second full

’98, Jordan Hartzell Guest ‘01,

inches long. She joins big brothers

marathon she’s run as a 21-year-

and Lisa Schaech Hayen ‘97. The

J.P. and Ben.

old. Maria also ran the Philadelphia

groom’s sister, Melanie Picco ’01,

Marathon in 2012 and the Marine

read a poem during the ceremony.

Corps Marathon in 2011 as well

The couple currently resides in

as nine half marathons. She was a

Ellicott City, Maryland.

cross country runner at Mount de Sales and states, “I finished dead last in one of our meets – I think I’ve come a long way since then!” Pamela Stach ’02 graduated on May 17, 2013 from the University of Maryland School of Nursing with a Master of Science and passed her certification boards in July to become a pediatric nurse practitioner. She has been working as a registered nurse on a pediatric


inpatient floor at Johns Hopkins

Lindsey Hinds Williams ‘00 and

Brian Boyle in Annapolis, Maryland.

Hospital for the past seven years. This past November, she married


her husband, Kyle, welcomed son

Meghan Owings ’11 is currently a

Kyle Crawford Williams on June

junior at the University of Delaware

15, 2013. The healthy baby boy

studying marine science. Her love for

weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces.

science was sparked during a marine biology class she took at MDSA. She completed a summer internship in high school at the National Aquarium in Baltimore.


will spend her winter college session at the coral reefs in Little Cayman, Cayman Islands, making 60 scuba dives in five weeks. 17

Alumnae News

Alumnae Spotlight Maura Douglas, M.D. '05 dignity and sanctity of human life and the importance of treating everyone with love.


s more and more years pass since I graduated from Mount de Sales, I find myself often reflecting on the path I have taken to get to where I am now, and in hindsight I can see how instrumental those formative high school years were in how my life has played out so far. This year, I graduated from medical school and I’m currently in my internal medicine residency training at Yale-New Haven Hospital. I graduated from Mount de Sales in the Class of 2005. I had a great experience in high school and when it ended, I felt that I had learned to work hard at a variety of subjects. Throughout high school I had no clear career goals in mind and just enjoyed learning a little bit of everything. While I initially identified with history and English, I was fascinated in later years with my anatomy and psychology classes, including vivid memories of dissecting a cat with Sister Mary Leonard, O.P. The benefit of attending MDS was the focus on teaching faith and values in conjunction with typical high school education. My time at Mount de Sales instilled in me an appreciation for the 18

After Mount de Sales I went to college at Lehigh University. I entered college undecided on a major and signed up for any class that sounded interesting. It wasn’t until the end of my freshman year that I really asked myself: What kind of work do you want to be waking up to in 10 years? The health care field appealed to me because I would be able to contribute my time and effort responding to the universal need for health care. I was interested in learning not only about diseases and treatments, but about relieving human suffering in all forms and optimizing quality of life. I was excited by the fact that with a career in medicine I could travel all over the world and be of service. I decided to aim for medical school with the encouragement of my family because I knew that the different directions in which I could take my career would be endless. It was daunting to consider many more years of schooling, but looking back it has been worth it. I was fortunate to be accepted to medical school at the University of Maryland Baltimore, where I started just after finishing college. Until I was in medical school, I did not fully appreciate the depth and complexity of the human experiences I would be privy to as a doctor. I also learned that medicine constantly forced me to confront and surpass my

Maura began her three-year residency this year at Yale-New Haven Hospital in New Haven, Connecticut.

comfort zone, which is something I am ultimately grateful for. As a student, I was challenged to learn and observe as much as possible: Newborn deliveries, midnight brain surgery, an AA meeting, a terminal diagnosis, the home of a schizophrenic, tuberculosis in a third-world country. There are some patients’ faces I will never forget. When confronted with emotionally trying times, I was inspired by Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, who wrote a lot about her work with the sick. I finished medical school this spring and started my residency training at Yale this summer. I chose an internal medicine residency, which means I will be a doctor for adult medical conditions. I chose this because it is a broad field with opportunities to either specialize or stay in general medicine in the future. Residency is a new challenge, but every day I am thankful to be doing this work. I continue to be blessed with challenging, heartbreaking and inspiring experiences every day. I am constantly tested to be the best that I can be. I truly believe that the nurturing and caring environment of Mount de Sales gave me the confidence to pursue my dreams, the humility to know my limitations, and a deep respect for the dignity of every human life. If any student is interested in medicine and wants to contact me with questions, I am happy to help:

Alumnae News

Crab Feast 2013 Thank you all alumnae, parents, faculty, staff and friends who attended the fifth annual Crab Feast on September 14! The Class of 1988 added to the fun by hosting their 25th reunion at the event. The Alumnae Association is grateful for the support of the MDSA community and especially those whose contributions made the Crab Feast and Mass possible.

Alumnae Save-the-Dates Mark your calendar and join us for an upcoming on-campus event! Check out for more information, including RSVP dates.

Apr 13

Alumnae Easter Egg Hunt beginning at noon on the Piazza. Alumnae children and grandchildren are invited to attend.

May 24

162nd Commencement at 3:30 p.m. in the Music Hall. Members of the Class of 1964 are our honored guests.

Send your sailor news

The Class of 1988 reunion members, pictured with Sister Philip Joseph, O.P.

Homecoming Weekend Homecoming Weekend was a success thanks to all of the alumnae, parents, faculty, staff and students who contributed in so many various ways. At Friday’s Homecoming Dance, students came to enjoy good music with great company while faculty chaperoned and alumnae served soft drinks. Athletic activities included soccer, volleyball and field hockey games. Before each game on Saturday, the Mount de Sales Concert Choir led the national anthem and the cheerleading team filled everyone with school spirit. Classes, clubs and teams offered tasty treats, items and activities for all. It was great to see families and friends come to support Mount de Sales Academy.

Please send your news or the name of a recently deceased alumna for inclusion in the View from the Cupola to Karen von Lange P’09 ‘16 at If you would like to include a photo, please email a high resolution .jpg or .tif file along with your alumnae update. Have you recently moved or do you have a new email address? Contact Elizabeth Mahon ’07 via email at emahon@mountdesales. org or by phone 410.744.8498 x265.

Please pardon our correction from View from the Cupola v.29 i.3. On page 2 and page 7, the percentage of the Class of 2013 who graduated with Advanced Placement (AP) college credit was erroneously noted. The statistic for this graduating class is 73 percent.

You are invited to follow Mount de Sales Academy on Twitter @MDSAhighschool. We invite all Alumnae, friends, and families to "Like" the "Mount de Sales Academy" page on Facebook. Join the Mount de Sales Academy Alumnae networking group on LinkedIn. Follow us on Instagram at mountdesalesacademy.

Pearl and Lou, children of Tara Schuberth Vidmar ‘02, enjoy one of the many studentsponsored games on the Piazza during the 2013 Homecoming celebrations.


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artwork by Sarah Muldoon ‘15

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