View from the Cupola v.31 i.1

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Class of 2018 20th HOMECOMING Anniversary

Robotics on the UPSWING!


FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Friends of Mount de Sales Academy, “…A disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a head of a household, who brings out of his treasure things new and old.” Matthew 13:52 This summer I had the opportunity to read the annals of Mount de Sales Academy. This historic chronicle tells the story of the first decade of Mount de Sales’ existence in the eloquent voices of the 11 Visitation Sisters who founded the school. Mother Mary Cecilia quotes Archbishop Eccleston, the bishop in 1852, as desiring Mount de Sales to be a “home of virtue and science.” It is important to consider this early history of Mount de Sales Academy as we make decisions in our present strategic plan, which includes implementing the one-to-one device program for the fall of 2015. The leadership at Mount de Sales throughout its history has always been able to root present decisions in the heart of the enduring traditions. This is the secret of any school with a vibrant present and a long and distinguished tradition. This edition of the View from the Cupola illuminates that story. The newly created Robotics Club and INTERACTIVE PRINT

our recent steps to increase technology use in the school are new flowerings of the mission while our National Merit® Scholars, Homecoming, and Sodality Club are ongoing examples of the well rooted and still blooming Mount de Sales tradition. The synchrony of tradition and innovation is alive and thriving in our students. As we embark on a new year, this issue fittingly celebrates the past and

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excitedly embraces the future. In Christ,

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Sr. Mary Thomas, O.P. Principal

Discover interactive content

Scan to watch Watch the Class of 2014 Thethe Baltimore sing Alma MaterSun’s during the 162nddocumentary Commencement MDSA

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: 6 Faculty Summer Enrichment


11 Your Gift Matters

14 Alumnae Volunteer Opportunities

18 Alumnae Updates

Mount de Sales Academy


BOARD OF TRUSTEES As we begin our 163rd year, Mount de Sales Academy is extremely proud to WELCOME THE CLASS OF 2018!

Executive Committee Joseph Geier P’08 ’12 ’17 President Sister Mary Thomas Huffman, O.P. Principal Richard G. Arnold P’11 Vice President Christopher P. Brown, Esq. P’04 ’08 Secretary Elizabeth Gibbons Jennings ’80 P’12 Treasurer

General Board Thomas Campbell P’14 Monsignor Carl F. Cummings


FRA ANGELICO (ART) Alexandra Auburger

GOLDEN COUNSEL Renee Andrzejewski

St. Louis School

Trinity School

St. John the Evangelist School

Alicia Moylan School of the Incarnation

Jillian Rice

ST. CECILIA (MUSIC) Hannah Austin Monsignor Slade School

Visitation Academy

Sophia Czaja

Emma Romeo

MacArthur Middle School

St. Agnes School

Karlee Stocksdale

ST. THOMAS AQUINAS Maria Bieberich St. Peter’s School

Elizabeth Gower Sacred Heart School

Cydney Howard Trinity School

GUARDIANS OF LIFE Genevieve Meng Homeschool

Arbutus Middle School

Mackenzie Cullen School of the Incarnation

Sophia Czaja MacArthur Middle School

Caitlyn Johnson

Nina Procopio

Ashley Jimenez

Resurrection-St. Paul School

Sacred Heart School

Sophie Smith

Catonsville Middle School

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

St. John the Evangelist School

Abigail Vorsteg Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Feeder Schools

Scholarship Recipients

Sacred Heart School

Zip Codes

Represented Parishes





Kim Martel P’00 ’02 ’08 ’15 Kate Ohlmacher McAuliffe ’02 Sharon McCormack, M.D. ’77 Reverend Michael J.P. Roach

Kay McElgunn Everett ’85 P’13 President Anna Danz ’08 Vice President Jeanne Schaible Langeluttig ’84 Treasurer Position Available Secretary

Monica Wallace

CLASS OF 2018 FAST FACTS Number of Students

Brian MacLean P’14

Alumnae Association Board

St. Louis School

Trinity School

Erin Kosloski

Christopher Giermek P’14 ’17

Sacred Heart School

Abigail Kallmyer


Ronald C. Diegelman P’00

James Zalucki, M.D. P’12 ’15

Grace DeLuca



Keith S. Dalton P’10

Director of Communications Karen von Lange P’09 ’16

Photography Elizabeth Binette Mahon ’07 Galeone Photographers

Design Freestyle Designs LLC



Printing Printing Images

View from the Cupola: v.31 i.1 Front cover: (Back row L to R) Amanda Golebiowski ’13, Susan Dukehart Haines ’64, Elizabeth Goldberg-Gunther ’70, Taylor Lutz ’11, Heather Leary ’11, Danielle Wilson ’11, and Jessica Wilson ’09. (Front row L to R) Alyssa Doherty ’16, Sarah Muldoon ’15, Ally Fink ’17, and Abigail Kallmyer ’18.



TOP 50

Catholic Schools of Excellence

SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY T E C H N O L O G Y I N T E G R AT I O N P R O G R A M ( T I P ) The pilot program component is underway for the 2014-2015 school year, and we are already seeing positive results and reactions from students and teachers

Mount de Sales Academy Named as one of the Nation’s TOP 50

alike. Several classes have been designated as pilot classes, where teachers are specifically using tablets to enhance lessons and increase student engagement. Juniors and seniors may also use devices in non-pilot classes for note-taking purposes as well as in homeroom and study hall.

Catholic Schools of Excellence

Teachers are consistently using tablets in the classroom for: • Interactive lessons

Mount de Sales Academy was selected

• Assessments that provide immediate feedback to students and teachers

by the Catholic Education Honor Roll as

• Increasing student collaboration through online whiteboards, OneNote

a 2014 SCHOOL OF EXCELLENCE, formerly known as the Top 50 Award. Mount de Sales has proudly received the

notebooks, and Office 365 • Dynamic lessons that provide opportunities for visual manipulation of concepts

designation as a Top 50 Catholic high

• Online resources for grammar and vocabulary practice

school since the award’s inauguration

• Online simulations to apply concepts learned in class to the real world

in 2004.



Schools selected for this distinction

and fast to learn new information

must exhibit commitment to a strong

and communicate what we’re learning

of being able to pull up my

with others. Working in a hands-on

homework from Edline and work

Catholic identity and mission; prudent

way with the tablets not only improves

on it anywhere. It is especially

employment practices; first-rate teaching

our retention of the information,

helpful with after-school sports

philosophy; and a well-rounded focus

but keeps our interest and creates

and managing the time after

a fun environment.”

school and before practice.”

Shannon Moran ’15

Abby Zalucki ’15

on raising up students who are not only academically prepared, but are also educated in civic responsibility and their Catholic faith. Principal Sister Mary Thomas, O.P., explains, “This award is very exciting to us because it represents more than just academic excellence. It characterizes our





and how they live out that faith in the community. Student growth anchored in our Catholic faith is a guiding principle for our institution.” She credits students,

“IT IS WONDERFUL to see teachers and students getting excited about incorporating technology

alumnae, faculty, staff, Board of Trustees,

into the classroom! With the extension of the pilot program we are seeing an

and friends for making Mount de Sales

increased use of technology for interactive, collaborative, and engaging lessons

Academy a School of Excellence.

that allow every student to be involved in a meaningful way.” Lindsey Murphy, Math Teacher and Technology Liaison



CHRISTIAN SERVICE Mount de Sales Academy has always highlighted Christian service as an integral part of the religion curriculum. In order to ensure that the service requirement contributes even more effectively to the students’ growth as Christian women, the Campus Ministry and Religion departments reviewed the service program at MDSA and sought to enrich it. The overarching goal is to increase the quality of both the service itself and the reflection accompanying it. In order to achieve this goal, the hours required have been reduced and simplified. During each quarter, students will write a reflection on their chosen service work.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and

Incoming freshmen will gain insight to the service program through an introduction to the definition of Christian service and its role in their lives before they begin the

you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” Matthew 25: 35-36

required service hours. Therefore, the first semester of the freshman year will be a period of introduction and formation, including Scripture readings and reflections

“When I first went to Frederick Villa

about Jesus’ service.

Nursing Home I was apprehensive.

Throughout the junior year, the students will perform their quarterly service at the same agency so that they may better understand the depth and breadth of service

NOW I COUNT DOWN THE DAYS until the next time we go. I just know that the residents there are always so happy when we come, and it makes me want to

over a period of time.

go back so they can continue to be happy!”

“Mount de Sales students have a lot on their plates! Between academics, extracurricular

Jennifer Kelleher ‘17

activities, sports, clubs, and time for family and friends, they are learning to juggle all

“There will forever be the temptation to

of their obligations. It is our hope that because of Mount de Sales, they forever keep

be selfish; we pray that the girls can leave

service as one of those priorities. By decreasing the amount of service we require, we

MDSA as young ladies with their

hope to see an increase in the quality of service that is done. From that desire to give and serve, each person grows in selflessness and virtue, and service almost becomes a way of life.” - Megan Mastroianni, Campus Minister

HEARTS OPEN AND READY TO GIVE BACK.” Megan Mastroianni, Campus Minister

SODALITY A long-standing tradition at MDSA The Sodality of the Immaculate Conception, the oldest student organization at Mount de Sales Academy, can be quite an enigma. Sodality is a community of Christians focused on helping one another grow in love for Jesus and Mary. In 1852, the first members of the Sodality at Mount de Sales were responsible for purchasing the large outdoor statue of Mary that still stands behind the school. They also led the “Once you are inducted into the Sodality, you can stay in it your

first May Procession at the school, an honored tradition that continues today. Because Sodality dates back to the 13th century, current members share a bond of sisterhood not only with MDSA alumnae


who have been members since 1852, but also with the many saints who were members, including St.

Elizabeth Kolb ’16, Sodality President

Francis de Sales, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. The Sodality may be called a club, but it is really a way of life, which can be lived far beyond the walls of Mount de Sales. 5




ast June, when the final bell of the school

New Board Members

year rang at Mount de Sales Academy,

our students hurried off campus to enjoy summer vacation. For the faculty, however,


scholars become students

the commitment to academic excellence and lifelong learning didn't end there. This summer several teachers seized their time off as an opportunity to travel the world in pursuit of

Retired Federal Government IT Project Manager

furthering academic excellence through classes and conferences. They brought their knowledge and experiences back to MDSA to offer the best education possible. Take a look at the journeys that our teachers shared with us!

KIM MARTEL P’00 ’02 ’08 ‘15 Paralegal, Janet, Jenner & Suggs



Science Teacher

French and English Teacher

Science and Religion: Strangers, Rivals, or

French as a Foreign Language Class

Partners in the Search for Truth Conference

Université de Québec, Quebec, Canada

University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana

“We participated in seminars and discussions concerning the connection between science and faith in Catholic high schools. Together with other high school science and religion teachers from across the country, we learned ways to implement an integrated science and faith curriculum in our schools. It was a wonderful experience, one which will further enhance the strong foundation of faith in our MDSA science curriculum.”

“The course was a challenging but extremely rewarding immersion experience, during which I was privileged to meet teachers from all over Europe, Africa, and the Americas. In addition to a huge notebook full of teaching resources and exercises, I had the blessing of exploring Montréal, whose ethnic and linguistic diversity (as well as its vibrant culture and booming economy) has earned it the deserving nickname ‘Le Petit Paris.’ The beauty and growth I experienced there were beyond description.”




English & Social Science Teacher

Math and Economics Teacher

Science Teacher

NYSE Teachers’ Workshop

Science and Religion: Strangers, Rivals, or

New York City, New York

Partners in the Search for Truth Conference

KATE OHLMACHER MCAULIFFE ‘02 Senior Manager of Financial Reporting, Under Armour

New Faculty & Staff Members

University of Notre Dame,


ALISON KOPRESKI Junior & Senior Guidance Counselor


“Along with teachers from across the country, we explored the dynamics of the New York Stock Exchange. We heard from a variety of speakers and learned how to incorporate personal finance into our classes. We ventured onto the floor of the stock exchange and up to where the bell is rung to signify the start of the day's trading session. It was a great opportunity to learn, collaborate, and share ideas. I am excited to integrate what I learned into my economics classes.”

South Bend, Indiana

“During the conference, priests holding doctoral degrees in fields of biology and particle physics discussed scientific theories such as evolution, the Big Bang, and more in light of our Catholic faith. One evening we were treated to a special presentation in the planetarium on campus. While a theology doctoral student read from scripture and the writings of some of our most cherished saints, we were given a personal, digital tour through the entire known universe. It was truly awe-inspiring!”




Religion Department Chair

Science Department Chair

Maryvale Institute Seminar

Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES) Teacher

Birmingham, England

Summer Institute

New Faculty & Staff Members (cont.)

Baltimore, Maryland

“I attended seminars in Birmingham and Liverpool, but the high point was the opportunity to work in the English Dominican archives which are housed at Douai Abbey, an English Benedictine Abbey in Berkshire. I also attended the Benedictine monastic prayers, fed the monastery’s sheep and lambs, and even picked gooseberries. I also met with my secondary advisor who is a diocesan priest and a Fellow at Blackfriars Hall, Oxford University, and my primary advisor, a Dominican priest, on the faculty of Cambridge University.”

“During this workshop, we examined the Baltimore area ecosystem and focused on the topics of water, trees, mosquitoes, biodiversity, and environmental stewardship. This past school year I was designated as one of BES’s three teacher fellows, and I worked to create an educational module focused on the schoolyard ecosystem and its outdoor land use. In the module, students learn mapping, how to give their schoolyard an environmental assessment, and how to become responsible environmental stewards of their school grounds.”



Math Teacher & Technology Liaison

Photojournalism & Yearbook Teacher

CaseNEX called “Designing, Teaching, and

Columbia Scholastic Press Association

Assessing Technology-Enhanced Lessons”

Journalism Workshop

International Society for Technology in

Columbia University,

Education (ISTE) Virtual Conference

New York City, New York

“The online class through CaseNEX provided new insights and strategies for integrating technology into the classroom. The ISTE virtual conference was a full day of online sessions. It included an enthusiastic keynote speech from entertainer Kevin Hart about using play in the classroom to help students grow through creativity and innovation. The additional sessions covered various aspects of educational technology – lessons that I have been able to incorporate in my daily teaching.”

“We spent our days learning about digital media with advisers and students from around the world. The intensive workshop taught the latest digital tools and principles of online journalism. Participants spent time outside of class working on a web page that documented the digital skills learned over the week. Tools included Wordpress, ThingLink, SoundCloud, Vimeo, Piktochart, Trello, Storify, and Imgur. We created interactive photos, audio soundbites, short videos, and social media narratives.”


MARIE KROMEKE Administrative Assistant

SISTER MARIA CECILIA NEIL, O.P. Religion Teacher, Sacred Heart Testing Proctor, & Sacristan

TIFFANY O’HARA Freshman & Sophomore Guidance Counselor



Social Sciences Teacher On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History

Religion Teacher

and Memory Conference Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

“In partnership with the National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH) and Dr. David Powell, Assistant Professor of Education, Gettysburg College, 20 teachers gathered to learn about the Battle of Gettysburg and its ‘hallowed’ status. We participated in scholarly sessions, examined primary sources, viewed special collections, and visited key sites, including stations on the Underground Railroad. A highlight was walking Pickett’s Charge!”

Scan watch individual interviews Watch thetoClass of 2014 sing the Almaand Materlearn duringmore about their the 162nd Commencement summer enrichment adventures!

VIRGINIA SHENK Development Assistant

JEREMY TATE College Counselor





ROBOTICS is in full swing at Mount de Sales!


tudents have eagerly joined the

Mount de Sales Academy is grateful

newly formed Robotics Club,

to The Marion I. and Henry J. Knott Foundation for their continued

started by Maddy Kerstetter ’15,


After completing an

that inspires members to learn

extensive application process that

about technology and ultimately build a product.

included a site visit, MDSA was awarded a $50,000 grant to help fund the Technology Integration

The Robotics Club will participate in CyberPatriot, a national youth cyber education

Program (TIP).

program and competition that teaches students about careers in cybersecurity and other STEM-related fields. Through CyberPatriot, sponsored by the Air Force gift

Association, students will receive hands-on learning experiences. Claire Sargo,

provided for classroom technology

Science Department chair, welcomed the invitation of Michelle Smuck Richards ‘84,

upgrades and expansion of the

to participate in CyberPatriot and serve as the team advisor.








Additionally, their gift enabled the purchase of a tablet cart to expand the pilot program in preparation for




“I believe it is important to learn how to

PROTECT YOURSELF AS A DIGITAL CITIZEN and for students to expand their interests beyond what is taught in the classroom.” Claire Sargo, Club Moderator

which was launched in the 2014-

In addition to robotics and CyberPatriot, the club will participate in the Hour of

2015 school year.

Code. The Hour of Code is a 60-minute introduction to computer science and is designed to demystify computer code.

The Marion I. and Henry J. Knott Foundation, established in 1977,

“CyberPatriot aligned with Women in

continues to carry out the vision

Technology (WIT), of which I am a member, to

of its founders through supporting programs that nurture and sustain family




educational, health care, and human service activities in the Roman Catholic community.

address the gender gap within their program. We are pleased to partner with Mount de Sales Academy and look forward to the students growing in knowledge, awareness of scholarship opportunities, and exposure to the burgeoning field of technology. The United States faces a current and growing shortage of qualified technology professionals. My hope is that this program will help fill this growing demand with

The Knott Foundation’s partnership through guidance and financial support over the years is one of the reasons that Mount de Sales Academy continues to thrive today.

other Mount de Sales Academy alumnae.

KUDOS TO MS. SARGO AND MDSA FOR PARTNERING WITH WOMEN IN TECHNOLOGY AND CYBERPATRIOT!” Michelle Smuck Richards ’84 For more information about CyberPatriot and the Women in Technology programs visit:


ON CAMPUS Students Recognized in NATIONAL


Eight young women at Mount de Sales Academy have been named Commendees, Outstanding Participants, and Hispanic Recognition scholars in the 2015 National Merit Scholarship and National Achievement Programs. Vice Principal of Academics Affairs Theresa Greene was thrilled: “It is so exciting to see such a large number of our students receive recognition! Their ability to perform well is rooted in the education they have received over the years. It is also a testament to our Mount de Sales faculty who ensure that our girls are aptly prepared to think critically, not just for PSATs and SATs, but for college and life.”


Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million

Katrina Hrabinski

students who entered the 2015 competition by taking the 2013 Preliminary SAT/

Madeline Kallmyer Alaina Keller

National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). Of the more than

Madeline Nilan

160,000 students who entered the 2015 National Achievement® Program, a group of about 3,100 Outstanding Participants are referred to 1,500 four-year colleges and universities in the United States for their potential for academic success.


Natalie Gobrial

The College Board’s National Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP) identifies academically outstanding Hispanic/Latino high school students. Each year, the NHRP honors about 5,000 of the highest-scoring students from over 250,000 Hispanic/


Latino juniors who take the PSAT/NMSQT.

Alexandra Rittie

The concert featured a selection of Vivaldi’s


Hits the High Note

Alaina Keller ‘15 had the distinct honor of playing the violin with the Chesapeake Orchestra on Monticello’s West Portico on Friday, September 5, 2014.

most cherished works including Spring and Summer from The Four Seasons, the Concerto for Two Trumpets in C Major, and two works from L’estro armonico, Op. 3. When asked how MDSA has influenced her musical talents, Alaina shared, “I feel that Mount de Sales has truly helped in giving me the values to get this far in my violin playing; I don’t think I would have ever continued without the support of my classmates, teachers, and the orchestra here. The school taught me the value of hard work and the joys of success, providing me with the tools to further my playing in constant practice. Mount de Sales has really shaped who I am as both a person and a violinist, and because that influence is so great, I believe that every part of my life has been touched by this blessed school in some way.”




MDSA Students make the most of SUMMER

Elizabeth Kolb ‘16

Grayce Burns ‘17

Margaret Hayden ‘15

St. Louis Parish

Holy Trinity Catholic Church

St. Paul’s Catholic Church




St. Louis School

Monsignor Slade Catholic School

Burleigh Manor Middle School




This past summer I had the

Over the summer, I had the opportunity

I studied Arabic during the last two

opportunity to participate in the

to study social economics in Rhode

summers at Howard Community

STARTALK program for Arabic at

Island at Brown University’s prestigious

College in Columbia, Maryland,

Howard Community College for

pre-college program, which has a 33%


six weeks of intensive language

acceptance rate. In the undergraduate

program called STARTALK, for

study. In the past two years, I have



a couple reasons. First is my

fallen in love with both Spanish

applications of social economics, a

love of learning languages and

and the concept of linguistics in

major that I am highly interested in.

cultures. It’s always been one of

general, and I wanted to take the

Over the course of the week, I lived in

my strengths, and being at MDSA

opportunity to learn more about

Emma Watson’s dorm building, ate at

sparked my love for academics. I

other languages and cultures.

the student dining halls, and met teens

heard that this particular program

Despite early reservations, I soon

from more than 25 different countries.


realized that spending almost my

The confidence and leadership that

differently than most programs in

entire summer in school was one

have already been instilled in me after

high school. The difference is that

of the best decisions of my life; I

freshman year played a key role in the

even in a level one class the target

learned so much and not only in

independence I experienced while at

language is spoken 95% of the

vocabulary and conjugation. Being

Brown. The challenging curriculum at

time. Secondly, I desire to go into

exposed to other cultures has

Mount de Sales greatly assisted me in

government service using Arabic.

formed me into a more mature,

managing my time and focusing my

This program is a huge step in the

more organized, and an overall

efforts, whether for writing my research

door for getting into college and

better person – I pray that I will

paper or trying to translate the many

my chosen career field.

be able to do something like this

languages of my fellow classmates.

again next summer! 10










“Side Out” TO CA NC E R The Mount de Sales Academy Volleyball team energetically participated in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month by hosting Pink Out Games to raise money and mindfulness for breast cancer on Friday, October 17, 2014. As part of the fundraiser, team members sold pink hair ribbons the week before and during the games. Personal prayer intentions for those who have breast cancer were submitted on pink volleyball slips and placed on the gym wall and the MDSA list of prayer intentions. The team also raffled a basket of goodies. Additionally, opponent Archbishop Spalding raised money at their school and, combined, both teams donated $1,234.52 to St. Agnes Breast Center. Be sure to attend the THIRD ANNUAL PINK OUT BASKETBALL GAMES on Friday, January 30 when the Sailors play against Severn High School. Games times: JV – 4 p.m. and Varsity – 5:30 p.m.

(Above) Varsity Volleyball team with Assistant Coach Lauren Warner (back, far left) and Head Coach Monica Owensby P’13 (back, far right). (Right) Karolyn Steranka ‘16.

YOU + ANNUAL FUND GIFT = • Maintenance of our historic campus • Need-based and academic scholarships • Educational resources • Technology enhancements and equipment

• Supporting student life activities and special events

• A better experience for the Mount de Sales Academy students! For more information, please contact Beth



Watch theto Class of 2014 Scan here sing the Alma Mater during to make a gift! the 162nd Commencement

Mount de Sales Academy is truly unique in our history and traditions, Catholic identity, and the tight-knit community. Our alumnae, students, past and present parents, and other friends are often drawn to us because they recognize that MDSA is like no other. When it comes to philanthropy, our individuality continues. Annual Giving, which provides for crucial day-to-day needs as well as other development initiatives, relies heavily on the participation of every member of our MDSA family giving as generously as possible. Considering that approximately

Saverino ’87 at 410.744.8498 ext.139 or

50% of our alumnae are under 30 years old, everyone’s participation matters.

This is a message that is repeatedly delivered to our current students and hopefully resonates with alumnae and other members of our community. 11





n 1994, the Mount de Sales Academy Alumnae Association

the night with a Homecoming Dance in the gym. On Saturday

proved that an all girls school could successfully celebrate

morning, cloudy skies parted as athletic teams, clubs, and the

Homecoming, even without a football team. Twenty years later,

Alumnae Association prepared for a day filled with family fun!

the event is still going strong. The 20th Anniversary Mount de Sales Homecoming was held on October 3 and 4, 2014.

Maintaining a tradition over the years, past president of the Alumnae Association Bettie Dragin ’59 P’81 ‘86 GP’17 invited

The soccer teams kicked off festivities with games against

the Knights of Columbus Color Guard to raise the American

Maryvale Preparatory on Friday afternoon, and students ended

flag while the Concert Choir sang the national anthem. Field



hockey teams played Archbishop Spalding on the turf field and

Full-bloom mums were on sale as well as 20th Anniversary

volleyball faced rival Seton Keough in the gym.

Homecoming T-shirts, which sold out before the end of the day!

The Piazza remained busy all day as people mingled about,

We are grateful to everyone, especially our alumnae, who

eating snacks and playing games such as the swim team’s fish

gave their time for Homecoming, which benefits the Alumnae

bowl toss. The Dance Club offered cake pops while the Spanish

Association Scholarship. Thanks to the alumnae, parents,

Club sold their famous “Tacos in a Bag.” The pumpkin painting

faculty, staff, and students for making the 20th Anniversary

table was very popular, especially with our younger attendees.

Homecoming a success! 13


If you’re an alumna, please

Many Hands Make Light Work… and


consider getting involved with the Alumnae Association at Mount de Sales! Contact Elizabeth Binette Mahon ‘07 at or 410.744.8498 ext.265.


eing an involved alumna pays off! The Alumnae Association awards two $5,000 scholarships and a

book scholarship to three students each year. The different Alumnae Association events throughout the year raise money for these scholarships. Alumnae and everyone who supports these events make those scholarships possible. Whether it’s an hour of time at the Easter Egg Hunt, or taking notes at the monthly Alumnae Association meetings, each alumna who volunteers makes a difference. Even judging the Talent Show or Twisted Tunes enriches the Mount de Sales community. Here are just a few of the ways which MDSA alumnae can give back to the school.

MAKE THE MONTHLY ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION MEETINGS A REGULAR COMMITMENT! “Each month I find myself looking forward more and more to the time I get to spend working with my Sailor sisters in order to make our home at Mount de Sales as wonderful as possible. I wanted to give something back to the place that shaped me into the woman I am today." – Mary Burr ‘09

VOLUNTEER TO WORK AT AN ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION EVENT! “Volunteering for a few hours at Homecoming and Crab Feast was an easy way for me to be involved and have fun at the same time. It’s nice to know that these Alumnae Association events benefit the Alumnae Association Scholarship for current students. I definitely view it as time well spent!” – Joan Miceli Robinson ‘90

DONATE OR SPONSOR A CRAB FEAST SILENT AUCTION BASKET! “As an alum who just started a home-based business with Stella & Dot, donating was a great way to support myself and Mount de Sales. I know that during this time in my life, it’s not possible for me to offer a lot of financial support to the school, so putting together a basket was a no-brainer! It was super easy and I was so excited with the final product. Doing something small may not seem like a lot, but when combined with others, it can really make a change.” – Brittany Floto Gallagher ‘07

SERVE AS A CLASS AGENT! “I agreed to be class agent because I didn’t want any of the girls from 1983 to be ‘lost’ or ‘missing.’ I was so blessed to find and talk with all the girls from our class; each one has a new place in my heart 30 years after graduation. Many of us live far away now and I really feel like I can link us all together [with a yearly card and a 30th reunion yearbook] so we can see what we’ve been up to over the years.” – Lisa Lyons Hauptmann ’83


JUDGE TWISTED TUNES OR THE TALENT SHOW! “I volunteered at the Talent Show because Mount de Sales will always be my home, and it is great to see the traditions that meant so much to me carried over from year to year.” – Danielle Wilson ’13


Your Participation



to a Year of Success! Over the past year, the strength and vigor of the MDSA Alumnae Association has grown tremendously. “I am so thankful for the women who have volunteered with the Alumnae Association since I’ve been in this role. I’ve loved getting to know them and


Elizabeth Binette Mahon ’07, Director of Alumnae Relations

JENNIFER HACKETT ’05, director of annual giving for St. Agnes

The Alumnae Relations Department would like

Hospital, returned to her alma mater to kickoff the Your Participation

to thank Alumnae Association Board Members,

Matters Campaign. Jennifer opened her remarks with, “It’s good to be

President Kay McElgunn Everett ’85 P‘13 and

home!” and reminded students that “Mount de Sales is always a home for

Treasurer Jeanne Schaible Langeluttig ’84,


who worked tirelessly for this year’s Homecoming

Jennifer shared her personal philanthropy philosophy for giving to Mount de Sales Academy. She said, “Right now I can’t give a million

dollars but I give as much as I can so it feels like a million dollars to me.” Jennifer encouraged students to “make their million dollar gift to Mount de Sales.”

and Crab Feast. They rolled up their sleeves and did whatever was necessary to ensure the success of these Alumnae Association events. Their efforts paid off with two great events that will continue to grow with their involvement and other dedicated alumnae.

Following Jennifer’s remarks, students were treated to a skit by student Council President, Clare Basil ‘15, and Senior Class President, Clare Lipscombe ’15, who encouraged student support of the Your Participation Matters Campaign. Francis Smyth, former Board of Trustee member, and his wife, Autee, offered a dollar-for-dollar match to further incentivize

A special thank you to the following alumnae who also contributed to a year of success for the Alumnae Association: Frances Grace Glinka ’53 GP ‘11 Bettie Meehan Dragin ’59 P ’81 ’86 GP ‘17

students to give as generously as possible. 1 Jennifer Hackett ’05

encourages students to

Holly Getka Brown ’76 P ’04 ’08

financially support Mount

Nancy Dragin Reed ’81 P ‘17

de Sales Academy at the Your Participation

Joan Miceli Robinson ’90

Matters assembly.

Stephanie Waskiewicz Poling ’99

2 Clare Basil ’15 (left)

and Clare Lipscombe ’15

Meghan Walton Young ’02

(right), who is dressed as

Colleen McKenna ’07

Mrs. Judi Lanciotti, after

Anna Danz ’08

their skit that emphasized


Bernadette Neville Hillman ’69 P ‘91

the Spirit Points that are

Mary Burr ’09

awarded for the Your

Emily Gaynor ’09

Participation Matters Campaign.

Jessica Wilson ’09 15


Alumnae Spotlight KATE OHLMACHER MCAULIFFE ’02 Kate is excited to return to Mount de Sales to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees.







started my career in accounting working

I also learned devotion and commitment

Academy for the first time in a

for one of the big four accounting firms,

demonstrated by the Dominican Sisters,

few years. Driving back through the

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). During

which I apply to my marriage every day.

Gatehouse and seeing the girls in

my six years at PwC I had opportunities

uniform brought many fond memories of

to travel, learn, and grow in many ways,

An important value that Mount de Sales

high school back to life. It was amazing

including becoming a Certified Public

and my parents instilled in me is giving

to see the school and gym, just as I

Accountant. In addition to growing

back to those who help you along the

remembered them, along with the new

professionally during this time, I also met

way. When invited to serve as a member

additions of the turf field and convent.

my husband and we married in 2011.

of the Board of Trustees, I jumped at the

Although much had changed on the

opportunity. I look forward to contributing

outside, I could tell that the atmosphere,

In 2012, I left PwC for the opportunity

to the vibrant community at MDSA in this

core values, and mission of MDSA had

to work in financial reporting at Under

role. I want to apply what I learned there

remained the same.

Armour. In my current role, I oversee

and give back, help spread the school’s

global consolidation, external reporting,

mission, and make an impact on the

As I reflect on my time since attending

and technical accounting. I greatly enjoy

young ladies and families of the MDSA

MDSA, all the challenges and successes,

the work I do and feel incredibly lucky


I can’t help but think of how much the

in my career and the experiences I have

school impacted where I am today.

gained thanks to my education at MDSA and UMD.

Alumnae and current students, are you interested in speaking with Kate to learn more about the field

After graduating in 2002, I earned my Bachelor of Science in accounting and

MDSA provided a foundation for a strong

of Accounting? Kate welcomes you to contact her

marketing from the University of Maryland

work ethic and prepared me to continue

via email at

(UMD). Upon graduation from UMD, I

to learn and develop throughout my life.






This year marked the sixth Annual

New this year was the silent

Crab Feast at Mount de Sales.

auction, spearheaded by Colleen

Sponsored by the Mount de Sales

McKenna ’07 and Jeanne Schaible



Langeluttig ’84. It featured an

the event exploded in attendance

assortment of baskets ranging from

from previous years! Over 260

“Coffee Lovers” to “Maryland Pride”

people enjoyed an all-you-can-

and even a handmade Mount de

eat dinner in the gym which was

Sales cornhole set donated by Rick

catered by Monaghan’s Pub with

Smith P’18.


freshly steamed crabs from Harris Seafood.






attended and a special thank you to

(Above) 2014 Crab Feast Team: (Back L to R) Joan Miceli Robinson ‘90, Megan McKenna ‘06, Jessica Wilson ‘09, Missy Burr ‘09, Colleen McKenna ‘07, Amy Burdette ‘90, Kay McElgunn Everett ‘85, and Jeanne Schaible Langeluttig ‘84. (Front L to R) Bernadette Neville Hillman ‘69, Elizabeth Binette Mahon ‘07, and Meghan Walton Young ‘02. (Below) Guests enjoy the 2014 Crab Feast.

Entertainment included a DJ, money

our alumnae volunteers. From the

wheel, cornhole, and a silent

early planning stages to compiling

auction. Guests could also take

silent auction baskets to spinning the

a chance on the basket of cheer

money wheel, these women worked

or 50/50 raffle. Game two of the

incredibly hard to make this such

American League Championship

a successful event! Proceeds from

Series was broadcast live so that

the Crab Feast support the MDSA

people could root for the O’s while

Alumnae Association scholarships

they cracked crabs.

for current students.





In August of 2014, BETTIE MEEHAN DRAGIN ’59 P’81 ‘86 GP’17 was recognized by the Archdiocese of Baltimore as the catechist of the year at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Ellicott City. Archbishop William E. Lori presided at the ceremony.

JORDAN HARTZELL GUEST ’01 and husband, Jason, welcomed their first child, Hudson Burke, into the world on May 21, 2014.

’70s In June 2014, Phila Hoopes, formerly CHRISTINA RIZZO ‘79, received her M.A. in Applied Healing Arts from the Maryland University of Integrative Health.

’80s The CLASS OF 1983 planned a 30+1 reunion this year! Organized by class agents LISA LYONS HAUPTMANN and KATHY WATSON NEUMANN, the women were able to reconnect after several years. Classmates came from all over the country including Tennessee and Hawaii.

HEATHER DAVIS MOORE ’88 and husband, Tim, are proud to announce the birth of their son, Samuel, on May 4, 2014.

’90s The CLASS OF 1999 celebrated their 15-year reunion this past fall. The reunion was organized by STEPHANIE WASKIEWICZ POLING, class agent. Classmates gathered for a picnic at Mount de Sales followed by a tour of the school.


On April 26, 2013, ASHLEY NUGENT CHARFAUROS ‘02 and husband, Anthony, welcomed their daughter, Noelle Lorabeth into their lives. They were blessed with 53 days with Noelle before she went to heaven. Earlier this year, on May 16, 2014, Noelle’s little sister Emmalise (Emmie) Noelle was added to the Charfauros family. They currently reside in Jonesborough, Tennessee. JENNIFER SMITH ’03 graduated from Howard University Medical School, and is currently a first-year resident at York Hospital in Emergency Medicine. She was also recently promoted to captain in the USAF for receiving the health professional’s scholarship (HPSP) that funded her medical school education. She will return to active duty in 2017 after residency. The CLASS OF 2004 celebrated their 10-year-reunion at the Phoenix Emporium in Ellicott City. KELLIAN KENNEDY and KATIE SHUTT organized the event.


’00s BRITTANY FLOTO GALLAGHER ’07 married Kris Gallagher on November 12, 2013. They celebrated in Disney World! Bridesmaids included MDSA alumnae KATELYN FLOTO STRICKLAND ’04, BLAKELEY COLLINS ’07, ASHLEY NUGENT CHARFAROUS ’02, MEGHAN NUGENT ’03, and RACHEL NUGENT ‘05.

Watch thetoClass of 2014 Scan send your update sing the Alma Mater during and connect with us! the 162nd Commencement

SEND YOUR SAILOR NEWS Please send your news or the name of a recently deceased

The CLASS OF 2009 celebrated their five-year reunion in 2014. The reunion was held at Looney’s Pub and organized by MARIA LOUZON, class agent.

alumna for inclusion in the View from the Cupola to Karen von Lange P’09 ‘16 at


If you would like to include a photo, please email a

MARY CATHERINE WEADON ’10 is a senior in the nursing program at Aquinas College, which is run by the Nashville Dominican Sisters. The college will unveil a new study abroad program in Bracciano, Italy, in the fall of 2015. Mary Catherine and 11 other students had the privilege of traveling to Bracciano to conduct research for the program. They cleaned up the campus and paved the way for future students. The campus abroad is located 20 miles outside of Rome on Lake Bracciano. While there, Mary Catherine lived with two other Mount de Sales Alumnae, SISTER MARY MONICA BANKARD, O.P. ‘96 and SISTER MARY MADELINE TODD, O.P. ’90. The women were reminded of their Mount de Sales roots while abroad since sailing is a way of life in Bracciano. EMILY SADLER ’11 is engaged to be married to Justin Fratantuono on May 30, 2015 at the United States Naval Academy. Her bridal party consists of TAYLOR LUTZ ‘11, HEATHER LEARY ‘11, GRACE KORDING ’11, and CAROLINE MENENDEZ ’11.

high-resolution .jpg or .tif file along with your update. Have you recently moved or do you have a new email address? Contact Elizabeth Binette Mahon ’07 via email at or by at phone 410.744.8498 ext. 265.

You are invited to follow Mount de Sales Academy on Twitter: @MDSAhighschool.

We invite all alumnae, friends, and families

Recently graduated AMANDA IGNACIO ’14, who plays lacrosse for Georgetown University, was recognized by Lacrosse Magazine as one of the top 15 incoming freshman impact players. In addition, Inside Lacrosse Magazine ranked her 10th among incoming freshmen.

to "like" the "Mount de Sales Academy" page on Facebook.

Join the Mount de Sales

ALUMNAE SAVE-THE-DATES Mark your calendar and join us for an upcoming on-campus event! Check out for more information, including RSVP dates.

Mar 29

MARCH 29, 2015: Alumnae Easter Egg Hunt beginning at noon on the Piazza. Alumnae children and grandchildren are invited to attend.

May 23

MAY 23, 2015: The 163rd Commencement at 3:30 p.m. in the Music Hall.

Academy Alumnae networking group on LinkedIn.

Follow us on Instagram: @mountdesalesacademy.

Members of the class of 1965 are invited as our honored guests.



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Artist: Hannah Megan ‘16

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