MDSA Annual Report v.31 i.2

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Annual Report of Donors 2013 - 2014

MISSION Mount de Sales Academy forms young women in the spirit of

Saint Francis de Sales and in fidelity to the Sacred Scripture and

the Sacred Tradition of the Roman Catholic Church through

a college preparatory education that nurtures the whole person.

Anchored in faith, the community of Mount de Sales Academy is

committed to academic excellence, lifelong learning, moral responsibility,

service to others, and the dignity of the human person.

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FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Friends of Mount de Sales Academy, “Be who you are and be that perfectly well.” - St. Francis de Sales Since arriving here three years ago, I have come to understand that Mount de Sales prevails perfectly well through the hard work and cooperation of numerous constituencies. Our technology initiative towards a one-to-one tablet program this fall will happen because of the coordinated work of many members of the faculty, staff, Board of Trustees, parents, and students. Each continues to give necessary guidance, feedback, and common-sense thinking to implement an initiative that highlights the best of Mount de Sales Academy. A blend of constituencies from the Mount de Sales community share their talents and skills to

Mount de Sales Academy

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Executive Committee Joseph Geier P’08 ’12 ’17 President Richard G. Arnold P’11 Vice President Christopher P. Brown, Esq. P’04 ’08 Secretary Elizabeth Gibbons Jennings ’80 P’12 Treasurer Sister Mary Thomas Huffman, O.P. Principal

General Board Thomas Campbell P’14 Monsignor Carl F. Cummings Ronald C. Diegelman P’00

preserve the school’s dynamic traditions while preparing for the future. The dedication of the

Christopher Giermek P’14 ’17

1852 Crew of past and present parents and staff helped create an interior revitalization over

William Glover P’15

the summer, exposing the school’s beautiful floors and hallways. Additionally, the Parents’

Brian MacLean P’14

Club consistently plays a significant role in the growth of the school through a variety of

Kim Martel P’00 ’02 ’08 ’15

activities and events.

Kate Ohlmacher McAuliffe ’02 Sharon McCormack, M.D. ’77

In this Annual Report you will find a letter from the president of the Board of Trustees, Joseph

Lynda Geier Mules ’77 P’05 ‘13

Geier P’08 ’12 ‘17. He outlines how the Board has formed several strategic committees to assure

Reverend Michael J.P. Roach

that MDSA is ready to meet the challenges of the future as it thinks about the forthcoming

John Teixeira

Performing Arts Building. A partnership of Board members and employees will undertake the

James Zalucki, M.D. P’12 ’15

critical steps of developing a financial model and an overall space plan. Alumnae Association Board Our alumnae continue to play an important role in the development of the school. The Alumnae Association scholarships, existing scholarships, and others recently established are making a critical and lasting impact for the students and families of Mount de Sales Academy. The Board of Trustees is committed to maintaining a lean budget, which includes an affordable tuition that only covers 90 percent of the cost to educate a student. Scholarship support helps us make tuition further affordable to students for whom MDSA would not be possible otherwise. The support of Annual Giving helps offset the difference between tuition and actual cost. Add to that all of the recent capital improvements, and you see why we have much for which to be grateful at MDSA.

Jessica Wilson ‘09 President Nancy Dragin Reed ‘81 P‘17 Vice President Jeanne Shaible Langeluttig ‘84 Treasurer Emily Gaynor ‘09 Secretary

Director of Communications Karen von Lange P’09 ’16

Photography We are fortunate to have a rich collaboration of talents within the Mount de Sales community. All of our efforts will help ensure that Mount de Sales Academy will continue to preserve the quality and heart of its experience for future generations. Sincerely in Christ,

Elizabeth Binette Mahon ’07 Galeone Photographers

Design Freestyle Designs LLC

Printing Printing Images

Annual Report of Donors: v.31 i.2 Sister Mary Thomas, O.P. Principal

On Campus Alumnae News Annual Report of Donors

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On Campus

SPOTLIGHT ON TECHNOLOGY B E YO N D T H E S U R FAC E O F I N T E G R AT E D T E C H N O L O G Y I M P L E M E N TAT I O N The one-to-one technology integration program is entering

of the students and faculty. In addition to current Network

its final stages at Mount de Sales Academy. After intensive

Administrator Matas Webb, Mount de Sales will add new

research, thoughtful planning, and the successful pilot program,

staff and technology support. This includes the hiring of an

MDSA will incorporate student mobile devices into the 2015-

educational technology director, an educational technology

2016 school year curriculum. Teachers have been using mobile

assistant, and a help desk technician to assist with the ongoing

devices throughout the current school year with excellent

development essential for a quality one-to-one program.

outcomes, and we are excited for our students to experience the

Furthermore, to accommodate the expansion of technology, the

fully integrated program next year. To help ease the transition,

Padre Pio Library will be redesigned to incorporate a Media

we have adopted a modified “bring your own tablet” program.

Center. Students will utilize the Media Center throughout the

This allows families flexibility in purchasing a device that meets

day as well as before and after school.

criteria defined by the school.

Mount de Sales will continue

to use technology tools that adhere to Mount de Sales’ mission

In all of our endeavors at Mount de Sales we strive to educate

and philosophy to support academic excellence,

the whole person. To that end, we are integrating student

moral responsibility, and ethical formation.

technology orientation sessions into the curriculum to support skills development in addition to teaching ethical, responsible,

Considering change



significant subsequent

demands created by the one-to-one program, the Technology will


Department restructured

and reasonable use of technology within the Mount de Sales experience. We appreciate the support of all involved as we create up-todate and effective classrooms to




with tools to succeed

beginning this summer


to meet the increasing

technological world.






On Campus

Sailors Salute Scholarship Donors On March 12, Mount de Sales Academy scholarship benefactors and recipients joined together for a breakfast in the Music Hall to celebrate the spirit of giving. Mount de Sales has substantially increased tuition assistance and scholarships offered to

“Your support is one of the lynch pins enabling MDSA to stay faithful to our mission.” Larraine Clark P’02, MDSA Business Manager

incoming and current students. This is possible in large part because of benefactorfunded scholarships, which are awarded for merit, service, advocacy, and/or need. If you are interested in learning more about how you can make an impact at Mount de Sales Academy through scholarship support, please contact Director of Development Beth Saverino ’87 at or 410.744.8498 ext. 139. To learn more about scholarship opportunities at MDSA, visit admissions/scholarships. William and Linda Howard P’05 with Abby Zalucki ’15, recipient of the Building the Kingdom Scholarship established in memory of Tara Howard ’05.

“The Guardians of Life Scholarship has enabled me to touch and inspire students through participation in the Catholic Lobby Night. On behalf of the scholarship recipients, thank you for your generosity.”

Catherine Scharbach ’18 with Holy Cross Scholarship benefactors Mary Ann and James Ehrman GP’12.

Maggie Smith ’15 (far right) (L to R) Guardians of Life scholarship recipients Lisa D’Ambrosio ’17, Genevieve Meng ’18, and Margaret Smith ’15 with Mary Beth Gallagher GP’05 ’09, Gerard and Maureen Gallagher P’05 ’09, of the Guardians of Life Foundation. Hannah Megan ‘16 (not pictured).

(L to R) Gary McCormack, Sharon McCormack ‘77, Jeffrey and Karen McCormack P’16 ‘19, and William McCormack with Keelan Scharbach ’15, the 2014-2015 recipient of Alma Kinlein McCormack '36 and Marion Kaye McCormack '72 Scholarship.

“As my father told me, you can have everything in the world and that can be taken away, but no one can take your education. I felt at home at MDSA and wanted to attend but couldn’t afford it. Someone offered to pay my tuition and it meant the world to me. I had to put forth my best effort to get the best grades, which prepared me for the Coast Guard Academy.” Karida Harris ’14

Sister Mary Thomas with Kelly Long ’15, recipient of the GB Charity Scholarship.


On Campus


Catholic Community Foundation Establishes the Mustard Seed Match


t brings tears to my eyes” was how an anonymous donor to Mount de Sales Academy reacted when his


art of the richness of the Mount de Sales Academy experience is that families come from varied

socioeconomic backgrounds. There are families for whom

$100,000 scholarship gift to Mount de Sales Academy

tuition at Mount de Sales Academy is a reduction from

turned into $150,000 because of the Mustard Seed Match.

grade school and there are families with parents working

The impact from this one scholarship will be a yearly income

multiple jobs in order to make ends meet. Recognizing

of approximately $6,000 for MDSA scholarships in perpetuity

the financial diversity of our students, the Board of

– forever! This magnificent return on investment resulted

Trustees is committed to maintaining an affordable tuition.

from the Archdiocese of Baltimore Mustard Seed Match

This is evident in that compared to peer schools in the

for scholarship endowments established with the Catholic

Archdiocese of Baltimore, Mount de Sales Academy is in

Community Foundation.

the bottom third of tuitions. Tuition, however, can still be

The Mustard Seed Match, inspired by the parable comparing

difficult for families to afford. That is why financial aid and

the Kingdom of God to a large bush grown from a tiny

tuition assistance are a priority of the Strategic Plan.

mustard seed, will expand access to Mount de Sales Academy by increasing available scholarship dollars: The match is a 1:2 ratio, which means that $1 will be matched for every $2 given. In order for a donation to be eligible for the match, it must be made to Mount de Sales Academy and in turn we will establish a scholarship endowment with the Catholic Community Foundation of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The Mustard Seed Match has been made possible through The Archdiocese of Baltimore Embracing Our Mission ~ Shaping Our Future capital campaign. The Mustard Seed Match is a limited time opportunity that is only available until December 31, 2015.

In an attempt to meet the growing demand for tuition assistance, generous individuals have stepped forward to offer two new scholarships for the 2015-2016 school year: The Semper Fi Scholarship and The Justine Elizabeth Dougherty Scholarship. Semper Fi Scholarship


Semper Fi Scholars for the 2015-2016 school year.

The Semper Fi Scholarship, established in memory of the many U.S. Marines who have remained “always faithful” to God, country, and the Corps, was created by a group of benefactors to acknowledge and support

If you are interested in learning more about how you might be

Catholic families who have been devoted to living their

able to support Mount de Sales Academy and take advantage

faith. Current students as well as students applying

of the Mustard Seed Match, please contact Director of

for admission were encouraged to submit scholarship

Development Beth Saverino ’87 at 410.744.8498 ext. 139

applications this past winter. In addition to documentation


from their parish, students and parents wrote essays

We are grateful to the Archdiocese of Baltimore for including

detailing how they live their Catholic faith.

Mount de Sales in this exciting opportunity that will help our

In appreciation for receiving the Semper Fi Scholarship,

families through scholarships.

Theresa Sarver ’16, in gratitude to its benefactors says, “I feel honored to have received this award. I am glad that I was able to, in some way, help my parents with the financial obligations that come with attending Catholic school. The opportunity to attend Mount de Sales is a true blessing, and it will benefit me as I continue to grow in my faith.”


On Campus


Alumnae Association Scholarship

The Semper Fi Scholarship will be offered annually to


id you buy a Homecoming T-shirt? Did you come to the Crab Feast? If so, you have made a difference through

many Mount de Sales Academy students.

the Alumnae Association scholarships!

The Justine Elizabeth Dougherty Scholarship

The Mount de Sales Academy Alumnae Association The Justine Elizabeth Dougherty Scholarship is a need-based Sacred scholarship





sponsors several events throughout the year to raise money for scholarships. Successful alumnae events mean that an education from MDSA is more financially accessible.

Dr. and Mrs. Richard Alexander

The Alumnae Association is proud to offer three $5,000

P’15. They were personally

scholarships as well as an additional book scholarship for

motivated to establish the scholarship because of their

an overall contribution exceeding $15,000. The women

daughter, Caroline’s, life-changing experience as a

involved with the Alumnae Association know how important

student in the Sacred Heart Program.

Catholic education is to the families of Mount de Sales, and

Caroline ‘15 with her grandmother.

Mrs. Marguerite Alexander P’15 enthusiastically shared

they are honored to give back to their alma mater.

the impact of the Sacred Heart Program on Caroline and why they established the scholarship in memory of her mother. Mrs. Alexander explains, “Mrs. Puglisi and Mrs. Glose (of the Sacred Heart Program) turned Caroline’s world around. They empowered her in the most wondrous of ways. By junior year, Caroline had a great foothold and was taking new freshmen and sophomores under her wing. She was happy to be a Sacred Heart girl and to share this.” While Mrs. Dougherty will be at graduation in spirit as Caroline walks through the windows, her legacy as a strong Catholic woman committed to education will live on at Mount de Sales Academy through the scholarship named for her and in celebration of what Caroline has achieved through the Sacred Heart Program. Through The Justine Elizabeth Dougherty Scholarship, the Alexanders are providing a need-based scholarship for a Phase I Sacred Heart Seminar student who otherwise might not be able to afford the services provided by this program. Gifts for scholarship have the tremendous capacity to

Recipients of the Alumnae Association Scholarships: Madelyn Dyer ‘16 (l) and Bridget Bodley ‘16 (r). Recipient of the Alumnae Association Book Scholarship: Stefana Avara ‘17 (not pictured).

change a life. To invest in a student through scholarship support, please contact Director of Development Beth Saverino



410.744.8498 ext. 139.


Scan to learn more about scholarship opportunities at Watch the Class of 2014 Sales Academy, contact Beth Saverino ‘87 if you’re singMount the AlmadeMater during the 162nd Commencement interested in funding a scholarship, or make a donation NOW!


On Campus

“Mary Poppins” – Practically Perfect in Every Way! –

The show featured memorable special effects and choreography for songs such as “Spoonful of Sugar” and the upbeat “Step in Time,” with the help of Mary Morency ’15, who was “practically perfect, in every way,” as the title character. When asked about her experience in the play, Mary Morency shares, “I think for every audience the show connected them in a special way. Two of my favorite scenes were ‘Practically Perfect’ and ‘Spoonful of Sugar.’ These songs involve elements

n 2004, the beloved Disney story “Mary


easy feat to receive the rights to the show.

of magic, thanks to the incredible set

Poppins” premiered its stage version at

As one of the first Baltimore-area schools

builders and stage crew. Every night

the West End in London. Just over a decade

to present the play, the planning took on

there was an audible reaction from the

later, that same show was recreated by

a life of its own and the school did not

audience during these scenes. Even

the students of Mount de Sales Academy

receive confirmation until a week before

though people understood how we were

and Mount Saint Joseph High School for


doing the tricks — a coat rack pulled from

MDSA’s annual winter musical.

a bag or the kitchen mysteriously cleaned The hard work paid off. Parents, Mrs.

— I think their inner child still got excited

From January 30 to February 1, nearly

Cardall, Producer/Choreographer Angela

to see the magic that they remember from

1,700 people gathered at the Mount Saint

Romeo ’94 P’18, and the amazing crew

the movie. I'm so thankful that the Mount

Joseph Fine Arts Center to watch the classic

constructed the sets, lighting, and design

de Sales community has given us all this

story of the magical, no-nonsense nanny.

on time even when weather forced delays

opportunity by putting their

Why “Mary Poppins” at Mount de Sales?

to production rehearsals. The student pit

support behind the Fine

Director Kelly Cardall ’93 shares, “It's a

band, led by Music Director Jeff Hosier,

perfect fit for MDSA. The play has strong

was remarkable and kept the audience

female characters, a great message, and

tapping their toes.

it’s a classic story.” However, it was no

Arts program.”

On Campus


Q. How did MDSA cultivate your musical and theatrical interests? A. I came to


Mount de Sales with an already strong drive towards the arts, having performed locally since a very young age. Upon entering MDSA, I received an arts scholarship for voice and started


in the chorus as a freshman. Some of my favorite memories from MDSA include singing for Mass in the choir loft. I also have wonderful memories of our choir and band competition trips! We were fortunate enough to visit Nashville to see the Dominican Motherhouse and St. Cecilia Academy. Q. What are some shows that you were a part of while at MDSA? A. My freshman year I was in the Mount de Sales production of “Crazy for You” featuring the music of George and Ira Gershwin. I really enjoyed working with the upperclassmen who were so supportive. After “Crazy for You,” I started auditioning for shows at Loyola Blakefield. Q. What is some advice you have for current students at MDSA who want to pursue a career in the arts? A. Start surrounding yourself with people who inspire you, find teachers who will support you, and participate in the arts. When I went on to obtain


enior Mary Morency ‘15 joins alumna




the second Sailor to portray the practically




Poppins, on stage. Maura Hogan, a 2008 graduate from MDSA, was cast as Mary Poppins for Toby’s Dinner Theatre in Baltimore for the 2014-2015 fall/winter production. While in high school, Maura was an active thespian who also studied with Mrs. Kelly Cardall ‘93, just like this year’s cast of “Mary Poppins!”

my bachelor’s degree in music, my days in band and chorus at Mount de Sales helped me tremendously. Sing in the choir at school or at your church and learn how to read music! Start auditioning for professional productions and learn from the pros. You have to work very hard in this business, and the sooner you start that process the sooner you will get a job.

Alumnae News

Alumnae Spotlight LT. COL. ELIZABETH KRUGER ‘49, USA, Retired Retired Lt. Col. Elizabeth Kruger is a witness to history, having served her country in the Army Nurse Corps for two decades. She currently resides in Bel Air, Maryland.


y four years in the post-WWII

of Georgia and graduate courses from

In the 1990s, I wanted to give back to

days at Mount de Sales were

Baylor University, and then the University

MDSA so I returned to assist with mailings

unforgettable. The transition from the

of Tennessee in Nashville. I also attended

under the guidance of the director of

lively students at St. Agnes School to

military schools in San Antonio, Texas.

academy of advancement at the time, Sister Philip Joseph. This was my first visit in

the pious, sedate Visitation Nuns was truly amazing. Our class of 19 girls was

My first five years in the field I worked

decades, and it was at this time that I was

immediately treated as young adults

as an operating room nurse and later

overwhelmed by the numerous challenges

being prepared to face the future as

became a certified registered nurse

that the wonderful Dominican Sisters faced

confident Catholic leaders. At my age,

anesthetist. In 1966 I joined the Army

and successfully resolved. Today’s students

I can recall memorable occasions in

Nurse Corps. During my 20 years of

at MDSA are truly blessed to have a rich

my life where the early years at MDSA

service from 1966-1986, I had three

tradition continued under the guidance of

influenced major decisions. The gentle


the Dominican Sisters.

attitude of the nuns quietly inspired me

Vietnam, and Iran. Stateside, I served in

to undertake new responsibilities with

six different states.




The religious and scholastic environment during my influential years at MDSA greatly

confidence all throughout my life. MDSA also inspired me to be generous

impacted my career to be of service to

Following graduation from MDSA in

with my God-given talents. During my

my country. I am proud to have attended

1949, I entered nursing school at St.

years in the military I was organist for

Mount de Sales and am proud to have

Agnes Hospital, where I received my

various religious services on military posts

served my country.

registered nurse degree. My scholastic

and at civilian parishes. I associated with

experience at MDSA prepared me to

many people of various faiths and my

always continue my education. I went

formative religious background at MDSA

on to receive my Bachelor of Science

enabled me to confidently live my faith and

in Nursing from the Medical College

respect the views of many diverse beliefs.


Alumnae and current students, would you like to learn more? Contact Director of Alumnae Relations Elizabeth Binette Mahon ‘07 at emahon@ or 410.744.8498 ext. 265.

Alumnae News



JESSICA SZCZEPANIAK-GILLECE ’92 earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame and her master’s degree from Vanderbilt. She is a well-published writer.

KATIE LAPPE MCCAFFERTY ’02 is currently a naval engineer with the U.S. Coast Guard working at the Coast Guard Yard in Baltimore, Maryland.

JOCELYN SZCZEPANIAK-GILLECE ’96 is an honors graduate from the University of Notre Dame and obtained her Ph.D. from Northwestern University. She is currently a professor at the University of Wisconsin in the English and Film Department.

SARAH MARTEL SLOSSON ’02 and her husband welcomed James Richard Slosson on December 4, 2013. James is being promoted to big brother in June 2015.

CARRIE PLATT VIEN ‘96 and husband, Jesse, were blessed with twins on September 16, 2013. They welcomed a boy named Joshua Evan who weighed 6 pounds 1 ounce and a girl named Addison Ann at 4 pounds 10 ounces. Everyone came home healthy and happy. They just celebrated their first birthday! JENNIFER EMMANUEL MATTHEWS ’98 and husband, David, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Jason Theodore Matthews, on August 27, 2014 at 11:36 a.m. weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces. Jason joins his big sister, Emma Joy, as part of the family. JILLIAN SZCZEPANIAK-GILLECE ‘99 obtained her Master of Social Work from Fordham University. She is currently the clinical supervisor for the Children’s Guild in Baltimore providing therapy services for students at risk and Children’s Guild facilities in schools throughout the city.

JAMIE REISINGER ‘02 graduated from the Maryland University of Integrative Health last year with her master’s in nutrition & integrative health. She recently passed her board exam to become a Nationally Certified Nutrition Specialist. Jamie and her fiancé, Bronson, opened the first CrossFit gym in Ellicott City this past January. CrossFit PCR is open to anyone aged 15-90 and all levels of athletic ability. Jamie and Bronson hope to bring out the athlete in everyone by providing a safe and fun environment conducive not only to losing weight and building muscle, but also making new friends in the process. They are to be married in Riviera Maya, Mexico this May with MEAGHAN MCDERMOTT ‘01 as the Maid of Honor. KRISTINE ARMSTRONG MOORE ‘04 and husband, Justin, celebrated the arrival of Aiden Donald into the world on November 5, 2014. His big sister Riley was born in 2012.

’00s ANN MARIE DIEGELMAN ‘00 and Neale Glinowiecki (Curley ‘02) tied the knot on Saturday, February 8, 2014 at Holy Rosary Church in Baltimore. The couple met at CrossFit Training in Pikesville, Maryland. Ann Marie works in the Office of Early Learning for Baltimore City Public Schools and Neale works in sales at Charlestown Retirement Community. The couple now resides in Parkville.

JENNIFER BOULAY ’05 earned her Ph.D. in Biology from the Pennsylvania State University. (Pictured with her parents and sister BECKY BOULAY ‘08, far left.)


Alumnae News

’00s LAUREN MILLER ROUSSEY ‘05 lives in Catonsville with her husband, Christopher, and their daughter, Peighton, who turned 1 in August. They welcomed another child in March 2015. Lauren has her real estate license and has been working alongside of her father since February 2014. She loves helping families find their perfect home and is fortunate to learn and work with her father who has more than 37 years of experience in the industry.


Watch thetoClass of 2014 Scan send your update sing the Alma Mater during and connect with us! the 162nd Commencement

SEND YOUR SAILOR NEWS Please send your news or the name of a recently deceased alumna for inclusion in the View from the Cupola to

LAUREN ANDERSON ‘10 married Shane Walston (Cardinal Gibbons ’09) on October 25, 2014 in the Chapel of St. Francis de Sales at Mount de Sales Academy. Bridesmaids included her sister and maid of honor, KAITLYN ANDERSON ’12 as well as KIMBERLY CULP ’10, and MARIE CUTLER ’10. Lauren is a 2014 UMBC graduate, where she now works full-time as a technical writer for a government IT contractor. The couple resides in Odenton, Maryland. JESSICA HARRIS ’14 is currently running for the University of Notre Dame. In her first year, she has already broken Fighting Irish track records and now holds the school records for the 600, 800, and 1,000 meter runs.

Karen von Lange P’09 ‘16 at If you would like to include a photo, please email a high-resolution .jpg or .tif file along with your update. Have you recently moved or do you have a new email address? Contact Elizabeth Binette Mahon ’07 via email at or by at phone 410.744.8498 ext. 265.

You are invited to follow Mount de Sales

IN MEMORIAM Please pray for the following alumnae who have entered eternal life: VIRGINIA SHANAHAN VANEK ‘39

Academy on Twitter: @MDSAhighschool.

PATRICIA FEEHLY GORDON ‘49 We invite all alumnae,

ALUMNAE SAVE-THE-DATES Visit for more info. May 23

SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2015: The 163rd Commencement at 3:30 p.m. in the Music Hall. Members of the class of 1965 are invited as our honored guests.

June 5

FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015: Alumnae Association Outdoor Movie Night.

friends, and families to like the "Mount de Sales Academy" page on Facebook.

Join the Mount de Sales Academy Alumnae networking group

July 11 Oct 3

SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2015: Alumnae Evening: Oriole Park at Camden Yards.

on LinkedIn.

Baltimore Orioles vs. Washington Nationals at 7:15 p.m.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015: Homecoming 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Follow us on Instagram: @mountdesalesacademy.

Oct 10 12

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2015: Crab Feast 4 – 9 p.m.

Annual Report of Donors 2013-2014


Annual Report Dear Friends, I want to take this opportunity to update all of our constituents on the status of Phase III of the Capital Campaign, the Performing Arts Building. For those of you who are longtime members of the Mount de Sales Academy family, you have heard about our need for a Performing Arts Building for several years. In fact, some of you may have already made gifts to this campaign. We are extremely grateful for the generosity that our alumnae, parents, and friends of Mount de Sales continue to bestow upon us. The guiding principle in all that the Mount de Sales Academy Board of Trustees does, including planning for the Performing Arts Building, is to ensure we stay true to our mission statement. In doing so, we take a fiduciary approach that considers what is best for the long-term success of the school. Since the conclusion of Phase II of the Capital Campaign, the Athletic Field, the Board of Trustees has concentrated our efforts on executing the current Strategic Plan, including the latest technology initiative and setting a responsible budget that allocates resources to make MDSA as affordable as possible to the families we serve. The Performing Arts Building is the largest undertaking in the history of Mount de Sales Academy since the school was built. We are committed to making sure this new building will withstand the test of time as our iconic 1852 Building has done.


This commitment to our current and future students, which honors the legacy of all who have attended and supported Mount de Sales, requires thoughtful planning and prudent decision making. In keeping with these practices, we recently formed two new ad hoc committees: the Business Model Committee and the Fine Arts Feasibility and Planning Committee. They will work in conjunction with our Facilities Committee to do the following: 1. Examine long-term enrollment trends 2. Create a space plan for short and long term needs in all of our current buildings as well as the programming for the proposed Performing Arts Building 3. Examine major maintenance costs and the funds needed for sustainability of our current buildings and the proposed Performing Arts Building 4. Assess our current resources and the potential impact the expansion of our facilities will have on our tuition and financial aid needs 5. Finalize the building plans and cost 6. Assess our ability to raise the necessary funds 7. Determine the construction timeline This by no means is intended to be a comprehensive list, but rather describes a few items on which they will be working. I will continue to keep you updated on the work of the committees. Thank you to everyone who has supported our Capital Campaigns, including the previous Fine Arts Campaign. We are grateful and promise to be vigilant stewards of your generosity. Sincerely,

Joe Geier P’08 ‘12 ‘17 President, Board of Trustees 14

Annual Report

The Campus




1852 MAIN BUILDING Classrooms, Chapel of St. Francis de Sales, Music Hall, Cafeteria, Padre Pio Library, and Administrative Offices


DOMINICAN DRIVE Blessed Mother Grotto and Gazebo


PERFORMING ARTS BUILDING Future Site: Capital Campaign Phase III


CONSTANCE & SAMUEL PISTORIO SPORTS COMPLEX Gym, Weight Room, Athletic Offices, and Trainer’s Room





5 1 8







CONVENT & CHAPEL Home to the Dominican Sisters


HISTORY UNCOVERED with Summer Renovations


vidence of Mount de Sales’ rich

saw an exceptional restoration as it was

history and tradition is abundant

transformed into a striking space to

throughout our campus, especially in the

exhibit students’ artwork.

1852 Building. In addition to these new changes, a Little did we know the history waiting to

surprise was waiting when it came time

be revealed during the summer 2014

to tackle the floors of the 1852 Building.

renovations. Beginning last June, crews

Principal Sister Mary Thomas describes,

working under the management of

“One of the happy discoveries was the

Director of Operations Mark Cohagan

beautiful wood floor beneath the carpet in

P’07 ’11, renovated the main lobby, Bird

Gallery Hallway. We simply refinished the

Room, and B-side Gallery Hallway. In

intact original floor, preserving the very

keeping with the Strategic Plan goal of

floors on which the Visitation Nuns, the

embracing the heritage of the campus,

first teachers, walked.” Thank you to all

great care was taken to maintain the

who helped make this project a success!

historic beauty of the 1852 Building yet

We await the possibility of new discoveries

update the space to serve the existing and

as we restore our historic campus for the

future needs of students. Gallery Hallway

benefit of current and future students.

Summer renovation project: relocation of the historic window, grille, and pass through turnstile to the original location in the lobby.



Student Philanthropy MATTERS!

Your Participation Matters Campaign

All gifts to Mount de Sales Academy are important and enable us to fulfill our mission for our students. Student gifts, however, are especially meaningful. Through their support of the Your Participation Matters student giving campaign, students are making financial gifts to their school. The benefits of Your Participation Matters are three-fold: 1. Raise much-needed funds for MDSA 2. Create a habit of giving that will hopefully continue for the lifetime of our students once they are alumnae 3. Build a culture of philanthropy at MDSA (a Strategic Plan goal) Great work, Sailors! Your participation really does matter!


Miss Alexandra Galindo

Miss Christine McQuay

Miss Julia Armstrong

Miss Taylor Johnson

Miss Hanley Allen

Miss Ronnie Marie Georgieff

Miss Maggie Mee

Miss Noelle Bailey

Miss Madeline Kallmyer

Miss Isabella Aquino

Miss Julia Giermek

Miss Riley Meekins

Miss Clare Basil

Miss Alaina Keller

Miss Jacqueline Arnold

Miss Samantha Gillis

Miss Emma Mires

Miss Camryn Beaumont

Miss Susan Kelly

Miss Mary Babcock

Miss Mary Halligan

Miss Casey Nadolny

Miss Meredith Beisel

Miss Madelynn Kerstetter

Miss Maura Bailey

Miss Amanda Hanley

Miss Courtney Nellies

Miss Alyssa Berdan

Miss Nicole Kyle

Miss Maria Banegas

Miss Caroline Hanlon

Miss Mary O’Donnell

Miss Maria Binette

Miss Clare Lipscombe

Miss Merry Baronas

Miss Jessica Harris

Miss Alyssa Payne

Miss Jennifer Blake

Miss Jordan Lloyd

Miss Alexis Becker

Miss Karida Harris

Miss Allison Peltz

Miss Jordan Bolesta

Miss Kelly Long

Miss Christina Berdan

Miss Lauren Hiltz

Miss Anna Peragine

Miss Rachel Brooks

Miss Olivia Luzier

Miss Allison Best

Miss Evodia Hoff

Miss Kamille Pereira

Miss Kathleen Brown

Miss Emily Macmillan

Miss Holly Biggs

Miss Megan Hren

Miss Erin Phoebus

Miss Caitlin Carr

Miss Rachel Maher

Miss Christy Bissally

Miss Rebecca Huber

Miss Hannah Popp

Miss Katelyn Celestina

Miss Chelsie Marsh

Miss Marie Blurton-Jones

Miss Julianne Hussman

Miss Julia Procopio

Miss Lacy Cole

Miss Megan Martel

Miss Amanda Bowen

Miss McKenzie Hutchinson

Miss Arianna Purcell

Miss Stephanie Culotta

Miss Jill McCarthy

Miss Emily Boyle

Miss Allison Hynson

Miss Megan Sauter

Miss Gabrielle Daneman

Miss Megan McDermott

Miss Alison Bracken

Miss Amanda Ignacio

Miss Alyson Schmid

Miss Julia Darminio

Miss Caitlyn McElroy

Miss Allison Buhr

Miss Elizabeth Inglisa

Miss Jessica Schmitz

Miss Meghan DeGeorge

Miss Diane Miller

Miss Hailey Buller

Miss Nicolette Jennings

Miss Hannah Shafer

Miss Madison Diehlmann

Miss Sarah Miller

Miss Hannah Burke

Miss Jessica Jurney

Miss Allison Sipes

Miss Anna DiPietro

Miss Leah Mohler

Miss Natalie Campbell

Miss Rachel Kelsey

Miss Christina Smith

Miss Amanda Donovan

Miss Abigail Moran

Miss Mary Cassidy

Miss Grace Kerr

Miss Gillian Smith

Miss Carolina Elias

Miss Shannon Moran

Miss Alissa Caulfield

Miss Brigid Klein

Miss Emily Spaar

Miss Natalie Ferdock

Miss Stephanie Moran

Miss Jacqueline Clauser

Miss Alexandra Kresslein

Miss Anne Tavera

Miss Madison Fields

Miss Mary Morency

Miss Rachel Cohn

Miss Mary Kathryn Lamm

Miss Elizabeth Thompson

Miss Sophia Ford

Miss Sarah Muldoon

Miss Katherine Connolly

Miss Catherine Lamont

Miss Jacqueline Thompson

Miss Katie Frank

Miss Lauren Munter

Miss Kayleigh Crandell

Miss Elisabeth Lemmon

Miss Victoria Tully

Miss Mary Funk

Miss Lindsey Nalley

Miss Victoria DeMar

Miss Margaret Leppert

Miss Ellen Vallonga

Miss Riley Gentner

Miss Katherine Nardolillo

Miss Sarah Denhardt

Miss Kathryn Lerch

Miss Courtney Van Wie

Miss Cassandra George

Miss Olivia Nartker

Miss Leah DiGiandomenico

Miss Mary Linsao

Miss Kristen Vargas

Miss Emily Geppi

Miss Sarah Newberg

Miss Erin Dignan

Miss Eve Lukowski

Miss Claire Vartain

Miss Hanna Giotis

Miss Madeline Nilan

Miss Victoria Doda

Miss Sarah MacLean

Miss Lynn Walsh

Miss Laurel Glover

Miss Mariah Passwaters-Stamper

Miss Danielle Dubyoski

Miss Nicole Madden

Miss Hannah Walter

Miss Natalie Gobrial

Miss Margaret Patrick

Miss Jessie Dubyoski

Miss Madison Maguire

Miss Katelyn Warner

Miss Emma Greene

Miss Megan Penn

Miss Kathleen Egan

Miss Jennifer Mai

Miss Claire Welzant

Miss Laura Gretz

Miss Briana Prescott

Miss Caroline Evans

Miss Teresa Majerowicz

Miss Diana Weyandt

Miss Sydney Hamilton

Miss Faith Reed

Miss Alison Farmer

Miss Kathleen Malcotti

Miss Katherine Witt

Miss Elizabeth Hartman

Miss Alexandra Rittie

Miss Amanda Farmer

Miss Nora Marcus

Miss Marissa Hawkins

Miss Maria Robertson

Miss Rebecca Ferguson

Miss Sanam Masih


Miss Margaret Hayden

Miss Mary Robertson

Miss Ashton Flater

Miss Norina McAuliffe

Miss Caroline Alexander

Miss Clara Howard

Miss Jenna Rusk

Miss Caroline Florenzo

Miss Kathryn McCauslin

Miss Keri Amrhein

Miss Katrina Hrabinski

Miss Kathleen Russell

Miss Chelsea Fraser

Miss Kellen McDonald

Miss Danielle Andrews

Miss Sydney Hunter

Miss Perry Ryan

Miss Sarah Gabregiorgish

Miss Sara McKissick

Miss Maryanna Antoldi

Miss Clara Jeske

Miss Keelan Scharbach


Annual Report: YOUR PARTICIPATION MATTERS Miss Christina Schell

Miss Celeste Goyena


Miss Kathleen Kyak

Miss Emily Seeberger

Miss Kayla Hamilton

Miss Adelaide Allen

Miss Maria LeMonnier

Miss Amanda Seidl

Miss Brooke Hoffman

Miss Lillian Alster

Miss Allison Long

Miss Stefani Senkus

Miss Hannah Ignacio

Miss Hannah Andrews

Miss Christina Lukasavage

Miss Karina Shaffrey

Miss Carley Jones

Miss Madeleine Austin

Miss Delia Lynch

Miss Margaret Smith

Miss Hannah Jones

Miss Rachel Baeck

Miss Maggie Maguire

Miss Grace Smoot

Miss Caroline Kelly

Miss Betty Bartlinski

Miss Julia Malcotti

Miss Julia Stafford

Miss Samantha Kenjorski

Miss Caroline Bateman

Miss Jennifer Martin

Miss Kristen Stark

Miss Elizabeth Kolb

Miss Lauren Blake

Miss Sydney Mathai

Miss Sarah Steer

Miss Stephanie Larsen

Miss Alexa Blue

Miss Alison McDermott

Miss Sarah Strehl

Miss Emma Lawrence

Miss Julia Blurton-Jones

Miss Valerie McGrath

Miss Taylor Swenski

Miss Samantha Lerch

Miss Chloé Boustany

Miss Emily McManus

Miss Celia Thomas

Miss Kelsey Lesniewski

Miss Caroline Burns

Miss Kaitlyn Morgan

Miss Morgan Tibbo

Miss Lauren Linsao

Miss Erin Burns

Miss Sandra Naylor

Miss Barbara Van Natta

Miss Therese Lipscombe

Miss Alexandra Butts

Miss Katelyn Nellies

Miss Maria Vikander

Miss Rebecca MacDonald

Miss Emilie Carroll

Miss Nehema Nkere

Miss Kristin Von Hagel

Miss Danielle Manser

Miss Crystal Castro

Miss Megan Nolta

Miss Jennifer Walls

Miss Angela Marino

Miss Megan Childress

Miss Lauren Offerman

Miss Caroline Walsh

Miss Katlyn Martin

Miss Ketrina Clemons

Miss Azaria Oglesby

Miss Nicole Wilhelm

Miss Rosemarie McAuliffe

Miss Carly Coakley

Miss Emma Olszewski

Miss Morgan Winterbottom

Miss Christina McCaul

Miss Lauren Corfman

Miss Kemi Omisore

Miss Kelly Wright

Miss Madeline McVearry

Miss Colleen Cusick

Miss Mary Popp

Miss Katelyn Young

Miss Hannah Megan

Miss Victoria Daly

Miss Megan Prescott

Miss Abby Zalucki

Miss Jennifer Myers

Miss Lisa D’Ambrosio

Miss Mary Megan Quinn

Miss Anna Zambotti

Miss Marley Niesz

Miss Sydney Daneman

Miss Abigail Quirk

Miss Isabel O’Connell

Miss Jennifer Davis

Miss Sydney Quizon


Miss Kathleen Ortel

Miss Maeve Davis

Miss Diana Reed

Miss Hannah Angelella

Miss Grace O’Toole

Miss Saoirse DeBoy

Miss Sarah Ridley

Miss Caroline Arnold

Miss Lauren Padgett

Miss Arianna Delgado

Miss Elena Rittie

Miss Samantha Asuncion

Miss Anna Peyla

Miss Mystee Delgado

Miss Anna-Grace Rowland

Miss Madison Auer

Miss Jenna Polignone

Miss Samantha Dinoto

Miss Alyssa Sandoval

Miss Veronica Balick

Miss Cecilia Roling

Miss Alyssa DiPino

Miss Kelsie Schapiro

Miss Victoria Barreira

Miss Clara Schall

Miss Caroline Divver

Miss Christina Schweitzer

Miss Terese Marie Beach

Miss Kellie Schinzel

Miss Enriqueta Espinosa

Miss Mackenzie Scott

Miss Jessica Berry

Miss Olivia Sherno

Miss Ally Fink

Miss Madeline Selby

Miss Carley Blyth

Miss Lauren Sliker

Miss Molly Fitzmaurice

Miss Amanda Severe

Miss Jessica Brinker

Miss Emily Smith

Miss Jenna Florenzo

Miss Raili Siebert

Miss Kathryn Calderone

Miss London Smith

Miss Taylor Forgen

Miss Raeghan Smith

Miss Meghan Clarke

Miss Samantha Snider

Miss Haley Geier

Miss Kelly Snyder

Miss Amelia Congedo

Miss Katherine Sniezek

Miss Brittany George

Miss Emma Stair

Miss Caroline Cornell

Miss Victoria Snodgrass

Miss Mary Giermek

Miss Sara Stark

Miss Catherine Currie

Miss Karolyn Steranka

Miss Marie Glagola

Miss Margaret Stein

Miss Allison DeLisa

Miss Samantha Sterner

Miss Clare Glasgow

Miss Carlie Sterner

Miss Hannah Dignam

Miss Sara Sullivan

Miss Olivia Goodney

Miss Kelly Stone

Miss Elizabeth Doda

Miss Mary Swann

Miss Amanda Grebosky

Miss Elizabeth Superczynski

Miss Alyssa Doherty

Miss Jessica Sweeney

Miss Lillian Gretz

Miss Barbara Syski

Miss Madelyn Dyer

Miss Rachel Teti

Miss Alanna Hernandez

Miss Kelly Szalankiewicz

Miss Bridget Edmondson

Miss Molly Tucker

Miss Colleen Herrmann

Miss Sophie Talbert

Miss Jodi Fell

Miss Samantha Vanderlipp

Miss Mackenzie Hite

Miss Margaret Talbot

Miss Katheryn Finamore

Miss Caroline Vollaro

Miss Rachel Huber

Miss Peyton Taylor

Miss Emily Fitzsimmons

Miss Sarah von Lange

Miss Regan Hyde

Miss Payton Tibbo

Miss Ashley Forsyth

Miss Mary Kate Weetenkamp

Miss Mary Kate Kalinock

Miss Mary Vita

Miss Lindsey Foster

Miss Savanna Wells

Miss Jennifer Kelleher

Miss Krista Whelan

Miss Danielle Fraser

Miss Josephine Whelan

Miss Molly Kelly

Miss Bridget Williams

Miss Bri’onna Gardner

Miss Isabella White

Miss Kathleen King

Miss Sarah Witt

Miss Kathleen Garvey

Miss Kaylee Williams

Miss Danielle Kolb

Miss Teresa Zambotti

Miss Madeleine Gatto

Miss Madilyn Wrisk

Miss Sarah Krammer

Miss Maria Ziegler

Miss Abigail Getka

Miss Alison Young

Miss Zoe Kreisel

Miss Megan Gower

Miss Mary Rose Zoeckler

Miss Catherine Kwon


Campaign Summary


99% participation

123 Donors $918.92 Raised


98% participation

114 Donors $606.69 Raised




88 Donors $502.82 Raised


98% participation

113 Donors $827.26 Raised


Annual Report

Financial Statement FY 2013 - 2014

FY 2012 - 2013

FY 2011 - 2012

(July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014)

Revenues: Tuition and Fees







Contributions, Gifts, and Donations







$ Investment Income






$ Auxiliary Enterprises






Miscellaneous Income $



















Scholarships and Financial Aid







Operation and Maintenance

























Net Assets, Beginning of Year







Net Assets, End of Year







Annual Fund





















Total Contributions, Gifts, and Donations







Total Revenue Expenses:

General Institutional

Total Expenses Change in Net Assets:

Contributions, Gifts, and Donations Detail:

Fiscal Year: July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 82% Tuition and Fees

72% Instructional

11.6% Contributions, Gifts, and Donations

6% Scholarships and Financial Aid

0.8% Investment Income


11% Operation and Maintenance

$7,765,181 1.1% Auxiliary Enterprises

4.5% Miscellaneous Income


EXPENSES $7,066,481

11% General Institutional


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Butler

Miss Maura K. Duffy

Mrs. Gloria Gustitis

Gifts up to $99

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Butrim

Miss Branan D. Durbin

Miss Megan Hagen

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Abitabile

Ms. Wanda Byrd

Mr. and Dr. Joseph Edmondson

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harkins

Ms. Patricia A. Adams

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Callens

Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Ehart

Mrs. Grace C. Harmon

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Altiere

Mr. Robert Caperna

Mr. and Mrs. John Elfrey

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Harner

Miss Caitlyn M. Ames

Mr. and Mrs. Ian G. Cardall

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Eller

Mr. and Mrs. Brooke Harris

Miss Kaitlyn B. Anderson

Miss Alexandra A. Carella

Ms. Jennifer Ewing

Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey Hasenauer

Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Angeletti

Mrs. Alice Carpenter

Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Fabula

Miss Maureen R. Hattrup


Mrs. Rosalie A. Carroll

Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Fenwick

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hattrup


Ms. Antoinette Carter

Miss Alyssa T. Ferguson

Mr. James M. Hauf


Mr. and Mrs. William Carver

Colonel and Mrs. Gerard W. Fischer

Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Hayden

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Ascosi

Ms. Paula E. Cavanaugh

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Fitzmaurice

Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Heubeck

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Auer

Miss Theresa Cecil

Ms. Janet Flanagan

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Hillman

Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Avara

Mrs. Jennifer Chen

Mr. Charles A. Fleischer

Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Hobart, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ayres

Mr. and Mrs. Dana Mark Childress

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Florenzo

Ms. Theresa A. Hodge

Miss Hilary S. Badger

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Cinquino

Miss Amy Fly

Miss Keri Holt

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bailey

Mrs. and Mr. Pamela Clemens-Mattern

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Fly

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holt

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Baker

Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Cohagan

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ford

Mrs. Carolyn Hornack

Mr. and Mrs. Chad L. Baker

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Colburn

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Forsyth

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis H. Horsmon

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Baker

Mr. G. Stephen Cole

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forton

Mr. Jeffrey Hosier

Mrs. Dolores Baker

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Collins

Mrs. Patricia Fraser

Sister Mary Thomas Huffman, O.P.

Ms. M. Constance Baker

Miss Mary Connolly

Ms. Lucia Fraser

Miss Sarah Hughes

Miss Rebecca Bankard

Ms. Catherine Connors

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Fuchs

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Hughes

Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Bankard, III

Mr. and Mrs. Christian M. Copp

Miss Valerie A. Fuecker

Mr. and Mrs. T. Kevin Hughes

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Barrett

Mr. and Mrs. James Costello

Mr. Sean Gannon

Miss Erin Hunter

Ms. Therese L. Barrett

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Crampton, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Garner

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hunter

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Barth

Mrs. Dorothy M. Cross

Miss Amanda Gates

Mr. William Hunter

Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Bateman

Miss Margaret C. Croxson

Miss Blake B. Gentner

Ms. Sandra O. Jackson

Ms. Anne A. Beatty

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cugle

Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Georgieff

Miss Clare E. Jennings

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Beliveau

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Cunningham

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Geraghty, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Johnson

Miss Elizabeth Bell

Miss Allyson E. Curley

Mr. and Ms. David Gers

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jones

Mr. + and Mrs. John T. Benzing

Miss Kirsten Dahlberg

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Giampapa

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Beynon

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Darminio, Jr.

Ms. Catherine Gill

Ms. Corinne M. Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blair, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis

Mr. Zafar A. Gill

Mr. William R. Kennedy

Ms. Suzanne Blair

Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Deeley

Mr. James P. Gillece

Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Kenney

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blatchley

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Delaney

Mr. and Mrs. James Gleason

Mr. and Mrs. Seth Kerekes

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Block

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Paul Delgado

Miss Nina D. Glose

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kiehl

Mr. John Bodnar and Dr. Mary Ellen P. Bodnar

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Demski

Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Gosnell, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Klug

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Boehk

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Deutsch

Miss Victoria L. Gottleib

Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Knight

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bohan

Mrs. Betty Dice

Miss Annie K. Grace

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Koenig, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Bohn

Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Diehl, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greene

Dr. James P. Konerman

Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Bowman

Miss Brooke E. Dignan

Dr. and Mrs. Ercolini Gresia

Mrs. Brooke L. Korch

Mr. William A. Boyle

Ms. Sally DiMarco

Ms. Mary Griber

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Kuehnl

Miss Anna Brand

Mr. John H. Doud, III

Mrs. Mary E. Griffith

Mrs. Lucy M. Kunert

Mrs. Emma Jo Brantley

Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Dubbs

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Grochmal

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kwiatkowski

Mrs. Natalie I. Brewer

Mrs. Elissa Boffen Dubyoski

Miss Katey E. Grogan

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kyle

Miss Ali M. Brill

Mr. and Mrs. James Dubyoski

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Grogan

Miss Margaret LaCourse

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buhr

Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Dubyoski

Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Grose

Mr. and Mrs. William LaCourse

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bullwinkle

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dudley

Mr. and Mrs. Christian H. Gueritot

Ms. Mary Lou LaMartina

+ deceased


Annual Report: ANNUAL GIVING


“Be who you are and be that perfectly well”

How has Mount de Sales Academy prepared you to

- St. Francis de Sales

“The Student Council program at Mount de Sales has helped me to develop as a leader in the faith. I have participated in Student Council both years at Mount de Sales and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I’m thankful for the skills it teaches me about communication and leadership.” - Mary Popp ‘17

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lamont

Ms. Marilyn T. Mattingly

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nolan

Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson

Mr. and Mrs. James Langan

Miss Elizabeth A. May

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Norton

Miss Veronica Rittie

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Lanthier

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McAuliffe

Ms. Joyce E. Nuttall

Mrs. Barbara Leister Ritz

Mrs. Dorothy O. Lappe

Ms. Francesca McCrary

Mrs. Jessica M. C. Nyman

Mr. Louis S. Rizzo

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lawrence

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McDonald

Ms. Laura E. O’Friel

Miss Ashley M. Robertson

Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Lee

Ms. Annie McDonald

Mr. and Mrs. Oladiji O. Omisore

Mr. and Mrs. Robin W. Robertson

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Legendre

Miss Megan C. McGrain

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. O’Neill

Miss Maria E. Romanelli

Mr. Lawrence Leibhart

Miss Molly E. McGrain

Mr. and Mrs. James E. O’Neill

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Romeo, Jr.

Mr. Bernard J. Lewis

Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGrain

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Ordakowski

Miss Mary J. Rosa

Mr. William H. Lewis +

Mrs. Margaret S. McGrath

Mrs. Sarah Ostendorf

Mr. and Mrs. Alex J. Rosa

Ms. Christina Liberto

Mrs. Eugenia H. McKim

Mrs. Joanne Parks

Mrs. Harriet L. Rose

Dr. and Mrs. Trevor Lipscombe

C.R. McLachlan

Miss Stephanie R. Payton

Mrs. Angela C. Rossetti

Miss Erin Lloyd

Mr. and Mrs. Bill McLaughlin

Ms. Robin Peace

Ms. Mary Kathleen Russell

Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Lowe, III

Mr. and Mrs. William McQuay

Mr. Jose Perez

Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Rutkowski, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lund

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard C. Melka

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Pescrille

Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Ruzzi

Ms. Stephanie Luzier

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Melka

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Priller

Miss Emily Sadler

Mrs. Dianne C. Lybolt

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Meng

Mrs. Jennifer A. Plyler

Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Salazar

Ms. Nancy Maguire

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Middlecamp

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Pope

Mrs. Rita Murray Saltysiak

Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Mahan

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Posner

Ms. Claire Sargo

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mahon

Mr. and Mrs. David C. Miller

Miss Kathleen Preis

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sasser

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mahoney

Ms. Diane Miller

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Price

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Schapiro

Ms. Carolyn Majerowicz

Mrs. Inez L. Mix

Miss Taylor Price

Mr. and Mrs. Valentine J. Schell, Jr.

Miss Maria Malagari

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Moran

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Printz

Miss Hannah Z. Schmidt

Miss Lindsay M. Manser

Mrs. Diane L. Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. Terrence A. Puglisi

Miss Jodi L. Schneider

Mr. and Mrs. David H. Manser

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Murphy

Miss Jennifer A. Pumphrey

Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Schuberth

Miss Kathryn C. Marlatt

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Muth

Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Ramsburg

Mrs. Maria Schwendinger

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob D. Martin

Mr. and Mrs. James Myers

Miss Julie A. Ratcliffe

Mrs. Mary C. Scranton

Ms. Megan Mastroianni

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Nettles

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Reed

Mr. Earl Seboda

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Matanoski

Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Nitsch

Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Reis

Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand M. Selby


+ deceased

Annual Report: ANNUAL GIVING Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Selby, Jr.

Mr. Robert M. Tirocchi

Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Whitney

American Trading and Production Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Sheridan

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Tringali

Miss Lauren E. Wiegmann

Miss Caitlin A. Shoemaker

Miss Megan Tucker

Mr. and Mrs. F. Joseph Wieman

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Amrhein

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Sikorsky, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Tucker

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Wilhelm

Ms. Theresa Angelozzi

Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Simms

Ms. E. Anne Tull

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wills


Miss Mary Skora

Ms. Mary Jo Tull

Ms. Kathleen Wills


Miss Catherine M. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. William Tupper

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wingard

AUVSI Foundation

Miss Kerry A. Smith

Miss Sarah Turgeon

Miss Julie Elizabeth Winpisinger

Bank of America

Mr. and Mrs. Angus O. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turgeon

Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Wiseman

Dr. and Mrs. James L. Stafford

Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Varner

Ms. Margaret M. Woods

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barnes

Ms. Mary J. Stanton

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Verch

Mr. and Mrs. George H. Wright

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Barrick

Miss Megan Steffe

Miss Natalie Vidmar

Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Wrisk

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bednego

Mrs. Ann Harmon Steffens

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vollaro

Miss Emily M. Zalucki

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Belden

Mrs. Rose M. Stevens

Miss Gabriella R. Voso

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Zeltman, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Belk

Miss Hannah K. Strasser

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wallace

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ziegenhein, III

Mrs. Colleen Berry

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Swann

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Warner

Sister Judith Ann Ziegler, I.H.M.

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bielaski

Mr. Zoltan S. Szabo

Mr. and Mrs. W. David Warner

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ziff

Dr. and Mrs. Damian Birchess

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Tacka, Sr.

Mrs. Sharon G. Washko

Mrs. Janet P. Zinzeleta

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black

Mr. Raymond Tallon

Mr. and Mrs. David Wasmund

Ms. Carol J. Tamburo

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Watkins


Mr. and Mrs. George Blyth, III

Mr. John Tanner +

Mr. and Mrs. Matas Webb


Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boffen

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon R. Tate

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Weber

Gifts $100 - $499

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bonner

Miss Lucia M. Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weetenkamp

Mrs. Bernardine Abell-McNulty

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bracken

Miss Megan M. Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wells

Academy Heights Civic Association

Dr. and Mrs. Clark Brill

Mr. and Mrs. Brooke Thompson

Ms. Deborah A. Wetzel +

Active Excursions

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whelan

Aegon Transamerica Foundation

Mrs. Mary J. Thompson

Miss Anastasia White

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Brzostowski

Mrs. Ruth R. White

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ajluni

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn D. Tibbo

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McCormack

Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Holden

Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Blurton-Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. Siebert

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Howard

Mrs. Mary Kay R. Burch


“Be who you are and be that perfectly well”

How has Mount de Sales Academy prepared you to

- St. Francis de Sales

“Mount de Sales encourages individuality. I have found that there are so many different opportunities in academics, sports, fine arts, and service experiences. I’m very involved with the fine arts department. When teachers and friends come to support our productions on stage, it shows how the MDSA community appreciates each individual girl involved with theater.” - Mary Morency ‘15

+ deceased | Italics indicate Corporate Matching Gift


Annual Report: ANNUAL GIVING Mr. and Mrs. Philip Burr

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Eichelberger

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Haines

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Calderone

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F. Gmeiner

Miss Kara M. Hand

Mrs. Ann H. Kendrall

Ms. Judith G. Campbell

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard C. Fell

Mr. David Hand and Ms. Mary Dan

Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Kerr

Mr. and Mrs. John Carmody

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Finley

Miss Brittany Handler

Mrs. Melanie Killian

Father Ernest Cibelli

Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Flaherty

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hanlon

Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. King

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Clancy

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fleckenstein

Mr. Richard Harmon

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. King

Mr. and Mrs. Lucien L. Clark

Mrs. Kelly A. Fox

Mrs. Maureen C. Harris

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kirby

Mr. and Mrs. John Clements

Mr. Michael J. Frentz

Mr. and Mrs. Norman V. Henn

Ms. Emily Ko

Dr. and Mrs. O. Dale Collins, III

Mrs. Dorothy Temmink Furnary

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Herrmann

Ms. Elizabeth Krastel

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Connolly

Mr. Joseph A. Gallo

Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Herron

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Kurek, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Coolahan, Jr.

Ms. Marian E. Garvey

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hewins

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lanciotti

Mr. and Mrs. Clark Culp

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Geier

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Hisky

Mrs. Rosemarie S. Laque

Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Czaja

Mr. and Mrs. John Geppi

Mrs. Mary R. Holden

Mrs. Corinne M. Larkin

Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Darmody

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Giroux

Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Holden

Mrs. Lynne Miller Lee

Mrs. Alice M. Dasch

Mrs. Mary Jo Giulioni

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Holland

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Leo


“Be who you are and be that perfectly well”

How has Mount de Sales Academy prepared you to

- St. Francis de Sales

Mount de Sales Academy has given me many opportunities to explore and grow. However, I am most grateful for the guidance I have received to truly become the woman God wants me to be.” -Olivia Sherno ‘16

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Glagola

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Hooper

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Lightner

Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Glose

Dr. and Mrs. Scott A. Huber

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lombardi

Mr. and Mrs. Jed L. DeFalco

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Goodney

Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Hufford

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lombardo

Mrs. Louise DeFeo

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn P. Gordon

Ms. Stephanie A. Hunter

Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Losiewski

Ms. Sally DeSapio

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gottleib

Ms. Lisa M. Hussman

Mrs. Susan H. Lyon

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Diegelman

Mrs. Nancy V. Gover

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Jaecksch

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Maguire

Mr. and Mrs. Victor P. Doda

Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Grebosky

Dr. Bayly E. Janson-La Palme

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Maher

Mr. and Mrs. Louis D’Orsaneo

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Greene

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jennings

Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Malarkey, III

Mr. Edward Doyle

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Gregg

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Malloy

Mrs. Mary Ellen L. Doyle

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Gretz

Mr. and Mrs. James T. Johnson, Jr.

Ms. Katherine A. Malloy

Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Dragin

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gretz

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jopson

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marlatt

Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Dubyoski

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Groot

Mr. and Mrs. Roch Kallmyer

Mrs. Jeanne Martin

Sister Mary Catherine Duerr, S.U.S.C.

Miss Jennifer M. Hackett

Mr. Raymond J. Kane, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Martineau

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Duffy

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hagen

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Marx


Annual Report: ANNUAL GIVING


“Be who you are and be that perfectly well”

How has Mount de Sales Academy prepared you to

- St. Francis de Sales

“Mount de Sales showed me that you don’t have to be excellent at everything to be a part of something important. As long as you are being yourself, there is a place for you. There are so many opportunities to find something in which you can excel and share with the entire community.” - Bri’onna Gardner ‘16

Ms. Jessica M. Marxen

Ms. Helene M. O’Higgins

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmidt

Mr. Gregory K. Walton

Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. McCarthy

Father Joseph O’Meara

Mr. and Mrs. David Schorr

Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Ward

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McClain

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Owen

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Schwarz

Mr. Scott Ward

Miss Elizabeth McCollum

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Padgett

Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. Siebert

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Weadon

Mr. Gary McCormack

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Payton

Ms. Barbara L. Siegrist

Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Webster

Dr. and Mrs. Gregory McCormack

Mr. and Mrs. David D. Person

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne F. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. White

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McCormack

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Phelps

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Smoot

Mr. and Mrs. James White

Dr. Sharon J. McCormack

Captain and Mrs. Thomas M. Pigoski

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Snodgrass

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wille, Jr.

Mr. William McCormack, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poisal

Mr. and Mrs. Jan E. Sochurek

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams

Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael McDonough

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Preis

Ms. Nicole M. Sroka

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Witt

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. McDowell

Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Prozeller

St. Agnes Church

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wright

Mr. and Mrs. William McMahon

Ms. Jeanmarie Puglisi

Dr. and Mrs. Dorian S. St. Martin

Dr. and Mrs. James Zalucki

Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. McNulty

Mr. and Mrs. John Quirk

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Stankovic

Mr. + and Mrs. Leo J. Zerhusen

Mr. and Mrs. Alfonse Meccariello

Mr. Jerome Reddy

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Stetz

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Zitzer

Mr. and Mrs. James Menendez

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Reinckens

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Street

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Mentzel, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Reiter

Mr. Eddie Strickland


Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Renehan

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stryjewski


Ms. Teresa Muhl

Ms. Angela M. Rinaudo

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Swanner

Gifts $500 - $999

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mulholland

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Rittie

Mr. and Mrs. G. Harman Switzer, III

Class of 1988

Reverend Edward J. Mullowney, S.S.J.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Robinson

Ms. Teresa S. Tacka

Mr. Michael J. Abromaitis and

Mrs. Bonnie L. Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Roesler

Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Tilyou

Ms. Michelle Natale

Miss Mollie Rogers

Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Tirocchi


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nava

Mrs. Mary Ann Roth

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Todd

Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Arnold

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Neary

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ruf

Mr. and Mrs. William Trautwein

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bergbauer

Mr. Henry Nejfelt

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ryan

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turgeon

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blee

Ms. Jeane M. Neuman

Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Ryan

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Vidmar

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Burns

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Nevin

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Sawyer

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vikander

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell

Miss Jennifer Nevin

Mr. and Mrs. John Scavilla

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Vogelpohl

Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Culotta

Northrop Grumman Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schall

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Donahue

Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Schluth

Ms. Sheila Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Geier


Mrs. Mary Kay R. Burch

Dr. Carol N. Abromaitis

+ deceased | Italics indicate Corporate Matching Gift

Annual Report: ANNUAL GIVING


“Be who you are and be that perfectly well”

How has Mount de Sales Academy prepared you to

- St. Francis de Sales

“The extraordinary faith presence at Mount de Sales plays an indispensable role in my faith development, self awareness, and discovery of my individuality. Mount de Sales has given me the confidence to embrace my unique, God-given talents in an environment that is both challenging and encouraging.” - Caroline Arnold ‘16

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen W. George

United Way of Central Maryland

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Giermek


Mrs. Frances Grace Glinka

Mr. and Mrs. David H. Manser

Mr. J. Sebastian Grabenstein

Gifts $5,000 - $9,999

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goyena

Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hasson


Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hauf

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Van Wie

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Howland

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Arnold

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hennessy

Mr. and Mrs. Edward von Lange

Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes

Mr. and Mrs. John Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Hockstra

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Williams

Mr. Edward Julio

Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Falter, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Jennings

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wineholt

Mrs. Sally M. Norton

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Lukowski

Mrs. Mary G. Jobson

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Witt

Mr. and Mrs. Don Pistorio

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Schweitzer

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Reiter

Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Smyth

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Krastel Lt. Col. Elizabeth A. Kruger, USA Retired


Reverend Michael J. P. Roach

Trinity Quality Homes, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Lund

Gifts $1,000 - $2,499

Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Ryan

Mrs. Mary Jo Warthen

Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. MacLean

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Audy

Ms. Sharon Stoliaroff

Mrs. Marie McCarthy

Dr. and Mrs. John Baronas

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Svehla


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Minnich, III

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Szczybor


Mr. Patrick Neubauer

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Butler

Tommy’s Food Service

Gifts $10,000 - $24,999

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nevin

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Counselman

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Voigt, Jr.


Northrop Grumman Foundation

Mrs. Jowina Crehan

Ms. Frances Daum


Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pfau

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stryjewski

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dignam

Gifts $2,500 - $4,999

Mr. and Mrs. Louis V. Pugliese

Ms. Donna Szuba

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Dignan


Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Rogers

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Dinoto, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Arnold

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Riddle, Jr.

Employees Charity Organization of

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ehrman


Mr. and Mrs. David A. Roling

Northrop Grumman

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Picco

Gifts $50,000 - $99,999

Miss Veronica A. Ruf

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jopson

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Ivan H. Garcia

Ms. Elizabeth M. Saverino

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turgeon

T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.

Mrs. Velia J. Saverino

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Witt

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Burns

Mr. and Mrs. Jon Shoemaker

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Forgen

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Dignan

Mr. and Mrs. David Skomba

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Garland

Ms. Diane Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Smith

Giant Food - Ahold Financial Services

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wineholt

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Jones

Italics indicate Corporate Matching Gift

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Gallagher


Annual Report: ANNUAL GIVING


“Be who you are and be that perfectly well”

How has Mount de Sales Academy prepared you to

- St. Francis de Sales

“Mount de Sales has blessed me with numerous opportunities to explore my interests and truly grow into the woman who God created me to be. Whether through academics, athletics, or other activities, I have been welcomed and encouraged without hesitation to do and be my best for the glory of God.” - Rachel Maher ‘15

The generosity of generations of alumnae, parents, grandparents, and friends enables Mount de Sales Academy to fulfill its mission of

Watch the Class of 2014 Academic Excellence in the Catholic Tradition while ensuring that current and future students will have the resources they need. There are many sing the Alma Mater during opportunities for giving at Mount de Sales Academy, whether it’s supporting the Capital Campaign, the Annual Giving Campaign, or giving to the 162nd Commencement

specific scholarship funds. Scan to learn about ways to make a gift, how to establish memorials or honorariums, or to donate NOW!


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marciszewski

Commander and Mrs. William J. Boulay

Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Hobart, Jr.

Gifts up to $99

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Maselko

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Hufford

Mrs. Regina M. Amoss

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. McClelland

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jopson


Ms. Annie McDonald

Mr. James Bryant

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baldwin

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn McHale

Commander and Mrs. Kirk S. Burgamy

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. King

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bauer

Ms. Megan E. McKenna

Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Calderone

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Koenig

Ms. Anne A. Beatty

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller

Ms. Judith G. Campbell

Mrs. Harriet K. Krotz

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Beliveau

Ms. Diane Miller

Ms. Sarah Canaris

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kvech

Mr. and Mrs. Brendon Bengermino

Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Morency

Mr. and Mrs. Ian G. Cardall

Ms. Mary Lou LaMartina

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Benzing

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Nance

Mr. and Mrs. John Carmody

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lanciotti

Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Blurton-Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A.S. Nauman

Mrs. Elisa Ann China

Mrs. Lynne Miller Lee

Mrs. Natalie I. Brewer

Miss Carolyn Nettina

Mr. and Mrs. John Clements

Mr. and Mrs. Emory M. Lesho

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brocato

Miss Laura T. Neugebauer

Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Cohagan

Mr. and Mrs. Li-fang Liang

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Brusini

Miss Laura Nevin

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Connolly

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mahon

Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Buck

Ms. Amanda Ognissanti

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Coolahan, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. David H. Manser

Mr. Kirk Burgamy

Mr. and Mrs. Will Phillips

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Counselman

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Marlatt

Ms. Antoinette Carter

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Procopio

Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Darmody

Mrs. Ellen R. McAdams

Mr. Ryan Cashman

Ms. Katherine Reichelt

Mr. and Mrs. Al H. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Shaun R. McCullough

Miss Hannah Church

Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. McDowell

Mrs. Patricia Dahlberg

Mrs. Angela C. Rossetti

Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Davis

Miss Colleen McKenna

Mr. Frank DeGeorge

Miss Emily Saia

Mr. Stephen Delgado

Mr. and Mrs. James M. McKinnon, II

Mr. Steve N. Delgado

Mrs. Velia J. Saverino

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Diffenbaugh

Ms. Mary Mires

Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Dragin

Miss Amelia Schmidt

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Dignan

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ehrman

Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Schwartz

Mr. and Mrs. George T. Divver

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nava

Ms. Alberta Eidman

Mrs. Merry K. Seablom

Mr. and Mrs. Louis D’Orsaneo

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. O’Connell

Mr. and Mrs. John Elfrey

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Sullivan

Miss Elizabeth L. Evans

Mr. Gregory M. Olszewski

Mr. and Mrs. Pete Evans

Ms. Carol J. Tamburo

Fannie Mae

Father Joseph O’Meara

Mr. and Mrs. Hamed Fenwick

Mr. Joseph L. Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Panzer

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Fucci

Mr. and Mrs. Jaime C. Tolentino

Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Feustle

Mr. and Mrs. Garland L. Payne

Miss Merena Gettmann

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tompkins

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Fink

Mr. and Mrs. Ian Penn

Mr. and Mrs. Brendan G. Glasgow

Ms. Ada Vergne

Mr. and Mrs. John Frizzera, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Purkey

Ms. Anna Glorioso

Ms. Jennifer P. Vulgaris

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Fuchs

Mr. Jerome Reddy

Mrs. Kathleen T. Greenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilhelm

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Gentner, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Reif

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Grochmal

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Zambotti

Mr. and Mrs. Eric George

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Reinckens

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Grogan

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Zeltman, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth George

Ms. Angela M. Rinaudo

Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Haight

Miss Sharon Zerhusen

Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Gettmann

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Rittie

Mrs. Frances Grace Glinka

Reverend Michael J.P. Roach

Mr. and Mrs. Erik A. Hauptmann

Mr. and Mrs. John Frizzera, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Raver

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Holland


Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Glose

Mrs. Maria Schwendinger

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hunter


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goyena

Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Shafer

Ms. Stephanie A. Hunter

Gifts $100 - $499

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greene

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Shoemaker

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Amrhein

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Gregg

Miss Emma L. Staley

Colonel and Mrs. Thomas G. Keller

Mr. and Mrs. Emerito Asuncion

Dr. and Mrs. Edward Hall

St. Agnes Church

Ms. Corinne M. Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Bankard, III

Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey R. Hamilton

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stryjewski

Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. King

Dr. and Mrs. James Baronas

Miss Kara M. Hand

Ms. Teresa S. Tacka

Ms. Rolena M. King

Mr. and Mrs. Irving T. Basil, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hargadon

Ms. Katherine Tomasulo

Mrs. Brooke L. Korch

Ms. Amy Beatty

Mr. and Mrs. John Hartnagel

Mr. and Mrs. John V. Tomasulo

Mr. and Mrs. Luis MacDonald

Ms. Denise Beck

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hauf

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Van Natta

Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Mahan

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Beyea

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Herrmann

Ms. Chandler D. Vicchio

Ms. Carolyn Majerowicz

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Boland

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Hiltz

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walls

Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Malarkey, III

Ms. Shari L. Boric

Mr. Thomas M. Hisky, Sr.

Mrs. Mary Jo Warthen

+ deceased | Italics indicate Corporate Matching Gift



Annual Report: CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Watkins

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mohler

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McNulty

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Gallagher

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Welzant

Mr. and Mrs. Sean Muldoon

Reverend Edward J. Mullowney, S.S.J.

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Garland

Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. White

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Munson

Mr. and Mrs. Don Pistorio

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Giermek

Mr. Robert J. Wobbeking

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Nevin

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Reiter

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Lukowski

Mrs. Dale V. Wolters

Mrs. Sally M. Norton

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rittie

Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. MacLean

Mr. and Mrs. George H. Wright

Ms. Elizabeth M. Saverino

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Rogers

Parents’ Club of Mount de Sales Academy

Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Zerhusen

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Seeberger

Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Ryan

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Roohan

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Ziegler

Mr. and Mrs. David Skomba

Sanders Designs

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Schweitzer

Mrs. Elizabeth Stein

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Schmid


Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Walther

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sherno



Mr. + and Mrs. Edward J. Weglein

Mr. and Mrs. Clint Sliker


Gifts $500 - $999

Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Woo

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Smith

Gifts $10,000 - $24,999

Apartment Services, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ziegenhein, III

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Smoot

Mr. Michael J. Abromaitis and

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Binette

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Stark

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell


Mr. and Mrs. Brian V. Sterner

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Arnold

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cecil

Gifts $1,000 - $2,499

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Szczybor

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Geier

Ms. Cynthia A. Clark


Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Talbert

Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Martin

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Croxson

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Balick

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Topper

Mr. and Mrs. Mark McVearry

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Doherty

Dr. and Mrs. John Baronas

Mr. and Mrs. J. Rocco Vicchio, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Eichelman

Mr. and Mrs. John Bobbitt

Mr. and Mrs. Edward von Lange

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Mules

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Flynn

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brinker

Wells Fargo

Mr. Jack Pechter

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Glagola

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burke

Mr. Lou Rehak, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. William Glover

Capital One

Mr. and Mrs. William Ziegler

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Voigt, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Gretz

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ziff

Mr. and Mrs. Armand J. Volta, Jr.

Miss Jennifer M. Hackett

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Clarke

Congressman and Mrs.+ Andrew P. Harris

Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Culotta


Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Hayden

Ms. Frances Daum

Gifts $2,500 - $4,999


Mr. and Mrs. Tucker S. Hite

Sister Philip Joseph Davis, O.P.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Altoz


Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes

Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Finley


Gifts $25,000 - $49,999

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Huston

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Florenzo

Mr. and Mrs. James Dubyoski


Mr. and Mrs. Chris Izydore

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Getka

Dr. and Mrs. Michael May

Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Falter, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff K. Jurney

G.P. Carpentry, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shearer

Mr. and Mrs. Roch Kallmyer

Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Grebosky

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Smith


Ms. Elizabeth M. Krastel

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gretz

Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Whelan

Gifts $50,000 - $99,999

Mr. Eugene Lappe, III

Mr. David Hand and Ms. Mary Dan

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lombardi

Howard Bank


Mr. William P. Lynch and Mrs. Kathy E. Norton

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Howland

Gifts $5,000 - $9,999

Mr. and Mrs. Keith T. McQuay

Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Jennings



T. Rowe Price

Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Kaufman

Mr. and Mrs. John Clark


Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Jennings

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gretz

Dr. Carol N. Abromaitis

Dr. and Mrs. James Zalucki

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Croteau

Captain and Dr. Donald Marcus

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Diegelman

Gifts $100,000 - $249,999

Mr. and Mrs. John V. Mianulli

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Marx

Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. DiPino

Ms. Norma C. Wheatley +

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller

Reverend Walter J. McGovern

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Forgen

Mr. and Mrs. Keith T. McQuay

THANK YOU! Pope Francis announced a Year of Consecrated Life to help increase an understanding of the life of religious sisters, brothers, and priests, and their role in the Church. To support this appeal, the Dominican Sisters at MDSA, dedicated to the education of young people, held a Convent Open House on Monday, February 23 and welcomed the community into their home. We graciously thank all those who generously donated to Phase I of the Capital Campaign, which allowed completion of the new Convent, HVAC, and campus security. + deceased | Italics indicate Corporate Matching Gift


Annual Report



Black & White Dinner

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Berdan

Mr. and Mrs. Garland L. Payne

Mr. George Brookhart

Mr. and Mrs. John Scavilla

Ms. Judith A. Cheek

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Smoot

Benefactors gathered on October 18, 2014, to celebrate

Mr. and Mrs. John Elfrey


philanthropy at Mount de Sales Academy. We were pleased to

Mr. Shawn M. Hendon

WR Grace and Company


welcome new members to our top-level giving societies through their support of the Capital Campaign Phase II, turf field.

Sister Constance Baker, SSND

Mrs. Mary Jo Puglisi P’18

Sister Peter Marie Chrismer, O.P.

Mrs. Mary Ritter Roth ’43 P’65 ’70

Sister Philip Joseph Davis, O.P.

Miss London Smith ’16

and was followed by dinner in Alumnae Hall. Invited guests gave

Mrs. Eileen C. Facchina P’06 ’10 ’11

Miss Kristen Vargas ’14

or pledged $5,000 or more to support various priority projects

Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Falter, Jr. ’60

Mrs. Ursula Hentz Varner ’46 GP’14

including Capital Campaign, scholarships, and Annual Giving.

Mrs. Joan F. Weglein ’53

P’84 ’86 GP’18

Miss Lindsey Foster ’16

Class of 1959

Sister Mary Thomas Huffman, O.P.

Class of 1960

Miss Jessica Jurney ’14

Class of 1973

Ms. Christina Liberto ’96

Class of 2014

Mrs. Kristen Varner O’Boyle ’92

The evening started with Mass in the Chapel of St. Francis de Sales

Many of these sacrificial gifts were pledges of $5,000 or more that will be paid off over a period of up to five years. We are grateful to these and all of our donors for supporting Mount de Sales through their financial investment for the benefit of our



Ms. Rene J. Altiere

Mr. Arthur J. McColgan

Mr. Jack T. Benzing GP’10

Mrs. M. Alma McCormack ’36

Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Brinker GP’16

Ms. Linda D. Bullard ’73

Ms. Marion Kaye McCormack ’72

Mrs. Mary Butterhoff

Dr. John C. Norton, Jr.

Mr. Chris Cuddebeck

Mrs. Ruth Rehak

Mrs. Julia Peach Doyle ’41

Mrs. Sally Ross GP’12 ’13

Ms. Rose Fleckenstein ’51

Ms. Dolores Ryan

Mr. Gordon F. Handler

Mr. Gering J. Senner P’74 ’77

Mr. Nicholas Incaprera

Mr. Earl Johnson

Ms. Valerie Sheridan ’77

Mrs. Jean Kane

Mrs. Margaret Lusco Tamburo

Mrs. Kathryn Theresa Kearns

Mr. Jack Weglein

Mrs. A. Frances Peach Kirk ’50

Ms. Nancy Gardner Witte ’37

P’72 ’77 GP’16

GP’96 ’97 ’02 ’03 ’06 ’07 ’08


Every gift is important to Mount de Sales Academy. However, in a list of this magnitude, errors sometimes occur. The gifts reflected in this report were received by Mount de Sales Academy between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. If you know that a donor's name has been misspelled, incorrectly placed, or omitted, please accept our sincere apology. We are grateful if you would inform us of any such errors at the Mount de Sales Academy Development Office at 410.744.8498. Thank you for your generosity and continued support of Mount de Sales Academy. You remain daily in the prayers of our Sisters, students, faculty, and staff.


2 Photo 1: Benefactors celebrated the successes made possible through philanthropy. Photo 2: Members of the MDSA Concert Choir (l to r) Isabel O’Connell ‘16, Jenna Polignone ‘16, Diane Miller ‘15, Mary Morency ‘15, and Kathleen Garvey ‘16.

Alumnae Giving: BY CLASS YEAR CLASS OF 1937


Mrs. Mary C. Scranton


Ms. M. Constance Baker

Mrs. Nancy Smith Davis

Mrs. Helen Walters Sikorsky

Mrs. Karen Appler Heubeck

Mrs. Catherine Roloson Counselman

Lt. Col. Elizabeth Kruger, USA Retired

Mrs. Rose DiPaolo Stevens

Mrs. Ellen Roberts McAdams

In memory of Ms. Nancy Gardner Witte

Ms. Jeane Neuman CLASS OF 1959

Ms. Joyce Ellen Nuttall



Mrs. Elizabeth Meehan Dragin

Mrs. F. Louise Lilley Smith

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Dumler Griffith

Mrs. Patricia LeVay Garland

Mrs. Jane Mellendick Grochmal

Mrs. Kathlyn McCarthy Tupper

In memory of Mrs. A. Frances Peach Kirk

Mrs. Inez Hopkins Mix

Mrs. Judith Schiaffino Wille

Mrs. Maria Buettner Reisler

Mrs. Anne Migan Ramsburg

CLASS OF 1941 In memory of Mrs. Julia Peach Doyle


Mrs. Patricia Wright Decker

Mrs. Dorothy Temmink Furnary

In memory of Ms. Rose Fleckenstein

Mrs. Diane Neubauer Murphy

Mrs. Merry Rogers Appler Seablom


In honor of Class of 1959

Mrs. Patricia Jayne Cascio Bonner Mrs. Jane Stutz Koenig


Mrs. Nancy Clayton Mahoney

Mrs. Katherine D. Benzing

Ms. Barbara Siegrist


Mrs. Katherine T. Brusini

Mrs. Susan Roth Tomasulo


Mrs. Janice Curran Collins

Mrs. Alice Marie Darby Falter

Mrs. Mary Ann Ritter Roth

Mrs. Eugenia Hogg McKim

In honor of Mrs. Alice Marie Darby Falter


Mrs. Teresa Slicher Fenwick

Mrs. Marguerite Blair Ehart


Mrs. Diane Edmonds Harris

Mrs. Patricia Elliott-Gmeiner

Mrs. Frances Grace Glinka

Ms. Mary Lou LaMartina

Mrs. Nancy Vaeth Gover


Mrs. Joan Feehly Weglein

Mrs. Frances Streckfus Meccariello

Mrs. Nancy Frey Malloy

Mrs. Emma Jo Peach Brantley

In honor of Mrs. Joan Feehly Weglein

Mrs. Corinne Dignan Muth

Mrs. Mary Poisal Mentzel

Mrs. Eleanor Wise Prozeller

Mrs. Christine Ferrara Purkey

Mrs. Margaret Strickroth McGrath

In honor of Mrs. Mary Ann Ritter Roth Ms. Margaret Woods

Ms. Marian Garvey Mrs. Grace Culleton Harmon


Mrs. Susan Devlin Switzer

Mrs. Harriet Wills Rose

Mrs. Mary Neville Thompson

Mrs. Dorothy Kramer Cross

Mrs. Mary A. Federline Tolentino

Mrs. Kathleen Clements Tate

Mrs. Virginia Athey Deutsch

Mrs. Margaret Dukehart Whitney

Mrs. Barbara Leister Ritz

In honor of Class of 1960


Mrs. Katherine Percival Colburn

Mrs. Olivia Peach Gleason





Mrs. Dianne Catalana Lybolt

Ms. E. Anne Tull

Mrs. Rosalie Brocato Carroll

Mrs. A. Lynn Tawney Street

Mrs. Mary Ellen Lancelotta Doyle

Mrs. Jessie Henn Tacka

Mrs. Rosemarie Serio Laque Mrs. Ursula Hentz Varner


Mrs. Kathleen Showacre Greenberg

Mrs. JoAnn Kuhn Weber

In honor of Mrs. Ursula Hentz Varner

Mrs. Margaret Rose Davis

Mrs. Mary Carroll Klug

Mrs. Dale Vicchio Wolters

Mrs. Lucy Brocato Kunert

Mrs. Harriet Redmiles Krotz

Mrs. Sandra Liberto Zitzer


Mrs. Rita Mellendick McDonough

Mrs. Joanne Bloom Parks

Mrs. Alice Brown Dasch

Mrs. Patricia Henn McNulty

Mrs. Susan Hoover Lyon

Ms. Angela Rinaudo


Ms. Norma Wheatley +

Ms. Mary Kathleen Russell

Mrs. Margaret Walsh Groot

Mrs. Joan Clark Zeltman

Ms. Mary Jo Tull

Mrs. Melanie Reese Killian


Mrs. Mary Claire Gilley Knight

Mrs. Deborah Tawney Diehl

Mrs. Faye Provenza Kuehnl

Mrs. Bernadette Neville Hillman

Mrs. Janet Plunkett Zinzeleta CLASS OF 1958

CLASS OF 1968 Ms. Sally DiMarco

Mrs. Ann Hennigan Kendrall


Mrs. Joan Hook Dubbs

Ms. Anne Aiken Beatty

Mrs. Diane Turner Fleckenstein


Mrs. Catherine Temmink Dollard

Mrs. Elizabeth Dorsey Gentner

Mrs. Patricia Just Grose

Mrs. Katherine Jane Peters Geier

Mrs. Martha Giese Gresia

Mrs. Jean Serba Jaecksch


Mrs. Eileen Snellinger Geraghty

Mrs. Mary Dodson Jobson

Mrs. Lynne Miller Lee

Mrs. Sandy Roth Burgamy

Mrs. Rita Murray Saltysiak

Mrs. Corinne Lusco Larkin

Mrs. Jean Blackert McMahon

Mrs. Victoria Fields Keller

Mrs. Ann Harmon Steffens

Mrs. Karen Muse Lightner

Mrs. Patricia O’Neill Wallace

Mrs. Nora Coakley Reiter

Mrs. Regina Fortin Wieman

Mrs. Judith Zei Pescrille

Ms. Sheila Walsh

Ms. Carol Tamburo

+ deceased

Mrs. Diane Ziegler Swanner


Alumnae Giving: BY CLASS YEAR CLASS OF 1971




Mrs. Patricia Phillips-Priller

Mrs. Laurie Boarman Turner

Ms. Rolena King

Mrs. Brooke LaMartina Korch

Mrs. Jane Ludicke Warfel

Mrs. Patricia Beliveau Martin

Ms. Chandler Vicchio

Mrs. Joan Miceli Robinson

Mrs. Nichole Wilder-Fenwick

Mrs. Dawn M. Brown




Mrs. Theresa Andrews Evans

Mrs. Stacey Street Baker

Mrs. Colleen McGarvey Berry

Ms. Teresa Muhl

Mrs. Lisa Lyons Hauptmann

Mrs. Elisabeth Sunnichen Cyriac

Ms. Kathleen Wills

CLASS OF 1972 Sister Judith Ann Ziegler, I.H.M.


Mrs. Julie Gover Preis CLASS OF 2000



Mrs. Linda Freter Henn

Ms. Corinne M. Kelly


Mrs. Lauren Haines Ambrogio

Ms. Teresa Tacka

Mrs. Dianna Lupo Kirby

Mrs. Elisabeth Skowronek Czaja

Mrs. Natalie Williams Brewer

Mrs. Ann Haynes Losiewski

Mrs. Gina Tirocchi Frizzera

Mrs. Pamela Clemens-Mattern

Mrs. Michelle Cascio Zalucki

Mrs. Kristene Hamilton McCullough

Mrs. Courtney Giulioni Gahagan

In honor of Mrs. Kristen Varner O’Boyle

Ms. Terrill Hosford Hasenauer

CLASS OF 1976 Ms. Mary Griber Mrs. Jowina Crehan Sochurek

Mrs. Kerry Poisal Melka

CLASS OF 1985 Mrs. Donna Hall Denhardt


Mrs. Julie Baronas Morgan


Mrs. Maria Battaglia McAuliffe

Mrs. Kelly Burke Cardall

Mrs. Meaghan Gardner Neary

Mrs. Mary Kay Cichowicz Barrick

Mrs. Ann Michele Nettles

Mrs. Maura O’Neill Deeley

Mrs. Patricia Hunter Birchess

Mrs. Sharon Aylesworth Washko


Ms. Teresa Harner

Dr. Sharon McCormack


Mrs. Kara Spiva Hockstra

Ms. Maureen Hattrup

Mrs. Lynda Geier Mules

Mrs. Maureen Stanton Davis

Mrs. Angela Burke Romeo

Mrs. Sarah Geisler McDonald

In memory of Ms. Valerie Sheridan

Mrs. Jacqueline Magnus Howard

Mrs. Kathleen Coady Stankovic

Mrs. Maria C.S. Schaefer Nauman


Mrs. Jackie Seboda Pfeiler

Mrs. Meghan O’Connell Beyea


Mrs. Robyn Dragin Van Hollen

Mrs. Jennifer Nejfelt Chen


Mrs. Claire Middleton Cohagan

Mrs. Theresa Giardina Wiseman

Mrs. Amy Donahue

Mrs. Ashley Wetzel Bashur

Mrs. Jean Dobson Bowman

Ms. Catherine Smith

Mrs. Christine Russell Duda

Mrs. Amanda Dauer Bednego


Mrs. Elizabeth Williams Johnson

Ms. Cynthia Clark

Mrs. Laura Slunt Cunningham

Ms. Katherine Malloy

Mrs. Laura Barrett Hepler

Ms. Stephanie Hunter Mrs. Michele Faraone Selby

Mrs. Jessica Ames Nyman

Ms. Elizabeth Krastel


Mrs. Mary Jennifer Reynolds Fucci

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Waters Audy

Ms. Theresa Hodge


Mrs. Donna Phillips Costello

Mrs. Erin Dower Lanthier

Mrs. Christy Buck Baronas


Mrs. Mary Catherine Eller

Mrs. Michelle Nunn Mahan

Mrs. Michelle Mannone Bengermino

Mrs. Kelly Benzing Fox

Mrs. Maureen Gemmill Johnson

Mrs. Joanna Finnel Rutkowski

Mrs. Erin Forton Copp

Ms. Valerie Fuecker

Mrs. Suzanne Cichowicz Jones

Ms. Elizabeth M. Saverino

Mrs. Mary Snyder Doyle

Mrs. Allison Voigt Giampapa

Mrs. Theresa Meyers Houghton

Mrs. Angela Croteau Marx


Ms. Christina Liberto

Ms. Carissa Morency


Mrs. Katherine Lee Bielaski

In honor of Christina Liberto

Mrs. Jennifer Snodgrass Plyler

Mrs. Mary Kay Reymann Burch

Mrs. Elizabeth Martin Blurton-Jones

Ms. Jessica Marxen

Mrs. Donna Geppi Donovan

Mrs. Dawn Michelle Baker Kippenbrock

Mrs. Teresa Crocker Tyrrell


Mrs. Mary Clare Walsh Duffy

Mrs. Heather Johnson Schell

Ms. Jennifer Vulgaris

Miss Elizabeth Evans

Mrs. Elizabeth Gibbons Jennings

Mrs. Rosemarie Amrhein Vollaro CLASS OF 1997

Mrs. Alicia DeNardis Meng



Mrs. Shannon Murr Pierce

Mrs. Kathleen Matthews Nance

Mrs. Shona Erin Baker

Mrs. Katherine Deramo Johnson

Ms. Nicole Sroka

Mrs. Beth Krebs Kerekes

Ms. Robin Peace


Mrs. Nancy Dragin Reed

Mrs. Hellen Marvelis Swanson

Mrs. Elizabeth Ko Elfrey

Mrs. Mary Jo Courtney Riddle


Miss Katey Grogan

Alumnae Giving: BY CLASS YEAR Miss Jennifer Hackett

Miss Megan Hagen

Miss Hannah Strasser

Miss Jennifer A. Pumphrey

Mrs. Maureen Maselko Harris

Miss Brittany Handler

Miss Lauren Wiegmann

Miss Julie Ratcliffe

Miss Laura Neugebauer

Miss Maria Malagari

Miss Julie Elizabeth Winpisinger

Miss Ashley Robertson

Miss Emma Staley

Miss Francesca McCrary

Miss Jodi Schneider

Miss Carolyn Nettina


Miss Caitlin Shoemaker


Miss Laura Nevin

Miss Ali Brill

Miss Lucia Thomas

Miss Megan McKenna

Miss Jennifer Nevin

Miss Theresa Cecil

Miss Megan Thomas

Miss Laura O’Friel

Miss Mollie Rogers

Miss Margaret Croxson

Miss Gabriella Voso

Miss Laura Svehla

Miss Allyson Curley

Miss Emily Zalucki

Miss Margaret Wingard

Miss Alyssa Ferguson


Miss Amy Fly


Miss Emily Ko


Miss Blake Gentner

Miss Elizabeth Bell

Mrs. Elizabeth Binette Mahon

Miss Anna Brand

Miss Victoria Gottleib

Miss Mary Connolly

Miss Colleen McKenna

Mrs. Elissa Boffen Dubyoski

Miss Elizabeth McCollum

Miss Keri Holt

Miss Kathleen Preis

Miss Maura Duffy

Miss Molly McGrain

Miss Sarah Hughes

Miss Lindsey Pyzik

Miss Nina Glose

Miss Maria Romanelli

Miss Erin Hunter

Miss Amelia Schmidt

Miss Kathryn Marlatt

Miss Emily Sadler

Miss Margaret LaCourse

Miss Megan Steffe

Miss Elizabeth May

Miss Hannah Schmidt

Miss Erin Lloyd

Miss Sharon Zerhusen

Miss Veronica Ruf

Mrs. Christina Eichelman Gordon

Miss Taylor Price

Miss Natalie Vidmar


Miss Veronica Rittie

Miss Kaitlyn Anderson

Miss Emily Saia

Miss Rebecca Bankard


Miss Brooke Dignan

Miss Mary Skora

Mrs. Erica Brown Bullwinkle

Miss Caitlyn Ames

Miss Branan Durbin

Miss Megan Tucker

Miss Hannah Church

Miss Hilary Badger

Miss Amanda Gates

Miss Sarah Turgeon

Miss Kirsten Dahlberg

Miss Alexandra Carella

Miss Kara Hand

Miss Anastasia White

Miss Julie Funk

Miss Stephanie Payton

Miss Clare Jennings

Miss Merena Gettmann

Miss Mary Rosa

Miss Lindsay Manser

Miss Annie Grace

Miss Kerry Smith

Miss Megan McGrain



“Be who you are and be that perfectly well”

How has Mount de Sales Academy prepared you to

- St. Francis de Sales

“Every day I continue on the journey to become the person who God created me to be. The faculty and students at Mount de Sales encourage me daily to challenge myself through sports, academics, and prayer to become the best, most holy version of myself. I could not imagine a better environment to grow and learn.” - Monica Wallace ‘18


Office of Alumnae Relations Hosts

DECADE DAYS With the cloistered Visitation Nuns, acres of land that included a working farm and horses, as well as graduating class sizes averaging 20 girls, Mount de Sales Academy in the 1950s was quite a different place than it is today. Several MDSA alumnae who graduated during the 1950s gathered for the inaugural Decade Day at Mount de Sales on December 12, 2014. Their Decade Day started with an all-school Mass in the Chapel of St. Francis de Sales. After Mass, Jeannie Mullican Rooney ’58 spoke to the Jeannie Mullican Rooney ‘58 discusses with the student body the writing of the alma mater.

student body about the alma mater, which she helped write as a student along with classmate Jodie Rielly-Leppo and Sr. Ignatia Peach.

The women enjoyed a lunch in Alumnae Hall followed by a tour of the school and convent. During the visit, Sister Mary Thomas addressed the expansion of academics, athletics, and extra-curricular opportunities for current students, a topic of particular interest to these alumnae. In February 2015, the women from the 1960s decade celebrated a Decade Day with Mass in the morning followed by breakfast in Alumnae Hall. They were also able to visit with Sister Mary Thomas and take a tour of the school. The Alumnae Relations Department is looking forward to the series of Decade Days in the months to come. The Decade Days honor alumnae from all generations and allow them to experience the life of a MDSA student today. Despite the differences in size, academics, and other opportunities, the heart of the school remains the same. Alumnae from the 1960s gathered in February for their Decade Day: Front Row: Elsie Mullen ’64, Sandy Liberto Zitser ’67, Patricia Mullen ‘64 Back Row: DeSales Hunteman Ellison ‘68 , Trish Ann Callan ’68, Jessie Henn Tacka ’67 GP ‘18.


Save the Date: CRAB FEAST! Save the date for this year’s Crab Feast at MDSA. It will be held on October 10, 2015. Interested in helping to plan the event? Contact Elizabeth Mahon ‘07 at


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