Article by Roberto Artola

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Located beyond the atmosphere, the Astrobee robots foat swifly through the space station, accurately performing tasks and assisting the astronauts to move cargo throughout the station


Back down in Mountain View California, 25 year old Ruben Garcia is a hard working sociable young adult that works at NASA in Silicon Valley. Here at NASA, he spends his days working diligently with his team of developers on the sofware for the Astrobee robot which is advancing space developments to make space exploration safer and easier. Tis robot comes in a set of 3 robots, in which they perform routine tasks on the space stations like moving cargo, taking inventory, or documenting experiments. Tese robots come with cameras to allow them to “see” their surroundings and an arm attached to hold items. (NASA) From a young age Garcia was interested in computers and sofware.

And when he fnally found an opportunity to further this interest, he took it.


A typical day for Ruben is usually found at home. He works diligently at his computer on his projects, while jumping on zoom meetings and calls to discuss with the team. Ruben explains that his work cannot be done without the collaboration of his team. Ruben states, “... in my case we are quite focused and centralized on our team, we’ve worked together for years. Te team’s project manager has always been very interested in us personally, so we are always stable and ready.” Working together provides him and his team with the stability and motivation necessary to complete projects efciently and efectively.


NASA has an extremely broad job opportunity list. Ofering 339,600 jobs in 2021 (NASA). Out of this broad spectrum, Ruben decid-

ed to take on sofware development. Back in Mexico he went to college for sofware development. But Ruben recalls, “...the opportunity to move here came a little unexpected, but it was precisely the opportunity to apply what I liked to do, and I think that’s why there was that opportunity and I took it.” So moving to America and working in the Silicon Valley wasn’t always in his plans but he was willing to take the leap of faith. So Ruben packed his bags, and once he arrived Ruben describes, “Oh, and I loved the place, I loved the work environment and I loved what I was doing and what I continue to do. And that’s why I stayed.” He really enjoyed the place, even though it was a completely diferent way of life. And now here we are today.


Astrobee is more than just a robotic project. Ruben further describes, “We are a research platform of investigation. Astrobee is a facility, it is a group of laboratories and

also robots. Basically, it is a robotic research platform, apart from the fact that we produce, that is, in itself a product…” Astrobee has already seen great success and progress. In space, astrobee has operated over 750 hours on the space station and completed over 100 activities from tech demonstrations to assisting in experiments. (NASA). Ruben also added that its platform is currently being used by major schools and universities like MIT, Stanford, California State schools, and many others across the globe. Astrobee has reached global usage in countries like Japan, Germany, and Australia. But what exactly does Astrobee provide to these countries? Ruben explains, “our facility allows them to test their research. So, by being able to test that research, that allows technologies to be developed that do not exist right now, but that can be carried out.”

Astrobee permits companies to develop their ideas and products. With the research they perform, they are able to better understand their products and the current market. Tis is

especially helpful to startup companies to have an upper hand and hopefully help them fully develop themselves and their products.


Astrobee is far more than just a robot in space. It promotes new achievements and even ideas that don’t exist yet. Ruben describes, “... basically it is like a step to achieve new technology,

new achieve-


A new achievement in space robotics is mentioned in an article by NASA which describes, “Astrobatics tests robotic movement using hopping or self-toss maneuvers by the station’s Astrobee robots. In low gravity, robots could move faster, use less fuel, and cover otherwise impassable terrain with these maneuvers, expanding their orbital and planetary capabilities.” (NASA) In the modern world, technology is advancing very fast. We must take advantage of this rapid advancement and have technology become more of a tool in the future. So with

all these resources and information readily available, Astrobee is the future and has a lot of potential.


Finding jobs and opportunities may be overwhelming and very stressful. It may even seem impossible nowadays but here’s what Ruben has to say about experiencing challenges, “Because looking back, I don’t think I would change too many things about what I did, right? Because it really is a process that you have to go through, like the process of fnding roadblocks along the way, the process of fnding difculties and overcoming them, those challenges are what shape you as a person and as a professional as well. If you remove those obstacles from your path, you might not have the same results that you truly desire in that moment, and that also helps you to really improve in your professional career.”

About the Author

Roberto Artola is a junior at Mountain View High School and Freestyle Academy. Artola is a flm student that enjoys playing guitar. He hopes to develop his editing skills using Adobe applications like In Design or Premiere Pro. He aspires to one day be able to create music using Audition and Pro tools some day.

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