Written and Illustrated at Freestyle Academy by:
Victoria Valles
Michael Jones
Bryan Gwynn
Jordan McDaniel
Alix Kaufman
Sepeed Emambakhsh
Kelby Poppe
Ana Uribe
Tony Calderoni
Christopher Mok
Seth Schachter
Sabrina Minafo
“But I don’t want to go to the park today!”
Jack and Kate yelled, both very
Jungle Gym’s boring, and the playgroud is bad!”
“Just stay here and play, you’ll find something to do,” said Mom and Dad quickly, with “have fun”s and “love you”S
Then the two children sat bored, on stairs and the slide, until they heard a bird singing, but in words, not normal bird cries! They both turned around, and heard the magic dove say, “With your imaginations, we can go on adventures all day!”
The children sat down on the stairs, surprised they could understand.
But the bird went on and said, “like those stairs, they could go to a faraway land!”
Then the kids asked, “What could we imagine is this teeter-totter?”
“Can’t you see, kids?” the dove said. “It’s the Loch Ness monster on the water!”
And these monkey bars? what could they be?
Why, those bars look more like trees to me!
then asked for the slide. The kids were so happy, they
“That’s easy!” said the dove
“It’s a space-coaster ride!”
The ride twisted in and out of space, until it got to the moon,
So they slid off the moon, back onto the ground, but instead of finding monsters their parents were found.
“It’s time to go,” they said and began walking away, but the children were sad, they wanted to stay.
They waved to the dove as he disappeared with the sun, they had never expected to have so much fun.
They dragged their feet as they walked to the car, When suddenly Jack looked up with a start. “Kate!” he yelled full of glee.“ “That’s not a car it’s a time machine.”