On April 6th, 2012, Markell Stine was on his way to the most important race of his life. Invited to run in one of the best track meets in the country at Stanford University, he didn’t realize this would be one of the most important events of his life. Coming to the end of his senior year, Stine was not ready to go out with a whimper. In fact, the Los Altos High student had not encountered defeat so far this season. As soon as the starting gun fired, Stine instantaneously bolted out of the blocks. “After 300 meters I felt like, ‘OK, this is where I’m supposed to be done,’” Stine recalled, “and there is another 100, so it messes with my mind.” As he approached the last 100 meters of hurdles, he had
realized that he was not running against the typical, mediocre guys he usually races against. This was the point where Stine showed all his long hours of eating right, training, and hard work. He was not about to let a flaw impact his perfect record. When he heard footsteps creeping up on him, that’s when he kicked into the next gear. He finally was able to separate himself from the pack. Getting over the last hurdle and across the finish line was a relief. His exhilaration and victory numbed the pain in his aching legs. Coming in first place was incredible, but what was even more incredible was that Stine had just become the second fastest high school senior in the country to
run the 400 meter hurdles, with a time of 54.73 seconds. Markell Stine lives a lifestyle where nutrition embraces his inner-self. He does not just run track; he integrates it, and consolidates it into his daily schedule. He disposes himself by reaching impressive distances to be the top competitor for himself. Stine’s plan on having a successful track career was not going to be handed to him. His poor diet was a struggle he knew that was going to haunt him of he did not make a change. Because of this, Markell devoted himself towards achieving the goal of becoming in tip-top shape through his eating habits. For example, waking up and basically sleep walking out of bed and towards the kitch-
en. Stine found himself peeling bananas time to time. This was the way Stine would start off his mornings with the most important meal of the day. Before track had even started, Stine had prepared himself by eating right and training hard during his off season. His goal was to dominate in the aspect where most athletes lacked. Even though Stine is not as skilled as others, he uses his differences to his advantage, instead of trying to be someone he was not. For being very clumsy, Markell had to work twice as hard by using other methods to be a good hurdler. Not wanting to gain tons of muscle and looking ripped, Markell just ate good and ran constantly to expand his performance. At the time Markell realized he needed to give up all the bad habits, so that he could express his passion for track in a happy and devoted way. At the age of fifteen, Markell discovered his devotion for track. Stine never thought track would impact him the way it did. Starting track at the age of fiftteen was something he knew going into. This was something that had set him behind from all the other hurdlers who had years of training and experience. Born with innocent heart murmur was something that bothered Markell throughout his early stages of growing up. Not knowing if this would affect him as he got older, the only thing to do was not to worry about it: “I had no idea that sports were going to play such a huge part in
my life because I was really into performing arts my whole life” (Stine). Growing up my brother was a comedian and entertainer. As a kid he surrounded his extracurricular activities around the things he truly felt passionate for. Enrolled in Peninsula Youth Theater at the age of ten, also known as PYT was a way he could express himself. A play called Holes opened up for auditions in May, 2004. For an intelligent and talkative child Markell was, he had tried out as a shy and uneducated young boy named Hector Zeroni also known as “Zero”. This was a challenge for Markell but he knew he could knock this role out the park. Living together in the same room was stressful. At 1 o’clock in the morning, Markell’s late night rehearsals trying to memorize all of his lines was a constant procedure we both would face. As a kid I would roll back and forth on my bed squeezing a pillow against my ears with much force. Trying to fall asleep but at the same time hearing my brother trying to perfect his lines was something I began to notice Markell was truly passionate about. Markell’s miraculous audition got himself the lead role. In July 2004, after Holes Markell also played a role in a well known musical, Stuart Little. Stine’s ability to perform as an actor was something he hoped to pursue as he got older; however, having the competitive mindset actors need to succeed also attracted him to sports. He recalls, “I Started to run track because I needed P.E.
credits, and I turned out to really enjoy the sport and liked the feeling of competition versus just performing in a show” (Stine). The transition from acting to playing sports was similar in the way of performing in front of a crowd. “It was very different in the physical aspect but performing in front of a crowd was nothing new,” said Markell. Starting his sophomore year running on the Los Altos High School track team was a new experience for Stine. Once he had his first dual meet he said to himself, “I didn’t think I was good, but I thought I had a lot of potential from all the comments everyone was saying to me” (Stine). After the first few competitions had gone by there was a day Markell would never forget. At Los Altos’ home track meet, , Markell started off the 300 meter hurdles strong, but as he turned out of the first 150 meters he had come across the most terrifying obstacle in his career: “Getting my lead leg over the hurdle with ease and thinking that I had cleared it already, I lazily brought over my trail leg. Not knowing the correct timing, within a split second I realized that my trail leg had clipped the top end of the hurdle. Leading into one of the most embarrassing face plants in my life. To this day I constantly remind myself to keep my toes up while going over a hurdle” (Stine). Markell did not know that these little things, such a pointing your toes up could be so crucial. “Many say all you have to do it jump over a hurdle and
run fast but there is a technique towards everything you do” (Stine). Ever since Markell’s incident he had always worked twice as hard in become the best hurdler on and off the track. Being able to do the little things can cut down many seconds and giving him the PR (personal record) he needed to decrease his times in. Pushing himself by eating right to decrease his times every race was a goal Markell set himself up for. Before Markell had become a track runner he would eat tons of junk foods. He had realized he was missing one of the most important ingredients for an athletic access: solid nutrition. In Eat Like a Champion, Jill Castle tells the story of a teenager named Ethan, “[who] wasn’t any taller than he had been at the age of 14, and his muscles hasn’t filled out as expected… Ethan was putting time and effort to train, day in and out, including extra lessons. His tennis plateau wasn’t from a lack of effort or an insufficient drive to win. It seemed from a poor diet. Ethan wasn’t eating enough, or nutritiously enough, particularly considering the grueling workout he put in each day” (1). Markell was making the mistake many young athletes make. Reading this passage to Markell was not a surprise. In fact, knowing that many kids lacked the ability to eat well. He knew this was an opportunity to increase his nutrition plan, which would give him more calories, nutrients, and fluids. Not having the ability to pay for all these foods Markell
had his mother to back him up. Stines mother said, “To provide and incorporate these foods into Markell’s daily schedule, I built more construction and organized set times into his meals and snacks. When Markell first started his healthy eating habits he would text me during school asking for a healthy meal ready for him as he came home after a hard practice. Which emboldened him to get rid of late-night junk foods. Having me to guide him in the right direction, Markell soon taught himself about the importance of food in provoking athletic performance”(Corpuz). Now that it plays an important role in his life he noticed it was time for a change. Markell said, “Nutrition is a huge part of our diet. Besides exercising your diet should start in the kitchen as our coach likes to say. The most important thing about eating foods in his eyes is “ the more color on your plate the better it is for you” (Stine) and what he means is the more variety of vegetables, protein, carbs, fats, and liquids you have the better off you are at getting that all around balanced diet. For my personal daily diet it would go a little like: Breakfast before weights: Cliff Bar and water. Breakfast after weights: protein shake, eggs, yogurt, water, and some sort of meat. Snack before practice: apple or something light. Lunch: usually a sandwich. Dinner: something with a lot of protein and carbs. Most importantly stay hydrated throughout the day.” Stines lack of eating
healthy foods was a change he knew that had to be done. And eventually Markell overcame his track let up, improved his hurdling, gained endurance, and had the resources and appreciation to be motivated to eat for both the sport and his health. Stanford race and go into depth about how he had done it. what helped him win. Jumping out of his bed with excitement knowing this was going to be one of the biggest days of his life. Markell marched his way towards the kitchen and found himself a meal that would provide him with the energy and the nutrients he needed to perform in today’s invitational. Working hard to get to this point Markell knew he had earned his spot in the Stanford track and field meet. Walking back to his room and gathering all the stuff he needed for the big race and throwing it into the trunk was not a struggle. It was hopping into the back seat and clicking his seatbelt on, when it hit Markell that this was not going to be easy. Not knowing what was going happening the only thing Markell could do was plug in his earphones and forget about everything. Had his eyes been shut for ten minutes from Mountain View to Stanford located in Palo Alto. Markell had took his first steps out the car with a eager stretch. While being thrilled and nervous, Stine slugged his way towards the stadium where many high school students and colleges students felt the same way. “Finally getting to the track, I had
to took a step back to realize how important this day would be for me. Not trying to overthink this race was very hard.” Putting everything to the side, Markell got ready and warmed up for his race. Pumped and feeling juiced Markell heard the call for “Boys Heat 1 for 110 Meter Hurdles.” Markell said, “Approaching the blocks and getting set is the most nerve-racking thing any track runner can agree on. But once that gun goes off. It is an instant shock to the brain triggering your body to GO!” Working his hardest into getting his lead leg over and bringing it down as fast as he could was something Stine had struggle with. Coming to the last hurdles, the audiences eyes lightened up because it was down to the wire with four contestants fighting for first place. Finishing in 3rd place with the time of 14.83 seconds was not a relief for Markell. Trying to redeem himself he had got ready for his second but last race of the day. Once again, encountering the blocks and steadily holding his =position. As soon as the trigger was fired Markell took off and got himself into the lead. Separating himself from the rest of the guys and finished off the race with a first place with the time of 54.73 seconds which at the time ranked second in the nation for the fastest high school runner to run the 400 hurdles. Running a breathtaking time, colleges were all over Markell as if they were a swamp of young women chasing after Leonardo Dicaprio.
Stine applied to “When it came to colleges, I really wanted to go to a college close to home. So there was no way I was leaving California. Before I was offered a scholarship for track and field I still had in mind the same colleges that I was offered based off track and field.” And after the Stanford race Markell had got emails that he has been accepted and offered to run track into various schools. “I got into every college I applied to except obviously hard ones like Stanford university. So I decided to go to UCSB because it seemed like the right for for me in regards to locations, rankings, people, and because of the track team. I mean who wouldn’t want to go to school on the beach.” This wouldn’t have happened if Markell had not put in the long hours, private trainings, and most importantly eating healthy. Markell is currently attending UC Santa Barbara as a senior and is running track and majoring in Environmental Studies. And as a brother to Markell and wanting to pursue a track career in college I am curious to know how you maintain being a student and an athlete? “It’s actually a lot easier to be a student athlete than just a regular student. Because when you are a regular student you make your own schedule, and what I have noticed with non-athletes become terrible with their time management. They have a lot of time to be lazy whereas when you are always busy with track
you have to make sure everything is done at a certain time. Training is a lot different from highschool practices, all workouts are expected to completed and be done according to what’s written on paper. The volume has almost doubled from what you would expect from a high school workout. Workouts become more of your life in college rather than just an after school sport.” Stines everyday routine is, morning weights at 6am, class in the morning until 12 or 1, then practice from 2-5pm followed up with physical rehab and then work at night time in Isla Vista at a place called Shave it. Working at a joint where shaved ice topped off with ice cream is accessible. Constantly working hard and eating healthy, Markell takes a break and enjoys a nice desireable treat, to satisfy his guilty pleasures.