Studying in Saxony College and University Landscape
In Saxony, you can really get your education moving Saxony has a long-standing tradition as a first-class address for university education. More than 110,000 students, including 12,000 international students, benefit from upwards of 450 modern and multifaceted degree programmes. You can choose between internationally recognised Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, state examinations to acquire teaching qualifications or the highly-respected German “Diplom” in Engineering. This is one of Saxony’s particular strengths: Almost 30 per cent of all students enrol in courses leading to engineering degrees. Saxony offers excellent tertiary education – with no tuition fees. Students are offered both efficient study programmes and excellent supervision, which is why most of Saxony‘s degree programmes are completed more quickly than the national average for Germany as a whole. The universities and colleges in Saxony are superbly equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories, libraries and computer workstations. Career opportunities in both commerce and science abound in Saxony. Many businesses can look forward to employing well-trained professionals in the years to come. Those interested in research will discover a tight network of excellent research facilities. Almost 50 non-university research institutes are located in the Free State of Saxony. Only a few German federal states have achieved this level of diversity. And, of course, much more awaits you in Saxony: beautiful cities and wonderful countryside, a wealth of culture and youth hotspots as well as open-minded, tolerant people. Hope to see you here soon!
Universities The Saxonian cities of Leipzig, Dresden, Chemnitz and Freiberg are all university centres rich in tradition, each with a broad spectrum of subjects on offer in the fields of Engineering, Natural Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business Administration and Law.
Technische Universität Chemnitz 86 Courses of Study ❙ 11,000 students ❙ 8 Faculties ❙ Natural Sciences ❙ Mathematics ❙ Mechanical Engineering ❙ Electrical Technology and Information Technology ❙ Computer Sciences ❙ Economics and Business Administration ❙ Humanities ❙ Behavioural and Social Sciences Contact ❙ Phone +49 (0)371 53137697 International Office of Technische Universität Chemnitz: ❙
Technische Universität Dresden More than 150 Courses of Study ❙ 37,134 students 14 Faculties ❙ Faculty of Science, comprising the departments Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Psychology ❙ Faculty of Education ❙ Faculty of Law ❙ Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science ❙ Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies ❙ Faculty of Business and Economics ❙ Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering ❙ Faculty of Computer Science ❙ Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering ❙ Faculty of Architecture ❙ Faculty of Civil Engineering ❙ Faculty of Environmental Sciences ❙ Faculty of Transportation and Traffic Science Friedrich List ❙ Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus Contact International Office of TU Dresden: Phone +49 (0)351 46335786
TU Bergakademie Freiberg 63 Courses of Study ❙ 5,700 students 6 Faculties ❙ Mathematics and Computer Sciences ❙ Chemistry and Physics ❙ Geological Sciences, Geotechnical Engineering and Mining ❙ Mechanical Engineering, Process Engineering and Energy Technology ❙ Materials Science/Materials Technology ❙ Business Administration (Economics) Contact ❙ Phone +49 (0)3731 393461 International University Centre of TU Bergakademie Freiberg: ❙
Leipzig University 150 Courses of Study ❙ 28,600 students 14 Faculties ❙ Faculty of Theology ❙ Faculty of Law ❙ Faculty of History, Arts and Oriental Studies ❙ Faculty of Philology ❙ Faculty of Education ❙ Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy ❙ Faculty of Economics and Management Science ❙ Faculty of Sport Science ❙ Faculty of Medicine ❙ Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science ❙ Faculty of Biosciences, Pharmacy and Psychology ❙ Faculty of Physics and Earth Science ❙ Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy ❙ Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Contact ❙ Phone +49 (0)341 9732044 International Centre of Leipzig University: ❙
Universities of Fine Arts Music, Theatre, Dance, Visual Arts, Graphics and Book Art – Saxony offers an excellent education in these areas. One important feature is the regular collaboration with some of Saxony‘s most famous orchestras, theatres and art collections.
University of Music Carl Maria von Weber Dresden 630 students Courses of Study ❙ Orchestra Conducting, Choir Conducting ❙ Music Theatre and Instrumental Coaching ❙ Voice ❙ Jazz/Rock/Pop: Instrumentalists/Voice and Composition ❙ Piano ❙ Composition/Music Theory ❙ Strings, Harp ❙ Brass and Woodwinds, Percussion and Drums ❙ Instrumental Pedagogy and Voice Pedagogy ❙ Teacher Training Degree ❙ Harpisichord ❙ Master Class Studies (3rd Cycle) ❙ Chamber Music Contact ❙ ❙ Phone +49 (0)351 4923634
Dresden Academy of Fine Arts 660 students 5 Courses of Study ❙ Fine Arts (Painting/Graphics, Sculpture, Interdisciplinary Artistic Work, New Media) ❙ Art Technology, Conservation Science and Restoration of Art and Cultural Assets ❙ Course in Stage Setting and Costume Design ❙ UAS degree course in Set design (Set painting, Set sculpture, Costume design and Make-up Artistry) ❙ Post-Graduate course of study Art Therapy Contact ❙ Phone +49 (0)351 44022141
Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden 220 students 5 Courses of Study ❙ Dance ❙ Choreography ❙ Dance Teaching ❙ Artistic Master Class Contact ❙ Phone+49 (0)351 2590621
University of Music and Theatre Leipzig “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” 63 Courses of Study ❙ 1,042 students 3 Faculties offering the following subjects ❙ Strings/Harp ❙ Brass and Woodwind/Drums and Percussion ❙ Jazz/Popular music ❙ Conducting and Instrumental Accompaniment ❙ Piano ❙ Voice/Music Theatre ❙ Drama institute (Schauspielinstitut) “Hans Otto” ❙ Early Music ❙ Music pedagogy ❙ Church music ❙ Dramaturgy ❙ Composition and Harmony, Counterpoint ❙ Musicology Contact ❙ Phone +49 (0)341 2144620
Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig 600 students 5 Courses of Study ❙ Painting/ Fine Art Graphics ❙ Book Art/Graphic Design ❙ Photography ❙ Media Art ❙ Cultures of the Curatorial Contact ❙ Phone +49 (0)341 21350
University of Cooperative Education Saxony offers a dual-course study system, combining theoretical and professional training at the “Berufsakademie” (University of Cooperative Education). This tailor-made programme offers both academic and hands-on experience at seven locations in Bautzen, Breitenbrunn, Dresden, Glauchau, Leipzig, Plauen and Riesa. It is designed for those who would like to complete their Bachelor’s or Diplom degree in three years and features small seminar groups, compact courses, training allowances and no numerus clausus.
Universities of Applied Sciences For those who are seeking a practice-oriented course of study, they cannot go wrong with one of the five universities of applied sciences. Here you can acquire an university degree in the following fields: Engineering, Business Administration, Media Sciences, Social Sciences or Arts.
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden University of Applied Sciences Approx. 40 Courses of Study (all in German) ❙ 5,300 students 8 Faculties ❙ Civil Engineering / Architecture ❙ Electrical Engineering ❙ Spatial Information ❙ Design ❙ Informatics/ Mathematics ❙ Agriculture / Landscape Management ❙ Mechanical Engineering / Process Engineering ❙ Business Administration Contact ❙ Phone +49 (0)351 4623519 International Office of the University of Applied Sciences Dresden:
University of Applied Sciences Leipzig 44 Courses of Study ❙ approx. 6,500 students 7 Faculties ❙ Architecture and Social Sciences ❙ Business Administration ❙ Civil Engineering ❙ Computer Science, Mathematics and Natural Sciences ❙ Electrical Engineering and Information Technology ❙ Mechanical and Energy Engineering ❙ Media Contact ❙ Phone +49 (0)341 30766508 International Office of the University of Applied Sciences Leipzig:
University of Applied Sciences Mittweida 50 Courses of Study ❙ 6,200 students 6 Faculties ❙ Electrical Enginieering and Information Technology ❙ Mechanical Enginieering ❙ Mathematics / Natural Sciences / Computer Sciences ❙ Economics ❙ Social Work ❙ Media Contact ❙ Phone +49 (0)3727 581309 International Office of the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida: ❙
University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz 37 Courses of Study ❙ 3,500 students 6 Faculties ❙ Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences ❙ Management and Cultural Sciences ❙ Mechanical Engineering ❙ Mathematics/Natural Sciences ❙ Social Sciences ❙ Economics, Business Studies and Industrial Engineering Contact ❙ ❙ Phone +49 (0)3583 611500 International Office of the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz: ❙
University of Applied Sciences Zwickau 40 Courses of Study ❙ 5,000 students 9 Faculties ❙ Automotive Engineering ❙ Mechanical Engineering ❙ Electrical Engineering ❙ Physical Engineering/Computer Sciences ❙ Economics ❙ Applied Arts ❙ Applied Languages and Intercultural Communication ❙ Health and Healthcare Sciences ❙ Architecture Contact ❙ Phone +49 (0)375 5361184 International Office of the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau: ❙
More information can be found at: ❙ ❙ ❙ ❙ To learn more about studying in Saxony, contact or to order: ❙ the brochure “Pack dein Studium. Am besten in Sachsen.” – students and graduates report ❙ the brochure “Studientipps” ❙ flyers on the degree programmes at colleges and universities in “Social Science”, “Economics and Law”, “Natural Science”, “Engineering” (I and II), “Education, Sports and Medicine”, “Linguistics” and “Art and Design”.
Poland Brandenburg
Leipzig Görlitz Mittweida Thuringia
Dresden Freiberg
Chemnitz Czech Republic
Germany Saxony
Imprint Publisher and Editing SAXON STATE MINISTRY FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND THE FINE ARTS Public Relations, Wigardstraße 17, 01097 Dresden, Design and Typeset: | Print: Druckerei Thieme, Meißen Production Deadline: January 2014