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Academic Enrichment

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Class Locations



Academic Writing: Informative Writer

Does your child write clearly and effectively? Learning to be an informative writer will improve details, organization, and research. In this class, students will write technical, nonfiction, and explanatory writing. Max 12 students per age group. Instructor: Communication Academy Staff

4104 9-12y IRCC Sep 25-Dec 4 2:15-3:15PM #10 Sa $315

Academic Writing: Narrative

Become a better writer through creativity! Students will improve their writing skills, developing a strong written voice, clarity of communication, and grammar, as well as developing creative narratives with good organization, and analyzing and learning from reading creative texts as well. Max 12 students in a class.

4368 7-9y WSCC Sep 21-Nov 30 5:00-6:00PM #10 T $295

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Combo Classes: Creative Writing & Confident Public Speaking

Take back-to-back classes at a discounted price. Students gain the benefits of both Writing and Public Speaking classes, as well as gain some time to socialize, ask more questions, and have fun between classes.

4120 7-8y IRCC Sep 25-Dec 4 10:00AM-12:15PM #10 Sa $575

Combo Classes: Academic Writing & Confident Public Speaking

Take back-to-back classes at a discounted price. Students gain the benefits of both Writing and Public Speaking classes, as well as gain some time to socialize, ask more questions, and have fun between classes.

4123 9-12y IRCC Sep 25-Dec 4 1:00-3:15PM #10 Sa $575

Confident Public Speaking & Academic Writing

Sign up for both classes with a discount! Gain the benefits of taking both Public speaking & Academic Writing classes back to back. Max 12 students in a class.

4370 7-9y WSCC Sep 21-Nov 30 3:45-6:00PM #10 T $525

Confident Public Speaking: Improv

Build confidence through public speaking! Improvisation is a fun and exciting way to build speaker voice. Students learn skills such as quick-thinking and personal magnetism, all while laughing and having fun through engaging public speaking activities. Small class size of 12.

4101 6-8y IRCC Sep 25-Dec 4 11:15AM-12:15PM #10 Sa $315 4102 9-12y IRCC Sep 25-Dec 4 1:00-2:00PM #10 Sa $315 4367 7-9y WSCC Sep 21-Nov 30 3:45-4:45PM #10 T $295

Creative Writing: Short Story

Be a better writer by having fun! Students will learn how to write creatively while learning how to organize, write with more descriptive detail, and focus to be the best writers they can be. Students will also participate in interactive activities and practice, gaining confidence and strategies as a creative writer.

4124 7-8y IRCC Sep 25-Dec 4 10:00-11:00AM #10 Sa $315


STEM FUNdamentals

Power up your engineering skills with Play-Well TEKnologies and tens of thousands of LEGO® parts! Apply real-world concepts in physics, engineering, and architecture through engineer-designed projects such as: Hot Air Balloons, Space Stations, and the Eiffel Tower. Design and build as never before and explore your craziest ideas.

4622 5-8 WSCC Sep 20-Dec 13 3:15 PM-4:30 PM #12 M $455

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