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Academic Enrichment
Academic Writing: Persuasive Writer
Win arguments with a compelling argument. Your child will learn the art of persuasion through engaging writing activities. Students analyze persuasive texts and learn techniques for effective word choice, developing points of view, and crafting opinion pieces. Max of 12 students to allow for individual feedback from experienced instructors! Instructor: Communication Academy Staff
5317 7-9y CCC Apr 5-May 31 5:00-6:00PM 8 T $265 5318 9-10y CCC Apr 5-May 31 6:15-7:15PM 8 T $265
Academic Writing: Short Story
In this Creative Writing class, students learn how to write creatively while learning how to organize, write with more descriptive detail, and focus to be the best writers they can be. In this class, students participate in interactive activities and practice gaining confidence and strategies as a creative writer. Max of 12 students to allow for individual feedback from experienced instructors!
5315 7-9y IRCC Apr 9-Jun 4 10:00-11:00 AM 8 Sa $265 5316 9-11y IRCC Apr 9-Jun 4 2:15-3:15 PM 8 Sa $265
Academic Writing: Student Publication
Students explore the writing process and learn to write a polished manuscript, essay or story, for final publication! This class emphasizes the revision and editing process to finalize and perfect a piece of writing. Students will work on a single piece of publicationquality material under the instruction of an experienced teacher. Taught at age-appropriate level. Max of 12 students to allow for individual feedback from experienced instructors! Instructor: Communication Academy Staff
5049 7-9y CCC Jan 18-Mar 22 5:00-6:00PM 10 T $325 5050 7-9y IRCC Jan 22-Mar 26 10:00-11:00AM 10 Sa $325 5051 9-11y CCC Jan 18-Mar 22 6:15-7:15PM 10 T $325 5052 9-11y IRCC Jan 22-Mar 26 2:15-3:15PM 10 Sa $325
Confident Public Speaking: Play Directing
Play Directing encourages team-management skills by teaching students how to direct for the stage and screen. Public speaking and management leadership combine in the challenging discipline of directing for television, movies, and commercials. Max of 12 students to allow for individual feedback from experienced instructors. Instructor: Communication Academy Staff
5312 6-8y IRCC Apr 9-Jun 4 11:15AM-12:15PM 8 Sa $265 5313 9-11y IRCC Apr 9-Jun 4 1:00-2:00PM 8 Sa $265 5314 7-9y CCC Apr 5-May 31 3:45-4:45PM 9 T $265
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Confident Public Speaking & Academic Writing Combo Class
Save up to 10%! Experience two valuable classes, back-to-back, at a discounted price! Students attend two engaging classes from Communication Academy that explore two enrichment subjects at one convenient time-frame. Space is limited so don’t delay on thisAMazing opportunity! Max of 12 students to allow for individual feedback from experienced instructors! Instructor: Communication Academy Staff
5319 7-9y CCC Apr 5-May 31 3:45-6y:00PM 9 T $465 5320 7-9y IRCC Apr 9-Jun 4 10:00AM-12:15PM 8 Sa $465 5321 9-11y IRCC Apr 9-Jun 4 1:00-3:15PM 8 Sa $465 5053 9-11y IRCC Jan 22-Mar 26 1:00-3:15PM 10 Sa $585 5054 7-9y IRCC Jan 22-Mar 26 10:00AM-12:15PM 10 Sa $585 5055 7-9y CCC Jan 18-Mar 22 3:45-6y:00PM 10 T $585
Confident Public Speaking: Reader’s Theater
Make reading come alive! Develop public speaking skills while becoming better readers! Students explore characterization and setting as they act out age-appropriate stories, nurturing confidence and creativity, learning to analyze and interpret characters while acting out plays, and improving their reading comprehension strategies. Max of 12 students to allow for individual feedback from experienced instructors! Instructor: Communication Academy Staff
5046 6-8y IRCC Jan 22-Mar 26 11:15AM-12:15PM 10 Sa $325 5047 7-9y CCC Jan 18-Mar 22 3:45-4:45PM 10 T $325 5048 9-11y IRCC Jan 22-Mar 26 1:00-2:00PM 10 Sa $325

Movin & Groovin
Catapult into Newton’s three laws of motion as you yank the tablecloth from under the dishes! Learn about potential and kinetic energy using toys that pop, jump and flip! Discover renewable and non-renewable resources for power generation, and build your own optical fiber model as we talk about telecommunications! Explore the animal kingdom, and learn about feathers, fins, and fur! Then hold your breath as we dive beneath the ocean surface to study buoyancy and the animals that live under the sea! Take a look at robots and how they make our lives easier, then build your own robot hand to take home with you maybe it can help you with your homework! Instructor: Mad Science Staff
5005 5-11y WSCC Jan 24-Mar 21 3:30-4:30PM 8 M $195 5006 5-11y WSCC Jan 27-Mar 17 3:30-4:30PM 8 Th $195
NASA: Academy of Future Explorers
ATTENTION FUTURE ASTRONAUTS! Mad Science and NASA have teamed up to bring you the excitement and wonder of space in this new voyage of discovery! See the principles of thrust and propulsion at work in a real rocket launch! Explore the atmosphere on earth and beyond! Watch star dust burn, and journey through a galaxy as you investigate the life cycle of stars! Explore the farthest reaches of our solar system and create a lunar eclipse in this ‘mad’ planetary tour! Probe the mysteries of meteors and bounce around satellite light as you learn about space phenomena! Experience the life of an astronaut as you prepare for space flight! This is an experience that is truly out of this world! Instructor: Mad Science Staff
5011 5-11y WSCC Jan 25-Mar 15 3:30-4:30PM 8 T $195 5012 5-11y WSCC Jan 26-Mar 16 1:30-2:30PM 8 W $195