1st Grade Remote Learning May 11-15

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Frenship ISD Remote Learning st

1 Grade Week 7: May 11-15 Reading/Language Arts, Math, Science & Social Studies: pages 1-28 Speicals: pages 29-31


Reading Language Arts

Frenship ISD 1st grade Week 7 (May 11-15) Schedule Monday





Fundations “Trick Words Practice” on page 3 RLA Read “The Three Little Pigs" on page 5 and save this story for Tuesday. Complete one activity from the “Reading Bingo Board” on page 4.

Fundations “Match Blend Search Activity” on page 12 RLA Read “The Three Little Pigs” again (page 5) and complete the “Story Map” on page 13.

Fundations “Dictation #1” on pages 19-20 RLA Read “Little Red Riding Hood” story on page 21. Save this story for Thursday. Complete one activity from the “Reading Bingo Board” on page 4.

Fundations “Dictation #2” on pages 22-23 RLA Read “Little Red Riding Hood’ again (page 21) and complete the “Story Board” activity on page 25. Optional Resource: Listen to “Little Red Riding Hood” Read Aloud https://bit.ly/3cGJBKx

RLA Complete one activity from the “Reading Bingo Board” on page 4. Optional Resource: Listen to “The True Story of the Three Little Pigs” https://bit.ly/3eMeq2o

Cut out the “Three Little Pigs Finger Puppets” (page 15) and retell the story to someone at your house. Optional Resource:

Listen to “Three Little Pigs” Read Aloud https://bit.ly/2yHxNJa

Science & Social Studies


Optional: Log onto Lexia https://www.lexialearning.com/ and practice reading skills. Your username is first initial, last initial, student id# (example: jr123456) Your password is student id# (example: 123456) Choose a task from the 1st Grade - Week 7 Math Choice Board on page 6.

Complete the 1st Grade – Week 7 Math TUESDAY worksheet on page 17.

SCIENCE Choose a task from the 1st Grade - Week 7 Science Choice Board on page 8.

SOCIAL STUDIES Read and Respond to “Spend or Save” on page 18 (Studies Weekly)

Choose a task from the 1st Grade - Week 7 Math Choice Board on page 6. SCIENCE Choose a task from the 1st Grade - Week 7 Science Choice Board on page 8.

Complete the 1st Grade – Week 7 Math THURSDAY worksheet on page 27.

Choose a task from the 1st Grade - Week 7 Math Choice Board on page 6.

SOCIAL STUDIES Complete the activity “Math & Money” on page 28.

SCIENCE Choose a task from the 1st Grade - Week 7 Science Choice Board on page 8.

Additional social studies instructional materials (read-alongs, videos, articles, games) can be found at www.studiesweekly.com . Parents can currently set up TEACHER accounts for free. For additional help with log-in, contact your child’s teacher.


1st grade-Week 7 Fundations MONDAY ®

Trick Word Practice

Name:_______________________________ Practice writing the Trick Words below with your best handwriting. Practice each word twice: once while looking at the Trick Word on the worksheet and once while covering the Trick Word with an index card. Then write these Trick Words in the space provided in your best handwriting. CURRENT TRICK WORDS










1st grade-Week 7 Reading Language Arts MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY


READING Directions: Complete the activities below independently or with an adult. Do five in a row to get B-I-N-G-O!






Read someplace new, like outside.

Search through a book to look for letters. Can you find all the letters in the alphabet?

Use a whisper voice while you read. If an adult is reading to you, repeat what they read in a whisper voice.

Look at the cover of a book and write two questions you have before reading.

Read a book you’ve never read before.

Make yourself a reading tent using sheets or blankets and cuddle up to a book inside.

Find one word you don’t know the meaning of and ask someone what it means.

Read a fiction story using different voices for each character.

Write or draw two details about the main character in a fiction story.

Re-read your favorite book.

Call a friend or family member and read to them. Ask them to read a story to you, too!

Pick a word from a book and tell or write two words that rhyme with it.

Free Space

Draw your favorite part of a book.

Read a nonfiction book.

Read to someone who is older than you.

Search through a book and find question words: who, what, where, when, why, how.

Read to your favorite toys or stuffed animals.

Write or tell two questions you have after reading a book.

Read a book that someone in your home picks out for you.

Read to someone who is younger than you.

Search through a book to find any words that have these blends at the beginning of a word: br, cr, dr.

While you read aloud, pay attention to punctuation at the end of sentences.

Use your favorite page of a book to practice handwriting. Rewrite the sentences from one page.

Find things to read in your home that aren’t books—mail, labels on food, directions, or other things.

© 2020 Curriculum Associates, LLC. All rights reserved.

Grades K-1 • Packet 3, Independent Reading Support


1st grade-Week 7 Reading Language Arts MONDAY

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who were sent out by their mother to make their place in the world. As they reached the edge of the forest, they decided it would be a good place to build their homes. Peter was the oldest, and the laziest of the three. He chose to build his house quickly out of straw so he could sleep for the rest of the day. Joe was the second oldest, and just a bit less lazy than Peter. He decided a straw house would not be warm enough, but he didn’t want to work that hard on building a house,either. Joe decided to build his home out of wood, and spent the rest of the day watching television. Mark was the youngest and the hardest working of the bunch. He remembered what his mother had told him about succeeding by working hard, and decided to take time to build a sturdy house out of brick. Although it was hard work, after two days he had built a nice brick home. His brothers laughed at him for wasting precious time that could have been spent napping or watching TV. Later that week, a big bad wolf came knocking on Peter’s straw hut. “Let me in little pig!” cried the wolf. “Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin,” mocked Peter. Since the house was built out of straw, it quickly blew apart. Peter dashed down to Joe’s home and locked the door behind him. “Let me in little pigs!” yelled the home of sticks blew apart, and the brothers ran to Mark’s sturdy house to hide. The wolf once again demanded to be let in, but this time a confident Mark said, failing many times, the poor wolf sulked back into the forest. The two older brothers thanked Mark for saving the day, and promised to be a little less lazy next time.

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1st Grade - Week 7 Math Choice Board MONDAY- WEDNESDAY- FRIDAY 1st Grade Math Choice Board Beginning at 117, recite numbers backward to 77 by tens. What do you notice about the digit in the ones place?

Grab a handful of noodles, Solve the Problem beans or rocks and place them There were 14 quarters in the in a bowl. Make groups of ten jar. Some of them were taken and count to find the total. out. Now there are 8 quarters in Make a sketch of the objects. the jar. How many quarters Generate a number larger than were taken out? your number.

______ > ______

Go on a scavenger hunt in your Show two ways to make 20 house. Find as many examples using objects or pictures using a of a cylinder as you can. Write ten frame. sentences to show your learning.

_____ is shaped like a cylinder.

Use what you know about the hundred chart to complete the puzzle below.

Technology Option: https:// apps.mathlearningcenter.org/ number-frames/

Sketch the number 45.

Use a number line or a ten frame to help (Reference Chart on page 7).

Play Prodigy for 10 minutes to practice your math skills. Contact your teacher if you need help logging in. https://sso.prodigygame.com/ game/login

Grab a handful of coins. Write down the value of each and count the total collection. Technology Option:

Write it in words


Write in expanded form ____ + ____ = 45


1st Grade - Week 7 Reference Sheet

Ten Frame

Double Ten Frame

Number Tracks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


T = technology required 1st Grade – Week 7 Science MONDAY-FRIDAY NT = technology NOT required SCIENCE CHOICE BOARD Note: Handouts, if required, with the # and topic.


#1 TOPIC: Nature Walk

First: Go on a nature walk with a family member. Next: Use the handout to identify the living and non-living things you observe. Then: Be sure to share your findings with 2 family members!!

Handout Provided on page 9

T #4 TOPIC: NearPod Weather

Click on the link below and dive into an interactive world, completely dedicated to ALL things weather!! https://bit.ly/3cB91cr



#2 TOPIC: Shadow Observation

First: Choose an object and

place it on the sidewalk/driveway and trace its location with chalk.

Then: Before lunch, around lunch, and after lunch check and retrace the location of the shadow. Document your observations on the handout provided.

Last: Answer the reflection questions and share your findings with a family member.

Handout Provided on page 10

NT #3 TOPIC: Patterns of the Moon First: Watch the video about the moon with a family member and talk about what you have learned Then: Describe and write what patterns you observe. Last: Observe the moon for one night, illustrate and describe what patterns you observed. Handout Provided on page 11


#5 TOPIC: Discovery Education

Discovery Education: Weekly DE – Choose 1 additional activity from the website. You are always welcome to do more if you would like because this website offers a full week of supplemental science activities. https://go.aws/3cF57Q6


1st Grade - Week 7 Science Topic 1

Nature Walk #1 Question: What living and nonliving things can we find?





spider web



plant Š 2020 The Science Penguin Inc.


1st Grade - Week 7 Science Topic 2

Shadow Observation Activity: •

• •

Choose a toy, build a tower with Legos, or even use yourself! Place your chosen object on the sidewalk or on the driveway and mark the exact location with chalk. (Parents, help your student find a place that will not be shaded by the house or other structures throughout the day.) BEFORE LUNCH: Try to go out for your first observation before lunch. Use chalk to trace the outline of the shadow that your object is creating. Record your observations in the chart. AROUND LUNCH: After an hour or 2, make a second observation. Replace the object and trace the shadow. Record your observations in the chart. AFTER LUNCH: Return for a final observation, about 1 or 2 hours later. Replace the object and trace the shadow. Record your observations in the chart. Observation Time:

Notes and Observations:

Reflection Questions: Discuss the questions with a family member. • • • •

What do you notice about the shadow throughout the day? Why do you think this happened? What do you think would happen if you repeated the experiment tomorrow at the same times? Try it. Measure your 3 shadow lengths. At what time of day was the shadow the longest? Shortest? Why?

Watch the OPTIONAL VIDEO: https://bit.ly/2VhqDod


1st Grade – Week 7 Science Topic 3 Patterns of the Moon 1. Watch the video about the moon with a family member. Talk about what you learned.

https://bit.ly/2XDvH7V 2.A student observed the moon several nights during a month. This is what she saw:

What pattern do you see?

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ________________________________________ 3. Observe the moon tonight. Draw a picture and describe what you see. Name the moon phase you observe.

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 11

1st grade-Week 7 Fundations TUESDAY Name:





Title Do the “Match Blend Search” Activity

Have your child match a word beginning with a word ending to make a word. Have him or her write all the words on a separate sheet of paper and then read the words.

Word Beginnings

Word Endings












©2002, 2012 Wilson Language Training Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Permission to photocopy granted.


1st grade-Week 7 Reading Language Arts TUESDAY

Story Map

The Three Little Pigs The Main Characters

The Supporting Characters

The Setting

The Problem

The Solution

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© 2007 - 2020 Education.com More worksheets at www.education.com/worksheets



Finger Puppet Theater

The Three Little Pigs Color, cut out, and "The Three Little


for a fun






Week 7 - 1st Grade Math - TUESDAY


1st Grade- Week 7 Social Studies TUESDAY SPEND OR SAVE: Read and answer the questions.

What are some things your family spends money to buy?

What is something you would like to save your money to buy?

How did people travel

What is something you need? What is something you want?


1st grade-Week 7 Fundations WEDNESDAY


Dictation #1



Homework Guide

Review consonant blends with your child.

different finger. The word “stop” will have four taps. Do not tap trick words (in bold).

Follow These 4 Steps:

3. Have your child tell you the letters that go with those sounds.

1. Dictate the word and have your child echo the word.

4. Have your child write the letters. Remember, it is helpful if you say the letters as your child writes.

2. Have your child tap out the sounds. This is extremely important. Each sound must be tapped on a

Dictate the words and sentence to your child following the 4 steps listed above. Review Words

Current Words

Trick Words



sock flip

jam camp

which test

would could should Could Beth mend the rip in the dress?

©2002, 2012 Wilson Language Training Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Permission to photocopy granted.




Writing Grid for Word and Sentence Homework



Review Words




Current Words



Trick Words








©2002, 2012 Wilson Language Training Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Permission to photocopy granted.


1st grade-Week 7 Reading Language Arts WEDNESDAY

There once was a girl known as Little Red Riding Hood, and she always wore a red riding cape wherever she went. One day, she decided to go visit her dear grandmother, who lived deep in the woods. When her mother packed a basket of treats, she warned her not to talk to strangers along the way. As Little Red Riding Hood happily strolled through the woods, she did not notice the sneaky wolf stalking her through the trees. The wolf, pretending to be lost, asked Little Red Riding Hood for directions. The wolf seemed harmless enough, so Little Red Riding Hood not only spoke to him, she also revealed where she was going! The wolf rushed ahead to beat her to her grandmother’s house, gaining entry by pretending to be her dear granddaughter. Having locked her grandmother in the closet, the wolf waited for Little Red Riding Hood to arrive. When she knocked on her grandmother’s door, she was greeted by a strange voice. “Come in dear,” said the wolf. As the wolf lay in bed, wearing one of her grandmother’s nightgowns, Little Red Riding Hood thought her grandmother sounded and looked strange. “What big ears you have,” she said. “Better to hear you with my dear,” replied the wolf. “What big eyes you have,” said Little Red Riding Hood. “Better to see you with my darling,” the wolf replied. “Your teeth, your teeth are large and as sharp as knives!” Little Red Riding Hood exclaimed. “The better to eat you with!” growled the wolf as he jumped up and lunged at the girl. Luckily Little Red Riding Hood had practiced self-defense, and grabbed with his tail between his legs. Little Red Riding Hood freed her grandmother from the closet, and her grandmother made Little Red Riding Hood promise not to talk to strangers ever again.

Find worksheets, games, lessons & more at education.com/resources © 2007 - 2020 Education.com


1st grade-Week 7 Fundations THURSDAY


Dictation #2



Homework Guide

Review consonant blends with your child.

different finger. The word “stop” will have four taps. Do not tap trick words (in bold).

Follow These 4 Steps:

3. Have your child tell you the letters that go with those sounds.

1. Dictate the word and have your child echo the word.

4. Have your child write the letters. Remember, it is helpful if you say the letters as your child writes.

2. Have your child tap out the sounds. This is extremely important. Each sound must be tapped on a

Dictate the words and sentence to your child following the 4 steps listed above. Review Words

Current Words

Trick Words



just clams

grass bench

over her Bill went over to the ranch.

swim shrubs number

©2002, 2012 Wilson Language Training Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Permission to photocopy granted.




Writing Grid for Word and Sentence Homework



Review Words




Current Words



Trick Words








©2002, 2012 Wilson Language Training Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Permission to photocopy granted.



1st grade-Week 7 Reading Language Arts THURSDAY Little Red Riding Story Board

Oh no! This story has gotten all mixed up. Can you put the pictures back in the right order? Once you have them in the right order, retell the story to someone at your house.



Week 7 - 1st Grade Math THURSDAY

Name 1. Which tells about the model?

5-3=2 3+0=3 5+0=5 5+3=8 2. Rachel took 10 photos. Kyle took some photos. Together they took 16 photos. Which number sentence tells how many photos Kyle took? 10 + 16 = 26 10 - 6 = 4 10 + 6 = 16 26 - 10 = 16 3. Alexis has 11 tomatoes. She gives 3 tomatoes to her mom. Write a number sentence that shows how many tomatoes Alexis has left. -



1st Grade- Week 7 Social Studies THURSDAY MATH & MONEY: Read and answer the questions.

How did people travel


Frenship Frenzy Specials Edition Week 7: May 11-15 Directions: Each day roll a dice 1-2 times. Whichever space you land on match it to the coordinating subject. You will then choose an activity listed below. Complete the activity before you roll again. If you land on a FREE SPACE, you get to choose any from this page.

Art • • • • • • •

Draw yourself as a minion (see page 31) Visit https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/ and draw your favorite animal. Create a new type of cereal; then draw and design the box it would go in. Draw yourself as a superhero. What is your power? Create a comic strip starring your favorite stuffed animal. Create a full-page picture and hide 10 hearts in your drawing. See if a family member can find all 10 hearts. Who found them first? Design a car with no tires. How does it move? (wings, legs, hands, skates, etc.)

Music • • • • • • •

Make up a song about what you are doing during your time at home. Using items at home, create sound effects for a story you like (a book or one you made up). Listen to “Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony” and see if you can find the “short short short long” patterns. Family Freeze Dance Party to your favorite songs. Create an instrument using household items. Play along to your favorite song! Bonus: Listen to a song you have never heard and keep the beat. Sing 2 songs we sing in music class. Perform for your family OR teach them the songs. If it has a game, teach them the game too! Go to https://musicplayonline.com/ and play a game listed on the right side (ex. High/Low, Soft/Loud, Match the Melody).USERNAME: snow PASSWORD: 2020

P.E. • • • • •

• •

BALLOON VOLLEY-volley with both hands, volley with one hand at a time, volley with head, or volley with foot EXERCISE TIME - 20 jumping jacks, 10 burpees, and 15 lunges on each leg PLANK TIME (repeat 2-3 times) - hold a plank and count by 5’s to 100. Next try counting by 5’s to 200 KNEES UP (repeat 2-3 times) - run in place for 30 seconds, high knees for 30 seconds, hop on both feet for 30 seconds, then hop on one foot for 30 seconds and switch. ROLL THE DICE (roll 5 times) *do exercise listed below for the number you roll 1- 10 lunges on each leg 2- 8 sit-ups 3- 30-second plank 4- 15 crab dips 5- 1 foot balance for 30 second on each foot 6- 15 jumps WALKING TIME - take a walk, jog or run outside for 10-15 minutes HEART RATE - choose any activity of your choice that will get your heart rate up 29

1st Grade - Week 7: Specials Activity Board


1st Grade: Week 7 ART Activity


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