1st Grade Remote Learning May 18-21

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Frenship ISD Remote Learning st

1 Grade Week 8: May 18-21 Reading/Language Arts, Math, Science & Social Studies: pages 1-14 Specials: 15-17


Science & Social Studies


Reading Language Arts

Frenship ISD 1st grade Week 8 (May 18-21) Schedule Monday Complete “This is Me!” Pages 3-4 My 1st Grade Memories Book

Tuesday Complete “This is My Teacher!” Page 5 My 1st Grade Memories Book

Choose a task from the 1st Grade – Week 8 Math Choice Board page 8

Choose a task from the 1st Grade – Week 8 Math Choice Board page 8

SCIENCE Complete the “Smore Oven” Activity pages 10-11

SOCIAL STUDIES Complete “Let’s Review: Part 1” page 12 (Studies Weekly)

*Make sure you share your findings with your teacher and a family member!

Additional social studies instructional materials (read-alongs, videos, articles, games) can be found at www.studiesweekly.com . Parents can currently set up TEACHER accounts for free. For additional help with log-in, contact your child’s teacher.

Wednesday Complete “This is My School!” Page 6 My 1st Grade Memories Book

Choose a task from the 1st Grade – Week 8 Math Choice Board page 8

Thursday Complete "Three Things I learned in 1st Grade” Page 7 My 1st Grade Memories Book

Friday Have a great summer! We are so proud of all your hard work this year!

Make Your Summer Reading Goals on the “Reading Goal Getter” Sheet page 13 Choose a task from the 1st Grade – Week 8 Math Choice Board page 8

SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES On a sheet of paper, Complete draw a picture and “Let’s Review: describe your Part 2” page 14 favorite science (Studies Weekly) topic or activity that you participated in Additional social studies this year. Share with instructional materials (read-alongs, videos, your teacher or articles, games) can be family member! found at www.studiesweekly.com . Parents can currently set up TEACHER accounts for free. For additional help with login, contact your child’s teacher.


1st grade-Week 8 Reading Language Arts MONDAY

My 1st Grade

Memories 2019-2020



1st grade-Week 8 Reading Language Arts MONDAY

This is Me!

My name is________________________________________. My favorite thing about 1st grade was_____________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________.


1st grade-Week 8 Reading Language Arts TUESDAY

This is My Teacher!

My teacher’s name is… ______________________________________________________. My favorite thing about my teacher is… ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________


1st grade-Week 8 Reading Language Arts WEDNESDAY

This is My School!

The name of my school is___________________________. My principal’s name is _______________________________ The best thing about my school is___________________ ______________________________________________________.


1st grade-Week 8 Reading Language Arts THURSDAY

Three Things I Learned This Year 1. ____________________________________________________


2.____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________.

3.____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________.


1st Grade—Week 8 Math

1st Grade Math Choice Board Write about your favorite thing that you learned in math this year. Draw a picture to match your writing.

Ask an adult in your home their Solve the Problem age. Write a comparison statement to compare their age Zane had 6 marbles. Gray gave to your age. him 8 more. How many marbles does Zane have now? ______ > ______ Use a number line or a ten frame to help.

Show two ways to make 33 Go on a scavenger hunt in your using objects or pictures using a home or yard with an adult. How many different 3D shapes ten frame (Reference page 9). can you find. Take pictures or make a list. Technology Option: https:// apps.mathlearningcenter.org/ number-frames/

Use what you know about the hundred chart to complete the puzzle below.

Play Prodigy for 10 minutes to practice your math skills. Contact your teacher if you need help logging in. https://sso.prodigygame.com/ game/login

Email or text your teacher to tell Grab a handful of coins. Write them how thankful you are for down the value of each and them. Tell them your favorite count the total collection. things about their class. Technology Option: https://bit.ly/2zhERwu


First Grade—Week 8 Math Reference Sheet

Ten Frame

Double Ten Frame

Number Tracks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1








9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


1st Grade – Week 8 Science MONDAY

Smores Oven First: Think how thermal energy effects different materials. Your task is to create an oven that will melt smores.

Then: Create your oven that will melt the chocolate to create smores. Be creative and think outside of the box. You will need a few materials: Zipped locked bag, aluminum foil, marshmallows, graham crackers, chocolate, timer/phone and choose an outside location that can be monitored throughout the day.

Next: Fill in the table below. Illustrate and describe your findings as you check on the heat transfer to your piece of chocolate every 5 minutes.

Illustrate your findings below

Describe in words your findings below

Need some help? Check out the picture above! 1st Observation

2nd Observation

3rd Observation

4th Observation


Reflection Question: 1. How did your piece of chocolate change? (TIP: use your 5 senses) _____________________________________________________________________________________




1st Grade- Week 8 Social Studies TUESDAY LET’S REVIEW: Part 1

How did people travel


1st grade — Week 8 Reading Language Arts THURSDAY


Goal Getter

It is so important that you continue reading through the summer. Reading will keep your brain fresh and growing! If you don’t have any books at home, there are other ways that you can get something to read! Here are a few resources you can use to read!

Digital Reading Options: Myon— myon.com Epic! - getepic.com Unite for Literacy— uniteforliteracy.com

Public Libraries Near You: Wolfforth Library— wolfforth.ploud.net

Lubbock Library - lubbock.overdrive.com

Now—take some time to set some reading goals for the summer! Are there specific books you want to read? How long do you want to read each day?


1st Grade- Week 8 Social Studies THURSDAY LET’S REVIEW: Part 2

How did people travel





My Nei ghborhood Proj ect. Thi s Art Proj ect uses S HAPE&S PACEso that YOU CAN draw your nei ghborhood from


W hat You’ l lNeed: Draw i ng Paper |Draw i ng Utensi l|Pl anni ng Sheet (attached al ong w i th the Speci al s Lesson Pl ans)|Col ori ng Materi al s (Markers,Crayons,etc. )|Hard Draw i ng Surface

Maki ng a Pl an Wi th an adul t,take a wal k around your nei ghborhood w i th the pl anni ng sheet,som ethi ng to draw w i th & a hard surface,l i ke a cl i pboard or a book to draw on.Don’ t worry about draw i ng perfectl y the fi rst ti m e,the pl anni ng page i s for qui ck sketchi ng. Begi n by draw i ng your street i n the center of the paper.You don’ t have to draw the enti re street,j ust the porti on i n front of your hom e.Draw your hom e fi rst.Try to

break your hom e dow n i nto the S HAPE Sthat you see.It m ight be easier to draw from across the street so you can see the w hol e thi ng.Add detai l s from


the si dewal ks,a dri veway,trees,cars,pl ants or peopl e.W al k to the next house or bui l di ng and repeat the process unti lyou run out of room on your paper.Try to

fi l lal lof the S PACEon the page.For the other side of the street,it can help to flip your paper upsi de dow n,so the houses or bui l di ngs l ook l i ke they’ re faci ng each other.

Fi nalDraft W hen you have a sketch that you l i ke,you can use the sheet of w hi te paper to re-draw your nei ghborhood.Thi s draw i ng can take a bi t m ore ti m e and becom e m ore detai l ed. I f you have one,trace your l i nes w i th a bl ack m arker,l i ke a Sharpi e.Col or i n your nei ghborhood w i th w hatever m ateri al s you have.m arkers are great for sm al l er detai l s,w hi l el arger areas are easi er to col or i n wi th crayons. Take a pi cture & share w i th your teacher i f possi bl e!


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