Frenship ISD Remote Learning rd
3 Grade Week 8: May 18-21 Reading/Language Arts, Math, Science & Social Studies: pages 1-13 Specials: pages 14-16
Science & Social Studies
Reading Language Arts
Frenship ISD 3rd grade Week 8 (May 18-21) Schedule Monday Complete the page titled "Top 5 Ways to Thrive in 3rd Grade”page 3 then complete “My Summer Bucket List” page 4
Tuesday Complete the page titled “My 3rd grade year in pictures” page 8
Choose one or more tasks to complete from the Week 8 Choice Board page 5
Choose one or more tasks to complete from the Week 8 Choice Board page 5
Choose one or m ore tasks to complete from the Week 8 Choice Board page 5
Choose one or more tasks to complete from the Week 8 Choice Board page 5
SCIENCE Complete the “Smore Oven” Activity pages 6-7
SOCIAL STUDIES Complete “Let’s Review: Part 1” page 9 (Studies Weekly)
SOCIAL STUDIES Complete “Let’s Review: Part 2” page 13 (Studies Weekly)
*Make sure you share your findings with your teacher and a family member!
Wednesday Complete the pages titled, “Goal Getter” page 10 and “Reading Goal Getter” page 11
Thursday Complete the page titled “Attitude of Gratitude” page 12
Share your goals with someone at home or with your class on a Teams call!
Additional social studies instructional materials (read-alongs, videos, articles, games) can be found at . Parents can currently set up TEACHER accounts for free. For additional help with login, contact your child’s teacher.
On a sheet of paper, write a letter to a future 3rd grade science student. What was your favorite science topic or activity they can look forward to and why was it your favorite? What did you find the most challenging and how did you overcome the challenge? What should the student do to be successful in 3rd grade science?
Friday No School today! We so appreciate your hard work during this unusual time of Remote Learning. ENJOY your summer!! No School Today! Happy Summer
Additional social studies instructional materials (read-alongs, videos, articles, games) can be found at . Parents can currently set up TEACHER accounts for free. For additional help with log- in, contact your child’s teacher.
3rd Grade - Week 8 Reading Language Arts MONDAY
Top 5 ways to Thrive in 3rd Grade
1 2 3 4
5 ©Jennifer Findley
My Summer Bucket list
Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________
Directions – Make a list of different activities that you want to do this summer. Write the activities under the correct category. Try to have at least two ideas for each category.
With Family and Friends
To Be Helpful
ŠJennifer Findley
3rd Grade - Week 8 Math MONDAY-THURSDAY
3rd Grade--Week 8 Math Choice Board Create a 2-digit number and multiply it by a 1-digit number. Solve and record your answer. Repeat 4 times.
What are 2 of your favorite things about distance learning? What is 1 challenge you’ve had with distance learning?
Create a 4 digit number. Write that number in standard form, expanded form and expanded notation. Repeat 3 times.
Look at a clock. Write down the time. Figure out what time it will be in 20 more minutes.
Go on a scavenger hunt in Write a paragraph about your home or yard. How your favorite thing that many 3-D shapes can you you’ve learned in Math this find? List the shapes you year? Why was it was your found. favorite? Repeat 5 times throughout the day.
Email or text your Math Find something around teacher how thankful you your house to build are for them! Tell them your polygons. favorite part of their class. (straws, spaghetti, pencils)
Create a 4-digit number. Now round it to the hundreds place. Repeat 5 times.
Build the following 2-D shapes: Square, trapezoid, rectangle, pentagon and hexagon
3rd Grade – Week 8 Science MONDAY
Smores Oven First: Think how thermal energy effects different materials. Your task is to create an oven that will melt smores.
Then: Create your oven that will melt the chocolate to create smores. Be creative and think outside of the box. You will need a few materials: Zipped locked bag, aluminum foil, marshmallows, graham crackers, chocolate, timer/phone and choose an outside location that can be monitored throughout the day.
Next: Fill in the table below. Illustrate and describe your findings as you check on the heat transfer to your piece of chocolate every 5 minutes.
Illustrate your findings below
Describe in words your findings below
Need some help? Check out the picture above! 1st Observation
2nd Observation
3rd Observation
4th Observation
Reflection Questions: 1. How did your piece of chocolate change? (TIP: use your 5 senses)
2. What state of matter did your piece of chocolate begin and finish as? Why did this happen?
3. How would the temperature outside effect how long you wait between your observations? Justify your thinking?
3rd Grade—Week 8 Reading Language Arts TUESDAY
My 3rd Grade Year in pictures What were some of your favorite moments this year? Fill the boxes on this page with drawings that tell those stories. Choose your favorite one and write about it in the box provided.
3rd Grade- Week 8 Social Studies TUESDAY LET’S REVIEW: Part 1 Pretend you are a dollar bill. Write a story about how you were earned. Describe three times when you were spent. How did you feel when you were being saved? Who did you help when you were being donated?
On a piece of paper, write your story. As you write, be sure to use correct capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Be sure to write in complete sentences. Add illustrations to your story. Read your story out loud to your family.
Before you write your story, make some notes below to help you think out your story.
3rd Grade—Week 8 Reading Language Arts WEDNESDAY
Goal Getter Think about THREE things that you are proud you accomplished this year. What were they? What made it possible for them to achieve them?
Think about TWO goals you have for your 4th Grade year. Write them down and talk with your teacher or parent about some
ways you can start working toward those goals.
Picture it! Draw a picture of you achieving these goals!
3rd Grade — Week 8 Reading Language Arts WEDNESDAY
Goal Getter
It is so important that you continue reading through the summer. Reading will keep your brain fresh and growing! If you don’t have any books at home, there are other ways that you can get something to read! Here are a few resources you can use to read!
Digital Reading Options: Myon— Epic! - Unite for Literacy—
Public Libraries Near You: Wolfforth Library—
Lubbock Library -
Now—take some time to set some reading goals for the summer! Are there specific books you want to read? How long do you want to read each day?
3rd Grade — Week 8 Reading Language Arts THURSDAY
Attitude of Gratitude Think about someone who has done something for you that you are grateful for. Showing our gratitude can cheer us up, ease our stress, and bring a smile to someone else in the mean time.
Use this page or a card of your own to let someone know what they mean to you!
13 ANSWERS: ACROSS 2) Tennessee 4 )PhillisWheatley 7) lawyer 8) Crockett 9) culture 10) little DOWN 1) fascinated 3)Lincoln 5)SanAntonio 6) emancipation
LET’S REVIEW: Part 2 3rd Grade- Week 8 Social Studies THURSDAY
My Nei ghborhood Proj ect. Thi s Art Proj ect uses S HAPE&S PACEso that YOU CAN draw your nei ghborhood from
W hat You’ l lNeed: Draw i ng Paper |Draw i ng Utensi l|Pl anni ng Sheet (attached al ong w i th the Speci al s Lesson Pl ans)|Col ori ng Materi al s (Markers,Crayons,etc. )|Hard Draw i ng Surface
Maki ng a Pl an Wi th an adul t,take a wal k around your nei ghborhood w i th the pl anni ng sheet,som ethi ng to draw w i th & a hard surface,l i ke a cl i pboard or a book to draw on.Don’ t worry about draw i ng perfectl y the fi rst ti m e,the pl anni ng page i s for qui ck sketchi ng. Begi n by draw i ng your street i n the center of the paper.You don’ t have to draw the enti re street,j ust the porti on i n front of your hom e.Draw your hom e fi rst.Try to
break your hom e dow n i nto the S HAPE Sthat you see.It m ight be easier to draw from across the street so you can see the w hol e thi ng.Add detai l s from
the si dewal ks,a dri veway,trees,cars,pl ants or peopl e.W al k to the next house or bui l di ng and repeat the process unti lyou run out of room on your paper.Try to
fi l lal lof the S PACEon the page.For the other side of the street,it can help to flip your paper upsi de dow n,so the houses or bui l di ngs l ook l i ke they’ re faci ng each other.
Fi nalDraft W hen you have a sketch that you l i ke,you can use the sheet of w hi te paper to re-draw your nei ghborhood.Thi s draw i ng can take a bi t m ore ti m e and becom e m ore detai l ed. I f you have one,trace your l i nes w i th a bl ack m arker,l i ke a Sharpi e.Col or i n your nei ghborhood w i th w hatever m ateri al s you have.m arkers are great for sm al l er detai l s,w hi l el arger areas are easi er to col or i n wi th crayons. Take a pi cture & share w i th your teacher i f possi bl e!