Dual Language Pre-K April 13-17

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Frenship ISD Remote Learning

Dual Language Pre-Kindergarten Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies: pages 1-3 Specials: pages 4-7


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Social Studies/Estudios Sociales


Math/ Matemáticas

SLA Lectura en español

Frenship ISD Pre-K DL Schedule Week 3 (April 13-17) Monday/lunes


Wednesday/ miércoles



Escribe los nombres de los colores. “verde, azul, amarillo utilizando esos colores.

Escribe las letras Aa - Ee con la mejor letra que puedas.

Escribe las letras Ff - Jj con la mejor letra que puedas

Dibuja una cosa que empiece con la letra Ee y una cosa que empiece con Ff.

Dibuja una cosa que empiece con la letra Hh y una cosa que empiece con Gg.

1. Cuenta hasta 30

1. Cuenta hasta 10, cuenta regresiva desde 10 2. Escribe los números del 1 al 10 en la arena

1. Cuenta hasta 30

1. Cuenta hasta 10, cuenta regresiva desde 10

1. Cuenta hasta 30

2. Escribe los números del 1 al 10 en la arena 3. Cuente cuántos tenedores se necesitan para la cena de su familia

3. Haga formas con palillos de dientes o palos desde el exterior.

Observar una colección (rocas, palos, plantas)

Digamos las promesas de Texas y Estados Unidos

2. Escribe los números del 1 al 10 en la arena 3. Encuentra y nombra 4 formas diferentes en tu hogar.

2. Alinee 5 juguetes de menor a mayor 3. Encuentre una colección de artículos (rocas, botones, crayones), luego ordénelos según atributos como color, forma o tamaño.

Ordenar una colección (rocas, palos, plantas)

Digamos las promesas de Texas y Estados Unidos

Digamos las promesas de Texas y Estados Unidos

2. Encuentra 3 artículos más altos que tú y 3 artículos más cortos que tú 3. Clasifique los zapatos por talla de menor a mayor.

Describa una colección (rocas, palos, plantas)

Digamos las promesas de Texas y Estados Unidos

Digamos las promesas de Texas y Estados Unidos


Pre-K Specials Schedule April 13th-17th

Week Of: Monday





Art Project: Rainbow Fish Drawing

PE: Stretch, Warm up, & Physical Activity {Kicking}

Music Lesson: ABC’s of Music

PE: Stretch, Warm up, & Physical Activity {At Home Putt-Putt}

Pick one activity to do! Your Choice!

Draw with chalk outside!

Learn to sing a new song!

Practice jump roping!


April 13th-17th

The Rainbow Fish The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister is a story about a spectacular fish with amazing scales. Use the QR code to hear the book online.

What you need: *paper

*pencil or whatever you want to draw with

*coloring materials (markers, crayons, paint…anything you have)

Assignment: Use the drawing guide →→ to draw a fish like the one in our book. Use any coloring materials you would like. You could even use sparkles (optional) on your scales to look more like the fish in our book. Have fun creating your rainbow fish.


Physical Education Weekly 1 min Challenge:

Stretches & Warm Up:

Physical Activity:

Do Frog Hops for Do each stretch for 20 Sec: one minute. Count how many you do. Then challenge a family member or friend to beat your number!

Tuesday: Focus is Kicking Get large ball and small one. (Roll up a large sock if you don’t have a ball) Practice kicking the ball(s) towards a target. Kick it hard & then soft. Use the inside of your foot & then your toe.

-Which is the better way to kick? -How many times can you hit your target in a row?

Family Challenge: Ask a family member what their favorite game was growing up. Then ask them to teach you how to play it!

Spell your name:

Thursday: At home Putt-Putt

first, middle, or last

Materials Needed: rolled up tube sock, boxes/books, any house hold item to use as a obstacle.

Mix it up! 5 Sit ups A---E---I---M---Q--U---Y- 5 Push Ups B---F---J---N---R--V---Z- 10 Jumping Jacks C---G---K---O---S--W 5 Frog Hops D---H---L---P---T--X

You will create your own Put- Putt Course! Have a starting point and end point. Put a piece of paper as your end point. In between the start and end put some items to be obstacles. Place your sock at the start. Kick the sock towards the paper. Count how many times it takes you to get the sock on the paper all while going around your obstacles. Create a different obstacle and play again!


MUSIC! Pick the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name and have fun!!


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