Reopening Frenship Parent Guide

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REOPENING FRENSHIP The District’s Action Plan to Reopen Schools in August


UPDATED March 12, 2021

REOPENING FRENSHIP | TABLE OF CONTENTS REOPENING FRENSHIP Executive Summary............................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Guidance.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 SAFETY PROTOCOLS Screening ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Reporting COVID-19 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Face Coverings .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Visitors and Cleaning......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 EVENTS Meet the Teacher and Open House................................................................................................................................................ 10 OPERATIONAL ADJUSTMENTS Classrooms and Common Areas.................................................................................................................................................... 11 Arrival, Passing Period, Dismissal ................................................................................................................................................. 12 Day-to-Day........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Student Activities ............................................................................................................................................................................. 14 INSTRUCTIONAL ADJUSTMENTS Instructional Options ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Student Attendance........................................................................................................................................................................... 18 TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION Overview............................................................................................................................................................................................ 19 RESOURCES Social and Emotional Support......................................................................................................................................................... 20 GLOSSARY OF TERMS........................................................................................................................................................................ 21 APPENDIX.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 2020-2021 ATHLETIC GUIDE........................................................................................................................................................... 29

PLEASE NOTE: The details in this document are subject to change as directives are provided by governing authorities and/or health officials or as environmental conditions change.

REOPENING FRENSHIP | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Reopening Frenship will require much collaboration and thoughtful action to ensure the safety of our staff and students remains our top priority. The following pages outline the steps Frenship plans to take to safely and effectively reopen our doors to our 1,200 staff members and 10,300 students. How is Frenship ISD preparing to reopen? While it is not possible to eliminate all risk of furthering the spread of COVID-19, the current science suggests there are many steps we can take to significantly reduce the risks to students, teachers, staff, and their families. This guidance document contains information on four sets of practices that minimize the likelihood of viral spread, including some that are requirements for all schools and others that are recommendations: • • • •

PROVIDE NOTICE: Requirements for parental and public notices PREVENT: Required practices to prevent the virus from entering the school RESPOND: Required practices to respond to a test-confirmed case in the school MITIGATE: Recommended and required practices to reduce likely spread inside the school

What instructional options will Frenship provide? Frenship ISD is committed to providing a premier learning environment for all students. Teachers take pride in meeting the needs of every student to empower them to reach their potential. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Frenship ISD will offer these instructional options for the 2020-21 school year: • •

Face-to-Face Learning Virtual Learning

Details for each of these options is outlined on page 15. What can you expect next? Frenship ISD remains committed to our beliefs, which always guide our decision-making process. Updates will be posted to our District social media accounts and



Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

Frenship Independent School District |


REOPENING FRENSHIP | GUIDANCE Throughout the ongoing efforts of Reopening Frenship, the District will continue to respond to guidance from: FEDERAL • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) STATE • The Office of the Texas Governor • Texas Department of Health and Human Services • Texas Education Agency (TEA) • University Interscholastic League (UIL) LOCAL • City of Lubbock Health Department • Covenant Children’s Hospital Pediatricians • Frenship ISD Action Teams • Frenship ISD Counselors • Frenship ISD Health Services • Frenship ISD Medical Director OTHER RESOURCES • COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for Re-entry by American Academy of Pediatrics • Recommendations for Reopening Public Schools K-12 in Texas by Dr. Marc Mazade, Cooks Children’s Hospital



Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

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SAFETY PROTOCOLS | SCREENING As stated by TEA, parents must ensure they do not send a child to school if the child has COVID-19 symptoms (listed below) or has testconfirmed COVID-19. SCREENING PROTOCOLS Self-Screening • Staff will be required to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms prior to reporting to work each day. Self-screening should include teachers and staff taking their own temperature. • Parents/guardians are expected to screen their students for COVID-19 symptoms each day prior to sending their student to school. • Teachers will monitor students and refer to the nurse if symptoms are present. Screening Questionnaire • Do you have a fever of 100° or higher? • Have you had any of the following? • Cough • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing • Chills • Repeated shaking with chills • Muscle pain • Headache • Sore throat • Loss of taste or smell • Diarrhea • Have you been around anyone exhibiting these symptoms or who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days? Screening by the Campus • Visitors are expected to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms before entering any Frenship facility. There will be an additional screening process in the front office of each campus/facility. Visitors will be asked by front office staff if they have any of the above symptoms. Visitors must answer “Yes” or “No” to the overall statement that they are symptomatic for COVID-19. TEMPERATURE CHECKS Temperature checks for staff and students may be conducted as needed. According to TEA, regularly performing a forehead temperature check of otherwise asymptomatic students in school is not recommended. TRAINING Training will be provided by the District for staff and students on strategies to prevent the spread of COVID-19. These include cover your cough, wash your hands, face coverings, and social distancing. Teachers will also be trained to limit sharing of supplies, equipment, etc. and to sanitize between uses by different groups. On the first day of school, teachers will provide instruction to students on appropriate hygiene practices and other mitigation practices adopted by the District. Signage that promotes protective measures on each campus will serve as helpful reminders to students and staff.



Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

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SAFETY PROTOCOLS | REPORTING COVID-19 Anyone who becomes aware of someone who is presenting COVID-19 symptoms, has test-confirmed COVID-19, or reports close contact with someone with test-confirmed COVID-19 should: • Immediately report the information to the campus Principal. • Discussions of this nature are very sensitive, confidential, and will be treated as such. • Any necessary notifications to staff or parents will be made by the District, based on guidance from the local health department. Notifications will be made in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including confidentiality requirements of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The Texas Education Agency (TEA) in collaboration with the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) will monitor and report testconfirmed COVID-19 cases in public schools across Texas. School systems report COVID-19 cases to DSHS, and DSHS will publicly report data on COVID-19 cases and outbreaks in schools. Upon receipt of information that any teacher, staff member, student, or visitor at a school is test-confirmed to have COVID-19, the school must submit a report to the DSHS. The report must be submitted each Monday for the prior seven days (Monday-Sunday). Updated 9.4.2020 STUDENT OR STAFF WITH COVID-19 SYMPTOMS • When a student or employee has displayed symptoms of COVID-19 while at school, the school nurse will provide a clinical assessment to determine when a student/employee needs to be sent home. • In the case of an individual who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and who has not been evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, the individual is assumed to have COVID-19. The individual may not return to the campus until the individual has completed the following three-step process: • At least one day (24 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medication(s)) • The individual has improvement in symptoms (i.e. cough, shortness of breath) • At least ten days have passed since symptoms first appeared TEST-CONFIRMED COVID-19 • School will close off areas that were heavily used by the individual with a test-confirmed case until non-porous surfaces in those areas can be disinfected, unless more than three days have already passed since that individual was on campus per CDC guidelines. • In the case of an individual who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual may return to the campus when all three of the following criteria are met: • At least one day (24 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medication(s)) • The individual has improvement in symptoms (i.e. cough, shortness of breath) • At least ten days have passed since symptoms first appeared REPORT COVID-19 AFTER HOURS Updated 9.11.2020 If it is after regular business hours, on the weekend, or a scheduled day off, please use the COVID-19 report form to report a student’s positive test-confirmed case. It is important for Frenship to receive notice of test-confirmed cases as quickly as possible so proper notifications to staff and students can be made. This includes notifying families over the weekend or after school hours if necessary. This form should ONLY be used if you need to make a report after hours for a student who has a test-confirmed case. If you need to report other information such as requirements to quarantine due to close-contact, please call your campus during regular business hours. CLOSE CONTACT WITH SOMEONE WITH TEST-CONFIRMED COVID-19 The following defines “close contact” with someone with test-confirmed COVID-19: Updated 8.28.2020 • Being directly exposed to infectious secretions (e.g., being coughed on while not wearing a mask or face shield) • Being within six feet for a largely uninterrupted or sustained extended period of approximately 15 minutes, while not wearing a mask or face shield • If either of the above occurred during the infectious period of the case, defined as two days prior to symptom onset to 10 days after symptom onset. • Asymptomatic individuals who are test-confirmed with COVID-19 are infections two days prior to their confirmed test and continuing for 10 days following the confirmed test. • Parents should inform the campus Principal if their student has had close contact with someone with test-confirmed COVID-19. The District will begin processes as appropriate.



Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

Frenship Independent School District |


SAFETY PROTOCOLS | FACE COVERINGS STATE MANDATES Updated 3.12.2021 Effective March 10, 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued Executive Order GA-34 rescinding the state-wide face covering mandate. The order states in part: “Individuals are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings over the nose and mouth wherever it is not feasible to maintain six feet of social distancing from another person not in the same household, but no person may be required by any jurisdiction to wear or to mandate the wearing of a face covering.” See full Executive Order GA-34 at Based on guidance from the City of Lubbock Health Department, the Texas Education Agency, and GA-34, Frenship strongly encourages staff and students to continue wearing face coverings. If there are no Executive Orders mandating face coverings, Frenship may require face coverings using the following procedures. FRENSHIP MANDATES Protective measures may be determined by the level of disease activity of COVID-19 in the Lubbock area. The District will rely on data from the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and City of Lubbock Health Department to determine the disease activity level and the appropriate protective measures. The disease activity level categories below are based on the recommendations of local and state health officials. The District will develop a process to alert students, parents, and staff of the disease activity level (see below) and when face coverings must be worn. Students’ individual needs will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. Requests for accommodations should be submitted to campus administration.



Updated 3.12.2021

THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE: Number of new cases in Lubbock County over the most recent one-week period is greater than 300


THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE: Number of new cases in Lubbock County over the most recent one-week period is 78300


THE FOLLOWING IS TRUE: Number of new cases in Lubbock County over the most recent one-week period is less than 78

See page 8 for the protective measures taken based on disease activity levels. ELEMENTARY-LEVEL


Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

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SAFETY PROTOCOLS | FACE COVERINGS PROTECTIVE MEASURES FACE COVERINGS Staff, visitors, and students in grades 4—12 will wear face coverings as feasible, especially when social distancing is difficult

SUBSTANTIAL Students in Pre-K—3 will not be required to wear a face covering

Staff, visitors, and students in grades 4—12 are encouraged to wear face coverings as feasible, especially when social distancing is difficult

MODERATE Students in Pre-K—3 will not be required to wear a face covering


Staff, visitors, and students may wear face coverings if desired

Staff, visitors, and parents will be notified if the disease level reaches “Substantial” requiring staff, visitors, and students in grades 4-12 to wear face coverings. The current disease level will be displayed on the Frenship ISD COVID-19 Dashboard each week, and information will be release on the website and social media. Updated 3.12.2021 The District will provide face coverings for staff and students as supply allows. STUDENTS AND STAFF WHO WEAR FACE COVERINGS Updated 3.12.2021 While face coverings are not required for students and staff, all students and staff have the option to wear face coverings. Students and staff who wear a face covering may not have to quarantine if another student or staff member in their class tests positive for COVID-19.



Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

Frenship Independent School District |


SAFETY PROTOCOLS | VISITORS AND CLEANING CAMPUS VISITORS Who is considered a campus visitor? Any person who is not assigned as an employee of the building. Parents and other adults can visit schools; however, TEA is requesting that schools limit visits to those deemed essential. •

• • • •

All visitors will comply with the following procedures: • Enter through a secure entrance (main offices that have a vestibule) • Use hand sanitizer • Comply with all applicable District policies and procedures • Provide identification to staff member Campus staff will sanitize visitor check-in area after each visitor by wiping down countertops. Administrators will approve all campus visitors and designate visitor areas. At this time, visitors are not allowed to eat with students on campus because of limited space. Clear plexiglass shields will be installed in the front offices of each campus to reduce the risk of exposure and spread.

PARENT MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES Both experience and research tell us that a child’s education is most successful when there is effective communication and a strong partnership between home and school. We will create options for parents to participate virtually when they do not feel comfortable entering the building. Parent conferences may occur in designated areas that are not occupied or where social distancing is practiced. Parent conferences (ARDS, 504 etc.) may be done virtually. HAND SANITIZING AND CLEANING • Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the campus for students and staff to use, including front offices, all classrooms, all common areas, cafeterias and teachers’ lounges. Campus custodians will refill the bottles in the common areas. Updated 8.10.2020 • Teachers will encourage students to wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer throughout the day. • Every classroom will have a bucket of kid-friendly sanitizing wipes to wipe down common areas, desks, manipulatives, etc. during the school day. Updated 8.21.2020 END OF DAY CHECKLIST FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS (Classroom teacher will ensure these expectations are clearly communicated to students and followed daily) • All personal belongings will be picked up and chairs will be put on top of every student desk to assist with the efficiency of sanitizing and disinfecting processes. • All student accessible high touch areas listed below must be completely clear of all items including paper, name tags, writing utensils and any other fixtures before leaving each day unless they are placed in a container. High touch areas are listed below: • Tables • Countertops • Student Desk • Teacher Desk • All trash will need to be picked up and put into the trash receptacle before leaving each day. CUSTODIAL SERVICES CLEANING AND DISINFECTING Prior to the first day of school, all Frenship custodial staff will complete additional and enhanced training on CDC-based cleaning procedures. Below is a list of surfaces and areas of the building that will be sanitized daily or between use as much as possible by custodians: • Building Entrances, Elevators, Stairways, Glass Doors/Windows/Mirrors, Classrooms, Showers, Corridors/Hallways, Administrative Suites, Work Rooms/Break Rooms, Libraries, Computer Labs Frequently touched surfaces and areas listed below will be sanitized and disinfected daily or between use as much as possible: • Tables, Desk, Doorknobs, Light Switches, Restrooms, Locker Rooms, Weight Rooms, Countertops, Handles, Phones, Keyboards, Toilets, Faucets, Sinks, Touch Screens CLEANING PROCEDURES IF INDIVIDUALS WITH TEST-CONFIRMED CASES HAVE BEEN IN A SCHOOL Frenship will close off the area(s) that were heavily used by the individual with the test-confirmed case until the non-porous surfaces in those areas can be disinfected, unless more than seven days have already passed since that person was on campus. ELEMENTARY-LEVEL


Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

Frenship Independent School District |


EVENTS | MEET THE TEACHER AND OPEN HOUSE Frenship ISD will still provide parents and students the opportunity to attend Meet the Teacher and Open House events in-person. However, the following will be implemented to help reduce the risk of COVID-19. Meet the Teacher and Open House events will follow these guidelines: • Only two parents/guardians will be allowed to attend the event with their student during Meet the Teacher and Open House events. • Campuses will also implement a staggered schedule for the events to further limit the number of people inside the facilities at one time. Teachers will help enforce social distancing at events when feasible. • Frenship will follow any active Executive Orders that require face coverings or other health protocols. PRIOR TO EVENTS • Teacher will designate an area for school supplies (no community supplies). ELEMENTARY MEET THE TEACHER To minimize the number of people in the building at any given time, this event is designed to: • Meet the teacher • Drop off school supplies in the designated area • Provide transportation details • Pick up paperwork for first day of school plans, after school, transportation, etc. to return to campus (not to fill out while there) • Communicate arrival/dismissal procedures MIDDLE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Sixth grade Open House: Parents and students will be encouraged to come during the assigned times and walk through the students’ schedule. Seventh and eighth grade Open House: Parents and students will be encouraged to come during the assigned times and walk through the students’ schedule. NINTH GRADE CENTER AND HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE This event will follow similar guidelines as far as limiting guests.

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS ELEMENTARY MEET THE TEACHER August 13 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm A – L 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm M – Z MIDDLE SCHOOLS OPEN HOUSE 6th Grade August 12 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm A – L 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm M – Z 7th and 8th Grade August 20 (tentative) 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm A – L 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm M – Z



Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

NGC OPEN HOUSE August 10 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm A – F 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm G – L August 11 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm M – R 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm S – Z FHS OPEN HOUSE September 8 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm A – L 6:30 pm – 7:30pm M – Z

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OPERATIONAL ADJUSTMENTS | CLASSROOMS AND COMMON AREAS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ALL CLASSROOMS/OFFICES CONFIGURATIONS • Teachers will configure desks in a manner that is conducive for the size and furniture in the classroom space. Desks or tables will be socially distanced as much as possible. • When social distancing is not possible, teachers will encourage more frequent hand washing and/or hand sanitizing. • Prior to the first day of school, teachers will remove all porous material seating, decorative rugs, drapes, and fixtures to allow for proper sanitizing and disinfecting. CLASSROOM PROCEDURES • Teachers will provide a seating chart for students to ensure the ability to trace potential exposure. • Students will not be allowed to share school supplies. • Students will be allowed to have seat sacks for supplies or other belongings, but must remove them daily and place them in their locker or cubby. • Classroom manipulatives should be sanitized after each use when feasible. • Teachers will consider assigning cohorts of students specific manipulatives in order to reduce the possibility of exposure or consider creating individual bags of supplementary aids and/or manipulatives for student use that could also be sent home in the event of school closure. • The use of outdoor space for learning will be considered when possible. Classroom groups working outside will maintain at least 12 feet of social distance from other classroom groups. • The recommended procedures will be applied to all classroom settings, including special education services locations when possible and appropriate. Students’ individual needs will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. COMMON AREAS • Common areas include spaces that are used for meetings and collaboration. This includes computer labs, flexible spaces, libraries, conference rooms and other meeting rooms. • Library books will be checked out. Upon return, books will be cleaned and held for three days before being re-shelved. • Campuses will develop schedules and protocols for the use of common areas that align with TEA and CDC guidelines. • Students will not be allowed to use hallway water fountains. Common areas will be sanitized and disinfected daily or between use as much as possible. Areas that are excluded due to the nature of the activity where social distancing and/or face coverings are not feasible may include cafeterias, gymnasiums, playgrounds, etc. RESTROOMS • Teachers will instruct students on proper hand washing techniques and these must be consistently reinforced. • The scheduling of whole class restroom breaks is recommended to eliminate co-mingling of students across various classes and to ensure teacher monitoring of social distancing guidelines. • A system will be implemented to identify the number of occupants utilizing each restroom to mitigate the chance of exceeding maximum occupants per social distancing. • After a restroom break, students will be required to use hand sanitizer before re-entering the classroom.



Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

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OPERATIONAL ADJUSTMENTS | ARRIVAL, PASSING PERIOD, DISMISSAL Start and dismissal times for each campus will remain the same. Below are adjustments to the procedures during arrival, passing periods, and dismissal. ARRIVAL • Any students dropped off before the building is open will not be allowed inside the building. Any exceptions would need to be specifically arranged with campus administration. • A student may walk to a designated holding area with two parents/guardians, only on the first day of school. • After the first day of school, parents/guardians will not be allowed to walk their student(s) into the building. • Pre-K through first grade students are an exception to this rule. A student in Pre-K through first grade will be allowed to bring in two parents/guardians for the whole first week of school. • After the first week of school, no parent/guardian may walk into the school building with their student. • Staff including teachers, aides, and campus administration will be on duty located at each campus entrance and in student holding areas. Staff members at the entrance will monitor the traffic flow into the campus. • Students will not be allowed to congregate in the hallway, restroom, bus lanes, etc. • Practice social distancing when feasible. PASSING PERIOD • Where possible, one-way traffic throughout campus hallways will be encouraged. • For grade levels that implement departmentalization of subject areas, teachers will move to students for transitions in instruction and students will remain in their homeroom class. • Students should stay to the right in the hallway. • Instructional staff including teachers, aides, and campus administration will monitor students in the hallways during passing periods, and remind students of expectations and traffic flow. • Students will not be allowed to congregate in the hallway, restroom, etc. DISMISSAL • Where possible, one-way traffic throughout campus hallways will be encouraged. • Students will report to their dismissal holding areas outside the building unless there is inclement weather. • Parents will drive to the student’s holding area. Parents are encouraged to stay in the car while the student is escorted by a staff member. Parents will not be allowed into the building after school hours. • Instructional staff including teachers, aides, and campus administration will be on duty to monitor students in the pick-up line. • Students will not be allowed to congregate. Campuses will communicate any changes to arrival, passing periods, and/or dismissal procedures as the year progresses.



Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

Frenship Independent School District |


OPERATIONAL ADJUSTMENTS | DAY-TO-DAY MEALS For in-person meals, the following guidance will apply: • Campus staff will monitor in the cafeteria and hallways to ensure social distancing when feasible. • Depending on the number of students in the school, students may have meals in both the cafeteria and in classrooms. • Signage and staff will reinforce physical distance and traffic patterns in the cafeteria. • Hand sanitizer stations will be available at entrances and exits of the cafeteria. Lunches for Face-to-Face Learners: Updated 12.4.2020 • Students will not be using a tray for the first six weeks. • Aramark will be providing a grab-and-go sack lunch with their choice of entree as usual. Elementary students will continue to make their lunch choice each morning. • Students will not be using the lunch key pad. Aramark staff will be entering the student ID numbers. • Due to the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) through the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Frenship offers basic breakfast and lunch meals at no cost. This will end at the conclusion of the 2020-2021 school year on May 20, 2021. Visitors at Lunch: • At this time, visitors are not allowed to eat with students on campus because of limited space. • Parents are allowed to check out students for lunch. • Staff should maintain social distancing during lunch and conference periods. Parents Dropping Off Lunches: • Enter through a secure entrance. • Attach a student name tag with grade level. • Leave lunch in the designated area. Meal Pick Up for Virtual Learners: Updated 12.4.2020 Meal pick up time for Virtual Learners is Tuesday from 1:00-2:00 p.m. Pick up locations are Westwind Elementary and the Frenship Ninth Grade Center. Meals will be packed for five days and include breakfast and lunch. Due to the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) through the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Frenship offers basic breakfast and lunch meals at no cost. This will end at the conclusion of the 2020-2021 school year on May 20, 2021. Notably, the details on this document are subject to change as new information is received or as health conditions merit. RECESS • Campuses may consider limiting the number of students per recess group. Staggered schedules may be utilized when needed. • Students and staff will be required to wash their hands and use hand sanitizer before and after recess. SPECIALS • PE classes will be conducted outdoors whenever possible. Appropriate social distancing measures will be followed, as feasible. • Music, PE, and other equipment will be sanitized and wiped down after each use. • Having specials in the grade-level classrooms or outdoors is recommended. TRANSPORTATION Frenship will use the following guidelines for bus transportation of students to/from campuses. • Durham will require students to use hand sanitizer upon boarding the bus. • When possible, Durham will open windows to allow outside air to circulate in the bus. • Frenship will encourage families to drop students off, carpool, or walk with their student to school to reduce possible virus exposure on buses. • Buses will be thoroughly cleaned after each bus trip, focusing on high-touch surfaces such as bus seats, steering wheels, knobs, and door handles. During cleaning, open windows to allow for additional ventilation and air flow. AFTER-SCHOOL CARE/PROGRAMS Frenship will coordinate with after-school care/programs as usual. After-school care providers will follow the same health and safety protocols, and they will communicate directly with parents on transportation and other details. ELEMENTARY-LEVEL


Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

Frenship Independent School District |


OPERATIONAL ADJUSTMENTS | STUDENT ACTIVITIES ON AND OFF CAMPUS STUDENT ACTIVITIES • Off-campus field trips are not allowed at this time. Virtual field trips will be considered as often as possible. • Campuses may host tailgates and festivals if hosted outside and under guidelines set by the District. Updated 9.11.2020 • After school club information is pending. • Fundraising may proceed as usual. Please ensure students do not to go door-to-door. Campuses will have a delivery/distribution plan that is in compliance with all COVID-19 safety measures. Updated 8.10.2020 UIL PROGRAMS AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Frenship will follow guidance from the University Interscholastic League (UIL), the Texas Education Agency (TEA), and the State of Texas on UIL and extracurricular activities for our students and for events hosted at our facilities. Throughout workouts and practices, equipment will be sanitized, and we will continue to follow CDC guidelines for cleaning procedures. UPCOMING ATHLETIC SEASONS At this time, UIL plans to begin fall competition seasons as scheduled on the UIL calendar. UIL will continue to work with the state officials and monitor CDC and other federal guidance to determine any further modifications to this guidance. PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOL-SPONSORED AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Currently, Frenship ISD is offering participation in school-sponsored or extracurricular activities to students who select Face-to-Face Learning only. We have been working diligently over the past few months to create a premier learning experience for Virtual Learners. We have made progress, but we still have much to learn. Therefore, we are focusing our efforts on ensuring a rigorous academic learning experience for Virtual Learners. • • •

In order to participate in school-sponsored or extracurricular activities (including all UIL-sponsored sports and activities), the student must be enrolled in Face-to-Face Learning. Students enrolled in Virtual Learning will not be allowed to participate in school-sponsored or extracurricular activities (including all UIL-sponsored sports and activities) while the student is enrolled in Virtual Learning. If a student returns to Face-to-Face Learning, the student may be eligible to participate in school-sponsored or extracurricular activities, depending on the school-sponsored or extracurricular activity’s normal guidelines.

TRYOUTS Students enrolled in Virtual Learning will not be allowed to participate in tryouts for upcoming school-sponsored or extracurricular activities (including all UIL-sponsored sports and activities). If students miss tryouts, they will not be a part of the team or activity. We will not create a special tryout for students enrolled in Virtual Learning upon their return to Face-to-Face Learning. Students new to Frenship and enrolling for the first time after a tryout may be allowed to try out by the coach or sponsor for the schoolsponsored or extracurricular activity.



Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

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INSTRUCTIONAL ADJUSTMENTS | INSTRUCTIONAL OPTIONS Frenship ISD is committed to providing a premier learning environment for all students. Teachers take pride in meeting the needs of every student, to empower them to reach their potential. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Frenship ISD will offer these instructional options for the 2020-21 school year. FACE-TO-FACE INSTRUCTION Students attend school through the traditional model five days a week. Students receive face-to-face instruction from their teachers, collaborate with peers, and follow the typical daily schedule. (see Attendance on page 17) Frenship ISD will automatically schedule your student into the course requests they made earlier in the year. If your student would like to make changes, the District will follow the normal schedule change guidelines. Contact the campus counselor for information on the process. SHORT-TERM ONLINE PARTICIPATION In the event of a short-term closure, quarantine situation (i.e. 14-day quarantine), or close contact with an individual who is testconfirmed with COVID-19, individual students can transition to this temporary virtual learning model if needed. This may be a District recommendation or parent decision. This is different from enrolling your student in Virtual Learning. The length of the online participation will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The students will continue to receive instruction from their classroom teacher through their teacher’s learning management system (Schoology). The District has identified Schoology as an instructional tool to support a consistent learning experience for all students across the District. Students will be able to check out a device if needed. Updated 8.28.2020 Notably, elementary parents will need to support their younger learners as a learning coach. There will be daily progress monitoring and attendance will be based on work submission (see Attendance on page 17). The grading policy in place on the campus will continue in an online environment and will not move to other systems such as pass/fail. VIRTUAL LEARNING The Virtual Learning model is different from the remote learning in the spring. We made adjustments based on the feedback received from parents, students, and teachers. The District has identified Schoology as an instructional tool to support a consistent learning experience for all students across the District. Virtual Learning courses will be taught by certified Frenship ISD teachers. Your student’s teacher may or may not be from your student’s home campus, but because Frenship ISD has phenomenal teachers working across the District, students and parents can expect the same caliber of teacher and a consistent experience. In turn, students in your child’s Virtual Learning class may or may not be limited to students from your child’s home campus. Key aspects of Virtual Learning model include: • Students will be expected to follow the full instructional day plan according to the provided schedule. • Content learning and activities will be planned by the virtual classroom teacher to make sure each student receives their full instructional minutes. • The Virtual Learning model will have a separate instructional design but will use the same scope and sequence as Face-to-Face learning. • The Virtual Learning platform assignments will look different, but they will cover the same content and skills as on-campus instruction. • Learning opportunities will be personalized to meet individual needs of students that receive specialized services. Participation—To participate in Frenship Virtual Learning, parents/guardians must sign an online commitment form that the student will complete the six-week grading period virtually. Students will waive participation in extracurricular activities. In addition, some elective courses will not be available in the Virtual Learning model. Commitment forms are due on August 3. Students who started the school year as virtual learners may switch to face-to-face instruction at any time. Parents should notify their virtual learning teacher to make this adjustment. Face-to-face learners will not be able to switch to virtual learning, except at the end of each grading period, by administrator discretion, or under extenuating circumstances. Updated 8.28.2020 Technology Access­—Frenship ISD will provide devices to students who commit to the Virtual Learning model who need a device. Attendance—Attendance will be based on daily progress monitoring and work submission (see Attendance on page 17). ELEMENTARY-LEVEL


Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

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INSTRUCTIONAL ADJUSTMENTS | INSTRUCTIONAL OPTIONS Testing—To ensure academic integrity, students in grades 9-12 will take exams face-to-face. The District will select dates, times, and locations that limit student interaction with others. The District will follow all COVID-19 mitigation and sanitation practices. Updated 9.4.2020 Specific Related Services—Students who are guaranteed related services through Special Education, English as a Second Language, Bilingual Education, 504, etc. and choose Virtual Learning model will be provided the opportunity to convene a meeting to revise their supports and services to ensure we meet the needs of our students virtually. Notably, for students who are IEP-entitled, progress will be carefully monitored and ARD/IEP Committees will convene and make appropriate recommendations to meet individual student needs to ensure continued growth in the general education curriculum and on IEP goals and objectives. Gifted and Talented Services Gifted and Talented services will be provided through a virtual GT teacher at the elementary level. Specific scheduling information will be provided to each student who qualifies for GT services. At the secondary level, students will access GT services through their GT core content courses in Virtual Learning. Dyslexia Services—The District does have the ability to offer virtual synchronous options for the Take Flight program, but copyright and best practices prevent the District from doing as much virtually as we would like. Elementary Instruction (Grades Pre-K—5) Elementary parents will need to support their younger learners as a learning coach. Students will engage in Schoology and receive instruction including, but not limited to: • Authentic student work/assignments with timely and relevant feedback for continued progress in learning of the standard • Hands-on activities which may need an extra pair of hands • Choice boards and playlists • Portfolio tasks and submitting assignments • Assessments • Video lessons • Group/partner projects • Virtual conferences • Student-to-teacher communication through the Schoology messaging features (parent guidance required in grade Pre-K—1) Enrichment and Intervention—Teachers will communicate with students and parents the plan for enrichment and intervention based on individual student data and needs. Grading—All Virtual Learning courses will follow the Frenship ISD District Grading Guidelines. Secondary Instruction (Grades 6—12) All students will receive computer-based instruction through Schoology and APEX. Students will engage in Schoology/APEX and receive instruction including, but not limited to: • Authentic student work/assignments with timely and relevant feedback for continued progress in learning of the standard • Hands-on activities which may need an extra pair of at hands • Submitting assignments • Assessments • Video lessons • Virtual conferences • Student to teacher communication through the Schoology messaging features Enrichment and Intervention—Teachers will communicate with students and parents the plan for enrichment and intervention based on individual student data and needs. Grading—All Virtual Learning courses will follow Frenship ISD Grading Guidelines. Frenship ISD Virtual Learning courses that earn high school credit will count in GPA calculation and class rank. ELEMENTARY-LEVEL


Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

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INSTRUCTIONAL ADJUSTMENTS | INSTRUCTIONAL OPTIONS VIRTUAL LEARNING CANCELLATION OR DENIAL Updated 1.4.2021 Your student’s success is important to us. In accordance with Texas Education Agency guidelines, Frenship ISD has the authority to require certain Virtual Learners to return to Face-to-Face instruction or deny a request to transition from Face-to-Face to Virtual Learning based on the following: • Poor attendance/participation in Virtual Learning • Poor attendance/participation in one or more classes • Student is at-risk of significant learning loss in one or more classes If you received notification of a cancellation or denial for Virtual Learning and have questions, please contact your student’s campus. (See parent notification for cancellation/denial of Virtual Learning in the Appendix on page 23.) To submit a Frenship Medical Exemption form, please visit >> About Us >> Reopening Frenship 2020-2021 >> Virtual Learning to download and complete the form. This form must be completed by a licensed medical doctor.



Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

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INSTRUCTIONAL ADJUSTMENTS | STUDENT ATTENDANCE STUDENT ATTENDANCE • Students will be required to meet the minimum attendance for class credit rule (TEC,§25.092). Students are required to attend at least 90% of their classes to receive credit. Remote attendance will count in the same manner as face-to-face attendance in satisfying this requirement. • Truancy laws will apply to students who fail to attend school, but remote attendance satisfies attendance requirements. • TEA requires that schools track the instructional method in which the student is participating each school day. FACE-TO-FACE LEARNERS • There are no changes to the way face-to-face days present and days absent will be reported. SHORT-TERM ONLINE PARTICIPANTS • The teacher will identify the student as Remote Present. The teacher is responsible for notifying the office staff who will code the student (R) in Skyward. In order to be counted present the student does not have to be present at a designated official attendance time. Updated 8.28.2020 • In order for a student to be counted “Present,” the student must engage in at least one of the following ways each day. • Student has shown daily progress in Schoology • Student has shown daily progress via teacher-student interactions • Student has completed/turned-in assignment(s) to the teacher • Attendance in Skyward does not need to be taken daily and typically would not happen the same day, as the information as to whether engagement occurred might not be available until the following day. • A Schoology report will be pulled on Monday to review student engagement to determine which days the student was Present or Absent for the previous week. VIRTUAL LEARNING PARTICIPANTS • The teacher will identify the student as Remote (R) Present. In order to be counted present the student does not have to be present at a designated official attendance time. • In order for a student to be counted “Present,” the student must engage in at least one of the following ways each day. • Student has shown daily progress in Schoology • Student has shown daily progress via teacher-student interactions • Student has completed/turned-in assignment(s) to the teacher • Attendance in Skyward does not need to be taken daily and typically would not happen the same day, as the information as to whether engagement occurred might not be available until the following day. • A Schoology report will be pulled on Monday to review student engagement to determine which days the student was Present or Absent for the previous week. SPECIAL PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONAL SETTINGS FOR SHORT-TERM ONLINE PARTICIPANTS AND VIRTUAL LEARNERS (I.E. BILINGUAL/ESL, SPECIAL EDUCATION, CTE, ETC.) • As long as the campus is providing services, the campus will report Days Present in the special program areas. New PEIMS data elements will be created to report (R) Present. School systems are required to provide parents a notice of their public education enrollment, attendance rights, and responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. TEA released the document titled Education Rights and Responsibilities During COVID-19 to further guide families. See this document in the Appendix on page 24. Updated 8.28.2020



Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

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TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION | OVERVIEW TECHNOLOGY Mobile Learning Readiness • Students and staff will electronically acknowledge the following: • Student Agreement for Acceptable Use of the District’s Technology Resources • Employee Agreement for Acceptable Use of the District’s Technology Resources • Frenship will identify student technology needs during registration process and deploy devices as needed • Students will use Microsoft 365 credentials for computer account and applications COMMUNICATION Frenship is committed to keeping our staff, students, parents, and other stakeholders informed on changes made to the 2020-21 school year due to COVID-19.

Important Dates: • • • •

July 24: Registration and Online Verification begins July 24: Virtual Learning enrollment opens August 3: Virtual Learning enrollment closes August 17: First day of school

Frenship will continue to communicate through the District’s channels, including: • Website: • School Messenger (callouts) • Skyward (email messages) • Social media • Facebook (District and campus-level) • Twitter (District and campus-level) • Instagram (District-level) • Remind messages (campus-level) • Emergency text notifications • Signage PARENT AND STUDENT ENGAGEMENT TOOLS Updated 8.10.2020 Frenship will utilize Remind as a communication tool and Schoology as an instructional tool. If you have any questions about Reopening Frenship, please contact your campus principal or call Student Services at 806.866.9541. Click here for a Directory of Frenship Campuses.



Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

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RESOURCES | SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL SUPPORT VIRTUAL LEARNING ENGAGEMENT Updated 12.4.2020 Frenship ISD is committed to creating a premier environment for all learners. Frenship has trained and continues to equip teachers and staff for Virtual Learning engagement. Examples listed below: • Trained all staff in Schoology through summer professional development and Innovation Summit to equip staff for virtual, short-term remote and face-to-face instructional options. • Curriculum & Instruction team developed digital curriculum for PK-8 Virtual Learners • Curriculum & Instruction team aligned Apex content to the Frenship ISD Scope and Sequence for 31 middle and high school courses • Posted Virtual Learning parent information and parent orientation on website • Trained Virtual Learning teachers and SPED Resource teachers regarding digital programs and best practices for virtual engagement and support • Hosted virtual student orientation about expectations for engagement and communication Frenship ISD is focused on engaging Virtual Learning families through all communication methods. Examples listed below: Students • TEAMS meeting between teachers and students • TEAMS collaboration between face-to-face and virtual learners • Virtual Events • College and Career Night • United We Read • Holiday Parties • Curbside Meals • Virtual Fundraisers • Frenship.TV streaming sporting event • Campus picture days Parents • Virtual Tuesday folders • Monthly parent digital newsletter • TEAMS meetings between teachers and parents • Surveys and ThoughtExchange for feedback • Frenship.TV streaming sporting events Visit >> Schools >> Parents >> Virtual Learning for more information. COUNSELING SERVICES The Frenship School Counseling Program works to support and guide all students in academic success, post-secondary and career preparation, and personal/social development—all while empowering students to maximize their opportunity of choice. One way the program achieves its mission is through a variety of online resources. The website operates as an information hub for parents and students. By visiting >> Departments >> Counseling Services, you will find parent resources, available scholarships, social-emotional activities, and more. In addition to online resources, Frenship ISD has highly-qualified counselors on each of the 14 campuses that are available to in-person and Virtual Learners. Through the Frenship School Counseling Program, Frenship ISD remains committed to creating a premier environment for all learners.



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GLOSSARY OF TERMS ACTION TEAM—Groups of Frenship ISD administrators at the District and campus levels who coordinate specific efforts to Reopen


ASYNCHRONOUS— Does not require all participants to be virtually present at the same time. CAMPUS VISITOR—Any person who is not assigned as an employee of the building or campus. CLOSE CONTACT—This document refers to “close contact” with an individual who is test-confirmed to have COVID-19. Close contact

is determined by an appropriate public health agency. For clarity, close contact is defined as: a) being directly exposed to infectious secretions (e.g., being coughed on while not wearing a mask or face shield); or b) being within 6 feet for a largely uninterrupted or sustained extended period of approximately 15 minutes, while not wearing a mask or face shield; if either (a) or (b) occurred during the infectious period of the case, defined as two days prior to symptom onset to 10 days after symptom onset. Updated 8.28.2020 COVID-19—A novel coronavirus is a new coronavirus that has not been previously identified. The virus causing coronavirus disease 2019

(COVID-19), is not the same as the coronaviruses that commonly circulate among humans and cause mild illness, like the common cold.

COVID-19 SYMPTOMS—People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported ranging from mild symptoms to severe

illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. The following are possible symptoms listed by the CDC: • Fever or chills • Cough • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing • Fatigue • Muscle or body aches • Headache • New loss of taste or smell • Sore throat • Congestion or runny nose • Nausea or vomiting • Diarrhea

DISINFECT— Killing of germs on surfaces or objects using chemicals. Disinfecting after sanitizing further lowers the risk of spreading an


ESSENTIAL PERSONNEL—Administrators, teachers, instructional aides, support staff, and all other staff are considered essential personnel

and are expected to report for work.

FACE COVERING—For the purposes of this document, masks include non-medical grade disposable face masks, cloth face coverings (over

the nose and mouth), or full-face shields to protect eyes, nose, and mouth. Face shields may be superior to cloth face coverings in many circumstances, given improved ability to see mouth movements and improved air circulation.

INFECTIOUS DISEASES—Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi; the

diseases can be spread, directly or indirectly, from one person to another.

LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS)— An online learning management system is a tool used to streamline all digital resources and

content for a more connected learning experience for students. The district has identified Schoology and Remind as tools to support a consistent learning experience for all students across the district. POROUS MATERIALS—A material with pores through which liquid can easily pass through. RESPIRATORY ETIQUETTE—Prevention measures to decrease the transmission of respiratory illness. Examples of good respiratory

etiquette include: 1) covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, 2) if you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow, not your hands, and 3) Remember to immediately wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. >>> cont. on next page



Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

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GLOSSARY OF TERMS SANITIZE—Cleaning to lower the number of germs on surfaces or objects to a safe level as judged by public health standards or


SCHOOLOGY—An online learning management system is a tool used to streamline all digital resources and content for a more connected

learning experience for students. The District has identified Schoology as an instructional tool to support a consistent learning experience for all students across the District. SCOPE AND SEQUENCE—The ideas and concepts that will be covered in a course within a curriculum. SELF-SCREENING—To monitor oneself for COVID-19 symptoms. SHORT-TERM ONLINE PARTICIPATION—Individual students can transition to this temporary virtual learning model if needed. The

length of the online participation will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The students will continue to receive instruction from their classroom teacher through their teacher’s learning management system (Schoology).

SOCIAL DISTANCING—Social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” means keeping a safe space between yourself and other people

who are not from your household. To practice social or physical distancing, stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people who are not from your household in both indoor and outdoor spaces. SYNCHRONOUS—Requires all participants to be present at the same time, virtually TEST-CONFIRMED—A COVID-19 diagnosis that is confirmed “positive” by one or more of the laboratory methods. UNIVERSITY INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE (UIL)—Was created by the University of Texas in Austin to provide leadership and guidance in

athletic, academic, and music contests and competitions between Texas schools. The UIL organizes and properly supervises contests and competitions to ensure fair play and sportsmanship. VIRTUAL LEARNING—Virtual classrooms where instruction is provided through an online platform. Frenship’s online platform is




Marked items indicate level-specific guidance. All other guidance is District-wide.

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