Fresh State of Affairs - Issue #47

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ISSUE 47 — JUN 2019

Have You Joined A Better Choice? For wholesalers and retailers this program is the fresh produce industry’s way of uniting to show the public that they are making A Better Choice by shopping at their local greengrocer. It’s been a year since the launch of A Better Choice, and since that time this program has been making great strides in getting its message out to the public. In every state, businesses have been signing up to the program and taking advantage of the store merchandising, promotional events, competitions, and united approach to championing fresh fruit and veg. One of the key benefits of this program is the strength and following of its online channels, including Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. A Better Choice is managing to reach a huge base of online users and is using their influence to shine a light on independent produce retailers. Not only are people fascinated by the online content from A Better Choice, but they have started a genuine conversation about why shopping at independent retails is a better choice for families and individuals to make.

The content created by this program is a real asset to those that sign up, as they are able to utilise the original recipes, tips, and facts about fresh produce and the fresh produce news that they circulate to promote their own businesses. Let’s say a greengrocer wants to sell more winter vegetables — they can jump on the A Better Choice website and share recipes for winter warming soups and bakes, tips about healthy winter choices, and even the best produce to juice to keep you energetic through the winter months. As a joint initiative of Fresh Markets Australia (FMA) and the Central Markets Association of Australia (CMAA), this program is being supported by Fresh State and the Melbourne Market Authority, and we are looking to ramp up this program’s presence in Victoria in the coming year. You can expect big things from A Better Choice, so if you are yet to sign your business up make sure you do so soon or you’ll miss out!


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