ISSUE 58 — JULY 2021
Hort Connections 2021 After a tumultuous 18 months for the Australian horticulture industry, a COVIDSafe and COVID-Resilient Hort Connections 2021 was held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from 7-9 June 2021.
Despite the ongoing disruption from COVID-19 and the snap lockdown preventing Victorians from travelling to the event, over 2,200 delegates from all sectors of the horticulture industry descended on the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from 7-9 June to ‘Celebrate the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables’. There were hundreds more who tuned in and streamed the speaker sessions. Hort Connections encompasses the vegetable, fruit, nut, cut floral and nursery sectors. This year, more than 60 event sponsors and industry organisations
partnered to provide added value to delegates and allow them to access the expertise and services of a range of industry members in-person and online. The three-day event was the premier opportunity for supply chain members, growers and industry stakeholders in the fresh produce and floral industry to see the latest in technology and innovation, hear from industry experts, meet leading local and global agribusinesses and network at the most highly anticipated social events on the industry’s calendar.