Fresh State of Affairs Issue 5

Page 1


05 2011

ISSN: 1838-7829

Bigger chassis and improved exhaust emissions! 4


mango and cherry auction

P: (03) 9687 1408 F: (03) 9689 8943 Warehouse K and Stores A352-358 542 Footscray Rd West Melbourne VIC 3003

newcastle conference

relocation issues continue

meet the 6 yec members

reducing our carbon footprint


issue 05

may 2011




MWM redevelopment: Victorian Economic and Financial Statement.

Market hours: Looking at opening and closing times from 1841 to 2011.

YEC profiles: Meet our 6 Young Executive Committee members.




Men’s health: Pitstop reveals bigger chassis and improved exhaust emissions!

Reducing your footprint: Zespri International works at reducing their carbon footprint.

Yasi and the bananas: Queensland banana prices skyrocket post Cyclone Yasi.

2 | What’s on

12 | Recent events

24 | Upcoming conferences

3 | President’s message

20 | Mango and cherry auction

26 | Q&A: Tony Pettinella

4 | Relocation

22 | Brett Collins & diary dates

Published by:

Fresh State CEO:

John Roach

Editor / Advertising:

Sonja van Eijk


Shane Schnitzler From the President Welcome to the fifth edition of Fresh State of Affairs. Although the year seems to be flying by, it does appear to have settled down compared to just a few months ago when we featured the Brisbane Floods and Cyclone Yasi in the far north of Queensland, (Japan aside). To give a perspective of the effect that Yasi had on the industry, Tony Nigro our intrepid collector of information, has written an informative article on the changing supply and price curves of the banana industry in this issue. Tony collects this information on a daily basis from banana producers and the pricing from the banana wholesales for the banana industry as part of his job for Data Fresh reporting. This information is available from the office and is also sold to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics and now the Reserve Bank of Australia. The bottom line from the data is that a lot of people in the banana industry are hurting as a result of Yasi and will continue to hurt for some time!


Megan Mcnaught


Flying Dog Designs


Wuttke Photography Casamento Photography Mike Lamond


King Print


Fresh State of Affairs is produced by Fresh State Ltd and is a free publication.

president’s message:

what’s on:

The big feature of this edition was our second Pit Stop Health check in late March. Kevin Sheedy was our guest ambassador for the day and strongly urged the community to start taking care of themselves! Together with Sheedy, the Minister for Ma-

jor Projects the Hon. Dr Denis Napthine was a willing advocate for undertaking a health check and, “although he wasn’t as flexible as me in the torsion test”, he willingly engaged in such a worthwhile activity.

he inherited with the Epping project with specific reference to costs and possible implications on the members via rents. This helps everyone to understand just a little bit more how difficult these last few years have been for industry representatives engaging the government of the day to a cost-effective, viable and sustainable market relocation. Given that the project is under review, we will have to wait and see if our efforts have been just a big waste of time or actually lead to the proper debate that is in all our collective interests.

A lot of people in the banana industry are hurting as a result of Yasi and will continue to hurt for some time. Our thanks to our partners the Royal Flying Doctors Service and GlaxoSmithKline for their support and sponsorship and to the MMA for their generous donation to the Flying Doctors! No edition should pass without comment of relocation. No, we have not been informed (at the time of writing), whether we are staying at Footscray Road or moving to Epping. And yes as soon as we know, we will pass it on, although the message coming from members is for the Government to “just make a decision”! The interesting point is that the real facts are starting to emerge about the relocation project. The relocation article on the next page displays the Hansard Report from Parliament the same day that the Minister supported our Pit Stop. He explains in Parliament some of the difficulties that

In this edition we present our third article on the carbon foot print, a case study to help answer the many questions asked by readers on how these ‘things’ are applied in industry like ours; we welcome the newest member to the Fresh State board; we put some faces to the Fresh State Young Executives; and we talk about the goings on at Australian Chamber Conference in Newcastle!

Shane Schnitzler President Fresh State Ltd

Disclaimer: Fresh State Ltd makes this magazine available on the understanding the users exercise their own skill and care with respect to its use. Before relying on, or altering any business practices, users should carefully evaluate the accuracy, completeness and relevance of the information for their purpose and should obtain appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. This magazine contains views and recommendations that do not necessarily reflect the views of Fresh State Ltd. Fresh State does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or suitability or otherwise of any in-

formation published in Fresh State of Affairs. Fresh State Ltd specifically disclaims all and any liability for loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and however arising, whether due to accuracy, error or omission or any other cause. In addition, by using the information in this magazine, each user waives and releases Fresh State, its staff and agents from any and all claims relating to the use of this document. In no event shall Fresh State Ltd be liable for any consequential damages resulting from using the information in Fresh State of Affairs. © Fresh State Ltd 2011

This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior permission from Fresh State Ltd. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to: The Editor Fresh State of Affairs Magazine Market Box 113, 542 Footscray Road West Melbourne VIC 3003


issue 05


may 2011



memor ial ave nue

Northern Hospital street

h street

Speculation is rife within the markets as to the outcome “Do we stay or do we go” but finally some of the facts about this project are starting to emerge.




edgars ro ad


b y pa


co o p e r

epping plaza shopping centre

childs r oa d w


ch il ds road

wholesales market site ki n g sway dr iv e

Some three months after the Baillieu Coalition Government announced that it was reviewing the relocation project of the Melbourne Wholesale Markets from Footscray Road to Epping, (along with many other project reviews) we still don’t know the outcome (April 21)!

cooper street employment area scale 1:10,000 @ A3

A major issue from relocation’s inception back in 2004 has been the lack of information about the project and specifically about construction costs and possible indebtedness placed on industry through rents as a result. This includes the cost of members doing their day to day business and industry’s pathway to privatisation.

… and we still don’t know. metres

Industry has been clear in its outlook for relocation. This includes:

Our preferred position is to stay at Footscray Road in the long term and modernising the site; That we have been ‘forced to relocate’ against the market community’s wishes and away from a location that is near the centre of Melbourne;

That there appears to have been a total lack of regard by the government of the day for such a critical industry and the market community; That Industry holds the view that government should move to privatisation of the markets

in a reasonable timeframe and at a cost that is consummate and competitative with the rest of Australia’s privatised central markets; That members’ equity (Fresh State of Affairs # 4) has been

built up over the last 40 years and should be properly recognised; That the cost of ‘doing business’ (rents and outgoings) must be comparable to Footscray Road as a starting point and that they

are sustainable to avoid Epping becoming a ‘white elephant’; And that a strong central market is an absolute necessity for the health and wellbeing of the Victorian population.


issue 05


may 2011

melbourne wholesale market redevelopment:



So why have we been so concerned about the cost of construction at Epping? The following extract from Parliament, as part of this government’s review, supports our concerns about costs blowouts, stating of added debt to our members’ rents and ultimately jeopardising privatisation and any successful transition.

n o i t a c o l e R s: t e k r a M e ourn


n Parl

he Victoria

om t Extract fr


arch 2011 A

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creasing as done by in APTHINE: It w N r s from D or at er r op fo member e market e th Th to ! er an rd lo O e th n. Recent adThe SPEAKER: . to $216 millio is to ng n ni n io ill ar tio m the w es a 3 qu $7 on y ys the cost of ildura): M Yan Yean is Will the the previous m Treasury sa Mr CRISP (M . fro by ts id ec ce oj sa vi Pr as w or It r Maj $670 million. Dr NAPTHINE: n would be an upthe Minister fo project is now at the relocatio the house with th t e id en e ov m ent from $300 th pr rn r r ve fo te go minis this project w e budget arkets reloca of Th M . st 10 co ne black e ur 20 Th bo by el the n, a massive completed date on the M million. Since to $670 millio 00 n $3 io ndigo ill as m Be w e th n relocatio the cost of a merry-gotion project? an d oj th ha e Pr ve or or m ha aj – e M w t hole sed that the (Minister for announcemen , including the are also advi ed e a for lv W ur vo Dr NAPTHINE l. ild in at M ita rs r sp te fo is ho r stainable – th ajor the membe round of min n loan is unsu t currneit, former m io ill ke ects): I thank Ta t r m ar ee fo m m r 16 ne to be $2 ur e em e Melbo anous, ent revenu current m Theo Theoph his question. Th a 33-hectare site on will be insuffici rs e te er is th in m d ts on r, an projec lved. rently operates Peter Batchelo fruit and the costs invo ct Lenders and mThere are 500 . Ca hn ad Jo b Ro Bo that as a dire y rs d ra te an sc is Foot e are advised ulture min w wholesalers , ric er rn th ag , ve rth bo er er go , Fu ev rs rm w er lle fo the form r Ripon. Ho d 100 vegetable se of the failure of the member fo ect lt il buyers, an d oj e ta su pr is an re re us om on io pr er 00 r ev 12 ei pr growers, under the ket that opters failed in th ment to deliver the flower mar e paid to a all those minis tion. We have ca lo re wholesalers in of dollars wer t ke ns ar io m ill e m r , th el er od liv m . de te to to deliver. Unde tions. erate at this si r, which failed r pe project reloca vegetable fo lo d it rs ve ile fru fa be de le d em sa ha m le who time delays under the l , nt ta an vi ca pl ifi d r The Melbourne gn an bo si an or La en the had mism kets are a maj There have be costs. In 2004 is pon, we have it Ri in d d ut and flower mar an -o an s, t y, ei ow bl rn om Ta cost blow-out ctorian econ and a massive million, includ and massive main00 t part of the Vi ia of $3 en or te ct em as Vi as w ag w t at ation massive sential th the projec easury Corpor petitive black hole, a absolutely es Tr d m ge n an co io hu ill d ys a m la an 3 de t t $7 e vibran ing a huge tim id by marke s, er pa w nd re fu flo tains strong, be n d er tio ay to an taxp n and frustra it, vegetable of Victoria loan costs had blow able anger e nd wholesale fru th ta 9 rs -0 de 08 un . users. In 20 extra fundket community markets. million, with no among the mar ation fac27 tu r $5 si bo t to t La en e previous rr ou th en cu the of failure by from the th it y t t, an en en lit m To understand a itm rn is m ve m is as Th ing w ing co members for t and the go increased fund ment and the e rn story. Th ve hi ing the marke t. go re r en th m bo rn nd La ta gove market is impo to unders d Tarneit. The e then is important th an ot , n Fo e— 04 po m e Ri 20 th co in d to s ago, ve visite Over six year the market to Victoria. I ha d g. nt ce in ta ct un rje no te an in t en embers Labor governm Honourable m scray site. to mmunity — ld ask the house I the market co ! wou er rd O R: KE ill work with EA w market I SP e e th r Th outcome fo rjecting. te st in be rs e r! be th de t em or to ge ers. come to Honourable m blow-out in Victorian taxpay mmunity and member for The way this co e E: Th IN ! TH er e th rd AP O N ng r D easi The SPEAKER: ed was by incr costs was fund — s­ or at er Yan Yean! t ket op the marke loan to the mar It announced of s he is Dr NAPTHINE: w e th t ted, agains rs interjecting. Indeed urable membe . would be reloca no ng pi Ho Ep to , r mmunity e member fo t— the market co KER: Order! Th ious governmen ev EA pr SP e . e th ng Th by ni id ar w it was sa her second Yan Yean is on cting. rje te in rs be em Honourable m

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The Hansard extract is supported by a Department of Treasury and Finance Statement released in mid April prior to the Victorian State Budget being announced on 3 May 2011. It confirms our suspicions that members’ rental expenditure is being ‘negotiated’ by people who will be long gone after Epping opens and who do not understand your business nor the industry!

Victorian Economic and Financial Statement April 2011 This project involves relocation of Melbourne’s wholesale fruit, vegetable and flower market to a new site in Epping and its redevelopment into a modern, innovative and efficient fresh produce trading and distribution precinct. The previous government provided $218 million in funding for the project.

that the borrowings could be recouped through future rental income.

tinues to face significant delivery risks with increasing budget and timing pressures.

In June 2009 an unsuccessful commercial transaction process (via a Memorandum of Understanding) with Victoria Fresh Markets Pty Ltd was brought to an end.

Significant additional capital funding is required to complete the project based on the current scope, and the Government is likely to bear significant demand risk on development of a new market facility.

The project continues to face significant delivery risks with increasing budget and timing pressures.

As a result of the failure to implement the project under multiple delivery models, in April 2009 the project was provided additional funding of $193 million, which was financed in significant part through a debt facility on the expectation

Due to the cumulative impact of prolonged project development, multiple changes in delivery methods and optimistic assumptions regarding private sector participation and future rental income, the project con-

The Government has commenced a strategic review to investigate options for the project’s future direction. The strategic review will also take account of the complex contract arrangements that were entered into. All options for the future of the project are likely to have significant cost implications.

All the above poses many questions pending a resolution of relocating or staying at Footscray Road. In either case, there are many points to debate with government before certainty can be returned to this industry. The pertinent point is that industry must be set on a stable and sustainable cost basis and that an open and frank dialogue will need to take place with government so this industry can realise its enormous potential.

issue 05



may 2011

How do you get a life? What needs to change at the Melbourne Markets for you to lead a ‘more normal life’?

e g n a h C ating r e ! p s O r u Ho

The simple answer is to change the operating hours of the market to a 6am start for five days a week! • Provide a commercially viable wholesale facility for the efficient distribution of fresh produce

If you answer yes to one or some of the above, the next question will be how do you do that? The simple answer is to change the operating hours of the market to a 6.00 am start for five days a week!

Would you prefer a safe working environment to one that is affected by people who are suffering the effects of sleep deprivation?

Melbourne markets chart of opening and closing times 1841 – 2011 3pm 2pm 1pm 12pm 11am 10am 9am 8am 7am 6am 5am 4am 3am 2am 1am

The ‘operating hours’ 1840 debate has gone on for generations (see chart) but the markets are different to what they were 10, 20, 50 or 100 years ago. Unfortunately too many people view the future from the “rear vision mirror” often showing self interest to that of industry develop and growth. As well, history shows that a minority few have dictated an intractable approach to altering operating times above those of the majority. Business has changed and so have the people from the 1990s when the MMA was established. Around this time there





Agents to QVM 1900


were around 2500 buyers coming into the markets. That has eroded with the onset of supermarkets encroaching on independent retailers who now total around 1200 buyers. However, most wholesalers offer that the real number is close to 700 businesses most days. The nature of fruit and vegetable wholesaling and retailing has changed as mechanisation, cold storage, improved reliability and efficiencies in transport have developed. Retailing particularly has changed in




that seven day trading redefined the nature of the independent retailer. Very few shops now have the same person purchasing produce in the early hours of the morning, then serving customers during the day and locking at night. But what has not changed is the competitive nature of the industry as independent, small businesses compete for their share of the pie. From a wholesaler’s perspective their day starts early. They arrive at the markets mostly between 12.00 midnight and 2.00 am

• Ensure a fair and competitive environment for the wholesale trading of commerce The last point ‘Ensure a fair and competitive environment...’ goes to the heart of the hours’ issue. Enforcement of the Hours of Operation was an issue when 40 years ago the market was moved from Victoria Markets to Footscray Road and tenants were assured that ‘policing of the 5.00 am start would be enforced’. And the same story of the enforcement starting times was presented by the Melbourne Market Trust when it took over in 1980 and again with the formation of the MMA in 1994 and most years since.

Added to this are the later starting times of other central markets in Australia and Melbourne’s competitive “disadvantage” - first to open and everyone bases the pricing equation on us. This results in Melbourne always being the ‘poor cousin’ when compared to other markets whilst acknowledging that the ‘culture’ here is historically different and there is an unwillingness to recognise it and change.

Enforcement of operating rules and the issue of ‘early access’ includes access card time programming, definition of category on access card, using a wholesaler’s (either principle’s or employees) access card, ‘Country buyer’ term, rules and enforcement, retailers taking warehouse, store or stand space to circumvent rules, early delivery of product to parking bays, and parking outside the markets and walking through the gates unchecked are all included. Other observations include retailers’ trucks departing the market at opening time with fully loaded trucks, people ‘trading’ from the car parks and country buyers writing their own set of rules.

Although everyone must bear some burden of blame at the situation, one can argue that the landlord, the Victorian State Government via the Melbourne Market Authority is not without some guilt. The objects of the MMA are to:

The enforcement issue here is not with the officers or security as they have endeavoured to rein in “the sins of past habits”. It is a direct responsibility of the MMA board and management. These issues can’t be entirely slated to the pres-

In summary, both the retailer and the wholesaler have been affected by the changing nature of the industry whilst the operating hours have not kept pace with the new paradigms of doing business.

Footscray Road 1940

And would you prefer to add value to both your business and that of your customers rather than restricting your business value and function?

and receive and sort their stock and make up orders posted the day before. Upon opening of market trading hours they experience an early rush of trade. There follows long periods of idleness and ‘standing around’ prior to some further activity around 7 or 8 am. Packing up of store areas then takes place before heading upstairs to bookwork and calls to producers.


QVM opened


Would you prefer spending quality time with your family and friends rather than being tired or sleeping?


Would you, as a wholesaler or retailer prefer to be getting up at 3 or 4 or 5 am instead of getting out of bed at midnight or 1 or 2 o’clock to go to work?


• Optimise returns on land and assets controlled and managed by MMA


market hours:


ent board and management as they have built up over a long period. However, now it is their responsibility to put an end to the undermining of competitive business; the disadvantaging of lawful tenants; the resulting burden of the cost of doing business; and the recognition that the industry is now in this century not the last one or the before that! How do we go about change? The MMA Chair has offered to “chair a meeting of all Advisory Committee Chairmen and one committee representative – to discuss current trading.” However, similar discussions in the past have had limited impact in addressing industry change. As well, both government and the MMA have stated that they are taking no action on changing operating hours at Footscray Road after initially indicating a different story in 2010.

Separating out THE operating and enforcement of hours To get the ball rolling and to separate the two issues of operating hours and enforcement of hours, we are requesting that all readers fill out the enclosed survey form and comments section together with your name and return to John Roach, CEO of Fresh State. The surveys will then be compiled for analysis and will be held in confidence. The collected information will guide the debate for setting of hours, attention to enforcement and an agreed pathway to people ‘getting a life again’!!


issue 05


may 2011

YEC profiles:


Lukasz Gorajek

Callum Cormack

The Young Executive Committee has been operating at Melbourne Market for many years, previously as the Young Marketeers and relaunched as the Young executives in 2006.

such as football games and the Forklift Challenge.

Towards the end of last year members decided an even more concerted effort was needed, and increased their meetings from monthly to every two or three weeks. Their topics of discussion range from serious issues such as the market’s aging workforce, to planning social events

Last year the Committee made a presentation to the then Minister for Major Project, Tim Pallas, on market hours, organised the highly successful Forklift Challenge and conducted fundraising for the Royal Flying Doctor Service. High on the agenda for the year ahead is continuing their fight for better market hours to attract more young people to the industry.

Mark Grillo

Daniel Millis

There will also be time set aside to have fun, and get to know each other socially.

Adrian Antonello

Meet the Young Executive Committee members

Some new social events will be added to the calendar, along with the old favourites. And they plan on recruiting more young people to join their committee and reap some of the rewards membership brings.

Karl McIntosh

They are the future of Melbourne Market. Six people under 40 are employed in a range of areas at the market but have one thing in common. They all care about its future direction enough to give up their own time to work for its benefit.

Lukasz Gorajek

Callum Cormack

Mark Grillo

Daniel Millis

Karl McIntosh

Adrian Antonello

“Having the opportunity to speak to other motivated people who want to make a difference.”

“With the focus on only working on one major project at a time really lets us put in 110% effort.”

“I would like to see market hours that promote a healthier work/life balance.”

“Having an opportunity to put our case forward to the Minister taught me a lot about how political processes work.”

“It is vital for the market to have a unified voice on issues, to ensure that it is heard.”

“The big supermarkets have taken over and I would like to look at what we can do to rectify that.”

Member: three and a half years.

Member: three years.

Member: eighteen months.

Member: eighteen months.

Member: six months.

Member: six months.

Works: Avanti Fresh Produce – Special Project Manager.

Works: Callum started work as a casual employee at Woolworths in 1997 in the produce department. Callum then made his way up through the ranks and found himself in the produce buying Team. In 2008 he was offered a position at Moraitis as Retail Sales Manager for Victoria.

Works: Latorre’s Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers – sales.

Works: Mumford Wholesalers – sales and marketing.

Works: Holman Fresh – General manager Tasmanian division.

Works: Antonello Produce – owner.

Credit and market hours are the two biggest issues facing young people in the market, according to Mark.

The best aspect of membership of the Committee is being exposed to situations and processes that he would otherwise never have been involved in, Daniel said.

Karl believes it is vital for the market to have a unified voice on issues, to ensure that it is heard.

Concern about the future of the industry from an independent retailer’s point of view prompted Adrian to join the Committee.

He would like to see a unified marketing campaign for green grocers, with pooled resources.

“The big supermarkets have taken over and I would like to look at what we can do to rectify that,” he said.

He thinks a later start time would encourage more young people to work at the market, and address the issue of its aging workforce.

“I think it is important to inform the public about what is going on.”

Lukasz went part time this year so that he could return to university to study a masters in business administration and marketing. He joined the Young Executive Committee because he wanted to meet other young people from the market and be involved. But he said membership had brought other unforseen benefits. “Fresh State have really supported me professionally, paying for me to go to conferences and courses,” he said. He said being a member of the committee helped him develop leadership and communication skills that would benefit him throughout his lifetime.

Callum has been on the Young Executive for 3 years. In that time he has seen many people come and go. “The best thing about the YEC is we are all young, energetic, charismatic and willing to get right into the day to day issues of what we face being in this industry”.

“We don’t want businesses to go under because people don’t pay their bills,” he said. As the father of two young children he would like to see market hours that promote a healthier work/life balance. He said membership of the Committee allowed him to have a say on issues and to be involved. “It is good to know what everyone else is thinking about things,” he said.

It had also allowed him to have a say on important issues.

With the support of the Fresh State board we have the opportunity to really grind hard the issues that need dealing with. With the focus on only working on one major project at a time really lets us put in 110% effort”, Callum said.

“Having the opportunity to speak to other motivated people who want to make a difference is great for everyone involved,” he said.

Callum thinks the YEC is also a great networking facility, not only for Victoria, but right around Australia, and I encourage males or females to join.

“Often you don’t realise how much you can benefit from something until you give it a go.”

“It is also good to be able to put my own point of view across.” He encouraged more young people to join.

The Committee’s presentation to then Major Projects Minister Tim Pallas last year was an “eye opening experience”. “Having an opportunity to put our case forward to the Minister taught me a lot about how political processes work – or don’t work,” he said. He said being able to network and meet other young people at the market had a broad range of professional benefits. It was also good socially. “We plan social events and make sure that everyone has a chance to have fun as well as all of the work,” he said.

Karl said the Committee decided at the end of last year to focus on one single event or issue at a time, to ensure it is done as well as possible. “Everyone is really motivated to get things done and achieve a lot this year,” he said. He enjoys the social aspect of meeting other young, motivated people. He said he also enjoyed getting different perspectives on issues from people working in different sectors within the market.

He said membership of the Committee provided an opportunity to have a say on issues that were important to him. “There is no point complaining about something, it is better to try to do something about it,” he said.

issue 05

may 2011

Newcastle March 2011




Major General Michael Jeffery AC, AO, former Governor General of Australia and current Chairman of the Royal Flying Doctors Service (RFDS) officially opened this year’s Australian Chamber (AC) conference In Newcastle. He spoke on the urgent need to take a national focus especially for planning and initiatives as this industry is critically important for the health and wellbeing of all Australians. Major General Jeffery’s explained the role of the RFDS, complemented Fresh State and the AC on the initiative of conducting Pit Stop Health Checks and encouraged greater participation in leading active lives. Shane Schnitzler, President of the AC, explained the changing dynamics of the industry as participants decrease by number but their through-put increased by volume and value. He emphasized how the 80 / 20 rule has been applying as our narrow marketing channels influence the vertical and horizontal integration of the industry whilst the importance of central markets and wholesalers with their $7-8 billion annual throughput is little understood in consumer land. Shane’s presentation included an overview on Pit Stop and Forklift Challenge piloted at the Melbourne Markets by Fresh State that will be turned into national initiatives with supporting partners the RFDS and GlaxoSmithKline.

A Changing Industry - Horizontal and Vertical Integration One of the highlights of the conference was the presentations and panel session on horizontal and vertical integration of both the wholesale sector and the broader fresh

produce industry. Four leading industry participants gave an overview of the “the good, the bad and the ugly” of

(Clockwise from left): Wendy Lovett, Carol Dollar and Golin Gray | Ian Main and Mark Moore. | Erin Hart and Renee Hutchinson.

Four leading industry participants gave an overview of the “the good, the bad and the ugly” of their business models, where they started and why integration was their focal point. their business models, where they started and why integration was their focal point. Bev Steggle The Steggle’s company is owned and operated by Directors Beverly and Alan Steggle’s and is made up of two distinct divisions, Alan Steggle’s Produce (established 1919) and Alan Steggle’s Food Services. The

Reasons for shopping at specialists 100 90 80

customer base includes major retail chains throughout NSW, Queensland and Victoria with products manufactured to order and delivered by a fleet of their own refrigerated vehicles. Hamish Montague Montague Fresh is now known as a producer, wholesale, export and logistics company. Bill Montague started the company in 1948 and now many of his grandchildren have followed Bill’s three sons into the business managing their many orchards, warehouses and export business.



strong advantages


60 50

Fish shop



30 20



Convenience store

Graphs courtesy Martin Kneebone – Freshlogic.

Support Independent stores

Better service/ staff

Better quality

Better range


Lower regular prices

Quick service: less waiting

0 Handy location

Percentage of respondents

recent events:


Robert Nugan Fresh Produce Group was established by Robert Nugan in 1991 and the group has quickly grown into one of Australia’s largest and most innovative fresh produce providers. It now includes growing, sourcing, importing, exporting, packaging, ripening, wholesaling and distributing after starting out as an import company. Luke Harris Harris Farm Markets was established in 1971 and now has 22 retail locations and a wholesale business in the Sydney Markets. The business still remains a family

Col Johnson Young Achiever Award Darren Yip, NSW Weekly Fruit & Veg Spend – variations across households 8% <$5

15% >$50

32% $5-$19 43% $20-$49

Meritorious Service Award John Garrett, Newcastle business with David and Catherine Harris and their three sons Luke, Angus and Tristan all taking leading roles and they now have interests in production to round off a wholly integrated business.

Fresh Forum For the first time this years’ AC Conference included a Fresh Forum in association with PMA Aus-NZ. The day included presentations from Martin Kneebone, Freshlogic, talking about consumption of fresh produce and Steve Sheppard from Brand Story on consumer attitudes to fresh produce with guest speaker John Lees presenting on where ‘high achieving sales staff’ concentrate their efforts and why.

Bow Tie Dinner and Awards St Patricks Day was the theme for celebrations at the Australian Chamber - Bow Tie Dinner. Green bow ties were the order of the day for man and green ‘accessories’ for women with the gathering entertained by the very funny comedian Jimeoin.


issue 05

may 2011


men’s health:


Pit Stop Reveals: Bigger chassis and improved exhaust emissions!

(Clockwise from left): Kevin Sheedy and Minister Napthine receiving a health check. | CEO of RFDS Vic Scott Chapman. | Health testing on market stall owners. | GSK Australia Director David Herd. | (left to right) Shane Schnitzler, Minister Napthine, Fresh State CEO John Roach, Joe Amalfi and Jim Amalfi. | Kevin Sheedy, Scott Chapman, and Murray Rodgers. | Receiving a chassis check.

Sheedy urged everyone to “take the time to enjoy your life – don’t cut it short and don’t deprive your family due to an untimely sickness or death. It is easy to see what condition you are in, how you are running and it doesn’t take long.”

“Our waist lines are getting bigger but less of us are smoking and drinking”. And as one well known market personality said, “Is that tape measure long enough”! These are the early outcomes of our second Pit Stop held in the centre of the markets on Thursday 24 March.



issue 05


may 2011

The unhealthy lifestyles of most market participants including the early starts need to urgently change. The early starting hours are unhealthy and stressful and many people have commented that last year’s event prompted them into going and getting a full health check with their own GP.

To pick up the theme of the Australian Grand Prix and to mark the start of the AFL season football great Kevin Sheedy launched this year’s Pit Stop with some thoughtful advice. Sheedy urged everyone to “take the time to enjoy your life – don’t cut it short and don’t deprive your family due to an untimely sickness or death. It is easy to see what condition you are in, how you are running and it doesn’t take long”, Sheedy stated with his usual enthusiasm. Sheedy has always been an outspoken advocate for health, particularly men’s health, and opened the event by being a willing participant for a health check along with the Minister for Major Projects Hon.

Dr Denis Napthine, and Fresh State President Shane Schnitzler. Sheedy also took great delight in showing off the new colours for the Greater Western Sydney AFL team for 2012 which are “the same colours as our orange and silver safety vests”. Minister Napthine was even keener for his health check as he said “his blood pressure and stress levels had to be high from reviewing whether the markets will stay at Footscray Road or go to Epping”. And, no, he did not indicate what the government’s decision will be! Shane said “Pit Stop was a fun way to find out where you body is at and it is much easier to get a health check than to be negotiating with Government on relocation!”

Shane added that the unhealthy lifestyles of most market participants including the early starts need to urgently change. “The early starting hours are unhealthy and stressful and many people have commented to me that last year’s event prompted them into going and getting a full health check with their own GP. David Herd, Australian Director of Glaxo SmithKline (GSK), shared the story of his local green grocer changing his lifestyle because of last year’s Pit Stop. David said Giuseppe Russo had stopped smoking, now goes to the gym and changed his working hours because Pit Stop was a great wake-up call!

The RFDS provided the staff to run the health checks along with trained staff from GSK. Scott Chapman, CEO of RFDS Vic, was most appreciative of the support for RFDS and has reportedly challenged the Fresh State CEO to a ‘measure-off in six months time’ as they could both be in better shape! The MMA made a generous donation of $4,000 to the fundraising for RFDS in what is now becoming an annual event. This year saw many female market participants take a health check for the first time whilst others were back to see if they had ‘improved’ from last year. Shane and Harry Kapiris arranged for the new Kapiris Racing Team’s “1959 Top Door Slammer” to be on show for the first time outside the race track! There are obviously many car enthusiasts out there and this added to the success of the day.

LEFT: Big turn out by the market businesses as the Pit Stop health testing session was conducted. TOP RIGHT: Tony Lombardo and Jeff Jones with the1959 Top Door Slammer. BOTTOM RIGHT: Kevin Sheedy with Dean Bentley, Tony Pettinella, David Johnson, Joe Amalfi and Jeff Cutajar.

Special thanks to Kleenheat for providing the BBQ and staff and to the market businesses that generously moved their business from their usual stands on the day. A big thank you Jalna and everyone who donated produce for the breakfast BBQ as well as the MMA operational staff and Alcon Security for their great help in getting things ready and looking after our guests on the day!

men’s health:

GSK continued their strong support of the Royal Flying Doctors Service (RFDS) and Fresh State by partnering the event for a second year. As well, GSK has been working with Fresh State and the Australian Chamber to run a Pit Stop in conjunction with the RFDS in each central market in Australia.

Many people have asked for a relevant example to help their understanding, on a practical level, what carbon footprinting is about. We have chosen Zespri in NZ as the case study but this example can apply to most commodities in the fruit and vegetable industry. The bottom line is an understanding and thinking behind reducing your carbon emissions AND hopefully reducing your costs!

pallet footprint. Kimberly says “the plastic components of the pallet have a footprint that is significantly greater than their contribution to the mass of the pallet. This is because of the high energy inputs needed to make the plastic pocket pack, liner and strapping”.

ZESPRI markets about 100 million trays of kiwifruit each year and every tray contains cardboard and plastic. While ZESPRI knew this had a significant environmental footprint they didn’t know the size of that footprint.

Each tray type contains a different number and weight of fruit. For this reason it is important to not only look at the footprint per pallet but also the footprint per unit of fruit. In doing so it was found that the footprint per kilogram of fruit of the bulk tray is substantially lower than trays and pallets that use a pocket pack.

Different trays, different footprint

carbon footprinting:

Reducing Your Footprint:

Small Things Count!


Of the plastic components the pocket pack is the single largest contributor to the footprint. However, pack types with pocket packs are less than 15% of the inventory, and are predominantly used for premium market segments in Asia that have lower shipping distances than Europe and improve

The bottom line is an understanding and thinking behind reducing your carbon emissions AND hopefully reducing your costs!

Different trays … different footprint. The graph below shows that per kilogram of packaging material used, the plastic materials have a bigger footprint than the other components. The pocket pack and the fruit labels have a larger footprint than the pallet base which has relatively low energy inputs into its manufacture (and may also be reused many times).

The following graph shows the difference in footprint between two pack types- one that contains a pocket pack (ENIT) and a bulk pack that has no pocket pack (ENMB).

Packaging material footprints 4.5

Pocket Pack v Bulk Pack


Pallet base Cornerboard


Cardboard top cap


Interconnecting strip

Cardboard pack


EAN pack label



1.0 0.5 0

Pallet card Strapping Fruit label Pocket pack

GWP (kg CO2e/kg fruit)

GWP (kg CO2e/kg product)


0.12 0.10 0.08

Understanding the product It is important for ZESPRI, as they “de- carbonize” their supply chain, to examine each component in detail to identify the options that they have to reduce their footprint. Packaging is an important component as too little packaging can result in product loss, while too much leads to production or disposal issues. Each kiwifruit tray is a mixture of cardboard and plastic designed to protect the fruit and keep it in good condition until it reaches the market. Cardboard has been found to contribute more than 50% of the carbon footprint of a pallet. Kimberly Robertson from CATALYST® R&D explains “this is because after fruit, cardboard makes up most of the remaining mass of a pallet. However, what is also interesting is the contribution of the plastic components to the pallet footprint”.

Small things count

0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00

According to Alistair Mowat (Innovation Leader – Sustainability at ZESPRI) “we know the on orchard carbon footprint is about 693 g CO2 for each tray that leaves the orchard. But what we did not have was a good understanding of the impact of the packaging in the pallets of kiwifruit we ship every year”.

ENIT – single layer with pocket pack

ENMB bulk pack

The plastic components of a pallet of kiwifruit can include the pocket pack or tray the fruit sit in, the liner that goes around the fruit to prevent water loss, and the strapping that binds the trays together on the pallet. The combination of these components will vary, depending on the pack type. In some cases, the total of these plastics components can make up to 9% of the mass of the pallet and contribute 45% of the

storage life. For the future ZESPRI are considering their options. For example, Alistair Mowat says “we are working with research organizations and commercial partners to develop low carbon footprint options to substitute for our existing plastic packaging materials”.

Disposal/recycling of packaging has a big effect on its footprint Disposal of packaging can have a significant impact on the footprint. This is because the recycling of the plastic or cardboard substitutes for an equivalent amount of material that would have otherwise been produced from raw material. Some initial work on plastics shows that this may reduce the total packaging footprint by up to 30% if recycling can be quantified. Kimberly Robertson, Malcolm Garnham& Gerard McEvilly CATALYST® R&D Ltd

Next steps for ZESPRI

ZESPRI International has found that by taking a whole of life approach to the carbon footprint of packaging they can: • identify options to optimize pallet configurations to reduce their impact. • work with packaging suppliers to identify less fossil fuel intensive materials - particularly for the plastics. • work in-market to enable recycling of packaging and more accurately attribute end-of-life emissions or credits to their packaging. By working with Catalyst, ZESPRI is starting to develop the detailed understanding that is needed for them to identify options to de-carbonise their supply chain and enhance their position as the leading marketer of kiwifruit.

charity auctions:



issue 05


may 2011

Robert Millis – Cherry King in 1995

Mango and Cherry Auction

Yasi’s effect on the humble Banana The vivid pictures of Cyclone Yasi flattening banana crops across far north Queensland in late January was seen on televisions across Australia. The damage has been significant with Innisfail and Tully being hardest hit where approximately 95% of major production was affected. Other regions such as the Mareeba area were almost spared with only minimal losses of about 15-20%. However, when tallied together the cyclone wiped out around 80% of Queensland’s production, mindful that Queensland produces over 90% of all bananas grown in Australia.

Those that have been around the markets for more than five years will remember the Cherry auction and to a lesser degree the Mango auction. The first cherry auction commenced 1995 when Robert Millis representing Holman’s was crowned the first Cherry King. The first auction raised $5,000 for charity. The second year $7,000 was raised and this grew to $25,000 in subsequent years. The first year was particular important as that year the supported charity was the Motor Neuron Disease Charity. It had as its patron the then Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson who presented the winner with a ‘sword’ as a commemorative gesture to the charity. The mango auction came on board to extend the charity work of the community. Both auctions had become fixtures in some of the other central markets and it was industry’s collected approach to dig deep for those in need. In our Christmas edition of

Fresh State of Affairs we featured the NSW Chamber’s Charity Cherry auction that raised $110,000 for the first box of cherry for the season. Not to be shown up, the Perth Market Cherry Auction raised a record of $78,830 for the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation. Tony Galati from Galati Nominees was crowned Cherry King with his winning bid of $31,500 for 1kg of WA Cherries!!! Here in Melbourne, the cherry and mango auctions ceased in the mid 2000s following withdrawal of support from the MMA. The MMA had

supported the fund raising efforts by matching, on a dollar for dollar basis, of all funds raised. This was unfortunate as the recipients of those funds would have benefited from such generosity. The Fresh State Board has resolved to start its own charity foundation. The Cherry and Mango Auctions will be revived this year as an initial first step to a more boarder social responsibility to those less fortunate than most of us. One of the principles that support the foundation is that ALL dollars collected are to be forwarded to the nominated charity which does not happen in most other charity raising undertakings. The dates for both the Cherry and Mango Auction will be published in the next edition of Fresh State of Affairs to get the ball rolling!!

After Yasi - The outcome should see supplies being interrupted until at least August/September 2011, and given favourable conditions we should start to see production slowly building over the following 6 to 12 months. From that point on we should see a return to the 440,000 to 460,000 carton per week (1.9 million per month) capacity of the Australian banana industry.

Total number of banana cartons marketed nationally 2 500 000

2 000 000

1 500 000

1 000 000

Within a day or two following Yasi, all markets reacted with banana prices doubling in order to slow down demand and stretch out supplies that were in the system for as long as possible. Since then all supplies have been limited to “down fruit” which was salvaged over a four to five week period and cleared over a two month period, together with fresh tree fruit from the Mareeba, NSW and Carnarvon growing areas. We are now left with approximately 80,000 to 95,000 cartons nationally per week (350,000 per month), which represents about 20% of normal capacity. Pre Yasi - One has to be mindful of pre cyclone production levels where production was in serious oversupply reaching ‘glut proportions’ during mid November and December. The national weekly total for all central markets was between 550,000 cartons and up to what is an all time record of 660,000 cartons. Sydney and Melbourne alone recorded figures in one week of 247,000 and 198,000 cartons respectively. As a result prices plummeted to as low as $2 and $3 per carton with many others unsaleable.

500 000



Nov 2010



Feb 2011


Looking ahead to the months of April to August this year, supplies will be low as the colder weather slows down normal production, and Coffs harbour will be at the low end of production with only minimal quantities expected. This will further reduce the current weekly national figure of 80,000-95,000 cartons to perhaps 75,000-80,000 cartons. Buying resistance from consumers appears to be real as currently stocks are slow to move and it is little wonder when consumers price tickets at $12 – 14 per kilo in shops. It may well be that consumers are already looking for ‘better value’ with apple, mandarin and orange supplies increasing and prices set at a much more reasonable level!

Selling Price Ranges for Qld Bananas (doesn’t include NSW or Carnarvon) Oct 2010

Nov 2010 Dec 2010 Jan 2011

Feb 2011

Mar 2011


$10 – $22

$14 – $30


$6 – $18

Melbourne $10 – $16

$5 – $20

$18 – $26

$10 – $65

$2 – $160

$12 – $26

$5 – $18

$18 – $24

$10 – $55

$5 – $145

$12 – $24

$3 – $15

$12 – $30

$8 – $65

$5 – $130


$14 – $24

$16 – $32

$16 – $24 $24 – $32

$7 – $70

$10 – $150


$5 – $20

$10 – $24

$3 – $16

$2 – $55

$1 – $130

$10 – $22

The huge price variation reflects the wide quality range that was on offer from February (post cyclone). “Down fruit” was the major contributor - many were unsaleable.


fresh state updates:


issue 05

may 2011

Meet our newest board member “If we communicate and work together then we are going to achieve more than if everyone is working separately.” Brett Collins A passion for marketing and new ideas for communication are among the contributions brought to the table by Fresh State’s newest and youngest board member. Brett Collins, 40, joined the board last month but has been a familiar face around the market for 18 years. The Perfection Fresh Australia Pty Ltd General Manager Southern States said good internal communication was the key to getting ahead in business.

He will be looking at methods such as lifting circulation of the Fresh State magazine and promoting cooperation, which he said would benefit everyone. “If we communicate and work together then we are going to achieve more than if everyone is working separately,” Brett said. He said he was “overwhelmed and privileged” to be given the opportunity to serve on the board. “I am looking forward to working with the other directors and also bringing some new ideas to the table.”

Dates for your diary:

Brett balances his busy working life by living on land in quiet and picturesque Mt Macedon. He said the country property provided the perfect location for him and wife Debra to bring up Joshua, 12 and Angus, six. “We spend a lot of time outside, which is great for the boys and for us.” When he is not horse riding, snow skiing or working around the house Brett can often be found at the football, cheering on Carlton.

Planning your future Business Succession Planning – Getting Ahead of the Game Do you intend to retire in the next 5 - 10 years?

Or do you intend to sell your business to a 3rd party?

Do you intend to pass on your business to your son / daughter / other family members?

Have you planned for an untimely illness or worse?

Do they have a share in the business already?

Have you reviewed your plan (if you have one) because your personal circumstances have changed?

Most wholesalers have probably spent a lifetime growing their business. And we understand that every business is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What may be a good solution for one business is not always the best solution for another business. It is important to establish from the beginning a clear focus on what your goals are and the outcomes you want to achieve. In preparing a business succession plan, you will need to consider your business structure currently in place and whether it is appropriate. Is it a; • a company structure, • a partnership, • a discretionary trust or unit trust; or • simply through a sole proprietorship; How you have set up your business structure may affect your plans of disposing your interest in the business upon retirement and may affect your Capital Gains Tax (CGT) liability upon disposal.




National Veg Expo

5-6 May 2011


We Do Care Gala Dinner

14 May 2011

Melrose Receptions, Tullamarine

Ninth Australian Banana Industry Congress

1-4 June 2011

Highett Regency, Coolum

Fresh Connections Conference

8-10 June 2011

BCEC Brisbane

Fresh State Gala Ball

9 September 2011

Carousel, Albert Park

Example 1: If you operate your business through a company structure, succession planning may prove a little easier as shares in the company can be sold, gifted or bequeath to your family members. However, when you dispose of your interest in the company, you will not be entitled to claim the general CGT discount of 50% as this is only available to sole proprietors and trusts. But you may be able to claim the small business CGT Concession if you can satisfy certain conditions.

Have you discussed with your Accountant the tax implications to business succession planning? And lastly, do you have legal documents to support your plan?

Example 2: If you operate your business through a discretionary trust, then it may be more difficult to deal with succession planning because your interests in the trust cannot be sold and the interest in the trust cannot be bequeath in a will. However, there may be solutions to these issues. In addition to the general CGT discount of 50%, you may also potentially claim the small business CGT Concession if you are able to satisfy certain conditions.

If you find yourself in the predicament of not knowing where to start, a simple guide is to write down what you want; ie – “I want my son and daughter to take over the business in the next three years and I want them to have to ‘buy in’ rather than giving it to them”, or, “I wish to leave the business in the next few years and my partners want to continue operating the business”. Euan Luff, a Senior Partner, of Wilmoth Field Warne Lawyers elaborates. “Once someone has an idea of what they want, then it is much easier to tailor a solution that best suits the business and the individual needs while at the same time maximising any tax advantage available”. “The next steps from there includes working closely with you and/or your Accountant to understand your individual financial requirements and circumstances and utilising our firm’s experience and range of technical expertise to draw the legal aspects together and help you develop your business succession plan”, Euan said. “The biggest issue we see is where a client was intending “to get around to it” but never does. The result of not having a plan in place is that it will cost them and their families a lot of money, time and worry”.

For further information or to discuss your particular business succession planning requirements, please contact Euan Luff or Anthony Desiderio, Senior Partners, of Wilmoth Field Warne Lawyers on 03 9224 1000.

Level 13, 440 Collins Street Melbourne Victoria Australia 3000 tel: +61 (03) 9224 1000 | fax: +61 (03) 9224 1099 | email: | web:

upcoming conferences:



issue 05


may 2011

Bringing the industry together

Conference and Trade Show: Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre: 8-10 June 2011 hosted by:

Invaluable networking, educational and business building opportunities on offer at Fresh Connections 2011

Visitors from Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and beyond will find an invaluable array of networking, educational and business building opportunities on offer at Fresh Connections 2011 Conference and Trade Show when it convenes in Brisbane 8-10 June. Co-hosted by PMA Australia-New Zealand, the Australian Fresh Fruit Company (AFFCO), and the Australian Chamber of Fruit & Vegetable Industries, the event is set to be the largest networking, education and information event bringing together the fruit, vegetable and floral industries in the Australasian region –and registrations are now open!

Featuring: Global education from innovative business leaders The Fresh Connections 2011 conference program will once again be a highlight, featuring all the latest consumer trends, insights from retailers, the importance of foodservice to the fresh produce industry and new potential market opportunities, amongst many other topics. Iconic Celebrity Chef, Maggie Beer will be joined by her daughter Saskia of Barossa Farm Produce to offer insights into how fresh produce businesses can really connect with consumers to increase consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables. They will be joined by inspirational film-maker Joe Cross, who will speak about how dramatically increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in his diet has transformed his life, and Rich Dachman, VP Produce Sysco Corporation on how the US foodservice industry is aiming to double fruit and veg consumption by 2020. “Maggie has some great insights to share on how we all can do better on providing more flavoursome products to our consumers, while Joe’s story is inspirational and there are potentially some

great outcomes for our industry if we can get his message out there. Apart from the obvious health benefits, stimulating fresh produce consumption is also the best way we can strengthen and grow our industry” said Michael Worthington, CEO of PMA Australia-New Zealand. The stellar line-up of speakers also includes Raymond Jin, Managing Director of Golden Wing Mau on opening the doors to doing business in China; Morris Miselowski on what our industry can be doing to fully incorporate the latest social media technology into the way we promote our products; and by popular demand, Bryan Silbermann, President and CEO of the Produce Marketing Association (PMA US) will return to give the keynote address on positioning our industry to meet the fast-changing consumer trends.

Featuring: Tours to Queensland’s best retailers and growing regions Following a sold-out retail tour at last year’s Fresh Event in Melbourne, Fresh Connections 2011 Conference and Trade Show is set to add two new tours to the mix. While this year’s retail tour will take in new-look store formats by leading Brisbane retailers Coles and Woolworths, as well as some vibrant fresh produce outlets, two additional tours (one fruit- and one vegetable-related) will also be on offer to delegates. Both new tours will begin with breakfast and an early morning tour of the Rocklea Markets, who as a key supplier to markets all around Australia, were significantly affected by the Queensland floods. “With so many suppliers having their warehouse facilities at the markets, maintaining supply to retailers was critical so delegates

will have the chance to hear some extraordinary stories of the steps companies took to find alternative warehousing and cool room facilities to ensure supply was maintained” said Worthington.

“What we want are more buyers and sellers of fresh produce to create an even bigger and more diverse trade show - a real marketplace” said Worthington.

Following their visit to the Markets, the vegetable tour will head west of Brisbane to Barden Produce and Qualipack in the hardhit Lockyer Valley, while the fruit tour will head north to Natures Fruit Company, Pinata Marketing and Smerdon Enterprises some of Australia’s most innovative fruit growers.

According to Shane Schnitzler, Chairman of The Australian Chamber, one of the major benefits of Fresh Connections is the ability to see all your business contacts in a couple of days.

“Vegetable growers in the Lockyer Valley suffered considerable crop and infrastructure damage during Queensland’s floods but despite the devastation, they have bounced back remarkably well” said Worthington. “They are such a vital component of the supply of winter vegetable and salad lines, and are an innovative growing region so this will be a great opportunity to see first-hand how they have managed to rebuild their crops and businesses.” “Similarly, fruit crops always have quality issues with excessive rain so the purpose of going to the fruit growing areas north of Brisbane is to get a better understanding of what growers faced and what steps they took to turn their crop around” he added.

Featuring: Business building networking, expo, social program

“If you want to increase your visibility as a business, there really is no better platform than Fresh Connections 2011 for networking and showcasing your company on both a local and international level,” he added. Making its Fresh Connections debut this year is the Young Professionals Reception, a unique opportunity for the ‘35 and unders’ to come together and network with their peers and selected current industry leaders over a casual drink. This will be followed by the annual Fresh Connections Gala Dinner, again sponsored by OneHarvest, which has become a Fresh Connections highlight. Following the success of last year’s ‘Opera by Disguise’ entertainment, renowned international entertainer James Galea will be sure to delight by presenting the art of magic with a wicked sense of humour. “Fresh Connections is the coming together of all the key produce and floral industry players and we believe it’s the premier event in the Australian-New Zealand calendar,” said Felicity RobsonRous, General Manager, Marketing, OneHarvest.

Alongside an outstanding educational program, networking and having fun are also integral to building business at Fresh Connections 2011, with the packed trade show, welcome reception, and a brilliant Registrations for Fresh Connections 2011 are now open! international entertainer at the popular To register, and for all the latest Fresh Connections 2011 news Gala Dinner set to make it a program full of networking opportunities. and information, visit www.freshconnections The 2011 trade show will provide a fantastic opportunity for buyers to experience the huge variety and outstanding quality of products available. Of particular note this year is the increased focus on having more fresh produce on display in the trade hall, and a greater presence of growers and wholesale and retail buyers networking under the one roof.

Media Enquiries: Michael Worthington T: +61 (0)3 8844 5536 E: Erin Hart T:+61 (0)3 8844 5536 E:


Q & A:


issue 05

q a


Tony Pettinella Works: Fresh Berry Co.

Lives: Lilydale with wife Rosa.

Most of my day is spent: Making phone calls.

The football team I barrack for is:

“We do everything from growing produce, to providing it to retailers, including the logistics of moving it.” If I described my business to a stranger I would say… We do everything from growing produce, to providing it to retailers, including the logistics of moving it.

The qualities I most enjoy about Melbourne Market are…. Everyone gets on well.


The pets I have are:

My favourite Melbourne Market moment is:

In my spare time I enjoy:

Drinking a coffee at the cafe and reading the newspaper on a Monday morning after Essendon has won.

The quality I respect most in an employees is: They listen well and are calm.

As I have grown older I have learnt: There are more years behind me than ahead of me so I had better enjoy them.

A Labrador called Elvis. Going to the football and visiting friends.

My first job was: Working in a hotel.

My fondest memory is: Seeing Elvis Presley live in Las Vegas in 1976.

The aspect of my job I like the most is: Having Friday and Saturday off.


may 2011

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The thing I dislike the most is: Having to work at night.

I am passionate about: My dislike for people who don’t pay their debts.

My business associates would say that I: Am a practical joker.

When I was a child I wanted to be: A Footballer.

The place in the world I would most like to go is: Egypt – and Norway again.

The thing a lot of people don’t know about me is:

I am a bit soft and would help anyone out.

My favourite fruit or vegetable is: Stonefruit on a hot day.

Sign up today!

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