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上海国际品牌授权展 China Licensing Expo

3 | 前言 Foreword

4 | 叔叔妹妹企业社 U&S Studio

6 | 傛瑞国际股份有限公司 YongRui Int’ l Co., Ltd.

8 | 创星盟行销设计有限公司 Planets Marketing & Design Ltd.

10 | 赫思西亚品牌创意有限公司 Hestia Design Creative Co., Ltd.

12 | 微逗國際股份有限公司 Weido International Co., Ltd. 14 | 陈昭群 JosephChen

16 | 猴子大王股份有限公司 Monkey King Corp.

18 | 风尚创意股份有限公司 Wind Design Co., Ltd.

20 | 奥义品牌国际有限公司 Aoyi Brand Design

22 | 冉色斯动画股份有限公司 Xanthus Animation Studio 24 | 关于台湾创意设计中心 About TDC

台湾 在 华人 文化 及 世界潮 流 的 影 响 下,文化创 意

丰富多元,并具包容性,经 过不断的调适与转化, 台 湾 的 文 创 产业、数 字 网 络 、影 视 流 行、品 牌 代

理,逐 渐成 为 文创 经 济 重 要 的 新 商 机,其 中 一 源 y


台湾 作 为亚 洲 原创角色 重 要 基 地,不仅 是 授 权 开 发 产品,更 将 品 牌 授 权 及 图 像、角色 授 权 做 为主 要目标,呈现创意经 纪 崭新视 野。 (英 文翻譯 待 提供)

2016 上海国际品牌授权展 China Licensing Expo 展会开放时间 OPENING TIME::

2016.10.19-21 09:00 a.m.-04:30 p.m. 展会地点 LOCATION:

SNIEC 上海新国际博览中心E2馆,摊位编号E2B37

Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC), Hall E2, Booth number E2B37



10344台北市大同区民生西路362巷23号2楼(众艺埕) 2F., No.23, Ln. 362, Minsheng W. Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City 10344, Taiwan +886-2-2559-7687

www.uands.com.tw uands@qq.com

叔叔妹妹企业社 U&S Studio

同所大学毕业的学长温国欣(叔叔)与学妹陈美君(妹妹)都热爱绘画与设计,喜欢天马行空的想像各种事物, 在共同的创作理念与热情下,以「U&S 叔叔与妹妹」名称共同进行绘图创作,成立插画设计工作室,设计开 发地方文化元素的商品,主要业务为插画设计及图像授权,并进行插画教学,推广美学教育。

【U&S = "Uncle and Sister" 】We are Uncle & Sister (U&S). Graduated from the same university, we both love illustration and design and enjoy running wild with our imagination. Sharing the same ideals and passion towards design, together we started an illustration studio under the brand U&S, designing products with elements from local cultures. Our main services are illustration design and image licensing. We are also active in teaching illustration and promoting education in aesthetics.

赤毛族 Barefoot Family

一群光着脚并留有脚毛的精灵「赤毛族」,光着脚代表喜欢亲近大自然的土地,留有脚毛代表保有与生俱 来的特征,借此传达(爱护世界)与(做自己)的理念。 A group of barefooted elves with long foot hair called the “Barefoot Family”.Barefoot shows a love towards nature and earth, telling people to love the earth; foot hair means preserving one's born traits, encouraging people to be proud of their original self.



台北市大安区忠孝东路三段204号14楼 14F., No.204, Sec. 3, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan +886-2-2775-1551 www.facebook.com/majimeow/ 2gether.ping@gmail.com

傛瑞国际股份有限公司 YongRui Int’ l Co., Ltd.

成立于2012年10月,主要发展图像品牌创作与经营,志在成为台湾专业图像品牌的智慧财产权授权公司, 透过人文的包容与理解,创作出更具专业与深度的图像品牌。 Founded in October of 2012 for the purpose of image creation, brand development and brand management, our aim is to become the premiere intellectual property licensing company for Taiwanese image brands. Through humane tolerance and understanding, we work to create professional brand images with depth.

麻吉猫 MajiMeow

在初夏的白玉花生吐司上,膨胀诞 生一只小白猫。充满好奇心、乐天、 可爱圆润、随遇而安,有时爱发呆睡 懒觉…但喜欢交朋友,喜欢生活美好 有礼貌,是一只人见人爱、老少通吃 的好喵喵! A little white cat who is grown up on white mochi peanuts toast in early summer. He/she is full of curiosity, always being happy, like lovely mellow, adaptable and Elastically, sometimes love to sleep... But love friends, love life , with polite, cute, everyone loves Maji Meow!

莎拉公主病 Princess Sarah

所有的大人都曾经 是小孩,虽然只 有少数人记得。人们不能避免长大, 但 是我们可以决 定自己的内心,让 童真永远都在。天真、善良、乐观、 没心机、爱护小动物,都是我得到的 病,像公主一样的病。 All adults were once children, although only a few people remember. People cannot avoid growing up, but we can choose our own heart, as innocent as a child forever. Naive, kind-heart, optimistic, and no trick, care for animals, is I get sick, like princess disease.



台北市信义区忠孝东路5段508号4楼 4F., No.508, Sec. 5, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan +886-937-87-536 www.facebook.com/sheepplanet/ coplanets@gmail.com

创星盟行销设计有限公司 Planets Marketing & Design Ltd.

我们以行销专业推广自有插画品牌「眠羊星 Sheep Planet」,并拥有「眠羊星乐园」。公司目前致力于发展 品牌的内容,包含故事、图文等,在2014年有出版一本图文书。与微逗国际股份有限公司为策略合作伙伴, 合力推广插画品牌。 We focus on our brand: Sheep Planet, including story and illustration. We publish a illustrated book in 2014 and have a theme park of Sheep Planet in 2015. Now Weido International Co., Inc. is our Strategic Partners.

眠羊星 Sheep Planet

一些白色绵羊追求梦想后,身上出现专属的色彩,被称为眠羊。星球就像色彩缤纷的绵羊,有「梦想国度」 之称。 Many white Sheep chase after their dream and then have unique color. So many sheep have color, therefore, the planet seems like a colorfull sheep and named “Country of Dreams”.




2F., No.19, Ln. 360, Yongchun E. Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan

+886-4-2475-1919 # 211 +0086-137-298-99-366 2306786672@qq.com fbd@fbd.tw

赫思西亚品牌创意有限公司 Hestia Design Creative CO.,LTD

「HESTIA 赫思西亚」品牌设计创意团队,拥有异于常人的创造魂来实现天马行空的创意,将生活日常透过 设计与创意注入全新的活力,用心体验生活,传达生态环境的美好与传递台湾文化温度的感动是团队一直 以来的中心理念,期望透过「皮宽 PeaQuin」品牌将创意与设计透过亲切的互动与生活连结,让皮宽家族 的好朋友们带着保护生态的重要使命,和大家一起展开美丽的旅行!

皮宽 PeaQuin

逐渐茁壮的我们带着土地的滋养而成长,与大自然见习而不断前进的我们,是否遗忘了过去支撑着我们 的,那座山、那面海与那片土地?

皮宽PeaQuin带领着台湾南投日月潭,独特珍贵的野生动物们组成了「皮宽家族」,期待以这份爱护生态 与传承文化的初衷,一齐将小小的心意回馈为大自然的小礼物。 We gradually robust growth with nourish of the land, we learn with the natural and continue to move forward. But have we forgotten that who supported us, the mountain, the sea and the land? PeaQuin led the unique precious animals from Taiwan’s Sun Moon Lake in Nantou to formed ‘PeaQuin’s Family’. Look forward to care the ecology and cultural heritage, together as kindness return back to the natural as a gift.

HESTIA Brand Design Team has extraordinary creativity to make different ideas come true. Our purposes are that we add brand new vitality by design and creativity into our daily life, try our best to enjoy life, and convey the beauty of Ecology and the warmth of Taiwan culture. We hope that PeaQuin can use creativity and design to do some kind interactive to combine our life. Let’s begin a beautiful trip with PeaQuin Family that has important duty to protect Ecology.




3F., No.105, Zhouzi St., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan +886-2-2370-0177


微逗國際股份有限公司 Weido International Co., Ltd.

WEIDO是业界最多插画家之插画品牌公司,藉由人气插画明星建立插画社群联播网,提供高触及之网路广 告素材,并且积极开发授权应用,打造台湾插画之强势IP产业。

耍花招 Little Flower

某天盆子里出现了一颗种子,种子被雨水灌溉被热情的太阳照射着,慢慢的发芽长大,就这样耍花招诞生 了,耍花招的个性就像杂草一样,不怕困苦的环境都能逆生长,总是能把坏事情想成好的事情,就因为这样 耍花招成了最受欢迎的正能量搞怪花朵! One day, there has been a seed in a pot. The seeds are irrigated with rain and warm sun shining. Sprout up slowly, so little flower was born. Little flower's personality just like weeds, not afraid of hardship environment can reverse the growth. Bad things can always think of good things, so little flower has become the most popular funny and positive energy's flower!

WEIDO is the illustration brand company with the largest number of illustrator in Taiwan. We founded the illustration of social network by popular illustrator, providing the high reach of online advertising creatives, developing authorization actively, and creating Taiwan's illustration of the strong IP industry.


小的Lito, 是一只流浪狗,它的梦想是找到一个爱它 的主人,身边的各种动物朋友常常劝它认命的当个流 浪狗就好,但是小的知道爱它的主人一定也在等它, 只是还没出现而已。不向命运低头,不怕环境困难、 危机重重,还是努力的奔跑,直到主人的怀抱里! Lito is a stray dog , his dream is to find a owner who loves him. All the friends around Lito always persuade him not to be a dreamer. No mankind will love him at all. But Lito knows his future owner is somewhere out there. Fearing of nothing and believing for hope . Lito runs and runs , until someone loves him and hold him tight !




Huang CuO No. 577 Xiamen Roda, building 52, Sunshine Coast


www.facebook.com/Uglilybook/ uglilybook@gmail.com

陈昭群 JosephChen

JosephChen台湾新锐艺术家,在34岁开始从事艺术工作,以黑色幽默和极简的黑白粉红色调手法来呈现 特有的风格,也陆续跟鸿海和膳魔师等厂商做跨界合作,除了插画以外也设计当代艺术及纯艺术的创作, 2015年在厦门举办了个人画展,作品也在澳门艺术博览会以10000美金卖出,一个才刚开始艺术之旅的艺 术家,目前工作于上海、厦门、台湾。 Joseph Chen, a new and dashing Taiwanese artist, started his artist career at age of 34. Present a unique style of simplicity and black humor by using only black, white, and pink color. Published designed products with Thermos and Foxconn...etc . Besides illustration, also step into contemporary art and classical art. Held a solo art exhibition in Xiamen, China in 2015, art work was sold at US$10,000 in Macau art expo. An artist who just starts his journey of creation, now located mainly in Taipei, also reside abroad between Shanghai and Xiamen.


丑脸书 丑陋动物园 Uglily book ugly zoo

以诙谐黑色幽默的方式来呈现画风,打破一般卖萌可爱的 形象,以丑为出发点用另一个角度来看这个世界,主角为河 丽雪,在一个叫做丑陋动物园的世界有许多可爱的伙伴。用 极简单的黑白粉红来打造这个风趣的丑陋世界。 The style is mainly black humor, to break with the cute and lovely images which are popularly liked. Every character is ugly, they want to show you the world in a different perspective. The leading role, Holy-Shit the hippo, who lives in a world called "Ugly Zoo", surrounded by many good pals. The whole funny "Ugly Zoo" is designed simply by only black, white, and pink.



No.375, Cixian 2nd Rd., Cianjin Dist., Kaohsiung City 80143, Taiwan +886-7-251-8222


monkeyking19690125@gmail.com WeChat ID : monkeyking19690125

猴子大王股份有限公司 MONKEY KING Corp.

猴子大王(股)公司18年来致力于 BANANA MONKEY 品牌的「创意设计」、 「形象推广」、 「零售服务」的经营, 具备服饰及周边商品设计开发能力及丰富的行销经验,为品牌图像授权推动奠定深厚的基础。 造型千变万化,图像丰富多元的BANANA MONKEY,形象鲜明、辨识度高、可爱讨喜、具亲和力,可跨越国 籍、性别、年龄的限定,可塑性高且极具发展潜力。 我们以全球性的品牌为目标,力求创新突破,积极推动品牌授权及异业合作,因为我们相信品牌价值可以 透过串联合作而无限延伸。


相 信我,面 熟,不是 因为 你 恍神,前 世 今 生记忆,不是 因为 你失 忆,我 们以前真的 有 交 情,对!我 是 BANANA MONKEY。战绩很高调,行事很低调,长大一点,调调仍在,不是我爱唱反调,跟别人一样实在太 无聊!嘴角微扬爱搞笑,偶尔邪恶偶尔萌,时尚洁癖神经质,坚持混搭微Dandy,出门喜爱戴帽子,我想你 懂这就是大人味。跟我探索这城市,用一种叫做八奈奈的Fu! Believe me. If I look familiar to you, it is not because you are absent-minded. If you have fleeting memories about our past, it is not because you are suffering from amnesia. We do have known each other long ago. Yes! I am BANANA MONKEY! Though I grow older now, I still keep my STYLE. I am not really into striking a different tune. I just feel it is boring to be like anyone else. I love to curve up the corners of my mouth and be FUNNY. Sometimes I look like BADDY and sometimes I am childlike CUTE. I am FASHION OBSESSIVE and neurotic. As you know, I insist on MIX & MATCH, and I am more or less a DANDY. I like to wear a HAT when I go out. I think, you know, this makes me adultlike! Join me to explore the city in the tune of BANANA MONKEY!

For 18 years, MONKEY KING Corp. has been devoted to manage its brands " BANANA MONKEY" by processes including "creative design", "image promotion" and" retail sales services", it has the developing abilities of clothing and accessories design, and it also has its rich selling experiences, which has deeply established the promotion of brands' characters authorization base. With various stylish design, BANANA MONKEY has unlimited potential as it constitutes with outstanding character, lovely images and is close to people by breaking through the differences of nations, genders, and generations. BANANA MONEY is aimed at developing global brands, and is looking forward to break through, is also positively promoting brands' authorization and strategic alliance as we believe that the value of the brands can unlimitedly extent by bounding and connection.



台北市大安区复兴南路一段380号4楼 4F, No.380, Sec 1, Fuxing S. Rd., Taipei City 106, Taiwan +886-2-2700-0522



风尚创意股份有限公司 WIND DESIGN CO.,LTD

二允兄弟是台湾1999年成立的视觉设计公司「风尚创意」旗下主力品牌,由设计师允妈带领团队经营。二允 兄弟诞生于2007年的网路漫画、2012年首度推出网路华语唱跳音乐动画,其中,中秋节「我的烤肉style」 唱跳动画,获得三天破百万点击,也荣登YouTube年度百万点击影片。卖萌唱跳的影音动画从此受到欢迎。 二允兄弟持续致力于网路唱跳影音、微动画、周边商品、图像授权、角色代言、教育童书...等创作经营。并 计划透过唱跳结合儿童的食、衣、住、行…结合趣味教育发展!

二允兄弟 WinBrothers

WinBrothers 英文中的“Win”有胜利、争赢之意。

「二允兄弟」是台湾妈咪『允妈』的创作,YouTube百万点击卖萌唱跳影音动画深受华语地区大众的喜爱! 吃货又爱争赢的哥们,挑食的『大允』、贪吃的『小允』、美食专家『蛋仔龙』、情侣小跟班『水滴鼠、花滴 鼠』….一个结合唱跳音乐、寻找美食的胜利冒险故事。

“WinBrothers” is the creation of “Win Mom” from Taiwan, and its singing and dancing animation on YouTube is very popular and has generated millions of clicks! The story is a winning adventure of searching for delicious food unfolds with characters such as picky eater B-Win and food lover S-Win (they always fight for win and food), couple follower A-no and A-wan, and gourmet expert Egglog.

WinBrothers is a brand under WIND DESIGN, a Taiwan-based visual design company established in 1999 and led by designer Win Mom. WinBrothers debuted online comics in 2007, and presented their first online Chinese singing and dancing animation in 2012. One of the most popular animation is “My BBQ Style”, which generated over millions of clicks within three days, and was entitled as million-click film on YouTube. Since then, WinBrothers' singing and dancing video got more and more popular. WinBrothers dedicating to developing online singing and dancing animation, micro animation, product design and development, image licensing, character endorsement, children books and so on.




1F., No.128, Ln. 373, Sec. 3, Changxi Rd., Annan Dist., Tainan City 709, Taiwan +886-6-275-4427 www.aoyi.tw



奥义AOYI的基础精神是创造「无限可能」,无论从深度、长度、宽度,将想象不受条件拘束地发挥无限创 意,为商品注入正能量,加值品牌生命力。 图像是无国界的语言,拥有在地故事与精神的图像品牌,能迸发出更大的文化力量,传扬更多寓意深远的 故事。奥义国际孵育品牌自有个性,达到高度的可塑性与记忆度,并让图像具有更多的想象。


以五只台湾保育类动物为发想,创造出一系列的麻吉朋友,分别是台湾黑熊(乌噜)、梅花鹿(恰比)、台湾土 狗(莱恩)、诸罗树蛙(托比)以及台湾石虎(邦妮)。以台湾的特有动物,传达台湾的特殊文化民情;以台湾人的 方式,爱护这片土地,同时让外国朋友一起认识台湾。麻吉是不分国界的,让我们一起斗阵来感受宝岛的 温度,唤起世界一起响应环保、爱护地球。 Based on five Taiwanese endemic species, we create a series of animal images which are Formosan Black Bear (Uru), Formosan Sika Deer (Chubby), Taiwan Dog (Layne), Farmland Tree frog (Toby), and Prionailurus Bengalensis (Bonnie). We would like to convey the specialty of Taiwan with five Taiwanese endemic species; use our ways to make foreign friends know more about Taiwan and cherish this land. Nowadays, we live in the global village, let’s come together to feel the warm of Formosan; moreover, to advocate being environmental friendly and protect the mother earth.

The original spirit of Aoyi is to create possibilities without limitation. From depth, length to width in many aspects, we show and develop multiple creativities; inject positive energy into products and liven up the value of brand. Images represent one of the global languages. The images with native stories and spirit are able to arouse bigger power of culture; spread more significant stories around. Aoyi Brand Design is unique. We can reach high flexibility and let people remember us. At the same time, we make people to be filled with wonder and imagination toward images.




14F-5, No.268, Liancheng Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City, Taiwan +886 2-8227-3095

xanthusci.wix.com/animation xanthus.ci@msa.hinet.net

冉色斯动画股份有限公司 Xanthus Animation Studio

冉色斯是一家同时拥有产品开发与制作能力的团队,多年来致力于高品质的数位影音研发与制作。我们认 为所有的创意皆来自于意外的惊喜,而我们希望做到的是,让创意发散到每个人的心中,让我们的想法经 由Mobile、TV、Theater走进每个家庭!让我们的作品成为每个家庭生活娱乐的必需品,让「冉色斯」成为 新一代家庭娱乐的代名词!

阎小妹 Yameme

东閰城是一座迷你化、可爱化、介于乡村和都市之间的小城镇。这里的居民包含了东方传说中的人物、妖 怪、以及拟人化的动物。想像妖怪的世界也分为东方与西方,为了让东西方两边的妖怪交流,西冥市市长 派他的儿子迪米欧到东阎镇学习。迪米欧在东阎镇遇到各式各样奇怪与有趣的怪物,当然也包括他的新 朋友之一,东阎镇镇长的女儿-阎小妹。让我们跟着阎小妹及他的朋友们在东阎镇展开令人兴奋的奇幻 之旅吧。 The world of monsters is divided into Eastern City and Western City. In order to create interflow between the two cities, Western King sent his son Prince Demio to study in Eastern City. Demio meets all kinds of weird and funny monsters in Eastern City, including his new friend Yameme, who is the daughter of Eastern Lord. Together, they will experience exciting adventures in Eastern City.

Xanthus is a creative team capable of both product development and production. We are dedicated to making high quality digital video and audio work. We want to bring people surprises with our creative ideas, and to make our stories and characters enter every household by all means of media such as mobiles, televisions and movies. We want our works to become a necessity for every family, so that Xanthus will become a name that represents a new generation of family entertainment.







国际设计交流、加强产业市场竞争力并奠定企业发展自有品牌基础,提高产业附加价值,并藉此向世 界宣言, 「Designed in Taiwan」的时代已经来临。

Taiwan Design Center has been positioned as an integrated platform to promote creative design. Its main mission is to upgrade original creativity of Taiwanese designers, promote international design exchanges, upgrade market competitiveness of Taiwanese industries, help enterprises build up their own brand, raise value-added of the said industries, and announce to the world that the era of "Designed in Taiwan" has come.



Taiwan Design Center 110 台北市信义区光复南路133号 No.133, Guangfu S. Rd., Xinyi District, Taipei 110, Taiwan T +886-2-2745-8199 www.tdc.org.tw ccimarketing.org.tw





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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.