Fresh taiwan International Licensing Show

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香 港 國 際 授 權 展 Hong Kong International Licensing Show

3 | 前言 Foreword

4 | 阿奇八八科技股份有限公司 ARCH88 TECHNOLOGY LTD.

6 | 華研國際音樂股份有限公司 HIM INTERNATIONAL MUSIC INC. 8 | 阿克騰創意設計股份有限公司 ACHTUNG! CO., LTD.

10 | 毛毛蟲創意行銷有限公司 INDOT IMAGE CO., LTD.

12 | 卡洛特股份有限公司 CARLOT CO., LTD.

14 | 風尚創意股份有限公司 WIND DESIGN CO., LTD.



20 | 赫思西亞品牌創意有限公司 HESTIA DESIGN CREATIVE CO., LTD.

22 | 三博鹿科技股份有限公司 SMABARDEER CO., LTD. 24 | 關於文化部 About MOC

26 | 關於台灣創意設計中心 About TDC

臺 灣 在 華人 文化 及 世界潮 流 的 影 響 下,文化 創意

豐富多元,並具包容性,經 過不斷的調適與 轉化, 臺 灣 的 文 創 產 業 、數位 網 路 、影 視 流 行、品 牌 代

四樓大堂中樓平面圖 Level 4 mezzanine Floor Plan

Booth: M4-A01

2016 香港國際授權展 2017 Hong Kong International Licensing Show 展會開放時間 OPENING TIME::

理,逐 漸 成 為 文 創 經 濟 重 要 的 新商 機,其 中 一 源 多用的角色創作也逐漸在臺灣市場趨向成熟。

臺 灣 作 為亞 洲原 創角色 重 要 基 地,不僅 是 授權開

發產 品,更 將 品 牌 授 權 及 圖 像、角色 授 權 做 為 主 要目標,呈現 創意經紀嶄新視野。

Influences of Chinese culture and global trends give Taiwan diverse and rich cultural creativity that is also very accepting and inclusive. Through continued adjustment and evolution, Taiwan’s cultural and creative industry, digital network, popular entertainment, and brand dealership have become new opportunities in the cultural and creative economy. Furthermore, original character creation, which has a wide range of applications, is also maturing in the Taiwanese market. As a major hub of original characters in Asia, Taiwan not only licenses product development, but is also focusing on brand, image and character licensing to explore new horizons of creative economy.

2016. 01. 09 -11 09:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. 展會地點 LOCATION:


Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Level 4, 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Booth: M4-A01



10462 台北市中山區明水路672巷21號1F

No. 21, Ln. 672, Mingshui Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei 10462, Taiwan +886-2-8502-1715

阿奇八八科技股份有限公司 ARCH88 Technology Ltd.

阿奇八八 (ARCH88) 2009年在台北成立技術部門,2010年擴增創意設計及網路行銷部門,2011年致力於 互動多媒體數位內容之企劃製作,2012開始卡通動畫製作行銷。團隊在數位內容/品牌行銷/禮品設計有多 年實務經驗。 品牌精神: 喚醒赤子心,一起史都幫!

ARCH88 Technology Ltd. aims to comfort digital reading and enrich your experience via content creativity and interactive technology since 2009. Her two main digital product lines, (a) interactive children script book APP's (b) eComics, both are good educational sources and character builders for elementary and preschool kids. ARCH88 also has an online Gift Shop,, which embraces character design into the stationary, accessory, apparels, toys and children educational games etc.. Slogan: Everyone was once a child. Let’s STUBON!


阿奇、噗貓、小虎、漢寶、酷馬、老森等四貓二狗組成的死黨(史都幫)所發生的趣事,"看"史都幫(動漫),"用 "史都幫(商品),喚醒了沉睡的赤子之心,讓我們搭乘時光列車追回童心,一起"史都幫"吧!

Kuma, Hansen and Little Prince Archie flew from the STU to the EARTH on Archie's 100th birthday. Curious Archie, Mighty Kuma and Wiseman Hansen ran into Sweetheart Pumeow, KUSO Hooter and Cool Hamburg during their journey. Six of them made a team called STUBON and started their adventure together.



104台北市中山區建國北路二段135號15樓 15 Floor, NO.135, Sec 2, Jian Guo N.Road, Taipei 104, Taiwan +886-2-2512-1919 ext 8433

華研國際音樂股份有限公司 HIM International Music Inc.

為台灣一家音樂製作與演藝經紀公司,多年來除了經紀演藝人員也負責詞曲創作者經紀,2014年跨足文創 經紀(圖像角色),華研音樂與關係企業在內容產出、經紀、授權、電子商務、零售通路、產品開發等都有深 度耕耘。 As a record label and artist management company, HIM International Music has represented many artists, including songwriters, over the years. HIM began representing cultural and creative artists in 2014. HIM and its associated companies are deeply involved in content production, artist management, licensing, e-commerce and product development for retail channels.

彎彎 Wan Wan

從部落格發跡,累積觀看人次破億,被譽為部落格天后,第一部出版作品創造20萬本銷售成績,出道近十 年,在亞太區累積眾多讀者。 Wanwan started from a blog. Since her blog got over 100 million pageviews, she is known as"the queen of the blog".Her first book released and made 200,000 sales. Nearly a decade, she has gained a lot of readers in the Asia Pacific region.



23575 新北市中和區中和路277-2號3F 3F., No.277-2, Zhonghe Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 23575,Taiwan +886-2-2243-3507

米粒大叔 Riceman

身為熱血上班族的米粒大叔,在幸福家庭、工作及搞笑生活中交錯,充分體現「一粒米中見世界」的概念。 Riceman is a hardworking guy and has a wonderful family. His funny lifestyle totally represents "to see a world in a grain of rice.”

阿克騰創意設計股份有限公司 ACHTUNG! Co., LTD.

阿克騰起名自德文「ACHTUNG」的諧音,本意為「注意」的意思,希望不論在創作或是商品都能廣受注目, 發揮創意與影響力。 「Brainstorm Anytime」是我們的DNA,以「原生創意」與「創意生活」作為發展目 標,專注於「內容」的產出及「一源多用」為導向。 Established in 2010, ACHTUNG! is an energetic and vigorous team specializing in designing brand characters and turning them into merchandises , games, etc. We look forward to bringing joy to more people as well as inspiring more possibilities through collaboration.




1F., No.130, Sec. 4, Tingzhou Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei 11676, Taiwan +886-2-2930-6036

微疼 Wei Teng

白色垂耳兔,好吃懶作、人生目標可以玩一輩子。人稱無敵衰鬼,只要有它到的地方,就會有倒楣事發生。 He is a white lazy rabbit with dropping ears and always in a bad luck. Whenever he goes to a place, there must be something unlucky happen.

毛毛蟲創意行銷有限公司 INDOT IMAGE CO., LTD.

毛毛蟲文創由插畫、品牌行銷、編輯等專長夥伴組成。期望能透過品牌操作推廣台灣原生潛力的IP 角色。 讓更多人可透過這些插畫角色認識台灣的原創力及影響力,從這些肖像中獲得共鳴、達到療癒、正面鼓舞 的彩色能量。 Indot Image is composed of a group of people who are good at illustration, brand marketing and edit. We want to popularize the Intellectual Property in Taiwan, and let more and more people see the originality and influence of Taiwan. Furthermore, people can be encouraged by these great illustration works.

毛毛蟲 MaoMaoChong

「毛毛蟲」自許是一個不務正業的設計師,在插畫與設計間遊走。頭戴草莓帽想要用插畫證明自己不是七 年級草莓族,喜歡觀察周遭人事物藉由插畫來抒發現代人苦悶的生活。 "MaoMaoChong" is a designer who walks in the illustration and design. The reason why this character wears a strawberry headgear is because he wants to prove he is not so-called the "strawberry generation" which means fragile and having a lower resistance to stress. MaoMaoChong likes observing everything around him, then expressing the bitter of life through his illustration.



24161 新北市三重區捷運路22巷1號1樓

1F.,No.1,Ln.22,Jieyun Rd., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City 24161, Taiwan +886-2-2974-8800

卡洛特股份有限公司 CARLOT CO., LTD.

「專業性交給專業人員」是我們的宗旨,以品牌長期經營為前提,以產業整合為目標,結合文具、絨毛等 產業,期許合作達到多贏局面。

耍花招 Little Flower

某天盆子里出现了一颗种子,种子被雨水灌溉被热情的太阳照射着,慢慢的发芽长大,就这样耍花招诞生 了,耍花招的个性就像杂草一样,不怕困苦的环境都能逆生长,总是能把坏事情想成好的事情,就因为这样 耍花招成了最受欢迎的正能量搞怪花朵! One day, there has been a seed in a pot. The seeds are irrigated with rain and warm sun shining. Sprout up slowly, so little flower was born. Little flower's personality just like weeds, not afraid of hardship environment can reverse the growth. Bad things can always think of good things, so little flower has become the most popular funny and positive energy's flower!

"Professional to professional." It is our aim. Brand long-term business premise , to industry consolidation as the goal. Combined with stationery, fluff dolls and other industries, expect cooperation to achieve win-win situation.

無奈熊 MunaiKuma

現代人生活處處充滿無奈,無論是生活上、感情上、工作上.. 等,希望藉由 " 無奈熊 " 肖像角色,勉勵大家 無論遇到什麼事,仍抱持希望、堅持自我,持續朝著夢想前進,如同品牌座右銘 ” 自己的幸福是靠自己來創 造的 “ ,無奈熊運用代表愉悅黃色的整體視覺,不受限於某個主題分享,包括勵志、療癒、生活、時事.. 等 傳達品牌精神,將來夢想開主題咖啡店,故事就此展開。 Modern life is full of frustration, by Munai Kuma portrait role, encouraged everyone no matter what frustrating thing, still hold hope, adhere to the self, continued advancing toward the dream, such as brand motto "" Happiness is create by yourself "" . Future dream founded theme cafe shop, the story begins.



台北市大安區復興南路一段380號4樓 4F, No.380, Sec 1, Fuxing S. Rd., Taipei City 106, Taiwan +886-2-2700-0522

風尚創意股份有限公司 WIND DESIGN CO., LTD.

二允兄弟是台灣1999年成立的視覺設計公司「風尚創意」旗下主力品牌,由設計師允媽帶領團隊經營。二允 兄弟誕生於2007年的網路漫畫、2012年首度推出網路華語唱跳音樂動畫,其中,中秋節「我的烤肉style」 唱跳動畫,獲得三天破百萬點擊,也榮登YouTube年度百萬點擊影片。賣萌唱跳的影音動畫從此受到歡 迎。二允兄弟持續致力於網路唱跳影音、微動畫、周邊商品、圖像授權、角色代言、教育童書...等創作經 營。併計劃透過唱跳結合兒童的食、衣、住、行�結合趣味教育發展!

二允兄弟 WinBrothers

WinBrothers 英文中的“Win”有勝利、爭贏之意。

「二允兄弟」是台灣媽咪『允媽』的創作,YouTube百萬點擊賣萌唱跳影音動畫深受華語地區大眾的喜愛! 吃貨又愛爭贏的哥們,挑食的『大允』、貪吃的『小允』、美食專家『蛋仔龍』、情侶小跟班『水滴鼠、花滴 鼠』….一個結合唱跳音樂、尋找美食的勝利冒險故事。

“WinBrothers” is the creation of “Win Mom” from Taiwan, and its singing and dancing animation on YouTube is very popular and has generated millions of clicks! The story is a winning adventure of searching for delicious food unfolds with characters such as picky eater B-Win and food lover S-Win (they always fight for win and food), couple follower A-no and A-wan, and gourmet expert Egglog.

WinBrothers is a brand under WIND DESIGN, a Taiwan-based visual design company established in 1999 and led by designer Win Mom. WinBrothers debuted online comics in 2007, and presented their first online Chinese singing and dancing animation in 2012. One of the most popular animation is “My BBQ Style”, which generated over millions of clicks within three days, and was entitled as million-click film on YouTube. Since then, WinBrothers' singing and dancing video got more and more popular. WinBrothers dedicating to developing online singing and dancing animation, micro animation, product design and development, image licensing, character endorsement, children books and so on.



40450 台灣台中市北區進化路382號 No.382, Jinhua Rd., North Dist., Taichung City 40450 , Taiwan +886-04-2360-6838

品川文化出版社 Pin Chuan Culture Publishing House

afu插畫日誌─台灣森林秘境系列 afu─Secret scenery in Taiwan

一個以尋夢之名踏上旅途的男孩,走訪了台灣各個鮮為人知的美麗秘境,在這趟旅途中,男孩也找到除了 夢想之外的珍貴寶藏。 To look for his dream, a boy set out a journey to experience a variety of breath-taking places in Taiwan that rarely known to anyone. During this journey , he found not only his dream but also some unexpected precious treasures.

afu在2003年踏上插畫的創作路,目前於台中立插畫工作室,持續個人插畫創作以及繪本《尋夢者》繪製。 afu 的作品系列中,大多使用暖色系色調,使畫面更為溫暖感動。 「在這個混亂的世界中,每個人的心中都會 有一個樂園。」也許就是藝術家想傳達給你我的訊息。 Afu, the illustrator, started his journey of painting and drawing since the year of 2003 and now has his own studio in Taichung in Taiwan. Afu keeps working on his creation and devotes himself to compiling his original picture book called Dream Seeker. In Afu's creation, he uses warm colors a lot. That gives readers a sense of warmness and feels cozy and touched through out his pictures.

afu插畫日誌─毛寶貝的一百種生活系列 afu─One hundred kinds of lives of animals 一場又一場的動物歡樂派對,大家一起享受與好友同在一起的喜悅。

Look! A party after another party! How joyful the animals are! Let's celebrate and enjoy the delightful moments to be with friends!



114 台北市內湖區洲子街105號3樓

3F., No.105, Zhouzi St., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan +886-2-2370-0177

微逗國際股份有限公司 Weido International Co., Ltd. WEIDO是業界最多插畫家之插畫品牌公司,藉由人氣插畫明星建立插畫社群聯播網,提供高觸及之網路廣 告素材,並且積極開發授權應用,打造台灣插畫之強勢IP產業。


C o m b i n a ti o n 1

小的Lito, 是一隻流浪狗,牠的夢想是找到一個愛牠的主人。不向命運低頭,不怕環境困難,還是努力的奔 跑,直到主人的懷抱裡! Lito is a stray dog , his dream is to find a owner who loves him. Fearing of nothing and believing for hope . Lito runs and runs , until someone loves him and hold him tight !

WEIDO is the illustration brand company with the largest number of illustrator in Taiwan. We founded the illustration of social network by popular illustrator, providing the high reach of online advertising creatives, developing authorization actively, and creating Taiwan's illustration of the strong IP industry.


刁蠻女友-啾啾妹,把女生在戀愛中的小劇場發揚光大,各種戲劇化的抱怨男友各種笨、呆、蠢。是否開始 懷疑作者就是自己的女友呢!? CHU CHU MEI a drama queen character signifies ordinary girls who is in a love relationship complains their own boyfriend in many ways.




No.19, Ln. 360, Yongchun E. Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan +886-4-2475-1919


赫思西亞品牌創意有限公司 Hestia Design Creative CO.,LTD

「HESTIA 赫思西亞」品牌設計創意團隊,擁有異於常人的創造魂來實現天馬行空的創意,將生活日常透 過設計與創意注入全新的活力,用心體驗生活,傳達生態環境的美好與傳遞台灣文化溫度的感動是團隊一 直以來的中心理念,期望透過「皮寬PeaQuin」品牌將創意與設計透過親切的互動與生活連結,讓皮寬家 族的好朋友們帶著保護生態的重要使命,和大家一起展開美麗的旅行!

皮寬 PeaQuin

逐漸茁壯的我們帶著土地的滋養而成長,與大自然見習而不斷前進的我們,是否遺忘了過去支撐著每個人 的,那座山、那面海與那片土地?

皮寬PeaQuin帶領著台灣南投日月潭,獨特珍貴的野生動物們組成了「皮寬家族」,期待以這份愛護生態 與傳承文化的初衷,一齊將小小的心意回饋為大自然的小禮物。 We gradually robust growth with nourish of the land, we learn with the natural and continue to move forward. But have we forgotten that who supported us, the mountain, the sea and the land? PeaQuin led the unique precious animals from Taiwan’s Sun Moon Lake in Nantou to formed ‘PeaQuin’s Family’. Look forward to care the ecology and cultural heritage, together as kindness return back to the natural as a gift.

HESTIA Brand Design Team has extraordinary creativity to make different ideas come true. Our purposes are that we add brand new vitality by design and creativity into our daily life, try our best to enjoy life, and convey the beauty of Ecology and the warmth of Taiwan culture. We hope that PeaQuin can use creativity and design to do some kind interactive to combine our life. Let’s begin a beautiful trip with PeaQuin Family that has important duty to protect Ecology.



111 台北市士林區延平北路五段174號2F

2F., No.174, Sec. 5, Yanping N. Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei 111, Taiwan


三博鹿科技股份有限公司 SMABARDEER CO., LTD.

三博鹿科技是一個科技文創團隊,主要經營角色為香蕉人,以創作出讓人喜愛並帶給人快樂的角色為目標。 Sambardeer Technology is a company that combines character design and technology management. It uses appealing characters to package different technologies so that they are easier to use and feel more friendly and intimate.

胖胖蕉 Pang Pang Jiao

胖胖蕉來自SD星球,以各種表情帶給人歡笑。兩年來已經連續七套 LINE 貼圖獲得台灣銷售冠軍。 Pang Pang Jiao brings happiness to people. It has won 7 series of LINE's best-selling sticker sets for the past 2 years.




自民國101年5月20日改制以來,文化部持續推 動各面向之文創產業發展計畫,包括中小企業

創業諮詢,以及文創產業之研究、發展、品牌 建立和行銷等。


廣臺灣在地文創產業。在未來,創新、精緻、文 化底蘊等將會是文化部進一步發展臺灣文創 產業優勢之重點項目。

Since its founding on May 20, 2012, the Ministry of Culture continue to promote various cultural & creative industry development plans, including multifaceted measures such as the Business Start-up Consulting Service Plan for Small and Medium Enterprise, research, development, branding and marketing for cultural & creative industries.




We gradually connect major elements of industry development and hope to introduce Taiwan’s cultural & creative industry to the international stage. In the future, we will further focus on innovation, refinement, and cultural depth to accentuate the developmental advantages of Taiwan’s cultural & creative industry.

文化部 Ministry of Culture 24219新北市新莊區中平路439號南棟13F No.439, Zhongping Road, 13 F (South Building), Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City 242, Taiwan T +886-2-8512-6588






能力、促進國際設計交流、加強產業市場競爭 力並奠定企業發展自有品牌基礎,提高產業附

加 價值,並 藉此向世界宣言,「D esigned in


Taiwan Design Center has been positioned as an integrated platform to promote creative design. Its main mission is to upgrade original creativity of Taiwanese designers, promote international design exchanges, upgrade market competitiveness of Taiwanese industries, help enterprises build up their own brand, raise value-added of the said industries, and announce to the world that the era of "Designed in Taiwan" has come.

台灣創意設計中心 Taiwan Design Center 110 台北市信義區光復南路133號 No.133, Guangfu S. Rd., Xinyi District, Taipei 110, Taiwan T +886-2-2745-8199




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