2015-2018 文創精品獎專刊

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關於文創精品獎 Introduction

文創精品獎是 2010 年首屆臺灣文博會即創設的獎項,希望能透過評選優秀作品提升臺灣文 創產業能量,拔擢優秀創意人才並鼓勵企業重視研發創新。經由具備國際趨勢觀點評選團 於展會現場評選,精選出每年臺灣文博會最具深度內涵與創新趨勢的 30 件作品。評選標準 包括文化涵養運用、對生活型態影響的文化性、富有原創、質材運用、時尚風格及實用性 等創新性,以及未來拓展商機的市場性。得獎作品代表當年度文創趨勢潮流,使文創精品 獎與其他國際設計、工藝、精品、授權等認證獎項建立市場區隔性。本專刊收錄了 20152018 獲得文創精品獎的 120 件產品,依產品屬性分為家具家飾、餐食器皿、文具禮品、風 格配件、戶外休閒五大類,同時也可作為國內外專業買家和參觀民眾的文創採購指標。希 冀透過本獎項之評選與頒發,持續鼓勵用心於創新思考、建構新商業模式的文創業者,促 進臺灣文博會發展。 The Cultural & Creative Award was initiated at the first Creative Expo Taiwan in 2010; its aim was to elevate the competence of Taiwan's cultural and creative industries, increase the visibility of creative artists, and encourage businesses to focus more on R&D and innovation. Every year, on-site evaluation was performed to select the 30 most profound and creative works from the perspective of global trends, with the criteria: cultural abundance, cultural elements that have an influence on lifestyles, originality, creative material, stylishness, practicality, and marketability. The works selected shed a light on the year's cultural and creative trends, setting the Award apart from other international awards related to design, craft art, boutiques, and licensing, which means the works can carve out market share. This special supplement contains 120 award-winning works from 2015 to 2018, in five categories: Home Furnishings / Home Decor, Tableware, Gift and Stationery, Fashion Accessories, Outdoor Goods, so it can serve as an indicator of cultural and creative products for domestic and overseas buyers and exposition visitors. It is expected that through the evaluation and selection of outstanding works, the Award can encourage players in the cultural and creative industries to generate more creative thinking and establish new business models, thereby driving the development of the Creative Expo Taiwan.



02 關於文創精品獎 Introduction

05 評審名單 Jury

09 家具家飾 Home Furnishings | Home Decor

34 餐食器皿 Tableware

54 文具禮品 Gift and Stationery

73 風格配件 Fashion Accessories

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78 戶外休閒 Outdoor Goods

2015 評審名單 Jury



VVG 好樣集團執行長 CEO, VVG

ELLE 國際中文版總編輯 Chief Editor, ELLE


Gilles Masse

La Vie 總編輯 Chief Editor, La Vie

Wallpaper Store* 專案經理 Project Manager, Wallpaper Store*



株式會社 LOFT 澀谷事業部 商品負責人 Product Manager, Shibuya Loft

優仕生活香港及中國版主編 Managing Editor, The Good Life (China & Hong Kong)



誠品通路發展事業群副總經理 Deputy General Manager, Channel Development Business Group, The Eslite Spectrum Corporation

Fang Suo Commune 方所創始人 Founder, Fang Suo Commune

Grace Wang Taiwan

Chia Lin Taiwan

Fujita Yayoi Japan

Zhen-Gji Ou Taiwan

Florence Lu Taiwan


Ye-Wei Chen China

Ji-Hong Maho China

2016 評審名單 Jury

Morten Grøn

Jimmy MacDonald

設計丹麥執行長 CEO, Design Denmark

Tent London 創辦人暨策展總監 Founder & Director, Tent London


Joseph Lee Cumley



Calvin Lu China

MONOQI 行銷總監 Chief Merchandising Officer, MONOQI

馬克華菲第五空間營運經理 Operations Manager, Mark Fairwhale



ELLE 國際中文版總編輯 Chief Editor, ELLE

La Vie 總編輯 Chief Editor, La Vie



遠東百貨家用家電部經理 Manager of Houseware Division, Far Eastern Department Stores Ltd.

博客來數位科技股份有限公司 行銷部部長 Marketing Department Director, Books.com.tw Co., Ltd.

Florence Lu Taiwan

Sophia Yu Taiwan

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Chia Lin Taiwan

Nina Ho Taiwan

2017 評審名單 Jury


Tnop Wangsillapakun

數位時代及 Shopping Design 雜誌創辦人 Founder, Business Next and Shopping Design Magazines



Hamed Zovidavi

達開想樂負責人 Director, Deco Collect

Notable Designs Ltd. 董事總經理 Managing Director, Notable Designs Ltd.


Chan See Wai

東海醫院設計創辦人 Founder, DHH studio

Rice Concept Limited 負責人 Director, Rice Concept Limited


Sebastien Thomas

好樣集團執行長 CEO, VVG


Wei-Hsiung Chan Taiwan

Sophia Su Taiwan

Gina Hsu Taiwan

Grace Wang Taiwan



Hong Kong


2018 評審名單 Jury



實踐設計學院前副校長 Former Vice President, Shih- Chien University

數位時代及 Shopping Design 雜誌創辦人 Founder, Business Next and Shopping Design Magazines



自由落體設計公司總經理 General Manager, Freeimage Design

ELLE 國際中文版總編輯 Chief Editor, ELLE



臺灣時尚設計協會理事長 Founder, Fashion Taipei Association

基礎創意總監 Director, Phalanx Creative & Design

Frank Yang

Parisa Chatnilbandhu

Beyond 123 設計商品通路總經理 Founder and General Manager, Beyond 123

泰國 SIAM PIWAT 百貨集團 資深總監 Senior Director, Retail Business Group



丸井百貨經理 Manager, MARUI

Meteor Streams Inc. 執行長 CEO, Meteor Streams Inc.

Cheng-Neng Kuan Taiwan

Jun-Liang Chen Taiwan

Chen-Hwa Sun Taiwan


Watanabe Hidetaka Japan

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Wei-Hsiung Chan Taiwan

Florence LU Taiwan

Mark Chang Taiwan


Mitsue Ito Japan

家具家飾類 Home Furnishings Home Decor


凝望時光 Staring the Time 是也設計有限公司 Woodpardy Studio E woodpardy@gmail.com W https://www.facebook.com/wood.pardy

感動,有時是個瞬間。波光瀲灩的水面,青蔥蓊 鬱的稻田,銀白皎潔的月光在不平衡中覓得安 定,點一盞燈,如水鳥般細細地凝望,跟自己相 處的時光。 Sometimes it takes just a moment to touch the heart, when we see the sparkling water, lush paddy, and silvery moonlight. To find stability in disequilibrium, light the lamp that stares like a water bird, at times of being alone. 10 1 1

2016 趨勢特別獎 Trendsetting Special Award

捲月 Curl Ginger 山川設計有限公司 Yamakawa Desian co., Ltd. E yamakawadesign2012@gmail.com W http://yamakawadesign.com

體現月桃葉鞘自然的特性,將其長時間置放在陽光下 曝曬,使其乾燥而自然捲曲,形成莖部呈現管狀,並 將其設計成充滿葉鞘自由編織造型的椅凳。 Using the Shell Ginger special natural feature to design a weave style stool and without any structure.

2016 趨勢特別獎 Trendsetting Special Award


MIRRO 面紙盒 MIRRO Tissue Box 九磨設計有限公司 mordéco E yaoman@mordeco.com W http://www.mordeco.com

無稜角的造型融洽搭配各種空間風格,金屬質 感鏡面外觀除了成為空間亮點,輕輕一觸,柔 軟面紙緩緩成為空間的氛圍燈,每次使用燈具 就改變形狀。生活不就是一種隨機的創作嗎! It fits anywhere, anytime and any kind of tissue in the simplest way. Equipped with its own spotlight, with just one touch from any angle, it brings light into your life. Surfaced with premium sleek metal, extremely durable, scratch resistance and with perfect reflection.

2017 趨勢特別獎 Trendsetting Special Award

剪影鐘 Silo Clock

如同時間本身每分每秒的獨一無二,每回你抬 起頭望向剪影鐘都會看到一個全然不同的圖像 剪影。提供精準的報時機能且成為室內空間中 的視覺亮點。

谿品設計有限公司 PHI LTD. E yvette@beyond-object.com W http://www.beyond-object.com

Silo is a simplistic sculptural clock designed to create interesting aesthetic appeal through the use of angular hour and minute hands that play on mathematical tangential relations and triangular forms. This clock is a perfect art piece for your home through its ability to cast attractive shadows on the wall while creating a different sculptural art piece every time you stare at it.

2017 趨勢特別獎 Trendsetting Special Award


現在 ( 時鐘 ) This Is an O’CLOCK 一個設計 an everything E info@aneverything.com W https://www.aneverything.com

黑白色系的經典款式,極簡視覺風格。偏 心圓的設計,比喻每秒不同的變化,透過 凝視、閱讀,思考時間與生活。 The classic black and white timepiece in minimal style with the off-centered design has the look of time, a metaphor for the ever-changing moments of life.

2018 年度最佳思考力獎 Best Design Thinking Award

幾何雲盤 Geometric Cloud 三青創意有限公司 PLEASANT GOODS Ltd. E maxwell@hankandmaxwell.com W http://pleasant-present.com

2018 最佳職人工藝獎 Best Artisan Award

幾何雲盤運用數位科技與皮革工藝結合,將皮 塑皮革運用於現代家飾盤器,透過其多元的皮 革切面與反光產生獨特的裝飾效果。 Geometric Cloud combines digital fabrication and crafts together to integrate leather molding techniques into a tray as a home decoration. The reflection from each small geometric leather surface creates a unique effect to present the features that can be seen as the value of crafts.


金吉春盛系列 Glorious Spring Blossom Stationery


兩個八月創意設計有限公司 biaugust CREATION OFFICE E info@biaugust.com W http://biaugust.com


欲將萬物美好悉心收納,線條與區塊透露吉字 型體,以金銅銳角安穩的包覆回憶,而後用質 樸的木頭收斂光芒,一如春盛之喜,樂盈金吉。

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

In Taiwan’s traditional crafts, “Chunsheng”, the combination of wood and copper, elevates the stationary quality in a way, while characterizing the down-to-earth quality and the prosperity of Taiwanese people. Seeing the vessel from the front, the Chinese character on the body means 吉 (lucky).

金魚時鐘 Goldfish Clock 良事設計有限公司 Haodhi Design Co., Ltd. E service@haoshi.com.tw W www.haoshi.com.tw

金魚拖著美麗的長尾巴,以細膩優美姿態恣意游 動,雅緻的律動把時空凝結成瞬間的永恆。時間 的流逝與金魚一同在牆面上浮現,其光影會隨著 一天的日光不停的變換。動與靜,真實與夢想之 間,與您一同記錄著每分每秒的幸福時光。

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2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Goldfish swim freely with their beautiful long tails, in movements of delicacy and elegance. On a haoshi Goldfish Clock the fish float. As time goes by, the shadows change underneath the sun. Between movement and stillness, reality and dream, the goldfish clock records your happiness every single second.

LIPA Esaila E hello@esaila.com W https://esaila.com

LIPA 邊桌採取簡潔而直覺式的工法,桌面與桌 腳⼀體成型,以雷射切割方式切下外緣輪廓, 透過與鋼鐵工廠師傅不斷的測試與打樣,成功 將鐵片彎曲成九十度。LIPA 可隨⼼所欲調整 擺放的方向,砂質的觸感簡約低調,傳遞極簡 工藝的美感。

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

LIPA is made from one sheet of laser-cut steel, and then bent to form the sturdy legs and surface. The beauty is that there is no certain angle telling which side should be the front. This makes LIPA simple and unique as well as a practical and sculptural side table, nightstand or plant stand in the home or public spaces.

手提竹燈 Pinyen Bamboo Lamp 品研生活美學有限公司 Pinyen Creative Inc. E cuckoostyle@gmail.com W http://pinyen-creative.com.tw

交錯樓空編織技法,使藏身於「溫釋手提竹桌 燈」其內之光線,以一種隨興的姿態錯落於空 間之中,釋放令人愜意的溫度。可輕易提起竹 桌燈擺設於任何地點,在黑夜中的空間裡成為 一抹襲人的景致。

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

A crisscross and hollow weaving technique allows the light hidden inside “Herema” to release its pleasant temperature in a free manner in the space. This lamp can be placed anywhere; it is sure to transform the darkness of the room into a beautiful scene.


吸色燈 ColorUp


華惟國際有限公司 PEGA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED E Faye_Tseng@pegatroncorp.com W http://www.pegadesign.com


ColorUp 是讓你隨意變換色彩的桌燈,無論衣 服上的紅色、故事書中的淡藍天空,只要將燈 泡貼近並輕輕擠壓,即可吸取顏色。 ColorUp is a lamp that can mimic the color of any object or surface. By using the color frequency detection and transformation techniques, users are able to create a few hundred frequencies of color emitted through the light bulb. 2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

覓 PLAZA 祥業工業股份有限公司 Shiang Ye Industrial Co, Ltd. E annyko@chairking.com.tw W https://www.sitpls.com

椅身弧線連接方形椅腳,透過氮氣輔助射出 製程,相較一般塑膠椅在結構、角度上更顯 細緻。俐落結構讓多張椅子可以吻合堆疊。 台灣設計與製造 100% 可回收環保塑料椅, 設計椅不再只是高價難入手的收藏品。

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2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

PLAZA is a chair with ergonomic shape. The fluid lines of the shape and the square legs design also turn it into a sea mlessly s t a c kabl e i te m. PLAZA, a contemporary design and well-made Taiwan stacking chair, can perfectly fit different lifestyles.

Q1 – q time 路力設計有限公司 Lo Lat Design Co. E hi@lolat.co W https://www.lolat.co

Q 系列從小時鐘 q time 開始,挑戰彎曲實木 薄片的曲度,選用堅韌硬實的山毛櫸作為主要 素材。主體是由一整塊山毛櫸木塊直接切削成 形,從框緣往下到鐘面的木紋構成的畫面都是 獨一無二的。即使是取自同一棵樹,也不會有 一模一樣的紋路,這就是實木吸引人的地方。 Q series features a sheet of beech bent at almost 360 degrees to embrace the clock and let it stand naturally. The body is made via a lathing process; therefore, every piece offers different views of the wood grain. 2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

丹頂鶴雨傘架 Crane Umbrella Holder 優游設計有限公司 Liberté Design Studio CO., LTD. E libertedesign2013@gmail.com W https://www.libertedesign.tw

金屬線條所勾勒出的鶴,會讓視覺產生虛實交 錯,栩栩如生的存在感,外形輪廓線也因你站 在不同角度觀看,而有不同樣貌。 Made of twisted wire, the crane interlaces into a visual compound of the virtual and real. Its life-like silhouette creates different looks depending on where you are standing.

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award


貝多芬 Be Dove


阿法索有限公司 Alphonso Co., Ltd. E Zach.Zhan@alphonso.com.tw W http://www.alphonso.com.tw


貝多芬是一盞以觸摸來控制開關、亮度及色彩 的陶瓷燈。温暖的米白,光滑的觸感,以及能 抗汙耐磨的釉面。陶瓷的選用是這盞燈質感的 來源,而柔順的曲線則是迷人的秘訣。 Warm white, smooth feel, and wear stain glazed; the use of porcelain is the source of the elegant dove. You can touch the glass ball to control the switch, brightness, light, temperature and color. 2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

靜 防風燭臺 Lantern Tea Light Holder 富利豐國際有限公司 Freeform Marketing Limited E danielle@chmco.biz W http://www.no30-inc.com

概念來自燈籠,由手工口吹製的玻璃罩、鋅座及 塑膠底蓋三物件組成,將蠟燭隱置於鋅座內,蓋 上防風玻璃罩,只露出燭火微微搖曳,可隨意置 放於客廳、餐桌、露台或庭院,寧靜氛圍浮現。

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2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

The candle holder is composed of a handblown glass lid, a cast zinc stand, and a plastic candle holder with grooved vents designed to allow smooth airflow. Place the candle holder wherever you like — in the living room, on the dining table, on the balcony, or in the garden — and the gently flickering candlelight will create a serene atmosphere.

生命之花-窗花書架 立燈 Flower of LifeTracert Furniture Desk & Stand Light 聖霖創意國際有限公司 acdesign associates International Co., Ltd. E acdesigntw@yahoo.com.tw W http://www.acdesigntw.com.tw

整合金屬加工技術,擺脫傳統板金生冷,以東 方胭脂富麗配色、吉事祥圖的鏤空雕花,獨特 的造型設計,高值優化表現得淋漓盡致。

2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

“Flower of Life” is an integration of a succinct cultural structure designed with exquisite sheet metal fabrication. Free from the traditional metallic image, the furniture set is remarkable for its splendid reddish color, auspiciously engraved pattern and aesthetic design.

環桌 Circle Table 壹一木設計有限公司 YIH wood studio E yihwoodstudio@gmail.com W http://www.yihwood.com

三腳邊桌,利用實木彎曲技術,以不同木種在 圍繞成一個環鑲嵌於桌面上,如圓桌鑲邊,微 凸於桌面可防止桌面杯子及物品滑落。 Side table with 3 legs, using different kinds of wood bent into a circle on the table. It forms a circular edge, and can prevent cups and objects sliding off the table.

2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award


蓬蓬裙椅 Tutu Stool


品研生活美學有限公司 Pinyen Creative Inc. E cuckoostyle@gmail.com W http://pinyen-creative.com.tw


像 3~4 歲的小女生,穿著蓬蓬裙努力用僅有的 短腿跳著圓舞曲,那般可愛天真的模樣,就是 想像的由來。 將台灣傳統意象的竹夫人轉換 成椅腳,讓腳下如涼風拂過的愜意悠閒感。

2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

The motif of Tutu comes from the bamboo lady, also known as the air-conditioner for summer. By transforming the bamboo lady into the legs of Tutu, the breeze passing through the chair will embrace you and bring you relaxation. Tutu is not only a welldesigned chair but also a fine little table for your enjoyable tea time.

Bear Papa 棘輪螺絲起子組 Bear Papa Ratcheting Screwdriver Series 愛心進行銷設計股份有限公司 iThinking Original Design Co., Ltd. E Service@iThinking.com.tw W http://www.ithinking.com.tw

熊的身體可分為三個部分,頭部為配有棘輪裝置 的握把,底盤可看到共 6 支不同規格尺寸的常 用起子頭,棘輪裝置讓熊兼具美觀及實用功能。

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2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

The body of the bear can be split into three parts: head, torso and feet. The two-way ratchet screwdriver is settled with the head being a magnetic bit holder. Moreover, the torso can be separated from the feet, which contains six different bits of the most common sizes. Bear Papa is the most adorable screwdriver with practical function.

重明 Light Weaver 山川設計有限公司 Yamakawa Design co., Ltd. E yamakawadesign2012@gmail.com W http://yamakawadesign.com

本產品概念導入了量產與月桃編織的結合,讓 吊燈外觀為工業風格一般的沉穩,而燈具內部 卻充滿了月桃編的魅力與生機。燈光打開時, 光從月桃編織縫隙露出,非常迷人。 Combining industrial production and shell ginger weave craft to design a modern chandelier. When the light passes through the shell ginger weave, it radiates beautiful shadows. 2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

車頭燈 Machine Lamp 懷特室內設計有限公司 White Interior Design E angel-tang@white-interior.com W http://www.white-interior.com

台灣機車密度居世界之冠,報廢場中有著許多 汰去的零件,機車零件何不跟我們的生活做連 結呢?利用廢棄車燈改成桌燈,再生創造給予 廢料新生命,這些都是屬於台灣的再生設計。

2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Taiwan’s locomotive density is among the highest in the world; there are many abandoned farms to eliminate motorcycle parts. Why do we live with them? Waste can be turned into table lamp lights; recycled waste can be given a new life, which is part of the regeneration design in Taiwan.


溫釋竹桌燈 Hemera Bamboo Desk Lamp


品研生活美學有限公司 Pinyen Creative Inc. E cuckoostyle@gmail.com W http://pinyen-creative.com.tw


竹與玻璃兩種異材質的交融,更催化光與影的 張力,不論何種光線,都如白晝令人愜意的溫 度。 可選擇閱讀燈光照明或結合花器的情境燈 具,增添空間的情調與樂趣。

2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

The blend of bamboo and glass facilitates the tension between light and shadow. Regardless of the types of lights used, it always radiates the warmth that feels just right. You can use it to light your reading room or use it as a lighted bowl for your plants, to add a bit of appeal and joy in the space.

雙圓櫃 Duo Moon Cabinet 壹一木設計有限公司 YIH wood studio E yihwoodstudio@gmail.com W http://www.yihwood.com

整座櫃子的直角都以圓弧造型取代 , 用兩個半 月圓摟空造型成型把手 , 與圓弧造型互相呼應 , 保留傳統鳩尾榫接結構 , 融合於新型態的造型 中。 The curves replace every right angle in the cabinet, with two half-moon hollows serving as the drawer handles.

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2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

浪草燈 Riyar Light 嘎瑪魯岸有限公司 Kamaro'an E info@kamaroan.com W http://www.kamaroan.com

以純手工編織的輪傘草蓆,在幾何形狀建構而 出的金屬框架上成為一盞立體而扭轉的浪草 燈,柔和的光線穿透輪傘草排列的縫隙,細細 的灑落成美好的風景。

2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

By translating the traditional umbrella sedge mats into the wave shape that highlights its straight and structural trait, this local craft exists in another artistic way in the modern city. This limited edition has 300 pieces. The umbrella sedge production line is based in the Amis tribe and made by fine craftsmanship.

交織 情境燈組 INTERLACED 黑生起司 HEY SHENG CHI SI E heyshengchisi@gmail.com W http://heyshengchisi.com

靈感來自透過木窗看窗外月亮,模糊又清楚的 感覺,利用金屬網營造交織光影效果,將視覺 作切割,室內能透過 INTERLACED 感受光的 微妙相互作用。

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Seeing the moon from a wooden window, wire mesh was used to re-create this blurred image of the moon. “INTERLACED” can also be used as a decorative screen to divide the vision with an effect of mixed layers. With various arrangements, “INTERLACED” creates an atmosphere for its users to experience the magic of the light.


充氣式桌燈 Pumplight


華惟國際有限公司 PEGA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED E Faye_Tseng@pegatroncorp.com W http://www.pegadesign.com


Pumplight 是 一 座 藉 由 按 壓 充 氣 來 點 亮 的 桌 燈,隨著氣球膨脹的大小,你會發現燈光也跟 著漸漸明亮起來,有別於傳統桌燈開關明滅的 直白。 Pumplight, an interactive design, requires you to pump it to shine the bulb, turning physical energy into brightness, the most measurable method for exchanging light. Keep pumping, and enjoy the nuances of the light. Fly your dreams with the balloon! 2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

LED 梣木機器人燈 LED Ash Wood Robot Lamp 隆翊工業股份有限公司 Long Yi Hardware Industry Corp. E soyeestudio@gmail.com W http://www.soyeestudio.com

機器人燈選用了鋁合金和梣木材質作為創作元 素,燈罩烤漆採用粉體烤漆 200° C 高溫硬化 處理,具飽合及耐久性,燈罩部分可以 120°左 右調整,彷彿機器人般的關節是特色之一。

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The parts are made of high-grade alloy and ash wood, making it distinctive and tasteful; the coating can withstand heat up to 200° C, and the lamp shade is adjustable to 120° like a robotic figurine. 2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

夾 . 鎖 系列 Clamp Series 鑽岩設計有限公司 Drilling lab E info@drillinglab.com W http://www.drillinglab.com

Clamp series 貫徹純機能的思維模式,以直覺 的邏輯應用將配件與身體結合,提取各式工業 夾具的概念,在腕、耳骨、指節等部位找到各 自的角色,透過設計轉化,精準定位。

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

The clamp has been widely used in industrial areas, fixing parts in the correct position; this increases the stability for smooth production. Based on various industrial clamps, such as C-clamps and cylindrical clips, the Drilling Lab positions them onto your wrist, ear bone, and knuckles through design.

宜蘭的餐桌 Yilan Dinnerware Set 三星四季文化工作室 Sanshing Four Seasons Blue & White Pottery Studio E yanyan932003@gmail.com W http://3s4s.weebly.com

結合在地青花圖騰設計及青花瓷器工藝製作的三 星四季宜蘭餐桌器皿組,包含象徵守護宜蘭的龜 山島筷架、上將梨大碗公、白腹秧雞母子中碗公 和盤子、一身雨滴小碟,和全家團圓的家雞飯碗, 讓您在日常餐桌上,能享受到宜蘭的四季之美。

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Each dinnerware Set’s blue and white pattern represents the spirit of Yilan including Kueishan Island shaped chopstick rests, pear big bowl, white breasted waterhen chick bowl and plate, raindrops small plate, and the chicken family rice bowl. Yilan Dinnerware Set looks just like the picture of daily walking in the village, you can enjoy the beauty of Yilan.


送子鳥 Mobile Bird - Pelican


江口股份有限公司 eguchi toys E jianan@ivyshouse.com.tw W http://www.eguchitoys.com


孩子喜歡徜徉在大自然中,感受光線、微風和 雨水。我們想讓孩子生活在這樣的環境裡,將 自然氛圍引入居家,輕拉木環…飛鳥翩然…。 The moving mobile is good for babies who will enjoy the natural feel of the light, wind and rain. Mobile bird brings the natural into our living home.

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

氣泡椅 Bubble Stool 穆德設計團隊有限公司 MOTOR Design Group Ltd. E motorgrace@gmail.com W http://www.motor-hung.com

以實木製造台灣五軸加工,融合北歐工藝,以 台灣老師傅與設計師合作推出,全程在台灣設 計、製造,有氣泡般的舒適感,與木質的紋理, 全實木,白山毛櫸材質。

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Made in Taiwan with 5-axis machining and integration of the Nordic craftwork, a Taiwanese master and a designer collaborated to create a full-scale design in Taiwan to obtain bubble-like comfort with wood texture, White beech material. 2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

M 面紙盒 M Tissue Box 生活起物有限公司 googoods co., Ltd. E googoods.shop@gmail.com W http://chihongcasa.weebly.com

市售衛生紙包裝,總破壞空間氛圍。M 面紙盒 方便放置、更換,簡單造型又不失功能性,V 型凹槽可放置小物品。 M tissue box is simple, functional, and easy to use. You can put it on the table, or even mount it on the wall. The V curve allows you to put some gadgets/items on it.

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

磁浮擴香座 Meglev 捷羽創意股份有限公司 Jie Yu Creative Corp. E kris@jyccorp.net W http://www.jyccorp.net

花瓣造型擴香體 , 透過磁浮產生的無重力自轉 擴散香味 , 同時滿足嗅覺與視覺享受。 Petal-shaped diffuser. The magnetic float generates the gravity-free diffusion of scent, satisfying the sense of smell and offering visual enjoyment.

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award


簍燈 LOU Lamp


格子設計有限公司 gridesign studio E info@gridesign-studio.com W http://www.gridesign-studio.com


簍燈 ( LOU Lamp),是從臺灣先民的生活智慧; 早年日常生活中普遍看到的「簍器」所獲得的 靈感,透過竹管結構作工與竹編工藝技巧,巧 妙的將燈飾與置物盤相結合。

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

The concept of “Lou Lamp” came from basketry. Through the weaving skill of the craftsman, the bamboo tube and bamboo of the “Lou Lamp” offers various display styles in multiple kinds of living environments, as well as the strength of bamboo and light through the bamboo spaces.

框凳 Frame Bench 壹一木設計有限公司 YIH wood studio E yihwoodstudio@gmail.com W http://www.yihwood.com

凳子的三腳彷彿組成三個框框,從不同角度呈 現不同的幾何變化。 The three legs of bench seem to form three frames, presenting different views from different angles.

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2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Linear 線性桌燈 Linear Task Lamp 單挑概念工作室 Singular Concept E contact@singularconcept.work W http://www.singularconcept.work

Linear 線性桌燈兼具輕便、穩定、簡約,適合 現代家居、旅館等新潮的空間搭配。採最高規 格、無段調節亮度並具記憶的 LED 光源。

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Linear Task Light is a lightweight, stablestructured LED lamp which is suitable for any modern home, hotel and trendy commercial environment. It applies highest standard (CRI 95), flicker-free dimming light chips with memory function. Linear Task comes with flat-packaging, and can be assembled easily by the user.

V |信封置物架 V | Envelope and Key Holder 生活起物有限公司 googoods co., Ltd. E googoods.shop@gmail.com W http://www.chihongcasa.com

收納要繳費的賬單及鑰匙,提醒自己出門別忘 了帶上,像是個小管家。兩種使用方式,也可 以單純收納信件分類使用。 It takes care of the bills and the keys and reminds you not to forget either, just like a humble butler. Or it can also be used simply for mail categorization.

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award


F |漂浮鏡 F (Float) | Mirror


生活起物有限公司 googoods co., Ltd. E googoods.shop@gmail.com W http://www.chihongcasa.com


鏡子像是漂浮起來,希望創造生活的想像,也 藉由這間隙可以吊掛要更換的衣服。 The floating mirror is like an imaginary visionary life floating in the air. The gap also provides the function of clothes hanger.

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

LED 夜燈 LED Night Light 晏誠設計有限公司 Yenchen Design Studio E info@yenchenyawen.com W http://www.yenchenyawen.com

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2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

LED 夜燈透過氣泡壓克力棒折射出溫和光源, 各燈管皆有可充電電池且底部皆有磁鐵可將燈 與主體底座分離,帶到室內及花園等其他地方 使用。 The LED nightlight gently defuses the light emitted inside the Jesmonite base through a bubble embedded perspex bar. Each torch has a built-in rechargeable battery, and is magnetically attached to the charging base. This enables the light source to be carried around the house or out to the backyard.

荷邊 Frillery 本物股份有限公司 WOO Collective E woo@woocollective.com.tw W http://www.woo-collective.com

限 量 手 工 訂 製, 超 越 錫 工 藝 手 工 製 版 鑄 造 極 限。 荷 葉 紋 脈 自 然 材 鑄 造 法, 每 件 獨 一 無 二。 首 創 重 達 一 公 斤 的 純 錫 置 物 盤 設 計。

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Woo Collective pure tin tableware brings a touch of the natural world to the dining table. By highlighting the fine texture of the tin, these plates are a tactile delight on a par with the enjoyment of cotton sheets or a well-crafted wooden table. Use them on the dinner table and revel in the sensation of living in a beautiful, half-remembered past.

宜蘭花磚 Yilan Majolica Tile 三星四季文化工作室 Sanshing Four Seasons Blue & White Pottery Studio E yanyan932003@gmail.com W http://3s4s.weebly.com

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

「宜蘭花磚」為台灣傳統民宅常見的建築元 素,我們將新的在宜蘭地文化元素注入傳統紋 樣中,以電腦繪圖、3D 印表機、雷射切割與 青花瓷工藝的結合,發展新的宜蘭文化花磚。 "Majolica Tile" is a common architectural element in traditional Taiwanese architecture. We capture cultural elements in Yilan, and transform them into traditional patterns, then use the technique of computer graphic image, 3D printing mold, and laser cutting pattern to change the traditional process of making ceramic tile.

餐食器皿類 Tableware


巷弄風景 Alleys Landscape


二喜設計有限公司 HEE Porcelain CO., LTD. E heeporcelain.vivi@gmail.com W http://www.heeporcelain.org

漫步城市的隱秘巷弄,探索鐵窗花的老時光。台灣 早年手工打造的鐵窗花,豐富的圖騰,不僅是建築 歷史,更是生活軌跡。將美麗的鐵花飾紋,運用在 瓷器上,伴隨我們的日常生活。 Walking through hidden alleys in the city, we explore, looking for windows with iron grating of old buildings which reflect old time ambiance. In early Taiwan, hand-built windows with iron gratings had magnificent varied patterns. These patterns not only present architectural history, but also people’s life at that time. We apply these beautiful graphics to porcelain tableware which will accompany our daily life forever.

2016 趨勢特別獎 Trendsetting Special Award

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咖啡漏 Coffee Dripper 品研生活美學有限公司 Pinyen Creative Inc. E cuckoostyle@gmail.com W http://pinyen-creative.com.tw

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香濃咖啡香佐一份靜謐的金屬冷調,在咖啡因的催化下昇 華。萃取出金屬編織的傳統美感及意象,運用現代科技以 及科技材料,製作出具現代用途、卻有美感傳承的咖啡漏。 Coordinated with the cold tone of metals, the aromatic coffee sublimates under the catalysis of caffeine. It is inspired by traditional manual weaving craft, combined with new-tech product processing and special stainless steel. It provides you with aromatic and mellow coffee.

2017 趨勢特別獎 Trendsetting Special Award

大正浪漫系列 Taisho Roman Glass Series HIROTA GLASS CO., LTD. E hirota-g@hirota-glass.co.jp W http://hirota-glass.co.jp

1899 年成立於東京的廣田玻璃,是東京歷史 最悠久的玻璃製品廠商之一。當時廣田玻璃引 進現代歐洲的玻璃製作工藝,並融合了日本獨 特的審美觀,開創玻璃製作工藝的新天地。同 時廣田玻璃繼承了自第二次世界大戰前期脈脈 相傳的製作工藝以及極為珍貴的設計樣式,讓 手工製作的價值再次得以昇華。

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Founded in 1899, Hirota Glass has the longest history of its kind in Tokyo. Combining modern European glass craft with Japanese esthetics, it redefines glass art. It also inherited pre-WWII craftmanship and extremely precious design styles to elevate the value of handmade craft.

Utsusiwa Ryosuke Fukusada E info@ryosukefukusada.com W https://ryosukefukusada.com

本作品從「表面材質」的觀點出發,保麗龍、 緩衝材、餅乾等,保持材料的表面形狀並轉用 到陶器上,帶出材質的特徵。將此經由實驗所 產生的材質處理方法與京都的傳統陶窯「秀峰 窯」技術結合,餐具品牌「utsusiwa」就此誕 生。

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

This work features the charm of unintentional design inspired by stuff in daily life. Surface textures of Styrofoam, bubble wrap, cookies, etc., are mimicked to create patterns on pottery. The brand "utsusiwa" was born when this production method encountered the Shuho Kiln in Kyoto.


綻放 Blooming


二喜設計有限公司 HEE Porcelain CO., LTD. E heeporcelain.lili@gmail.com W http://www.heeporcelain.org

綠豆糕為傳統美味的茶點,簡單清新而深得人 心。將飾紋延伸到茶食器皿,畫面猶如百花綻放 般的生動優雅。簡約的形體搭配浮雕圖騰,於手 中傳遞著傳統的印記,同時保有現代的氣息。

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Green bean cake is a delicious traditional pastry. The graphic design of the cake is applied to tableware decoration which is vivid and elegant, like flowers blooming. The tableware presents simple form with beautiful totems. Feels like you are upholding traditions when you are holding it; at the same time, the ware shows the modern spirit.

Guinomi Sake Cup Yotsukawa Seisakusho Ltd. E motomasa@kisen.jp.net W http://www.kisen.jp.net

Guinomi Sake Cup 乃结合木材與金属製成的 酒器,設計獨特且具時尚感。底座採用具重量 感的黃銅,帶出既嶄新又有安定感的完美外觀 比例。温順的觸口感,以及沉穩舒適的手感, 帶给您不一樣的感官享受。 Guinomi Sake Cup, a wine cup made of wood and metal, is both unique and stylish. The rare brass base calms the mind and sports a perfect proportion against the cup. One can enjoy a different wine-drinking experience through the warm, stable, and soothing feel of wood. 38 39

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

金箔系列 Kuzushi - Tare Series NOUSAKU CORPORATION E sales@nousaku.co.jp W http://www.nousaku.co.jp

自 1916 年創業以來,原以佛具、茶具、花瓶 等傳统工藝的製造居多,近年開始應用傳統技 術開發製造餐具及裝飾用品。「能作」的金屬 產品使用黃銅及纯錫,融合職人的精湛技術及 時尚的設計,讓能作的眾多商品在歐洲等國際 展會極受青睞。

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Founded in 1916, Nousaku began with traditional crafts such as Buddhist ware, teaware, vases, etc. In recent years, it turned its hands to make tableware and decorations with brass and pure tin. Such an outstanding craftmanship and fashion design make Nousaku highly acclaimed in international fairs.

Wasara WASARA Co., Ltd. E info@wasara.jp W http://wasara.jp

WASARA 是以日本傳統的美意識及價值觀為 出發點所開發的免洗紙器皿。秉持環保意識, 以甘蔗渣及竹子為原料所製成。本商品繼承了 日本傳統的開發精神、精湛的飲食文化以及款 待賓客的心,希望讓生活中重要的一刻能有更 美好的演出。

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Wasara is a disposable utensil series combining Japanese esthetics and values. Eco-friendly, the products are made of sugarcane and bamboo fibers. With Japan's spirit of inventiveness, fine cuisine culture, and heart of hospitality, Wasara is like no other disposable ware, and allows you to surpass yourself during important occasions in life.


百色系列 Hyakushiki


MARUYOSHI KOSAKA Co., Ltd. E info@maruyoshi-kosaka.jp W https://www.maruyoshi-kosaka.jp

本公司乃將日本著名的漆藝技術應用於玻璃商 品,以日本傳統的美感加以創新的漆藝創作技 巧,由職人費心繪製,為各位帶來前所未見具 獨特魅力之創新玻璃餐具系列商品。 The Hyakushiki series applies Japan's renowned lacquer art to glass. With Japan's iconic esthetics and innovative lacquer craft, the new glass tableware series is sure to amaze all.

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

小憩茶壺 Take Breath Pot 品研生活美學有限公司 Pinyen Creative Inc. E cuckoostyle@gmail.com W http://pinyen-creative.com.tw

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2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

泡一壺好茶配上美味的小點心,偷閒小憩一 下,犒賞自己。透過陶瓷靜懿的溫潤感,搭配 和諧木質地的把手,頓時豐潤茶的溫度,暖入 心窩。就讓小憩壺淡淡的、悠閒的、慢慢的陪 伴你,享受著美好的小歇時光。 When days are not as smooth as expected, why not take a break and treat yourself. Through the ceramic’s peacefulness and the wooden handle’s touch, the warmth of the tea suddenly flows into your heart. So sit back and relax; the tea is ready for you to taste.

角形杯 ANGLE CUP 黑色選擇有限公司 BLACHOICE E shanshan@blachoice.com W https://www.blachoice.com

「幾何角形」手柄代表數字 0 到 5,每個角形 暗喻著所代表的數字,( 例如三角形代表數字 三 ) 可自由搭配有意義的數字送禮或收藏。 The "Geometric angle" handle represents the number 0-5; each shape represents the hidden number (ex. Triangles represent the number 3); choose the meaningful numbers as gifts or for your collection.

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

弦紋琺瑯壺 String Enamel Kettle 香港商生生股份有限公司台灣分公司 Life & Living International Limited Taiwan Branch E sales_general@jia-inc.com W http://www.jia-inc.com

延續 NPM x JIA 弦紋茶組的設計,以圓潤的弦 紋線條環繞著圓筒形器身,為暖白色琺瑯,帶 來溫暖厚實的質感,搭配弦紋茶組,從茶壺、 茶杯、茶罐、茶海到茶盤,一壺,一盞,緩緩 注入似水的流年,沉澱歲月的靜好。

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Following the design of the original JIA x NPM String tea set, the string kettle is made of enamel on steel with a warm and elegant white color. Accompanied with the String tea set, the new string kettle is now here to enhance, and help you complete, your Gongfu tea ceremony.


聚山 - 玉山 ToGather


高山青文創事業股份有限公司 TMBCC Co., Ltd. E service@wantz.com.tw W http://www.wantz.com.tw

以玉山發想設計,器皿坯體原料為特級日本白瓷土, 質地堅硬光亮潤白。各片盤緣須同高以拼組成「玉 山」,四片白瓷的飛翹角度考驗燒製功力,因此每 套聚山皆費工耗時良率極低,用心軌跡歷歷可見。

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

“ToGather”is inspired by Jade Mountain. We use premium Japanese white porcelain clay to achieve a hard, lustrous, and warm quality. As the pieces must have cornices rising to the same height to perfectly form a Jade Mountain, the whole process is time-consuming with a very low rate of success. We hope you enjoy the beautiful scene of the Jade Mountain while savoring your dishes.

面面俱到系列 Well - Rounded Octagon 兩個八月創意設計有限公司 biaugust CREATION OFFICE E info@biaugust.com W http://biaugust.com

陶土形塑造型外角內圓,釉彩歷經窯變使其色 澤紋路各有不同,物以承載飲食或予以擺飾花 卉,獨一無二各司其事亦為生活器皿,甚是一 隅美景。

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2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Octagon is a traditional symbol that indicates a satisfactory balance of power and fulfillment. Clay is a gentle medium; the outer corner of the vase is angular and inner corner is round. After glazing, each piece is unique due to its colors and pattern differences. These vases can be used for flower arrangements or simply as tableware.

螺鈿玻璃系列 Raden Glass Series AMANOSHIKKI CO., LTD. E info@amanoshikki.com W http://www.amanoshikki.com/en

秉持 1892 年創業以來所繼承「高岡漆器」的 傳統技術。以兼具透明感及硬質性的美感之 「玻璃」,搭配高岡漆器的特徵之一螺鈿技法, 最後施以漆藝完成「螺鈿玻璃」。 By upholding Takaoka lacquerware techniques inherited since the founding in 1892, Raden Glass is one of the major products in the 2018 Creative Expo Taiwan thanks to the hard-touch-yet-crystalclear glass, raden techniques exclusive to Takaoka, and quality lacquering. 2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

保青竹箸 Be - Green Bamboo Chopsticks 品研生活美學有限公司 Pinyen Creative Inc. E cuckoostyle@gmail.com W http://pinyen-creative.com.tw

帶著竹箸去旅行,讓它成為你享受各地的美食 文化的最佳伴侶。將筷子的上端加入叉子與刀 子的小功能,不論是吃水果或是塗果醬、奶油, 只要一雙竹箸,就可以得心應手。

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Your best pal when you enjoy gourmet dishes around the world. They are more than chopsticks. Simply rotate them and you have your fork & knife. Be-Green bamboo chopsticks are all you need when it comes to food.


打土 Punch


路力設計有限公司 Lo Lat Design Co. E hi@lolat.co W https://www.lolat.co

打土系列如打鐵般對土敲打,運用簡單的四色 噴釉,創造噴墨似的、白晝、黑夜、海、青 天、黃昏、流星,一幅景色,可以凝視好一早 上。 A series of crockery that offers you a view of day and night, sea and sky, dawn and dusk. Only when you empty the bowl and flip it over will you discover the beautiful scene.

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

House 翔詠設計有限公司 Studio Kanari Design Ltd. E michael@studiokanari.com W http://www.studiokanari.com

有了 HOUSE,再也不需要把開瓶器收納在抽 屜裡了!以房屋作為開瓶器的設計,使用不鏽 鋼線纏繞立體造型,利用屋簷來開啟瓶蓋。直 立放置於桌面上不僅使用方便,更增添桌面的 趣味性!

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2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Still keeping your bottle openers in drawer? House is a bottle opener as functional as it is distinctive on table; the stainless steel wiring structure allows users to open bottles from the rooftop of House. It also serves as an interesting accessory on table. Make your House stand on a table to serve its purpose!

喜泉 Kisen 有限会社四津川製作所 Yotsukawa Seisakusho Ltd. E linjeckc.tw@gmail.com W http://www.kisen.jp.net

400 年來承繼鑄物之魂的高岡地區上創立「喜 泉」,「kisen」是現代,「喜泉堂」是傳統工 藝。在追求金屬各種可能之餘,也活用金屬優 勢的設計,為您串起與重要人士的美麗時光。

2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Kisendo has passed on its casting craft, an art form characterizing Japan's Takaoka City, for some 400 years. The "kisen" series features modern design, explores the potential of metal, and creates your memories of the important people in your life through the charm only to be found in metal.

福氣 Fu Teapot Set 穆德設計團隊有限公司 MOTOR Design Group Ltd. E motorgrace@gmail.com W http://www.motor-hung.com

以東方六角為福氣的符碼,融合提樑茶具可收 納茶杯的概念,以清水瓷與竹材複合材質感展 現東方美學,瓷料呈現低調美學,取其名為「福 氣。壺器」 Oriental hexagonal symbol of good fortune! The concept of integrating the Gantry retractable cup of tea and water porcelain and bamboo composite materials shows a sense of oriental aesthetics named “Fu teapot set”. 2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award


SUS316L 吸管筷子組 SUS316L Straw and Chopsticks


QC 館 Quan Chang Ltd. E a0983680682@gmail.com W https://www.qc-tw.com

您只要有 2 支 QC 館的 C 系列吸管,便可接 上筷頭變身為筷子使用,筷頭採用歐洲進口鈦 材質 - 品質優良,100% 台灣製造 - 獨特設計 超實用! We produced the first MIT (Made In Taiwan) eco-friendly stainless steel straw. Now two straws can be turned into chopsticks.

2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

久 , KU Eternity 二喜設計有限公司 HEE Porcelain CO., LTD. E heeporcelain.vivi@gmail.com W http://www.heeporcelain.org

台灣傳統糕餅粿食紅龜粿,「龜」台語與「久」 發音相近,代表綿延不絕、河山長壽。「紅龜 粿」因此成為台灣年節、禮俗儀式的象徵。大 龜、中龜、小龜象徵著生命綿延不過絕。

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2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

This porcelain tableware design concept is from traditional Taiwanese pastry. Red turtle cake sounds like the Taiwanese pronunciation of "a long, long time." Worshipping while using turtle cake means praying for long life. The whole set of big turtle, medium size turtle, and small turtle tableware symbolizes life is endless.

鳥巢鍋 Nest 佳鼎國際股份有限公司 Cocera Int'l Co., Ltd. E service@shus.com.tw W http://www.shus.com.tw

小小孩的挑嘴,努力扒飯的模樣,是媽媽精進 廚藝的動力。滿足的笑容,只有在家才能任性 的放肆撒嬌。時空不停的向前,物換星移,唯 有老家那一鍋的滋味,永遠在味蕾上,不變。

2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Picky kids eating with a good appetite and huge enjoyment has the greatest power to drive mommy to be a good cook. The biggest smile from kids can only be seen at home because they are in a warm family. Although time goes by, the only one thing that is the same is the familiar flavor from the pot at home; it never changes.

浪雲醇酒器 Liquor Perfection 本物股份有限公司 WOO Collective E woo@woocollective.com.tw W http://www.woo-collective.com

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

純錫製成的浪雲醇酒器,可以和緩嗆辣感,使 酒香釋放,口感更濃厚圓滑,適用各類酒款。 相比市售醒酒器,浪雲醇酒器另有淨化水質, 使酒和茶水都更為甘甜的效果。 Tin can remove the bitterness from alcoholic beverages. With the spiral/blade shape representing the imagery of flowing water, the tin decanters increase the contact surface with alcoholic beverages. The liquor forms a beautiful stream while flowing through the spiral and becomes mellow in a very short time.


纖維木器 - 點心盤 Fibrewood Objects Dessert Plate


濯濁有限公司 Studio Lim E info@studiolim.co W http://studiolim.co

以天然纖維製成,有著纖維的溫暖及可塑性,使用 近似於漆器的多道手工上漆研磨,質輕不易破損。 製程中形成的花紋讓每一片都有著獨一無二的樣貌。

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Fibrewood is a sustainable material made of natural fiber. Studio Lim collaborates with local carpenters in using a similar technique to making lacquerware with a touch of the human hand. The dessert plates bring together modern manufacturing techniques with traditional craft, resulting in an everchanging pattern of each unique product.

擂茶搗組 LEI CHA 黑生起司 HEY SHENG CHI SI E heyshengchisi@gmail.com W http://heyshengchisi.com

陶瓷製成,搭配具手感且優美的木棒,去研磨 或混合各種粗糙的藥草和香料,是便於自行混 合的當代料理工具。 Made from ceramics, offering ease of use and finished with a beautifully shaped wood handle for grinding and mixing various rough herbs and spices. Easily make your own spice mixes; this will make a beautiful, useful tool to anyone. 48 49

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

夏綠蒂 茶碗 Charlotte Tea Bowl 大器創意有限公司 DAQI CONCEPT Ltd. E lotta.tu@daqiconcept.com W http://daqiconcept.com

素雅的線條搭配高溫釉藥燒製,闡述生活中緩 慢而寧靜的哲學。 Simple and Elegant form, high temperature glazes, combining ceramics, daily life, and inner peace.

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Mugr 木柄馬克杯 Mugr 奇意果國際有限公司 Kiwico Corporation E service@hmmproject.com W http://hmmproject.com

由數十年經驗工匠手工塑造、鑄鐵般沈穩溫潤 的霧面陶瓷,與細膩的實木木柄相映成趣,在 幾輪使用後將越發光澤,漸次成為你桌上最美 的風景。

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Mugr is where Earth Meets Wood. Handmade by Taiwanese and Chinese artisans, this mug demonstrates the fine craftsmanship of decades’ experience. The unique matte glazed Japanese ceramic lends a look and feel of cast iron while the wood forms the signature shape to make the most beautiful landscape on your table.


珠寶飾盤 Jewellery Tray


晏誠設計有限公司 YenChen Design Studio E info@yenchenyawen.com W http://yenchenyawen.com

受陶瓷修復工藝金繕啟發,將破裂的器皿與錫 合金重新熔接結合,製作含蓄、優雅並適合襯 托珍貴珠寶的飾品盤。其精神源自於將物件的 破損視為特色宣揚,而非缺陷般的藏匿起來。

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

The form is inspired by a philosophy from the Japanese art of pottery repairing, “Kintsugi”. Kintsugi treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. We created a new casting method to repair cracked Jesmonite with tin and bismuth alloy.

無我系列 / 一心二用 One Core, Dual Use 器作國際有限公司 S.Z.M.Q.studio E jacky@szmq.tw W http://www.szmq.tw

泡出茶滋味 - 原礦不上釉最主要是要讓較粗礦 石的毛細孔,能吸附茶湯中的不理想氣味,表 現茶湯滋味。二用的極致 - 原本茶濾的導孔, 變為果汁的導入孔,導孔的設計也讓果汁不溢 出。

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2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

The new Anatta Collection presents a unique aesthetics blended with simplicity and earthiness. To ensure the warmth of each piece, they are handcrafted, with no shortcuts taken. This time-consuming production gives birth to every precious item of the collection.

纖維木器 - 置物托盤組 Fibrewood Objects Tray 濯濁有限公司 Studio Lim E info@studiolim.co W http://studiolim.co

置物托盤組使用纖維木器的最新製程,依照不 同桌上置物需求 - 圓托盤、長托盤以及小托盤 可以互相搭配使用,小托盤本身亦可以堆疊使 用。

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Fibrewood Objects tray collection is created by using the latest manufacturing technique. From Round Tray 120 to Round Tray 280, and Long Tray 270 to Long Tray 280, the series offers a complete selection to fulfill users’ needs. What is more, Round Tray 120 can be stacked up as a tabletop organizer.

Vulkan 雙口寵物器皿 Vulkan Dual Pet Bowl 悅美悅好美學設計有限公司 Apipia Design Co., Ltd. E Info@apipia.com W https://www.apipia.com

產品以火山形體為發想,採現代技術搭配手工 雕塑手法,展現純熟技藝,演繹簡潔流暢線條。 此款雙口寵物器皿,優雅內斂,可輕鬆融入各 種空間。 Inspired by the silhouette of a volcano! in the collection, marble is enhanced in all its expressive capacity, by refining soft lines, minimalism and no sharp edges. The understated Vulkan Dual Pet Bowl fits easily and elegantly in any environment. 2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award


長圓盤 Plate R


享向設計有限公司 Shiang Design Co., Ltd. E info@shiangdesign.com W http://www.shiangdesign.com

長盤與圓盤,灰色與白色,相互搭配。盤緣以 輕薄設計,彷彿盤子浮在餐桌上,呈現屬於某 個時刻的專屬比例,更展現了台灣陶瓷工藝之 美。

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Plate R with the matching grey and white colors create a compatible combination. The thin edge of PlateR is designed to seem as if it is floating on the dining table, presenting an exclusive proportion for a certain moment and the unique beauty of Taiwanese ceramics.

mijia_ 擺件 mijia_Decoration 加作有限公司 JIAJ LIVING ART STUDIO E addjia.tw@gmail.com W https://www.facebook.com/jiaj.net

使用鍛敲技法將紅銅成形成杯狀,將手感藉由 槌子傳遞在器物上,創造刻意的有機型態。 The use of forging techniques to shape the copper cup with a hammer used on the artifacts to create a deliberate organic form.

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2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

好滋妙味系列 置物盤、收納盒 Taste Series 本芯有限公司 Orixin Company Limited E orixin.studio@gmail.com W http://www.orixin.co

從日常香料擷取紋理與造型,呈現天然食材與 金屬材質的趣味轉換,結合視覺、觸覺,並寓 含味覺與嗅覺想像。

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Inspired by various daily spices. Natural texture and shapes are carved into metal material. The artworks show an obvious contrast between the objects of ingredients and metal products to make the art fun. Combined with visual, tactile and smell with good taste, they are all presented in the metal products.

隨。飲。便攜式個人醒酒器 SOUL ONE / Portable Personal Decanter 華夏玻璃股份有限公司 Hwa Hsia Glass Co., LTD. E derekhuang@hwahsiaglass.com.tw W http://www.hwahsiaglass.com

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

集結醒酒、隨身杯 / 瓶、儲存三大設計特點, 特製管身花灑專利設計,具高效率加速醒酒功 能,使品酒過程更具風味,無論商務交流、旅 行移動均便捷,展現獨具個性品味。 SOUL ONE Personal Portable Decanter combines portability, storage and decanting in its core design and crafting. It creates a harmonious balance of efficiency and beauty of decanting. SOUL ONE is the one and only product that displays personal taste, elegance and style.

文具禮品類 Gift and Stationery


軟木藍牙喇叭 BIOPOP


吳協衡設計有限公司 BALANCE WU DESIGN CO, LTD. E service@balance-wu.com W http://www.balance-wu.com/bwd

SOLIGHT 使用環保軟木進行設計加工,利用軟木耐熱 防燄的特性,成為觸感溫潤的燈飾設計。軟木燈座搭配 金屬線燈架,可以呈現「立燈」與「吊燈」兩種姿態與 使用方式。 Cork is an excellent thermal, acoustic and vibration insulator. We use the featured advantage of cork to design SOLIGHT- which is touch-friendly and warm. With Flexible cork, SOLIGHT can be used in two ways: you can change the appearance according to personal preferences and different places.

2016 趨勢特別獎 Trendsetting Special Award

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大理石收納袋具系列 Marble Filing Collection 小黑尾巴有限公司 BLACK TAILORS Co., Ltd. E service@blacktailors.com W https://www.blacktailors.com

回收自臺灣花東大理石邊緣碎料研磨成石粉,因石粉自由流動 造就每個袋包皆俱有獨一無二的紋路與個性,更是環境友善的 時髦單品,也保留下石材原有的質地、溫度與真實觸感。

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BLACKTAIL Pouch Collection recycling from marble waste in Taiwan ground into powder, then pressurized into a lightweight composite fabric, retaining its rough texture with stone color, and transformed into a unique series of pouch. From big size such as 13” notebook to small size such as credit cards, every single one has its own unique stone pattern

2016 趨勢特別獎 Trendsetting Special Award

露銅系列 - 攜帶型鋼筆 Brassing - Portable Fountain Pen 物外有限公司 ystudio co., LTD. E sales@ystudiostyle.com W http://www.ystudiostyle.com

傳統鋼筆利用筆夾讓人們隨身攜帶,但現代人不一定每天都會 穿著襯衫。物外透過鋼筆筆身搭配實木筆盒,結合銅環與皮 繩,讓使用者率性且灑脫的搭配,越使用越可展現生活風格。 The brassing on the metal surface was accumulated through time. With the brassing, we can trace back the process that the user applied on the object and learn about their personal memory and story. Also, you can create a personalized brassing effect by removing the paint on the surface according to individual preference. This process provides a unique experience to have a creative and original product that you have never had before.

2017 趨勢特別獎 Trendsetting Special Award


HMM 滑動筆 HMM Slide


奇意果國際有限公司 Kiwico Corporation E service@hmmproject.com W http://hmmproject.com

HMM 滑動筆是一隻擁有磁吸滑動結構的筆,設計師們從建築 獲得靈感,將幾何的線條融合在書寫文具中,將傳統的筆蓋與 筆身變革為另一種創新結構的文具。讓每一次的書寫,都有如 子彈上膛,短短一公分的滑行距離,讓速度與撞擊,成為一種 手感的純粹。 The designers found inspiration in architecture and fused geometric lines into the writing tool, transforming the traditional pen and cap into a kind of stationery with innovative structure. Slide it open for writing and push gently to retrieve the tip; the comforting hand feel is a swift and smooth writing experience.

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2018 最佳設計商品獎 Best Design Product Award

台灣花磚四方連續圖案設計與應用 Taiwanese Majolica Tile Design 捲毛力卡有限公司 QUEMOLICA Co., Ltd. E myquemolica@gmail.com W https://www.facebook.com/QUEMOLICA

以台灣四方連續圖紋,特別是馬約利卡花磚為設計來源,重新 繪製並開發成為能夠商業使用的印花圖紋與日常生活中的實用 商品,歡迎各種跨界合作! Using Taiwanese Majolica Tile as our inspiration, we exploit and develop practical daily apparel by depicting and applying new color schemes to these delicate fine patterns for a better annotation; thus, these patterns can be used in all products. Crossover cooperation is so welcome!

2018 最佳圖像原創獎 EnglishEnglishEnglish


Chord&Major 古典樂調性耳機 Chord&Major Classical Tonal Earphone 悅聲志業股份有限公司 C & M AUDIO CO., LTD. E service@chord-m.com W http://www.chord-m.com

Chord&Major 打造 Major9´13 古典樂耳機,重 視瞬態反應速度,展現古典樂豐富的層次感。 高透甜潤的音質特色,完美呈現銅管、提琴等 樂器的醉人美聲。

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

While drawing attention to the expressive qualities of every instrument, Major9’13 pays special attention to violins and wind instruments. Even when reproducing the thee-dimensional sound of an orchestra, it focuses on every instrument for the deepest enjoyment of classical music.

檜木款紙相機 Wood Camera Made by Taiwan Cypress 紙綸科技有限公司 Paper Shoot Technologies Co., Ltd. E ryo@papershoot.com W https://www.papershoot.com

高質感台灣檜木外殼,天然芬多精淡淡釋出, 帶有傳統工藝簡約時尚。

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2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

The camera casing is made of Taiwan cypress; you can smell the wood while you are taking pictures. We combine the high-tech electronic product with tradition materials. We allow you to express your own style while never missing those precious moments by capturing them on your own wood-made digital camera.

印花布繪本 - 臺灣生活故事 Illustration Book-Life in Taiwan Wings of Pen 印花樂藝術設計有限公司 Studio inBlooom E service@inblooom.com W http://www.inblooom.com

壓花玻璃、燒金桶、玫瑰花盤、塑膠水桶及塑 膠袋,印花樂從尋常物件中擷取五種裝飾,運 用圖案設計與絹版印花創作布繪本,敘說與台 灣庶民生活息息相關的故事。

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Here at inBlooom we have handpicked five objects as motifs for our illustrated fabric books: stained-glass windows, porcelain plates, water buckets, metal braziers (in which paper money is ritually burned) and carrier bags. Through pattern-design and silk-screen printing, these delightful books tell stories of everyday people’s life in Taiwan.

啄墨 Wings of Pen 木趣設計工作室 Mufun Design Studio E mufun.tw@gmail.com W https://www.mufun.tw

執筆的手如翅膀振翅飛翔,啄出字句的想像, 隨著你和牠輕巧的穿梭紙間,文字也開始遨 遊。駐足枝頭的牠,與你一同著墨每個字。 The hands peck out the words like wings flying. Words begin to roam when you are shuttling on the paper with it. Stopping on the branches, it is between the lines and you with each inking.

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award


愛拍相機 Eye - Plug Camera


愛拍設計股份有限公司 Wee View E service@weeview.co W https://www.weeview.co

1. 先拍照後對焦,紀錄感動瞬間,用愛拍,好 簡單 2. 拍出單眼般的夢幻散景,輕鬆自訂風 格化背景,好可愛 3. 紀錄生活中每個片段, 栩栩如生的 3D 影片還原最真實感動,分享愛

2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

1. Easy to play Plugging into the Micro USB of your Android phone, download app of Eye-Plug, then enjoy taking photos. 2. You can adjust the focus even after photos have been taken. You can tell different stories in photos. 3. Apply some artistic filters to the background in your photos for “magic effects”.

黃銅系列 鋼珠筆及自動鉛筆 Classic Series Rollerball Pen 物外有限公司 ystudio co., LTD. E sales@ystudiostyle.com W http://www.ystudiostyle.com

情寄於書寫帶給我們的平靜,秉持著對文字的 情愫和材質的熱愛。今天,我們關起電腦,用 最真誠的心情找回這逐漸褪逝的文化,感受文 字的重量。

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2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Each item of the stationery from ystudio is manufactured by the scorching heat of one thousand degrees in a furnace, and characterized by the masters’ hands with decades of experience. The stationery carries a little bit of weight and some rust on it which reflects that the products are absolutely honest and durable just like the people who live in Taiwan.

Funno 流線削筆器 Funno Pencil Sharpener & Paper Weight 谿品設計有限公司 PHI LTD. E yvette@beyond-object.com W http://www.beyond-object.com

Funno 精妙的外型是由鋅合金鑄造出的實心金 屬,經由不同種類的真空電鍍程序製成美麗的 色澤。那獨一無二的美麗外觀和份量感也讓它 成為十分稱職的紙鎮與桌面上的雕塑。

2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Funno is a pencil sharpener machined from a solid block of metal, and hand-polished with mirror finish in various colors. While the minimalistic design eliminates traces of this object as a tool, it has a mysterious appearance that invites viewers to touch and interact with it.

P4 無線高傳真曲木音響 P4 Wireless Hi-Fi 行悅科技有限公司 EGOS Technology Corp. E vivian.huang@egos-sys.com W http://www.celia-perah.com.tw

P4 以精湛曲木工藝表現柔和的線條與溫潤的 木頭質感,藉此傳遞溫暖聲音與意象。獨特聲 學架構,使聲音呈 90 度角擴張整個音場,每 個角度皆可聽到完整且透徹的聲音。

2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

CELIA&PERAH P4 is a bentwood speaker offering elegant curves and strong presence. It delivers rich and warm sound out of natural wood while embracing the-state-of-theart Bluetooth technology. P Series separates treble in two ways per channel; with 90 degree angle, this outstanding acoustic design creates a feeling of presence.


漢速敷品牌識別設計 Hancure Branding Design


必思維品牌顧問有限公司 Think Brand Consultancy E hello@brandbythink.com W http://www.brandbythink.com/Home

我們以「漢速敷」為品牌命名,突顯中藥也強 化其時效性 ( 速 ) 功能性 ( 敷 ),將 A 和 U 與 代表漢方醫藥的葫蘆造型結合,形成強烈的品 牌記憶度,增加“葫蘆裡賣什麼藥”的神奇藥性。

2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

We named this product " 漢速敷 " to highlight the importance of Chinese herbal medicine and to emphasize its timeliness ( 速 ) and functionality ( 敷 ). We also came up with the English name Hancure. The A and U and the gourd shape that represents Chinese medicine form a strong brand memory and add to the sense of its amazing medicinal properties.

Cantili 懸臂膠帶檯 Cantili Tape Dispenser 谿品設計有限公司 PHI LTD. E yvette@beyond-object.com W http://www.beyond-object.com

透過偏移球體以及線條極簡的 L 型懸臂設計讓 《Cantili》展現視覺輕巧的飄浮感。此設計構 造上的金屬質量極高,但透過鏡面圓盤內縮的 巧妙設計,視覺上卻輕盈無比,營造出高反差 的對比。

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2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Cantili is a tape dispenser with a pareddown, sculptural form abstracted from the everyday tape dispenser. Consisting of a pair of concave circles and a cantilever, its simple and light design is stable enough to be used with a single hand.

Major 01'16 電子音樂調性耳機 Major 01'16 Electronic Music Tonal Earphone 悅聲志業股份有限公司 C & M AUDIO CO., LTD. E service@chord-m.com W http://tw.chord-m.com

Major 01’16 有 5~40kHz 以上的極致頻寬,反 應出電子音樂極端的細節變化,重低音深沉有 力、突顯顆粒感,中高音俐落分明、反應速度 佳,充份彰顯多元精彩的編曲變化與音樂性 !

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

The Major 01’16 has a full bass response, highlights different textures, and has crystal clear mid-range. It is sensitive and dynamic, fully expressing the genius behind different types of electronic music.

Rule / One 尺筆 Rule / One 奇意果國際有限公司 Kiwico Corporation E service@hmmproject.com W http://hmmproject.com

2014 Kickstarter 募資成功,2015 紅點設計榮譽 獎肯定。重新思考書寫者與文具間的互動,以 精密計算的細節打造更為俐落流暢的使用經驗。

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

As designers, we relish how drafting and location interact. This pen-ruler combination perfectly fits your notebook as a bookmark with its unique droplet shape, while fulfilling different uses on paper, on tablet, and on the go, with interchangeable heads. Sleek and compact, this finely crafted tool is light and delightful to unleash your ideas with joy. Funded on Kickstarter in 2014. Honored with Red Dot Award 2015.


桌景 Tandscape


享向設計有限公司 Shiang Design Co., Ltd. E info@shiangdesign.com W http://www.shiangdesign.com

以山為意象,化作為文具與首飾架,給你桌上 一個最美的景緻。與台灣本地的陶瓷廠合作, 每一個菱角,在在展現細緻的台灣陶瓷工藝。 “Tandscape”is a desk organizer. The forms of “Tandscape” are transformed from the beautiful image of mountains for you to create your own table landscape.

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

偏軸旋轉筆 Align Twist Ballpoint Pen 谿品設計有限公司 PHI LTD. E yvette@beyond-object.com W http://www.beyond-object.com

偏軸書寫筆的視覺重點是一截錯位的筆身。 ALIGN 洗煉以及極簡的外型、配合使用方式的 巧思,讓它不同於一般僅有功能性的書寫筆, 而成為一個極具概念意涵的設計精品。

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2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Called Align, this minimal pen’s body is divided into three parts. You simply twist the pen to align the middle part with the rest of the body; the pen tip will be pushed out following the alignment. The pen is carefully crafted in hi-grade aluminum, where the innovative off-centered twist mechanism is precisely put together inside this tiny object.

情境物件粉彩系列文具 Ambience Object - Pink Series 木趣設計工作室 Mufun Design Studio E info.mufun@gmail.com W http://www.mufun.tw

以棲地生態為創作靈感,將大自然的生態與景 物,與日常生活常用的桌上物件相結合。靜置 時可化作空間中自然、溫潤的小風景。低調融 入的實用機能,為您帶來使用上的小驚喜。 Little wonderland for your desktop, where sensibility and rationality meet! The functional ambience object series invites you to contemplate the natural beauty in your daily life. 2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

紅磚碗台灣咖啡豆 Red Brick Taiwan Coffee 日出印象咖啡有限公司 Cafe Sole Coffee Company E cafe.sole.tw@gmail.com W http://www.cafesole.tw

家,是紅磚一塊一塊堆砌的三合院,用碎裂的 紅瓦片充當蠟筆在地上作畫,將台灣本產咖啡 豆烘焙成金黃色澤,飄散出一陣一陣濃濃花果 香氣,用對鄉土的印象燒製成紅磚碗盛裝著。

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Home is a traditional courtyard house built with red bricks. In the atrium, we use the cracked tiles as a crayon to draw on the ground and play the hopscotch game. The roaster selects Taiwan’s coffee beans and roasts them into a golden color to exude a burst of thick floral aroma contained in the red brick bowl with the impression of home in Taiwan.


公英雙單位金屬比例尺 Metric and Imperial Multi Unit Scale Ruler


滾雪球設計興業社 TSNOW stationery E basty311@gmail.com W https://www.facebook.com/tsnowstationery

專利長條鏤空設計,讓比例尺扁平化更好攜 帶。雙面共可收納 12 種尺度,功能等同 2 把 傳統比例尺。刻度列於同一面使用時無須翻面 尋找。

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

A unique “long bar” design makes the scale ruler flat and easier to carry. A total of 12 kinds of scales can be stored on both sides; the functions are equivalent to 2 traditional scale rulers. Users don’t need to seek scales because all the metric scales are on the same side of the ruler.

Fiber | 燻竹書寫系列 Fiber | Bamboo Writing Series 創夏設計有限公司 TreAsia Design Co., Ltd. E judy.chuang@treasia-design.com W http://www.treasia-design.com

以享受、輕鬆書寫的美好概念設計,使用了生 長快速的環保竹材與鋁合金,全系列以特殊的 纖維刻紋技法增加握持感與輕鬆書寫。

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2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

TA+d | Fiber | Bamboo writing series To enjoy writing easily and elegantly is the concept of design. It uses the rapid growth of environmentally friendly bamboo and aluminum. The full series of products uses fiber cutting techniques to make holding feel better.

Zenlet AL 禪與徠特有限公司 ZENLET Co., Ltd. E info@zenlet.co W http://zenlet.co

直覺使用體驗 納入人體工學的仰角設計,單手 滑蓋開啟,卡片自動排序。RFID 全面防護卡片 資訊,無感應層。輕鬆收納名片,可以同時放 置卡片與名片。

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Extremely compact design without compartments, the thinnest part of Zenlet AL is less than 0.3 inches. You can easily slip it into your pocket. Intuitive User Experience Unique tilt angle for quick cards access. Simple single-hand slide to access RFID Secured. Exceeding the previous version ZENLET The Wallet, Zenlet AL now collects cards and name cards at the same time.

Tilt | 燻竹耳機座 Tilt | Bamboo Earphone Stand with Platform

創夏設計有限公司 TreAsia Design Co., Ltd. E judy.chuang@treasia-design.com W http://www.treasia-design.com

傾斜的建築線,可放置任何形式的耳機,成為 桌上的空中風景,底座也能隨意的收納桌上用 品。 The tilt building line welcomes earphones of any kind to complete the desktop aerial scenery, while the stand accommodates desk accessories. 2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award


莫雪恩 尼可拉 * MonChien Nicolas*


時刻創意文化有限公司 STUNDEN CREATIVE AGENCY E contact@stunden.org W http://www.stunden.org

我叫尼可拉,住在巴黎第六區。平常喜歡去咖 啡館,或去公園散步。我還喜歡舒服的待在家 裡,或一人旅行。 外面能看到美麗的景色,還 能遇到新朋友。讓我做你的好朋友,好不好?

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

My name is Nicolas! I live in the 6th arrondissement of Paris. I like to spend my time checking out local cafés and strolling in the park. You bet I love relaxing at home too! But sometimes I like to go outdoors and explore on my own. There is so much to see and so many new friends to make! Do you think we could be friends, too?

章魚熊繪本 Takokuma Picture Book 松原好日工作室 Sunthingood Design Studio E info@sunthingood.com W http://sunthingood.com

章魚熊故事繪本 Takokuma Picture book http://www.sunthingood.com/takokuma/ story.pdf

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2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

臉 Face 林嘉嬿 Lim Kah Yin E kazelgreen@gmail.com W https://www.instagram.com/kazel_

這是一本收錄 2017 年我創作 21 張水彩人像的 畫冊,裡頭有 21 張不同的臉孔、色彩和情感, 我想透過畫冊帶出人類每一天都有不同的情感 與肢體語言,表面開心卻不一定心裡高興。

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

This is my first ever self-print watercolor art book. It has a total of 28 pages, including 21 watercolor illustrations I made in 2017. Different colors bring out different feelings, expressions and also humanity; this is what I've tried on this book and hope people can experience the feeling that I feel through the arts.

Look at the Beautiful World Around You 吳依凡 Eng Gee Fan E hello@minifanfan.com W http://geefaneng.com

文字無法完整地敘述,圖片無法真實地描繪, 唯有雙眼和身體才是享受這片土地的真正視 窗。 Slow down and enjoy your life. Find true beauty in the blink of an eye.

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award


新盛橋通主題明信片 New Sheng Bridge Road Themed Postcards


良川工作室 Ellen Lee E yushilab808@gmail.com W https://www.facebook.com/yushilab88

「新盛橋通主題明信片」是台中火車站前中山 路在日治時期的舊稱,屬日本人居住活動範 圍,這裡的店家以賣高級貨和舶來品為主。 "New Sheng Bridge Road themed postcards" is the former name of Taichung Train Station Zhongshan Road during the Japanese occupation; it has a range of Japanese living activities, where the store sells high-level goods and exotic products. 2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

金萱字型 jf-jinxuan justfont E just+support@justfont.com W https://www.justfont.com

金萱字型是 justfont 推出的第一套字型,採明 體和黑體混合的風格,在 2015 年在以群眾募 資的方式推出後,是第一套以中文字型設計募 資的字型。 jf jinxuan, designed by justfont, is the first Chinese typeface that combines the traditional Minti and Heiti styles. It is also the world’s very first Chinese Font made possible via crowdfunding. 72 73

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

風格配件類 Fashion Accessories

風格配件類 FASHION ACCESSORIES 2018 最佳時尚風格獎 Best Fashion Style Award

Twins 思謀研器有限公司 STUDIO SMOLL CO., LTD. E reni@studiosmoll.com W https://www.studiosmoll.com/tw 74 75

Twins 是一款大型托特包,單張皮革組成主體並形 成對稱的收納空間,摺疊過程中在包口兩側自然 形成小夾層,提供小物收取的功能;簡單俐落的 可調整單一背帶讓您輕鬆品味生活。 Twins is a large tote bag; its main body is a single piece of leather, and there are some small folds; the result is small pockets to store things like a cellphone or car keys. Simple and adjustable single shoulder strap can let you enjoy your free lifestyle more easily.

印花布料 Hand-Printing Fabrics 印花樂藝術設計有限公司 inBlooom Co, Ltd. E service@inblooom.com W http://www.inblooom.com

印花樂品牌圖案取材自臺灣生態、土地記憶, 以印花手法搭配獨特的色彩運用,創造既懷舊 又當代的設計師風格,賦予布料生命力。 Studio inBlooom inputs vitality into fabrics with original pattern designs. With a thickness between six to sixteen ounces, the textile is suitable for a wide range of uses for home décor and fashion accessories, like curtains, table-cloths, lampshades, bags and canvas shoes. 2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

四度空間腕錶 42mm 經典款 4th Dimension Watch 42mm Original Edition 二十二設計有限公司 22 Design Studio Co., Ltd. E info@22designstudio.com.tw W http://www.22designstudio.com.tw

水泥錶面、髮絲紋 316L 不鏽鋼錶殼、黃銅指 針、黃銅錶冠與義大利原皮錶帶。細節中呈現 材質最原始的質感。隨著佩戴者的使用習慣, 指針、錶冠逐漸氧化,展現獨一無二的風情。

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

The Original Model combines the authentic concrete base as the watch surface with a brushed stainless steel bezel, untreated brass hands and crown, and a naturally tanned leather band. Every detail of the wristwatch highlights the original beauty of the materials.


四度空間機械錶 4th Dimension Mechanical Watch


二十二設計有限公司 22 Design Studio Co., Ltd. E info@22designstudio.com.tw W http://www.22designstudio.com.tw

四度空間機械錶,看到一種毫不遮掩的生活態 度,每個材料展現出赤裸、真實的面貌。同時 藉由表面處理、零件組合的不同,展現出多樣 的城市風情。

2017 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Every detail of our wristwatch has been designed to show the beauty of the raw material. This unique timepiece's leather and brass become richer and darker the more the watch is worn, personalizing it and making it ever more comfortable as time passes.

霧面圓分裂長項鍊 Row Row Row Necklace 皿糸金品有限公司 EUNICE KUO METALWORK E info@eunicekuo.com W http://metalwork.eunicekuo.com

正反面利用不同方向的手刻紋路,雕出每件獨 一無二的霧面質感。 Textures on each piece are unique due to the hand engraving on the surface. It provides a subtle tactile feeling to it.

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2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

DTB 單肩斜背包 DTB Dictionary Shoulder Bag 可彼設計有限公司 Cubic Design Co., Ltd. E yjheather@gmail.com W http://www.dtbbag.com

台灣設計,可調長度斜背使用,長背帶可在袋 內打結做長短調整。 Adjustable shoulder straps. Outer: 100% Italian Leather Inner: 100% Micro Fiber Color: Black

2018 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

戶外休閒類 Outdoor Goods

2017 趨勢特別獎 Trendsetting Special Award

The 24 Mini Velo top-of-the-line version of the "YEE" lineup. Designed especially for the smaller size Asian riders. The hand- polished cromoly frame has a natural metallic shine and outstanding quality. Equipped with the world’s strongest carbon belt-drive system by Gates and Shimano inter-7 speed. Paired with the handcrafted "Brooks" saddle. The overall look provides the premium urban cycling experience with personal style and taste.


俏可設計有限公司 Ciao Design Studio LLC. E info@ciaodesignstudio.com W http://www.gochicbicycle.com

「YEE」系列的小輪徑頂級車款,專為亞洲人身 型嬌小所設計 24 吋,手工拋光鉻鉬鋼車架展現 鋼管原始質感,搭配世界最強韌 Gates 碳纖皮帶 傳動系統與 Shimano 內變七速,座墊採用英國 Brooks 手工座墊。


MiniYEE Premium

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浩庭實業股份有限公司 HaoTing Technology Co., LTD. E paul.hsu@the-sliders.com W http://the-sliders.com

Sliders 是專屬於城市的自行車品牌,針對城市 中理想的使用方式和型態做一全新設計。結合 低跨點及滑板車的概念,讓騎乘者更能方便地 上下車,並且在滑板的部分強調上車時的加速 以及滑行的流暢設計,進而解決過斑馬線、穿 越擁擠的人群等狀況。使得自行車在大都會擁 擠的狀況下亦可以自由自在地使用。

2015 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Sliders originated in artisan craft: graceful, romantic, unique charm of the ridge created in the pursuit of excellence. Under the skyline, enjoy the ultimate strength and beauty; people will create their own fashion.

Metro 滑板摺疊自行車 Sliders Metro 浩庭實業股份有限公司 HaoTing Technology Co., LTD. E paul.hsu@the-sliders.com W http://the-sliders.com

滑板與自行車的完美結合,正適合你以輕鬆自 在的心情,隨著展翅的思緒自由切換,時快時 慢、亦騎亦滑,一台坐著騎、站著滑都精彩的 城市自行車!

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2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

The concept combines scooters and folding bikes so that we can easily move around in the crowded city. The Sliders 20F has a better structure and lower top tube for friendly riding. The main frame has a diamond-shape design, and the two-wheel “on the floor” folding process allows the bike to be folded in 2 seconds.

單車行動綁 Bike Tie 果舖創意股份有限公司 FRUITSHOP INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. E support@bonecollection.com W http://www.bonecollection.com

可調式背帶設計能任意調整角度,固定於不同 徑架的單車或嬰兒推車;正面綁帶利用矽膠的 彈力特性,可延伸拉長並適用 4-6 吋螢幕尺 寸的各品牌手機。讓你可以用最環保的方式享 受手機提供的各項功能,與世界不斷線。並且 與你的親友分享、紀錄你的美好騎行體驗。

2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

Bike Tie is a portable bike mount for mobile phones. The innovated silicone belt makes it easy to attach or detach on any size of handle bars of a bike or stroller. The extendable silicone band makes it easily compatible with any mobile phone with screen size from 4” to 6”. With the Bike Tie, you can enjoy every feature in your mobile device, record and share your riding journey in the most eco-friendly way.

YEE 俏可設計有限公司 Ciao Design Studio LLC. E info@ciaodesignstudio.com W http://www.gochicbicycle.com

YEE 取至於中文「壹」的諧音,設計專為城市 通勤者使用的單車,車架設計強調結構美學, 配備美國大廠 Gates 碳纖維材質所製成的皮帶 傳動,以高階城市車款的規格打造自行車工藝 精品。

2016 文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award

This city bike is designed for active urban lifestyle. The continuous line creates a sense of forward motion; it integrates a front rack that can carry heavier things. The Ecocollection saddle & grips are made from recycled PET bottles with a water repellant coating. It uses Gates carbon belt-drive and its internal gears provide an ultra-smooth ride without the need to apply grease.

國家圖書館出版品預行編目(CIP)資料 臺灣文博會文創精品獎專刊 . 2015-2018 / 陳悅宜總編輯 -- 初版 . -- 新北市:文化部 , 2018.06 面;公分 ISBN 978-986-05-6187-6(平裝) 1. 文化產業 2. 產品設計 3. 臺灣 541.2933 107009918

書 名 | 2015-2018 臺灣文博會文創精品獎專刊 發 行 人 | 鄭麗君 編輯顧問 | 李連權 總 編 輯 | 陳悅宜 編輯委員 | 方衍濱、黃慧娟、李長龍、陳美蘭、宋同正、艾淑婷、洪明正 執行編輯 | 陳儷方、蘇姿安 執行單位 | 財團法人台灣創意設計中心

出版發行 | 文化部 地 址 | 24219 新北市新莊區中平路 439 號南棟 13 樓 電 話 | 886-2-8512-6000 傳 真 | 886-2-8995-6482 網 址 | www.moc.gov.tw 版 次 | 初版 出版日期 | 2018 年 6 月 I S B N | 978-986-05-6187-6 G


N | 1010700892

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