How To Present August 2011

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IN THIS ISSUE Rodney Marks Corporate Hoaxer & NSAA 2011 Speaker of the Year shares his tips for presenting with humour Boost your Brain Group dynamics Communicating with Confidence in the workplace Performance Anxiety Success Stories Parents Corner

PLUS: Rehearsing tips to use today! How to Present Magazine



DIARY DATES INFLUENTIAL PRESENTATION SKILLS (2-day Public Program) LIMITED PLACES REGISTER TODAY! Join Michelle at her next public program IN SYDNEY: • August 23-24

• October 19-20 is FULL

• November 22-23 BRISBANE: September 6-7

Who is Michelle Bowden? Michelle is an expert in influential presentation skills in business. She has run her 2-day Influential Presentation Skills program over 550 times with thousands of people and she’s been nominated for Educator of the Year 3 years. Michelle is one of only 25 Australian females who is a Certified Speaking Professional - the highest designation for speakers in the world.

Michelle’s Update Welcome to the August edition of How to Present magazine. This issue is packed full of tips to help you sell your ideas more persuasively in a variety of ways. I’ve just had a fantastic holiday in China and now I’m sending you this magazine from Fiji - the life of a professional speaker! China is an incredible place to visit. We climbed the Great Wall, visited the Terracotta Warriors and volunteered for a day at the Chengdu Panda Research Base, cleaning out the bedrooms of the gorgeous panda bears. When you travel you need to keep your sense of humour wouldn’t you think? There are times when if you didn’t laugh you’d cry! If you’d like to know how to use humour appropriately in your next business presentation then you’ll enjoy reading our cover boy Rodney’s top tips for presenting with humour in business and you’ll have a giggle at his Management Alphabet. Plus read Dr Helena Popovic’s top tips for Boosting your Brain, plus some ideas for managing Group Dynamics, Communicating in the Workplace with Confidence and how to manage Performance Anxiety. And it’s time to Get Fresh! With all that’s going on in our busy lives, sometimes we need a refresher of the obvious. Connect to me on Twitter so you receive regular tweets with the latest thinking on presentation skills mastery. The perfect way to stay current on best practice. So grab yourself a ’cuppa’, put your feet up and have a read! And most importantly, make sure you put the invaluable advice into immediate action so you see some fast results. Happy Presenting!

For a list of Michelle’s clients please go to:

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Excellent presenters send out hundreds of positive ripples in a single event. Unskilled presenters can cause many negative ripples without even realising and then they ask themselves: ‘What was wrong with that audience?’ Well, it’s just the audience ‘reacting’ to the negative ripples. !

Have you ever been in a presentation where the presenter either accidentally or willingly insulted an audience member, and before you knew it the whole group had ‘turned’ against the presenter? If you answered yes to this question, what you observed is called the Ripple Effect. You know how when you throw a stone into a pond, the concentric circles ripple out? Well, it’s the same when you present. You can create your own metaphorical concentric circles by either insulting or complimenting your audience members. We call this action of either insulting or complementing your audience members the Ripple Effect, and the ripples will be either positive or negative depending on what you have said or done as the presenter. !

How do you cause positive and negative ripples? ! Positive ripples are caused by: 1.!!!! complimenting the audience or a member of your audience 2.!!!! smiling and shaking hands in a respectful way 3.!!!! making people in your audience feel important and special we call this ‘giving status’. ! Negative ripples are caused by: 1.!!!! rudeness or insensitivity to an audience or an audience member 2.!!!! ignoring someone too many times or withholding eye contact 3.!!!! humiliating an audience member. Keep this in mind the next time you present.

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SUCCESS STORIES! children and parents about easy, healthy food choices.! Christine’s new book, Great Health is a Piece of Cake, exposes many food myths and makes it easy for readers to enjoy good health and to lose weight, look younger, and help their children thrive.


What kind of presenting do you do at work? I am currently in the middle of my PR campaign for Great Health is a Piece of Cake, so I am speaking on national radio and TV.! I was on the Ch 7 Morning Show at the end of June, and have done interviews for Body & Soul, Who Magazine, Woman’s Day, and several radio programs.! I also run cooking demonstrations with celebrity chef Dominique Rizzo, so I need to speak for two hours at a time. What prompted you to attend Michelle's Influential Presentation Skills program? i.e. what was the reason you decided you needed to make the move and just do the program?

Christine Cronau is a successful author, entrepreneur, martial arts instructor, wife, and mother of two.!Diagnosed with chronic fatigue at a young age after living a “healthy” lifestyle, she went on a quest to find the truth about food.! Christine has now been studying health and nutrition for over 10 years, and has become passionate about sharing her discoveries with others.! Christine is now a picture of health and uses her knowledge as a natural health advocate; she is seen as an expert in her local community, teaches children about nutrition at a local school, and runs a healthy tuckshop program to educate

When I saw Michelle speak, I was absolutely enthralled, and I wanted to know how she engaged the audience in such an effective way. It’s a real skill to be able to hold an audience in the palm of your hand. To create an atmosphere where people want to hear more. How did Michelle's program change your attitude to presenting in business? Michelle made me think about how I could get the audience on board right from the word go, so that they were attentive, and listening to my message. I understand the power of a really strong opening and it’s role in building strong rapport that will last the duration of the presentation.

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SUCCESS STORIES! (CONT) In general, what positive outcomes have you achieved from improving your presentation skills? Writing a book is only half the battle; I need to let people know it is out there.! I had absolutely no presentation skills or experience, so the course was instrumental in starting me on the second half of my journey. In what specific ways have your presentation skills improved since completing Michelle's training?! Even though I know my subject well, I learned that I need to practice, practice, practice, so that I could speak without stumbling and thinking about what I needed to say.! I can now speak clearly and confidently, without notes. What were your top three take aways from Michelle's program? • Extending the self, to eliminate nerves. • Getting the audience on board at the beginning of the speech. • An easy format for each speech, to make it more effective.

TESTIMONIAL “Whilst I was attending a business workshop last year, I had the pleasure of seeing Michelle in action. I was impressed by her generosity and her skill in presenting a large amount of information in an engaging and entertaining manner to a diverse group of business people. She had all the participants in the palm of her hand. Michelle’s presentation was certainly a highlight of the workshop. I have since read her book "Don't Picture me Naked" and recommend this business text to my clients who are interested in mastering their presenting skills.” Jan Terkelsen Coach, Consultant. Teaching managers to become empowered, authentic and inspiring people leaders.

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YOU ARE PRESENTING ALL THE TIME! BY MICHELLE BOWDEN You are presenting all the time! Every day that you interact with others you are presenting – to your boss, colleagues, clients, suppliers, family and friends. Unless you are a hermit you see people and chat with them every day.! In a family context you might talk about plans for the weekend, or ask one of your kids to take out the bins or clean their room.! You might be negotiating with your spouse about some expenditure or holiday plans.! In a work context perhaps you’re asking a staff member to handle a project in a certain way that’s different from how they have been doing it, or asking a colleague to join you in an effort to promote a new idea, or trying to motivate the team to get on board with a new sales initiative.

opportunity, you will become successful too!! There are some general tips you can implement as part of your presentation skills development.

Every day in every way you are talking to people and trying to persuade them to see something your way, and then motivate them to take action and do it.! Think of presenting as any form of communication one to one; one to few; and one to many, where your objective is to change the person’s thinking or behaviour. So plan to hone your presentation skills on a daily basis as part of your everyday communication routine - so that when the time comes for you to make a presentation, you are ready to speak up and influence people.

Firstly, remember it’s not about you - it’s ALL about your audience. Secondly, make sure your opening gets your audience’s attention and communicates what the benefit is for them to listen to you.! And thirdly, make sure your close summarises the conversation and calls your audience to action – even in a conversation with your child. For example, instead of saying, “did you hear me?” you could say, “Jack, will you please remember to take out the bins whether I remind you or not?” There are many occasions every day to make a

Successful presenters become successful by having lots of practice. If you start looking at

every communication scenario as a presentation

presentation. Will you promise to use every occasion as an opportunity to hone your presentation skills?!Good luck!

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TWITTER FEEDS TO KEEP YOU FRESH Please join my facebook community by selecting the ‘like it’ thumbs up symbol on my new business page and that way you’ll be updated with new blogs, articles and video feeds from my Internet TV channel when they are loaded. Go to:

I am so excited to announce my new facebook business page and suggest you might like to take a look. It’s quite like a website and is packed full of pragmatic, valuable, userfriendly resources for you.

programs, or learning from me in your future these short, punchy reminders are definitely the way to go. Please go to:

Plus, you may also like to link to me on LinkedIn and Twitter. My followers on Twitter receive weekly reminders about everything that’s important when you are presenting in business. If you’re serious about either remembering what you have learnt with me in my


Ever felt confused about how or where to rehearse your presentation? Guess what? Going for a walk gets your oxygen pumping and your blood flowing — it aligns your left and right brain so you’re at your analytical/creative/energetic best. Plus, looking around at your surroundings while navigating your way and rehearsing your talk is a way to practice multi-focus speaking — that state of concentration where you’re delivering your message while observing and adapting to your surroundings — without getting distracted or pulled off topic. The best way to achieve that type of confident concentration is to walk-talk which accesses the "one-with-what-you’re-doing" state where there’s no room at the mental inn for fear or doubts. From now on, embody your message by immersing yourself in your presentation beforehand by DOING IT and MOVING IT — not standing in front of a mirror and thinking it or reading it. Give it a try...

How to Present Magazine



BOOST YOUR BRAIN BY DR HELENA POPOVIC MBBS The implications of neuroplasticity are enormous: we have the ability to keep our brains sharp, effective and capable of learning new skills well into our 90s, if we protect our brains from damaging habits and give them ongoing stimulation and appropriate fuel. One way to illustrate this is to think of the brain as a large boat, complete with captain and crew, sailing the ocean blue. The captain makes the decisions and gives the orders, which the loyal crew follow. Without a captain, the boat would be directionless. Without a crew, the day-to-day running of the boat would be impossible. The crew know their role and don’t need the captain to tell them how to do their job or to remind them of their job daily. They’re very well trained. The captain only notifies the crew if he or she wants something to change and takes charge whenever leadership is required. As for the boat, it needs to be kept in good nick and fuelled on a regular basis.

We are the architects and builders of our own brains. For millennia, however, we were oblivious to our enormous creative capabilities. We had no idea that our brains were changing in response to our actions and attitudes, every day of our lives. So we unconsciously and randomly shaped our brains because we believed we had an immutable brain that was at the mercy of our genes. Nothing could be further from the truth. The human brain is continually altering its structure, cell number, circuitry and chemistry as a direct result of everything we do, experience, think and believe. This is called “neuroplasticity”. Neuroplasticity comes from two words: neuron or nerve cell and plastic, meaning malleable or able to be moulded.

The captain, the crew and the boat form a single, interdependent unit, each party influencing the other two. If the captain and crew don’t do their job properly, the boat can get damaged and end up in disrepair. If the boat is damaged, the journey is more arduous; in particular, rough seas are more difficult to handle. If the captain is apathetic, incompetent or drunk, there is an absence of leadership. And if the captain and crew are in constant disagreement, they won’t get very far. How does this relate to the brain and mind? The captain represents the conscious mind; the crew is the subconscious mind; the boat is the brain; and the ocean is life. The conscious mind is the thinking part of ourselves. It sets goals, makes decisions and interprets experiences. The subconscious mind is the part of ourselves beneath our conscious awareness that keeps us alive and running. It’s what keeps our hearts

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pumping, our lungs expanding and our hair growing. We don’t consciously say to ourselves, “Pump, breathe, grow!”—these things are handled subconsciously, through the autonomic nervous system. The number one priority of the subconscious mind is our survival: physical, emotional and psychological. This is why our subconscious plays a powerful role in dictating behaviour. It prioritises our emotional wellbeing over our conscious wants. It’s why sometimes we consciously think we want one thing, but still end up doing another. One reason that diets don’t work is they don’t address subconscious issues that may be at play. We sabotage our efforts if the subconscious pay-offs for not changing override the conscious desire to lose weight. Finally, the brain is the vessel through which our conscious and subconscious minds operate. Based on the analogy of boat, captain and crew, the following is an overview of how we can boost our brains. 1. Don’t damage the boat.

On day one in medical school, I was taught Primum non nocere—“First do no harm”. No boat owner would knowingly damage their boat, so it follows that no human would knowingly damage their brain. Apart from the obvious injury caused by falling off ladders and falling into illegal drugs, things which harm the brain and reduce our cognitive abilities include smoking, stress, sleep deprivation, soft drinks, a sedentary lifestyle, excessive alcohol, junk food, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, obesity, loneliness, pessimism and negative self-talk. Goal number one is to avoid these damaging entities.

3. Fuel it the finest.

Our dietary choices affect not only the health of our bodies but also the health of our brains. In fact our brains consume one fifth of all the nutrients and kilojoules we ingest. What we eat has a significant impact on our neurotransmitters (chemicals that carry messages between neurons across synapses), our alertness, our mood and our cognitive functioning. 4. Keep the cargo light.

Obesity is a major risk factor for dementia. 5. Run the motor.

Without physical exercise our brains waste away as much as our muscles waste away. Exercise actually induces the growth of new brain cells.

2. Dock the boat in stimulating surroundings.

6. Learn the ropes and keep on learning.

Our brain function improves in every measurable way when we find ourselves in environments that are mentally, physically and socially stimulating. Adventure prevents dementia!

Having a good education and engaging in lifelong, active learning help to protect us from dementia and contribute to our developing “cognitive reserve”. This reserve acts as a buffer against mental decline as we age.

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7. Sail to new shores. Boredom and monotony are poisonous to our brains. We need to get out of our comfort zones. We need to sail to new shores to find riches outside our usual boundaries. We need to change our routines, do things differently and give ourselves ongoing challenges. 8. Use it or lose it. This applies to every function of the brain and body, from studying to socialising to sex. In order to maintain our capacity for learning new skills, we need to engage in learning new skills on a regular basis. To have a good memory, we need to consciously ‘pay attention’. In order to remain socially adept, we need to remain socially active.

If we lose a specific brain function, all is not lost. Progressive, persistent, goal-focused practice can help us regain the lost function. 10. Charge the battery. Stilling the mind is as important as stimulating it. Getting adequate sleep and pressing the pause button on our mind chatter are essential for peak performance on a day-to-day basis, as well as preservation of brain function as we age. 11. Connect with fellow travellers. Lifelong social interaction and meaningful connection with others is vital for a healthy brain.

9. Train it and regain it.

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BOOST YOUR BRAIN (CONT.) 12. Choose the destination. The brain is a teleological device—it is fed by having goals and aspirations to work towards. The clearer we are about what we want to achieve, the more effective the brain is in accomplishing the required tasks. This is analogous to the captain giving the crew clear instructions about where they’re going and what is expected of them. 13. Command the crew. Having decided on what we want, we need to direct our self-talk to support our goals. Uplifting, solution-focused self-talk switches on brain cell activity; negative, discouraging self-talk dampens it.

a task perfectly in the mind’s eye, we become better at it in the real world because every mental rehearsal increases the efficiency of electrical transmissions between the involved nerve cells. Mental practice turbocharges our progress. 17. Bon voyage! Enjoy the journey! Get excited about where you’re going. Passion, enthusiasm and excitement are the most powerful brain fuels of all. The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek entheos, meaning “to be divinely inspired or possessed by a god”. Ralph Waldo Emerson observed, “Nothing great has ever been achieved without enthusiasm.” Dr Helena Popovic MBBS is a medical d o c t o r , r e s e a r c h e r, international speaker and consultant to l e a d i n g businesses, p ro f e s s i o n a l s , educational institutions and individuals seeking peak health for peak performance.

14. Command the crew. Next we need to direct our self-talk to support our goals. Our internal dialogue is a constant stream of instructions to the subconscious mind. Uplifting, solution-focused self-talk switches on brain cell activity; negative, discouraging self-talk dampens it. 15. Communicate gratitude. When we think about what we’re thankful for, we wire our brains to continue finding things to be thankful for. Our brains are designed to see what we’re looking for. We are never objective, even when we make a concerted effort to be so. Subjectivity always enters our perceptions. We don’t see things as they are; we see things as we are. So by regularly reflecting on things that we’re grateful for, we construct a filter through which we see the world and we create more experiences for which to feel grateful. 16. Practise perfectly. When we practise a skill in our imagination, the same neurons are firing as if we were performing the skill in real life! If we see ourselves executing

Helena is one of Australia’s authorities on how to improve brain function and on how our lifestyles impact our health. Helena is also the founder of Mission SlimPossible–Licence to Lose, a weight loss program that teaches the secrets of successful, lifelong slimming. For more information on Helena’s book and programs or to contact her for keynotes and training, please go to

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TIPS FROM A PROFESSIONAL SPEAKER it from your audience’s perspective and make the best choice for them.


4. An idiom is words, phrases, or expressions that cannot be taken literally like ‘you’re driving me up the wall’ or ‘break a leg’.! 5. A cluster of idiomatic language often creates a metaphor. 6. A joke has a set up and a punch line and is a very old structure. It can sound like a riddle. You can google jokes by topic if you’re looking for a specific joke by subject. 7. A pun is something that sounds like what you’re trying to say but isn’t quite what you’re saying. It’s a playfulness with words. 8. Irony is a value neutral the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning. Whereas Sarcasm is an attempt a belittling the person and is the lowest form of humour and it’s best to stay away from sarcasm.

Rodney Marks is Australia's misleading comedian.!He is a!corporate hoaxer, an impostor … a comic in a business suit. His comedy satirises management language in!the form of fraudulent keynote speeches at business events. His website says it all: Rodney is a true master at the craft of humour and my goodness I respect his wisdom. Here are Rodney’s tips for us... 1. The audience is sovereign – it’s not about the presenter showing off. 2. Preparation is important. Keep the end in mind – how will you know it’s going to be a success. 3. There are some forms of humour that aren’t appropriate in a business context – think about

9. Know who you are and use the humour that best suits your style. 10.It doesn’t matter if they don’t laugh – sometimes it’s a sign they are listening intently to what you’re saying – which ultimately can be a compliment. 11.Write your presentation with the serious content, then add humour at the beginning, the end and adjacent to your serious points. 12.Steer away from caffeine and alcohol so your throat isn’t too dry. 13.Devise a repertoire of saves or recovery strategies. What an honour and a treat to hear from Rodney – his interview is one of my favourites in the Tips from the Masters series because he is so funny and so, so wise! If you’d like to hear the full interview with Rodney for yourself please grab a copy of How to Present - Tips from the Masters from my website.

How to Present Magazine




We’ve all heard the phrase that someone exudes confidence. But what are we referring to? And how does it show up in the workplace? Self Confidence is a feeling - an inner fire and an outer radiance, a basic satisfaction with who one is, plus a reaching out to become more. Contrary to popular belief, confidence is not something a few people are born with and others are not. It is an acquired characteristic.

Most people have more to work with than they realise. One noted physicist calls this “unused excellencies” and finding and releasing this potential in ourselves is one of the major challenges of modern life. The great danger is not that we shall overreach our capacities, but that we shall undervalue and under-employ them, thus never realising our truest potential. Self-confident people trust their own abilities, have a general

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sense of control in their lives, and believe that, within reason, they will be able to do what they wish, plan, and expect. Having self-confidence doesn’t mean that the person will be able to do everything. However they have the confidence and ability to ask for help in areas they lack expertise in. On the other hand, people who aren’t self-confident depend excessively on the approval of others, in order to feel good AUGUST 2011


COMMUNICATING WITH CONFIDENCE IN THE WORKPLACE (CONT.) about themselves. They tend to avoid taking risks because they fear failure. And instead of learning from past experiences, they allow their past mistakes to dictate their future, and therefore don’t expect to be successful. They often put themselves down and tend to discount or ignore compliments paid to them. If any of this rings true for you, there are lots of little things you can do on a daily basis, to start building your confidence. First of all, next time someone gives you a compliment, simply take a breathe, look them in the eye and say “thank you.” Start noticing what you say to yourself. We all have habitual things we say to ourselves, especially when we stuff up or get stressed. If you find yourself saying something negative, immediately re-program it by: •

Changing the tone from critical to silly, or sultry. (The idea is to take the sting away and replace it with something that makes us laugh or feel good)

Turn down the volume or hit the mute button

Drown it out by saying something like “out of here, I don’t need you anymore” or “that’s not true”.

Replace the negative with a positive by adding what I call a Y.U.I. ie: Yet, Up until now, or In the past, to the end of the sentence. This disempowers the negative thought and replaces it with a feeling of hope and possibility.

Have fun experimenting with what works best for you! Self confidence always leaves clues. Think of someone in your workplace that exudes self confidence. How do they hold their body? How do they move? How do they communicate with others? Do they make direct eye contact with whoever they’re speaking to? Write down what

you’ve noticed, and choose one skill each week to copy? Remember that’s how we all learned to walk and talk. We copied everyone around us! I’m a firm believer in the concept of “fake it till you make it” when learning a new skill. In other words “act as if”. Act as if you’re confident right now, (even if you’re shaking like a leaf inside) take a few deep breaths, throw back your shoulders, stand tall and proud, and walk and talk with purpose............and over time you too will exude confidence! You’ll find free resources on my website: And email me for a free copy of my eBook “Tips to Develop Self Confidence.”

Known as The Confidence Coach, Kathryn has spent the last 35 years empowering people to believe in themselves and their abilities. She has trained with the world’s leading experts in human behaviour and potential. And nothing light’s her up more than witnessing her clients produce results of which they had only previously dreamt.

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TESTIMONIAL BY DAVID THOMAS, DIRECTOR, ACHIEVE GLOBAL David Thomas, CEO of Think Global Consulting, is highly respected in Australia for his experience, credibility and passion for identifying, building and facilitating business and investment relationships between developed and emerging countries.! David is intimately involved in Australia’s attempts to engage with Asia for business purposes, particularly with BRIC countries. That is: Brazil, Russian, India and china. DAVID SAYS: “Every speaker, presenter and/or person who needs to influence/impact others should do Michelle Bowden’s Influential Presentation Skills course. It is packed with great content, practical ideas and the opportunity to try it out in a supportive environment and get instant and helpful feedback. Michelle you are a fabulous trainer! The 13 steps are a great structure and I enjoyed the time to practice the 13 steps in pairs as well as the great practical tips and examples giving you everything you need to know about speaking/presenting/influencing/selling. It was also a great training environment - food, room set up, atmosphere.”

How to Present Magazine



ENGAGE THE VISUALS IN YOUR AUDIENCE BY MICHELLE BOWDEN We know that the ability to build rapport or get along with people is very important in both business and personal relationships. We also know that is easier to build rapport with people who demonstrate the same or similar characteristics to us - people who are like ourselves. And it is difficult to build rapport with those people who are not like us. When we don’t understand others, we often find it difficult to relate effectively to them, and even harder to influence these people in a workplace presentation setting. According to some theorists, we each have over 70 different personality filters that make up who we are. Every situation, conversation and experience is taken through these filters. They explain why we choose to act, decide, respond the way we do, with the people and situations around us. When it comes to presenting, we know that audiences are made up of people with a variety of different personality filters. One of the more relevant filters to apply when you are a presenter running meetings, influencing people or facilitating groups relates to the way people process and sort information. It’s called the VAKOGAd sort - good name hey?! If you have ever wished you could be more engaging and stimulate your audience more effectively throughout your presentations then keep reading. There is a simple way...

(taste), and Auditory Digital channels for processing and storing information or memories. Recently, some people have asked for some more detail. So let’s refresh the first of these filters - the Visual Representational Filter - so you can keep stimulating these people in your daily communications. We will cover the rest of the filters in this model in our upcoming newsletters over the next few months...

How to engage and stimulate your audience...

How would you describe a Visual Learner/ Audience Member?

Some of you have covered the VAKOGAd theory with me in my 2-day Advanced Presentation and Influencing Skills program. You may recall that there are people who favour their visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory (smell), gustatory

These are the people who seem to take a lot of pride in their appearance, often have an organised, neat, orderly desk. They like to see what you mean and make decisions based on how things look. They often have trouble

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ENGAGE THE VISUALS IN YOUR AUDIENCE (CONT.) remembering verbal conversations or presentations. People with a visual preference are also less distracted by noisy interferences due to less focus on their auditory channel. Questions to ask yourself Do you find it easy or difficult to deal with people who have the visual preference? Would you like to make influencing these people easier for yourself? Remember that the key to rapport building with the people around you who are least like you, is cultivating a competent ability to flex your personal preferences to be as like your audience members as possible. Some practical tips... So how would you be as like your visual audience members as possible? How would you ensure the visuals in your meetings remember your message? 1.




These people need visual displays to be engaged by your message, to stay alert, and to understand your point easily. So use PowerPoint and make sure your slides have clear, simple graphs and beautiful, modern images or pictures. Reduce the number of words on your slides. Use gestures, move across the floor with a purpose. Try wall charts, posters, flipcharts, whiteboard, handouts and props. Pay attention to the detail in your personal appearance. Shine your shoes, brush your hair, iron your clothes well, and girls make sure you reapply your lipstick throughout the day! Visuals tend to process information quickly and will be frustrated by time wasting so make sure you speak quickly


6. 7.

at times and keep your message moving. It is advisable that you give visuals some form of written reinforcement of your content: handouts, web addresses, intranet back-up. Make sure you give the visuals lots of your eye contact. Use visually-based language. Here are some visual words for you to consider:

aim, apparition, appear, blank, blind, blue, blur, bright, brilliant, clear, cloudy, colour, dark, dim, diagram, disillusion, draw, dull, elucidate, eclipse, envision, enlighten, flash, focus, foggy, foresight, frame, glaze, glance, glare, glow, hazy, hindsight, horizon, illuminate, insight, light, look, luminous, mirror, neat, oblong, obscure, observe, outlook, overshadow, oversight, overview, paint, pattern, peer, perspective, picture, portray, reveal, round, reflect, see, watch, vivid, visualise, veil, vision, sketch, show, shine. Try using tips 1-7 to stimulate the visual audience members in your next meeting, training program or presentation and notice how much more engaging and influential your presentations are for these people. Good luck!

How to Present Magazine



A MANAGEMENT ALPHA BET BY RODNEY MARKS account executive A semi-permeable listening device. budget A fable chronicled in columns and rows. change agent An intellectual perennially dissatisfied with their lot - and yours. Often the best way to affect change management is to change management.

(a)!! Parliament A costly job creation scheme for egotists wishing to interfere with the smooth running of the market economy, with a view to achieving immortality, or at least having a cul-de-sac named after them.

climate change Natures way of providing middle managers with the experience of an overseas posting, without the disruption (or the expense).

(b)!! Public administration Balancing political harm minimisation with policy analysis and program development and implementation, to redistribute income and power.

culture The most important – and hence the most neglected – aspect of organisational life. Get culture right and people are more valued than products. Or is that vice versa?

human resources


People prepared to cash in their humanity.

No government is better than ours.



Someone's else's out-tray.

The plural of economic.



What a non-MBA has instead of a career.

The facsimile of the verisimilitude of the approximation of email.




Buying and selling the use of money, and other vouchers, in the reasonable expectation that transaction costs, and other forms of skimming, will be adequate compensation for having no life.

The black art of seducing followers!

general manager


An executive no good at any specific thing.

What managers do with circular reasoning.

A studied hangover.

listening Thinking time for a response.


How to Present Magazine




the right.

Our raison d'être, or the reason for our debt.



Something to fall back on when the cashflow doesn't.

There is no news.


organisation A collection of the disorganised temporarily occupying permanent roles with transferable titles. outcome How come outcome is often sacrificed for income? planning Institutional procrastination, risk aversion and blame shifting. With business planning, financial planning, short-term, medium-term and long-term planning, planning retreats, planning degrees and planning departments, it’s no wonder nothing ever gets done. press release

What the senior management team had late one night at the strategy retreat at the winery. work-life balance A see-sawing, pendulous arc of a continuum, always as wrong as it is correct. ex-spouse Someone who would correct your alphabetisation when you are out of line. youth Wasted on Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z, but never lost on their parents, grandparents and greatgrandparents, the Baby Boomers, who had it all and aim to spent it. Zenophobia

Cathartic escape of information.

Managers' fear of empowered employees.


Qualitative but with numbers. retirement Proof of poor job selection. strategy The new special project area where freshlyminted MBAs, and other smart alecs overeducated for their IQs, are quarantined until they either acquire some common sense, or become CEO. 'to do' list Something else to remember. undent

Rodney Marks is a Sydney-based corporate impostor and comic hoaxer, whose website,, elucidates supplementary minutiae with words and video.

To move to the left what had been moved to

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PERFORMANCE ANXIETY BY ANTHONY BONNICI Chopin said “I am not gifted to give concerts. The audience intimidates me. I feel choked by it’s breath, paralysed b y i t ’s c u r i o u s glances, struck dumb by all those strange faces.” ! B a r b a r a S t re i s a n d gave up live performances for 27 years because she forgot the words to a song during a Central park concert. George Harrison – in a fit of anxiety before the live 1967 TV broadcast of All You Need is Love - instructed the cameraman not to film him during his four bar guitar solo. That incredible fight/flight adrenergic response system can have a huge effect on our performance. ! In her recently published book titled The Psychology of Music Performance Anxiety, Sydney University Academic Professor Dianna Kenny talks about the “hidden torment” of performance anxiety. She found that 1/3 of the musicians from Australia’s premier orchestras used a cardiac medication (beta blockers) to help relieve the symptoms of performance anxiety… for every concert they performed! ! Think of when you feel performance anxiety at work. Presenting in front of senior management is the most common instigator of performance anxiety I hear from my clients. The adrenal rush is quickly followed by increased heart rate, sweating, shaking and a foggy brain. We commence self-doubt and this only increases our adrenalin and makes matters worse. And so the flight/flight response gets stronger and maims our performance. Psychological therapies – including dynamic psychotherapy –

have proven successful in treating deep-seated performance anxiety. We need to take a deep breath and relax! Deep breathing has been proven to slow down the adrenergic response, and even wind it back. Focussing our conscious brain on the task rather than the circumstance helps us channel our energies and reduce anxiety. And if you still need more help, read Susan Jeffers’ book Feel The Fear and Do it Anyway. An excellent book that helps reduce fear and rationalise our responses.

Anthony Bonnici has 13 years experience in pharmaceutical sales and marketing and is an accomplished presenter, facilitator & NLP Master Practitioner. Having taken the stage in various capacities for over 25 years, Anthony brings a wealth of dynamic presentation & performance experience to every program. He has worked with over 12,000 people in 3 continents in! 6 years of operation, and continues to wow audiences across the globe.

How to Present Magazine




What kind of presenting do you do at work? The kind of presenting I do for work is one-on-one presenting, mostly when meeting prospective clients to advise them on!the process involved in selling their!home.!As you may have guessed I work in the!Real Estate Industry as a Real!Estate Sales Agent. ! What prompted you to attend Michelle's Influential Presentation Skills program? Having worked in the real estate industry for over 14 years and being involved in hundreds of property transactions, I felt like I had a!good understanding of what is required to achieve the best price for a property. Having this knowledge at hand, I really wanted to do something with this knowledge, so I decided I was going to hold a Seminar called "How to Maximise Your Property Value" where I was to be the Host and Presenter for the evening. !

When the conference room was booked for my Seminar and the date confirmed, reality kicked in very quickly..... I felt nervous and anxious about the fact that in five weeks time I had a seminar to hold and!felt!afraid to stand up to talk to the!50 people that had booked to attend. So, that's when!I knew I needed some professional guidance on how to overcome my fear of public speaking, which!is why I!attended Michelle's presentation course.! ! How did Michelle's program change your attitude to presenting in business? ! This program has had an amazing, positive influence on my mindset.! I am much more confident and it has enabled me to become a better communicator in expressing my message a lot more effectively to my clients in everyday conversations. ! In general, what positive outcomes have you achieved from improving your presentation skills? The Influential Presentation Skills program was excellent for me!as it had a profound and positive impact on overcoming my fears of public speaking. I know now how to analyse the audience, structure the message, rehearse and rehearse and as a result of this training I was able to present confidently and effectively at my seminar which turned out to be a great success for me! The feedback I received!from!many of the people that attended was very positive!and as a result I will be holding!another Seminar in the next few months!

how to deliver it confidently which has enabled me to excel in my career by being better able to connect with more people through public speaking. ! In what specific ways have your presentation skills improved since completing Michelle's training? By attending this training program, I am now!equipped with the tools!to!present successfully everyday. I have become a more confident and effective speaker in my business. I am now!more effective at getting my point of view across to more people!in a confident manner. What were your top three take always from Michelle's program? 1) That anyone can become a confident and successful presenter 2) Its not about you its all about the audience - Extend yourself to the audience 3)!The 13 steps to an awesome presentation!work every time!

NICK SAYS: I know now how to analyse the audience, structure the message, rehearse and rehearse. I was able to present confidently and effectively at my seminar and as a result I will be holding!another Seminar in the next few months!

The course has!taught me how to structure an effective message and

How to Present Magazine



PARENTS CORNER Parents Corner is a dedicated section designed to give adults tips for equipping their children with one of the most fundamental skills they can develop in life - the skill of public speaking.

And they also know to put their hands by their side when they are not using them to reinforce a point. Something they seem to need constant reinforcement on is to SPEAK C-L-E-A-R-L-Y! It sounds as though they have marbles or a whistle in their mouth when they speak! And I have to say: “I beg your pardon?” Articulation is the clarity of your voice - it’s the crispness of the beginnings and endings of your words. We must articulate when we speak so people understand us. You may think I mean that you should speak in a posh kind of way - actually that’s not it. What I mean is pay attention to the beginnings and ends of your words so that people hear the full word - not the first or second half of it. To achieve crisp, clear articulation it’s important to warm up the areas of your face that are associated with articulation - before you speak. Namely, the lips, teeth, cheeks, tongue and jaw. To warm up these areas try and blow some enthusiastic raspberries and make some broom, broom noises like you are driving an imaginary car. (yes, I know - permission to be a child). You can also make your lips into an exaggerated kissing shape, then stretch them to a wide grin showing all your teeth. Plus, you can make a small circle with your lips as you purse them out in front of your face, then open to a big open circle mouth and show us all the back of your throat!

Are you speaking clearly enough in your school presentations? I do a bit of public speaking training at my children’s primary school as a favour to the teachers and Principal. I’ve been working with the children for a few years now and I’m so proud that in general they are terrific at their public speaking. They know how to open with a bang! They know how to structure a message. And they also know how to close with a sizzle. They know that it’s important to stand with their feet under their hips and their brace muscles engaged.

Tongue twisters are helpful for warming up your articulation, your breathing and your mind (as they take concentration). I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop. Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits. Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.

I have an awesome CD with all these exercises on it available on my website if you’re interested.

How to Present Magazine



THEATRE PERFORMANCE In Hairspray, it's 1962, the '50s are out and change is in the air. Baltimore's Tracy Turnblad, a big girl with big hair and an even bigger heart, has only one passion - to dance. Welcome to the '60s!



I’ve recently spent a month compiling some amazing interviews with 14 of Australia’s top speakers. Go to my website

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How to Present Magazine

OK, I know it’s MY book! If you are serious about really improving your presentation skills then I highly recommend Don’t Picture me Naked. Go to my website

IMPROVE YOUR PRESENTATION SKILLS Influential Presentation Skills public training program. Maximum 10 people so lots of personal coaching and individual feedback. If you communicate in business havenʼt completed this program with me, make it your mission to attend this program in 2011. AUGUST 2011


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